/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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Input, suggestions, ideas Anonymous Board owner 07/25/2021 (Sun) 22:11:39 No. 290
Hello, what would you like to see from this board? Is there any way that I can siphon more activity to this place? You are a mysterious man, Chai. I don't know what you expect from me but i'll do my best! If anyone's reading this, let me know any ideas that you might have, I don't know how to run a board very well. Maybe a Tox or Element server? I'm open to suggestions.
>>290 Which Pokemon would you fuck?
>>290 You're thinking too hard. It's a porn board. Post porn.
>>291 Ooh boy, where do I start? Ninetails, Flareon, Glaceon, Eeve, Lucario, Scyther, Sylveon, Raichu, Sneasel, Riolu, Fennekin, Braixen, Charizard, Gengar.
I don't know. Diet and exercise tips for a cuteboi body? Find a bunch of stories and pictures of cute boys flexing on significantly ugly and less cute trannies? I would laugh a lot at proper, biological and self-identifying boys lauding their superior cuteness over trannies. Knee and thigh high socks thread? It's your board where you are fag queen. You decide what to do with it.
>>294 I like exercising and eating right. So I would contribute to such a thread. Hell I already use /kin/ just to show anons how easy cooking is.
>>294 Those are some sound ideas, anon. Although I might need some help with a fitness advice thread since I don't know much about fitness myself beyond fasting.
>>295 >>296 >>294 Fitness thread is a go! Feel free to share any advice or ask away any questions.
>element Same issue as discord, only serves to detract from people posting on the board itself.
>>290 Try advertising it on Twitter, Gab, Parler, and maybe even make a Odysee and Bitchute channel and post video's highlighting various posts you perceive as being interesting, informative, or funny in the '/insert board here/ simulator format. So long as you follow the golden rule and don't use YouTube/Google/Alphabet Inc. you'll be based and red pilled as apposed to being a blue pilled faggot. Best way to achieve growth is to inform outsiders you exist. Good luck managing your new expanded social media presence Board owner sempai :) Also this >>322 It would be counter productive.
>>326 >twitter, gab, parler All pozzed, no one should be touching those sites. If anons actually want to shill /cb/ then head over to the threads on cuckchan's /trash/. They even have a dedicated "/cbg/" there. 4chan.org/trash/thread/40455888
>>377 /trash/ is unironically the less horrible board in cuckchan.
>>377 >I want to expand our user based beyond more 11 users >but I don't wanna do the whole reaching out thing especially if it means pulling people away from cancerous social media Alright.... Hmmmmmm..... Here's an idea, Learn how to write in Arabic, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Mongolian, and maybe some Berber dialects then fly down to countries and regions where openly being a effeminate fag lord would at the best of times get you jail time and claim it's for 'vacation' and with your handy dandy Sharpie™ or any other such permanent marker of your choice write down the domain of 8chan dot moe slash /cb/ in the airport bathroom, on the guard rails of city bridges, on the back of street signs, at the local library, and any local bike paths/trails but anywhere you feel would get people traffic that you feel you can get away with while not getting caught will suffice and be sure to advertise it as a secure private Tor compatible place since third worlders can't into paid VPN subscriptions. I dunno ever wanted to visit North Sudan OP? Now you have a good excuse. >>393 Why would we want 4Chum cancer here?
Anyway I'd do that myself but I'm a busy man so I trust you with this responsibility OP, good luck.
>>394 You can expand your user base without needing to rely on weird boomer sites like gab. The fact you're suggesting sites that are vehemently anti-porn for a board about fag porn shows that you're just spit balling random shit without even understanding what you're talking about. There is nothing to gain from advertising on mainstream social media sites, and no one is going to do it anyways. You're better off advertising on various alternative social media platforms like mastodon. LBRY is a video hosting platform which doesn't really seem all that relevant to this board. I guess you could make a /cb/ channel and post porn to it while advertising this board. >Why would we want 4Chum cancer here? Because there are a lot of anons on cuckchan that would be fine fits for this site. As >>393 said there are niche boards where a lot of people that probably hung out on 8chan ended up. I think /trash/ is even completely unlisted on cuckchan so it's about as niche as you can get for a site like that. Targeted cuckchan shilling is fine. It's blanket mindless cuckchan shilling on popular boards that would be problematic.
>>396 >The fact you're suggesting sites that are vehemently anti-porn for a board about fag porn shows that you're just spit balling random shit without even understanding what you're talking about. Porn may be B&'d on paper BUT the moderation has a tough time actually enforcing it actually. >here is nothing to gain from advertising on mainstream social media sites, and no one is going to do it anyways. You're better off advertising on various alternative social media platforms like mastodon. LBRY is a video hosting platform which doesn't really seem all that relevant to this board. I guess you could make a /cb/ channel and post porn to it while advertising this board. Not a bad idea, also isn't Odysee basically a part of LBRY though? Or are they basically two independent parties that support each other? >Because there are a lot of anons on cuckchan that would be fine fits for this site. Fair enough >I think /trash/ is even completely unlisted on cuckchan so it's about as niche as you can get for a site like that. It is, you can't get there without typing in the address bar. >Targeted cuckchan shilling is fine. It's blanket mindless cuckchan shilling on popular boards that would be problematic. Fair enough
>>397 >Not a bad idea, also isn't Odysee basically a part of LBRY though? Or are they basically two independent parties that support each other? Yes they're the same thing I just refer to it as LBRY because it's faster to type. Odysee is just a website front-end for the LBRY network. The problem is that I don't think you can upload content to the network without acquiring some LBC, their special snowflake cryptocurrency. But I've never tried to make a channel or upload any content myself so I'm now sure if that's actually the case or how you would go about dealing with that alleged barrier. Making posts on popular weeb mastodon/pleroma instances is probably the most realistic and accessible method of shilling this board. https://anime.website/main/public

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