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Why doesn't the UK keep the HMS Victory sailing? /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 02:31:36 No. 140 [Reply]
Like the American's with the USS Constitution?
Because First Rate ships of the Line require a lot more work, money and crew to keep sailing in comparison to a frigate.
>>194 So limeys are just lazy, and cheap? An unsatisfying answer. Probably true.

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Howdy there frens /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 01:53:46 No. 128 [Reply]
I need whitepills guys.
>>128 And? What are you asking us for?
>>128 God is real. Jesus loves you. God bless you anon. Always look on the bright side of life.
Edited last time by Vampyr on 06/29/2021 (Tue) 05:23:10.
>>128 We arent moderated by Mark.

The Poor Mans James Bond Volume 2 /k/ommando 05/31/2021 (Mon) 05:14:12 No. 33 [Reply]
Good explosives manufacture, Also "Chemicals In War" book excerpt section
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>>98 >a graphic illustration for why experimental explosives should be remotely tested. Lol indeed. Look at thing. Jesus.
>>98 I love paladin press. I remember DL some homemade hitman book off bearshare when I was 13. Still remember its tips however useless they are to me. Still one day you never know. And with the world getting so shit.

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/k/ommando 07/17/2020 (Fri) 03:15:37 No. 9 [Reply]
Is there anywhere that has a repository of images of military gear and uniforms of most nations in the Cold War? Thanks.
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>>63 So to be clear you don't know then? Unhelpful asshole.
The cold war covered decades, nations ose and fell during that time and policy changes went into effect that would've changed the looks of even the defining actors. Do you have a specific era in the cold war you were looking into? I found this which might help for the soviets at least. https://ewarmy.com/ soviet-uniforms-cold-war/
>>81 The original OP could be months long gone. But I think thats a cool link. Thanks anon.

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Meta thread for discussion of the board itself /k/ommando 06/29/2021 (Tue) 00:14:26 No. 71 [Reply]
Same as subject. A thread where we talk about the board. Suggest changes, ideas, etc. For starters IDs. Namefagging is rampant. Flags are fun as well.
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>>75 Oooookay schizo. Take your meds and >>>/x/ Go home
>>71 Is there a mod here? Whos board owner?
>>71 A meta thread is already up retard.

advice on buying armor (vests/bracers,etc) /k/ommando 07/27/2020 (Mon) 20:45:29 No. 13 [Reply]
what should you look for? what's the best long-term investment? I was reading https://canarmor.ca/how-to-buy-a-bulletproof-vest/ which mentions at end "Get a replacement vest every five years" because "After a couple of years, the material inside of the vest starts to break down" complete ugh... these things cost anywhere from 300 to 1000 bucks, I was looking for bidecade not biannual investments. Are there materials that don't degrade so fast?
>>13 >every five years It sounds like a load of bullshit manufacturers say to get people to keep buying them regularly. Obviously try to keep it clean/dry and don't store it in the sun or at high temperatures since kevlar can degrade over time and those things can speed it up. Either way if you are concerned about longevity then just get a steel plate instead.
>>19 >just get a steel plate This
>>13 Heres some advice OP. Go fuck yourself. Never make a thread without an image. It dirties up the catalogue

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