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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3960: Oats Edition Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 03:25:12 Id: 88ce24 No. 448622
Prisoners could be freed more than two months early to ease overcrowding https://news.sky.com/story/prisoners-could-be-freed-more-than-two-months-early-to-ease-overcrowding-13131277 AstraZeneca removes its Covid vaccine worldwide after rare and dangerous side effect linked to 80 deaths in Britain was admitted in court papers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13393397/AstraZeneca-remove-Covid-vaccine-worldwide-rare-dangerous-effect-linked-80-deaths-Britain-admitted-court-papers.html It's 'NOT racist to air concerns' about migration, BBC journalists are told: Official review says corporation sees issue through 'narrow political lens' and overlooks impact on UK communities https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13392393/BBC-equal-empathy-migrants-British-residents-small-boat-Channel-crossings-review.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:57:51.
>>448622 Safe and effective, safe and effective, safe and effective. Side effects may include death.
>>448625 >10 years on chans almost to the day
>>448626 Welcome newfag.
>>448627 keeek, fr you've been channing longer? i kneel
Morning lads
Wow based Tory MP 14 years into a Tory government and months away from an election is now saying all the right things! Lol oops guess we got it all wrong importing a billion bomalians https://cps.org.uk/research/taking-back-control/
>>448631 have a heart lad everyone makes mistakes
>>448632 Gratz on the job de lad. First you get da money, then you get da gook wife https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olgn9sXNdl0
>>448633 keeeek thanks lad
>>448619 Same, lad, good luck
>>448635 thanks lad
Really cool how the corrupt paki mayor of our capital can openly say he is prioritising his muzzie biomass horde. Fucking love this country aha yes
clotbros... I'm not feeling so good
>>448640 no refunds
>>448640 We pureblood chuds will be the only ones left when the others die off in 40-50 years hehe
>>448643 couple of spring rolls for dinner for me tbh
This is the calibre of absolute twat Cambridge lets in >I went to have a conversation waving a flag Fucking provocateur more like. Deport https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iN2_P60bMA
>>448631 >net Fuck them. Same as what Tice said. What does ‘net’ mean? We all know
>>448639 See The ‘Uniparty’ Allsotiresome.jpg
>>448643 Soft boiled eggs in ramen NEET style >>448645 I saw that flag video, he was waving it in the most obnoxious and gay way possible. Could have been holding any flag and he would have been told to do one
>>448645 weasel knew exactly what he was doing
>the tories are going to lose, I want to stay in parliament (in power) for the next 12 years t. wife of convicted sex offender MP who was just fucking handed his seat Wish I was in this club tbh
Deep fried Colin the Caterpillar for smee
>>448648 just plain provocation >crying out as they strike you >>448649 Tbh >TEN years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNg51DSefeo
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>>448421 >>448423 turns out she was thrown under the bus by that malevolent paki so he could go viral. she was actually out campaigning for a different paki though so serves her right tbh. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/young-teachers-life-blown-apart-29129513
>>448653 OY VITALY! He’ll probably get sued for assault by paint
>>448655 >she was actually out campaigning for a different paki KEEEEEEEEEEEK well hopefully this is an edifying experience for her on certain groups but I doubt it
>>448657 I don't do or sell drugs. Smh. >>448655 Pisses me off they're condemning this false although it didn't sound it on the vid accusation so strongly based on the idea someone should have their life ruined for calling a paki a paki.
>>448657 keeeek, that doesn't show up when i go on. guess the algorithm knows i'm super straight.
Fuck off Scameron. Your personal fight with Russia is YOUR fight. Not fighting them for you simple as. Get a band aid for your butt damage Levita
>>448631 >to the tens of thousands how about ZERO and start REPATRIATING MILLIONS UUAAAAAAAAAARGGHHHHH
>>448664 >>448664 >how about ZERO and start REPATRIATING MILLIONS Tbh should be a given. But then we shouldn't have had nearly 30 years od New Labour in the first place.
>>448664 >>448665 Last two years have seen record ‘net’ migration and pig fucker said the same thing he just said 14 years ago. Exactly the same thing. It’s just meaningless rhetoric obvs.Mass removals is ehat’s needed. All these migrants are a ‘net’ drain is all, all leeching welfare and making everything more expensive and us poorer. They hate us to boot. Politicians deserve boiling oil for what they’ve done to Britain and her people tbh tbh tbh and even that would be too kind tbh tbh tbh
>>448666 tbh tbh can't let them escape to new zealand
>1/64th Jewish >Still subverts the nation
>>448668 >It’s a trick! We always use it!
>We need to wave more random in illegally becaus their human rights and quite frankly fuck the human rights of the British lol, what’s a bit of crime disorder a few dozen hundreds thousands of rapes and murders anyway? Well worth it. Sure we need to raise the gdp of 59 documented stabbing per day to record levels and this will help! https://nitter.poast.org/EdwardLeighMP/status/1788174573378118095
I know it’s on Politics Joe but Cameron in the select committee on Gaza is insane There are people who shill that he was ‘brilliant’ at university but he’s just a shade brighter than Bojo so, a dumb fuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIBKdmk6shM
>>448672 Think they’re a bit more than simply ‘out of touch’. It’s deliberate
Wish someone would just beat these politicians who wilfully lie and twist words >descriptor? >no I am foreign secretary but don’t know what we call Palestine…hmmmmm >do you mean militarily occupied I would change the function of black rod to beating lying fucks
>90% of Gaza’s are getting less than one meal a day t. Dovid Spameronberg Fucksake lads. Gov’t are defending what everyone can see is a blatant war crimes.
Lads! I’m converting to Islam! Free everything, FOREVER!
Maybe steiner is hanging out the back of someone in the gay bongo cabal nowadays
>>448679 homosexual actions are an inevitability of inceldom tbh.
I class 'becoming the female' the group also counts as that.
>>448677 You'd think words so brazenly spoken would have consequences. Unfortunately, we are a completely defeated people.
>>448683 No consequences and a population who are just interested in making faggoty clips for IG clout. >won’t fight for themselves, will be forced to fight for elites and isreal Fucked indeed
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>>448677 >>448683 >want to be around people like themselves, for obvious reasons >feeling of belonging to a community when there are historic annual festivities to do with your kin >we need to train our own Muslims for better careers, put them in line for housing, etc. Literally a white Englishman talking like this about native Londoners would be far right, and possibly criminal.
>>448685 tbh. His comments will be turned in to why identity politics and socialism are le bad. Sounds pretty fucking good to me if it was talking about us natives.
>>448685 If English wud be exercutid live to Paki nashernal anfem on BBC Won Sixer Clock Nudes
>David ‘Zion’ Atherton >I destroyed him with Isreally facts and logic Ngl hate clowns like this easily weaponised into just hating browns instead of all of them. They all have to go https://nitter.poast.org/DaveAtherton20/status/1787935671203614917
ISABEL CLOTTSHOTTE REGRETS HAVING COVID JABS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i0D-ovk3vw
Permabanned from 4chan again
>>448692 what for lad
Rats jumping ship. At the very least it adds to the conversation I suppose if im being charitable to a fucking tory
>>448693 made a joke about minecrafting Sadiq and then called the mod a nigger in the appeal
>>448694 People are going to see this and want to physically hurt politicians for ignoring them and gaslighting them for years. They’ve totally ruined the hopes and expectations of generations of people
>cold dead heart
Idea 22st could become Korean or pajeet
Nigel Farage 'PLEASED people have' WOKEN UP 'to negative' impacts of immigration on social cohesion https://youtu.be/KYHOmT0f13c
Now we rest ni ni
>>448697 >should've listened to Oswald, Enoch and Nick (himself) Tbh but lel.
>>448653 >a heckin' F I F T E E N year old wooooowweeeee!!!!1111 yikes
>>448700 Just want to replace these illegal scum with legal indians tbh.
>>448695 good lad
dream car tbh
>>448687 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
are there still mask mongs in shitain? saw this one lad at the gym who was a bong a week ago, he seem to have been what you lads would have called a tarquin. he said that midwest chic was a distressed carhartt jacket I think he was a homosexual gay faggot but idk
>steiner chatting up brit lads at the gym in a quest to become a fashionista. bit gay, lad.
just made 3600 this last week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJoU6Vbf-_o
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wish anglos still had this drip no cap
>>448713 you'd call him a faggot anyway.
