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Go read a book anon! Comics|Tabletop Gamin|Stories|Video Games|Weapons|Furry|Random|Retro Vidya|Library|PDFs|FanFiction

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Literary Censorship Watch Scribe 03/28/2023 (Tue) 09:33:02 No. 577 [Reply]
I decided to make a thread to catalogue the current wave of literary censorship we are seeing and, I suspect, will continue to ramp up as time goes by. Fortunately, this board is so slow that there's no danger of this thread getting buried. First up are Roald Dahl's children's books. For an in-depth look at just how much was altered from the original text, see the article linked below. >https://archive.is/krLMa These changes stirred up enough outrage that the publisher announced that the original versions of the books would be kept in print after all (for now, anyway). >"The Roald Dahl Classic Collection" from the Penguin imprint will feature the original texts of 17 of Dahl's children's books while the publisher said they would also keep the recently published and separate Roald Dahl books for young readers under the Puffin imprint. The Puffin versions of Dahl's books are meant for younger readers who are new to reading. >https://archive.is/FhlXO The second major news of censorship to break this year was for the James Bond novels. No word yet as to whether any unedited version of the novels will remain in print. >Ian Fleming Publications Ltd, the company that owns the literary rights to the author’s work, commissioned a review by sensitivity readers of the classic texts under its control. >The Telegraph understands that a disclaimer accompanying the reissued texts will read: “This book was written at a time when terms and attitudes which might be considered offensive by modern readers were commonplace. >“A number of updates have been made in this edition, while keeping as close as possible to the original text and the period in which it is set.” >The changes to Fleming’s books result in some depictions of black people being reworked or removed. >https://archive.is/WJy0R The most recent news is that Agatha Christie has had her work subjected to this treatment since 2020.

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They are going to come for everything before the 1960s, and eventually the period of 1960s-2020 Floydism will be seen as "problematic." I wish I was posting here sooner as I could have mentioned pdfdrive.com, now defunct because of the internetarchive case. Internetarchive lost, the woke publishers won. The whole purpose of this was to punish internetarchive for providing copies of old, unreconstructed books. Now that the case is done they can begin the real labor in earnest. Just download every pdf you can find of books you like while you still can.
Wasn't there some recent (like months ago now I think) news about Dr. Seuss books being taken off the shelves and being rewritten for "modern sensibilities?"

Scribe 10/29/2021 (Fri) 10:59:45 No. 354 [Reply]
I miss that guy who would rage and write long red walls of text about George RR Martin being fat and unable to finish a Song of Ice and Fire back in original 8chan. It was a good thread.
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>>602 Damn. I was pretty close. I had never seen your rants before sir. But we think alike as concerns that fat piece of shit. >>603 Yeah. Death before shutdown homie. They can take it from my cold dead hands.
>>602 Amazing, and in that time he still didn't manage to finish his book. I wonder how much longer he's going to blueball everyone like he already has?
>>605 I stand by my troll theory. see above from... 22 months ago shit. Well its still a good theory. He will never release another book.

