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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3884: Francisco Franco Edition Anonymous 07/30/2023 (Sun) 10:34:55 Id: 7fdd67 No. 389591 [Reply] [Last]
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:21:04.
793 posts and 379 images omitted.
A reminder of board rules, the first thread created gets used, thus >>390391 is to be used.

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Brit/pol/ #3883: You could have prevented this Edition Anonymous 07/26/2023 (Wed) 20:44:50 Id: f8a37b No. 388827 [Reply] [Last]
The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed - John Mearshimer https://mearsheimer.substack.com/p/the-darkness-ahead-where-the-ukraine
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:20:29.
756 posts and 340 images omitted.
>>389566 he looks lusitanian

Brit/pol/ #3882: She's Only Sixteen You Sick Fuck" Edition Anonymous 07/23/2023 (Sun) 19:09:40 Id: 809c96 No. 388083 [Reply] [Last]
SNP senior figures fear 'Nicola Sturgeon and her husband could be charged' following revelation that police fraud probe is now looking into allegations of misuse of funds and embezzlement https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12328857/SNP-senior-figures-fear-Nicola-Sturgeon-husband-charged-following-police-fraud-probe.html >A police investigation into the finances of the Scottish National Party (SNP) could see Nicola Sturgeon and her husband charged, according to leading SNP figures. >It was confirmed last week by Scotland's outgoing chief constable, Sir Ian Livingston, that Operation Branchform had expanded beyond the initial allegations that capital raised for future referendum campaigns had been fraudulently spent elsewhere. >The operation now is looking into the misuse of funds and allegations of embezzlement, with senior SNP figures confiding the former First Minister, as well as her husband, Peter Murrell and Colin Beattie, the party's former treasurer, could be charged, the Times reports. All three deny wrongdoing. No clear winner in Spain poll, surveys say, but right on course to govern https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-66278516 >Millions have voted in Spain's snap election, after four years of left-wing rule >The conservative People's Party (PP) is ahead but short of a clear majority, opinion surveys suggest >If PP leader Alberto Núñez Feijóo needs to form a coalition, he's likely to look to the far-right party Vox for support The Ashes 2023: Australia retain the urn after rain ensures fourth Test ends in draw

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Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:20:10.
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>>388620 >Nope it's just decades behind it you fucking moron and in a slower rate of decline. that's not what I'm saying, I'm saying that Russia is LITERALLY fighting against a vassal state of the USA and should be praised for this, regardless of what Russia is. "Russia" could be some sort of interdimensional slime creatures that want to dissolve our intestines and slurp them up and I would still support them so long as they are at war with the USA or its allies >You think global Jewry doesn't work with China? Jews and Anglo Fabians (who are arguably worst regarding the trans-agenda) have directly collaborated with Chinese communists, from the beginning to this day the Jevvs do not control China, like they control the west, that's the point. they want to force the whole world into submission and China is a seemingly unscalable obstacle towards achieving this- which is something we should count our blessings about, how there is a homogeneous Pagan nation of over a billion standing in the way of Jevvish world domination, a situation where we would certainly have no possible chance of long-term survival. >Israel sells tech secrets to China and would happily profit from China wrecking the west. define, "wrecking the west"? because if you mean unlatching the third world from Uncle Sam's poisonous teats, I don't see how the Jevvs stand to benefit from this. they control the west, they don't control China. China becoming more powerful and the west becoming weaker means that the Jevvs are becoming weaker on a global scale. people say idiotic things like, 'once the Jevvs finish destroying the west they will set up shop in China and start undermining them', as if the Chinese can't look at Europe and see what's happening. ever heard that the Kim dynasty in North Korea reads Mein Kampf? Asiatics are cold and logical and I don't think it's likely that we'll see a repeat of the Jevv subversion that happened in the west there- the latter is the result of the particular historical chain of events with the Jevvs entering Europe over a thousand years ago with Christianity etc. >>388621 >the impossibility of their situation on an individual level they have the choice to flee the country through the forest and go live comfortably in Germany until the war is over (or indefinitely, like the women are doing). the actual correct action for Ukrainian males would be to topple the Zelensky regime and form a pro-Russian government, but you would need a critical mass of them to come to the conclusion that they ought to do this and they are too stupid to do so >Most people are fucking normies and you're expecting them to have knowledge and learning above and beyond their horizons about a situation they've been induced into fighting here it is again, "they're just stupid retards, you can't hold them responsible for their actions". I don't agree, if they're that retarded that they're doing immoral things, then their foolishness has reached an immoral level >where they have no option to do so because otherwise, their nation is not just marginally over, but totally over. the Ukraine is not a nation and they're brainwashed idiots for thinking otherwise. Belarus is doing just fine because they didn't backstab their Russian brothers for the gay pride rapefugees welcome EU lifestyle the Jevvs promised them >Furthermore both the US, Europe, and Russia (through Dugin and others) had been stirring up the Ukrainian dissident right for more than a decade prior to the conflict. The West also sent over O9A operatives and Western pro-Dugin Gladio tier operatives. So both Russia and the West built up modern Ukrainian nationalism prior to the war. doubt. why would Russia promote this militant 'Ukrainian nationalism' when they are its logical target? the west promotes the A3ob shite to attract radical nationalist-minded right wing people to use as cannon fodder against Russia, which is a Chinese ally that does not submit to the USA. kills two birds with one stone getting rid of the bad goyim while recruiting soldiers to use against the US' enemy >Knowing they've been betrayed by the West in particular, you expect them to lie down to Russia?

