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Logistics Strelok 02/14/2021 (Sun) 12:50:10 No. 8542 [Reply] [Last]
A thread where we can sperg out share our thoughts about everything that goes into an industrialized war.
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>>8818 meant for >>8814
>>8818 I think in this context anon means if a country with an economy like [insert country of choice] fighting [other country of choice] should bother with tanks if it plans to dig in for a war of attrition. All the resources spent on a tank fleet could be used to make your defences tougher and meatier, and you might just about be able to take the treeline on the other end of a field without any tanks once the enemy is sufficiently exhausted. I am not saying that this a surefire plan, but I can see why someone would came to this conclusion if we are envisioning a war between two relatively small countries that are on relatively equal footing.
>>8818 >I'm surprised tanks don't seem to make use of personal drones to see what or where they're aiming at, seeing that it'll really help alleviate their weak situational awareness. Maybe because the commander is as pre-occupied as is that they're rather have a drone-equipped infantry be their spotter? More or less. On the logistical side, a single vehicle would have a fairly small number of very vulnerable drones attached, so what to do when they are gone, steal/beg/borrow or do without? The sensible thing is to have a large pool for entire unit that moves together. But once you have it, what’s the point of cutting it into small parcels at any stage? On the functionality side, this: >>38807 Splitting it at a very low level would inevitably lead to various inefficiencies. From training to attention. It’s better to have slightly redundant set of specialists handling such a specialized task as their main job, than a massively redundant set of “amateurs” who have other things to do. There‘s no reason to have in each tank any of the functionality involved beyond request and end result. If the communications work well enough that drones are useful for real-time reconnaissance, they work more than well enough for remote specialists to take requests for what everyone needs to see and make sure they do.

do/k/uments Strelok 05/14/2020 (Thu) 08:54:33 No. 8058 [Reply] [Last]
Starting properly
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Military aviation general Strelok 10/15/2022 (Sat) 19:28:01 No. 7915 [Reply] [Last]
Making a comparison list in my wiki sandbox based on old deleted lists. What did I forget? Fourth-generation light combat aircraft compared − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − Aircraft − A-37B Alpha Jet L-159

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>>8052 >Boeing >>8054 >this is deep diversity hire territory! In Boeing's case it was the bean counters who came over in the McDonnell Douglas merger that fucked it over. Harry Stonecipher, the last CEO of MDC, somehow became the CEO of Boeing in the merger and in short order replaced most of Boeing's senior leadership with former MDC people (basically amounted to replacing "expensive" senior top tier aviation engineers with MBAs) and lo and behold quality goes down the drain. So in summary - you have a company run by bean counter MBAs, no competition in the US civilian airline market (airbus is under tariffs), FAA allowing them to "self certify" aircraft. Good times. t. salty
>>8055 >FAA allowing them to "self certify" aircraft Truly terrifying to think of if you're a frequent flyer.
>>8056 >>8055 Boeing was literally asking the FAA to waive safety standards due to, yet again, the 737 Max having issues where using the anti-ice systems for too long in certain situations might cause fatal damage to the engines in flight. https://archive.vn/BxGzo Boeing said they would fix it at some point in the future, but they probably have to sacrifice another few hundred passengers to their vengeful gods before that it actually happens. No wonder Airbus is sucking up the market.

