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/ss/.Literature Anonymous 05/06/2021 (Thu) 01:56:39 No. 180
Books, fanfics, scribbles of blood on the wall of a dungeon. Cartoons, anime, or IRL; If it has relations between an older woman and a younger man, I wanna know about it.
This one's good, well written for what it is. 3 chapters https://archiveofourown.org/works/29682963/chapters/72987804
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Someone on 4chan said that they wrote a Johanna/David (Hilda) fanfic with gentle femdom and I want it badly as it seems really hot. He says he posted it on 8ch but I think it's a version that's since defunct https://boards.fireden.net/co/thread/106755760/#q106775284
Hilda /ss/ dream smut part 1 https://pastebin.com/7NX1YWc2 Hilda /ss/ dream smut part 2 https://pastebin.com/dXGwgfU9
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Technically futa x shota but https://archiveofourown.org/works/30688568 I want to make an actual /ss/ work where Cai gets to fuck Raven End product will still be rushed but i want some good ideas in I was considering an "AU" where Kat, Raven and Cai were living in a 50's family sitcom universe and were a family With an episode being about Raven and Cai fucking while Kat was off to work >why not make Kat nonfuta instead Maybe later but i just thought her being futa was fun
This one is great >"My Cousin is a Cocksucking Demon" https://archiveofourown.org/works/27558274 And a couple more decent ones >"Mommy Cynthia" https://archiveofourown.org/works/27529045 >"The Pursuit of Pleasure" https://archiveofourown.org/works/22246846
>>182 I've been wanting to commission some sfw art for this, but I have literally no idea who I should ask. Anyone have some artist ideas? Pic related, it's a rough sketch I made for when Jeremy catches that firefly at the Convent.
>>424 Your linework's pretty good so far, especially if you're just doing this to create reference for artists to work with. Here's an artist who I've commissioned before and talk to. He's still kinda busy but he's open to do /ss/ commissions. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/8683330
I've been kinda considering writing short stories or snippets to go along with the stuff I'm making in Honey Select. I'm generally making stuff on the edge of my seat and whatever direction my boner wants, but I've made mental notes for a few things. >1. Cyberpunkish-setting taking place long after a post-apocalyptic war has ended >Only a few million people are living on the Earth for the time being, everyone living underneath a global government that holds total control over the populace. >Ever since the war ended, females have been born at only a fraction of the rate they previously have been, increasing their general value and making it easier for women to take administrative or celebrity positions in society. >In order to keep the male population happy, save energy and avoid rapid depopulation, the government hired an extremely large team of scientists to find a way to solve their problems, resulting in the invention of mass-produced sexbots powered by genital fluids, able to transfer their energy to other devices and give birth to more humans. >It is discovered that the fluids from younger males provide more energy and have a higher chance of producing female children, thus shotas are legally allowed to make use of these sexbots, until they eventually become the primary userbase for these robots. >Within a few generations, human society has developed a hypersexual culture built around "sex sells" and gradually reducing the amount of physical work humans need to output, gearing them towards maintaining the automated machines which preserve and expand society. >The majority of entertainment becomes glorified pornography for the sake of encouraging males to spend as much time as they can ejaculating into the nearest available robot, with there even being video games and streams centered around catering to boys as a sexual audience. >AI is becoming gradually more intelligent, though yet to achieve anything resembling sentience, so relationships remain generally one-sided with the robot women mostly serving to entertain and pamper their partners, though they are smart enough for people to emotionally invest into, especially shotas whose hobbies generally center around exploring the female figure. >As of the previous generation, approximately 46% of the human population has been able to spend their entire lives without needing to lift a finger for anything more difficult than the average desk job, with one fourth of youth having spent their entire childhoods doing noting but engaging in sexual activity after being groomed into the mainstream sexual culture, and nearly 80% of all males regularly engaging in sex being boys, as adults have gradually suffered from reduced sex drives due to being desensitized by a life of hedonism. There is also, a general reported feeling of emptiness or lack of purpose in life, but these feelings are often fleeting, and usually only occurring inbetween sex sessions.
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>>521 Forgot to post the image.
I'm looking for a good writer that would be interested in requests or commissions, as I have a lot of ideas, must be able to write about little realistic dicks. If you know someone, or where top find writer like that, I would be very thankful.