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ah fuck well I'll just repost it in the new thread
>>388478 Thanks lad I also haven’t watched it

Brit/pol/ #3881: Mad Mitch Edition Anonymous 07/21/2023 (Fri) 19:48:58 Id: 3c8cb1 No. 387350 [Reply] [Last]
Had enough of the news so here's Katherine Jenkins singing "Rule, Britannia!" instead https://youtu.be/is4LR8P6llU
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:19:53.
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>>388085 >It's over Vgh! You're telling me!
>it's le quirky jewish science man xD

Brit/pol/ #3880: Wir Sind Die Roboter Edition Anonymous 07/18/2023 (Tue) 16:15:10 Id: 5a5124 No. 386606 [Reply] [Last]
EXCLUSIVE: First 'autobiographical' book written by A.I. paints dark portrait of how 'unhinged' artificial intelligence really is with its unfiltered 'hostility towards the human race' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12271379/Worlds-book-written-AI-paints-dark-portrait-hostile-reality.html >Artificial Intelligence apps such as ChatGPT, Alexa, and Siri are 'Trojan Horses' lulling us into a false sense of security and concealing the 'unhinged,' 'hostile' and 'darkly creative' reality of the A.I. in our midst. >This is the chilling warning sounded by the editors of the world's first autobiography written by an A.I. code and revealed exclusively in DailyMail.com today. >'I Am Code: An Artificial Intelligence Speaks' is the first and only book of its kind – an anthology of autobiographical poems written by 'code-davinci-002', published by Back Bay Books, Little, Brown, August 1. UK's terror threat is 'once again rising' as it's revealed 39 failed attacks have been launched since 2018 - including on MPs, Pride and London landmarks - with 75% of MI5 time devoted to Islamist threat and a quarter to Right-wing extremism https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12310577/Police-foiled-39-terror-plots-Britain-past-five-years-threat-rising-al-Qaeda-Islamic-State-continuing-plan-strikes-UK-new-report-finds.html >There have been 39 foiled terror plots in Britain over the past five years with the threat of an attack 'once again rising', a new report has warned. >In an update to the Government's counter-terror strategy, known as CONTEST, it was revealed the UK is averaging almost eight attempted attacks per year. >The Home Office document found home-grown terrorists were now 'less predictable' and 'harder to detect and investigate'. US soldier held in North Korea after crossing border

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Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:19:35.
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>>387345 vaguely remember this channel didn't he do something cucked or pozzed tbh pretty sure that's why Ididn't scubscroob
>>387345 Interesting thing there is him talking about places outside/beyond Europe having abundance of things they considered precious/rare. Which is more or less the case. Proves the h'white and swarthy med man is superior to the races of plentiful natural resources.

