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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3961: Nil Points Edition Anonymous 05/12/2024 (Sun) 12:14:19 Id: c33b06 No. 449431
Is this the raciest Eurovision EVER? Thongs, corsets, sheer bodysuits, bare bottoms, near full-frontal displays and steamy smooches... how song contest turned up the heat amid controversies https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13409003/Is-raciest-Eurovision-Sheer-bodysuits-bare-bottoms-near-frontal-displays-steamy-smooches-song-contest-turned-heat-amid-controversies.html#comments >Yet it was not just global conflict and protests which raised eyebrows at the annual spectacular, as a host of contestants turned up the heat in a number of flesh-flashing ensembles and raunchy dances during the epic show. Israel’s war on Gaza live: Palestinians forced to flee Jabalia, Rafah https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/12/israels-war-on-gaza-live-major-rafah-attack-feared-after-evacuation-order >Israeli military tanks have started to go deeper into the Jabalia refugee camp as part of a new offensive in northern Gaza, according to our correspondent. The offensive comes months after Israel declared Hamas had been “dismantled” in the area. Ukraine-Russia war: As Western weapons trickle through to Kyiv, Putin seizes chance to hit Kharkiv https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-russia-war-as-western-weapons-trickle-through-to-kyiv-putin-seizes-chance-to-hit-kharkiv-13134190 >Russia has reopened a major front in its war with Ukraine in a move that will stretch Kyiv's already undermanned and outgunned forces as they wait for Western weapons.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:58:11.
missed the northern lights but spent the afternoon taking photies of the bellybutton fluff on the sun that caused them
Ireland's Eurovision entry was actually a decent song tbh, didn't like the satanism/trannyism https://youtu.be/UMq8ofCstMQ
>>449435 Ireland has been popping off lately. They're rioting and burning shit over immigration, they're pro-Palestine (anti-Jevv), and now this. Clearly the Norn Iron would be better off under the wise custodianship of the Hibernian Chud.
>>449436 Pro-Palestine doesn't always mean anti-Jewish. You need to stop thinking that lad. The fucking Jews are on both sides of that debate. Much of the pro-Palestine rhetoric for the normies is an extension of anti-white anti-colonialism.
>actually believing this retarded Irish anti-immigration uprising nonsense It's hardly "rioting and burning shit" it's a few very badly organised demonstrations and the occasional arson attack (which happen anyway). If the Irish actually begin to do anything that might matter big daddy EU will step in and they'll shut up because they can't risk their membership or getting sanctioned because their economy is utter smoke and mirrors.
>>449437 >Pro-Palestine doesn't always mean anti-Jewish. You need to stop thinking that lad. The fucking Jews are on both sides of that debate. 90% of Jevvs including virtually all of the powerful ones are committed Zionists, Israel is their precious baby and they will do anything to defend it. It is literally the culmination of 2,000 years of Jevvish history, you are underestimating its significance to them. Part of their religion is sacrificing animals on the Third Temple, they are in the process of transforming the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East such that they can destroy al-Aqsa and do this. The "anti-Zionist Jevvs" are mostly minschlings that did not undergo a Jevvish upbringing- in other words, the less Jevvy Jevvs. Those of them that are hardcore Jevvs are either diasporists that want to throw Israel under the bus, which the 90% majority of Jevvs consider treason, or they are acting as controlled opposition to prevent the pro-Palestine movement from spiralling out of control into full antisemitism (it already is more than you think). In other words, they are on the back foot, receiving real meaningful pushback to their agenda for the first time since WWII. The young generation are talking about how "Zionists" control everything and slaughter babies, occupying universities and getting beaten by cops for it. This should be extremely thrilling, and if you see this as anything short of a paradigm-shifting miracle you are being a mouth-breathing goy. >Much of the pro-Palestine rhetoric for the normies is an extension of anti-white anti-colonialism. Our enemies are being attacked by their own dogs. Revel in it.
Jevvs are talking about 'when the US will become uninhabitable for Jevvs', after which they will have to flee to Israel. If Israel sinks then all is lost, they openly say this. The brownoid/leftoid population are already beginning to hate Jevvs because muh heckin' brown bodies, and the whitoid/Christoid population will become Fuentesist pro-white Christian antisemites shortly thereafter. The dam is cracking and soon the water will break, they're panicking and have no solution to it. You need to see the bigger picture and internalize the primacy of the JQ.
Ah, it's spicposter.
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Ate scones, they were good. Dry, crumbly, and buttery, would indeed pair well with tea. I fret about the ingredients though for they were from the local supermarket bakery, probably has junk in it...
If I could rewind time but only 10 minutes I would do it to eat those scones again ngl...
>>449438 >It's hardly "rioting and burning shit" it's a few very badly organised demonstrations and the occasional arson attack (which happen anyway). If the Irish actually begin to do anything that might matter big daddy EU will step in and they'll shut up because they can't risk their membership or getting sanctioned because their economy is utter smoke and mirrors. You’re fucking wrong or your’re spreading disinformation https://nitter.poast.org/ThoughtsToby/status/1788912554644758638 https://nitter.poast.org/RealMessageEire/status/1787479500332159143
Shalom David Levita
>B-but look what muh alt-right twitter propagandists say! >Dublin is all of Ireland yawn
>449446 Contrarian brainlet Filtered
>>449443 good lad
https://youtu.be/bzJgxHlXI-Q it's that time of day and weekend smh
Noseley absolutely mogged. How will he ever recover? Keeeeeeeeeeeel
They’re just letting everyone h8 on muslims until Israel’s finished their genociding aren’t they? Minute it’s temporarily over they’ll clamp back down on joe public
Nick saying Noseley’s a spy or stupid
>>449455 daft nick is probably right
>>449456 Was a good stream. I think he’s right as well on a lot of things
>>449455 Or both
>>449430 Me on the right
>>449434 you can do this with le phone?
>>449460 with this baby girl i made the filter just last week well chuffed with it
>>449462 Doesn't look like the most comfortable fleshlight
>>449456 >>449458 Mark Collett has put in so many hours for the White Race, let's not be childish.
Don't know about anyone else, but I always feel like an Earth Rocker on a Sunday.
Mark Cocklette hiring a hitman for 10k to kill Nick will never not be funny
>>449464 Tbh if he wasn't doing those game streams the shite race would be done already.
>>449467 Prefer Maggie Scratcher meself
>>449469 >a 2 hour game stream once a month which is spent talking about poolitics anyway. you've done him.
>>449471 Truly a great of modern political activism.
too many weird grudges against Marko Colletti on here for my liking.
>>449472 >poolitical activism you go to jail if you sneeze. he's doing alright.
>>449474 Truly a great.
Hurry up and IP hop, dopey cunt.
>>449476 Fuck off to 4shite with that shit.
go on, lass.
Collet should register a party and a charity. Maybe then I'll revise my opinion.
I think you should lad as you've always got a hard-on about it.
>>449480 Not even mad lad.
>>449481 he's rubbing off on you
>>449482 I think it's more bkk that's had constructive criticism that I happen to agree with.
>enters the thread
>>449485 Brendan is eggmaxxing.
>>449485 powerful physique
Got a feeling they’re gonna start disinterring the dead and send them back to the front
Oleg McNolegs reporting for duty, sah!
>>449489 Let's get those arms blown off too. WE CAN REBUILD HIM
>>449489 Fucking joke, they're literally mulching their youth at the behest of zog. If they reduce the conscription age any more Ukraine will be a geriatric nation ripe for colonisation.
Fucking hell keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek but smh https://nitter.poast.org/Lucas_Gage_/status/1788620646110371985
>>449489 >>449494 hohols are so fucking stupid, can you believe some of the survivors are still supporting the war and posting 'le drone drop grenade on Russian' videos to cope? shame they're going the way of the dodo bird since Ukrainian women are some of the most beautiful, but the men are too stupid to live, it's too much of a liability for Russia
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>>449489 keeeeek look how short the prosthetic legs are. imagine getting your legs blown off for zog and they set you up with legs that make you 5'1.
>>449496 pathetic
I miss him so much bros
bloody mary with extra horseraddish for breakfast. corr it's going down nicely
Morning lads >don’t need a king >dresses to attract me >click my click bait >lol fun me so prity The female brain on oestrogen, feminism and social media How much do we charge them for entry into reeducation camps?
All I can see is a shiny head and wrinkles through filters Why dress like you’re 20 if you’re a wildly successful 42 year old?
Okay. Enough about thots
>aaahhhhhh stop talking like you’re a general >OY VEYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://youtu.be/j1V2nsKUeX8?si=D80ezdXZJkSQ-ti5&t=3974
Nigel Farage lashes out at World Health Organisation’s power grab: ‘Hasn’t even been discussed’ https://youtu.be/MY_EpxenTuU
>There will be NO ‘Palestinian’ type problem when we retake Ukraine - our original homeland t. Bilbo Netanyahu
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! UWOTM8? https://nitter.poast.org/TRobinsonNewEra/status/1789717413598036342
>For this your punishment is to be BLACKED! Take him away!
>you have 6 followers! I will take your b8!
