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rwts Right Wing Tractor Squad? 06/23/2024 (Sun) 18:17:40 Id: 8cf149 No. 37
how about europeans do right wing attacks on antifa or whatever with tractors since guns are forbidden. why they dont do it you think?
Imagine putting up like spikes or something in front of the tractor and impaling the antifa cucks like kebabs in romania
I would finance the rent for the tractor, camera equipment etc what yuo need
Based! Would definitely make edits of the attack! Imagine multiple people doing this in the same month!!!!
even the biggest retard cuold do this! just rent some tractor or if yuor parents own a farm just steal it and drive into the antifa protest!
nah for real even some stupid nigger could do this, just rent a tractor and drive into our enemies. right wind tracot squad !

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