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Matrix Group Anonymous 11/22/2021 (Mon) 22:39:39 Id: f3beae No. 2407 [Reply] [Last]
Made a group on Matrix for here and /2dblacked/ because Discord is for glowies. https://matrix.to/#/!DYwmUjLbnmmFSDSvzg:matrix.org?via=matrix.org
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>>2656 >>2760 Brand new room, lmk if you have trouble joining Other anons are retards at setting this shit up (somehow). Dump as much quality as you can. https://matrix.to/#/%23qcg:matrix.org

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prittypussygirl Anonymous 01/21/2022 (Fri) 17:51:19 Id: 491053 No. 3176 [Reply] [Last]
Does anyone have any pics or the boat video? That sexymilfliz thread was nuked for some reason and someone was posting her stuff there.
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since 6 months i cant see pictures cause there is a patch with : to view this image you require a 8chan ectreme account. how can i have it?
>>23181 Then open an account
>>21616 Hi. Do you have anything more?

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Anonymous 08/24/2024 (Sat) 17:31:03 Id: 169c2f No. 26047 [Reply]
true love
Get this fake shit out of here
>>26048 Last time I check 3DCG are allowed here ?

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Great BNWO Debate Anonymous 07/15/2024 (Mon) 13:39:49 Id: be31d7 No. 25253 [Reply] [Last]
I've noticed recently that there are two fairly consistent camps within bnwo, which one do you fall into? >leftbnwo >is leftist irl, no racist tendencies >genuine respect and admiration for black men >participates in anti-racist activism when not gooning >loves making chuds seethe by reminding them that black men really are better and more attractive >aids and celebrates the great replacement >hates themselves for being white >probably a girl (trans women are women :3) >feels euphoric when watching beatdowns, has no regrets afterwards >rightbnwo >sees niggers as donkey hung civilization destroying lazy gorillas >genuine existential dread from knowing that size matters + whites will be replaced in his lifetime >beatdown edits feel like a punch in the gut and hit really hard >uncontrollably attracted to niggers despite (or precisely because) of their loud and dumb mannerisms and ugly faces

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>>25253 I get off on the idea of the media basically psy opping white girls to prefer black guys with hung dicks It is basically happening when you think about it
>>25588 Notice how when white men are with asian women, it's often ugly South Asians etc. Meanwhile niggers claps the cheeks of hottest kpop and jpop stars.
>>25772 of course i noticed,just like i noticed the Asian girls into rap/hip-hop are some of the hottest you can't get racist white boys to notice that,of course,they will notice what's convenient to them >niggers claps the cheeks of hottest kpop and jpop you get what you project black men in asia aren't starved for pussy.They can get girls at home just fine either they want asian girls,want to try something different,or want to fuck without drama white men in asia reek of desperation. they're there because they still buy the 'easy asian prostitutes' narrative of the early 2000s you think hot asian girls are going to settle for being some virgin's last resort?

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those three chicks Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 16:32:58 Id: ce310e No. 9705 [Reply]
you've all seen this chicks again and yes they all have/done porn but it's the one in the middle I'm trying to find the name of again, she's got an onlyfans and the dude in the videos fucking her is fat overweight white guy with a tiny cock and an impressive cum load who likes jerking his cock with her feet
That looks like erzabel https://beacons.ai/erzabelpriv
Erzabelx @titasahara_ and @carlaasister

SirDegeneracy Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 11:08:39 Id: b3f2b2 No. 25068 [Reply]
SirDegeneracy has made the best blacked hentai captions. Many got VA's enacting them. I need to know who the VA is and how to find all the content. Please help a WB out. Thanks.
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I'm trying to find an old vid back in 2020-2021? I think it was a commission for multiple voice actors, with lunamist being one of them, the script maybe by SirDegeneracy. The art I remember is this one by aaaninja who did this commission for terasu mc's characters. anyone have the vid? thinks
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>>25558 I don't have that one, but I have 3/4ths of another TerasuMC voiceover. It was released in black and white, and then colored, and yet I can't find either version of the last part. I remember the girls were encouraging you to spurt while lined up showing bull's cum in their pussies, and then called you a good boy at the end.
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/interracial/ wins the 8moe Soul Calibur VI Tournament motherfuckers Anonymous 02/18/2024 (Sun) 04:50:33 Id: 043fc9 No. 22785 [Reply]
>>>/icup/5342 Swept that shit clean. >/interracial/ vs /fur/: 5-0 >/interracial/ vs /leftypol/: 5-0 >/interracial/ vs /monarchy/: 5-1 >/interracial/ vs /bleached/: 5-0 >/interracial/ vs /fast/: 5-4 Wasn't even sure about joining at first but turns out we accidentally dominated. Hail victory everyone
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>>22785 amazingly based thread and based board. other boards on every single chan publicly say bad things about /interracial/ but we all know behind closed doors what they're watching when everyone in the house is asleep, its so obvious
>>22785 Based.
>>22785 >not found bleached won

Indian & Middle Eastern Anonymous 09/20/2022 (Tue) 13:04:01 Id: c43b17 No. 9842 [Reply] [Last]
trying to find videos of seriously ugly Indian and Middle Eastern Men fucking Gorgeous White Western Chicks mainly from The US, UK and Eastern European.
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Dm white bitches 7elegr4m : @Roentgen666
>>12080 Based. Imagine her going to town like crazy and rimming some dirty pajeet immigrant and dumping her white aryan bf for him.