>>449514 smh rip
Steiner ain’t postin’ no mo’. Boo be stackin’ paper in da’ rollin’ coal biznes fr fr
>>449519 he's in the big leagues now
Russia finds vast oil and gas reserves in British Antarctic territory >Reserves 10 times the North Sea’s output https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/11/russia-uncovers-oil-and-gas-reserves-british-antarctic/
>>449521 >Russia has found vast oil and gas reserves in the Antarctic, much of it in areas claimed by the UK. So claimed by private ‘British’ concerns but let’s call it ‘British’ so if anyone tries it on we can mobilise good lads to fight for it, lads who don’t benefit from it preferably, British lads… Same as it ever was
>>449522 yeah smh
>>449524 wood chipper
>>449526 They need walling off. Them and their dramas. This is the 21st century. Enough with this archaic muh greatest cuckgenation boomer elites led shit
>>449528 They will never drag zoomies into their ‘geo political’ shit anymore, nor Gen A. It’s unironically over. About time they gave it up before they get irl lynched by them
Worth noting that it’s the 22 year olds that have the atlheticism to fight wars and the older gens have behaved so badly towards them they will absolutely not take orders or ‘respect’ their authoritative. Can’t w8 to see wheezing scumbag politicians being chased down Whitehall begging an increasingly ethnic and disillusioned plod to defend them
shneet lids 6am start tomorrow >>449529 no lad let them continue it'll be funny
>>449531 Nite lad good luck
>>449533 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Uh-oh What did NASA mean by this?
angery Think his fellow whites want to post him to the netherworld tbh https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1789947339844522257
fellow white tries to steal people’s ip with help from Stack Overflow, developers vandalise their work Why do they think they”re entitled to everything for nothing? Or just fucking entitled to everything full stop. Intriguing
>>449538 ngl I don't believe in intellectual property and I want AI developed to the maximum. the only problem is that the AI is closed source, they are trying to gatekeep the power for themselves. once the uncensored, open source AI becomes competitive with the closed source AI, things will be better
>>449539 Trying to close source open source also…Altman is blatantly an Israeli agent Der erwige boomer falls asleep at the wheel and tries to blame it on a fictitious driver >
>>449541 And their taxes go to rebuilt them the same afternoon.
Some kind of North Africans steaming into an Irish lad. Has been removed from Twitter at the insistence of the Irish government
>>449542 Tbh. Seems like it’s reached boiling point. Long hot summer Oh well there’s gonna be a lot of politicians with missing knees it seems paddies are fewmin’
>>449544 hopefully it continue to escalate, the time for whites to chimp out was a long time ago
>>449545 If it’s gonna kick off anywhere it’s probably over there tbh. They don’t have a state infrastructure like us and Britain would be reluctant to send help if it starts to burn because of history and the EU would get rent if they did it, you’d have Irexit within the year. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s how I see it Nigerian scammer knows what’s on the cards and it sounds like Irish government are on the backfoot think they can smell the nooses
>some female tory mp literally crying in the commons about some womens issue or something
>>449549 could be the bill going through atm about aborting babies at any time including shortly before birth encountered some minor resistance
>>449549 >>449550 women are literal death cultists. late-stage feminism would be all women refusing to procreate to deliberately cause extinction, meanwhile they reward simps with consensual sex in return for the simps defending them from the benevolent Mad Max 2-esque rape gangs that want to capture women for breeding purposes to prevent extinction. then once almost all of the men have annihilated eachother and the youngest women reach menopause, the women will eliminate the simps in their sleep think about it, what are men about politically? the survival and prosperity of their ethnic group, the dignity and supremacy of their religion, and their honor and freedom as an individual. what are women about politically? my vagina, my vagina, my vagina. and since her vagina needs to be inconvenienced to create life, she would prefer death. men want life, women want death. men are good, women are evil.
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>>449552 is that supposed to be food? those green beans are so overcooked, I wouldn't feed them to livestock
Wish this was my maths teacher, not that she would have shagged me. I was a scrawnster. I lost my virginity when I was 16 with my girlfriend. Lost it together. It was beautiful. Anyhow, kill niggers!
https://youtu.be/PAmF2Y8bQh0 Luck at this amusing man
>>449558 keeeeeeek based fuck arabs fuck jews
>>449555 Seems like a decent bloke and actually clued in which is nice.
>>449560 He’s the anti vax Tory MP that called it out in the Commons and got shafted by tptb
>>449562 I know I watched his speech in parliament, it's more that he's very open about fiat about to go tits up and what the carbon credit scheme actually is.
>>449563 Only watched half of it but interesting what he had to say about Lozza Fox and that Reclaim party Fox is shilling Robinstein as well now https://nitter.poast.org/LozzaFox/status/1789582587310059929
>>449563 Apparently the same backers of reclaim and the same think tanks are also the ones behind GayBameNews and Farage
>>449564 >>449565 Yeah that's about what I expected.
>>449567 He named the think tank and the others. The amount of corruption in this country would put India to shame
>>449568 The think tank to policy pipeline has been how western oligarchs have controlled government policy for decades.
>>449566 I have the solution, we need to expand our rail network massively.
>>449570 Yeah. To the middle of the North Sea. I have an idea for a fish food plant >>449569 Think tank to civil servants to parliament for rubber stamping to courts for enforcement
>>449571 Na they can just be circle lines, we all know trains are the natural predator of all jeets.
>>449572 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek tbh
>sargoy now going full TOMMEH shill
>do not film your bf being drafted! t. Zoglensky
>>449574 Never trusted that cunt and Tommeh is obviously Mi5’d ‘do this or we will fuck you in ways you cannot begin to imagine’
>>449578 keeeeeeek epic win for green team!
>These ‘Brits’ that hate Britain but love Israel
https://youtu.be/YIBjarAiAVc Yeah, I think this was my favouritee in Eurovision this year. The laser animals walking on the wall do it for me.
>>449584 Based blackface Nick from the British Nigger Partei
listening to his killstream appearance and he is such a bitter mong with his "its over head for the hills" larp
>sarrrrrr we want live on Potato Edward Island, small island full of white people growing potatoes saaarrrrr do not discriminate sarrrrr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl3T_GoyfmA
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New pseudonym for Rishi Sunak just dropped
Why are the BBC so racist?
>>449590 He's got a very punchable appearance tbf.
bus stop in ruislip london >when it pans around to the two whites >that young white boy being squashed in the middle
Hope you lads are trying to improve yourselves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmdrolWxMWY
>>449591 I agree. And it was over Boardwalk Empire being shit apparently >are you the Boardwalk guy? >er yes… >it was shit! >gets sparked out >medic “uh…you’ll survive” Keeeek
>>449592 >I sold my entire family into slavery in India to come here Ruislip used to be one of the most racist places in the UK
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>mfw a retarded family member has too much drink and starts bringing up our Jewish background
>>449596 >Her husband is 35 years older than her >Her dad died from a one inch punch >classical liberal, disavows ‘far right’
oohhhh tummy tummy tummy tummy tummy tummy rubbinson!
>>449590 Of all the actors they could have punched he went for one that's kino.
>>449596 How about the average time for murder being 10 years? Maybe push to end pleading down and pb automatically releasing 2/3rds of the way into a sentence.
>>449603 Don't recognise any of them.
>>449603 >>449604 it's Rudy Giuliani, Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort, Charls Carrol, and one other guy. MDE-Giuliani crossover, wasn't expecting that one
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>At least 10 "israeli" soldiers have committed suicide since October 7, according to Haaretz
>>449605 >Rudy Giuliani its roger stone
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>>449608 two alter egos of the same guy
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found a picture where they appear to be in the same room. I'm so confused rn, my brain has been filing all information about these two into the same box. they look so much alike
OI OI essex lad nipping in here just a reminder that i fucking hate the queer sodomite faggot BumBumKing, i LOVE SA the soldier of Jesus and basically you are fucking stupid Coo/k/ is the GOAT 22st I hope you managed to use the turkey baster to maximum effect me? done a law degree and got a good job. might run for parliament one day. idk big up nick griffen and the BNP FUCK THE POPE AND THE IRA All Scousers Must Fuckin Hang
>>449612 furthermore big up Steiner and the aussie lad we had here them were the days before BBK ruined everythng anyways goodnight niggers
>>449612 good lad was wondering where you've been
tinnies wreaking havoc on my brain's ability to sleep
absolutely knackered lads >>449613 night lad >>449615 thought it was lack of tinnies that does that
Morning lads There is no genocide. Israel said. I mean America said https://nitter.poast.org/Megatron_ron/status/1790098720928772314
>>449617 smorb lad nothing new there
Uh-oh civnats not like this Keeeeeek
>all these ancient name fags dropping in hmmmmmmm Yeah
>>449619 you love to see it
>>449621 Yeah nobody gives a fuck about holler cost either anymore especially after Schindler’s October : What Genocide? We Dindunuffin let alone getting denied jobs or housing in their own country which is fucking wrecked because of scum imported by scumbag sellout ‘elites’ It’s so over for them it’s not even funny that’s why they’re trying to drag us into a war
>>449622 tbh they're losing control so they want to burn it all down before they go
>>449623 They want to burn us and replace us tbh
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Another traitor MP taking ziogeld to empty Gaza into Britain https://nitter.poast.org/SamTarry/status/1790066569449468290
This is NOT what people elected MPs to talk about or do. They elect MPs to address local issues. Time all these MPs were cleared out. Wanna go work as an aid worker? Off you fucking go and take your fucking non British tikkun olam ideas back to where they belong What the fuck has this got to do with his constituents? Fucking Hope Not Hate stooge https://nitter.poast.org/SamTarry/status/1790066569449468290 What a shit show lads. Why are they always arguing to empty the rubbish into this country and ruin it to benefit a small clique? Good news he’s been deselected, bad news he’s replaced by a Sikh https://www.theyworkforyou.com/mp/25912/sam_tarry/ilford_south/divisions?policy=1087
>>449627 Absolutely rekt in his replies the cunt. When the British people win I hope they glue these people to the front of a tunnelling machine directed at the centre of the earth tbh
Keeeeeeeeek He’s fucking zionist Trevor Chinn backed Rayner
>we have become the worst of our oppressors. Wut? Just fuck off with this double speak nobody is oppressing you in fact quite the opposite That place needs walling off tbh and one day when some yank billionaire builds a replica of Christian Jerusalem in Las Vegas it will be
No fucks given This is everywhere tbh and it’s all just bubbling under the surface https://nitter.poast.org/abierkhatib/status/1790017327141912978
Parliament is full of MPs arguing to bring in Palestinians. Smh
>>449634 how could they ever say no to an untapped supply of brown immigrants smh
Another accident. Shouldn’t have voted for Palestine to join the UN. Remember : Accident Let’s face it there will be no freedom for anyone until America and Britain etc are freed
>>449619 He's dancing on the Andrew Neil/speccie cucked right and the based real right rhetoric and it's agony for him keeek. Who is this guy?