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/writ/ Scribe 07/17/2021 (Sat) 21:24:07 No. 132 [Reply] [Last]
Are you writing? Do you want to? Dreams of writing for anything in particular? Share, chat, and critique. Let's suffer together.
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I have a lot of downtime at work. I was previously using it to read a lot, but yesterday I forgot my book, so I started writing on my laptop instead. I didn't go in with a plan. Just wrote whatever came to mind. The first thing I wrote started because I remember hearing that it could be a useful emotional exercise to write a letter to someone and never mail it. It started as a venting rant at my high school crush that friendzoned me far too long ago for it to be okay for me to still think about her. But details about my work that are far too personal and would identify me far too much to mention here reminded me of her. So I started writing. A few hours later I had eleven pages. Looking it over, at about five pages in, it started turning into hardcore, extremely degenerate smut. But it wraps around to emotional in the last paragraph or two. That night I found a thread on this site that got me writing far too much to fit in the character limit, or even several posts of character limits, I guess because I was already in the writing mood. So I had to start writing in an actual word processor just to fit it all. Three and a half pages were directly on the original topic. Sincere advice. Then I started getting a little more narrative with it. Until the end of Page 6 it remained relatively realistic, normal, sincere, but in retrospect, even this section was just the beginning of it turning into hardcore, degenerate smut. By Page 9, it became more degenerate than the first work, even. This one ended up with 17 pages in total. I'm pretty proud of writing 28 pages in a day. I used to love writing, but college crushed that love right out of me. This is the first time in years I've just let a stream of consciousness happen and written whatever crossed my mind just to get it out. But I don't know if I like what I write now. I'm more skilled than I used to be, but I'm ashamed of just how fucked up I've become. All my emotions were sincere, but I wish they weren't. Maybe it was a good emotional exercise after all. I've articulated things I never knew I could articulate. I can't communicate them properly, but at least I've articulated them. I was gonna post it all here. That's what this post was introducing. But now I'm writing this and realizing some of it might be bad OPSEC and if any of it got traced to me it would be bad. Maybe I could edit it, but still, it's pretty fucking degenerate, in two different and two highly illegal ways. And I wish I could just communicate my fantasies freely, but I don't know if I can, even here, even though I've been on this site and its predecessors for 15 years, even before that girl friendzoned me and I started getting so degenerate. So I guess my point is >Yeah smut's allowed here. But just how smutty are we talking? Just how much degeneracy is allowed in this smut?
>>558 As degen as you want anon. Fucking go crazy bro.
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>>559 Fine. But let me be clear. This is an autistic work of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. This is a psychological exercise, and to be perfectly honest, I think it's been useful because reading it back just now, after a few days, has made me feel disgusted with myself for several wildly different and contradictory reasons, which anyone autistic enough to read it will probably understand. Except for feds and women. I do not expect them to understand. Not sure how to post something this long here. It would take dozens of posts. So here's a pdf file.

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Monthly Book Klub Scribe 09/12/2021 (Sun) 03:30:49 No. 333 [Reply]
Hello anons and welcome to the book klub. Here once a month we read a new book, and then talk about it.
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We start with chapter 1. Where else? We hear a most fascinating story >I was there. I was there the day Horus slew the Emperor
>>551 Its alright but the dialogue is a little stilted. Anyway great first chapter.
>>552 your moms a little stilted