>>448714 have you seen the video of william regal shooting on goldberg and whooping his kike ass?
>>448715 yeah, lad. jericho had his number backstage too.
Goldberg's music was kino tho ngl
>>448713 more of a 19th century fashion lad myself
Is it a Davey Davis?
>>448719 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the shit they'll do to protect worthless yids
a gook for the gook enjoyers
fuck bikeniggers
>>448724 keeeeeeeek carcuck btfo like the brainless slave of the automobile industry & car insurance scam he is tbh
>>448651 underrated post
>>448712 3600 dollarinos? did you work lots of hours or something?
Morning lads >>448705 could just be more jew tricks tbh < >>448719 >Bill proposed by Randy Weber and Andy Ogles Nah Looks like a Randy Andy this time you’re ok.
Polesmokers are getting out of hand
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >survival instinct is strong in this one Based pleb ball person of note Pep Guardiola thought he was getting mugged by a wog https://nitter.poast.org/k9tbi/status/1786884425755570473
GIVE US YOUR DETAILS BAZZA! ALLEGATION YOU SAID THE N WORD BAZZA https://nitter.poast.org/BrianPatriots/status/1788279755264995328
>>448732 keeeeeek. never saw it before
>>448735 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
So they destroyed it’s reputation so they could sell everyone poison for £250 billion plus in profits. Now I truly see https://nitter.poast.org/TheChiefNerd/status/1788142295943950578
You can really learn from the way they twist shit up >Abby claims Israeli officers shoot to cripple >what she is describing is Isreali officers trying to stop terrorists without killing them! >would she rather they shot them in the head? So 200 protestors getting shot out of 350 means they are all terrorists for protesting and everyone knows that a major tactic in war is always to create a lot of wounded not dead as a population surrounded by constant reminders of grave injuries also creates massive psychological damage to act as a deterrent to future protests. Hate that they make these propaganda videos in the various accents they pick up but especially This cunt is not English in any way but they know people will think she is. Disgusting. That’s spying/foreign agent/subversion in my book tbh lads >our distortions and lies are better than Abby’s lies. pwned! https://nitter.poast.org/MosabHasanYOSEF/status/1788416246297555086
Waiting for lads to poast
>all men >no no rwanda >do not deport sar, we British now! >wave Afghan flags smh
>playing blody Taylor swift? I don’t Blody think so Mrs! https://nitter.poast.org/AzzatAlsaalem/status/1788263237340795063
>>448742 all the more reason why they need to go
>>448734 Mo ssad got btfo but Rabbi Tom omitted this bit https://nitter.poast.org/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1788256071762456700 >>448744 Morning lad
>>448745 hullo la
another one
>>448747 would be kino if the lessons learnt in ukraine led to casemate tanks coming back tbh
then again every military in the world seems to be content just modernising the same old tank hulls they had at the end of the cold war over and over forever so probably not
don't know why nobody has tried putting metal fencing in a giant ball protruding from the tank that can be extended and retracted based on the situation, seems like the logical next step to stop the drones tbh, they've done fencing but its usually very close to the tank and is static
fresh based from germany, some soy was crying on shitter and phoned the police
>>448751 keeeeek based
bossmanjack runup to 43k, says he's gonna buy a car, then he keeps flipping the coin until he loses it all again. ohhh my fucking goood dude
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>man sees 3 men (known public drunks) beating a woman at roadside >stops his car and gets out to get the men off the woman and offer her help >the woman then turns on him, she and the three men then proceed to smash his car up while his wife and children are inside Wew never change, LondonLondonderry
>>448755 der ewige foid
>>448698 for some reason campbells soup company is one of the largest investors in the BRIDGE (newest DEI form) initiative and are prime movers in the globalist megacorp scum ring >>448710 I see a few about occasionally but mostly senile old grannies who have been so propagandised and terrified that maskooming is the only thing they remember when they get up in the morning >>448712 based hope you can get a bit of land for uncle ted cabin building on soon >>448713 tbh tbh >>448742 actual people smugglers and human traffickers take part in these protests keeeek let alone the invaders themselves
>>448757 >for some reason they're creating a perpetual class of single depressed consumers to buy their shitty soup
Tbh he’s got a point. She deleted this after Lozza Fox tweeted an upskirt of her
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Based
>>448761 >bank funds israel well is there a single one operating in Britain that doesn't smh
>>448762 what;s on the flags? can't make it out
>>448764 You Can’t Tread On My Foreskin sticker
>>448765 keeeeeeeeeek
>>448767 Is this over foids being pushed into this job?
>>448772 just have a bit of willpower innit.
I think Israel is asking for a huge dose of democracy and freedom fries
>>448773 Interesting how the treatment claims to make you want healthy food
>>448772 >permanently destroying a part of your body just to avoid putting in a bit of effort smh >>448774 really enjoying how the jews are generating so much bad pr that even the us government is having to distance itself from them
>>448777 looks like a loony troon
>>448776 Sheer arrogance that even the US finds embarrassing tbh. >Stop Israel…190 countries say ‘genocide’ >Israel : Bollocks lol, what makes you think that? GiB more bombs and shells btw lol >What for? >erm nuffin’… >No >reeeeeeeeeeeeee antisemits!
>Anti-vaccine activist turned independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has revealed that a worm ate part of his brain and then died inside his head. >According to The New York Times, Mr Kennedy made the bizarre admission during a deposition held as part of his 2012 divorce proceeding, which he gave during divorce proceedings from his second wife, Mary Richardson Kennedy. >At the time, Mr. Kennedy was arguing that his earning power had been diminished by his cognitive struggles. >Mr Kennedy testified that the doctor had told him that the dark spot on the scans “was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died”. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/rfk-jr-dead-worm-brain-b2541521.html
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7486913/Man-ordered-carry-75-hours-unpaid-work-deliberately-farted-police.html Man is ordered to carry out 75 hours of unpaid work after he deliberately farted at police during a strip search and asked them 'How do you like that?' >At the station he was strip searched and told to bend over. >At a previous hearing, depute fiscal Lucy Simpson described what happened next. >She said he 'deliberately farted in the direction of the officer three times, stating, how do you like that? ' Based.
>>448782 worth it
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>>448785 keeeeeeeek beat me to it smh was just looking for that picture
>>448786 May all pigs fear the brap trap.
>>448789 Always wondered what BBK looked like.
>>448782 Based. I would refuse to do the community service and force them to jail me for farting
>Force Bazza to fold in half >complain when he farts
>>448792 tbh play stupid games win stupid prizes
What a rations like in a war of nutrition?
shnight lads
>>448796 Good shite
>>448796 gnight
>>448795 smh we should send all the ukranian rapefugees back to stop this
>>448796 Nite lad
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >Poosnack and his ministers lined up with the Israel lobby to try and intimidate vice chancellors into repressing protests so a handful of pro-genocide students don’t feel ‘uncomfortable’ or ‘unsafe’
Proud of you Rishi lad!
little rishi the fag
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KEK China just dropped the JQ on their English language news channel. CGTN.
>Good cop, bad cop
One of the best practice' for gender re-assignment surgery is in Texas. kek. Some Canadian tranny went their on the tax-payers dime.
>>448809 there* but that was funny mistake tbh
>>448809 and got his dick shot off with a six shooter!
>no one likes you Israel, fuck off >NO HOW CAN THIS BE HAPPENING TO ME!
>>448811 Does anybody in Texas even dress like that apart from larping country music celebs? I bet if I went on google maps they'd all be wearing hoodies and joggers.
>>448812 >Malmo >Grenades Let's fucking gooooooooooo
I hope this shit redpills everyone on the Jews and M*slimes. People's patience seems to be wearing very thin with this shite.
Tempted to make my car look like a police car. Obviously not illegal
>>448807 Turd worldist take.
had a good time at kinoplex nostalgiooming at the phantom menace but then I walked out and immediately generated a cloud of seethium as a gang of freshly arrived fighting age male niggers caparisoned in expensive clothes and gadgets traipsed past
>>448820 Jews here have that too.
I wonder how public the knowledge of the shomrim is?
>>448824 They are pretty well known in New York, that's it really.
