/ss/ - Straight Shota

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/ss/ Meta Thread NotADemon Board owner 04/24/2021 (Sat) 05:07:47 No. 2
Welcome to /ss/! This board is dedicated to sharing and discussing straight shotacon hentai! This thread is for meta discussion of the /ss/ board, its rules and its moderation. Feel free to post any potential banners in this thread. Max size 1MB, Resolution 300px by 100px. Resources /sm/ thread with list of sites and platforms, with most also having straight shota content: >>>/sm/4523 Directory of straight shota doujin artists: https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/top-straight-shota-artists/
Edited last time by NotADemon on 06/08/2022 (Wed) 18:17:14.
>namefagging and using capcode while dumping porn What the fuck is it with porn BO's and doing this shit?
>>18 Apologies, I had just forgotten to logout/clear the name field before posting those dump threads. You're right, no reason to namefag unless it's relevant, I'll be more careful about that in the future
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>>2 Thanks for making the board friend, appreciate it heres a quick shitty one to help a bit. If I was better I'd make an animated one of the top half then transitions into the bottom half but maybe somebody else can!
(162.23 KB 600x200 3_Z.gif)

>>65 Realized 300x100 is way too small, so I've upped it to 600x200. Also, great idea for a banner, put together a gif like you asked, looks great :)
>>81 Dope! When I was cropping it I was thinking 300x100 was real small so that helps. I'll try to come up with other ideas since that one came out great!
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Whipped up and added a few more banners; I may was well post the rest of them that I haven't posted in this thread >>112 Added, thanks for the contribution :)
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>>113 The rest
Give me the original images of these banners to see if I can make good 300x100 banners. By the way, BO, if you want to display the banners at their original resolution instead of being resized you can add #bannerImage {height: unset !important} to the board's custom CSS.
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(1.31 MB 1778x921 1_Base.png)

(1.65 MB 1280x1100 3_Base.png)

>>115 >Give me the original images of these banners Have at it >if you want to display the banners at their original resolution instead of being resized you can add #bannerImage {height: unset !important} Thanks Note that 3_Base is the one that was made into a gif
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>>115 And the rest
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>>115 Actual full image, didn't realize the one I had saved was cropped
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>>116 >>117 >>118 Alright, here are the banners.
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>>121 >>122 Goddamn, these are all great! Actual outlined and colored text that fits into the image, better framing as well, just great; Way better than my mspaint versions lol. Only one I have any qualms with is kingopt.gif, I feel like the panning up isn't quite as good as the sharp cut to the other frame of the fingering, as shown in >>81; again, I apologize for not giving the full uncropped image in my first reply. I'll get to setting these up, thank you very much for all your effort :)
Edited last time by NotADemon on 04/28/2021 (Wed) 03:06:38.
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>>123 >Only one I have any qualms with is kingopt.gif, I feel like the panning up isn't quite as good as the sharp cut to the other frame of the fingering, as shown in >>81 In that case here's a modified version of you original "king" banner that includes a smoother transition between the two panels and makes them visible for the same amount of time (4s). Here's also an improved version of my original approach (reduced the image's size so the hand of the boy could be visible just like in your banner).>>123
>>124 That one's great! :) Added it just now Again, can't thank you enough for all your effort in making these
EPI content is no longer allowed; an EPI request thread was made a few days ago with content that could be interpreted in a court of law as content that is intended to be viewed by, or distributed to real minors. I'm certain that plenty of people consume that sort of content without any such intent but again, I'm not willing to take any risk like that. >no discussion of pedophilia, legality of child pornography, or age of consent. This rule is copied practically verbatim from the >>>/sm/ rules, and exists only to prevent thread from being derailed by either proclamations of the content in the thread/board being pedophilic, or by promotion/discussion of real world pedophilia. >Mods are hiding groomcord conspiracies! The people need to know! This reply was in response to the deletion of two messages that were conversing about real world pedophilia/grooming in the replies of the aformentioned EPI thread. I am strictly against real child grooming, and wil not allow any promotion or discussion of it on the board; One of the reasons for the new no EPI rule. Please let me know if you dislike any of the new rules, believe I'm wrong about something, want to call me a slur, etc. Just keep it inside the meta thread please. >OBSOLETED, SEE >>146 For starters 3DCG/SFM is no longer allowed, only 2D content is allowed. As of now this affects almost none of the content on the board, and may not be permanent. Any 3DCG content may put the board in jeopardy considering the "borderline material" clause in the global rules.