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Demon: The Fallen a white wolf RPG Anonymous 08/09/2021 (Mon) 06:30:32 Id: 1ffe9d No. 431 [Reply] [Last]
Okay so I wanna run a demon campaign. Whether we start with one guy and eventually gain more, or instead wind up with a one on one personal experience is whatever to me. Either way sounds good. I have done both, and White wolf makes single player experiences relatively fun and easy. Your character, should you choose to make one and join, will be a Demon, a fallen angel. One of Gods own who turned and rebelled. After an unfathomable time spent in hell you escape. And find yourself in the late nineties. Where God appears to have long left his creation, and there are no angels to be seen. Left with no means of answering the only questions you still had, you turn to a personal philosophy to make life meaningful, and continue on in the possessed body you have stolen. We shall, depending on the backstory of your character, have antagonists, and vices. The monster within is the usual pretext to pretty much every WW gameline. And this is no exception. Morality is tracked quite a bit more than say DnD. Anyway if you are interested drop a post here, and we will see about getting you a corebook, and then walking you through character creation. Afterwards we can have the first session here. This site supports die rolls, and miniatures and graph paper are never really seen during a WW rpg anyway. If for whatever reason we do find them necessary I have backups for that possibility as well.
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Fishing. Liz can hear her stomach growl again for the third time in as many minutes, and her deadbeat dipshit boyfriend is fishing. Not bad enough that he's losing his mind, all that bologna about demons and angels, well that isn't exactly new she corrects herself, he was always talking about God to her for years, but now he's crazier since that last fight. Her stomach growls for the fourth time. She still can't believe he ripped off the only dealer still talking to them, and God only knows what happened to the muscle that came to collect at the apartment, the whole thing is still a blur in her mind, but hell do drugs long enough and that happens. For a minute she was starting to buy his shit. That was probably just the junk talking. Liz hates being ignored, her parents used to do that for years till she left when she was 15. And now here she is once again. In some shitty situation, hungry, thirsty, left in a hot car while someone else does whatever the fuck they want, but what about what she wants? What she wants is in her front right pocket, and she can't stop touching it. Just to make sure she tells herself, just to make sure she didn't just imagine that too, but there it is. A little plastic baggie, one of the hundreds from a backpack. She hears laughter from outside the car. Fucking men. "They always disappoint you" she murmurs to herself. Or maybe it's her mom talking. She said that once Liz thinks. Who knows though? Memory is such a blur. She looks at the clock on the dash, but the cars been off for more than ten minutes and the blank empty dial just stares back at her. "Fuck it," she says aloud as her hand comes out of the pocket with a plastic baggie tight in her grip.
Okay second hiatus time. I'm gonna work on the 50 shades thing through december probably. And im at a wall on this as well. I need to delete the past like three entries and rethink the direction. Otherwise I'm just gonna kill Liz out of annoyance. I think go back to the flight from Vegas even. I wanna finish that story there. With my planned other demon in control of a small organized crime outfit. Office in a casino, all about temptation, we deal with his mooks, finally have a big boss fight for true control of Liz soul (this other demon got there first and pushes H) and then start the cross country journey. Really I think we need to have a book set in Vegas, even if its a short novella, and then with a better grasp on liz characterization move into book two the cross country /pol/lack thing with better established core characters. I mean right now shes kinda a cardboard cutout. And I hate her. So yeah a break from this while I work on the other thing, come back to this with a clearer head, and just a better drive for the whole thing. There's just no tension here. Getting very paint by numbers, bland, boring. Yeah taking a break and when I come back massive rewrites.
At the top of Caesars Palace in Vegas a man sits in an overstuffed armchair. He is in the top suite. But he isn't a man. Hes a devil, and he made a deal a number if years ago for a girls soul. All it took was a bag of dope. He stares into space and sips a clear glass tumbler of whisky. "So... He's back." he whispers to himself.

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Predator: Concrete jungle by Lawrence Watt-Evans Anonymous 08/09/2022 (Tue) 06:26:35 No. 542 [Reply]
Based on the comic book by Mark Verheiden. This was the first licensed predator story following the first film and precedes the sequel. published in 1989 this tells an alternate but very similar predator 2. The major difference is this has Arnold back for round 2 instead of danny glover. and also without any of the concepts from 2 such as the Yautja being a race obsessed with honor and fairness. We are shown a take with the Predators being a very advanced species that has a drunken redneck problem. They dont have nukes to hide tech. They dont give a damn about man. They just wanna fight and are spiteful bastards. What they do care about are trophies and no pred would ever let themselves be made a trophy. This gets fucking insane. A fun read which quickly turns into an X-com prequel. The first of a three part series spanning all the way to 2001. You can see the roots of what will become predator 2 though, a Big city (NY not LA) a Heatwave, Big Willy the voodoo king, no feminist chick detective though, or annoying reporters, or basically all the shit that sucked in the actual sequel. Whats missing? basically the entire ending is completely different with the lore being established in a very different direction. Updates later on the direct sequel Cold War
>>542 >It says its by Nathan Archer Its a pen name of Lawrence Watt-Evans. not that it matters since hes just writing a treatment of a comic book. Which was written by another guy I already mentioned.

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Horus Rising - Horus Heresy #1 - Warhammer 40k Anonymous 07/11/2021 (Sun) 06:37:22 No. 1 [Reply]
The first book in what will become a very long series. Dan Abnett. What the Black Library call their best. Hes an okay author, and by the end of all this we are going to look back fondly on this novel anyway. The introduction of Horus himself of course, but also Garviel Loken, and a score of "remembrancers" who will become more important later but here mostly just get drunk, and abused by locals and demons. Well it's pretty good, and short so there isn't much I can say that you wouldn't read shortly anyway.
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>>344 Honor guard. Yeah it's not bad. Sometimes called the first in the saint saga. The bullshit is minimal. But yeah it's there. Still an enjoyable jaunt. The next one is the guns of Tanith. Should be good.
>>348 Okay finished like ten more of these. Damn things are addictive. Yeah, I recommend the series as a whole. It's good.
>>351 The are fucking good right?