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Strelok 03/10/2022 (Thu) 20:39:09 No. 7603 [Reply]
I have quit a good sum of money to spend purely on sports training( I wont give away info about which Country im from,but il say its enough to buy an old car..this is extra,expendable income,it wont damage me) Im obsessed over cross-functionality and inter-style matches(not mma which has devolved into its own style..I mean each fighter sticking to his own style) What do i DO? I want to do: >decathlon >track and field >muay thai,pro wrestling, water polo >climbing plus acrobatics give me some advice,some direction, i dont want to get scammed or injured
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>>7616 I'm sure she'll teach you something. Maybe how to put your trailer on legs so you don't have to wheel it around.
>>7603 Some imspiration
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I CAN'T BELIEVE SHINZO ABE IS FUCKING DEAD Strelok 07/10/2022 (Sun) 08:47:16 No. 7583 [Reply]
Discussing of current events. By spooky coincidence I discovered, while searching for Abe pics on my computer, that second pic's file name begins with "abe"
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>>7583 Tell me where I'm wrong on this assessment here... Shinzo Abe's a dead cunt who taxed nips up the arse to discourage more of them from having children, any accomplishment under his watch was accidental & an oversight and having mini-Blair of the East die prematurely was a good thing because his successor's on the whole less competent and less slick at deceiving the gooks into thinking they're not gonna get Trotsky policy spun and thrust on them to make Japan into yet another nation of third world curry peddlers.
>>7583 Japan has issued a major tsunami warning after a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck the central region. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8KQjZaqqVs 1/1 earthquake was here? https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e4250.html

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Automatic Strelok 09/18/2023 (Mon) 12:24:08 No. 7566 [Reply]
How to buy automatic weapon in Europe? Can be illegal way.
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>>7573 <3 them eastern europe slavs
>>7566 ask Switzerland

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Canadian Related Things Strelok 08/25/2021 (Wed) 05:21:07 No. 7267 [Reply] [Last]
Greetings and Salutations I wish to make a thread for my syrupnigger brethren in regards to firearms and basic politics. I intend this thread to help any leafanons looking to get their PAL and shooters. While theres still a chance for you to own something Vote O'Toole if you still want to keep your guns and have the OIC repealled Important links that you should read >https://pastebin.com/Ndb2jSAu >https://www.howtogetagun.ca/ If you're from 4cuc/k/, kill yourself, we do not want you
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>>7526 Well the most infamous ones I can think of are from Fort St. Johns, (or nearby, I'm sure someone on the western front knows,) and some anecdotes out of the Chilcotin. As in the FSJ one where the teacher lady went there and was flown in to the res, and told to report back in a week. After not doing so for two weeks, they flew in to check up on her, at which point she ran onto the airstrip naked with three chugs behind her, after being raped for 11 days straight, or something like that. There are other stories, like how they built houses there, and they would cut holes in the roof and make a fire pit in the basement, because they couldn't figure out the propane. Upon ruining the house, just set up a injun tent on the deck and sleep there. My favorite injun story is from the Chilcotin was a trapper in a farmer dense area. He was fairly well known by the locals and kept mostly to himself. His wife and him moved cabin to cabin doing that line of work. He had some shitty old stove in his local cabin, and kept it near the door because " it was less work bringing in firewood." Of course it went up in the winter, and his wife was trapped inside. He was in a panic, and a while later one of the locals went there, after seeing the flame. He started explaining, and immediately once he finished his story the rancher asked him, "you had the chainsaw in the sled. Why didn't you just cut through the walls and save her?" All else is speculation, and there may have been a reason for him to kill her, but it's funnier, (and likely more correct,) to think he's dumb. There are other little stories, like how a man stopped by a river with spawning rainbows, and yelled at the drunken chugs, "what do you think you're doing netting here." After a pause the response was, "well our dogs need to eat." Stewards of the land, in the truest sense. As well teachers in the Chilcotin being astonished that 5 year old kids in school were wearing diapers, only to discover the children had been raped so often that they could no longer control their bowels, and some other horrific shit. Unless you wanted some cool, badass, Hollywood style story of chug cowboy robberies. In that case I got nothing.
>>7563 >only to discover the children had been raped so often that they could no longer control their bowels Canada should bring in more Afghan refugees they would get along with the chugs just fine it seems. Then again it's not like featherniggers down here don't rape their children that hard either, it's a shame white people let their alteuism take over before these creatures were completely wiped out. We were so fucking close too.
>>7560 We're all in the same boat. Much of North America may face electricity shortages starting in 2024 >Over the next several years, many regions of the US and Canada may struggle to ensure a reliable electricity supply amidst soaring energy demand from the tech industry and electrification of buildings and vehicles >New York, New England and the entire western US along with some of the most populous Canadian regions such as Ontario and British Columbia are at “elevated risk” of experiencing electricity shortfalls during summer heatwaves or winter storms. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2409679-much-of-north-america-may-face-electricity-shortages-starting-in-2024/ https://archive.is/avhSn I keep hearing the solution is more nuke plants, but I question if that's a good idea in the midst of the competency crisis. I have nightmares of beaner-built nuke plants with jeets and bugmen running the controls, but I suppose the longer we delay the less (White) institutional knowledge of these systems will be transferred.