Edited last time by NotADemon on 05/26/2021 (Wed) 13:59:05.
>>129 >This reply was in response to the deletion of two messages that were conversing about real world pedophilia/grooming in the replies of the aformentioned EPI thread. I was just busting your balls. Though I did find the OP of that thread rather creepily specific, so I took the opportunity to mock his creepy topic in association with him talking about using groomcord.
>>129 >EPI content is no longer allowed What's that?
>>131 I should've elaborated on it a bit more in that reply, it's described in https://8chan.moe/ss/rules.html "Early Porn Introduction" i.e. straight shota imagery with captions/text/audio implying the content is intended to be viewed by minors, or distributed to minors. Does not include POV content from a fictional minors perspective.
>>132 thank god that shit was weird
>>129 There is absolutely nothing in that global rule clause that even IMPLIES it's talking about 3D content. In fact, the part that talks about "jailbait" would seem to indicate it means actual photos of actual children that are borderline on either age or content (aka: photos of children that could be interpreted as lewd or exploitative even if not obviously pornographic). Where did everyone jumping on the bandwagon of being wary of 3D art even come from? Anything official more than guesswork...? Aside from this, it seems every porn board has a different opinion on what level of "3D" CGI content is allowed. It's really dumb that anything other than "oh shit, I can't tell if this is actually a real photo of a real child" is disallowed. Even the divide between "2D" and "3D" is a vague one because literally all artwork is 2D pixels at the end of the day, so it doesn't make a difference whether it was made with blender or made with MS Paint. You're looking at a 2D computer screen, not a Star Trek holodeck - there IS NO ACTUAL 3D! Something being a CGI model is no reliable indicator of "realism", either. I've seen plenty of painted images that are stunningly realistic (and real paint on real canvas from the impressionist period, too), and as well seen tons of 3D models that looks like rubber dolls with neon hair. Granted, there are also problems with allowing someone authority to police content on a case-by-case basis, but surely it's better than blanket-banning a particular type of content for no reason.
>>139 >Where did everyone jumping on the bandwagon of being wary of 3D art even come from? Anything official more than guesswork...? 3DCG art is not only almost always complete fucking garbage, but it seems to consistently get latched onto by degenerate pedophiles. 3DCG could be banned just based on how fucking dogshit 99% of the content actually is. I would say 3DCG has enough creepy association with pedophiles by now that coupling that with the terrible quality is grounds to just avoid the content all together. Like with other retarded fetishes it seems pedophiles eat up 3DCG garbage simply because it veers closer to reality than good art that is more separated from reality. The enjoyment of the content is seemingly entirely based on pushing the 2D/3D barrier, rather than in the quality of the content itself. And that is when enabling those kinds of degenerates starts to become problematic and you get pedophiles openly talking about how much they want to molest children thinking they're in good company. >Granted, there are also problems with allowing someone authority to police content on a case-by-case basis, but surely it's better than blanket-banning a particular type of content for no reason. Curating content is a lot of work, and BO's do it for free. I think segregation of 3DCG from other boards is good. Someone should make a dedicated 3DCG board to contain the content. I suspect it would rapidly fill with detestable creatures trying to seek the thrill of pushing that 2D/3D barrier as far as they can take it.
>NO 3DCG/SFM Porn allowed yeah fuck this board and fuck you
800 3d loli images and no problems https://8chan.moe/delicious/res/184.html#footer
>>142 The existence of 800 3DPD images is a problem.
>>>/sm/ allows 3DCG, straight porn included, just saying. You could try making a 3DCG thread there and see how does it go. >>132 First time I hear that term, to be honest.
>>139 >>141 >>142 >>144 3DCG/SFM content is now allowed again, 3D rule has been reverted to match the >>>/sm/ 3D rule. The old ruling was excessive and unwarranted. >>140 >it seems to consistently get latched onto by degenerate pedophiles. This puts precisely into words why I originally banned 3D content; It can attract bad apples who may break rule 2. Banning 3D content entirely was excessive and overreaching, And I can always just enforce rule 2 to get rid of "pedophiles openly talking about how much they want to molest children" Notes: >Thread creators can explicitly say "No 3D" and I'll remove any 3D content posted in that thread >Possibility of in the future ruling that 3D content needs to be spoilered, thoughts?