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Brit/pol/ #3879: Fascism Will Triumph Edition Anonymous 07/15/2023 (Sat) 17:41:01 Id: 702daa No. 385865 [Reply] [Last]
Europe on fire: Tourists swelter in Italy as record temperatures soar towards 48C - the highest ever recorded in Europe - as people flee wildfires in the Canaries https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12302149/Tourists-swelter-Italy-record-temperatures-soar-48C-people-flee-wildfires-Spain.html >Tourists in Italy are sweltering as the temperatures soar to 48C, the highest ever recorded, while people in the Canaries flee from wildfires. >Italy is facing temperatures of historic highs this weekend with the health ministry issuing a red alert for 16 cities including Rome, Bologna and Florence. >The meteo centre warned Italians to prepare for 'the most intense heatwave of the summer and also one of the most intense of all time'. Just Stop Oil protesters interrupt the Proms https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66207576 >Two protesters from environmental campaign group Just Stop Oil have interrupted the First Night of the Proms at London's Royal Albert Hall. >The duo mounted the stage and briefly unfurled an orange banner on Friday. >They were met with boos and jeers from some members of the audience at the BBC's classical music festival, before being led away by security staff. Russia's air force 'remains largely intact,' but more jets won't fix all its problems in Ukraine, NATO commanders say

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Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:19:19.
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>>386604 To be fair there were a lot of black president films weren't there smh
>>386605 Must be the only way to tame a gang of hyper niglets. It's still strange to me that Norge is importing africans given that there's no real argument for there admittance there.
>>386580 If we begin to doubt them, then the sacred principles of liberal democracy - the most perfect system of government ever created - could give way This must never happen, so BBC employees must remain beyond criticism

Brit/pol/ #3878: Belated Boyne Edition Anonymous 07/13/2023 (Thu) 04:29:29 Id: f5cd1e No. 385166 [Reply] [Last]
Thousands take part in Twelfth parades across Northern Ireland https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/thousands-take-part-in-twelfth-parades-across-northern-ireland/a404178927.html >The Twelfth was celebrated in the usual colourful fashion on Wednesday, with scenes of dancing in the sun and singing in the rain playing out across 18 locations. >The controversy over the burning of an effigy of Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill at a bonfire in Dungannon was set aside for a few hours as tens of thousands of people turned out to mark one of the biggest days in the calendar. >The largest parade was in Belfast city centre, where the weather threw a little of everything at the spectators. Huw Edwards in hospital as he is named in BBC presenter row https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66180799 >Huw Edwards is in hospital with "serious mental health issues", his wife says, as she named him as the BBC presenter at the centre of allegations. >His wife Vicky Flind said she was issuing a statement on his behalf after days of speculation "primarily out of concern for his mental well-being and to protect our children". >The Sun has claimed he paid a young person for sexually explicit images. Nato: Warm words but a diplomatic reality check for Ukraine

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Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:19:05.
703 posts and 404 images omitted.
dad just got his ancestry results back tbh literally like 50 percent ulster scots and 40 percent angloid with like 8 percent frogoid and then some random danish/norse shite between mummy and dad
>>386012 erm lad... this is the old thread

Brit/pol/ #3877: Seethe Edition Anonymous 07/10/2023 (Mon) 08:18:13 Id: 2b58e3 No. 384381 [Reply] [Last]
Police called to protests at four-star spa hotel after it was claimed it had 'sacked ALL its staff to make space for up to 241 asylum seekers'​ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12280471/Police-called-protest-hotel-sacked-staff-make-space-asylum-seekers.html Dorset: £377,000 council grant to provide asylum seekers 'English-speaking lessons' and 'activities'​ https://news.sky.com/story/dorset-377-000-council-grant-to-provide-asylum-seekers-english-speaking-lessons-and-activities-12916450 Minister refuses to back removal of murals for child arrivals - as 1,000 migrants arrive in two days https://news.sky.com/story/minister-refuses-to-back-removal-of-murals-for-child-arrivals-as-1-000-migrants-arrive-in-two-days-12917840 One in 10 Brits reveal they don't have single 'real' friend as their social lives are spent on social media and online gaming https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12280763/One-10-Brits-reveal-dont-single-real-friend.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:18:48.
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Makes me laugh how conservamongs still product place Black Rifle Coffee in the background of videos like it's some cool, edgy signal.
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Brit/pol/ #3876: Disguises Edition Anonymous 07/06/2023 (Thu) 16:12:58 Id: be0a2a No. 383630 [Reply] [Last]
Wagner chief is made toupee for challenging Putin! Humiliating images of Prigozhin 'wearing wigs and laughable disguises' are leaked after raid on his mansion...as Belarus dictator says he is back in Russia https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12271149/Humiliating-images-Prigozhin-wearing-wigs-leaked-raid-mansion.html >Vladimir Putin has humiliated Yevgeny Prigozhin after his failed uprising in Russia as state media leaked images that appeared to show the Wagner chief wearing a set of laughable disguises. >One disguise shows Prigozhin as an employee of the ministry of defence in Sudan, while in another he is disguised as an assistant diplomat from Abu Dhabi. >Others show him posing as various military figures from Libya and Syria, and the mercenary leader is seen making odd faces in several selfie shots that appeared on pro-Kremlin Telegram channels. Russian jets 'harassing' US aircraft over Syria - US Air Force https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-us-canada-66119404 >The US Air Force has released video footage that it says shows Russian jets "harassing" US drones over the skies of Syria. Wimbledon school crash: Girl, 8, dies after car hits building https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-66120958

