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Retrocomputing game thread Anonymous 05/09/2021 (Sun) 02:14:25 No. 55
So /vr/, what's your favorite retrocomputer? I'm fond of the MSX and Amiga.. Both have some great games (especially the Amiga, check out Turrican). What's your favorite
Goddamn it, forgot to add "retrocomputers" at the end.
I haven't played that many reto computer games to make a proper judgement but the Commodore 64 seems to have the most active community and I've seen some sick demos and hardware pushing homebrew.
I played a bunch of ZX Spectrum platformers, they are fun for what they are like Jet Set Willy. These games are seriously unforgiving and probably amongst the hardest games i've ever played. The controls are simple and often satisfying when remapped using an emulator, this kind of experimental game design that tries to make out the best out of weak hardware is fascinating and completely gone nowadays. God bless the brits.
I had an Atari ST 500 and just had to get the mouse, but the wife wanted it gone because we have little space, so I had to literally throw it in our bin
>>151 shouldve thrown out the wife then youd be able to keep the computer. you moron.
>>169 You make good points.
well fuck.. TOR users cant post files, and >=1 file is required for new threads, so... I'll just drop this here instead: The Retro Gamers' Dream Come True is MAME-SL - its not just arcade, but a full Software Library! it caps out at PS1/Dreamcast era, around y2k; even includes computers like the SGI/Irix OS, which was used for development of N64 games etc. If you want the full set, its about 4TB ;) https://pleasuredome.github.io/pleasuredome/mame/ https://www.mamedev.org/release.php Enjoy!
>>170 >>169 What were the circumstances of why she wanted it gone? I am curious as to what happened here. Yeah, you can just divorce, sure, but why not throw away several pounds of other stuff?
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I do appreciate the Commodore PET line to some extent, as well as the Vic-20, Apple ][ family (including the later 16-bit ||GS), Atari 8-bit family, Commodore 64, and some models of Kaypro. I am also interested Tandy TRS-80 Model 1 Meh for the most part for the unrelated Model II and Model 12, and Model 16. Yes to the TRS-80 Model III, Model 4, COCO1, and COCO 2. Also quite interested in the Atari ST line, MSX,Acorn BBC Micro, Amiga line, as well as the ZX spectrum (save for the +3 and some of the hardware clones), and TI-99/4 and TI-99/4a, even.

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