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Renewed Mario Paint Thread Anonymous 04/13/2024 (Sat) 09:24:27 Id: 3eab93 No. 958116
The old thread was lost. Let's revive it and all try to participate this time, especially since everyone can post again. If someone would be so good as to give a link to the Mario Paint download since I seem to have lost my archive file.
>>958116 How to Mario paint?
(7.14 KB 256x223 N8_visits_Italy.png)

(11.59 KB 512x446 N8__Easter.png)

(9.69 KB 512x448 N8_paints.png)

(13.21 KB 512x446 N8 at the creek.png)

(8.46 KB 512x446 N8 sweat.png)

(8.37 KB 512x446 Moonlit N8 fix.png)

(18.79 KB 512x448 N8 hill.png)

(11.17 KB 512x446 N8 between holidays.png)

(9.62 KB 518x455 n8 Snowball fight.png)

(7.91 KB 512x448 N8 fog.png)

(10.40 KB 512x448 n8 beach.png)

(25.28 KB 512x448 N8_Fall.png)

(20.33 KB 512x448 N8 forest hammock.png)

(13.18 KB 512x448 Summer breeze.png)

(16.43 KB 512x448 'Strayan summer.png)

(7.91 KB 512x448 N8 fog.png)

(972.96 KB 318x278 disconnect.webm)

(13.21 KB 512x446 You are not human, are you.png)

(13.04 KB 512x446 Cerberus.png)

(6.85 KB 512x446 Sam's serious stroll.png)

(5.42 KB 254x221 marioN8_edited.png)

R8 N8 & H8
Thread Theme.
>>958166 >R8 Nice landscapes >N8 Higgers >& H8 Ruined by furfaggotry
An attempt was made, but the tracking of my pen is horrendously inaccurate.
>>965563 Nice diddies.
>>965563 Mario Paint does this weird thing where the cursor has an almost weird stabilization to it, I've found drawing with a tablet or with a mouse get similar results because of it. Probably something to do with the small canvas size? idk
>>965563 Peach's peaches Better than I could do in Mario Paint
>>965577 With my pen display in regular mode the cursor gets stuck drifting at the edges. In mouse mode it can track, but it's inaccurate as hell since the cursor always strays from the pen. I'm trying to find something that will play nice with pen input, but all I found was a java-based Mario Paint Music composer: https://github.com/DC37/Super-Mario-Paint/releases
>>965782 Mario Paint Composer used to be all over YouTube.
Not mine
ms paint so doesnt count but drew this for a half-baked 4cuck thread so here you go just for fun
(10.90 KB 768x672 Coffee_Button.png)

(10.94 KB 768x672 E3_ded.png)

(14.69 KB 768x672 Ren_Victory.png)

>>979562 Redraw it for a full-baked 8chan thread using >>958130
(24.91 KB 768x672 N8 Squilliam.png)

(21.63 KB 513x448 N8 Field.png)

New N8. Also reposting the last one from the drawthread.
>>1002715 Super cute N8 Squilliam.
(18.02 KB 768x672 Viv_10th_Anniversary.png)

Vivian James turns 10 today,
>>1004533 Happy Birthday!!!
>>979562 nice mario
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to the Capitol tonight.
>>1035916 Excellent anon. You should share it with >>>/brit/ as well given the subject matter.
>>1004533 More Vivian, less furries, please. More anything, less furries.
>>1041580 RUDE! N8anon has been regularly delivering nice pics to this thread for something like 2 years. I look forward to it.
>>958130 There's a FastROM patch for Mario Paint that makes it more smooth and a little faster to draw on.
>>1041685 You got a lonk?
(20.49 KB 768x672 N8_Fireworks.png)

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all a very happy New Year
>>1056089 This one has really strong contrast and the look reminds me of what one might have seen from a Win 3.1-DOS era game splash screen. Good job anon.
(209.76 KB 1024x1024 christmario.jpg)

>>1056089 You mostly draw fursona faggotry which corrupts Christmas. It's about Jesus, Santa, and presents, not fursuiting deviants. You have potential if you stop degenerating the thread with your fursona and you Mario Paint different shit. I'm a drawfag who might have Mario Painted here but this shit's smeared on every wall like a mustard gas that keeps me away.
>>1056093 Should be about the yuletide spirit as non-semites intended.
>>1056089 That's fucking gr8 N8, akshully.
/v/ should have a Mario Paint art competition if people could be persuaded to participate.
>>1056093 You posted slop, so your argument might as well be discarded. >I'm an artist btw And now I have 0 interest seeing what you may or may not have scribbled.
(18.40 KB 600x600 2370370235.webp)

>>1056152 >My fursona is fucking great Pic relatable. >>1056157 I don't scribble fursona faggotry which corrupts Christmas then samefag my fart-art twice to defend smearing my shit on the wall. My style's known in drawthreads, I won't post it here so you bring your asspains there. You tried. I'm better at drawing than you and so's AI. I feel warm seeing >>1056093 while your fursona faggotry feels like vomit, like watching fat people fuck.
(49.08 KB 676x858 0mad.jpg)

