/fanfic/ - Fanfiction

Fanfiction, Ao3 and Writing

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Meta thread Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 07:58:47 No. 1 [Reply]
Welcome to Fanfiction Central! Rules: 1. All global rules apply. 2. No spam or obvious/low-effort shitposting. 3. NSFW is allowed, but must be spoilered and at least tangently on-topic. 4. Linking to other fanfic sites is allowed, but do not go overboard with it. 5. Discussion of fiction is allowed as well as the writing of original works. 6. Use this thread for complaints and suggestions. 7. Being nice is not a requirement, but it helps. Feel free to ask questions/complain/make suggestions/etc in this thread. FORMATTING PRIMER https://8chan.moe/.static/pages/posting.html UNDER THE SECTION Post Markdown Redtext: == before and after your words in a newline Bold: ''' before and after your words

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Edited last time by AlphabetSoup on 07/11/2023 (Tue) 08:33:36.
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>>119 Suzuka Hime from Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier
Please make this board SFW, admins

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Banner suggestion thread Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 08:43:44 No. 11 [Reply]
Help me dress up the site a bit with your custom banners. Remember they have to be 300 x 100 pixels. Use this one as a template for how large they can get.
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>>127 Thank you. Where did you learn how to work with CSS?
>>134 Just came with looking at board themes and finding out how they worked. And using some sites to reference certain codes when it comes to the styles and effects.
I see you put the template theme in. It was originally modeled after Hilda if you noticed the color schemes. If you're still interested in taking a crack at CSS, you can follow my instructions on the couple posts above and mess around with the values. Editing it via the Inspector & Style Editor won't affect the rest of this board so it's safe to poke around. Let me know if you want your board mascot added or have the signpost removed entirely.

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/fanfic/ for the Infinity Cup 2023! Anonymous 08/04/2023 (Fri) 13:47:55 No. 138 [Reply]
Hey there, /fanfic/ We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if you guys wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament. For an example of what the tournament looks like, refer to http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Infinity_Cup_6 and to https://pt.neko.bar/videos/watch/playlist/19430bee-3d17-4399-a108-fa882db43b66?playlistPosition=1 If you are interested, since your team has never played in previous iterations, we don't have either your roster, your kits or logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following: 1) Create a roster of 16 to 23 players, which can be named as you see fit; 2) Create a suitable logo for your board, it can be in any shape you want; 3) Create at the very least one kit for your team, which can be done by using this flat one as a template; There's no maximum on allowed kits, but the norm is to give a Home kit, an Away kit and a Goalkeeper kit at minimum; 4) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page; 5) Making a thread over at https://anon.cafe/icup/ with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup.

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I pitch: PrincessSakuraDatenshiAnimeHeart To represent the weeaboo girl writing fanfics on Livejournal and Quizzilla in 2005.
>>138 How about Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest ?
>>142 Maybe an anti TvTropes rep?

Fandom Exchange Anonymous 08/04/2023 (Fri) 13:45:20 No. 136 [Reply]
What series and fandoms do you follow? Introduce them here. Other conversation starters: Do you write exclusively for series you like/enjoy? How do you feel about reading a fic fandom blind? What makes a description or hook appealing and understandable to both fandom and fandom blind readers?
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>What series and fandoms do you follow? Introduce them here. Off my dashboard on AO3 >Ai no Kusabi (9) This series was basically a complete outlier. It's a scifi yaoi with way more plot and worldbuilding than the usual hentai OVA. The planet the story takes place on is 90-99% men, and women are rarely born. I thought the concept of an artificial intelligence ruling the world and suppressing human rebellions through centralized control of reproduction was fascinating and unique. The series ended with the stories of the main characters even though I was interested enough in the world to read more about it. The light novels were full of loose ends the author probably abandoned but could still lead to cool stuff. But the fandom was still focused on the characters or porn I didn't care to read more about. >Original Work (6) >Real Person Fiction (2) Was used as a secondary tag in crossovers. There's really only on fic that's RPF (Richard Stallman). Ao3 just mangled the buck breaking meme as RPF for some reason even though every character in it is fictional.
>Left 4 Dead (Video Games) (1) Was used as a secondary tag with Original Work (about COVID-19). >Helltaker (Video Game) (1) Some dude who may or may not be magic goes to Hell to flirt with demon girls and take them back to his place. Blatant set up for harem fanfics. I thought this game was just simple without being ambitious. But I was able to come up with a plot past the ending. >Warframe (1) Don't actually like this game much. The player is a space ninja that awakens from cryostasis after the most influential multi-planetary empire in the Solar System (The Orokin Empire) collapses. The four factions that fill the power vaccuum are the Tenno (players), the Corpus (a giant corporation), the Grineer (former clone slaves), and the Infested (mutagenic disease with a hivemind). Was used for the Richard Stallman fic to parody the F2P game mechanics.

