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My Little Pony Erotica

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Rule / Meta Thread Anonymous Board owner 08/09/2021 (Mon) 17:00:10 Id: c1b923 No. 1 [Reply]
Welcome to the board designed and dedicated for MLP and MLP-styled porn in mind. So share your love and interest for clop material. Have meaningful discussions and help build a healthy community. Also, this is a NSFW board. Board Rules Rules may change or readjust at any given moment. Major changes will be announced. 1: Global rules apply. This means that CP (including traces and recreations) as well as other illegal content is banned from /clop/. 2: No off-topic posts. Porn of OCs are permitted. Healthy Suggestions 1: Only post one image when creating a thread to keep things clean. 2: Lurk moar before creating a thread. 3: Keep it quality. Too much shit-tier art could lead to a clean up. 4: Do try to stay on topic. 5: Extreme fetishes such as gore, vore, snuff and scat should be contained in their respective threads and/or spoilered. Foalcon and coltcon can also follow if you so desire. 6: No politics. Aesthetics are fine but try to take the hard talk to some other board. Admins: ts91 (Board Owner (ts918chan@protonmail.com)
Edited last time by ts91 on 08/10/2021 (Tue) 14:11:10.
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>>134 >>Loli banned >IRL horse pussy banned Fucking lame
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>>211 Well then we're glad you're here. Although /zoo/ might be a more widely appropriate place for IRL horse-pussy, I can appreciate it's appeal to the cartoon set. Have always been personally weirded out a bit by foalcon, though. But laws in Equestria are different so its probably fine.

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(111.74 KB 850x769 LPipWinks.jpg)

(341.12 KB 1280x1024 Rover+Snowberry.jpg)

(184.24 KB 853x1024 TropicalVidya.jpg)

Mixed Mares Anonymous 03/02/2023 (Thu) 17:45:01 Id: fe0a76 No. 204 [Reply]
There are some that don't get quite as much attention but for rare occasions. AU-OCs, Background ponies that aren't AJ, and batponies. Stuff like that.
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Foalcon Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 04:04:23 Id: 979132 No. 23 [Reply] [Last]
Pony, anthro and human accepted.
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and others
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Need more GOLLY! I wanna worship her filly plot

Fluttershy Superior_Dragon 07/06/2022 (Wed) 10:19:41 Id: 19c725 No. 166 [Reply]
Just Fluttershy stuff
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>>166 >trip >name
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>>209 And? Don't be trippin',man!

Futa thread Anonymous 08/09/2021 (Mon) 17:26:56 Id: 1bac3f No. 2 [Reply]
Title says all
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Hooves Anonymous 07/05/2022 (Tue) 09:43:42 Id: 5a8aed No. 159 [Reply]
The dirtier, the better.
This place is dead, it's been almost a year and no posts.
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>>190 Yes, but those are some nice hooves anon.

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Princess Celestia Anonymous 08/10/2021 (Tue) 09:42:05 Id: 9b2cd6 No. 13 [Reply]
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(2.29 MB 1800x2300 VeryMessyCouch.png)

(12.20 MB 1920x1080 SFMride-in-woods.webm)

(244.56 KB 2048x2732 Tia_AwkwardWingBoner.jpg)

>>136 followed by some less-safe stuff.

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(3.04 MB 1540x1169 Overused.png)

(212.34 KB 1242x1118 NoReally.jpg)

(1.44 MB 2185x1421 TiaPlansParties.png)

>>137 I felt sure I'd seen some amazing Tia images over the years -- both NSFW and clean, both anthro and feral. But searching the boorus today has not been productive in proving my point.
>>138 There are some awesome images of Celestia out there, but, like every other fan creation that features her, they are buried beneath a pile of absolute dosh. ...I would add to the thread, but "connection failed."

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3D Clop flatsims 05/03/2022 (Tue) 14:01:18 Id: e7d7e0 No. 117 [Reply]
Just another directory for 3d clop. Likely pretty outdated.
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(1.63 MB 1280x720 24897_4c40fa7d899b45e1.webm)

Why are so many of the 3D artists complete and utter dicks? It's baffling. I've seen plenty of 2D artist that were absolute cunts as well, but now where near the extent of the 3D artists.
>>148 >Why are so many of the 3D artists complete and utter dicks? I think its because creative people need to feel validation more then most and they also tend to be overly harsh on themselves or have pretender syndrome. so they snap at fans and critics, or anyone that is a threat to their fragile ego (because of low self-esteem). fetish artist also hate anything that distracts them from the fetish or thing they are obsessing over.
(10.38 MB 1280x720 SFMhorsecocksof2019.webm)

Honestly I prefer ungulade anthros, but since this isn't here...have a slightly old celebratory .webm.

Twilight Sparkle Superior_Dragon 07/02/2022 (Sat) 08:41:48 Id: edc60c No. 153 [Reply]
Post all Twilight stuff here
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>>153 Bumped.
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(1.12 MB 1800x1200 TwilightShows_Tail2rit..png)

I'll be honest, I prefer horse-accurate pony models. especially if you're going to add a shaft - horses outperform us in every way! (and their girls are so prepared for it it's unreal)
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(186.49 KB 1366x768 CMC + Friends_01.jpg)

Honey Select Humanized MLP Loli flatsims 05/01/2022 (Sun) 23:10:06 Id: 61f589 No. 53 [Reply]
What I do is pretty specific. HS+Loli+Clop Picture sets and videos
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(1.90 MB 1600x900 Cherry Jubilee and Zecora.png)

(1.65 MB 1600x900 Lotus + Aloe.png)

last of the newer batch. see if you recognize them all.
any guides on how to set this game up? (i'm lost)
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(521.90 KB 896x512 EQG Pool (10).png)

>>152 Just go to the Honey Select thread on ATF. There should be a walkthrough on the first page to get most installed. That said I've moved onto AI and sometimes using old HS with it.

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(263.71 KB 829x1280 Chakat-Pony_cuddleafter.jpg)

(885.51 KB 2400x1800 ThingPone+Chores.png)

One word: chakats Although thingpone does facilitate some ... odd situational arousals.

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Pinkie Pie Anonymous 08/13/2021 (Fri) 08:18:32 Id: 5d221f No. 43 [Reply]
aka Pinkamena Diane Pie
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>>45 Blame Cupcakes and Crookedtrees/Railgunner turning her into the fandom's Shadow the Edgehog even though Party of One ponka was merely a sad horse.
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Anonymous 08/19/2021 (Thu) 16:22:16 Id: 6eec12 No. 46 [Reply]
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