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The Flight of the Eisenstein - James Swallow - Horus Heresy 4 Scribe 07/17/2021 (Sat) 03:15:38 No. 129 [Reply]
We start at the mayhem of the betrayal of Istvaan 3. We end in the airless vacuum of the moon's surface. In both there is blood. In both there is Only War In the first chapter we meet the true cast. The warships of Horus. And slowly the mere immortal Astartes, and lower still human crew. Anons we gonna see some gut ripping action. A ship making for earth with no Gellar field. Pursued by the might of Horus, hounded by daemons. Oh yeah action galore.
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A good book
>>129 Sooo. Are you just not gonna do the Fulgrim books? Because those are next.
>>131 So we have the last loyalist group of Deathguard marines led by Nathaniel Garro. Who is indeed cool as shit.

Gaunts Ghosts Scribe 05/15/2022 (Sun) 22:57:29 No. 523 [Reply]
The first omnibus.

Two for free? WAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHHH!! 04/22/2022 (Fri) 01:06:53 No. 426 [Reply]
Todays books are two extremely fun reads. We take you amongst the xenos ranks on this excursion to literary delight. The first is an ork vs mechanicus slobberknocker that truly entertains with sheer absurdity. The coldly rational mechanicum cannot comprehend the madness of the orkish Waaaagh. Second we have Necrons vs. Necrons vs. Everyone else. Where two giant robot nerds prank each other across millennia. If you don't have a good time with tonight's selection then your a fag or something idk. Never read warhammer? Start here! As one of the highpoints in the black library these are a sure fire funtime with all the info needed also presented. Have fun and remember. THE EMPEROR PROTECTS
Edited last time by Vampyr on 04/25/2022 (Mon) 05:09:30.
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For blind niggers. A sample of the audiobook. If people like it I may zip and post the rest to catbox.
>>428 Fine. No audio book then. Blind bitches can suck it.
>>430 U mad

Forge of mars: the omnibus by Graham McNeill Scribe 11/21/2021 (Sun) 22:05:54 No. 365 [Reply]
Collecting all three of Mcneills mars books in one we have a grand adventure spanning the entire mechanicus. A good one guys. The Martian Mechancius's thirst for knowledge is insatiable, and when Archmagos Lexell Kotov learns of an ancient expedition that went in search of the very source of life in the universe itself, he immediately assembles a powerful Explorator fleet to follow in its footsteps. Not only does Kotov have the powerful engines and warriors of the Adeptus Mechanicus to call upon, even the troops of the Imperial Guard and the vaunted Space Marines join his crusade. The way, however, is treacherous and fraught with perils both within and without the fleet. There are marvels and wonders at the edge of known space, discoveries beyond price, but there are those who believe the secrets of the universe should stay hidden and beings there who pose a danger not only to the fleet but to the Imperium itself.
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>>365 C'mon anon at least post the cover art.
>>365 Which 40k books are plagiarized again?
>>396 I wasn't aware any were.

