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'Comics|Books and Stories|Stories|Video Games|Weapons|Furry|Random Bullshit / Retro Vidya / how to post

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BANNERS Anonymous 05/04/2021 (Tue) 21:04:26 No. 18 [Reply]
If you have any cool banners, post them here and i'll add them. Maximum size is 640x140 and filesize of 1mb.
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Hey I quit the site. Sorry. I did my best as long as I could. This board needs a new owner now. Good luck with that.
>>181 How will you get a new board owner for here now?

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Anonymous 05/04/2021 (Tue) 20:14:52 No. 3 [Reply]
this is my favorite retro game it came out two years before i was born
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Final fantasy nine is better people that like 7 are just closeted about wanting to fuck their male friends.
>>115 By that logic, all FF9 fans are just closeted furries.
>>128 I never cared much for final Fantasy games after FF X.

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Retrocomputing game thread Anonymous 05/09/2021 (Sun) 02:14:25 No. 55 [Reply]
So /vr/, what's your favorite retrocomputer? I'm fond of the MSX and Amiga.. Both have some great games (especially the Amiga, check out Turrican). What's your favorite
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well fuck.. TOR users cant post files, and >=1 file is required for new threads, so... I'll just drop this here instead: The Retro Gamers' Dream Come True is MAME-SL - its not just arcade, but a full Software Library! it caps out at PS1/Dreamcast era, around y2k; even includes computers like the SGI/Irix OS, which was used for development of N64 games etc. If you want the full set, its about 4TB ;) https://pleasuredome.github.io/pleasuredome/mame/ https://www.mamedev.org/release.php Enjoy!
>>170 >>169 What were the circumstances of why she wanted it gone? I am curious as to what happened here. Yeah, you can just divorce, sure, but why not throw away several pounds of other stuff?
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I do appreciate the Commodore PET line to some extent, as well as the Vic-20, Apple ][ family (including the later 16-bit ||GS), Atari 8-bit family, Commodore 64, and some models of Kaypro. I am also interested Tandy TRS-80 Model 1 Meh for the most part for the unrelated Model II and Model 12, and Model 16. Yes to the TRS-80 Model III, Model 4, COCO1, and COCO 2. Also quite interested in the Atari ST line, MSX,Acorn BBC Micro, Amiga line, as well as the ZX spectrum (save for the +3 and some of the hardware clones), and TI-99/4 and TI-99/4a, even.

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Bomberman Anonymous 05/04/2021 (Tue) 20:12:43 No. 2 [Reply]
What's your favorite Bomberman game? Also definitely check out Power Bomberman, a massive Bomberman fangame with hundreds of characters and an active online community.
I'm not a big Bomberman fan, but I have a lot of nostalgia for Bomberman 64. I like the music especially.
link to Power Bomberman, which is completely free https://mega.nz/file/iXwxVAxa#MPs9PN9MhxBjPWnsDdwd9st56lMr0NchUtAxWa2DtGs If anyone is interested, a gamenight could be arranged
>>2 the psp game

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Romhacks Anonymous 05/04/2021 (Tue) 20:35:13 No. 12 [Reply]
Any cool romhacks or translations you know about? I recently played Rockman CX, a massive MM2 romhack with plenty of crossovers and cool new bosseshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5WejVCT2pI
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>>160 So did the PSP version of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment. Not Iwakura's, someone else's: https://github.com/sayucchin/P2-EP-PSP
Anyone know some decent halloween romhacks? Kirby's Halloween Adventure was nice visually but not much else.
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>>12 There's these Megaman 1 hacks that I have on my computer. One is Megaman Alpha, and its basically a reskin graphics-wise, while the other is Megaman, the New Lands with 6 all new Robot Masters in place of the original, such as Dynaman, Tintman, Caveman, and Hunterman, along with a different art-style. Plus, Getting hurt won't knock you back like in practically all of the Classic and X games. The default plasma cannon is now called a blaster, as can be seen from the start button menu. Then there's one I have for Megaman 3 called "the rise and fall of Dr. Wily".

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Nintendo 64 thread Anonymous 05/19/2021 (Wed) 19:47:18 No. 114 [Reply]
Figured I'd make a thread about the mediocre console with a handful of great games. What're your favorite N64 games /vr/? I've been playing the english patch of Custom Robo and Donkey Kong 64 recently, been having fun with both of those games although I wish DK64 wasn't super autistic about collectables.
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>>156 No wcw vs nwo was good.
>>114 Conker's Bad Fur Day was surprisingly good. I went in expecting it to be mediocre and forced but it actually was pretty well put together and got a few chuckles out of me.

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SEGA Channel Anonymous 09/08/2021 (Wed) 01:33:04 No. 142 [Reply]
Anyone every play?
This is something I hear a lot about but never someone thats ever actually used it
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>>142 For some reason, Nintendo never seriously thought about bringing the SFC Satelliview service to North America, UK, Netherlands nor Scandinavia as a way to go toe to toe.

