>however i'm not smart enough to know what pumping massive amounts of gasses into the atmosphere will actually do long term and i don't trust anyone to be both smart enough to know and to also tell the truth
Pollution is a problem, but carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It's a simple molecule that's an integral component of the atmosphere, that's intimately associated with life. To survive, animals need to breathe by inhaling air containing oxygen into their lungs, which then interfaces with the bloodstream to exchange the oxygen (O2) for carbon dioxide (CO2), effectively discarding carbon atoms. That's basically what our respiratory and circulatory systems are for, and without this carbon-exuding process we are dead within minutes. Meanwhile, plants need the carbon to grow, it's basically what they're made out of. So they take the carbon from CO2, turning it into O2- the oxygen that animals need to breathe.