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>>146 >Guilty Gear >From what I can tell, science invented magic Science found a extra-dimensional space of pure information that could be manipulated to cause changes in physical reality,some irish madlad decided that it would be pretty cool to rig up an automated system that handled to calculations to regularly rigg physics in small intervals to make things easier on humans. The System decided that due to (((modern life))) people weren't actually existing in enough of a state of self determination to be counted as humans so it decided it would nuke all electronics and purify the world of people so that the true humanity could be born. No one believed the irish madlad when he tried to warn people about it so he got his understudies to create a huge bunch of predetermined utility spells so that people wouldn't be stuck in the stone age before diving into the information-dimension to attempt to get the thing to stop. Didn't really work out too well,scientific research is regulated at best and banned at worst in every country except one because the understudies (minus one) took the wrong lesson from all this and decided to form an illuminati to prevent this shit happening again. People expanded on the tome'o'utility to come up with replacements for all the digital infrastructure they had and that's the state of the world as we come in to it.Most of the STEM people(that aren't thousands of years old(Sol,That Man) are actually magicians disguised as scientists,all phones are commnication spells etc. Oh and gears are bioweapons that got created because governments had funded the outlier understudy's research in exchange for developing them,they are made out of antimatter and instinctively tap into the Information Dimension,hence the various magic species.

/a/ specific content Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 15:42:03 No. 42 [Reply]
It is with great disappointment that I must announce that the hotpockets are at it again. This thread is probably going to be a failed attempt but an attempt was made none the less: This thread is for people to discuss fanfictions from yotsub&'s /a/. Maybe it will provide a jumping off point and revitalize the site a bit. We just want that site's mods to fuck off and leave our containment thread alone but that was too much to ask.
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>>71 Naruto is one of those things that somehow passed me by. Not sure how but I just never watched or was involved in it despite being a cringe lord.
>>131 Now, for the sake of writing, how do you do conspiracy shit better?
>>129 >I don't even hate conspiracy bullshit but a lot of people dont understand what makes a good conspiracy work narratively speaking. I don't either. The issue is I've read To The Stars since it first came out year ago. Whatever it's building up to it's simply taken way too long.

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Community Events & Activities Anonymous 07/14/2023 (Fri) 14:25:56 No. 115 [Reply]
know this board is small. What do you think of holding community events such as gift exchanges, prompts, requests, collaborations (beta read, translations), and so on of any duration and scale? This board seems to have some overlap in fandoms, which makes the idea do-able.
>>115 I think it's a good idea. Throw in reading stuff aloud and reacting to it. It's fun to see a new audience reading old things you enjoyed. Actually. I had an idea for a thread. OP links a chapter - first person in the thread responds to said chapter and then posts a chapter below it for the next person to read.
>prompts That could be pretty helpful, actually. Limitations help a writer.

