/polk/ - Politics and guns

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Meta thread Anonymous 05/14/2024 (Tue) 17:02:29 No. 35
This thread is for users to talk about the board itself, complaints suggestions whatever. That shit goes here.
Only one page of half-assed shitposts? Did this just start today?
>>31 No, I just hungry and made lunch, and then procrastinated coming back. For idk. Months? But the necessity of the board does make me feel guilty for not just keeping it going. It would be nice to have help though.
>>32 give me admin
>>33 Its called BO, and I don't have it to give. Go bug inky.
"politics and guns" is a retarded title. Guns is one of many, many topics important to politics. Why not "politics and micro-economics" or "politics and the theory of administration" or "politics and tax codes"? The above three have equal importance to politics and guns.

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