>>448825 kino but also really fucking gay that the national myths of the most important peoples of the planet are based on jewish lies about le evil nartzees smdh
>he doesn't know about Anti-Cosmopolitan policies under Stalin and Suslov THOSE FUCKING ROOTLESS NEW YORK ZIONIST QUEERS NEED TO KNOW THEIR PLACE
Also the Doctor's plot kek.
turkey burger with black pepper, italian herbs, onion and garlic seasoning and a sprinkling of parmegianno regiano cheese on boiled mushrooms, emmental cheese, burger sauce and white bread followed by apple pie for dinner
alas the burger was cheap shit and reduced by size in half before even done grilling
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>Vanguards of Liberation - Martyr Mohammed Salah Groups publishes the moment they sent a Mossad agent to hell in Alexandria Egypt. >Sholom
comic recommender lad are you in? i have to say "the black moon arcana" is a bit of a dud don't like the whole start being about rape and cuckoldry and the new husband simping for the raped and the rape baby (mixed species mutt too) tbh
Nothing special from Malta. Alright staging and chick. 2/5
Boring from Albania. Nice jugs. 2/5
>Eurovision posting
Grease with another fine chick. Small jugs but nice form. Song is meh. 2/5
Poor showing from Switzerland. Manic staging. Ghastly. 1/5
Czechia with an alright song. Decent enough staging. Cringe that it's in English. Nothing special. 2/5
>>448841 lass looks the best out of the candidates so far imo
Phwoar lads
>>448842 she has that "ma cut me hair" wig tbh
>>448844 it's cute tbh unless it is an actual wig
France with a mulatto. Nice staging. Honestly? Best voice and singing ability so far. Lifts an otherwise boring song. 4/5
Mediocre song frae Austichland. Fit bird. 3/5
The Danes with a mulatto. This time a boring song. Poor singing voice. Sounds nervous. 1/3
Armenia with a fair lady and a fair song. Native language and traditional instruments. 5/5
Latvia with a bald coomer. Very good voice. Nice song. 5/5
Spain with an old woman. Boring song. Alright voice. 3/5
>>448850 armenia still exists? thought turkey-azerbaijan-israel genocided them last year smh
>>448853 They attacked the Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan lad.
San Marino with a mediocre song. Alright singing. 3/5
Eurovision could be an incredible force to highlight the depth of European art and culture. It disgusts me how the faggots have taken it over.
Armenia with a mediocre song. Alright singing voice. Fair enough female. 2/5
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>me and the gf
>>448858 No way you’re banging Ginnie
>>448859 is she a whale now?
Belgium with a Freddie Starr looking nigga. Alright song but clearly not a professional singer. 3/5
>>448860 Hit the wall hard lad
Estonia with a fun choon but a soyjack singer on stage 4/5
>>448863 needs proofs, haven't seen a photo of her in a decade or so.
another dud just can't subject myself to the horrific future present of white genocide a braver lad than i might want to see just how antiwhite it is https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Mermaid-Project
>>448865 >2017 I remember this Spanish lad, he had a channel on YouTube and liked the Yakuza game series.
Italy with a descent choon. Descent looking lass. Enjoyable staging. Native language. 4/5
>>448868 he used to talk about the jews too, no wonder his channel got nuked.
The Jews with an alright song/lass. Good singing voice. Nice staging. Hate to say it lads. 4/5
>>448858 >me and your gf
>>448872 >Still can't please a lass even in your power fantasy I shake my entire head
Not bad from Norway. Kind of boring. Better than most others. 4/5
Netherlands with some weird shit. Vaguely amusing. Finally a novelty song. 4/5
Alright, his bumlinesses prediction for Saturday? Croatia will win, Israel second.
>>448876 Antisemit
>>448877 disgusting brown gayist >>448879 tbh I need to read that again sometime
>>448880 it's only a 5=10 minute read tbh
>>448882 keekino smoke screen laying?
>>448883 3 afu rpgs failing to hit a russian btr 80 rushing a frontline village the other day
Third one I’ve seen get a kicking this week in Ireland for attempted kid napping https://nitter.poast.org/macconraoi7/status/1788611752382353768
>>448880 Literally a brown gayist people smuggler
>>448885 they need to be drowning niggers in bogs already smh so do we
>>448887 And another caught flashing kids in Dublin
>>448890 jewish cunt gas him to death with potato farts this instant
Yeah sure you will boomer
>>448893 pointless performative puritanism that ignores actual paedo nonce fag sodomite rapist troon etc etc shit
>>448893 Ban The Porn is the new Build The Wall that won't come to fruition either. It's just red meat for the mongs.
Gamergate 2.0 Games-as-Propoganda is the New Paradigm Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjQ-2PjfI0o good lad good video tbh enjoying the doom and seethe
>>448893 how would they even accomplish that
National Geographic was right.
>>448898 Literally impossible. Porn bans didn't work in the age of film, they worked even less in the age of videotape and they will never work now that everyone has access to the internet and cameras so it doesn't even have to cost money to shoot and distribute porn anymore. It's just stupid boomers pandering to morality without any further thought on the matter.
>>448901 wasn't kyriakos unironically involved with golden dawn or something miss those lads
>>448835 I'm back from my holidays. I am also tourism lad
Have to dash for my night shift but will look for a comic this weekend if time
>>448903 did you have a good time la? write us some travel diaries I settled on an issue of corto maltese after reading crecy again tbh
>>448904 >night shift have fun
>vores an entire basset whole
>tfw it's too late
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Beware young Brapakin. Only fart in true need. Fart jokes loosen the anus, and lead to the shart side.
>>448909 smorb lad sick of these groomer freaks
morn lads.
>>448912 morning lad
>>448914 All those indians claiming to be skilled labour and improving the UK. I have eyes, I live in London, they can take that horseshit elsewhere.
>>448914 better let in some more pakis to balance it out
>>448915 Met someone who lived in London who said his whole area changed in 20 years and is now just India basically. Streets that were once quiet at the weekend now permanently heaving with people. Said he couldn’t even get a mile down the road because of crowds and traffic and felt like he was trapped in Mumbai
Could do with one of these things but no doubt the amount of poos and pakis who’ll get them will just fuck it all up for everyone https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1788850361232396478
>>448919 wouldn't trust the masses to use those safely tbh brown or otherwise
>>448920 Gyro and autopilot will probably take care of it tbh no doubt browns will fail to service and maintain them and then there will be accidents
>>448924 Is Monarch here to translate?
>>448923 doubt he'll get far if the only thing he differs in is ditching ukraine
>an influx of old, stubborn Brit/pol/ lads now the 4cuck spic jannies have apparently become even more tyrannical Mixed sneedlings on this development tbh.
>>448927 As long as they're appropriately racist and don't associate with main stream parties.
>>448923 I don't think it's been anywhere near as bloody for the Russian side. The age of Russian soldiers probably shows that they have retention of experienced troops.
>>448917 >🇺🇸🇮🇱 Donald Trump aligned himself with the Jevvish rulers of the United States and slams Biden for stop sending arms to Israel: "What Biden is doing to Israel is a disgraceful. Every Jevv who votes for Biden should be ashamed of himself. He has totally abandoned Israel" if you think about it though... what he is doing amounts to bossing Jevvs around and EQUATING THEM TO ISRAEL. at a time when everybody hates Israel. a lot of these leftists that are pro-Palestine are stuck in this rhetorical muck where they say "anti-Zionism not antisemitism" (this is useful rhetoric to push people down the pipeline, but we don't want anybody to be stuck there). I would expect that the overwhelming majority of Jevvs seethe over Trump statements like this, so it makes me wonder why he's saying this... the ostensible motive is to pander for Jevv votes, of which there are many in Pennsylvania, so it is plausible but his language "should be ashamed" is very pointed and Trump knows that Jevvs don't like a goy to talk to them like that so hmmm
>>448931 it's not 4d chess lad he just wants to slobber on circumcised knob
>>448932 the most obvious explanation is that he's appealing directly to the system to get elected, having learned in 2020 that the votes don't actually matter. but I like to entertain alternate explanations as well, because if that were truly the entire story then why does he use such pointed language? "Every Jevv who votes for Biden should be ashamed of himself" - he KNOWS that Jevvs have big egos, superiority complex, do NOT like a goy talking down to them like that. so whether he's appealing to the system directly or Jevvish voters or both, he could better accomplish that by refraining from saying it like that he is directly implying that Jevvs are more loyal to Israel than the USA, which while obviously true is literally a bullet point in the IHRA antisemitism definition that is being adopted in law
he knows these protests are going on and he knows these people perceive him as "le evil kikesucking racist white man", so when these pro-Palestine liberals read his statement the takeaway will be "Jevvs = Israel"
Jews themselves conflate zionism with being jewish. Ziodon is just a shabbos goy.
