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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3960: Oats Edition Anonymous 05/08/2024 (Wed) 03:25:12 Id: 88ce24 No. 448622
Prisoners could be freed more than two months early to ease overcrowding https://news.sky.com/story/prisoners-could-be-freed-more-than-two-months-early-to-ease-overcrowding-13131277 AstraZeneca removes its Covid vaccine worldwide after rare and dangerous side effect linked to 80 deaths in Britain was admitted in court papers https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13393397/AstraZeneca-remove-Covid-vaccine-worldwide-rare-dangerous-effect-linked-80-deaths-Britain-admitted-court-papers.html It's 'NOT racist to air concerns' about migration, BBC journalists are told: Official review says corporation sees issue through 'narrow political lens' and overlooks impact on UK communities https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13392393/BBC-equal-empathy-migrants-British-residents-small-boat-Channel-crossings-review.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:57:51.
>>449395 >didn't understand or deliberately refused to
>>449396 yeah probably tbh. faggots
Morning lads These brainlet faggots are worse than boomers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXLGYFCFlI0
>>449398 smorb lad frustrating watching public discourse crawl along at a snail's pace tbh barely catching up to where we were a decade ago and pretending like they're the vanguard
Fucksake. Literal furriners in their ‘security’ clothing threatening people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhXvnQIVkhg
>>449399 It’s deliberate. They’re trying to keep it in the ‘middle ground’ but everyone has moved on tbh Hate this ‘more houses’ bullshit. There’s plenty of stock and entire towns that could be regenerated they are just arguing for expansion of cities because that’s what third worlders demand - access to large cities They can all fuck off
>>449400 don't know how people can argue it's not an invasion when they're wearing uniforms giving orders to the public
>>449402 Tbh. Shouldn’t be encouraged or tolerated at all. Gov’t need to clamp down on companies like Serco creating their own private police forces ‘security’. Most of them have no right to stay here anyway and even if they did giving the sub 80 if black man the whip hand…but that’s the plan isn’t it tbh
They’ve literally turned parts of Britain into some kind of African tier dictator led mob ruled areas Unforgivable
>>449398 a good discussion to tackle the problems we face today!
These ‘guests’ should be made to wear their little hats tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbyy4yf_Jig
>Dayyyuuummm mufuggggaaaaa Should just pulp these people tbh https://nitter.poast.org/ClownWorld_/status/1787912467357814981
>>449403 >but that’s the plan isn’t it tbh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBLW54k2yAc >tfw don't own a 7.3 litre international diesel v8
>>449408 Never forget the people behind it. Like the Churchill family and the rest of the ‘elites’ - like they say they are just flesh and blood so can and will be defeated and there will be no nigger music at their funerals nor indeed any funerals at all - in this country. They have them in Africa. Time they had all this power ripped from their traitorous claws tbh
>>449346 Lad it can be completed by casuals in less than 2 hours. Diabeetus fingers are your issue.
>>449414 >2022
>>449414 Ahhhh Incels(tm) chewing gum. What flavour?
Good news Patel and Mohammed!! Bennies for all!
>>449416 Flavourless and extra safe. Can never be too careful aha x >>449420 Sargoy was doing a rallying cry not even a few days ago. Big brained sensible centrist
Milo got his account back >2016 fucking wew tbh
>>449425 Every alt shite meet up somehow gayer and more jewish than the population keeek
>>449426 Almost as if by design…
>>449425 >Hates women >It's the ChiComs Yup, it's a jewish bender.
>>449428 Two jewish benders there

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