What's the time limit for a game to be considered retro? Anonymous 05/14/2021 (Fri) 04:49:27 No. 79 [Reply]
It's clear at this point as the years go by systems like the ps3, Xbox 360, and the Wii would be considered retro systems at this point but other disagree. What are your opinions on this because as unusual as it feels to some I feel that it's apt for the seventh console generation to be considered retro. Pic unrelated.
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I would say up to the 5th gen. Games from the PS2 and onwards look and play much more akin to modern vidya without the jewry, with most of the hardware limitations on gameplay gone out of the way. You could show them to kids or someone who doesn't even play videogames and they'd think they look pretty cool, and get into them somewhat easily. But PS1, SNES, Genesis, Game Boy Color and maybe even some Dreamcast games? If i showed them to most people more used to modern vidya, they'd probably think they aged horribly and that they look and play like barebones tech demos of latter 2000's vidya. I'd have a hard time selling them to anyone who didn't grow up with those consoles or who isn't very patient without a "it was good for it's time" mindset. The only exception would probably be the Nintendo DS, at least compared with the PSP. I also dunno where to draw the line with PC games.
>>165 Well that settles that then.
>>79 >>132 The Dreamcast should be retro in terms of the time and date it got released, for sure. All other 6th gen consoles and up, no dice.

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Import games and consoles Anonymous 05/18/2021 (Tue) 06:59:36 No. 110 [Reply]
What import games does /vr/ like? I've been looking forward to playing Sweet Home. I have a Famicom I got some years back, and I can use the English translation as I own a flashcart. I'm pretty fond of the PC-Engine and MSX as well, both very interesting consoles/computers in my opinion. What does /vr/ like?
Fire Pro Wrestling anything and most Banpresto titles of yore.
i really enjoyed sweet home as you mentioned and the english translation of mother 3

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Anonymous 01/05/2023 (Thu) 13:47:53 No. 167 [Reply]
atari 2600 / Stella emulation thread
recommended atari 2600 games: dragonfire berzerk fishing derby space invaders jungle hunt yar's revenge donkey kong adventure centipede asteriods custer's revenge bank heist HERO keystone kapers frostbite galaxian

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WW3 Anonymous 05/14/2021 (Fri) 22:13:29 No. 91 [Reply]
Anybody like this game?
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>>93 The first and second W&W were straightforward, even if batshit chaotic hard for beginners. You just beat levels until the game is done. W&W3 stands out because it wasn't that. It's an open world game that you need to figure out how to beat by exploring and talking to NPCs. It's much more chill. I do recommend it to you if the first game wasn't your cup of tea.
>>91 It's the only one of the trilogy that I never played. I always liked the artstyle and music of the W&W games.
Never played it. In fact, the only one I played out of the trilogy was the first one.

Game Music thread Anonymous 05/24/2021 (Mon) 17:16:15 No. 118 [Reply]
Post some tunes
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Baroque for the Sega Saturn and Playstation 1 what super cool for its time. It has a really great aesthetic of machines and flesh, distortion, and so on, it's a rogue-like with a story that is also quite cool, and it really just nails it at being memorable for me. Sinful Eyes is my favorite track across all the ports.
Super Castlevania IV ending theme is one of my favorites. It really hit home for me once you finish the journey and you get those flashback animations of the places you've been.

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Anonymous 05/07/2021 (Fri) 21:49:14 No. 53 [Reply]
Snes games
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>>101 There’s hints here and there that the games take place in the same world, but the plots are completely unrelated, so it’s not necessary to start from the beginning if you don’t want to.
>>63 It's not shit like Zelda. It's more like a SoM clone.
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>>135 When I saw the words " SoM clone" on the home page I assumed you were talking about Illusion of Gaia. I was close.

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Medievil Anonymous 06/05/2021 (Sat) 00:24:08 No. 129 [Reply]
Do you guys like Medievil? I loved the first game as a kid but I could never beat it as a kid. I find it amusing that it got not one but TWO remakes across different generations. However no one ever seems to talk about MediEvil 2, was it that bad? How good is the PS4 remake?
I have yet to play the remake but it i've heard mixed things about it.

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Recommended game charts and lists. Anonymous 05/04/2021 (Tue) 20:10:36 No. 1 [Reply]
First, therefore benis.
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>>15 we got quite a few touching/molesting sims over the years (a recent one is Amuchan Developer) but their number is dwarfed by loli visual novels.
I'm pretty sure that there are no charts for old home computers like the Amstrad CPC or Speccy.
>>89 I'm guessing that it's not at all like Rabi Ribi?

What Are (You) Playing? Anonymous 05/05/2021 (Wed) 13:53:01 No. 26 [Reply]
Title says it all. I'm currently playing through The Great Battle II: Last Fighter Twin, my first impressions of the game aren't all that great. You play as SD versions of popular Japanese characters from different franchises in a crossover beat 'em up. Extremely lackluster so far, since all characters play the exact same.
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>>74 >webring issue What's going on? I gave up on this place and only come here for this place and /t/.
>>75 >please wait for validation ...I'm guessing that's the issue you're referring to?
>>76 Hello yes, kinda. Please stay... I love you

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