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The Taliban now owns Afghanistan /k/ommando 08/31/2021 (Tue) 21:44:00 No. 466 [Reply] [Last]
https://web.archive.org/web/20210831213906/https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2021/8/31/photos-triumphant-taliban-parades-at-kabul-airport-after-us-exit So things that jump out. One the Taliban is now practicing trigger discipline Two they are wearing masks Three they are now using 5.56X45mm So I guess now we sell them Nato ammo? Is this winning?
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>>567 What group do you think SA, Pakistan, and Israel paid to do the attacks? Al Qaida, who were based out of Afghanistan. Basically an islam-flavoured PMC that would contract out to do terrorist acts throughout the middle east. That’s the reason the US went in there; because that’s where the guy who masterminded the actual attacks was based. Bombing the shit out of who paid him is less productive and harder to garner public support for. It’s better to kill the ‘face’, and then try and economically cripple the people who paid for the contract.
>>1073 Catholics are far more likely to support globohomo. Devout protestants are one step away from being white nationalists, there’s a reason why the overwhelming majority of Hitler’s support came from protestant germans, and why jews work double overtime to undermine protestant sects whilst leaving catholics alone
>>1302 Catholics are cypto jews run by the satanic jesuits.

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Tombstone 9mm lever action Anonymous 01/04/2023 (Wed) 17:53:01 No. 1294 [Reply]
The Tombstone 9MM is POF-USA’s take on a lever-action rifle. Tombstone is a modern-lever-action chambered in a pistol caliber, initially offered in 9MM. The rifle comes with the same proven 20-round standard magazine, or optional 10-round, that accompanies the POF-USA Phoenix. The Tombstone’s compact overall length is just 36” and comes in at an ultra-lightweight 5.75lbs (unloaded weight). The trigger is a proprietary non-adjustable design, featuring a smooth pull and crisp break of 3.5lbs. The 16.5” free-floating 4150 steel barrel is complimented by POF’s 10.5” Modular Receiver Rail (M.R.R.), with M-Lok slots at the 3, 6, 9 and a 2” picatinny rail at the 12 position. The integrated XS Ghost Ring sights allow for quick target acquisition and POF’s removable dual port muzzle break is ideal for fast follow-up shots. Its total length is 16 and a half inches. So a little over a foot.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 01/04/2023 (Wed) 17:54:29.
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>>1295 Probably because its a tacticool lever action, is it cheap? If yes, then there you have it.
>>1296 Yeah. Good point. Still looks silly.
>>1294 Kinda goofy but also neat I guess but why not make a more traditional lever gat in 9mm with wood furniture too? Is that a propriety mag or one of those things they put in knock off AKM pistol caliber rifles typically made by PSA or whatever? I have no use for one but I hope someone else does so the three or four that gets manufactured before the company goes bankrupt actually end up with a loving owner. >>1296 >Probably because its a tacticool lever action, is it cheap? Ehh I'd argue the appeal of a lever gat is to not have a long magazine protrude outward so it's slim and compact and bolty bois already do that better and more reliably. At that point why not just get a CMMG AR pistol or Ruger PC carbine that you'd probably get more use out of anyway? I dunno maybe I'm wrong and these will be a huge hit in some retarded country like Australia or Leafland, I hope that's their intended goal anyway. >>1295 >So this shitty retarded tacticool rifle is trending like crazy. Coonsumerism is a powerful force anon.

How to Gun BerndDerTolle31 08/17/2022 (Wed) 21:36:11 No. 1243 [Reply]
Is it easier to make a gun out of a full metal airsoft or just print one yourself? (asking for a friend) parts are available to buy online but that doesn't make a whole gun.
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>>1273 Again. WTF.
Hey, depends on what your buddy wants. Does he want to make a homemade muzzleloader ? A homemade gun that takes some kind of cartridge (a repeating firearm ? a break action ?) ? To my knowledge, homemade smoothbore muzzleloading guns and 12 GA slamfire pipe shotguns can be very very easy to make, even in in under-industrialised third world shitholes. Just look at Pakistan or the Kashmire region in India for example (pic related).
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Also, I think a retard proof build would be some kind of homemade short barreled black powder muzzle loader with a small bore but a VERY VERY thick STEEL tube (NEVER FUCKING USE IRON). Also here's the related pic of the above response, because I'm too much of a fucking shitweed retard to remember to put it in the first one.