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>>>/site/2332 >/ss/ changes the rule every day I've been called out lol In all honesty, sorry for the frequent rule changes; I'll try to be less autistic about it in the future. Unrelated, any thoughts on a dedicated 'request' thread?
>>150 I don't care, the board is new and its better to figure this shit out before it gets more people using it and it depends, requests for what? Just sources for pictures or you mean drawthreads or something else
>>188 Board's 3D rule changed, for the last time, I promise. Change was based on a recent post on /site/ by global mod Codexx regarding how global mods deal with 3D shota/loli content. >>>/site/2341 Relevant quotes: > If it looks realistic such that it looks real at first glance then it can't stay and US law treats that are identical to child porn. >If it depicts a real child in a 3D medium, it's my understanding that this is also illegal. >At the end of the day, none of us want to study CP to determine if it's a 3D render or not. Again, I intend for this to be the final change to the boards 3D rule. Since it's based on global moderation it should be all good.
Noticed some other boards linked to /ss/ in their 'board message', figured I should respond in kind & add links to those boards in this boards 'board message'. Also did some minor re-wording of rules, nothing really changed other than replacement of "images" with "media/content".
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Question for anons, do you think futanari should be required to be spoilered? Should it be allowed in threads that don't specify if they want futa in the thread? Switched default board CSS to 'Tomorrow' since it seemed easier on the eyes, if you have any thoughts about that change let me know. Also added 1 new banner, this time not made in MSPaint.
>>290 Don’t think any of the threads should be spoilered. Nothing hidden, maybe only extreme fetishes. For what is allowed where is something that’ll be an issue later when more people arrive. Best to keep the main themes in their own threads
>>189 That sounds good enough. There's nothing wrong with 3D being 3D, but there's a difference between 3D anime or an H-Game and dime a dozen "MAP pride" daz renders.
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Custom spoiler test
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Added 2 new banners
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It's a bit wide, but conceptually feels like an /ss/ banner
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>>395 Good idea, but unfortunately the text is a bit too dense to read at the current 300x100. For those interested, the full doujin is https://nhentai.net/g/149942/
>>290 Currently there's a futa thread. I think that outside of that specific thread, that any futa, especially futa ON shota should be spoilered, if not disallowed. I'm okay with shota on futa, but I feel like futa in general, as well as futa on male content, doubly so for western content, puts the shota too much on the sidelines.
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>>434 >>459 My main reason for not banning certain subjectively sub-par/borderline-'straight' content is that the board is already small to begin with; I don't want to be in a position where I've disallowed a majority of what would be posted day to day and shoot myself in the foot when it comes to the boards growth. If I banned everything on the board that I or anons didn't like there'd be nothing left. I'm open to having my mind changed but I also want to avoid making major rule changes all the time like I used to. My recommendation is to ignore content you don't like and contribute content you do like. >Some other stuff: Reworded/condensed the rules and hopefully made them more readable. Added 'guidelines' to the notice board and some resources to the general thread. Updated the text in one of the banners that still had the default MSPaint font.
>>113 What's the source on the second image? >>460 What exactly would be disallowed if the board's size was more to your liking, and you had a certainty that nobody would take issue with what you banned? Personally speaking I'd allow content that happens to come from westerners or any anons here producing OC, but not "western" content, if you get my drift. Anything from weebs would generally stick around while shit inspired by Simpsons or Pixar would go in the trash. I've already expressed that futa should be limited to shota on futa.
>>464 >What's the source on the second image? https://nhentai.net/g/291486/ >What exactly would be disallowed if the board's size was more to your liking, and you had a certainty that nobody would take issue with what you banned? If the board was unachievably huge, like /v/ sized, I might consider banning western art or futa, or more likely relegating them to their own threads; doubtful that'd ever happen though. Plus, some people do like those things and want to contribute with them, and I think the board is better off having more people posting content rather than less. The most important thing to remember is thread creators can specify "No futa" or "No western art" and I'll remove those things from that thread. Also, ignoring content you don't like and contributing content you do will always help out a ton.
>>465 Right now I feel like it might be better to nip it in the bud and just disallow content that's excessively western. A board that gets bigger with shitty western content allowed will just see more controversy when said shitty content gets removed. The only thing is that I think it's unfair to ban content solely because the artist isn't a native Japanese. I think western content should be allowed, but only either original content from active anons here, or content avoiding art styles that don't lend at all towards sex appeal(Calarts, sitcom cartoons, character models from western games, etc.) I am biased though because I'm a westerner producing content to some capacity, and are friends with other western artists. In short, artwork that feels more like an /a/ user made it should be fine, less so a /co/-Tumblr artist.