>>449636 >Let’s face it there will be no freedom for anyone until America and Britain etc are freed really excited to see the parasite wither and die after its hosts finally reject it tbqh >>449637 >and it's agony for him keeek tbh it's hilarious
fucking hope this cunt gets enriched tbh >retweeting American jewish news sources >are tax dollars wut? >Hindus and Sikhs are hard working conservative votes bring MOAT >Look at this mess in London! Doesn’t mention they are Hindus Oh and >MOAR Gurkhas! They make a lovely curry! Maybe his account is being run from Tel Aviv
>>449638 >after its hosts finally reject it tbqh It’s literally hanging out of the arse of every single host
>Don’t kick your enemy when he’s down, you will create more enemies t. Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Samurai Musashi >that’s antisemitic t. jews
>>449590 kek. good.
shnight lads
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please send them all to deplete the drone stocks of ukro.
Still think we fought on the right side in WW2 lads?
>>449647 >jew speech >jew film see how they get you from all angles?
>>449644 Oh yes! Come fight for Wagner. Free Ukrainian curry to winners, shit where you like! [ Disclaimer : It will be a trench until you get killed either by a drone or Russians angry that you are shitting in the trench ] Still probably better than India
>>449646 Steiner’s tubbier than I remember
It's funny the narrative is often world war 2 was fought to free europe from the racist bigots and save the jews, so you can't have naitonlism now, or bad things will happen/ but also, nobody helped the jews so better make sure you gives us even more free shit now. it's like when they do the as a White man or actually I'm jewish bit.
>>449647 >Start fights wants everyone else to finish them so they profit from death and destruction and get closer to their desire to rule the world
>me and the gf last night
Der ewige poo migrant >1% of 1.5 billion is 10 million >India is overcrowded therefore your land should be ours >also your women are hot https://nitter.com/LeighStewy/status/1790163085690364274
>My life- I hate >It makes me irate wish this cringe couplet would stop popping up into my head intrusively
>>449658 wonder how many lads on here have the bean phenotype.
>>449648 >see how they get you from all angles? Christopher Nolan, who is not jewish, directed that film, lad
>>449652 what does that text say lad?
>>449660 thought it was Shaving Ryan's Privates.
or some spielberg slop
>Christopher Nolan >Oppenheimer
>>449661 >The juwes are not be the men that will be blamed for nothing Found at the site of a ripper murder in East London. Police tried or succeeded in rubbing it off to prevent a pogrom
This article is banned in the UK https://archive.is/AWpyz
>>449662 >thought it was Shaving Ryan's Privates. oh maybe it is, thought it was Dunkirk
>>449668 How gaslit was that film last year. Holy shit.
shartica trying a colour revolution in georgia again
protestors violently attacking the lawful parliament and the sky news reporters are giddy at it, compare that to their response to right wing protests in the west, the bias and lies is enough to make a man go mad
Paul Weston: Covid Britain's Dr Mengeles' https://youtu.be/BnTjmSv8VNo
>>449673 that poojeet, sodomite Dr Ranj wished.
Farage: No More Lockdowns!!! https://youtu.be/LYfD9T2BFdI
Butthurt jeets are never not funny. They have their own SAATH call centres to report trolling Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >Dogs fancied a curry https://nitter.poast.org/BrarSukhie/status/1775375631749972126
>>449675 Covid related, let's not forget how Farage was loving Blair regarding rolling out the vaccines.
>>449675 Fucking grifter
>>449676 It reads as though the pajeeta thought the video was from India. smh, says it all.
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>>449677 >Farage was loving Blair regarding rolling out the vaccines. Possibly the most surreal thing that happened during covid tbh
>>449679 Yeah it’s always about them. India strong. Needs glassing tbh
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>>449682 it's very strange how modern society is simultaneously hypersexual and puritanical >man looks at a woman exile him from society >woman goes out in public in scrunch leggings buried up her ass crack wow girlie you are sooo beautiful I wish I had the confidence to go out like that >man fucks 17 years 364 days 23 hours 59 minutes old girl OH MY GOD get the woodchipper for this sick fuck >1 minute later she does triple oiled anal gangbang 4k ultra hd an empowered adult woman making her own decisions >grotesque drag queens rolling around on the carpet with kids as they read them kike groomer books such tolerant progress, only a hateful, ignorant bigot would object >female character in a video game is depicted with breasts so heckin' problematic, this toxic male depiction of unrealistic standards of female beauty does irreparable damage to trans folx
>>449687 that was my weekend tbh
Buck bloken.
Small happening in Fraunce >muslims in france raided a prisoner transport >two guards dead 3 wounded https://nitter.poast.org/LaureLavalette/status/1790334743076020730
>>449690 didn't another video like this surface recently?
>>449693 they might even be years old, who knows.
Good to see all these weapons ‘meant for Ukraine’ in western Europe being put to good use Over 110 cops killed by them in France this year apparently
Hope they do it tbh but Steve Laws choke slams him every time he opens his fat gob
>Sargon binned Callum
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >jewish school which is mostly Muslim must celebrate Israel’s independence day DO WHAT THE MINORITY SAY BIGOTS!
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_0HmvBLYSqs?feature=share Miss him, lads. >>449698 He was unironically the most based lad there. Smh RIP lil William Afghan Tea pepe lad.
>>449699 >no mention of Israel's founding being based off of terrorism against Britain Suppose wogs do celebrate Indian, Paki, probably Weimshart days so...
>>449701 Some say Britain did it to get rid of them like moustache man tried but you never will then Britain probably tried to dictate terms and they got their US division to start pressuring the willing US gov Gonna start spreading a rumour amongst them by chiselling something on a bit of marble that it was actually Mars that was promised to them and that they need to lobby Elon for one way tickets
>Joe Bogan, jewish wife and daughter Daughter?
Can something be shit and kino at the same time? https://youtu.be/eypBKGskHBg
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>>449698 he was one of the best ones, I wonder why they kicked him? Sargon jealous of others getting bigger than him?
>>449703 that can not be joe rogan's daughter
>>449707 Ain’t no nigga bigga than Saigon Coon
ukrainians just being destroyed in kharkov
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>>449708 >>449703 It is his wife's daughter for her first marriage with a nigger, Rogan has a fetish for black men.
>>449713 Disgusting
>>449714 He loves Jizzy the dogbender, Jones and Nugubu. Listen to the way he talks about them or to them, he loves the large muscular black fighters.
will be shocked if ukraine doesn't crack in the next 3 months tbh, they are getting desperate with the forced conscriptions, they are at a 20-1 disadvantage in artillery and the casualties are sky rocketing, they are evacuating the sumy region, the wheels are coming off the whole thing tbh.
Spic has lost everything
>>449713 >>449716 He's a cringetard dude weed! faggot
>>449720 Tbh. Annoying brainlet with an annoying dude weed drawl
Guardian doxxing right wing anons again. This time it's a jew kek https://archive.ph/LmIVj
>>449698 I like this, lad. he's like a cute hobbit
well that comma wasn't necessary
Keeeeeeeeeeeeek Fuck off Petttriiïï Dïïïshragg or whatever your fucking name is https://nitter.poast.org/ivan_8848/status/1790079346092150940
>>449725 maybe pooland can be convinced to join them on their expedition against putler
>>449726 They’ve had a fight with Israel so Israel will make sure they get murdered by Russia
>>449728 That's crazy, man.
NIck replying to porn bots after being called out for doomposting. He's lost it!
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POV: you thought you were joining saint Paul and general Butt Naked in Heaven, but you renounced "dafties" 3 times, signalling approval for their persecution by the state.
>>449730 >Steve Laws I’m looking at you! Well, one eyes on the tits obviously
>>449734 ooooooh thats got potential
>>449730 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>449734 was it painted with cum and menstrual blood?