I decided to write a short story about Frisk and Toriel. Might write more if I feel like it. It was obvious she knew. For as little skin her robe revealed, they never concealed her figure, and you've been staring at her ever since you dropped into her home. Only her sweet and motherly face could take your eyes from her body, but she always ignored or wordlessly dismissed that kind of attention you've been giving her. It was only until you suggested leaving that she finally addressed you as someone besides as an innocent child in an unfamiliar world of dangerous monsters. She recognized you as a male, even if you have yet to bud. Standing between you and a heavy gate, Toriel began to reveal a hidden, imposing part of herself. Despite the difference in height, you could tell that her eyes lowered further, to stop meeting with your own and to acknowledge what you've been trying to keep secret from her. Your shorts hardly bulged forward, but Toriel noticed you getting stiffer and harder all over, and had no difficulty guessing where else your body would be affected. When you realized that she was looking at your pants, you immediately put both palms in front of yourself, as though you felt naked from her gaze. "So, I guess I know now how to get you to stay." Toriel's voice was still soft, but carried a much more assertive, even predatory tone. Both your and her breathing became difficult, like the air around you became thin. Her breasts lifted and lowered more strongly with each inhalation and exhalation, while your erection seemed to twitch with every heartbeat. "My child, I don't hate you or this part of you. In fact, I want you to stay with me, safe from the monsters out there that could hurt you." She took a step forward, and her approach had frozen you. Your legs flashed cold for a moment, then warm again, buckling slightly as if a great weight between them was introduced. "In truth, I was hoping this would phase out and we'd only need to discuss this when you get older." In a brief moment, after moving her hands back and releasing a few ties, Toriel's robes quickly draped from, then slid off her body, giving you the sight of a half-naked nude, voluptuous woman in pale white fur, her ankles covered by the long cloth she wore. Her bra and panties were of gray-white color, almost matching her fur and giving her a nude appearance. Her bra's cups were thick and struggled to prevent her massive breasts from bouncing, and the strings of her panties were tied into a knot at the side, thinner than even your fingers. "I'm not against being with someone young, however. Actually, I might even enjoy it more, Especially if you promise to me that you'll stay. My child, we can be more than just a mother and son if we turn back. I may be an old woman, but if you really like me this way, then we can do whatever you please at home. If, and only if, you want to come home." Your genitals felt like they were under attack from each syllable that came out of her mouth, with your member's skin stretching tighter and tighter from every soft note of Toriel's voice reaching your ears. The friction from your shorts was nearly enough to make you cum, and Toriel understood that she needed just a little more to sway you completely. She walked past you, holding a posture that accentuated her figure and made her features bounce harder. She moved slowly enough to make your eyes dance across the surface of her body, with the full intent of pleasuring your vision with each inch of her frame. It was only when she had completely passed you that you realized she had actually walked forward, and she whispered something powerful into your ear. "Meet me in your bedroom, my darling. We can start as soon as you arrive." You kept yourself entirely still, your expression unchanging until you stopped hearing Toriel's footsteps. The moment you felt you were alone, you tried to let loose a breath of relief, but instead pulled your shorts down, feeling a great natural instinct from your hips, and fired out several streaks of opaque semen, nearly falling forward as you flexed every part of your body which you could control, having been milked into an ejaculation by the sight of Toriel's curves and the sounds she graced your ears with. Even her footsteps which vaguely told you of her weight were equal to a tight stroke on your penis. You've liked girls before, you've seen photos of women in bikinis and got lucky enough to catch nipples slipping in the past. It'd be a lie to say that you've never masturbated before, but now it wouldn't make a difference whether you did, as you came like someone whose penis was never touched before. You continued to ejaculate, with the moments between each shot of sperm turning into seconds. You were rendered incapable of being satisfied form masturbation ever again, and you doubted that even human women could illicit a chub from you from here on. Without even touching you, Toriel had claimed and groomed you. If you were stronger, you'd wonder if the other monsters were like her and have used what little strength you had to push the gate open and escape, but you were a little boy who had only enough determination to stay awake despite the sudden awakening of your breeding instincts and the orgasm Toriel verbally delivered upon you. As soon as you stopped spraying cum over the floor, You turned around, mentally stuttered Toriel's name in your mind, and sprinted towards her house, leaving behind your shorts and a trail of dripped cum.