>>471 shut up weeb
>>477 Go fap to show-accurate Big Mouth porn somewhere else.
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Added 2 new banners
Is there any way we can contact the owner or any of the board vols besides this thread?
>>531 Not really. This thread is the best way to 'contact' me if you need to. I technically have an email attached to my account but I practically never check it, I just used it for account verification. Whereas, I briefly check the board a couple times a day at least and so see the meta thread often. Unless there's something that has to be spoken about privately to just me, the meta thread works fine. As of now there's no vols, and really no need for any either considering how small the board is.
I feel like rule 1 needs to include LARPposting and "MAP" shit. It's already been deleted before I could make this post, but in the general thread there was a post that was all "pedophile underage taboo prepubescent" without at least being in any context related to /ss/ itself. I don't know how much more obvious it could be made that this board is for people who're into fictional content, not people who use fictional content as a "legal compromise".
>>544 >I feel like rule 1 needs to include LARPposting and "MAP" shit. Discussion of MAPs has been added to rule 1. The post you're referring to broke the 'Discussion of real world pedophilia' part of rule 1, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by LARPposting that wouldn't already be covered under that rule.
Edited last time by NotADemon on 07/03/2021 (Sat) 17:14:48.
>>547 I mentioned LARPposting just to cover more ground, even if it comes off as redundant. There could be some instances however of people who try to be all on the nose about it. I also recommend filtering links to any AllTheFallen pages. While it's got content like game mods and so on that are difficult to find elsewhere, it's a site that has a significant enough MAP presence to warn you about. Coincidentally, they have little interest straight shotacon in general, and most of the content they're interested in would consistently break rules 2 and 3.>>547
>>561 > There could be some instances however of people who try to be all on the nose about it Posts that try to weasel around or circumvent the rules, especially rules 1/2/4, will be considered rule breaking regardless. Also, LARPposting seems a bit too ambiguous and open-ended in its meaning. The relevant interpretations of it seem to me to already be covered by rules 1 and 4. >I also recommend filtering links to any AllTheFallen pages >it's a site that has a significant enough MAP presence to warn you about. Coincidentally, they have little interest straight shotacon in general, and most of the content they're interested in would consistently break rules 2 and 3 There's enough potential for non-rule breaking links to that site such as mods or straight shota posts on their booru, that I don't want to blanket ban the site from being linked to. I hugely prefer to check post by post for rule breaking, instead of potentially throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
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Added 1 new banner, and changed the fonts of a couple others to look nicer.
I'm a dirty phoneposter and it's a bit hard for me to differentiate between a post's bottom border and the line for a new thread because of their similar colors, so sometimes I get caught offguard when I scroll past a thread to another. I think there's not enough contrast between a post and the board's background, even if you're emulating Tomorrow. Thoughts? Also, sauce for the "I came..." banner? The single panel didn't help much.
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>>626 If I look at the board on my phones web browser, the dropdown menu for changing the theme is in right at the top of the page. Unsure if that's the same for everyone, but that's been my assumption that anyone who doesn't like the Tomorrow theme could change it to something they prefer. Do you not have this dropdown menu? >sauce for the "I came..." banner? https://nhentai.net/g/288767/
>>627 Huh, I guess that exists. I like Tomorrow though, and was just wondering if the board's default theme can just alter it a little like how /sm/ is spiced up Yotsuba P. Thanks for the sauce!
>>2 Are drawthreads allowed?
>>670 Yes, no rule against them. Feel free to create one. Just don't make multiple duplicate threads, or request drawings of real minors.
Added "No discussion of real minor's sexual development/puberty" to Rule 1. Feel free to share your thoughts on the rule change.
>>735 I was the guy on the other thread who mentioned pedo scientists, I was just joking but ok, I'll bear that in mind the next time.
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>>770 Thanks for the contribution For the first banner, unfortunately the text is just too much to be readable at the current 300x100, common problem I come across when trying to make banners; Dense text just rarely works. For the other, I'd love if you could share the source image here so I could possibly improve the /ss/ text a bit. Added 1 new banner as well.
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Here you go. And for anyone who's curious the books name is "Mama x Pako" (ママ×パコ) by "Agata" (アガタ)
(51.20 KB 300x100 NursingHandjob.png)

>>772 Added, thanks again for your contribution :)
>>459 There are some hidden gems by western artists. But most of them mix ss with NTR. I hide 90% of western art on exhentai.