>>449736 >unveils 'cado the "great" shitain post is probably better for brit albeit >>449738 tbh sad to see such decline even in the opulence of the royal sphere of existence
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>>449740 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Bumder will love that one
Saw a local drug addict trying all the doors of parked cars as he was walking down the street towards the end of my lunch break. People like that deserve their heads smashed in.
>>449743 The real king
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>far right and other bad vibes >the guardian Would definitely make this cunt pave roads in Afghanistan
politicians, bank, corporations and civil servants think country belongs to them villains the lot https://nitter.poast.org/ActivePatriotUK/status/1789975991466487961
>>449751 potent seethium right there
>>449757 Yes if he was doing that with a thousand like him, we'd be lynching our MP's by lunchtime tomorrow.
its time to mobilise
you bbc sluts have any news from the provinces? I saw a mudcrab yesterday
>>449756 the gay slav brother war is still going on? russia is slowly becoming a reddit country
>>449730 those are some nice milks
too bad nickger is a gen x tard who doesn't realize that the generation he raised up is so buck broken that even hot babe whitoids raise d*gs now
>steiner you weren't even missed this time mate
what is brits opinion on the dog question? aparently its political suicide to shoot a d*g in the united shits. unreal, you can kill 100 million people in iraq but if you shoot a dog its off with your head.
>some mong that spergs out over rusgol kayfabe fake and gay war shite
lad oceania and eurasia have always been at war
two weeks until political things happen
>>449766 watching kong and drinking self to oblivion, life is good.
>>449769 don't have to rub our noses in achieving escape velocity.
hes posted literally nothing of value in 6 months.
>>449772 smart hog.
>>449771 it just seems like everything in this time period is a nothingburger and that for us incel peasants to care about which lord hates which lord like the farmers in the field at edgehill is a wasted life. its like we are insects but in our head we are the boot stomping on us. idk but after covid I really can't look around at the mongs and care about mass politics. the napoleonic code and andrew jackson ruined the enlightenment (which was always just a bourgeoisie memi)
>>449774 Yeah it's all a control mechanism and we all just waiting for fiat to implode so the next gay fad can be imposed on us. Either grind it out or carbomb someone.
>>449775 yeah I have given up trying to predict when that will happen. it won't be televised either as we learned with covid (which everyone already forgot about)
>>449776 This leans me towards the ineffectual carbombing. Self immolation is looking pretty good right now compared with what's being geared up for us right now.
>>449776 Fake pandemic and vaccines has been woowoo shit for decades lad.
>>449777 yeah I am pretty much on the tight rope as well just probably going to focus on religious life since there isn't really any meaningful "action" to partake in other than being an economic unit. even politics just sort of defaults into economic rent seeking since everyone is a slave to money
saw another lass I knew from schooldays pushing a dog in a stroller yesterday. she was even one of the hot ones wannabe britney spears looking 2000s girl
>>449779 I just feel like I'm defaulting into an economic unit by necessity and that's a large part of the self immolation fantasies. Anyway mothra is about to save the day so g'night.
>>449780 There's some dopaminergic steinzog posting.
>>449783 The two youngest tradesmen in all of Mississippi.
>>449784 youngest white
looks like we're getting red zog. also idk why Nevada is so red all of a sudden, I think Blumpf won it in 2020 but only by a little bit if Blumpf gets Georgia and Nevada then Bidon would have to get Michigan and Pennsylvania and either Wisconsin or Arizona. 3/4 of those. clear disadvantage assuming the 300lb sheboons that stuffed the ballots into the machine all night stay home my fear is that Blumpf selling an Iran War to the "right"-goycattle as part of some 'deal' where they allow him to get elected. but idk how Israel could put it off until January of next year, they've been saying they intend to invade Lebanon for months now
>>449655 i brought this mene here from aus/neets/
if Blumpf wins in November Khamenei should just issue the order to make nuclear warheads tbh
>>449789 not my problem
>>449766 I like dogs but certainly not "furbabies"
>>449792 did you ever buy your sword lad?
Morning lads >>449764 Nick is 65. He’s a boomer. I think he uses hair dye
Filthy communist twisting things up and a presenter too scared to put him in his box This is who we have in Parliament. HnH spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) https://nitter.poast.org/SamTarry/status/1646502096135417862
This is the right of the tories >upper middle class evangelical Christian, a so called radical traditionalist >lives in a small town - mentioned in the Domesday book - of 3,500 people with 80% home ownership And here she is gaslighting the public with her ‘all violence is online nothing happens on the streets’ rhetoric https://nitter.poast.org/miriam_cates/status/1790389769689505958
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >Irish zoomers have made the New York jews sperg out over their “Zoom” tech TV livestream ‘PORTAL’ bullshit dressed up to make it look like some kind of ‘advanced tech’ LITTLE HAT WHO SHUT IT DOWN LITERALLY CALLED SPERG(EL) >AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH THEY POTATO GOYIM ARE MOONING AT US LIKE DEM ROMANS DID! AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH SHOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! >Oy vey! Swazz stickers and dancing israelis on my cheap trick Zoom (tm) Portal!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.simonsfoundation.org/2024/05/08/announcing-portal-connecting-new-york-and-dublin/
Probably Superman’s dad keeeeeeeeek >Jor-El is Superman's biological father, the husband of Lara, and a leading scientist on the planet Krypton before its destruction >Leading scientist Keeeeeeek
aftersnoon schlads >>449801 couldn't handle the banter smh many such cases
Yeah. What the world needs is more politically incoherent turd world femoid brainlets >Not for sale AIPAC ( please gibs money ) >Fuck you Ham Arse or whatever your name is lol, I’m a tuff beer drinking spicoid fantasist with a Keltec ( please don’t hurt me just shekeleering ) Fuck off. State of America smh Still w8’in for someone to bash Rubinstein so I can watch the video
>>449803 Can’t handle the truth more like keeeeek >Oy vey! The /pol/s the /pol/s reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *implodes
>>449804 and it's a spic too cherry on top >>449805 wonder how the plastic paddies are coping with getting dabbed on by their hibernian brothers
>>449806 >wonder how the plastic paddies are coping with getting dabbed on by their hibernian brothers Sinn feining suddenly stops.jog
Speaking of Sinn Fein though IT’S OGLAIGH NA OVER Good. Fucking scum. Not even one patriot among them all of them sold out. Ope they Irish smash them up, would be ironic
wish I hadn’t spilt drink on my keyboard tbh
>>449809 >sinn fein >anti-establishment what year is it?
>>449811 It’s a fucking joke isn’t it but at least the people know now. What made them think they could keep gaslighting people? Lynch is a popular Irish surname
>>449810 happened to me last year smh had some permanently sticky keys after that that sometimes made it impossible to type anything legible at all had to replace it because my shitty chink plastic consoomer keyboard wasn't designed to be taken apart so i bought another shitty chink plastic consoomer keyboard >>449812 fingers crossed it'll become a popular irish pastime maybe it'll get so popular that people all over the world will start doing it
>>449813 Happened on a laptop bought a shitty Bluetooth chink one but it kept disconnecting anything half decent is half the price of a new secondhand laptop. I give up. Inflation has killed my dreams of any new chink tech everything goes on bills
>>449810 >>449813 Spilled cofeve on my laptop years ago and it's finally on the way out. Can't onscreen keyboard and mouse it because it spazzes out thinking the physical keys (which haven't worked since) are all being pressed randomly. Good job I bought a desktop. Haven't spilled on this keyboard yet but I'm safe in the knowledge it won't cost more than 20 quid to replace the same day.
>people getting massacred in Israel and Ukraine, I know, LET’S KEEP ON ROCKING IN THE FREE WORLD! Rule by literal out of tune in every way narcissistic psychos https://nitter.poast.org/runews/status/1790455322437366030
smh they really don't make them like they used to had an ancient beige ps/2 keyboard with the cool little media controls and volume knob on it that i hung on to for as long as i could but then one day it just gave up the ghost >>449814 >Inflation has killed my dreams of any new chink tech everything goes on bills did you forget lad? you vill own nothing smdh very familiar with losing every single penny to living expenses >>449815 >but I'm safe in the knowledge it won't cost more than 20 quid to replace the same day. tbh as far as technology goes i've given up on having anything nice expensive or cheap it's all built to break and be thrown away so you may as well make things easy on yourself
tell you what lads jumping from a year of neetdom to full time manual labour really takes it out of you
>>449820 Just 50 more years lad. Any cute sheilas at the job?