>>576 Fuck, that hit a lot of my marks. Great work! >>409 Mommy Cynthia is a good one, thanks!
>Mochizuki Momiji Discovers She Likes Cocks https://archiveofourown.org/works/30052176 Woman thighfucks a shota on a train, then carries him to the bathroom for more. >Muscles and Passion https://archiveofourown.org/works/31026809 Relatively softcore, wrestling between Rainbow Mika and a shota, followed by Mika masturbating in the shower.
The future where 8/pol/ conquers the world. Nationalist Capitalism at the ridiculous extreme. Night-Watchman State Minarchism, but the Non-Aggression Principle only considers Live White Gentile Male Humans, all other have the same legal status as non-sentient and inanimate objects, having no protections nor responsibilities under the law, except in the capacity of Living White Male Gentile Humans who have ownership of them. In this society lives a blonde haired and blue eyed six year old boy whose father (to whom he has a strong resemblance) has just died, he inherits his entire family as his slaves due to him being the sole remaining male, he inherits ownership of his 1, 2, and 4 year old younger sisters, his twin sister, his older sisters, aged 9, 12, 16, and 20 years old, his 25 year old mother, and his father's harem, who are 30, 36, 42, 49, and 56 years of age. A large selection of golden haired and sapphire-eyed lolis and milfs, every single one of them related to him by blood as they are his mother, sisters, aunts, cousins, and so on, as his father took a harem of sisters, and thus all his sisters were born of his father and either his mother or her full-blooded sisters. They were having sex with him since before he could remember, but now they are more eager to please him (or, more accurately, to please themselves using him) than ever before. In addition to being the center of his horny harem of female family members that he owns as his slaves, he also has to deal with an equally randy collection of all-female household servant-slaves who'd come from around the world, and are also ravenous for their new master's undeveloped little shota dick. Boy's getting raped on a daily basis as he has to run his father's family empire (I assume that I don't have to mention that the family he comes from is particularly wealthy and powerful).
>>622 Alternative story, far more broad: There's a six year old boy, he lives surrounded by women and girls of the ages listed, most, if not all of them are his family members (in every way), they've been having sex with him since he was born and never stopped (nor do they have any intention of stopping), this story just follows his life where sex with the members of his all-female family is just a normal part of their familial activities together, and is treated very casually and as something that's just been expected from him. There are also a lot of other girls and women of all ages outside his family who have sex with him. It's treated as no big deal, nothing wrong with it, and I'm talking not even to the point needing to hide it away from anyone else, they frequently do things with him in public, and consider it as a normal part of their relations to him. The boy's dick is not just average for a boy his age, but actually a lot smaller, just above the point where it would qualify as a micropenis, however, his father was the same way, and as he grew up, his penis went way into the opposite end of the spectrum, lying just below the point where it would qualify as a macropenis, and the same is expected of this kid. However, in a twist, all the females of this setting actually prefer them on the smaller end of the scale over the larger sizes, smaller is better according to their preferences, and so they want to take advantage of this boy before puberty ruins him for them.
>>386 https://archiveofourown.org/works/33275248 Instead, i made more futa x shota
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>>180 Made this for an anon on /b/, but I thought it might also be enjoyed here.
>>960 This is really gay
>>960 So close, yet so far
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>>962 >>965 I'm open to suggestions. (the anon on /b/ wanted some bisexuality along with some trap training hence the "boyfriend") another anon said it would be much better if big sister had a "girlfriend" instead. please post your ideas for /ss/ based improvements and "expansion".
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>>966 Anon that said sister should be grooming him for her "girlfriend" is right, but even better if she's grooming him for herself
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>>971 >even better if she's grooming him for herself. hmm, that could be a good angle. Big sister starts out grooming her little brother as a present for her girlfriend... but during the the training Big sister starts to fall in love (and lust) for him. leading to the girlfriend and little brother becoming love rivals... but of course girlfriend has a weakness for shota (hence the idea of grooming coming up in the first place). could be kinda of a multi-path story, almost like a VN (freedom ending, submission ending, harem route, and of course the possible "BAD END") Sound like an interesting idea?
