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/ss/ Meta Thread NotADemon Board owner 04/24/2021 (Sat) 05:07:47 No. 2
Welcome to /ss/! This board is dedicated to sharing and discussing straight shotacon hentai! This thread is for meta discussion of the /ss/ board, its rules and its moderation. Feel free to post any potential banners in this thread. Max size 1MB, Resolution 300px by 100px. Resources /sm/ thread with list of sites and platforms, with most also having straight shota content: >>>/sm/4523 Directory of straight shota doujin artists: https://load.blogs.allthefallen.moe/top-straight-shota-artists/
Edited last time by NotADemon on 06/08/2022 (Wed) 18:17:14.
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>>4103 That first one was really good.
Added 4 new banners, let me know if they look alright. >>4092 >>4093 The tight 300px:100px limit makes these hard to make into good banners, I did futz around with each image for a bit but none of them worked very well. Don't worry about it though, most images I try get scrapped because they either don't fit, don't look good, or aren't legible. I don't really want to change the limit though, because when it was 600x200 they were way too big at the top of the page, at least imo, and I want to keep the resolutions and aspect ratio consistent between all the banners.
>>4387 Found the artist's pixiv but not the image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/2634234/ Looks like he posted it only on twitter and his twitter got banned. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2668437
>>4388 Hold on. Looks like characters are from Oneshota Dish. It might be a promotional art. https://nhentai.net/g/488733/203/
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seriously ecoruby should be translated more often
I'm not sure if someone cares or if it fits here but Goddess-Fiona and YourFavoriteMommy sites were nuked, they produced some, ehem, shota fantasy content.
>>5152 you or anyone else happen to have a backup of their content?
>>5152 What are their urls?
Discord takw down the ylt sv?
Yup YLT got nuked
>>5331 any other dsicord or tele server?
The 3D thread and some others have gotten so large they lag when opened on some devices. A bump limit of 200 has been added, threads that reach this will also be locked (but not deleted) and new threads should be created, e.g. "3D /ss/ #2", with a link to the previous thread included in the desc. As always try to avoid reposting things that have already been posted, even in previous threads. Please let me know if the new 200 reply limit seems too high or low. It seemed sufficient as only a few top threads have reached this limit by this point. The 'Doujin Dump' thread is too large and full of out of order pages, arguably should be considered breaking the flooding rule. It should be replaced with a new thread with the same concept, but only 1 post and up to 5 images per doujin allowed instead of just dumping every page. Something like 'Doujin Sharing'/'Doujin Discussion'
Edited last time by NotADemon on 10/30/2024 (Wed) 06:14:06.
anyone got subject's server link? i think the last one expired
question didn't shotaworld banned SS? I rememeber hearing they were gonna do that but idk if they followed through on that promise
>>5736 Seems like they did
>>5736 Some time ago, sadly
>>2 Any ss literature with a young boy and an older woman (like 20+)?
>>5790 These threads: >>180 >>2047
Deleted a thread that had devolved into discussing abuse and trauma dumping, this is not intended to be hurtful but this board isn't the place for that. There are surely other places to discuss that sort of thing, please keep posts here lighter and on topic.
>>5802 wich one lol
>>5737 I've taken a brief look and their site policy allows /ss/, but only if it's with a loli. Any /ss/ with any non-loli female character is however disallowed. The reasoning being that /ss/ fans migrating 8muses kept breaking site rules and posting illegal content, and that as a site meant to cater towards gay shotacons primarily, they felt it was okay to just outright ban /ss/. Generally speaking, /ss/ is a strong outlier from general loli and gay shota. I'm surprised though that they didn't realize that their issue was really a bunch of Jeet-tier ESLs and pedos and instead associated the problem with the preference for adult women or big titties.
Someone has Eris13 content?
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since there's no dedicated source request thread, I'll try my luck here, years ago, i read a manga about a big sister and her little brother where for whatever reason, the sister made up a lie that she invented masturbation and the brother would have to pay her royalties for jerking off. not sure if she also taught him how to do it or why it ever came up. anyways, she also brags to a friend about her genius lie and the boy pretty much burns through his entire allowance like a little moron. never found it again, i know it was on exhentai. if anyone happens to remember it too and has an inkling to the source, I'd be really thankful. also, here's a picture of another sister taking advantage of her brother.
>>5152 most of their content got shared around on cambros tv and similar sites. its a cesspool of hoarders and traders though...
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A little late to be posting this but Aethy, the fedi instance, is shutting down soon. Any recommendations for alts that can connect to misskey and baraag are welcome. https://aethy.com/@News/113556676109175443
>>5904 they already rowed it back demanding more financial support to stay up, didnt they
R.I.P ATF, it was good while it lasted
ATF will be fine give it a week or two
Anyone have some vanilla doujins to recommend?
Deleted the second "What got you into SS?" thread because it was yet again a magnet for rule-breaking posts. I'm going to reiterate this again, do not post anything even remotely about real minors/abuse or you will be banned.
Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but is there a place I can download all of pepper0's art in one zip file?
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what's the rule on sharing session/matrix? would love to chat to some people on here
>>6196 Added, thanks. >>6204 Not familiar with those specifically, but it should be fine to share handles in the same way I've allowed discord server links. So long as you don't break any global or board rules, don't spam them, and keep your posts contained to relevant threads.

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