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USA out of silver Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 22:12:52 No. 9
Now buying it for 30 bucks an ounce on the open market. Guess ukraine drained us of even raw materials.
>>9 The fuck does the DoD need with silver anyway? What are they making anti-werewolf bullets?
>>10 >The remarkable strength of silver makes it another ideal mineral for defense tech. That’s why it’s trusted by the U.S. military to construct Apache helicopters and Airforce C17 transport, ensuring troops get from point A to B unharmed. https://mineralsmakelife.org/blog/the-top-eight-minerals-that-support-national-defense/
>>11 Well shit. Hope we dont need to replace apaches in the next couple years then.
>>12 Anon its not just making new stock. Its replacing parts on older machines. They need it to even conduct repairs. And speaking of hopefully having a full stock of choppers and not needing more. Guess what Biden abandoned in Iraq?

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