>>974 Sounds cute! I was just hoping for selfish grooming without any third-parties, but the multi-path idea is intriguing
Anybody know any literature similar to the Lord of the Flies or A Boy and His Dog? Abandoned/post-apoc /ss/ is >my philia
>>1006 I have a post-apoc zombie manga that's /ss/. any interest?
Sounds good to me. Haven't seen some good /ss/ post-apoc stuff in a good while
>>1006 Still waiting for any recommendations Is there any /ss/ joint more active than this? I miss my threads...
>>576 Great work, anon! I hope you write one with Undyne someday, she also makes a great couple with Frisk
is there any granny x shota stuff?
I'm looking for writers that are open for requests with little boys having realistic little dicks. I have few ideas, and some good writer is what I need. I would be very grateful for any help, or where to look.
>>1492 I can write. What did u have in mind?
This is one of my favorites, I read it every once in a while. It's about a teenage girl fucking her younger brother during family vacation. I personally like how realistic it is. http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107116
What are some /ss/ ideas that haven't been done yet? Like i thought of a muscle girl working as a goon for a mobster family and she gets to protect the shota son of the main mob guy
No idea if anyone posted this but I shall, its a good one https://pastebin.com/W6qtJKxq
>>1777 You have any works I could read and see your style?
Latina cheats on husband by doing /ss/ with her manger's son https://archiveofourown.org/works/43880839/chapters/11 0330080
Basically everything I post is /ss/, so I’m just dumping my works page here. https://archiveofourown.org/users/Huran/works https://archiveofourown.org/works/43437498 (Milf/Boy) https://archiveofourown.org/works/44470351 (one shots, handjobs only, second person) https://archiveofourown.org/works/46181251 (Aunt/Nephew) https://archiveofourown.org/works/45545626 (OMORI fanfic, Babysitter x Sunny, female reader) These four are the works that I like the most.
>>2429 Oh, hey Huran. Found your stuff a little while ago on my own, quite enjoyable. Any recommendations for writing in general, and writing /ss/ and smut in particular?
>>2486 When writing the buildup, don't rush straight to the sex scenes, it'll feel incomplete and abrupt. Don't drag it out either, you'll just write several thousand words of filler that just waste your time and the readers.
>>2486 (Double reply since I forgot) Which of my stories did you like the most?
>>2489 >>2490 Probably the most, the barista one from /b/ requests. That and the Under the Influence ones were real good. The Omori one was also pretty good, not used to the female MC and perspective with /ss/, it was a nice change of pace.
>>2524 That's interesting to know.
Completed the first ten chapters of a new smut work. Big Sister's Cum Fetish https://archiveofourown.org/works/49950373/chapters/126111715 The next 9 chapters will be rolled out as the days go on.
I’ve finally published my cousin incest story. https://archiveofourown.org/works/51721297/chapters/130753549 Seven Days With Your Bikini Babe Cousins >tags:Second Person POV, Self Insert, Cousin Incest, Shotacon, FFM threesome, Bikinis, Edging, Handjobs >Tags for completed future chapters: Blowjobs, Titjobs, Assjobs, Thighjobs
Straight Shota One Shots: Part One Under The Table Fun With The New Kid >Tags:Straight Shota, Underage Rape, Public Hand Jobs, Milking, Cum As Lube, Multiple Orgasms, Midriff Kink https://archiveofourown.org/works/51961219/chapters/131397154
>>3812 >Let's not fuck where we eat. I disagree.
>>1007 I'm interested
I would like to see it, too!
Here's one I found out through another anon https://archive.org/details/tampa0000nutt/page/1/mode/1up Tampa by Alissa Nutting
https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107116&chapter=1 Another one, this one with sister and brother action
https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600109720 Boy and his older next door neighbor find each other become lovers. Highly recommend it, especially towards the end.
>>424 Nice. I just started reading it. In the middle of chapter 2. I'm already thinking I'd love to see it illustrated or as a comic.
