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/ss/ classics 12/05/2022 (Mon) 13:38:37 No. 2047
Post classic(or just non online erotica) literature and artwork that features ss content as a major focus
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Children of Dune and Heretics of Dune has a few scenes with Leto and Duncan respectively getting some older gal puss.
>>2051 what's the context ?
>>2053 Spoilers, obviously. 10-11 year old Leto gets high on Spice and sees a pretty vivid future vision of him banging and impregnating an older teenage girl. Beefswelling of his pants is mentioned. Murbella, one of the priestesses that enslave men through sexing them to near death, tries to fug a 12 year old Duncan. He turns the tables on her and does her so good, they both get enslaved to each other. Kinda hard to find a decent picture of Murbella but I got 3 different ones to get an idea of her. And the girl future-vision-Leto knocked up was a very minor character, but she's a Fremen woman, so imagine an Arab teen girl with completely blue eyes.
>>2055 surprised you didn't mention Miles Teg, again spoilers he's first introduced as an old experienced military general who dies, but the Bene Gesserit needing his military brilliance bring him back as a child clone version of himself, he also gets raped by an adult woman so that he can regain his memories(clones in Dune need to go through a highly traumatic situation in order to get their past memories) he also gets captured by Honored Matres and its implied they wish to rape him as well as they can breed new super soldiers
>>2059 It's been awhile since I read the last two Dune books. I remember a boy riding on the shoulders of a Bene Gesserit, but I didn't remember if it was Duncan or Miles.
>>2055 >>2059 Also, why was Frank Herbert so horny for Duncan Idaho? He was just some henchman in the first book but then he's in every other book and all the women swoon at him.
There was some old feminist sci-fi novel I remember reading about that had an ss premise, a virus kills off all the adult men in the world, there's a period of strife but women end up uniting and ruling the world, male adolescence are still alive and are used to create the next generation but no male ever lives to the adulthood cause of the virus, but turned out in the end that female government were secretly killing the males so they don't end up taking power and ruin their utopia(at least that's what I vaguely remember reading about)
>>2047 There is this brazilian book, Tieta, I only watched the soap opera based on the book, but one of my teachers told me the book is very different, and more explicit. For example, in the soap opera, the main character, a woman named Tieta, seduces a man who wanted to become a priest, but in the book he was supposed to be a 14 years old kid, IIRC. I've never read the book, but there is that .
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This is a weird example, but there's a sci-fi series called West of Eden, where we see the conflict between an intelligent species of matriarchal lizard people and primitive humans, a queen of a newly established lizard city has a captured young human boy raised to be essentially her pet/political tool, So the males of this matriarchal lizard society are fat and weak and so the queen(named Vaintè) develops an attraction to the then teenage boy and starts raping him and we only ever get two scenes but its implied that he was getting raped by the lizard MILF throughout his Adolescence.
>>2813 >Publication date: August 1984 I love 1984 now.
in the The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice, the titular Lestat has an incentious relationship with his mother when he was a teenager, If that counts
>>2047 we need more book rec can't gen enough of them
>>3995 It appears in a few of Bastien Vivès works, but mostly between teenage boys and adult women.
>>3995 There's this book, aa a young boy the MC experiences a sexual encounter with an older woman after a near-drowning incident. Years later, as a mundane and dissatisfied adult with a wife and an unsatisfying job, he leaves everything due to a midlife crisis. During this journey, he encounters the daughter of the older woman, who bears a striking resemblance to her mother, and they begin a romantic relationship. his life ends with a devastating battle against a severe form of cancer, as he realizes that his existence lacked genuine authenticity
This is a manga but I think Watashi no Shounen fits here, it's a more grounded take on an actual relationship between an adult woman and a young boy, this might be a spoiler but there are no raunch scenes and whether they get together in the end or not is left open ended. the funny thing is the editor was an open shotacon and pestered the author that they should end up together.
>>4091 in the same vein there's also the garden of words, just like Watashi no Shounen it's far more realistic in the matter, but in the end they actually end up together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMabhvDoolc
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Dreams of a weeping woman by Leon Whiteson. Entire book chronicles the story of a mother seducing her son because she feels unfullfilled with her life and the dad. Its a very explicit book, but it's not your usual erotica because it very much reads like a piece of literature.
idk where else to post this so "boku to akumu to oneesan" is a horror manga with a shota protagonist and his mis-adventures with crazy ladies is supposed to be horror but idk but every chick in this manga is thirsty af for him the most egrerious example is the librarian lady who is so starved for that shota dick she's writes fanfics about him lol sadly not all chapters are translated and it seems the mangaka has already move on from it anyways here it is supposedly complete untranslated https://mangareader.to/boku-to-akumu-to-oneesan-36346 and the translated chapters https://mangadex.org/title/5d96047c-4820-4a59-abd7-59c2f662b6e7/boku-to-akumu-to-oneesan
>>4091 Dude, I just read that manga and I wish I hadn't I feel devastated by that ending, I know why it's the way it is but fucking hell that was no closure at all idk I guess I saw myself very reflected by sakoto I really wish for an epilogue or something I recommend it for anyone here but don't go expecting feel good story is a painful one
>>5334 >>4091 I really enjoyed it, it was messy and bittersweet, and the ending was ambiguous (although not very, it pretty heavily lampshades them getting together eventually even if it doesn't show it). Felt like the subject matter was really well-handled all round, and even found the little interjections by the mangaka to be really interesting. Would love more recs like this one. >>5316 Shame more of this one hasn't been translated. too.
Merupuri, Fridays of Neko and me and When You Put on Loafers are kinda ss but they are Shōjo, written by and for women and they give an interesting insight on what aspects of ss appeal to women, they find little boys cute(especially in outfits) but a romantic(and sexual relationship) will only begin when the boys goes through puberty, even in it's most sexual view it's the physical maturing that women find hot, when the boy becomes the dashing Prince
>>5463 >but a romantic(and sexual relationship) will only begin when the boys goes through puberty Making boys wait that long is just cruel.
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idk where to post this so here puritan /ss/ idk who the author is but I find the concept the most intriguing
>>5405 yeah I understand but I still wish for a better closure anyways, as far as I am concerned this manga really has set the bar high for the genre >>5463 You know that's interesting because I was reading some stuff and looks like the older woman grooming a younger boy into a exemplary man seemed to be an usual trope in older literature
>>5819 very erotic
>>5820 >You know that's interesting because I was reading some stuff and looks like the older woman grooming a younger boy into a exemplary man seemed to be an usual trope in older literature Any examples?
Check out A Sister by Bastien Vives.
>>5463 >when the boy becomes the dashing Prince That has always been the female fantasy in one form or another, whether it is the Prince as a brooding poet or a ravishing Vampire/Beast, But always a capable male being who has some form of 'humanity'; any appeal of SS for most women would be the idea of molding a boy to become this ideal male partner
'The Circumstances Leading to Waltrautes Marriage' is a nice little light novel. It's about Norse Mythology and consists of a valkyrie falling in love with a shota after he almost dies trying to prove himself to her. It's written by Kamachi Kazuma (and judging by some of the content Scientific Railgun he might just be a closeted shotacon)

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