Is there a reason I can't bookmark this board? Every time I do it's always 404. I don't have this issue with other boards. Is this a thing?
>>912 Global mods make all boards with "questionable" content 404 if directly accessed. The only way to access these boards is directly through 8chan.moe itself(Board list, top bar, front page). Anything like search engines, typing in the URL into your browser, or using a bookmark will 404. Examples of these boards include: >>>/b/ >>>/delicious/ >>>/hebe/ >>>/sm/ >>>/ss/ >>>/loli/ >>>/trapshota/ >>>/tot/ IIRC it's intended to stop mass reporting? I was aware that it'd eventually happen to this board when I made it. I really don't care very much, people who care enough about visiting the board will get around the 404. Outside of this, global mods haven't interfered with the board or its moderation at all, which I'm very grateful for.
Anything younger than a teen/almost teen should be b&. I'm trying to self-insert as my old self not look at a literal baby At least the toddler shitters should be, they have their own board
if you want teen/almost teen content, you can look to mainstream hentai for that, or just mainstream anime, it's all over the place. /ss/ should be restricted to prepubertal boys with female partners. I can agree with you on the toddler and baby content, /tot/ exists for a reason, but I think tween and teen boys do not belong on this board. The age of the boys should be kept to within the range of ages 4 to 9 for any content to be able to qualify as being /ss/ content. It's you whose preferred content should be kicked, also small dicks are superior, because if you come to look at little boys getting fucked by oneesans, you expect them to have the dicks tat would be realistically expected of a little boy, which is one that is shorter and thinner than that of a tween or teen or adult, even if the tween/teen/adult has a micropeen.
Look up the wikipedia post about human dick sizes before the age of 10 for the average size that should be expected of a boy that age. Also, the small dicks make it hotter, not less hot, in /ss/ communities, it's basically the equivalent of the lolicunny and the dfc among lolicons.
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>>938 >>942 >>943 All three of you are faggots. Age and size difference are the only things that matter.
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>>958 >All three of you are faggots. Age and size difference are the only things that matter. I half-agree. The age and size difference are the most important things about /ss/, but there's way too many people within the fanbase who like shota only in a tangential manner, AKA the hung/hyperfags, buff shotacons, the "pedowhores" and the NTRfags. That means that it's not just age and size difference, but also how much you deviate or take focus from the "Boy with an older girl" concept.
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Links to Rules and "related boards" at top of page are to 8chan.moe and lead to 404 (Accessing via Tor site http://4usoivrpy52lmc4mgn2h34cmfiltslesthr56yttv2pxudd3dapqciyd.onion/ss )
>>964 Thanks for letting me know. I've changed the full 8chan.moe URLs to just the paths and it seems to work now, at least with redchannit. Let me know if it doesn't work on the .onion site.
Currently the board message isn't working properly, the markdown isn't allowing only using paths like [sm](/sm), instead requiring full links. This shrinks how much can be fit into it and doesn't work with .onion or redchannit. I'll change it back to just paths once it's fixed but for now I've cut out the fallbacks and redchannit links. See https://8chan.moe/site/res/1651.html#4422
(2.60 MB 3000x4244 71984040_p0.jpg)

>>1094 The board message works again.
>>1268 Thanks for letting me know, I've changed the links back to just paths so it should work from redchannit or the .onion domain again.
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>>1281 I made my own versions of the banner.
>>1434 I've restored it, apologies. Originally deleted it for breaking the 'no excessive rudeness' rule without much thought but it really didn't warrant that. Also, that specific rule is incredibly vague/interpretable and overreaching, so I'll likely change it to something more specific like 'no repeated directed harassment'.
(1.81 MB 1132x1169 b1084211d2fec6d.png)

This place should have a wallpaper/theme similar to how the shota board does. Keep it dark and safe. It could help liven this place up.
I've trimmed the rules to remove ambiguous, overreaching or useless parts, and from now on I'll try to be more consistent and light in my moderation. The rules are also a lot more readable now too. Be sure to let me know in this thread about any complaints, ideas, changes etc. anyone has regarding the board.