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Daemon - Daniel Suarez - Daemon 1 Scribe 08/20/2021 (Fri) 02:17:21 No. 311 [Reply]
An interesting near future scifi book. I believe the author is a practicing medical doctor. At the very least he finished med school. Theres a strange horror he brings to the part with his knowledge of anatomy. And then he starts having fun. Ai controlled motorcycles with chainsaw arms, a video game nazi gains AI sentience and begins saving the world from jews. It is bizarre and quite a bit of fun. Theres some sjw shit at the end of book two where it gets all preachy about revenge being pointless, but other than that you got the burned man. Ripped off bot from fallout online, but from the idea of a swat guy going through anons killhouse. So the story is a brilliant game designer dies, and his last gift is a program that turns on that destroys all society, and rebuilds it into a better form. Book one mainly deals with that. And it gets fucking messy. So much cool action in this. I spent the last month wanting to reread this but couldn't find the title. A duckduckgo search for near future scfi written by a doctor about nazi video games returned nothing obviously. But today I found it. So anyway I'm starting this again now. It's good I recall.
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Part one is okay. I like it, part 2 has issues that bug me. But it also has the oberstleutenant. A video game nazi given the power to act in the real world through robots. Robots with a thousand knives. And what does this AI do? It tortures feds to death. In fairly graphic detail. Easily my favorite parts.
>>311 How is being opposed to revenge "SJW"?
>>397 Well it's been 7 months, but I think there was some boohoo poor indians stuff. Lots of muscle chicks what don't need no man. That kinda eye rolling silliness. But ignore those bits, cause they suck and add nothing to the story, and its enjoyable enough. I guess having badass robodude break down crying because he gets massively downvoted by sjw types at the end of book three still pisses me off.

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Inferno! -Chris Claremont Scribe 01/12/2022 (Wed) 19:18:45 No. 377 [Reply]
Strike the match…fan the flames…and light the Inferno! Limbo’s demon lords corrupt two of the X-Men’s nearest and dearest — Colossus’ sister, Illyana Rasputin, and Cyclops’ wife Madelyne Pryor — and use them to bring a horde of demons raining down on New York City! But as Illyana battles to regain her soul, Madelyne threatens to cast a spell that will merge Earth and limbo permanently — with the sacrifice being her own innocent son! And when Mister Sinister brings his own agenda into the mix, secrets are revealed that rock Cyclops to the core! The X-Men, X-Factor and New Mutants face their most harrowing ordeal ever — with the fate of the world in the balance! https://getcomics.info/marvel/x-men-milestones-inferno-tpb-2019/
Edited last time by Vampyr on 01/12/2022 (Wed) 19:19:16.

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50 shades of Führer Anonymous 11/27/2021 (Sat) 02:59:25 Id: 000000 No. 510 [Reply]
I had an idea for a steamy taboo romance. Making something in the likes of 50 shades of gray but with a nazi male protagonist. Like for example she is a regular girl who believes in BLM and almost gets raped by a pack of blacks. But them the hero appears and saves her. He behaves all mysterious and hard to get while showing he has a heart of gold in the process but then she discover his secret and start trying to convert him. He gives her a ultimatum and asks her to submit to his whims. Then the 50 shades shit starts and he teaches her to feel like a real submissive traditional woman. While all her friend reprimand her. We could make some and try to get the media reverse hyped about it. How its despicable and racist and all that and then take advantage of the forbidden fruit effect to make women want to read it. It would be just so easy marketing. The idea is precisely to exploit that taboo thing to arouse interest. There's psychological research on it that says people will show more interest for an article if the researcher mentioned previously it was banned or something. It could be such a success. But more for ego boost for the writer. Because selling this would be a nightmare. Anyone wants to do it?
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Okay meta notes. I like writing here because it brings notice to anons board and I like him, and I like drawing attention here, this is a much more sfw board than >>>/lit/ however and this book can't really be finished here, so I'm gonna do what we can here before eventually moving the whole thing to /lit/ Heads up for future notice, when it happens I will announce it and provide a link. Probably a month from that happening though. Anyway as always thanks to anon for keeping a clean, spamfree board to write in, and thanks for his help when it's needed on projects. Looking forward to finally finishing a story for once, let's hope this is the one that actually gets to those magic words. "The end."
The idea is silly as shit, but more power to you. That said, no steamy BDSM smut on muh precious ded board.
>>514 >I needed him violent off the bat, because I find that easier to write Just remember the target are regular white girls. Don't take it too far. I think being as violent as a marvel movie is a safe bet >>515 Godspeed anon >>516 kek

