/ss/ - Straight Shota

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(8.66 KB 640x400 892SofN.png)

the bounty of lilith Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 07:33:59 No. 1430
Sorry this is the only image I have... where is the rest? I remember there were more like a book about how to treat shotas by the followers of the cult
>>1430 Attached is a .zip of lots of lilith cult themed straight shota caption images from ~2014-2016 that you're referring to. Found in an old 8ch.net /ss/ board thread made by the creator, who also apparently made a text-based game called 'Let's rape little boys'. The game seems to be lost to time along with some of their later caption images since they were only available on a now dead blogspot. From the thread: >This, by the way, is the Daughters of Lilith Omnibus. It's everything I've written so far, in the original 640x400, indexed, png format. I suggest you use a scaling viewer like ifranview, or comix, to read it. >Latest non-404 8ch.net thread archive, all the images are dead https://web.archive.org/web/20170407195149/http://8ch.net/ss/res/513.html >Backup download link to the omnibus, incase the attached file doesn't work http://www.mediafire.com/download/b69ce6c31ebskr7/DOLOmnibus09JUL2015.rar
what the fuck is this shit
I would love to know why my question "what the fuck is this shit?" was deleted.
thanks, this is what I was looking for

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