>>448935 obviously they do, BUT they simultaneously put on a facade for the goyim that they don't. they would CLAIM to be 'loyal to {host country}, but with some affinity for Israel', and that it is "antisemitism" to for the goyim to suggest otherwise. and they consider this important for relations with the goyim, because obviously people wouldn't like like there being foreigners that aren't loyal to the nation ruling over them
>popeyes 86% inflation niggers btfo
>>448937 wew, Popeyes was ridiculously expensive when I tried it in Manchester tbh kicked the shit out of KFC though
>>448928 Tbh that's my consnern.
>fat jew explaining Isreali schizo mentality quite well tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIJrFuuRspo
>>448926 Just more divide. People need to vote for a single nationalist party which must arise but won’t be allowed
>>448943 "British National Party" was already a thing and normongs didn't support it
>>448937 Crime will go up now as well as they will need more money for dat chikkin
Fucked up and obviously as the fat jew said in that interview Israelis don’t care they believe this is solely the fault of palis and deaf what the world think and are in the same time hated but superior people. No reasoning with them. Israel needs relocating to Saturn to solve this https://nitter.poast.org/LensVeritatis/status/1788886419987177893
>thinking being CNN will protect you
ALL AMERICANS ARE STUPID! LOL! That’s bound to win you frens Bibo
How she doesn’t choke on her lies is beyond me tbh
>>448954 their trick is to believe their own lies
WEW and a KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Nearly nonogerian Boomer grannies are literally more active that nationalists https://nitter.poast.org/JustStop_Oil/status/1788881090104439161
>dude... just stop oil, lmao
Feeling a double dose of disturbed at this video tbh lads https://nitter.poast.org/libsoftiktok/status/1788306958472069541
>>448960 I guess it's their version of going to a seafood restaurant and picking which lobster you want
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>>448958 >Katie Britt has already collected >$100,000 from the Israel lobby since elected in 2022. >$102,550 103k is apparently all it takes for the Jevvs to buy a Senator. at that rate, 51 US Senators would only cost $5,230,050
>>448962 Bargain. Track AIPAC has the full payroll for elected officials. And it’s a lot lot more than the people in related pics
Unprecedented levels of cuckery from Talk Talmud TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6pWGTC-lLQ
>>448966 when was the last time anybody gave a shart about the safety of british people
>>448967 big if true
>zelensky confirms it in press conference >his totally defeated face its over
>>448970 well there go his dreams of being this century's churchill seemed like he was really enjoying the wartime leader larp
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>>448973 tom bombadil the musical let's fucking gooooooo
I think conversion is the future, lads. Even Goku did it.
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>Muslamic Dragonball posting has returned
>>448973 smdh is he going for the silmarillion now
>>448979 going to make that into a trilogy too. smh
Kate Andrews Y/N?
>fat arms >probable double chin no
>turtle tank took 40 drone attempts and artillery and still completed its mission
>>448984 so so zased.
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>>448982 Mediocre
>me and the gf
stalking a chinese woman from the office above the warehouse lads. she said goodmorning to me each time she saw me outside moving pallets. she seems a bit simple, but i guess a new language for her (english)
>>448988 I bet she's a cutie.
Meeting Korean lass at the weekend. Should be a nice time. She always runs and gives me a hug when she sees me.
>>448905 yes, i put on 12 kilograms of weight this trip. see child kabuki in japan, lots of stuff, will update.
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Listen to this loon. He’s definitely going for a starring roll in some Hollywood epic of Oct 7 https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1788961500461203522
>>448989 she looks okay yea, i donl't know why she actively forces the exchange of good morning between us tho. I actually looked away this time
>>448993 Probably practicing English and wants to make a friend. Don't be such a gay loser. Just make sure she has no access to the IMPERIOUS ANGLO COCK
Somebody post Dorset's willy. NOW!
>>448993 That's some crippling autism right there.
>>448993 >>448994 Au contraire, ensure that she has plenty of opportunities to worship the ample Anglo appendage. Don't be an autist. Ask her name and what she does, inquire if she's been in the area long. Then see if you wants to go out for noodles at lunchtime with you.
I've just discovered that the Japs have 29th April to 5th May off every year - they call it "Golden Week". Good bit of trivia, that.
Hate this phenotyp met plenty of them and they’re all the same https://nitter.poast.org/Steve_Laws_/status/1788883792108642313
>>448998 Fuck off with that race mixing shit.
>448999 If I'm ever re-modded you're getting banned for life. Good bit of trivia, that.
>>448998 And then strangle her with the noodles and get yourself a proper fucking woman
>>449000 >Hate this phenotyp he looks like Steve Laws evil twin tho.
>>449004 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>449003 watching her ig work videos now, she's making cheesy videos tasting the products we sell in a slight chinese accent, it's a bit like nigellla but chinese
>>449007 Nigella will give you shigella I’m telling you, probably with a side dish of pangolin aids
>>449007 super cute ngl.
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>>449002 Never going to happen. Even if it did, Auslad doesn't abide by permabans. >>449007 Cute
>>448971 Idk suspending democracy, persecuting dissidents, getting half a million of his own people killed for nothing, lying about warcrimes, organising terrorism and hits, torture etc. Doing a pretty decent Churchill LARP tbh.
>>448971 He kind of is this century's Churchill. Mortgages his country's future to America and loses its territory anyway.
>Oh look! Beautiful nature! Let’s fill it with migrants and housing! Not enough pakis and wogs! Good to see this ‘American British patriot’ got rest in his replies the fucker https://nitter.poast.org/gareth0108/status/1788873276627755277
>>449012 Mortgaged to his fellow whites
>>448991 >see child kabuki
Gonna call myself a traitorologist YOU THERE! TRAITOR!
In France, a traiteur sells food
>runs down to Westminster to find MP Neil. Finger is trembling and need to wag it at a Tory https://nitter.poast.org/NeilDotObrien/status/1788838424696250379
>>448939 >woman >nigger >no doubt at least one homosexual well... I'll give it a go, unless I look at the synposis later and decide it's shit >>448956 they should be forced into algae vats for the sustenance of the people once past a certain age or if libtarded tbh >>448973 >slopping long enough to become the villain should have stopped after the first three smh >>448976 slave mentality and a slave is exactly what you'll be because the arabs will need dhimmi populations to tax and oppress just like every other time they managed to expand beyond their native desert shitholes >>448991 very cool festival day >>448999 isn't that the based valentines day equivalent where it's actually the lasses who have to give choccies to the lads (as according to my gook cartoons) bet it causes a lot of incel torture as the chads get everything and only crumbs of obligation biscuits for the whole class go to tojolets
>>449013 >tweet not found is nitter broken or did he delete that after being btfo by chuds >>449021 >just like every other time they managed to expand beyond their native desert shitholes tbh
>>449021 On Valentine's day, the wömen give choccies to men, then in March they have White Day, in which the men reciprocate and give choccies to wömen.
KEEEK just noticed he's a hare krishna cultist too >>449023 golden week is just golden because you get to take a break from toil then? sensible tbh
>>449026 absolutely CHEEKY keeeeeeek
Friday and I'm feelin' kinda Taliban.
They Are Deleting Evidence, But We Kept The Receipt's https://youtu.be/INKkUoZvItw
>>449029 >we've done em
>>449028 haven't heard much from them in a while hope they're getting on alright
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>>449021 what time do we need to start? are you weekend toiling this time?
>>449032 no toil start late if you wish as I want to take a constitutional after dindins
>>449033 > I want to take a constitutional after dindins
>>449022 Deleted after getting mauled
>>449033 > take a constitutional is what you call a 30 minute poo?