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Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 05:41:05 Id: ebf856 No. 25818 [Reply]
This is the last time i post on this shitty board, chud admin can ban me for life i don't care i'm never coming here again. This board has an evil aura anyway I've felt it for a long time. This board will never be successful, there will always be the same 8 retarded fags who will rot here until their deaths. This board could have been good if it was not controlled by a retarded chud, giving control of an interracial board to a chud is one of the most retarded ideas I have seen in my life. I'm not really fan of discord trannies too but with them at least there would be no low IQs /pol/tards who parasitize threads. But here when i respond to a chud i get banned, when i want to answer these chuds by proving that i'm not a filthy chud like them this fucking chud admin deletes my messages. So enjoy chuds, you have a tranny-chud admin who protecting you! I hope you are happy you bunch of little cowards. FUCK this whole site in fact, this evil site filled with retarded /pol/chuds schizos and degenerates. FUCK this filthy site filled with neanderthal crackers. FUCK this filthy site filled with pedos, trannies, cucks and zoophiles. This evil place is FULL of pedophiles, this site will be shut down soon it's sure. I have already spotted several pedo here and there is literally a board for zoophiles, fucking bunch of degenerates who like to fuck dogs: https://8chan.moe/zoo/catalog.html Funny "coincidence" that the zoophile board is FULL of crackers, FULL of WHITES, that's all I'll say on this subject. FUCK your white race too, may non-whites erase you of the globe. If chuds would have just answered me with normal insults or jokes like i do i would be less aggressive but these autistic white bitches have unbearable shitty answers, always repeating "project project project" because it's the only thing that these low IQs retards know to say, because they have no intelligence nor arguments, because repeating "project" like autistic childs to project their status of chuds on others is the only way they have of coping. I'm not a chud i hate chuds and i thank life that i'm not like you retarded faggots. This fetish was originally a far-left fetish. And that makes sense because it's a pro-immigration, pro race-mixing and anti-whites fetish. Which is literally what far-left do, which is the opposite of white nationalism. This fetish is an anti-white fetish so it's logical that NORMALLY there should not be any white nationalists who like it. Logically the REAL white nationalists are not attracted to this and hate this. BUT a minority of fucking /pol/trash chuds completely RETARDED and SCHIZOPHRENIC have come for screw up this fetish, while secretly LOVING IT because they are deeply schizophrenic and because they are NOT real nazis, they are white faggots geeks losers kids who only speak on internet, who are completely cucks and homosexuals and who live in basements of their mommy house. SO it took that some fucking retarded chuds completely SCHIZOPHRENIC to come for parasitize this fetish, because they ruin everything they touch. Because they are fucking PARASITES, like their colonial ancestors parasitized countries in past. ONCE AGAIN it took these retarded chudcels to ruin everything because of their schizophrenia. They literally spend their lives insulting blacks and non-whites on boards but when you tell them they are chuds they don't assume their chud status and cry like fags.
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>>25818 cope sneed and dilate
>>25818 I can’t imagine being so addicted to porn that I have a meltdown over a admin team on a interracial porn board get a life bro please and wile you’re at it take a shower I’m 100% sure you smell like the Black Death having sex with a rotting cow carcass
nigger ape

Anonymous 01/26/2024 (Fri) 03:58:13 Id: f700ff No. 22238 [Reply]
White women exposing White men's BBC fantasy thread
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I was hanging out with a friend yesterday and when we were driving he asked me to look something up on his phone. Opened the browser tabs and it had a bunch of tabs opened along the lines of "BBC [something]". Didn't check it out in detail, but it was multiple tabs like that. Did what he asked and put back his phone without telling him. He is a fairly normal dude and he has a cute girlfriend. It really makes me wonder if they get up to anything in their private life.
>>22267 god i hate a boring ass bitch like this >don't kinkshame unless it offends ME blah blah blah
>>22238 Need more like this

Is this fetish just hate for women? Anonymous 12/07/2023 (Thu) 18:50:29 Id: 7bbd41 No. 21041 [Reply]
Is this just hating women so much that you want to see them degrade themselves and niggers are the lowest you can go without going into bestiality? I think thats the case for me.
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>>25827 society is fucked up, it fucked you up just like it fucked me up. I don't know if there is a cure to our condition. Sorry.
>>21041 Not it's because I love and adore white women that I want them to enjoy mind-blowing sex with superior males.
>>25827 death gripped use only a fleshlight or something for a while