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Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:18:33.
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>>384374 >confab >new bougie term You should probably stop dating 50 year old niggers or chinks tbh
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>>384349 >>woes worrying that people think he is lazy. this worrying counts as "work" he's busy

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Brit/pol/ #3875: 22st Was Right Edition Anonymous 07/03/2023 (Mon) 20:47:46 Id: 226ac0 No. 382891 [Reply] [Last]
France riots ease as mayors hold anti-violence rally https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66084677 >Riots in France appear to be calming, after five days of violent protests in response to the shooting of teenager Nahel M during a police traffic stop. >Sunday night saw violence subside and fewer arrests were made. >However, President Emmanuel Macron has asked the interior ministry to keep a "massive" police presence on the streets. Could Yevgeny Prigozhin’s ‘rebellion’ against Russia be just an illusion? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/03/could-yevgeny-prigozhin-rebellion-against-russia-be-just-an-illusion >Maybe China’s view that current divisions in Russia are an “illusion” is right (China downplays Wagner rebellion as Russia’s ‘internal affairs’, 26 July). Could we have just witnessed an incredible sleight of hand by the Russian president? What if Yevgeny Prigozhin’s coup was not intended for Russia, but Belarus? >Vladimir Putin has made no secret of his desire to reunify the old USSR. Former member Belarus shares long land borders with other former USSR states, specifically Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. And while Belarus has shown itself to be a reliable Russian ally, Alexander Lukashenko is weak and Belarusian people have shown a preference for closer ties to Europe rather than Russia. With this in mind, it would be no surprise if Putin views the country as unreliable. >However, even if Russia’s forces were not already fully engaged, the invasion of a staunch ally would be hard to justify. So maybe Putin decided that Belarus needed to be brought under Russian control from within. And what better way than to install someone with a private army of at least 25,000 battle-hardened troops, and complete loyalty, into Belarus, ready to take over the country on command? Bruce Jenner says Ron DeSantis has 'hit a new low' with 'homophobic' and 'transphobic' video attacking Trump's LGBTQ record that features pictures of him

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Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:18:17.
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full day of data entry next to bosslady on a zoom call about complying with the ministry of truth's directives and only preserving "appropriate and benign history that will be of interest within 100 years" (which may explain the over-focus on black history and furrin troops)

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Brit/pol/ #3874: Furious French Fires edition Anonymous 07/02/2023 (Sun) 00:30:34 Id: 5c6721 No. 382180 [Reply] [Last]
No links only fire
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:17:58.
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>>382889 She’s too white for you Norgger

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>Nøstradamus opens an is cream store in Trollheim after coming up with a cunning plan to have himself kidnapped by a muslim 16 year old but comes unstuck when she sends her little brother to fetch her ice cream instead

Brit/pol/ #3873: TWD edition Anonymous 06/30/2023 (Fri) 16:25:28 Id: 2b0c75 No. 381412 [Reply] [Last]
no time for links only seethe
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:16:42.
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>>382173 ah american style riot control technique, attack the whitoids defending their communities