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.308 SBR Hand Loading Strelok 12/28/2023 (Thu) 21:33:48 No. 7262 [Reply]
So recently I got a .308 bolt gun for my birthday and I want to SBR it to 12" and thread it for a suppressor, thinking about form 1'ing my own suppressor too since i've got the knowledge and tools to do that. Anyways, i know SBR .308s have a bad rap for being flashy and concussive and i'd like to minimize that as much as possible, especially if i go the route of a form 1'd suppressor, and since i'm getting into reloading i'd figure i'd try to cook up some handloads that are optimized for the shorter barrel length to reduce flash and the concussive force. Any suggestions on where i should start or personal experiences? Or should i just get rid of the gun and buy a 7.62x39?
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>>7263 Thanks for the reply, i'm new to this so this will probably be stupid questions but what's the significance of the heavier bullet and slower powder? Wouldnt a slower burning powder produce more flash and bang? Or does the slower burn allow you to use less powder while still achieving good ballistics?
>>7264 If you are using a suppressor staying sub-sonic makes it significantly quieter and a heavier bullet will have more energy than a lighter one at a the same velocity. The slower burning powder is necessary with heavier bullets to prevent dangerous pressure spikes. It takes longer to start a heavy bullet traveling down the barrel and if you use too fast of a powder it can make too much gas for the area behind the bullet possibly causing a very bad day. You definitely should get some reloading manuals if you haven't already, looking up recipes online isn't good enough. I recommend the Hornady manual for basic reloading processes and the Sierra manual for a detailed explanation of interior and exterior ballistics. This should probably go in the existing hand loading thread, I thought it got slid off the board by the nigger lover but it's still there.
>>7265 Ah ok, that makes more sense. I've got a Hornady reloading manual and actually just browsed the .308 section earlier today which had some similar loads and data. I'll probably end up compiling a list of loads from this thread and then test them out over time along with my own experiments, ill make sure to post any results back here.

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Strelok 08/12/2022 (Fri) 18:33:32 Id: c36ad7 No. 7239 [Reply]
is there any real chance ,possibility,of there-being a nuclear war within 20-40 years? Will biological/bacterial/nucelar war ever occur?what about balkanization of european countries,and more obviously african and M.E. ones(i think latam will,on the contrary,become bigger countries trough intestine civil wars and inter-statist wars) how do I,myself,prepp for all this?
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>>7258 Do you mean impossible to preserve the Weimarican government or to supplant it?
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>>7239 Getting better all the time... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Lmoq0i4uDA (Russia, 1995) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mglpxNid5sc (USA, various)
>>7239 why did my infographics get whacked?

Automatic firepower Strelok 09/22/2021 (Wed) 16:22:10 No. 6775 [Reply] [Last]
Machine guns, autocannons, automatic grenade launchers, early hand-cranked weapons, and everything else that's meant to shoot a lot.
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>>6838 >So, .22 carbine? It retained the same power as 5.56x45 and you could fit 55 of those rounds in a standard 30 round mag IIRC. You could also design a P90 like magazine system for it, shame it wasn't expanded further on. I think the powder it used was too expensive to make, but that issue would likely go away when mass producing and gaining expertise.
>>6840 I know, but it genuinely looks like some scaled down .30 carbine to 5.56mm, even if the development process was quite different. Also, now I want to see a tiny revolver chambered for that experimental cartridge.
So what's the deal with 6.8mm Common? It looks like this will go nowhere.