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If Only Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 13:25:43 Id: 6519ed No. 11017 [Reply]
post shit that you wish to be real
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I'd love to see deepfakes of this woman

Adison Briana Anonymous 12/05/2022 (Mon) 14:55:59 Id: cd173b No. 11877 [Reply]
She's got a bunch of videos of herself fucking big thick cock Bulls on her onlyfans that I've trying to find, best part about this is, she's got a tall fat white boyfriend with a small cock that she likes to cuck by making him film her fucking BBCs also to note there's some footjob vids out there too
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>>25758 Beautiful. It's crazy how I will never be able to experience such a beautiful woman
>>24754 Is this actually true or not? Never heard of this.

AI Porn Site in Need for Feedback Anonymous 07/14/2023 (Fri) 04:18:47 Id: 457dd2 No. 17595 [Reply]
Hey guys, I’m working on an AI porn site please give me some feedback! https://www.create.porn/
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>>17616 XL soon
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No. 17595 I wish i had the skill to do the same as this, it is fantastic . please keep it up.would be great to see her getting dirty

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Anonymous 07/08/2024 (Mon) 11:40:02 Id: 7bc497 No. 25130 [Reply]
If you could marry any Blacked actress (or other pornstar who did a bmwf scene) which one would you pick and how would you treat her? How would you deal with her 'past'? For me it would be Mia Melano
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>>25362 Youth is beauty. And you sound like you'd be a cute couple together.
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>>25130 >If you could marry any Blacked actress (or other pornstar who did a bmwf scene) which one would you pick and how would you treat her? Kate England She's so fucking beautiful and my favorite pornstar of all time. She is actually the main reason I got addicted to interracial due to her CuckoldSessions vid I saw when I was around 15, it's seriously did something to my brain. She genuinely loves fucking black guys and has said so herself which is so hot, and the amount of interracial scenes she has done is staggering - I've re-watched all of them probably 200+ times >How would you deal with her 'past'? I wouldn't care, I would just be over the moon to marry but I would have to ditch all family and friends to be with her. If she still wanted to fuck black guys that would be perfectly fine and honestly pretty hot
>>25620 Kate is indeed perhaps the greatest QoS. She's had so much Black Seed pumped into her it's likely altered her DNA. Sadly her scenes have become dull and routine, reduced to nothing but some sucking and fucking that ends with a creampie. No anal, no group or DP, no facials anymore.

Links, torrents or whatever thread Anonymous 08/09/2023 (Wed) 11:01:17 Id: 6f7a7a No. 18617 [Reply] [Last]
Chaos is fun - HD Normal - yiC3vaowzw5uSU-5RXnkfDO5YRdKJaj7jUNm8GRlIdE Chaos is fun Link - https://mega.nz/file/33AjjKLK Let it Happen - HD - 9YMODrpsqjmm_dbNUtbohFj1XPPnLnuO7rkC0UCxDrs Let it Happen - HD - Link - https://mega.nz/file/fmBUUCjK Game Over - Regular HD - nlSYtZBh3dEdaajIW-VwQwSJ12XsiPY0NIhJs9E7QpE Game Over - HD - Link - https://mega.nz/file/G7gERBCY Looped Chaos if Fun - HD - 9oFixaqYghNYC5udZN-Frwjdv9PFVL4ZrtYcIlaVkmo Link Looped - https://mega.nz/file/D7hWhBwT Pure Pink Pop - FAdZZb9deMvFkiQbYfTY6zC_eCd4OvA0_NzagKwSjEM Pure Pink Pop Link - https://mega.nz/file/m3wTSAga Complex Glitch Install - ge9VL9S6jBFY7sNNfdO4vwXxD47GRVwSXZFhAblvcV0 Complex Glitch Install Link - https://mega.nz/file/zvAjCQKZ Party Melter 25 fps - PS6D4IeEuQdthvE9ie54sfb2TV-3I7dShRNb-8vJWIw Party Melter 25 fps Link - https://mega.nz/file/PjpEBbTZ Chocolate Pink - 97pC3YFxYIq7EUrceqNYTaLHCxBKTsAP2oU48rgb3oY Chocolate Pink Link - https://mega.nz/file/G7JXgaBA Your Future, Episode 2 - jdoNtdvXQlkrQ7IoswFGVMWgtls4z6SSCNvjKTug5a4

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Did anyone get the entire gargantua4r library? He uploaded it to mega, but the link is down: https://x.com/Gargantua4r/status/1762214703013507364
>>18617 Can anyone please reup the mommy's cult videos?

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