/trapshota/ - Trap Shota

Lolis With A Few Extra Inches

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Hideyoshi Kinoshita Anonymous 08/13/2021 (Fri) 07:01:24 Id: 6baf8a No. 175 [Reply]
kinoshita hideyoshi
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[Braindead (EiJi)] Baka ga Josou de Yattekuru (Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu) [English]
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>>176 Textless version

Princess Marco Anonymous 08/01/2021 (Sun) 09:14:08 Id: beee39 No. 6 [Reply]
Princess Marco Diaz. The ultimate latina trap
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>>344 So hot but marco is too muscular.
Hope you enjoy calarts style

brown traps Anonymous 11/08/2021 (Mon) 02:59:35 Id: 4f214b No. 266 [Reply]
Dark-skinned traps.
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Buck breaking

Anonymous 08/01/2021 (Sun) 18:52:39 Id: eebe60 No. 14 [Reply]
Hideri Kanzaki from Blend S
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Elves Anonymous 03/18/2022 (Fri) 09:00:12 Id: afb7fd No. 356 [Reply]
Elven shotraps.
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elves are gay
>>385 This board is gay (and this is a good thing).

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Asuramaru Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 13:16:21 Id: 613f0e No. 373 [Reply]
This is a trap vampire from the anime owari no seraph

Catboys Anonymous 03/20/2022 (Sun) 01:59:12 Id: 66b44f No. 371 [Reply]
No furry shit. Just shotraps with cat ears and tail.

animated trap shota Anonymous 03/19/2022 (Sat) 01:47:52 Id: 45b942 No. 360 [Reply]
Trap shota gifs, webms and other animations

Traps in bikinis Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 06:59:31 Id: 200bae No. 93 [Reply]
Other swimwear too
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Anonymous 12/30/2021 (Thu) 17:57:12 Id: 000000 No. 297 [Reply]
>>297 Was your test successful?
Are these trap shotas oooor Shotraps~

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Cheerleaders Anonymous 10/28/2021 (Thu) 14:16:14 Id: 7029ff No. 257 [Reply]
Cheerleading trap shotas
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Doujin thread Anonymous 08/08/2021 (Sun) 04:48:28 Id: 2a1fb9 No. 129 [Reply]
Large-scale dumping is impractical, but I want to share titles, post their best pages and discuss what's notable in them. First one is (C76) [Brain Dead (Eiji)] Hayate no Taihen na Soushuuhen | Hayate’s Most Risqué Compilation (Hayate no Gotoku!) [English] [The Chrysanthemum Translations] Cute art. Shy boy. Every taste is covered: loli pegging, yaoi and then straight shota.
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[Nekogen] Dildo wa Namasex no Yume o Miruka (Koushoku Shounen Vol. 06) [English] [mysterymeat3] [Digital] Dildo acquires a human form.
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[Hanamaki Kaeru] Abunai Kaerimichi | A Dangerous Way Home (Otokonoko HEAVEN Vol. 28) [English] {Hennojin} [Decensored] [Digital] Rape.
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(AC3) [Shinsei Lolishota (shuffle, kozi)] Isekai Bishounen wa Love Doll Taikei https://exhentai.org/g/1918436/9156968a73/ I love this artists art and the full color makes it even better. The only problem is the awful censorship.

Free Style Anonymous 08/02/2021 (Mon) 11:23:58 Id: 180b80 No. 42 [Reply]
Free Style is a Japanese mangaka. Does real good trap shota.
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I think this is Free Style's art.
A link to their pixiv or nijie would be nice.

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Who consume this shit in Japan? Anonymous 08/11/2021 (Wed) 22:52:42 Id: 7317ea No. 156 [Reply]
I know there is a difference between what normal Japan is and the hell-hole of fetishes. But why there is a fixation for turning your student/nephew/brother/bully/neighbor into your "girlfriend with a penis"? I know that is a small niche, but I'm curious, Its a stupid question, but I dont have idea of how to find this kind of information.
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>>156 >student/nephew/brother/bully/neighbor In most cases it's the emotional attachment, just like in straight hentai. Your example is bizarre and not hot at all, though.
>>156 Because Japan
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>>160 Just showing a stereotypical shotacon. >>168 And a lot of people praising Japan as the last stand of good values.

Chihiro Fujisaki Anonymous 08/02/2021 (Mon) 15:05:48 Id: 092259 No. 46 [Reply]
From danganronpa
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空间错乱 (Kongjian Cuoluan) Anonymous 08/02/2021 (Mon) 15:40:57 Id: d7a6b0 No. 47 [Reply]
From China. Mainly does lolicon but does some shota as well. Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3284839
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>>47 >pixiv >Oi mate you gotta make a Google/Facebook/HotMail account before you get to look at them lewd anime gurls >isn't Tor friendly either Ugh, I hate it
>>100 Yeah it's hell
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>>99 Both of them have been doing it for years now so they haven't been caught. Anyway, here's another KJCL artwork. >>100 You can just use a generic email account or a disposable one to sign up. Lack of tor support sucks.

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