Strelok 07/09/2023 (Sun) 14:24:40 No. 6764 [Reply]
He had an MP7.
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>tfw no mp7
Make love, not war.
>>60138 He looks so comfy by the end.

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Does this look like a real shooting to you? Strelok 10/19/2022 (Wed) 16:03:28 No. 6749 [Reply]
Clouds of smoke *SPOOF* fat lady fall down. This is fucking low effort lmao >weapon related
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Looks fake and gay.
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Choose love, not violence.
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>>6762 Why not both!

a world turned upside-down (/wrol/ book thread) Strelok 06/16/2020 (Tue) 02:40:20 No. 6580 [Reply] [Last]
Hello /k/, I'm the author of "a world turned upside-down", formerly titled "gear packing list file". Here's the newest version (1.9). If you wish to contribute to the contents, please download/read it and then post here with what you'd like to see added. Be sure to mention/explain where your contribution belongs in the book. Thanks. You guys were surprisingly hard to find again.
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/k/ video games Strelok 05/14/2020 (Thu) 04:53:04 No. 6136 [Reply] [Last]
I just wanted to play video games and post loli! Are there any shooters with cute animu girls that isn't lootershooter crap?
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Artillery thread Strelok 03/03/2021 (Wed) 15:35:13 No. 6061 [Reply] [Last]
A thread where we can went our pent up thoughts about the king/queen/god/aidoru (please underline your preference) of the battlefield.
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>>6132 True, the rasputista is an extreme environment. But having to wear surgical scrubs to keep it running is a bit much. Not only that, but NATO artillery tends to break down from prolonged use and needs much more maintenance & repair, according to another source I read.
>>6133 >NATO artillery tends to break down from prolonged use and needs much more maintenance & repair Do they mean barrel life, hydraulic issues or just general wear and tear on the chassis?
>>6134 What do you mean or? It's probably all of those.

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Modern warfare: drones & trenches Strelok 09/18/2023 (Mon) 12:14:47 No. 5958 [Reply] [Last]
In Ukraine, due to drones being so cheap and plentiful, by now it is possible to observe the enemy movements relatively deep behind enemy lines 24/7, therefore any large concentration of force can be subjected to bombardment well before it is ready to attack. Therefore the only way to mount an assault is to send forward small units, and at that scale even a few conscripts with machine guns and anti-tank missiles inside some foxholes can put up an admirable defence. And even if the attack is successful, the small units simply do not have the supplies and manpower to attack the next enemy position, and it takes time for their replacements to catch up, therefore all momentum is immediately lost. The end result is that everyone is back in the trenches, just like in the western front more than a century ago. Is this really the state of warfare now, or is the situation in Ukraine is somehow exceptional, and we are unlikely to see it repeated elsewhere?
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>>6056 Most likely because of the expense relative to a nations actual airspace borders and authority. Any civilian plane is marked by transponder so really doesn't need to be monitored by radar and it's an expensive one trick pony in war time.
>>6058 >Any civilian plane is marked by transponder so really doesn't need to be monitored by radar Transponder/ATC relay airships over the Atlantic/Pacific/Indian Oceans could greatly reduce the amount of time needed to find airplane wreckage after an MH370 AF447-style accident.
One aspect of trench warfare is that physically less capable people can still hold the ground from prepared positions, simply because they don't have to carry more than half of their body weight's worth of equipment, unlike in the sandbox. Of course, using them for an attack is not a good idea, but as long as they have the morale and discipline to keep firing they are still good enough. And the key here is that the positions have to be prepared, as digging trenches under enemy fire is significantly harder. Meanwhile if the area is still not on the front you can use civilian excavators, or a whole lot of random civilians.

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