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50 shades of Führer Scribe 11/27/2021 (Sat) 03:03:08 No. 370 [Reply]
I had an idea for a steamy taboo romance. Making something in the likes of 50 shades of gray but with a nazi male protagonist. Like for example she is a regular girl who believes in BLM and almost gets raped by a pack of blacks. But them the hero appears and saves her. He behaves all mysterious and hard to get while showing he has a heart of gold in the process but then she discover his secret and start trying to convert him. He gives her a ultimatum and asks her to submit to his whims. Then the 50 shades shit starts and he teaches her to feel like a real submissive traditional woman. While all her friend reprimand her. We could make some and try to get the media reverse hyped about it. How its despicable and racist and all that and then take advantage of the forbidden fruit effect to make women want to read it. It would be just so easy marketing. The idea is precisely to exploit that taboo thing to arouse interest. There's psychological research on it that says people will show more interest for an article if the researcher mentioned previously it was banned or something. It could be such a success. But more for ego boost for the writer. Because selling this would be a nightmare. Anyone wants to do it?
>>370 "Closing in ten minutes!" A bored looking male barista with two earrings lets out in a falsetto. Sheila glances down at her half finished macchiato, then puts away her iphone with the buzzfeed article half read. I'll finish it on the subway she thinks as she sips her cold milky coffee. Zipping up her purse she stands and heads towards the exit. A black youth sitting in the back smiles and stands up, following her towards the exit. Sheila doesn't get more than ten steps out of the starbucks before wondering how those inhuman police could have gunned down that innocent African-American. He had just finished highschool and was applying to yale the article on buzzfeed had said, and she just couldn't understand those racist savages in blue, pausing on the sidewalk she unzips her purse to get at her iphone. Suddenly her arm is grabbed and she feels herself being pulled into the narrow alley between the starbucks and the borders book store. "You say anything and I'll cut your fucking throat bitch" a low black voice utters into her ear as she feels something sharp prod her in the small of her back. Stifling a cry she tries to turn and find out what's going on when another hand clamps over her mouth. She is thrown into a dumpster and falls as the hot red blood gushes from a gash on her forehead. "Fuck it we gonna have some fun first whore" She look up through the red haze as a black male who looks to be about 16 advances towards her with a rusty switchblade held blade up in his right palm, a large smile splits his face, and suddenly she understands what is happening but not why. So she does the worst thing she could do and screams. His smile disappears and his face lights up with rage "Goddamnit you cracker whore I told you what was going to happen!" The barista passes the alley, the streetlights showing sheila him in full detail as his face jerks away from the scene and he steps away.

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Obviously wont be in any final version book or otherwise, but here's what is probably blasting from his stereo as our hero makes his escape from a biased justice system. >a file had a format not allowed by the server. >mp3. Ugh lets try this then https://files.catbox.moe/d4rk7t.mp3 https://files.catbox.moe/i5pc0b.mp3
>>371 I started reading it expecting just some pol humor greentext kind of thing but this is pretty good anon. The biker stereotype fits pretty well. Just remember he has to be high status like CEO or something >Sheila Not a better name? kek >Sheila can't believe this is happening, she attended a BLM protest last month, and always donated to the NAACP. This feels a bit of a caricature though. I think it would be better like >Sheila couldn't believe it. How could she deserve it? She attended a BLM protest last month, and practiced everything she learned at the african-american studies subject. She has always fought racism. Idk I think mentioning NAACP feels unnatural. Normies are pretty ignorant >he is white, and he is violent Kek >>372

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Infinity Cup & advertising Scribe 07/13/2021 (Tue) 23:03:10 No. 101 [Reply]
How about we try our luck with this thing? There's currently no team that owns the /lit/ name and it could help garner us some anons without having to go out of our way to advertise it.
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>>120 big letters can play on that entire side, small letters can play only in that specific side not pictured: goalkeeper, which is the lone guy who stands in the goal area >>121 /v/ only plays as zzz/v/ and Mark's /v/ only has a Gamergate team afaik
>>122 Yeah whatever the GG team. Hell if they already have a team we could move that forward to august. Or even late july really.
Anon.cafe/pol/ recently got purged, you can have our team if you want. https://anon.cafe/icup/res/1662.html

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