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Recommendations for tools / complete tool kits? /k/ommando 12/11/2022 (Sun) 22:48:31 No. 1286 [Reply]
Asking as a general question... Anyone have any recommendations on brands, kits, specific tools, etc. for the hobbyist and maybe even occasional pro? For me, it is more to do with maintaining a few AR's, Glock 19 & 43, 1911's, old-time Western-style weapons (Colt SAA, Ruger Blackhawk, Winchester 1894, Springfield 1873 Trapdoor) and a few other pieces in the collection. It is also about wanting to build more 80% lowers. Built an AR lower, and felt pretty comfortable doing so. Resulting rifle shoots as tight as my original Colt 6600 HBAR, but I built it. And, if I get good enough, maybe make a few dollars on the side helping others. So, any recommendations? The military small-arms armorers kits come to mind, but they're harder to find in complete / good condition or at a reasonable price (even beat up, they command high prices).
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>>1288 Done... Cross posted, link for those who may like to follow: h***s://anon.cafe/k/res/44931.html
>>1289 ...Guess I shoulda been more specific and guided you to the /QTDDOT/ thread.
>>1290 heh.

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/k/ommando 01/10/2022 (Mon) 00:58:38 No. 963 [Reply]
Reminder that a true Samurai can cut through machine gun bullets and European swords.
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Serious question though where does one actually buy a genuine Nippon Katana? Everywhere I look it's usually stuff made in China, South Korea, and the Philippines. I'd settle for a Korean or Pinoy Katana though if that's all I can get but it would be nice to have a 'real' Katana as a choice too and I'm perfectly fine with spending a lot to ensure I get something I could actually hypothetically use for self defense that isn't a glorified fragile wall decoration. >>963 This >>1278 Samurai where rarely able to deflect bullets and it was a lot more easy to just turn their rifles into very short SBR's once the barrels were hot. At that point with past ballistics being what they where it was damn near impossible to hit the broadside side of a entire ship anchored to port much less a fast moving target assuming their lead could even penetratre their armor.
>>1283 I dont know. Nit the mall though I can tell you that. Some obscure chinese blacksmith no doubt.

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The White mans Handgun /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 02:29:54 No. 139 [Reply]
Browning was a genius. This is Gods Caliber.
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>>139 I like fuddy five nineteen elevens.
>>1272 They are very cool.
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>>1277 Indeed, post moar now.

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Winchester 1897 /k/ommando 11/21/2022 (Mon) 13:10:42 No. 1275 [Reply]
How easy is it to get this gun in the US?
>>1275 12 20 or 16 gauge? https://www.gunbroker.com/Winchester-1897/search?Keywords=Winchester%201897&s=f depending on model very easy. Provided you have money.

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good blade /k/ommando 05/31/2022 (Tue) 10:50:17 No. 1193 [Reply]
hollow ground blade with vine pattern filework on spine, 4 3/4" handle of Australian Sheoak with black G10 liners, nickel silver pins and lanyard hole. what would be your favourite blades be for combat?
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>>1193 I hear Ontario knives company makes pretty good bayonets. I'll probably get one to pair with an AR retro build whenever I get around to doing that. Anyone here have any experience with them or their other products?
>>1270 I do not. Bayonets are fucking cool though.

Music /k/ommando 07/13/2021 (Tue) 16:12:31 No. 311 [Reply] [Last]
Post music, especially ones about war, rebellion, and weapons. >Krigsgaldr by Heilung Moved to war when words cannot protect the people you care about. What if I want to tell you that the path you follow leads to downfall but you only understand the language of the sword? >Re-Education (Through Labor) by Rise Against The lower class, the disenfranchised, the downtrodden, fed up with a spot beneath the heel. I won't crawl on my knees for you, I won't believe the lies that hide the truth, I won't sweat one more drop for you.
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Reminder to give /polarchive/ a visit and possibly contribute
>>1261 Will do. Thanks anon.

