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Input, suggestions, ideas Anonymous Board owner 07/25/2021 (Sun) 22:11:39 No. 290 [Reply]
Hello, what would you like to see from this board? Is there any way that I can siphon more activity to this place? You are a mysterious man, Chai. I don't know what you expect from me but i'll do my best! If anyone's reading this, let me know any ideas that you might have, I don't know how to run a board very well. Maybe a Tox or Element server? I'm open to suggestions.
14 posts and 3 images omitted.
>>396 >The fact you're suggesting sites that are vehemently anti-porn for a board about fag porn shows that you're just spit balling random shit without even understanding what you're talking about. Porn may be B&'d on paper BUT the moderation has a tough time actually enforcing it actually. >here is nothing to gain from advertising on mainstream social media sites, and no one is going to do it anyways. You're better off advertising on various alternative social media platforms like mastodon. LBRY is a video hosting platform which doesn't really seem all that relevant to this board. I guess you could make a /cb/ channel and post porn to it while advertising this board. Not a bad idea, also isn't Odysee basically a part of LBRY though? Or are they basically two independent parties that support each other? >Because there are a lot of anons on cuckchan that would be fine fits for this site. Fair enough >I think /trash/ is even completely unlisted on cuckchan so it's about as niche as you can get for a site like that. It is, you can't get there without typing in the address bar. >Targeted cuckchan shilling is fine. It's blanket mindless cuckchan shilling on popular boards that would be problematic. Fair enough
>>397 >Not a bad idea, also isn't Odysee basically a part of LBRY though? Or are they basically two independent parties that support each other? Yes they're the same thing I just refer to it as LBRY because it's faster to type. Odysee is just a website front-end for the LBRY network. The problem is that I don't think you can upload content to the network without acquiring some LBC, their special snowflake cryptocurrency. But I've never tried to make a channel or upload any content myself so I'm now sure if that's actually the case or how you would go about dealing with that alleged barrier. Making posts on popular weeb mastodon/pleroma instances is probably the most realistic and accessible method of shilling this board. https://anime.website/main/public

Removed porn/account Anonymous 03/07/2021 (Sun) 08:23:17 No. 175 [Reply]
>download porn from years ago >fap to it >search web to find more >it is gone
4 posts and 11 images omitted.
kirika_123 and On too
>find something in a site >reverse search it >it all just embed to a removed xhamster file but no website saves a backup https://xhofficial5.com/?utm_campaign=embed&utm_content=8402111
Anyone have old xtube japanese crosssdressers as a torrent?

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