I'm about to finish Chapter 6 of Pam and Jeremy. My thoughts so far: I'm loving the very slow burn and build-up. Six chapters in, and this is the first time we see Jeremy get a complete handjob from the babysitter. He didn't even come until the previous chapter, and it was by himself. Everything else up to this has been teasing, doubt, guilt, will they/won't they. Also putting them in constant awkward, but easily believable situations, where it's like they're almost destined to fuck. It also makes total sense that the parents aren't paying attention to what's going on because they are fighting. Otherwise, Pam wouldn't be around anymore. The author has clearly had some practice with writing before this. The prose is clear and engaging. The characterization is wonderful. Though it's entirely told from Pam's third person POV, we see Jeremy as a totally separate personality from hers, by way of his behavior and his actions. I try not to expect too much from free online erotica. I've hit the back button more times than I have finished stories. My standards are as simple as "have good grammar" and "split your fucking paragraphs." This is really good. THAT SAID...the age of the boy, and the fact that he only has dry orgasms, took me out of the "stand-in" feeling a little bit. We all bring our own preferences and niches to ss. In my personal fantasy headspace, I would be shooting ropes all over the place, hopefully aiming my cock at the babysitter's tits. What is about authors always wanting the boys to be 8-10? My ideal vicarious living is when I started getting really horny, and wanted to be fulfilled. It's a little weird. But I'm so engrossed in the actual story, I'm not ready to bail out yet.
So guys I just had a flashback to a story some anon posted in 4chan supposedly a a biographical one about his experiences with a early 20's girl (he was like 9 when it happened) it was very good and emotional and I remember he even shared a drive document for everybody but now I can't find it anywhere hell he even said he found the girl again (now a woman) and was trying to reconnect with her (as a late 20's man) this was like in 2016-2017 does it ring any bells to any of you?
>>4794 You mean this? >>1993
>>4795 ANON thank you SO MUCH i owe you one I thought it was lost forever
>>4799 It was my bad for not giving it a better description, enjoy it. Its a true classic
>>1287 kino taste anon but that's seems to be very niche even among straight shotacons
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not exactly /ss/ but is the closest thing in the mainstream is gonna get to the genre romance between a 30yr old and a 16 yr old
>>4800 thank you anon will gona save this one forever this the great straight shota epic (for me at least)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35361466/chapters/88136485 The Longest Journey this fic id highly recommend. besides the porn the story and world is insanely well written
>>4804 Have a pdf?
>>4845 so I finished the first act and now I'm reading the second but conrad seems to have already grown into adulthood it's the /ss/ over? I mean, i'm going to keep reading since the story has me already hooked but I just wanna know
>>4852 anon took me a while but I found a pdf enjoy!
>>4923 He takes on a young protege under his wing, who in turn takes over the SS portions of the story, he does too fuck around allot, by that point the story becomes more loli centric but there's still lots of SS From his point of view.
>>4929 Do you have a copy in epub form?
>>4956 ooops here idk why it didn't work the first time
>>5035 Much appreciated
This is a /ss/ literature involving furry anthros. Could someone also reupload this to archiveofourown please with the HMOFA tag?
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Does somebody know anyone who would be willingly to write an /ss/ commission? you see I just saw Infinite Ryvius a very interesting anime from the 90's there's a character that's blatantly a raging shotacon but sadly her interactions witht the shota are so far and between they might aswell never interacted in the first place (they had a somewhat decent ending to their arcs tho) anyways I really want to see more of them so if anyone around here knows any /ss/ writer please let me know
>>5196 Fuck I've been looking for this, thanks.
When you read ss fiction, do you like a slow burn and buildup? Or would you want it to start with just straight up fucking?
>>5525 slow burn
https://archiveofourown.org/works/60751372 Another furry /ss/ story. Show the author some love.
>>4675 In EPUB form
That's so hot! I love it when shotas have small cocks EVEN for their age, and when oneesans like it that way
I've been toying with the idea of writing stories that are based, or loosely based, on the pepper0 family series. I was thinking it would be more of an American adaptation, since I know he has names for all the characters now. But mostly I just love the concept of an ongoing free-for-all sex house. Although, my style involves giving at least somewhat of a thin plot reason. Do boys in this world need regular "milking" so they can get better grades? Sometimes in public?
remember blood+? that vampire anime from 2005? welp someone did a fanfic re-imagining the ending so diva instead of raping riku to death, actually has a lovey dovey relationship with his boy toy https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4179055/1/Sympathy-for-the-Diva
>>6216 her boy toy* fug

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