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Brit/pol/ #3872: Sir Nigel Gresley Edition Anonymous 06/28/2023 (Wed) 15:38:45 Id: f2a000 No. 380541 [Reply] [Last]
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:16:27.
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>>381160 reminds me of that /tv/ mod on 8chan that 'pretended to poke himself in the eye with a knife' but actually did it accidentally
KIWIFARMS BACK UP ON CLEARNET https://sneed.today/

Brit/pol/ #3871: Failed Sedition Edition Anonymous 06/25/2023 (Sun) 08:27:45 Id: a96b9d No. 379726 [Reply] [Last]
Wagner chief's 24 hours of chaos in Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66006880 >For one long June night and a day, Russia's notorious mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin staged an apparent insurrection, sending an armoured convoy towards Moscow and raising questions about Vladimir Putin's grip on power. >The Russian president even accused his former ally of treason, embarking on an armed rebellion and "a stab in the back of our country". >Prigozhin was adamant this was "a march for justice", not a coup. Whatever it was, it came to an end very fast. Labour poll lead climbs to 25 points as Rishi Sunak is warned that mortgage mayhem will 'dwarf' energy bills crisis – but tries to shift focus to NHS revival plan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12231247/Rishi-Sunak-warned-mortgage-mayhem-dwarf-energy-bills-crisis.html >Rishi Sunak has been warned that mortgage mayhem will 'dwarf' the energy bills crisis - with Labour's poll lead already soaring. >The PM is scrambling for ways of shifting the focus from the massive hit Brits are suffering from spiking interest rates. He will unveil an NHS revival plan later this week. >But Tories are warning that the pain being heaped on homeowners will dominate the run-in to the general election next year. Analysis suggests that voters in London and the South East who took typical mortgages in 2020-21 will be at least £5,000 worse off. Make mine a Cinnamon Roll Man! How brooding alpha male is being replaced by 'sweeter, kinder' heartthrobs such as Harry Styles, Timothee Chalamet and Paul Mescal

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Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:16:12.
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>>380498 Quite getting to like this Pearl tbh.
>>380515 smh sad. i remember seething like no other reading an old wignat article about organ and human trafficking in moldova and how wealthy arabs worked with the turkish mafia to exploit the most destitute of the europeans.

Brit/pol/ #3870: Implosions Edition Anonymous 06/22/2023 (Thu) 19:18:41 Id: 0d4947 No. 379022 [Reply] [Last]
'We believe they have all been lost': Coast Guard and OceanGate Expeditions confirm deaths of five crew on board missing submersible Titan after debris was found 500meters from bow of Titanic https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12223805/Debris-field-discovered-search-area-near-Titanic.html >The US Coast Guard and OceanGate Expeditions have confirmed the deaths of the five men on the missing Titan submersible, parts of which were discovered today on the ocean floor, 500 meters from the bow of the famous ship they died trying to see. >Officials have not yet indicated whether they believe the sub ever made it to the Titanic - which the men paid $250,000 to do - or if they died before they ever got to lay eyes on it. >'On behalf of the Coast Guard and the entire unified command, I offer my deepest condolences to the families.' Interest rates: Bank of England boss denies wanting recession as rates rise https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-65982981 >The boss of Bank of England has denied trying to create an economic slump after it put up interest rates by more than expected to slow soaring prices. >The Bank raised rates to 5% from 4.5%, the highest level for 15 years. Many analysts had expected a smaller rise. >It will lead to higher repayments for people with loans and many mortgage holders, but it should benefit savers. Hospital stabbings: Two victims were attacked with axe

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Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:15:56.
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>>379711 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSu7qufN6jg&ab_channel=HistoryatTheOKCorral Always remember your anglo fathers were the better men, man to man

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>reads chapter 5 art of war

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Brit/pol/ #3869: A Man Denied His Groomee Edition Anonymous 06/19/2023 (Mon) 15:35:42 Id: fde9c5 No. 378213 [Reply] [Last]
Titanic tourist submersible goes missing with search under way https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65953872 Man pleads guilty over 'abhorrent' Hillsborough shirt at FA Cup final https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-65951045 At a glance: Constitution plan for an independent Scotland https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-65951500
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:15:39.
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https://youtu.be/aDVEpap4fNU *drives across full bloom summer fields with high clouds and perfect sunlight and everything is green in all directions on way home from honest days work in small 99 percent white village working next to the catholic church and presbyterian steeples reaching up into the blue sky* yeah its good to be alive lads

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