>>449029 Celebreties should be rounded up and gulag’d
>>449037 Don’t take your phone to the bog and remember to take your castor oil
>>449029 All those bames as well
>>449037 mile and a half or so uphill walk might see some lasses with their dogs and have a keek as they speed up to avoid acknowledging the incel / potential rapist white male
>>449041 more likely they'll just completely ignore your existence, lad.
>>449042 yeah tbh I have had a few of the former albeit some libtarded bint noticed me about twenty meters back, sped up and kept checking to match her pace exactly to mine so as to never have to be in acknowledgement / rapin' distance naturally they don't do this around browns because that would be racist
back in under an hour probably
>>449045 are you done with your constipootional yet lad?
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >you can grow concrete https://nitter.poast.org/GitNigel/status/1787795905917186420
*ahem* STARTING SOON - THE MINISTRY OF UNGENTLEMANLY WARFARE (2024) https://app.kosmi.io/room/k3ltpz https://app.kosmi.io/room/k3ltpz https://app.kosmi.io/room/k3ltpz
Wess where are you lad? you didn't die on the toilet like Elvis did you?
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>>449056 this you?
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>>449058 Based gymcel, unless it's staged. 50/50 as the smug, narcissistic thot may have main character syndrome.
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>>449062 are we winning, son?
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The ionosphere has been defeated by the solar storm, chinese citizens are the first to start experiencing rapid mutations
any man in, or too late?
>>449066 smh eggman gambling now
>>449068 never got into gambling. internet poker was huge when i was in school years ago. you'd only hear about lads making money and winning, everyone wanted to be le internet poker man kind of like zoomers wanting to be streamers
>>449067 Man in and up for the day
>>449070 good lad, but you might be tired later on..
>>449071 Out stickering me, the popo can lock me up when I'm tired mid afternoon I guess
IP hopping because i'm trying to find a vpn server that works on /ausneets/ but spammers have got them all banned. ed milliband is me in this gif, and the spammers are the other guy, forget his name?
>>449072 extremely good lad, what are the stickers like?
>>449072 good lad don't get caught
when eggy talks about munked incelcore classics from "sea keels" does anyone know who he's refering to? it's good music but the drunk faggot didn't link it in le chat
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bljo4hlRpMg some music for all the /man in/
>>449080 this man (boomer if you will) is quite old to be this redpilled. poor bastard but i guess you don't have to be a yoomer or zoomer on le internet to understand jews
>>449080 >YOU’RE A JEW! YOU’RE A FAGGOT! >ACT LIKE A MARINE AND SHUT UP! *waddles off* keeeeek
>>449082 Probably understood them all his life but had something to lose until retirement when he discovered he had nothing left to lose so just embarked on redpilling everyone in public. This incident was about him refusing to wear a face mask in store anyway. Happened a few years ago
>>449081 Btw >original video shows that the O was in the same lane as the other guy at first, then walked around to the other side so he could safely play the victim
>>449084 wish my dad had come to the same conclusion as him, he's the same age but could never fathom such basedness
(you) are doing this!
literally just spilled tinnies all over my laptop, this is a test post. pic unrel
seems to be still working, fuck yeah
>>449095 tbh he's not even trying to hide it
>>449095 That goblin used to publish white nationalist/racist stuff as an anon. He got outed and started doing this over the top pro jew thing. Very strange lad.
Joe Rogan saying it like it isn’t tbh https://nitter.poast.org/KonstantinKisin/status/1789106145484783919 >>449097 Tbh see.. Should change his name to Onania and stop larping as a ‘Palestinian Christian’ >
>>449098 I reckon he’s a deep hasbara troll
>>449100 short odds on that being the case
BREAKING NEWSDutch Eurovision act Joost Klein is AXED from contest: Rapper, 26, is quizzed by police over 'backstage incident involving female member of production crew' - as bosses erect ring of steel ahead of tonight's final https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13406847/Eurovision-Dutch-contender-Joost-Klein-AXED-Israel-final.html >Eurovision Dutch contender Joost Klein has been axed from the show after being quizzed by police over an incident involving 'a female member of the production crew'. So, it turns out the no borders advocating nonce haired jimmy saville-esque queer is (in fact) a creep!
>>449102 He was also going to make a statement about Palestine during his act according to the rumours btw
>>449102 no, this is because he called out the Zionist contestants for putting the other candidates in danger by making Eurovision political, or something to that effect >>449103 or it could be that
>>449104 Retard, the Zionists haven't said a peep. All the noise is from the Arabists. Both can fuck off and you can fuck off with your blue team/green team bollocks. If it's not white team it can suck my fucking anus.
>>449105 anybody that is against blue team is an ally in the first, more dire struggle to remove the blues from power. you are being a retard otherwise. only ~14-20m blues and over 1b greens, their help is much appreciated on this issue do remember that many Arab children are becoming martyrs every day, and in the process they are waking up the world on the blueish issue
clearly you haven't internalized the primacy of the blueish question. all you need to do to win is get Wormtongue out of Theoden's ears and wake him up
>>449102 Said something Israel didn’t like, Israeli sponsor “Moroccan Oil” threatened to withdraw sponsorship. Can’t prove this but this is what happened. For sure. He got shut down as a warning to the rest >>449054
>anyone believing financial Americans
>>449110 idk why any gentile would dislike Assad. think it's just Salafists that don't like him because he's an Alawite and fought ISIS
>she's liking anti yid eurovision twitter posts Would be proud but it's probably just virtue signalling over muh oppressed Pallies.
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>women with tools
>>449113 Not bad for 90 year olds. Better than your average African/Middle Easterner/Indian etc
>>449113 Imagine being an OAP and still being so immature that you think attacking one of your nation's most important historical documents is ok because you can get attention and make a cockammamie blanket condemnation of oil whilst knowing nothing about energy policy beyond "renewable good, fossil fuels bad, nuclear scary".
All environmental activists should be forcibly dipped in tar and set alight in Trafalgar square
>>449113 not content to pass on until they've managed to destroy absolutely everything huh
>>449115 At least they’re taking action for something they believe in. Lesson to be learned there
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>>449115 >>449117 I guess if you're an old spinster with no children to deprive of an inheritance it's the next best thing >>449119 Pathetic take, lad
That video of the old woman in London bleeding out while a bunch of niggers and other foreigners gawp and record her on their phones is so fucking grim. Total nigger and paki death is the only thing that matters
>>449120 Not really. They’re taking direct action and at that age willing to suffer some pretty uncomfortable consequences as a result like sitting in a police cell whether you agree with them or not tbh. We don’t have anyone walking into museums etc and stickering the place up with PA endorsed stickers do we? Nope
>direct action >smashing a historical document is going to stop the fossul fuel industry wew lad >We don’t have anyone walking into museums etc and stickering the place up with PA endorsed stickers do we because it's a waste of time for retards
>>449123 It’s not what I believe. I think it’s the wrong target ( context needed as to why they targeted it tbh ) Point is they took action
>point is they took action >even if it's the wrong action and does nothing but make them and others associated with them laughing stocks again, pathetic take, lad
>>449118 incendiary round? that's a thing, isn't it? meanwhile there are retards like >>449105, lmao
>>449125 Feckless and frankly embarassing action. Being a vandalous nuisance and then demanding in public that nobody in particular/the government solve whatever longstanding global issue you happen to be obsessed with, something that everybody is already aware of and is clearly not as simple as you seem to think, is not worth admiration or imitation. These people are clowns.
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>>449125 they're attacking a national symbol to say 'eat the bugs' at a time where the defining issue is an existential demographic crisis. and they're elderly, having enjoyed a relatively prosperous white majority country for most of their lives. these dusty old cunts are utter vermin and the "action" they took is supported by the system, which is why they felt SO VERY MORAL in doing so. it isn't really "action" at all, it's morelike a puppet on strings dancing for its master. that guy that yelled at the Jevv in the supermarket took a more revolutionary action than these wretched old prunes
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>449102 <is (in fact) a creep! >believing foid stories without evidence >believing (((foid stories))) without evidence in a political controversy >>449127 could be. unknown whether palis have them. it could also be a well-placed shot striking an incendiary grenade.