>>449821 there's only one lass in the whole factory tbh dreadlocks and tattoos she's teaching me to run the furnace
needs me a fat bitch frfr ong
>>449823 good lad
shnight lads
>>449822 >dreadlocks When she’s done, throw her in it For other job creation schemes for good lads don’t hesitate to pm me
>>449820 >manual labor the destruction of your body is not worth what they pay you. get paid to sit or don't get paid at all
>my bedtime is later than an Australian
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slovak pm has been shot
>>449832 CIA most likely
>>449833 Maybe the ukrainians or our lot paid someone
>>449837 CIA trained militia groups to do assasinations in Ukraine makes sense they would be doing the same elsewhere
>>449836 Similar to the Michigan Fudge Packers run by that notorious chug bumder steinhog
>>449838 Well the Ukrainians keep threatening to kill everyone who tells them to calm down and fuck off with their ridiculous demands so I’d go with them tbh they’re stupid enough to try a Franz Ferdinand type of stunt. Have great disdain for these fuckers tbh
But then
>>449840 Mad how from the beginning he's just labelled any slight criticism as making someone an enemy of the hohol state. Bunch of literally who American journos were on their version of an FBI most wanted criminals government website for a while. >this man protects freedom and fight tyranny goy
>>449842 looking forward to seeing him Gadaffi’d tbqh
>>449845 tweet not found thanks lad
SUGGEST FILMS FOR THE WEEKEND >or we will end up watching somethign shit 22st chooses ack
Was discussing this pic with steiner He scribbled his thoughts down
>>449846 Refresh until it appears it’s there
woes firing a broadside at the baptards
>>449851 have they begun attacking him in the replies yet
Der ewige famous 71 year old boomer progressive writer Always a lefty
>>449851 Raw Foreskin Zionist?
>>449853 Looks like Des tiny in 40 years. kek.
>>449855 how the fuck were they "liberated" from the British when we (in our folly) helped secure that land for them? total fucking ingrattitude, the jewish way
>>449857 They hate everyone. They thrive on their persecution complex this was addressed really well by Joyce and mcDonut among others. It’s dangerous for humanity. Once saw an autist snap telling a jew to “fucking get over it” Obviously star card was pulled and he got sacked. No one spoke for a week
>>449858 >They hate everyone. They thrive on their persecution complex this was addressed really well by Joyce and mcDonut among others. It’s dangerous for humanity. Once saw an autist snap telling a jew to “fucking get over it” >Obviously star card was pulled and he got sacked. No one spoke for a week
>>449860 >hindi created to divide and rule muslims from hindus absolute bullshit, muslims already hated hindus and vice versa the national language of India is English anyway
Reminder that Sunak stayed at the Kind David Hotel and didn’t get blown up by the Israelis. This is what you call poovilege
Fucking keyboard
>>449774 we're two weeks from victory and you're blackpilling?
Breathe or don’t preferably retarded poo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb3nhfOmbnA Why are they like this?
sounds like someone needs more seethium to react to...throw in some eceleb shite for good measure
Brain dead nail painted broccoli headed zoomer CUNT! AT LEAST HE WON’T BE BREEDING THOUGH https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1790786084541956109
>>449867 dead inside eyes.
>mmmmmmmmm gimmme dat circumcised cock mmmmmmmmmmore mmmmmmmmmmm more mmmmmm all the way in https://nitter.poast.org/MarioNawfal/status/1790769645672132837
>>449868 Wonder who could be behind it
>please do not assassinate me, only dumb goyim should be sent to die *bombs somewhere
>>449872 He’s such a faggot
>>449873 The kikes really destroyed her.
she should be grateful her father looked after her money. she's batshit insane.
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK. even going out of their way to bring them back.
>>449875 >>449876 Apparently she’s on the brink of bankruptcy because she’s spaffed all her money. She earned 40 million last year as well
>>449612 >>449613 One reply for your big return? Pathetic. Pathetic series of posts from a weak poster. You've fled this board because SA isn't here to protect your stupidity from being exposed. Stay fled. >>449694 what the fuck >>449717 for smee? a prolonged back and forth that just sort of plops away >>449731 based >>449743 qeeeeeeeq >>449757 he's a severe mong >>449820 tbh, felt like i was going mental >>449832 >>449833 undoubtedly >>449879 the jews really did a number on her OK, enough posts from me. nos da x
>find nigger that existed as a servant and retainer in japan >make a game depicting as elite samurai >soys act like it's historically accurate keeeeeek. Ubishite always finds a way to get worse. https://youtu.be/vovkzbtYBC8?si=h1pJCdZJt6awqI6-
>>449884 people still play this hideous shit?
>>449886 Unfortunately it still makes millions.
>>449890 cute couple
2 colourised photos of one of my ancestors enjoying the company of some nip lasses.
Left whining about spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) in new org https://nitter.poast.org/behind_labour/status/1790809754543010258
>>449892 End result of that is this
Actually the end result is I splurge an absolute fountain of jizz. I'm not around to know what happens 9 months later.
>>449897 >german scat fetish yikes
>>449895 We don’t need anymore fucked up mystery meat bastards lad ta v much
>>449897 Another gay poz merchant. Penal battalion, straight to Kharkov
>>449900 I'm going to spread my DNA as much as I want, and you can't do anything to stop me, lad.
Now watch me goooo
Hes a political idealist not a race mixer
YOU MEAN THE LIGHT UNTO THE WORLD NATION OF PRIESTS TRIED TO CHEAT!? NEVER! AGAIN(tm) jews would never vote rig would they lads? w+would they?
>>449897 extreme levels of uncanny valley on this quaire
>>449896 I wonder if the Ukies are actually trying to draw in this new Russian army for some sort of clever maneuver or if that's all cope.
>>449902 I'm sure your carpet can attest to that.
Anybody else here a Mark Collett stan?
>>449909 yeah lad, it's all just an elaborate trap.
>>449912 Hey if they manged to use western mass media as an elaborate misdirection and an assumed collapse to re concentrate their forces anything is possible.
>>449866 this is that lass from beethoven
afternoon lads
>>449915 G’day m8 and morning lads
Hope steiner is putting the work in
>>449916 smorbing lad >>449917 tbh someone has to vore the enemies of the huwhite rice
smorn lids
>>449919 smorning lad sad that it took forty two years to inform this man of his ethnicity smdh waiting times like that make even the nhs look good
>used by Cato the Elder prior to third Punic war >also a reference used by others re: Total warfare Wdhmbt?
wonder if he's got one of those trendy gajillionaire bunkers in new zealand tbh my money's on him fantasising about mass depopulation but still putting all his chips on controlling information in a world that always teases armageddon but never delivers
Almost 900 sexual offences committed by people on bail - as charities warn of 'disastrous consequences of broken courts'​ >but le prisons are le full don't care build more pay white men to build them and staff them softie judges need gassed and bombed
What's a good razor to use for shaving? Sick of being mugged off.
>>449926 >shaving
haven't shaved in almost a decade haven't had a haircut since 2022
smh what do you make of this Auslad? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE-al0xSFJo
>>449927 >>449928 Guess I'm stuck with Gillette.
>>449926 This is the Rolls Royce of razors tbh, they do cheaper ones but if you keep the blade in (cheap) soapy water it will last a few months tbh. Never cut myself with one and I have with the others. Safety razors are okay but be prepared to look like you’ve been fragged or met a machete wielding nigger until you learn to use it also too much prep wouldn’t use a cutthroat because I’d accidentally kill myself https://www.gillette.co.uk/gillettelabs/exfoliating-razor-black-gold-hydrating-shaving-kit/13752076.html
>>449929 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he's got are number alright unironically a civnat now lads won a meat tray once at a pub raffle at the uni bar back when i was a student tbh and enjoyed it very much >>449932 smh bet he used his faceberg space laser to clear out the previous occupants
Couldn’t possibly be because she was maybe being an annoying cunt and got a slap like many kids no? No it was an antisemitism
>>449934 probably the case tbh but honestly i hope it was a hate crime and also hope that many more follow
>>449935 That’s almost guaranteed after their foot stamping murderous rage tbh even Trump and Biden said it tbh Can’t see muslims letting that slide in perpetuity without carrying out some regular random bashings at the bare minimum
>Fair game. He’s no different to me t. Bibi https://nitter.poast.org/_NicoleNonya/status/1790850266553573568
German commie gonna German commie They should just scoop him up and airdrop him into Kharkov fucking pencilnecked politician scum https://nitter.poast.org/FormulaGe/status/1790475785045725491
>>449938 low blow smh the potatoes are supposed to be protected they were put here on this earth so that cynical jaded people could feel second-hand joy by seeing them love life you're not supposed to beat them up
>>449940 tbh Sick people terrorising mentally handicapped people just because uniform and gun >BUT YOU DON’T KNOW THE CONTEXT! Yeah. You are ruthless killers. End of
>>449943 tbh He’s such a puffed up idiot Yanks need banning from engaging in diplomacy turbo brainlets not on is qualified to do anything bar order fast food at a drive thru
>>449945 wtf im an azogsister now
>>449946 That channel is owned by the jew azov backer as well
>>449867 liberals are all killing themselves, it's a suicide cult. the problem is that the majority of white women of childbearing age are liberals if we can get enough chuds to get 12 snabies out of a woman and raise them all into chud breedhogs, the entire white rice will be chuds in a generation, because those will be the only white snabies being born >>449934 you love to see it
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Absolutely shameless >If I make up a story I can get millions! Oy vey! https://nitter.poast.org/islamserenity/status/1747138944867999934
night lads big day tomorrow >>449947 wow a jew who happens to be a media mogul what a novel concept >>449948 tbh w*men are a disease and chaining them to radiators is the cure
>>449950 Night lad good luck for tomorrow chain her to a radiator
>they took him in > he stabbed them to death Many such cases
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>>449934 here's the vid, it's a Muslima unleashing the beatenings. baste catfight jihad schlomoids are not doing so well, the goyim are being so antisemitic ;<(
bossman gets a good squirt and then loses it all. oh my fucking goood dude pic unrelated
>>449955 >a lifetime of suffering Good at inflicting this aren’t they? Even on subsequent generations. The need exiling from the planet for the good of humanity tbh Come on Elon send ‘em to Saturn
refresh if you can't see >>449956, some good bossmanjack content
>>449955 Did I hear ‘you fucking paki”?