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/fanfic/ General Bunker Thread Anonymous 07/12/2023 (Wed) 09:43:32 No. 86 [Reply]
Post ITT every time you visit this board so it's more active. You can use this thread to post any fanfics. Regular fics. Discuss other media. Or shitpost. Etc. Go nuts and have fun.
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Have you ever dropped a fic because it got too silly/was silly too often? I dropped an Omori fic that I otherwise liked, mainly because of cringy pop culture references, deus ex machinas, a one dimensional and stereotypical redneck skinhead villain, etc. Shame really, because I thought it was engaging at the time.
>>113 I have had times where I was reading through a fic and couldn't stop snorting at how stupid it sounded I think it was deleted, but there was a TF2 story that had so much weird shit in it it was unbearable.
>>113 Reading them? All the time Writing them? No, I feel bad for the fics I don't write so I have them there forever, but In my mind I can still update them

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Ao3 Back Online! Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 08:05:43 No. 3 [Reply]
Use this thread to monitor and discuss the current state of Archiveofourown AO3 is back up!
Edited last time by AlphabetSoup on 07/11/2023 (Tue) 16:29:40.
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>>52 Honestly, no idea, that was just the reason I've seen floating around. Maybe they went on there and found the most degenerate listing of tags that's ever existed on the site and decided 'today is the day we're cutting down ao3'.
It's back online! Under cloudflare
>>44 Weren't they russians or something?

Nanowrimo Thread 07/11/2023 (Tue) 14:22:36 No. 29 [Reply]
>What's Nanowrimo https://nanowrimo.org/ NaNoWriMo is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that believes in the transformational power of creativity. We provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people use their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and off the page. Anyone here planning on writing for it? And if so what are you gonna write?
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>>109 July is a terrible month to write anything.
>>109 Sure did, didn't actually finish anything though.

ver marcos 07/12/2023 (Wed) 12:03:07 No. 104 [Reply]
>>104 can we help

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any tips to write something as good as this Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 17:46:20 No. 72 [Reply]
hello, just lookin for somethin that make sense and fits me… how do you write a manga panel like this? positioning (blue), flow(gray), clause and logic(green) to make something correct? esp clause and logic of a statement…
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Are you making a web comic or something? Your image is a bit too small and the lines are too thick so that they make it so that I can barely see anything. However in general, you want your text to be shaped like a diamond, visible, lines from the bubble pointing at who said it or at least be near the character saying that dialogue (if the panel is in a first person PoV, then the line should be inverted going into the bubble instead). Make sure bubbles don't cover up everything that's going on, and for the love of god, don't stuff entire paragraphs into a single bubble, people don't speak in essays. And be sure that bubbles for thoughts, radio chatter, and other stuff like that have their own borders and font to distinguish them from spoken dialogue. Also don't be afraid to mess around with the text to make it more fitting, such as in pic related. t.Typesetter that wanders around these parts

Sonic the Hedgehog fanfiction Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 16:22:02 No. 60 [Reply]
Sonic Thread Share what Sonic fanfics you've enjoyed, or ones that you disliked enough to mention. I haven't read any Sonic fics myself, but I'm curious and interested to see if there's anything worthwhile. If you're writing one, post it so other anons can give feedback. If you wanna use this thread to spitball and bounce Sonic-related ideas off each other, this is a good thread for that as well. I've been working on one on and off for a full year. It's about my version of Eggette (Eggman's daughter) in an alternate version of Planet Freedom from the 1996 OVA. The lore and world are mainly based on older Sonic media, with a few "Dark Age" and modern elements from the franchise put in where I think is appropriate. I'll warn you though, it's long. Chapter 1 is approximately 10k words alone. >(Chapter 1) https://rentry.co/TMaO-Ch1-v13 >(Chapter 2) https://rentry.co/TMaO-Ch2-v12 >(Chapter 3) https://rentry.co/TMaO-Ch3-v10 >(Chapter 4) https://rentry.co/TMaO-Ch4-v06
>>60 Should I add >>>/fast/ to our sister boards?
>>61 There is a significant amount of overlap. Wouldnt hurt. It isnt abandoned?..... Then Kazu is still logging in and checking on the site... Interesting. Hope hes well.
>>60 Thanks!

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