(7.18 MB 640x360 Mark Gahoole callout.mp4)

>>1056093 >>1056178 >fursona Nate isn't anyone's fursona. He's a mascot. >fursuiting deviants What fursuit? >>1056178 Pretend everyone is samefagging if you want, my actual reaction to your posts is having a giggle over your tilting at windmills. >My style's known in drawthreads <I won't post it here Really, now. Neither of your posts sounds like you're familiar with drawing, though. You know what, I'm calling that bluff. Draw something with pen and paper (Hard mode: zero references), keep your pencil lines/predrawing intact. Then post a timestamped photo of it. If you deliver I'll post some gondolas I made that didn't make it to the new thread. If not I'm posting my Christmas drawings from previous years instead. I'll give you 48 hours to get it done, surely a cakewalk for an artist of your caliber. >>1056154 I'd be happy to take part and see others try their hand as well as long as my schedule allows it.
>>1056093 >>1056178 Furries are like trannies dude, they never step back from their PC, identify as shit they're not, degrade every online activity and hobby with their dissolute fetish, and viciously defend that degradation. Some enraged furry's literally trying to dox you for speaking ill of his retarded self-insert fourth grade doodleshit donut steel fox-man, the mental illness of that crowd is brainworm level.
>>1056487 >Drawbump my dying fursona faggot fart-art gallery or you're bluffing. I'm gooonnnaaa spppaaam! No. My time's not owned by autistic deviants with sensitive asspains who spastically sperg after corrupting Christmas with fursona faggotry that feels like watching fat people fuck. However, I'll do a real deal, not a sperg demand: I Mario Paint a Christmas theme, Mark judges ability vs your Shitmas paintgore. Mine's better, you agree Mark/jannies delete every fur related post you made/make. Mine's worse, I fuck off from your thread and ignore you everywhere. >Logs for 12/31/2024 - /v/ >User Mark closed a report for post >>1056093 on thread 958116 on board /v/. And if I'm worse, Mark can delete me from Renewed Mario Paint Thread since after furdumping corruption and going surprised Pikachu at slight resistance you tattlecried your 100% mad asspains to Mark, who respectably refused to rescue you from your problems you made by furdumping that corruption. You're like that NiggerMaidens deviant, with his sperging, whining, reporting, and corrupting, but without his talent. Deal or not? You won't shake your dirty paw on it, you'll shake in your sweaty coonsuit instead and shit your litter box because you know you scribble dogshit like a kindergartener. >a cakewalk for an artist of your caliber. Of my caliber? I'm mediocre at art, furtard. No high horse to push me off, but mediocre's Michelangelo next to your >>1056089 spraycanned shitsmears of paraphilic pixel vomit. That's below low caliber, that bar's on the fucking floor. My niece outdraws you and she's 7, plus not trained by furvert gooners on Dicksored into anthrospamming some gay raccoonself OC. Even Nigger Claus corrupts Christmas less. You're shit now, but sperg less and drill other drawings more. You have potential, as an autist, you won't access by scribbling your fursona faggot 70 times. Accept scathing criticism sperglessly, branch out, and you'll attain mediocrity this decade.
(2.57 MB 492x360 Laughing Skeletor.webm)

(2.65 MB 1280x720 salt.mp4)

>>1056746 >>1056496 Thanks mate, haven't laughed that hard in in a while.
>>1056746 I'm now imagining Spongebob screaming incoherently about innocent N8 drawings.
(96.18 KB 2847x1412 X Doubt.jpg)

>>1060153 >furfagging >innocent You will never be your animal.
(332.69 KB 1000x667 Hand on Face Laughing.jpg)

>>1056746 Hilarious roast. Make comedy brutal again, like this, instead of played-safe, by-committee SNL garbage.
>>1056746 He has risen
>>1060169 That post is only funny because of how pathetic it was
>>1060261 Feeding your furry art critics with these upset posts will just bring more critics to you. I don't hate furries but I'm tempted to shit on you too, for the lulz.
>>1056746 >no redtext accompanied by stock images of Lambda rally cars C'mon.
(78.91 KB 378x490 Nerd Grace.png)

(893.53 KB 3773x1999 1677993474196190.jpg)

>>1056746 You can't bully woolly that furfag. n8 is a certified OLDFAG OC Are you an oldfag?
Peeked the thread. It's just some foxaboo hopping IPs to ballwash shitty art like his fugly furfox fapping in front of bad drawings of blob shapes. Waste of time.
I want cuckchan to leave.
(21.17 KB 768x672 ALWAYS.png)

(21.93 KB 768x672 N8 Harmony.png)

>>1074800 Cheers anon!

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