Won’t debate cutting the weapons off that cause the refugees >“We want the government to take action and create a visa scheme that allows Palestinian individuals affected by war, to be allowed into the UK. Just like we did for Ukraine.” >Labour MP Cat Smith will open the debate on Monday
>>449132 More cheap labour doctors and nurses for our sainted NHS
>>449127 >>449130 Could be just the .50 cal hitting a lithium battery pack. Could be an incendiary round - there’s a few types but I doubt it tbh
>>449133 Their importation will result in hard borders around jewish areas, mini ghettoes/israels
>Importing sectarianism
>>449135 No, it'll just be like it already is. Jews live in the suburbs and gated communities, the brown undesirables live in flats, racial ghettoes and overcrowded illegally sublet properties. The local Jewish school is surrounded by high fences and has a security guard active even on weekends, they're not going to mingle with Palestinians in any context.
>>449136 THINGS
Are we kosmi streaming eurovision tonight?
>>449129 the funniest thing about this to me is how sovereign citizens will seethe that someone attacked the magic piece of paper that is the only thing protecting their rights looking forward to hearing from the local schizos on this one >>449134 >incendiary grenade >lithium battery pack same thing tbh
>>449140 The courts don't even recognise Magna Carta as a legal document because it's not an act of parliament or a judicial precedent.
>>449137 Didn’t that woman in London get stabbed in a jewish area? One of the witnesses had a jewish name
>"Following the weekend's revelations, at least 30 female police officers have been fired or forced to resign for being labeled a 'security risk.' Since 2018, these officers were responsible for at least 514 known leaks Swedish National Police Chief Petra Lundh called the officers' behavior "totally unacceptable", saying the police and judiciary had been "naive" not to anticipate these types of elaborate infiltration methods. The scandal grew so big in just a few days that even the head of the Swedish government was forced to comment on the report. >Sweden has long struggled with criminal gangs, mainly from immigrants. Crime rates, including rape and murder, have soared in the country in recent years, leading to growing public demand to limit immigration."
>>449142 Idk I don't keep up with London stabbing lore.
>>449141 Think it’s the Bill of Rights it gets mixed up with
Auslad btfo
Wish my dog was like this
My dog vomits, coughs, has epileptic fits and falls down the stairs either because he has a fit or because his legs give way. Also pisses himself when having fits. He's an old dog. Live long enough and infirmity will strip away your dignity.
>>449137 >high fences how high?
He's also pretty much blind and deaf
>449150 you're a cunt for not having him put down way sooner lad
>>449153 He's still ok walking, eating and shitting, albeit more slowly. Would just upset my mum to have him put down. Better to just let him live out his remaining time.
why do we send gay acts which have no style and can't win
>>449159 Because our country is full of people with shit taste and our most popular contemporary "British" singers are foreigners, faggots and faggot foreigners
smh woulda won eurovision with this
>>449157 She's a good singer. Better in Mandarin though
>449156 Your reply only explains why it makes you and your mum a cunt for not having him put down tbh
>>449159 Ireland outdid everyone this year. No idea what they’re called though >Mick, No Dick >The Tranberries >Thin Lezzy >The Whoreslips
>Israeli ‘journalist’ gloating Dutchie got banned tries trolling him and gets btfo by Dutch giant. Israel just lost a whole country in one go keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Of course Visezio paints a different picture https://nitter.poast.org/visegrad24/status/1788961247150424334
CEASE posting this eurofilth also why is Mugatu in the middle coaching them?
why bless you
>>449166 That’s the Dutch foreign minister
>>449166 LEAVE means LEAVE simple as tbh
>>449171 very informative
>>449173 Brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit means brexit
>>449171 I find 50 year old Jap women more attractive than this
Fresh Dorset
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1C6zMGO7-o apparently this is kino, haven't watched it yet but posting it
>>449181 He's living life, SEA woman with him first frame
every lad should work a year or 2, stay home, then go to SEA to truly live life with a few trips to EA to experience Imperium
>>449132 Real talk, what is wrong with our people that the Suspend all Immigration for 5 years one stagnated at around 35000, yet this easily breeching 100,000 signatures. All polling data suggests people want an end to immigration, and have for decades. Why is it so hard to get a measely 100K sigs on a government website? Not that it would change anything because they never listen unless it's something like this they were already fucking going to do.
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In his element because someone on the train said it smells of fish
>>449184 Astroturfed
Irish troon has pissed the chosen off now https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1789358468404539870
>>449189 22s true form
israel Gaza’ ing the Eurovision >Eurovision announcer withdraws https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1789347166068052435
>trusting them Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek >giving in to blackmail keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>449196 Utterly based.
>>449198 She wears a tranny flag outfit in her performance lad, not entirely sure "she's" a she
Sweden. Like the staging. I think the song is mediocre and the singing isn't that great. I give it 2 grenade attacks out of 5!
>>449199 that's just the risk you take in the quest for a pagan gf.
Ukraine. I like that it's native language. Well sung. Dislike the rapping segment. It doesn't jump out to me as a great song. It's alright. Nice staging. Dislike the fat bitch who comes on with said rapping segment. Not bad at all though. One of the more "normal" songs this year. No faggots prancing around. 3 failed counter attacks out of 5!
Germany with a chubby lad. One of those singers who sounds like some Deano trying but failing to sound passionate. Reminds me of that new gilette outfit. Will probably do a monologue about le mental health. A good voice nevertheless. Nice staging. Gay to sing in English. Interesting staging. 2 out of 5 bratwursts!
>>449202 Native language. You mean Russian right? Otherwise the other shit is just some peasant dialect
>>449205 No, I mean Ukrainian.
>>449206 No such language
Luxembourg with a nice Franco-English ditty. Good voice. Decent song if I'm honest. Bland staging. 3 out of 5 Portuguese immigrants!
>449207 Don't give a shit about your self-insertion into foreign conflicts lad. We're a minority in many of our own fucking cities. Get your fucking priorities straight you ghastly little queer. Filtered.
>449209 >Inserts himself and the turbo gay eurocuckvision poz into /brit/ >probably inserts Welsh (tm) dragon dildos up his bum as well wew I’m telling ginnie la
The Jews with a bit of a banger. Good voice. Attractive Jewess. Interesting staging, a little understated. Disappointed the whicky wackies didn't do anything amusing. 4 out 5 false claims of genocide!
>The resident pseudo-intellectual contrarian chimes in Filtered, "la". I know you're a wool lad.
Lithuania with a decent little song. Good voice, nice staging. Not much to say really. 3 out of 5 pagans in the woods!
forgot me little picky wicky :)
>size of them plazzy ears
Spain with some kind of hag. Alright song though. Got the crowd going. Decent staging until the gay faggots start prancing about. 3 out 5 much needed inquisitions!
>>449113 multiple faggots filming and nobody stopped the moment they brought out the tools and that "i'm a christian" bollocks too mulch them all and reinstate the original magna carta with the bit in it about all jews fucking off forever, it was only taken out because they bribed some of the cunts revising it >>449198 >tattoos > >>449199
Not a bad song from Estonia. Native language. Big bonus. Matrix soyjack on stage. Fun staging. 4 pseudo Finns out of 5!
Ireland. Not a bad song in itself. Not native language. Better at singing it than in the semis. Tranny shit and witchery. 3 burning witches out of 5!
>Love will always Trump hate keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Latvia with coomer meme bloke. Perhaps the best voice of the competition. not native language. Alright staging but not great. Voice carries it though. 4 Livonian Divisions out of 5
hope you lads are doing semi ok. glad i have this board. a gf to you all this year
Grease with an interesting song. Good voice. Almost entirely native language. Staging is "meh". 3 out of 5 beautiful marble sculptures!
>>449224 THIS YEAR'S THE YEAR do not mention it's already half over >>449225 looks a bit bogged in that shot tbh hope it's just high cheekbones
UK. What the fuck is this? Buggery in a bathroom. Boring song even if better sung than in the semis. Literally refuse to rate it out of get fucked!
>>449227 >George Michael liked this
>>449208 why do we need to be constantly assaulted by women's beauty. i probably have to look at 100x more peng women when i look at screens than i would ever encounter walking around irl
>>449229 yeah, I never see 'Instagram models' walking around. probably because they're filtered and edited to fuck.
>>449224 Eradicate pooland
>>449226 very good lad
Norway! Native language. Bit of a mediocre song and voice. Alright staging. 3 out of 5 22stones!