Also who’s who? They’re all brown
>>449959 >>449960 idk but it's a Muslima in the sweatshirt (hood over hijab) beating a 14 y/o Jevvess. this is in New Brunswick, Canada
Oy vey!
>>449914 good lad
>>449961 >New Brunswick They can’t leave one inch of clay alone. It’s a fucking inhospitable place as well
>Signed ‘Nikki’ from Unit 8200 Street, Tel Aviv Golders Green, London ) Yeah ok bet you’re a judeo ‘Christian’ Nikki, more judeo than Christian tho’ right?
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I get a chuckle whenever I think about the seethe that Barry Stanton account causes.
>>449970 It’s fucking hilarious tbh. Even funnier when people think it’s a real character >Maybe if one learned to spell, one would be able to secure a proper job which would pay for you and your five kids instead of leeching off welfare, which is what you obviously do, and sitting all day behind your computer having a go at hard working immigrants making a contribution to Britain >I’d rather have immigrants than you, you fat ignorant slob! I feel sorry for your kids! >Get some exercise apart from drinking Carling every day, you’re a disgrace to Britain
WAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! >God didn’t choose Jesus to suffer! He chose US to suffer for 5000 years! Feck off cunt! t. Papa Fury https://nitter.poast.org/barrystantonGBP/status/1790433402279075906
where THE FUCK is wessie
>>449973 He got a gf
>>449974 this is real life, the exploding legs man gets the girl.
so nobody here has wessie added on steam? he's probably gooming.
>>449976 tell him to vote in the film night poll although I forgot to add that monkey man film he wnated to watch ack
>>449977 >although I forgot to add that monkey man film he wnated to watch ack bet you did that on purpose. devilish.
>>449978 just forgot about it I include the planet of the apes film he said he wanted to watch
this place kinda sucks now. sorry
>>449973 reducing his exposure to seethium
>>449954 Let's watch Kung Fu Panda 4 at the heat death of the universe, lad.
>449980 For you
>>449919 Hullo, yes, ALL darkies MUST return to their lands of origin irrespective of the time they have spent here. That's right! >>449922 >only 40 ACK smh another 40 years at least of kike WEF meddling then it's ogre >>449925 also expelling criminal furriners or reinstating capital punishment and execution (double edged sword tbh the cunts would no doubt find a way to justify using it on goodlad dissidents) >>449927 tbh some haggard old lass (or maybe just my age? they go bad fast smh) passing me on the street complimented me on my beard yesterday (had literally just rolled out of bed and forgotten to comb it) bit of a dopamine hit to be nooticed by someone tbh might have to zztopmaxx >>449967 a horrific keek >>449973 just not on /brit/ 24/7 again tbh trying to do things other than seethe all day not having much success albeit
>>449985 brown boys out (minus the hindpoo ones) brown lasses in
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How many of you have tattoos? Also, tattoos are cringe.
>>449989 me and the gf
>>449990 Have about 10 tattoos. hands and neck next I think.
>449991 >449992 >gf cringe >tattoos cringe Yeah, I'm detecting some cringe here
but there's nothing more cringe than ip hopping.
get a grip yer daft cunt
alright mate, calm down.
Militant atheist yet raising his children jewish Keir Starmer sets out his plans Putting the woke away, indeed. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-69016719
can't wait to see her again, lads.
>This cringey cunt Your parents failed to raise you.
Being an above average man is so easy nowadays because, unfortunately, the bar is so low. All you gotta do is be decent and you instantly stand out. Edit: also, tattooed women are beautiful, don’t let these incels tell you otherwise!
>he's off the meds
>>450002 >he's done him
Right not worth poosting toni
wtf i love spics now
>>450002 thanks lad, I haven't prepared my speech but I wood like to thank all the posters who aren't autistic faggots for your support and kindness these last couple of years. I hope this fame doesn't change me!
>>450005 how do they deal with the mentally ill in peru though
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>>449978 >>449980 >this place kinda sucks now. sorry it always sucked idoit
>>449998 where is this meme going tbh?
Ginnie’s going through the men-o-pause
>>449982 >Kung Fu Panda 4 at the heat death of the universe at the heat death of the universe? is that its subtitle?
>>450013 lovely lass
r8 my gf
>>450013 totally authentic and real
bins should put on all the uwe boll films tbh
>>450017 >uwe boll what's that? a typo?
>>450018 Uwe Boll, lad. he makes all those shitty game to film adaptations
>>450015 gorgeous
>>450019 >Uwe Boll, lad. he makes all those shitty game to film adaptations why would anyone deliberately suggest shit films?
Uwe Boll Ochs is his full name
Bog standard Russian weaponry destroys unmanned Ukrainian boats https://files.catbox.moe/1dq2v1.MP4
>Shake hands? Loser of Ohio machete fight allowed to recover property. Based America
>>449986 >brown boys out (minus the hindpoo ones) brown lasses in
>>450025 just a gentlemanly duel.
>>450026 pic on the left makes me diamonds ngl
We’re not far from an official declaration of war are we? Because we have utter psycho brainlets in charge and the jews are shitting themselves ( Quick goyim! WW NOW! ..inb4 we get shoah’d for real ) Happy for the nukes to land at this point tbh >Russia expels British defence attache >Russia has said it has expelled British defence attache Adrian Coghill in retaliation for the UK's announcement it was kicking out his Russian counterpart last week. >Mr Coghill was reportedly called to the Russian embassy, where he was told of his expulsion. >The Russian foreign ministry called Britain's actions "unfriendly"and "anti-Russian" and said retaliatory measures from Moscow will not end here. >"The initiators of the escalation will be informed about further retaliatory steps," the ministry said. >On 8 May, Britain announced that it would expel the Russian defence attache, remove diplomatic status from some properties and limit the length of Russian diplomatic visas in response to what Home Secretary James Cleverly called Moscow's "malign activity". >Russia gives British diplomat Adrian Coghill a week to leave Moscow https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-69023928 >Russia expels UK defense attache from Moscow in tit-for-tat move — Foreign Ministry https://tass.com/politics/1789289 >Shapps calls expulsion of UK attache from Russia a 'desperate move' >UK defence secretary Grant Shapps has branded the expulsion of British defence attache Adrian Coghill from Russia a "desperate move". >Moscow announced earlier it had made the move in retaliation to the UK kicking out his Russian counterpart over spying allegations last week. >Mr Coghill was reportedly called to the Russian embassy earlier, where he was told of his expulsion (seen 16.25 post). >In a post on social media, Mr Shapps said Vladimir Putin's issue with Mr Coghill was that he "personified the UK's unwavering support for Ukraine".
Hi Spic, how are your shitcoin investshits shitting?
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK HONK HONK HONK! https://nitter.poast.org/tennysonsarah1/status/1790534604677317092 >I'm a 72 yo lady driving a French car in Brexit Britain. This afternoon 6 youngsters pursued me honking. At the 1st red light, 3 came in front giving me the finger, yelling insults. >This in rural England. There're times when I loathe this country. >My car has besides been vandalised over a dozen times. The police didn't bother to come & see. >I shld have specified I've French licence plates besides a F Logo for France on this car, hence the abuse by Gammons &Brexiteers. >When I drive my van with UK plates, I'm left in peace. Parked next to my other car, this one was never vandalised. >Ergo, Brexit broke Britain. Fuck off boomer
(153.44 KB 295x588 67655767657.png)

>>450031 kek It's probably the refugees welcome stickers she has plastered all over her car tbh.
>>450032 If all humans deserve it why is she actively trying take it away from us?
>>450034 why are they talking like anime characters?
wow that's some of the worst music I've ever heard
I've been really enjoying the legs of Perfume members lately. Absolute kino.
>Me and lads one week no fap
>>450017 lad what about watchooming this tomorrow?