Hello, is the BO here? I´m from /av/ and /funkg/, we want to see if our boards can be afiliated too =)
>>1834 If by "affiliated" you mean linked to in the board message at the top of the page, then no, sorry. The boards linked there are other boards that both link back to /ss/ in their own board message, as well as being centered around pornographic art- More specifically, the kind that gets global mods to disable direct access to the board, thus the links to mutually help with accessibility, even if the overlap in tastes may be small. /av/ and /funkg/ seem like perfectly fine boards, but they don't really have much to do with /ss/. I can't think of anything else you might mean by affiliated, so if I assumed wrong please let me know.
>>1835 No, you are right thats exactly what i mean. Really sad, since the boards also allows /ss/ and /delicious/ content thats why we wanted to do it, well is fine. Thanks for answering
>>1836 Also, so this board and those too are shadowbanned?
>>1837 No shadowbanned exactly, see >>914 TLDR global mods made it so if you type 8chan.moe/ss in your search bar you'll 404, to prevent search engines blocking the site as well as prevent mass reporting iirc. You instead have to navigate to /ss/ from other 8chan.moe pages, the same is true for other similar boards.
>>1838 Ah I see. So is more like "secret boards" and such. Well thanks for explaining this to me. Still, I can put /ss/ in our board message?
>>1836 >>1843 >I can put /ss/ in out board message? >the boards also allows /ss/ and /delicious/ content I can't stop you, but it won't be reciprocated, again because the /ss/ board message links are for boards that are centered around that sort of pornographic content- For example, /b/ also allows /ss/ and similar content, but it's not focused on that and so isn't listed in the board message. Also, /clop/ lists /ss/ in its board message, but isn't reciprocated because it's so far removed from overlapping interests. Whereas, all the boards currently linked to either have significant straight shota content on them outright or would easily allow straight shota/sholicon since it's what their boards are based around, as well as being 404-blocked by global mods. Since /av/ and /funkg/: >Don't have direct access disabled by global mods >Aren't explicitly focused around some form of pornographic shota/loli art I don't see a reason to link to them in the /ss/ board message, sorry.
>>1844 Ahh is ok, dw i understand why the boards cant be on the top here, but still is good to be "allies" in some way. Thanks for your reply and hope the best for ur board.
>>1834 This is such a retarded idea that Im not even surprised a funkfag thought of it.
Happy birthday 8moe! Wanted to update anons on a few things: Global mods removed the direct access block, so now you can just go straight to 8chan.moe/ss instead of having to navigate to it from another 8moe page. Also, the board can now be archived via archive.8chan.moe. I've clamped down moderation very slightly tighter on flooding and spamming. Several long, repetitive, copy-pasted and/or re-posted posts have been removed. Full copy-pasted articles about penis length, and unfiltered multi-paragraph ramblings about the age and penis length logistics of conceptual straight shota stories or games, are as of now considered to be in violation of the rules against flooding and spamming. Apologies for the past inconsistent moderation in regards to this, but as of now it's done.
Edited last time by NotADemon on 10/25/2022 (Tue) 07:49:24.
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Pixiv may be removing all art soon with: shotacon, incest, rape, lolicon, bestiality https://www.pixiv.net/info.php?id=8788 If you see an obscure artist's gallery with this material not backed up on exhentai, upload as soon as you can. Carefully search their pixiv ID number and nickname on exhentai to find out if they're on there. They're currently claiming it's just for transactions and paywall stuff but I wouldn't put it past them to cave further to the credit card companies (they have all the leverage) and ban it entirely.
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Does anyone have the sauce for the banner image?
>>2330 Thank you very much for the sauce, anon!
>>2027 scared the christ outta me back then, happy to see it didn't go through really
Added 2 new banners Sources: nhentai.net/g/442407 nhentai.net/g/452932 As always, please feel free to share banner ideas or improvements in this thread. The font used in these is "rampung".
>>4087 Great selections. How about these? Sources: (Nakano Sora) Haha Ana [Agata] Boku no Otona Shokugyou Taiken
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>>4092 I'm too lazy to crop but panels for Fuji Ayano and Fuji Hiroyuki in the first image could be good too. Sources: [Agata] Boku no Otona Shokugyou Taiken [Agata] Musuko Jiman Mom's Pride [Agata] Shiori Sensei wa Ochinchin no Sodateya-san - Shiori-Sensei, The Nurturing Nurse Collection
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>>4103 That first one was really good.