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Weird guns /k/ommando 07/17/2021 (Sat) 03:27:38 No. 333 [Reply]
Post odd ducks.
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>>1231 Great big semiauto handguns, usually stainless steel, chambered for enormous preposterous cartridges were a big fad in the 80s.
>>1232 Ian said in his latest video of the new compan that got the auto-mag that it looks like they finally made it not shit.

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Gauss rifle for sale /k/ommando 08/13/2021 (Fri) 23:16:31 No. 405 [Reply]
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>>406 This is why I hate any EM "weapon", they're all fucking useless. The thermodynamic inefficiency of converting chemical energy to electric energy, and then to kinetic energy is obviously less efficient than going straight from chemical to kinetic. You're adding an extra step which means it's never going to be as efficient. >>407 Why not integrate a 10 round battery with the 10 round mag?
>>517 Yeah see? It took you ten minutes to think of a better way of doing this then the californian developers. I don't know man. I assume because they just bolted a gokart battery onto it and called it a day.
>>518 Next step, a handheld gundam dainsleif

/k/ommando 05/20/2022 (Fri) 06:11:34 No. 1190 [Reply]
does this stuff actually help the defender get out of sticky situations? do you got experience from either end of it?
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>>1191 i don't have a gun but I always have pepper spray it's better than a pocket knife
>>1192 Lol u ghay. Just get a gun and shoot em bro.
>>1190 >do you got experience from either end of it? Yes, it works great IF you spray the person directly in the eyes. That's very difficult to do, though. Honestly it isn't reliable and I wouldn't trust my life to it. I would rather have a knife.

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/GG/ Glock General /k/ommando 06/28/2021 (Mon) 23:50:58 No. 51 [Reply]
The one stop shop for all things plastic fantastic. The austrian super gun. The ceramic wonder the glock 7 is undetectable by xray and costs more than you make in a month.
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>>51 Some of the best tupperware on the market besides Rubbermaid.
>>1028 Heh.
>>66 Checked. And true

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#CannonGate /k/ommando 07/01/2021 (Thu) 06:36:44 No. 189 [Reply]
Cannons were always illegal 1 May 2020: >From the very beginning you weren't allowed to have certain weapons. <You weren't allowed to own a cannon during the Revolutionary War as an individual. politifact.com/factchecks/2020/jun/29/joe-biden/joe-bidens-dubious-claim-about-revolutionary-war-c/ 23 June 2021: >The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. <You couldn’t buy a cannon. Educate us more Joe
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>>189 Except that’s completely false. People owned cannons. People literally owned their own warships. The War of 1812 was fought to a standstill by American privateers with privately owned warships starving the British out in their own home waters.
>>193 >Is he trying to gaslight Americans, or do he and his staff just have no idea what so fucking ever about anything. Both. They are as flagrantly ignorant as they are trying to set the stage for their own bullshit.
>>1079 Kill yourself commie

ITT: Boycott thread /k/ommando 02/05/2022 (Sat) 14:14:52 No. 1032 [Reply]
In this thread we list brands to avoid and seek out alternatives that aren't anti 2A. I'll start this off by saying fuck ///Levi\\\, most of their shit is made in Mainland China now and I prefer getting my jeans from Indonesia, Mexico, and occasionally natively produced in the US whenever I find unicorn pants like that. >Levi Strauss & Co. https://www.everytown.org/press/everytown-moms-demand-action-applaud-levi-strauss-co-for-stepping-up-in-support-of-gun-violence-prevention/ Gotta say it's real nice of (((Bloomberg))) to make boycotting these shitty companies so easy.
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>>1034 I doubt it. I don't know though. Ted Nugent must be signed with some label. And he's clearly pro gun.
Dick's sporting goods- gun banners Citigroup and Bank of America- DEI antigunners trash
boycott everyone on this list https://www.weforum.org/partners/#search they want you to own nothing and be happy, eat the bugs, live in the pod, etc not archiving the link because maybe new companies will be added in the future

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rifle build /k/ommando 03/04/2022 (Fri) 05:04:08 No. 1051 [Reply]
rate my build so far a1 upper,solid aluminum C.A.R stock
>>1051 I like it so far, presumably your going for a retro style build? You plan on putting a Kbar bayonet on it too? I wanna build something like that one day but for a PCC.

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