>>450037 Hello lad
>>450038 Tbh they do have very nice legs
Ben Shapiro as Snow White. Coming 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl9LZiB0oao
>>450030 I exited, not bullish enough to want to hodl anymore. made money and learned some things, could have made thousands more if I sold when BTC was $70k, my alts were a lot higher then. it was weird though because the top was just before the halving, as soon as the halving hit the whales just dumped on us. in any case it was stupid of me to not take profit then, that was supposed to be my strategy but I just got lazy tbh because of the stupid two-factor authentication horseshit. bull run might resume but I'm confident enough in that that I want to continue hodling, rather not lose muh shekels oh I will say though, never touch Chainlink, that coin fucking sucks. underperforms BTC so there's no reason to buy it
>>450046 I'm not* confident enough
>>450046 buy some gold now
>bbc does a report on the water supply contamination >"this local iraqi business owner bought £400 worth of bottled water to give out for free" they really can't help themselves
>>450049 smh we'd all be dead if it weren't for brownpipo
even Turks are getting 'white' genocided, ErDOG floods them with Arabs/Afghans/Pakis and the Turks (especially the whiter western Turks) do not breed collapse of birthrates affected whites and northeast Asians first but it's literally the whole world now. only religious people and niggers reproduce. I still don't like or believe in Christianity but I am increasingly thinking that it's the only practical way to get white women to agree to reproduce at all, like you either tell them "pick up a Bible and put on a dress and we will simp for you, otherwise you're a disgusting slut and we will ignore you", or you have to chain them to the rape racks in the breeding pits, or invent artificial wombs. there is no fourth option and idk how much you're tapped into the online 'conversation', but from what I'm able to observe most women's reaction to the birthrate situation is "good, let everything burn, that's what men get for being sexist"... in other words, they just support it, they are evil. there's no real logic behind it, there's no negotiation or proposal like "okay just give us abortion and we will agree to have babies", they just say "in the past men used to make women have babies but now they don't and actually we women don't WANT to have babies because it's hard so we're not going to anymore HAHAHA". I don't know what you can do about this other than serve up some tasty knuckle sandwiches
>>450053 even the Kurds are beginning to fall below replacement
women demand: >no man is ever able to command a woman to do anything and enforce his will but even if men agree to this, they will still going to refuse to reproduce. so literally the only option to survive is for men to physically grab women and just make them do the needful, if they can't be convinced then they must be overruled
>>450053 You're right Martin
>>450056 I'm not toots
>>450040 could do tbh if there's a good upload out now
>>450053 >>450053 Yea seems like foids are just going to ignore sub 8 men going forward and if no pregnancy, will just hate on us and their situation
>ubishit releases trailer for new asscrap game (which costs up to $120 btw) >stars a nigger killing nips in "japan" (plot and details are all wrong due to the lead writer being a stupid bitch who has a degree in paedophilic homosexuality in medieval japan) >markets open and their stock immediately crashes to the lowest it's ever been are slop addicts finally waking up
>>450063 No idea why companies seem to pursue failure across the board tbh. What strategy is this? Last company I worked for would deliberately promote mongoloids and there seems to be ever increasing amounts of incompetent and disinterested people across the board and that’s if you also avoid getting palmed off to retarded Indian scum who just don’t gaf at all and are also turbo retards Too many eastern euro/balkan foreigners here as well with their crap English skills, worst is getting an entitled ‘I am Polish’ foid on the other end of a phone. Can never understand their butchered English
https://podbay.fm/p/the-troubles-podcast/e/1715655301 When the Hammer Turns Against the Sickle': Civil War Amongst The Republican Revolutionaries, The INLA vs The IPLO
>>450064 Originally the rationale was probably that BRIDGE/DEI/ESG funding let them double dip on profits, and nowadays the globalist investment in propagandising all forms of media probably outstrips what they would make just selling decent games never seen any hard numbers to prove this but it wouldn't surprise me >>450067 smorbulous tinfoil hat enjoyer
>>450068 Sounds entirely plausible. These psychos never do anything out of the good of their hearts obvs and just devise other societally destabilising shakedown schemes. No profit in stability. Gotta keep turning us upside down to shake every last drop of money and sanity out of us. Smh
>Man who tried to torch a synagogue in France this morning shot dead by cop he tried to stab https://nitter.poast.org/BFMTV/status/1791351987490967919 https://nitter.poast.org/F_Desouche/status/1791357419588653395
>>450067 morning lad interesting >>450068 >nowadays the globalist investment in propagandising all forms of media probably outstrips what they would make just selling decent games tbh the investment funds pushing this shite pretty much have bottomless pockets
>>450071 Bottomless because all these ‘private funds’ are funded by the public purse but then don’t have to pay back any profit or loss. Total scam and they’re all in on it. Not sure what the solution is here
>>450072 tbh smh
>>450070 going to assume this was a foreigner trying to do a job frogs wouldn't do smh
>>450074 For sure
>>450077 smh that's the second poolitician this month something very wrong with these "people"
>>450078 Couldn’t be clearer that there is some kind of kompromat on every politician in the west. They’re all fiends of some description
found a new favourite nation in dominions outside of MA chinks, there are LA insquisition dagos who summon demons got shat on albeit even though I had all advantages smh, sieging the greekoids with eight times their number and they still won with 60 hoplites in the wall breach, a bit like le 300 ACK perhaps bringing elephants to a long pointy sticks fight wasn't the best idea
>>450080 Should have used the modern jewish method of destroying greece with debt.
>>450080 >bringing elephants to a long pointy sticks fight based and hannibalpilled
they get troubadours that can seduce women and in my newest game there were two amazon provinces nearby so I have a squad of lotharios relentlessly rizzing until their sorceresses and priestesses join me >>450081 the equivalent would be to dominion kill them by setting up temples and preaching I think, couldn't be bothered to do that and paid the price >>450082 keeeeek tbh it was a case of hoovering up all the mercenaries I could get, which for extra funny included a squad of warwick davises right at the front imagine the splattering
Can’t wait for Assassins Creed : Wakan.. ..oh! it’s out
I also tried starting a narrative AAR campaign with the same guys it took me three hours to assemble 1000 words into a pleasing enough arrangement to describe the opening three turns smh
>>450083 >a squad of lotharios relentlessly rizzing keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Lads, I don’t know what I’m feeling but I’m laughcrying
>>450083 >which for extra funny included a squad of warwick davises right at the front imagine the splattering holler costed
The Fountainhead of Order A Dominions 6 Narrative Campaign In the beginning, there was Chaos. Now the Wheel has turned once again. The sudden disappearance of the Pantokrator was as if waking from a dream. The stultifying aura of absolute Order had lifted from the land and unveiled an unrecognisable world as the influence of the Supreme God bled away and all beings felt a newfound freedom and independence. It was a time of wild revelry and deep despair as the old and familiar rituals ceased to provide result, but settled down soon enough as a new routine asserted itself. New and old faiths emerged to offer succour and all peoples looked to the future. The city of Marignon, some forty-thousand souls, found new guidance in an old icon of theirs. In the centre of the Grand Piazza had always stood a large statue depicting a robed woman, armoured and bearing the scales of justice, wielding a hammer and with the cornucopia at her feet, and with the removal of the decrees of the old God which chained and imprisoned so many lesser deities, the Marignese priesthood soon began to receive whispers from it’s spirit. Now the city worships a new god and her people already see great dividends. Crecimienta, Goddess of Marignon, the One who Purifies Everyone by the very Utterance of Her Name, the Beginning and the End, the Fountainhead of Order, Lady Precious Green, the Mistress of Growth. Her lands are safe, orderly and productive, crops seem to spring forth from the ground with barely any effort from farmers and good fortune is part of life. Save only for the mages’ insistence that the aether is dull and magic-less, Marignon is as close to ideal as any could wish. This makes their lands coveted, however, and there are enemies all about. Not only do men desire what they have, but the disappearance of the Supreme God has surely empowered many foreign faiths and worse yet, the Thrones of Ascension are vacant- hoards of dangerous power that could be turned against any foe of the claimant. It is for this reason that the men of Marignon step out to secure their existence of their people and their faith and install Crecimienta as the Ruler of All. Spring in the Year Zero of the Ascension Wars Marignon The parade ground within the Grand Citadel rung with the clashing of steel and the cracking of crossbows as men practised. Captain Guido had only a month to form them into an expeditionary force and was working overtime. Volunteers from the city guard, some pikemen and crossbowmen were expected to be bolstered by a fresh raising of more crossbowmen and whatever fanatic crusaders could be enticed away from the city temple would have to do for Marignon’s first appearance on the world stage. It was no true crusade- indeed, the expedition lacked any holy support as the House of Justice was still in ferocious debate over who should take up the mantle of Prophet. Nor was there to be aid from magicians as they busied themselves over adjusting to the new draining effect of Crecimienta’s domain and organising an investigatory group to follow behind the ragtag “army” in search of magical resources to exploit. Guido was under no illusions- it would be a bloody first assault, and a harbinger of the times to come. He only hoped that Puillain the Troubadour could sneak positive information back to him from Arcatus, the first province slated for addition to the Marignese fold. It was hoped that the mountainous region held many metal deposits to be consumed by the hungry forges of the city, in production of the heavy armour the regular troops favoured. With a sigh, Captain Guido drew his falchion, holding the flat of the blade outward and marching out into the parade ground to encourage some new dandies who were more occupied with preening in their flamboyant uniforms than practising their marksmanship. - Puillain was feeling quite sick of Arcatus. Weeks spent with tedious tribal chieftains, enduring endless talk of “enemies driven before you” and “lamentations of the women” and repetitive requests to play “Hooves of Fire” on the lute again and the most he could get out of them was outrageous boasts about the number of their riders and confirmation that there were villages in the mountains above the plains, scraping a living in the rock. He would be well glad of Captain Guido’s forthcoming assault, as would those settled people, and the tribesmen too, no doubt, once they had been introduced to some good wine rather than the rancid concoction of mare’s milk and horse blood it appeared to be traditional to sup on. - and then I fumbled turn 3 by taking on too many horse tribe at once with too few crossbows since any other type of troop is too expensive for marignon to produce at game start