>>449229 smh, they do be making a nigga tweak!
>>449235 that's a man
Italy with a banger. Fit bird. Decent enough staging. Native language. 5 out of 5 'zas!
Serbia with an alright song. Native language. Nothing amazing but respectable enough. 3 out of 5 Kebabs Removed!
still betting the winner is israel (by pure coincidence)
>>449240 This is an ad for Israel on YouTube >vote up to 20 times I think you will be vindicated
Finland with a silly song. Windows95man with a blurred out windows symbol for copyright reasons. Honestly, fair enough. Amusing number. 3 out 5 molotovs!
>no pants
Portugal with a bit of a boring tune. Nice staging. Lass is a chubster. 2 out of 5 we're not giving up Angola or Mozambiques!
>>449240 Possible. I predict either Italy or Croatia.
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If Israel win I do hope things get spicy
Was probably already decided Israel would win back in October.
>>449241 it's just good showbusiness keeeeeeeeek smh
Armenia. Excellent song. Native language. Brilliant voice. Impeccable staging. Good chick. Armenia tend to bring their own musical flavour to the competition. Good on them. 5 dead Azerbaijanis out of 5!
Cyprus with an alright song. Non-native language. Good voice and attractive chick. 3 out of 5 Turks floating in the Mediterranean!
>this cypriot lass
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>>449252 She was seventeen! *licks lips*
>straight back to the gay shite
has this show always been a "gay" thing, seems like they co opt everything
Switzerland with some gay lad trying (and failing) to capture a teenage energy. Mediocre song. 2 out 5 spinning queers!
>>449255 No, every year it gets worse. I fucking hate them. Eurovision could be so good but these fucking bumders have to ruin it. >look at me I stick things up me arse! I fucking despise them.
>>449255 not always. But an Israeli tranny won it in the 90's or whenever, so it's been co opted a long time.
decent song ngl
whos this yank hosting it too
they are just stumbling through this whole thing
>>449258 It's been a slow drip since the 80s.
Slovenia with an alright song. Native language. Slaggery but otherwise alright staging. 3 out of 5 non-entities!
*watches eurovision*
Croatia with a banger ngl. Like the line about selling his cow. Good staging. Got the crowd going. Alright voice. Not in native language. 4 out of 5 dead Bosnians!
Croatia is favourite to win. I can see why, a crowd pleaser.
>>449264 >on the eleventh too
>>449267 based
Georgia. Nice staging. Good voice. Looks like Xena Writhing in flames like these homosexuals risk doing on death. Not awful. Non-native language. 3 out of 5 slain dragons!
Fraunce. Incredible voice on their pet mulatto. Nice staging. Native language. Shame it's not a native singer. Admittedly very good. 4 out of 5 African colonies!
France always bring absolutely incredible singers. Fair play to them, credit where it's due.
lovely white lass and daughter at the end
Austria. Costume inspired by the Klan. Decent choon. Fun. Great song to end with and as bd1392 says >>449277 I give it 4 out of 5 Habsburg chins!
I re-iterate: Croatia will win with Italy runner up is my prediction. Armenia wins 12 points from the Bum Bum Kingdom Jury!
ok lad you can stfu about gayvision now..
>>449281 they'll force the white ones to run at tanks with broomhandles and the wogs will be at the back ready to shoot them if they don't obey I suppose smh
>they keep holding up the yank corpo shart blm gay flag
>449282 Feel free to post about something else lad.
might give a cheeky vote to the swiss tbh
what's with the sudden bout of namefagging tbh are we really getting new posters from foureddit?
Can't see the Aurora Borealis tbh
>>449288 at this time of year, at this longitude of geography?
>>449286 *deposits twohundred electro shekels to eurovisions account*
>>449287 don't see how unless someone linked here, and I was under the impression YKTD stopped posting years ago
They CAN keep getting away with it! https://nitter.poast.org/notguff/status/1789339357523931265 >The dutch commentator has indirectly confirmed it was Keren Peles who filed the complaint after illegally filming Joost Klein. He noted another incident happened with this lady where she filmed him against his wishes. Keren Peles is the songwriter for Israel
guess I'll go on a night walk and see if there's anything tbh
>>449285 i admit i was a bit rude there lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFMOzV56oNE
>cyber abba
>>449297 more like abbatards
>conchita wurst
Screenshot from 22st’s phone
>>449304 Do the impartial BBC edit this out of the broadcast?
Bambie Thug is a biological female. just a freak that identifies as non-binary.
>hags n fags
>>449307 They have AI that filters out boos live now
>>449310 Proper monkey business
Loud boos for the head cheese of Eurovision. Tech couldn't filter it keek
Something needs to be done about this nigger problem https://nitter.poast.com/CPD1617Scanner/status/1789099962086654328
swiss running away with it
Israel boos are coming through too, they must have turned the anti-boo tech off
(2.61 MB 720x1252 Dublin NYC portal.mp4)

>>449318 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>449318 thought that said RIP Big Smoke for a moment.
>>449318 keeeeeek
>israel gets 323 points
Israel just got 323 points putting them in the lead, not enuss to win it
>>449322 the people have spoken
>Ukraine sympathy votes
Switzerland has won lads
Faggot cunts have put him in first
>>449318 howling, also this portal thing is actually a peng cool idea
>he just broke the trophy
did zoomers have these? they were good fun, my neighbours would always try to ignore my harassment keke. good times
>>449332 wew that's a blast from the past
>watching the Half-Life documentary. keeeek
no lights smh lot of fellow retard whites standing around in the dark feeling stupid albeit the science priests say electromagnetic activity will go up again at 2-3 and 6am I think so I will walk out again then and snee comfy just looking at the stars tbh, could only spot the big dipper, a plane and a drone though
>>449334 it's highly unfortunate that the developer names are now most known for being hijacked as characters in the insipid, deranged troon shite "HLVRAI" which has infected tens of thousands of zoomers who go online and then write smut fic about "doctor coomer" and "benrey" having gay sex and tag it with "half-life" so if there are any actually good fanfictions around nobody will ever know because they are buried underneath literally tens of thousands of shit like above
>>449335 yeah i didn't see anything last night either but tbf i was gooning most of the night instead of looking
>>449335 luv stars me back when i used to work late i'd always try to spot orion on the way home
>>449338 do you have the north star in australia? i'd guess not
to sloppa or not to sloppa.... if I'm going to walk another three miles and stay up all night then maybe it's okay...
>>449341 just don't lad, give the kidneys a break
>>449340 can't see it from here smh
>>449343 was a silly question tbh, don't know why i didn't just ask jeeves it
>>449344 there are no silly questions lad had to look it up myself tbh
beat mirror's edge recently after buying it about 15 years ago okay game tbh but only 6 hours long, less if I didn't repeatedly die to clunky controls good soundtrack albeit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B5QS9ofEbY
>>449346 is that the 2d one? do you remember heavy rain? there were so many funny memes from that and it was an ok game too, my friend and i used to play it while i was homeless and staying at his mummy's place
>>449347 it had stylized 2d gookime type cutscenes and a nice aesthetic heaby rain and other gigabrain games by david cage are hilariously bad, there's a good playthrough stream series by a pro game critiquer, I think it's called Cagemas
such a shame the main actress lass cage kept simping for trooned out smh jews at it again
>>449349 deep lore i didn't know that
Think Farenheit is my favourite. Enjoyed playing that on a console during winter back when.
>>449346 made me nostalgoom a bit since I remember watching my brother play that many years ago
Oh Ellen Page
>>449346 based mirror's edge was pretty good tbh liked the art direction >>449351 had a demo disc with that on it and thought it was pretty interesting but never got around to getting the full game smh
>>449355 https://store.steampowered.com/app/312840/Fahrenheit_Indigo_Prophecy_Remastered/ Remember drinking the alcohol and popping the pills near the beginning of this game and he commits suicide. Game Over. Keeeeek.
Mad he made a game with an original score by Bowie and starring him too as his first game. Omikron.
