/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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(2.70 MB 640x360 celebrating-18yo.webm)

can we post porn? Anonymous 07/29/2021 (Thu) 03:17:18 No. 433
is porn saves allowed?
Of course, this is mostly a porn board.
(1.66 MB 640x360 asian twink.mp4)

>>435 awesome
(4.47 MB 360x640 padrastroyhijo.mp4)

I want to sex tour the Philippines or Thailand. Get deep in some boi puss
>>433 >celebrating-18yo How do I know this person is really 18? Who is 18 of the two?
>>457 its porn bro, you have to at least acknowledge the title even if spurious adds to the excitement
>>464 fair enough
So many videos lost to time when Pornhub nuked 80% of their content.
>>602 when I was child I thought childish things and thought the cool stuff after uploading would always be up
>>605 That's why you save everything
>>606 for justice
>>611 Oh my
>>611 Source is https://twitter.com/RosieKawaii, in case somebody wants to save the rest of his short videos.
(2.82 MB 828x472 4bWPLMAuxZqgo4H1.mp4)

>>646 Fuck. That's kawaii
>>667 I didn't see a dildo was that dry humping ejaculation? I still masturbate face down dry humping since 10. I'm really good at top
>>751 I remember being able to cum just by thinking about lewd stuff when I was 12
>>766 I remember in middle-school I would get the random most hard boners out of nowhere and the second I put pressure on it by leaning my elbow over my pants I would bust a small nut in my pants. You could see my dick imprint through my jeans and I'm pretty sure I had female teachers who would walk by and look down checking me out.
(1.10 MB 1088x562 New shortcut.lnk.webm)

(1.01 MB 562x1088 1557438537411.webm)

(1.84 MB 480x960 1557549636628.webm)

>>1128 He's cute. But a total slut I'd imagine.
>>1128 source?
>>628 Gone. Did anyone keep an archive?
>>1128 hawt

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