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USA out of 155mm Shells, sends banned clusterbombs to Ukraine instead Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 22:31:32 No. 14
https://dailystormer.in/the-us-is-out-of-shells-doesnt-that-mean-the-war-is-lost/ A few years ago Biden was saying the use of clusterbombs is a warcrime and illegal under the hague agreement. Today hes saying we should give all our surplus to Ukraine. Did his mind change? Or was it never his to begin with.
>>14 On the brightside faggot flags fly over the white house.
>"volkisch" board >doesn't support Ukrainians fighting for blood and soil against stunted little brown half-Mongol, half-Turk, half-Gypsy invaders
>>26 Ukrainians are Khazarian Kike fucks.
>>28 Ukrainians are descendants of the Norse explorers who founded Kievan Rus. Kiev was a cosmopolitan and cultured trading city for centuries before one stone was placed on another in the pig-farming village that became Moscow. And you know this.
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Ukraine is based All Russians are mobniks ready to become into a meat cube
>"Trump does not work for Putin nor did Putin install him!" >proceeds to get mad we won't support Putin

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