/trapshota/ - Trap Shota

Lolis With A Few Extra Inches

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Rule / Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 08/01/2021 (Sun) 07:04:36 Id: 76a96d No. 1 [Reply] [Last]
Welcome to the board designed and dedicated for trap shota in mind. So share your love and interest for trap and crossdressing shota. Have meaningful discussions and help build a healthy community. Also, this is a NSFW board. Board Rules Rules may change or readjust at any given moment. Major changes will be announced. 1: Global rules apply. 2: CP is strictly prohibited. Including traces/recreations of photographic depiction of real children. Serious topics of pedophilia is also prohibited. 3: Stylized 3D models of cartoon/comic/game characters are welcome. 3DCG featuring realistic original characters or characters modeled after a real child is prohibited. 4: Extreme fetishes such as gore, vore, snuff and scat must be contained in their respective threads and/or spoilered. 5: Source requests must be kept in the request thread. Any request outside will be deleted. 6: No politics. Aesthetics are fine but take the hard talk to some other board. 7: Trap character must appear like a girl or wear girl clothing. Healthy Suggestions 1: Only post one image when creating a thread to keep things clean. 2: Lurk moar before creating a thread. 3: Keep it quality. Too much shit-tier art could lead to a clean up. 4: Do try to stay on topic. 5: Keep toddler, furries, 3D, and other highly categorical posts in their own threads.

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>>512 I lurk here occasionally
How does one find videos here?

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Banners Anonymous Board owner 08/03/2021 (Tue) 08:59:44 Id: f7d907 No. 59 [Reply]
Post a banner for /trapshota/. Must contain the text /trapshota/ and be under 1MB.
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#3-5 don't have the text but have been used on trap shota boards before, I think even without it they might stand out on their own well enough.
>>122 Thank you. I add banners 1-3 to the banner rotation. I still accept submission.

Anonymous 08/01/2021 (Sun) 09:00:30 Id: 2d7313 No. 4 [Reply] [Last]
No Hacka Doll 3 thread? Let's fix that.
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He's so cute!
took the spot of top shotatrap from Pico for me easily, he is such a sexy easy onahole

New Trap Loli server Anonymous 08/19/2023 (Sat) 08:01:23 Id: 2ed720 No. 524 [Reply]
Come join Trapolita! Trap Loli discussion and hentai sharing. 3DCG and AI hentai welcome https://discord.gg/f69MBryB9s
>>524 The invite link is invalid
board is beyond dead but... this still around? lol

check in and post thread Anonymous 09/22/2024 (Sun) 23:30:52 Id: c914f0 No. 542 [Reply]
whenever you stop by, try to drop a post here so we can tell how many peopel are watching also add me on discord i guess kurebase lol
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Newfag but here.
Newfag here, hi
huh? hi. I want to have a needy boytoy to play around with and casually take behind a wall and cum inside during a random outing or casually on the couch after some wrestling

Anonymous 08/02/2021 (Mon) 19:29:39 Id: 6774a9 No. 50 [Reply]
Masked (artist)
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>>391 la creatura
Too ugly.
These are Elf boys vs Orc cock. It's not nigger cock, you dolts

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Miquella Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 23:50:37 Id: a14d1b No. 544 [Reply]
He looks extremely adrogynous to the point people mistake him and st trina for the wrong gender.. in universe and out also he is eternally stuck in a child's body.. he's also 5'7.. before he breaks his shotafying curse blame marika's genes making everything ludicrously tall.. minigiant shotrap effectively.

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Shezow Thread Shezow Thread 02/12/2022 (Sat) 06:22:05 Id: 4248a2 No. 321 [Reply]
So remember that show the char from it is a shota that essentially turns into a crossdressing superhero ergo shotrap. Also theres a lot of *nice* fanart made of it.
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Lincoln Loud Trap Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 13:19:56 Id: 8bbc43 No. 537 [Reply]
The best Lincoln Loud
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and more
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more with Chandler and other scenes

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and remember...

Bulge Anonymous 05/10/2022 (Tue) 07:35:28 Id: 1d89f7 No. 426 [Reply]
Visible bulge/erection under clothes.
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>>498 sauce please
>>530 Netoshisu it's ntr and the trap has barely any scenes. Recommend not bothering with it

Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 13:59:46 Id: 23ea6b No. 97 [Reply]
Group sex and gangbangs with trap shotas
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>>399 as much as I hate Shinji, I'd make the little bitch shit cum too
>>494 Hate fuck him.
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found on 4chan /b/

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feet Footcum 09/20/2023 (Wed) 03:14:21 Id: 3fde55 No. 526 [Reply]

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For the session lovers 07/23/2023 (Sun) 09:33:19 Id: 9e7f23 No. 522 [Reply]
Hit me up on session! 05a7beb118530586e76fd95002551ba0382fc3deb95e096472edd797ea92238b27

Anonymous 08/17/2021 (Tue) 03:47:03 Id: 39d9a2 No. 184 [Reply]
Felix Argyle (ferris-chan)
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>>205 Hard agree
Not a shotacon.

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Caged Clits Anonymous 08/01/2021 (Sun) 19:27:14 Id: 083623 No. 16 [Reply]
Post little sissy boy clitties in cages.
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>>58 >>38 >>21 oh these ones are really good. He's like a toy.

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shota feminization also 4chan gay Anonymous 04/15/2023 (Sat) 01:20:55 Id: 86aed1 No. 513 [Reply]
So I like shota feminization but I can't post it on d and b sucks so if you're a refugee like me, come post here. Bonus points for keeping your bois at least relatively boyish.

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