Added 4 new banners, let me know if they look alright. >>4092 >>4093 The tight 300px:100px limit makes these hard to make into good banners, I did futz around with each image for a bit but none of them worked very well. Don't worry about it though, most images I try get scrapped because they either don't fit, don't look good, or aren't legible. I don't really want to change the limit though, because when it was 600x200 they were way too big at the top of the page, at least imo, and I want to keep the resolutions and aspect ratio consistent between all the banners.
>>4387 Found the artist's pixiv but not the image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2634234/ Looks like he posted it only on twitter and his twitter got banned. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2668437
>>4388 Hold on. Looks like characters are from Oneshota Dish. It might be a promotional art. https://nhentai.net/g/488733/203/
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seriously ecoruby should be translated more often
I'm not sure if someone cares or if it fits here but Goddess-Fiona and YourFavoriteMommy sites were nuked, they produced some, ehem, shota fantasy content.
>>5152 you or anyone else happen to have a backup of their content?
>>5152 What are their urls?
Discord takw down the ylt sv?
Yup YLT got nuked
>>5331 any other dsicord or tele server?
The 3D thread and some others have gotten so large they lag when opened on some devices. A bump limit of 200 has been added, threads that reach this will also be locked (but not deleted) and new threads should be created, e.g. "3D /ss/ #2", with a link to the previous thread included in the desc. As always try to avoid reposting things that have already been posted, even in previous threads. Please let me know if the new 200 reply limit seems too high or low. It seemed sufficient as only a few top threads have reached this limit by this point. The 'Doujin Dump' thread is too large and full of out of order pages, arguably should be considered breaking the flooding rule. It should be replaced with a new thread with the same concept, but only 1 post and up to 5 images per doujin allowed instead of just dumping every page. Something like 'Doujin Sharing'/'Doujin Discussion'
Edited last time by NotADemon on 10/30/2024 (Wed) 06:14:06.
anyone got subject's server link? i think the last one expired
question didn't shotaworld banned SS? I rememeber hearing they were gonna do that but idk if they followed through on that promise
>>5736 Seems like they did
>>5736 Some time ago, sadly
>>2 Any ss literature with a young boy and an older woman (like 20+)?
>>5790 These threads: >>180 >>2047
Deleted a thread that had devolved into discussing abuse and trauma dumping, this is not intended to be hurtful but this board isn't the place for that. There are surely other places to discuss that sort of thing, please keep posts here lighter and on topic.
>>5802 wich one lol
>>5737 I've taken a brief look and their site policy allows /ss/, but only if it's with a loli. Any /ss/ with any non-loli female character is however disallowed. The reasoning being that /ss/ fans migrating 8muses kept breaking site rules and posting illegal content, and that as a site meant to cater towards gay shotacons primarily, they felt it was okay to just outright ban /ss/. Generally speaking, /ss/ is a strong outlier from general loli and gay shota. I'm surprised though that they didn't realize that their issue was really a bunch of Jeet-tier ESLs and pedos and instead associated the problem with the preference for adult women or big titties.
Someone has Eris13 content?
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since there's no dedicated source request thread, I'll try my luck here, years ago, i read a manga about a big sister and her little brother where for whatever reason, the sister made up a lie that she invented masturbation and the brother would have to pay her royalties for jerking off. not sure if she also taught him how to do it or why it ever came up. anyways, she also brags to a friend about her genius lie and the boy pretty much burns through his entire allowance like a little moron. never found it again, i know it was on exhentai. if anyone happens to remember it too and has an inkling to the source, I'd be really thankful. also, here's a picture of another sister taking advantage of her brother.
>>5152 most of their content got shared around on cambros tv and similar sites. its a cesspool of hoarders and traders though...
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A little late to be posting this but Aethy, the fedi instance, is shutting down soon. Any recommendations for alts that can connect to misskey and baraag are welcome. https://aethy.com/@News/113556676109175443
>>5904 they already rowed it back demanding more financial support to stay up, didnt they
R.I.P ATF, it was good while it lasted
ATF will be fine give it a week or two
Anyone have some vanilla doujins to recommend?
Deleted the second "What got you into SS?" thread because it was yet again a magnet for rule-breaking posts. I'm going to reiterate this again, do not post anything even remotely about real minors/abuse or you will be banned.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there a place I can download all of pepper0's art in one zip file?
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what's the rule on sharing session/matrix? would love to chat to some people on here
>>6196 Added, thanks. >>6204 Not familiar with those specifically, but it should be fine to share handles in the same way I've allowed discord server links. So long as you don't break any global or board rules, don't spam them, and keep your posts contained to relevant threads.

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