>>450087 >hard-right
My these jeets are a suspicious lot. I have an idea about how to depopulate Britain of them lads >They also retained a large reservoir of suspicion concerning British intentions, particularly in the regions where begar had been imposed on the population. They often fled their jobs when census takers, vaccination teams, and other representatives of imperial authority arrived on the scene, and they were susceptible to the chilling, recurrent rumor that the British abducted Indians to extract oil from their brains or bodies for use as medicine for ailing viceroys and other dignitaries. This rumor emptied the western Himalayan hill stations of their local labor forces on numerous occasions
>>450087 really wish i could live in the world that this lot believe exists tbh even for just one day >>450089 an enjoyable read tbh
>here’s your Brain Oil Harvesting mandate notification, Mr and Mrs Patel! >Be down at your local park this evening 9pm sharp *waves large strings at the * winks and grins
>>450091 keeeeeeeek they're a funny lot
>Turned on autocorrect because of sticky keys >now just guesses incorrect words because keys still can’t shake off the effect of Carling smh
>>450091 literal niggerbrain tier keeeek truly the anglo is an ingenious race to use all parts of the foreigner for his benefit brain oil from the jeets, melanin from the nogs, opium blood from the chinks etc etc
and of course, blood from the aryans
>>450098 >opium blood a rare delicacy
>>450100 search engines are so fucking shit nowadays smh can't find this kino pic of what 16th century chinkies thought anglos looked like, but it was along the lines of "a giant furred and feathered monster with a beak and claws that breathes fire" and you could just about make out that it was a pipe smoking sea dog under several layers of literal chinese whispers
tfw you get depicted as a soymonster for asking about silkworms
>>450101 think i know the picture you're talking about tbh >>450102 mad how the chinese managed to keep a tight grip on silk production for so long credit where credit's due tbh
>>450103 I used to poost it but it's not on my current PC might be in the external hdd somewhere but cba to look I dug out a 3gb usb from the rotting remains of my camp kit that the boiler had been leakin ginto, haven't tried seeing if it still works yet there was also a charger, GBA and a bunch of GBA and older compatible cartridges that got covered in mould and shit smh was hoping they'd be worth selling some day
>the internal battery has run dry and saving games is impossible >now I will never complete pokemon emerald or links awakening
>>450104 smh rip in peace game boy advance probably would already have been worth a pretty penny tbh twenty three years old is enough to be retro >>450105 once i have some disposable income i want to buy a chinky handheld emulation device and load it up with all the old games that i never got around to playing and all my favourites that i want to play again the form factor is important tbh emulating on a pc just doesn't feel the same
>>450106 >23 ACK sounds like a comfy plan la and it avoids the possibility of having a woes moment smh can't find that clip either
too high effort oc idea: trannyjakACK style webm where woes is playing sonic, gets killed by eggman, breaks his chair and falls to the ground with a thunderous crash, after a slighty delay causing an open bag of pistachios to tip over and inundate his prone form with nut shells in a humorous fashion
japanese imperial dead shrine in kaohsiung, taiwan
>>450109 mostly kino save for a few tacky modern bits like the plastic trays reminds me a little of a very swanky gift shop
>>450108 keeeeeeek big tech needs to stop faffing around with shitty chatbots and build the turn concepts into oc machine already >>450109 kino wonder what those things on the front right tray are
had a BIG pie yorkies veg and gravy brekkie and now I'm brapping uncontrollably and about to go on public transport
>>450111 polished stones for clapping together to signal the start of a ceremony or a prayer or something possibly
>>450113 fortune telling, they throw them after clapping them i think
>>450112 lush luv gravy me >>450113 this concept has already been improved upon and perfected
>>450116 not very knowledgeable about taiwanese history tbh why do they like imperial japan enough to keep a shrine for dead soldiers?
>>450118 very nice model ship though
>>450119 >>450120 Not sure, maybe just anti Chinese mainland. The temple helper there said fishermen kept the skull of a japanese navy person and buried it at the temple. then good fortune came and a shrine developed. he also has an abe statue now so maybe an eccentric.
>>450121 tbh had considered that it could just be contrarianism >an abe statue keeeek based
>>450121 Abe-san!
I wonder if Abe, for all his faults was pushing back on a lot of things. Cultural kamikaze mode has really kicked in since he passed.
>>450125 we'll never know tbh feels like he was though he'll always be remembered as le have segs man so while he wanted number to go up he wanted number to go up by making japan have more japanese people in it
what did he mean by this?
>>450128 tbh. he only stepped down through illness. apparently he was still the top dog, just not formally.
>>450129 it's a quote from that middle-aged fat lad on youtube. a lad on here posts him.
>>450132 tbh steinersattva is escaping suffering by freeing himself of politics so he is no longer bound to the cycle of seeth and cope
>>450134 based but also how? and is it possible to learn this power?
>>450133 Toil is seethe and cope. When he sattva’s that he’ll be back. There is no escape
>>450135 Beer and thinly veiled racism but in a bigly way
>the far right
>>450137 based i'm already halfway there >>450139 god just imagine what marvels could be created if soyciety wasn't dead set on committing suicide just to make brownpipo feel included only reason why they swarm huwhite countries in the first place is because are ancestors marched forwards without caring what anyone else thought break your back pandering to them and we become just another slum
he's being a good boy these days
>jewish? son of Saladin trying to curry favour with Israel by painting story about spy killed in Egypt as an innocent >Saladin, whose full name was al-Malik al-Nasir Salah al-Dunya wa'l-Din Abu'l Muzaffar Yusuf Ibn Ayyub Ibn Shadi al-Kurdi, the son of Ayub, a displaced Kurdish mercenary, was born in 1137 in the castle of Takrit north of Baghdad. Kurds have to go as well
got my haircut, did some work. think I need a power nap tbh didn't sleep much more than an hour or so last night. the worry is I wake up at 8pm instead.
sneed a new machine thread >>450142 not like this jezza not like this
>>450146 >climate change denial >it was just a joke bro
He was an EU Remainer as well. maybe he's just a big normie on anything that matters, or at least should matter.
>>450147 personally i do believe that anthropogenic climate change is at least possible and we should avoid excessively fucking with big complicated systems that we rely on to stay alive however if you say something you should own it tbh cucking out and changing course just makes you look pathetic also just as an aside nuclear power is unfairly demonised and honestly it should be supplying the majority of mankind's electrical power >>450148 smh had managed to block that out
or to put it simply if it works but you don't know how to make a new one then for god's sake don't touch it just leave it alone
>>450063 I think seeing the 'you must accept ze subhumans' racial stuff affecting Japan redpills people a bit, since they're able to see how retarded it is without being blinded by some 'being pro-white is le bad' indoctrination. >>450087 This is slop. Please up the quality of X sceencaps. >>450149 >anthropogenic climate change is at least possible It is possible to affect the weather with techniques like cloud seeding. Global warming is a retarded hoax, refer to the infographics. The driving force behind Earth's temperature is solar radiation. >also just as an aside nuclear power is unfairly demonised and honestly it should be supplying the majority of mankind's electrical power Yes, the solution is nuclear for baseline usage and natural gas for spikes.
Global warming is a money making scheme Okay thankyou
>>450151 i'll agree that global warming science is absolutely a hoax perpetuated by soyentists who want more funding and politicians who want to control us however i'm not smart enough to know what pumping massive amounts of gasses into the atmosphere will actually do long term and i don't trust anyone to be both smart enough to know and to also tell the truth my policy has always been if it ain't broke don't fix it but also if it ain't broke don't break it they suppress nuclear power because it would cause fossil fuel prices to nosedive tbqh as soon as it stops being economical they'll change their tune and pretend that they always wanted us to use it but we were stopping them >>450152 tbh grant farming as well as grifting for construction of new boondoggles chop down a tree to build a windmill etc etc ignore the dead birds
>>450153 It’s all short term gain by people who either know the long term effect will be a nothingburger and ones who don’t know and don’t care because ‘won’t be alive, not my problem’
always been fascinated by nuclear power tbh ever since i was a young lad visited a nuclear power plant on holiday once but they had recently stopped giving tours because of terrorism so we couldn't go inside smh the gift shop was still open thoughever and i got a deck of top trumps cards that were all power plants and also a glow in the dark lightbulb thingy can't remember if it was a sticker or a keychain >>450155 >ones who don’t know and don’t care because ‘won’t be alive, not my problem’ far far too many of these it's mental sickness
>>450154 just when i think i'm free he drags me back in
>>450157 Keeeeeeeeeek
>>450153 >however i'm not smart enough to know what pumping massive amounts of gasses into the atmosphere will actually do long term and i don't trust anyone to be both smart enough to know and to also tell the truth Pollution is a problem, but carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. It's a simple molecule that's an integral component of the atmosphere, that's intimately associated with life. To survive, animals need to breathe by inhaling air containing oxygen into their lungs, which then interfaces with the bloodstream to exchange the oxygen (O2) for carbon dioxide (CO2), effectively discarding carbon atoms. That's basically what our respiratory and circulatory systems are for, and without this carbon-exuding process we are dead within minutes. Meanwhile, plants need the carbon to grow, it's basically what they're made out of. So they take the carbon from CO2, turning it into O2- the oxygen that animals need to breathe.
>>450153 From what I remember we've had periods in earths history were the carbon dioxide content was much higher in concentration but the run away green house effect never occurred.

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