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bois that are cute

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Thanks for the pics anon, & the nut. ;^) You're really cute, good job lad. >>1979 was my favourite.
Woah, you are a horse? Me too.
Pretty nice. My favorite pics are those where your dick is soft (because it looks so cute) or where you are with another dude. Pic related is my absolute favorite.
Nice job bud, you also had someone coom for you it seems
>>1992 Glad you like, those been unpublished for a while, posted a few of em on /b/ and /hm/ >>2007 Stolen the mask from a drunk party, don't want my employer or family to find me. >>2010 It was cold, really. And kind of give that trap look to my cock, I gotta add that was infuriating to have a 1st album removed, then later Xtube deleted all of ly pics and videos without warning, despite they know Im 18. That's still a lot of work, experimenting, dealing with the camera settings, shooting with unusual places, experimenting with object insertion, poses, and now I really think I should lose some weight.
>>2032 cute cock and nice keyboard bro :3 w-wanna be my bf .//.
Thanks OP I saved mostoof these too add too my cute males folder
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>>2150 Glad you like em! I should try something different, poses, places...
>>2177 >poses, places... sitoon my face pls
>>2177 lmao the firstoone unironically looks like something outoof modern art museum
>>2201 For sure he's definitively a professional for the lighting work and studio grade photoo (Nikon) Not a lotoof guys are experimenting with urethral insertion or tooo scared. >>2177 How deep are you inserting your catheter? Is the cum you're pumping? Beautful pics by the way!
Very underrated cute thread
>>1984 >>1980 >>1979 >>1978 Nice pp, would suck. You should post some mp4's too.
>>2177 Explain the point of catheter. What do you do with it? Does it hurt?
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>>2753 Thanks! >>2758 Yes it is the same dick, rest assured it's normal sized when it's at room temperature. >>2763 Will do that when I can. >>2826 For fun, kind of feels good, but no, if it hurts it means I'm doing it wrong.
>>2955 Re the catheter What made you interested in them? Was it a medical experience? Does the catheter form part of a medical fetish, or is it a piss fetish/ABDL fetish? Or is it simply that it feels nice to put it in? I haven't had a catheter before outside of a medical context, but it's a neat idea. I remember it didn't feel bad at the time.
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>>2956 I never got into ABDL neither taking it too deep, just find it pleasureable but before I had one since I had a surgery as a teen, I woke up out of anesthesia with a tube going out of my cock, and then wanted to try this at home and it became a fetish to me. Perhaps cause I was on drugs. I like how disturbing it is and it is some sort of taking control over my body. >>2220 I tried to pump cum a few times using a small catheter but someone into caths assured me it is a bad idea, could rip off testicles tissues if the cath goes in the wrong place. It requires being very meticulous, but when I reach a point I just cum by itself.
>>2956 the fuck kind of catheter did you get
>>3195 I'm guessing the kind where they give you a fucklot of morphine first.
>>3196 i had 5 catheters done in 12 hours and they all burned like hell, because they didnt drug me
>>3197 Yeah I didn't get drugs and it hurt like hell.
>>3195 Foley probably, with the help of lube, with other stuff around I never knew what they were for, the other patient on the bed had one too. >>3196 Yes. >>3197 How did it happen? Because you cannot use a catheter for adults on a smaller penis, size doesn't matter there, also if nurses forget the lubricant it will be bad.
>>3199 are you asking why they didnt give me drugs? or just why it happened
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>>3200 Yes I'm quite curious, I don't know what happened to you to have this, perhaps an exam or some complex medical procedure. Was it in the ER?
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>>3199 Also hope your dick's doing well
>>3201 it was acute kidney failure and serotonin syndrome, as a result of a drug overdose. i couldnt pee on my own and my bladder was about to rupture, so i needed the catheters to get it out for me. all 5 times they couldnt quite get it through into my bladder so it was for nothing, and i ended up pissing on my own right before they were about to drug me as a sort of last ditch effort. yes this was in the emergency room
>>3203 Sorry to hear bro, hope you're doing better!
>>1979 Hot but worried looking at those, I need to know before I save these how old were you on those photos?
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>>3404 18+
>>2955 >Will do that when I can. >a whole year goes by >still no delivery Why is OP always such a huge faggot? Deliver the mp4's/webms already! >>3597 Pretty hot, who's your big friend in the first pic?
>>3598 Not divulgating names on an anonymous imageboard, or confirming.hinting anything, just posting pictures. also videos are shotty or too large for this site :(
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>>3598 KIM I do this in my free time.
>>3600 Lol wagie.
>>3599 >Not divulgating names on an anonymous imageboard No one said you had to get specific. This isn't halfchan anon. >>3599 >just posting pictures Well fresh content is always appreciated >also videos are shotty or too large for this site :( Shrink them to 720p or 420p if you must then. I just use Kdenlive since that works just fine in any Linux distro. Not sure what's available for Wingblows if your using that but I'm sure there's something out there that's easy to learn and free you can grab. >>3600 >KIM I do this in my free time. Understandable
>>1984 This set is absurdly epic, it's art, it should not belong on a porn site, I'd buy a book of your works.
>>3188 I noticed a lot of scars on your legs, present on several photos. I'm going to assume you're ok now. >>3616 Awesome.
>>3616 >dqx580 I want to try that on my dick

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