>>449356 based ludokino
mad how jack le ripper was jewish and literally wrote "the jues are the people who shall never be blamed" in blood on the wall after one of his attacks. people don't know this
>>449359 anywhere i can read about this?
i'm not sure it was written in blood tbf i might've made that up
went looking for a torch I could take out into the dark and found out the boiler has been leaking into my camping bag full of bushcraft kit and some electronics and stuff for at least all of this year and it's all mouldy and shite and everything is ruined ACK
>>449359 and the cops and govt covered it up and removed it because people might have retaliated against the precious jews
>>449363 smh, the leccy price, the kidneys, the fumes, fraunce, the boomers, and now THE BOILER?!1/?/? WHAT NEXT!
>>449361 interesting >>449363 smh rip lad
>>449364 as below so above
new blackface meta just dropped
>>449368 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ed_3j6vIfts >tfw boomoids didn't force me to learn piano as a bairn
nothing smh just some shifty yobs on bikes, a probable thief of some kind and the po doing drivebys the aurora borealis was visible at this time of year, in this place, and I didn't get to see it
>>449370 iktf mummy decided I would learn the trombone but as soon as I got slightly disheartened she stopped the lessons instead of forcing me and teaching me the importance of perseverance and hard work I could have been a tooter smh
>>449370 tbh >tee hee we're being such good parents by never forcing you to stick with anything long enough to stop being bad at it >>449371 smh
>>449373 many such cases xoomer thing rather than boomer I think tbf since the bastids are all about "just be happy" and "free" and all that stupid shit off the top of my head I had- home schooling, horse riding, trombone, skateboarding, stop motion animation, theatre all of it dropped in a trice it actually hurts on some level to see contemporaries who had it all sorted smh makes me understand where the spiteful mutants come from even if functional families are a rarity
>>449374 negligence under the guise of not stifling emotional development smh as if that can even happen without putting in work all it did was teach a generation to be self-defeating
>>449372 yeah but that's one of those instruments where you have to lug it to school everyday like a peak williamoid, with piano our cruel parents couldn't've (could not of) chained the living room piano to us and sent us on our way to le bus stop all those years ago (although they would've perhaps liked to smdh)
boomers were taught music in schools to a much higher degree than is available now even if you pay for it. i vaguely recall an interview with mark knopfler (i think) where he describes how irish folk chord progressions were taught and then you just had to sing over the top to make a new song
giant retarded woeismepost tbh really ought to do these in private rather than trauma dump or whatever the newest emotional baby soyfag term is >>449375 looking back it really was negligence after getting btfo by family separation and mummy deciding to move us around several times then to france I became a super withdrawn autist introvert type and their response was to try to force a friendship with another boy and his family one singular time (without me even knowing enough of the language to actually communicate) then buy a PC so I could incel it up Then they decided Ihat I spent too much time on the thing and that the answer was not to involve or force me in anything but to install a timed circuit breaker that did nothing but make sure I kept retarded hours to maximise my gooming capacity then after noticing how filthy their dining habits were (cats on the table, human and animal hair constantly dropping into things) I refused to eat anywhere but alone and again instead of accomodating or forcing they just let it happen... I would refuse to go on holidays with them so was sent to the chad family friends back in the uk, or the stepdad had to stay behind to make prison food for me to take to my goom cave etc then when I was predictably bullied repeatedly school (real and exaggerated both just to try to feel like I had some sort of outlet to get back at the parents or whatever) instead of toughing me up or teaching me the ways of society and such they just moved me around to different schools until there were none left then washed their hands and sent me back to the UK to a similarly emotionally and socially dead father I didn't know thence followed sped school and an autistic household in which I never spoke up or asserted myself or connected in any way with my own father because previous experience taught me that nobody would ever care and drawing attention to myself only had negative results it was completely absurd, we were both tabletop game enjoyers and over the course of eight years or whatever we played a board game once because even asking him to participate like that felt like a punishable imposition
keek I once tried to get them angry by carefully positioning pins all over the stairs one night and leaving a note that asked them to chop my head off with his wood axe while I slept having an emo phase before my balls even dropped
>>449379 smdh it's active sabotage at that point >>449380 keeeeeksmh
https://youtu.be/0iq6ALrA7B8?si=Z7LlkP8tbomiQOoW For the lad who likes older Japanese women
>>449379 don't feel bad about venting, i think i might've instigated it with my post >>449365 which wasn't meant malicioulsy. it sounds like your parents just didn't know what they were doing and usually when that happens they over discipline and regiment and end u breaking the will of their child. that's what happened to me too, it's typically seen in the oldest child of a family. my much younger brother is a free spirit and much better adjusted, it's unfair but i'm happy he's turning out better. i went to a therapist about how much i hated my parents for splitting up and inflicting bullshit on me and the guy basically said there's not much he can do for me and if i enacted any of my revenge fantasies i'd end up regretting it and feeling guilty, even though they were valis and justified. he tried to help me focus on what my parents were like when they were my age at the time and explain that they were going through this life without any kind of roadmap as well. anyway epic post but you're a good lad an well liked here.
>>449382 corr what a slag
>>449383 yeah I was the eldest too ta la it is what it is
the rise of chuds directly correlates with the rise of broken homes and dysfunctional families given that the destruction of the nuclear family was on purpose it seems that our particular demographic existence is used as negative energy generators overloading the noosphere with despair and seethe
>>449387 no gooning on the lords day smh
>>449386 there's a belief that spirits in the spirit world can manifest and have anything they want and that makes them bored and mischievous, supposedly demons are jealous that we get to suffer and be restrained in this realm and that's why they hate us. schizo but plausible imo
>>449387 yeah fuck this lad, no more gooning
>>449386 so it seems
>>449393 smh the police themselves perverting the course of justice to protect a certain group that preys on britons a proud old tradition that
>>449394 yeah wessex was right, i got pretty angry watching that. the police basically assumed the obvious admission was a red herring because they didn't understand chutzpah
>>449395 >didn't understand or deliberately refused to
>>449396 yeah probably tbh. faggots
Morning lads These brainlet faggots are worse than boomers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXLGYFCFlI0
>>449398 smorb lad frustrating watching public discourse crawl along at a snail's pace tbh barely catching up to where we were a decade ago and pretending like they're the vanguard
Fucksake. Literal furriners in their ‘security’ clothing threatening people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhXvnQIVkhg
>>449399 It’s deliberate. They’re trying to keep it in the ‘middle ground’ but everyone has moved on tbh Hate this ‘more houses’ bullshit. There’s plenty of stock and entire towns that could be regenerated they are just arguing for expansion of cities because that’s what third worlders demand - access to large cities They can all fuck off
>>449400 don't know how people can argue it's not an invasion when they're wearing uniforms giving orders to the public
>>449402 Tbh. Shouldn’t be encouraged or tolerated at all. Gov’t need to clamp down on companies like Serco creating their own private police forces ‘security’. Most of them have no right to stay here anyway and even if they did giving the sub 80 if black man the whip hand…but that’s the plan isn’t it tbh
They’ve literally turned parts of Britain into some kind of African tier dictator led mob ruled areas Unforgivable
>>449398 a good discussion to tackle the problems we face today!
These ‘guests’ should be made to wear their little hats tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbyy4yf_Jig
>Dayyyuuummm mufuggggaaaaa Should just pulp these people tbh https://nitter.poast.org/ClownWorld_/status/1787912467357814981
>>449403 >but that’s the plan isn’t it tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBLW54k2yAc >tfw don't own a 7.3 litre international diesel v8
>>449408 Never forget the people behind it. Like the Churchill family and the rest of the ‘elites’ - like they say they are just flesh and blood so can and will be defeated and there will be no nigger music at their funerals nor indeed any funerals at all - in this country. They have them in Africa. Time they had all this power ripped from their traitorous claws tbh
>>449346 Lad it can be completed by casuals in less than 2 hours. Diabeetus fingers are your issue.
>>449414 >2022
>>449414 Ahhhh Incels(tm) chewing gum. What flavour?
Good news Patel and Mohammed!! Bennies for all!
>>449416 Flavourless and extra safe. Can never be too careful aha x >>449420 Sargoy was doing a rallying cry not even a few days ago. Big brained sensible centrist
Milo got his account back >2016 fucking wew tbh
>>449425 Every alt shite meet up somehow gayer and more jewish than the population keeek
>>449426 Almost as if by design…
>>449425 >Hates women >It's the ChiComs Yup, it's a jewish bender.
>>449428 Two jewish benders there

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