Catalog of /fit/


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R: 38 / I: 21 / P: 1

QTDDTOT + Info Images

Post informational images and ask questions. All /fit/ related of course.

R: 22 / I: 16 / P: 1

A change of pace - also, Meta Thread

Hey, /fit/izens of 8chan! I have recently been reassigned this board after the previous owner left, I thank him and all the anons who have posted here previously kindly for their time and effortposts. Use this thread as a general Meta Thread for the board as a whole. Additionally, these are the rules that I will be enforcing: 0. Global Rules are enforced by default 1. No Spamming 2. No CP or suggestive pictures of minors that can be reliably defined as "real children" 3. No threats of violence towards living people 4. No doxing of anyone 5. Please, limit off-topic discussions to the Protein Shake Bar thread. I won't go after you for not being on topic 24/7, but I will warn you if a thread is being slid too far into one direction or other (i.e. political arguments derailing meaningful Fitness discussions) 6. I have yet to decide if I want the board to be SFW or not, nonetheless you can post any kind of material you want so long as you spoiler full nudity, guro and grave injuries. That being said, please, have fun using the board!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

What do you feel about his advice?

Given me a ton of advice seems very open and honest when it comes to gear use and training what you think?

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 1


/fit/ vs roasties

R: 13 / I: 5 / P: 1

Progress Thread

What's improved for you lately? I've started working more regularly and feel great, but I still need slim down on junk food. Also feel like rollan?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

New Channel

New Channel Take a look Start your journey

R: 10 / I: 16 / P: 1

/fit/ Progress Journal

The purpose of this thread is for Anons to record and post about their progress or current status of their fitness/workout routine. Also, it exists for people who need some suggestions on how to adjust their approach if having issues.

R: 4 / I: 0 / P: 1

explain this to me

>be skinny with a fast metabolism all my life >literally <5% bf no matter how much i eat >since i can't gain weight by eating i decide to start working out >work out religiously for a whole year and eat accordingly >work my ass off 3 times a week minimum >after a year, no gain whatsoever, dispite all my efforts >fuck this, decide to drop it >a month goes by >notice that im sarting to grow some belly fat wtf.jpg >decide to work out again to get rid of it >within 3 weeks all my muscles start to pop out, thicc gainz. >literally made more gain in 2 weeks then the past year i don't understand why.

R: 3 / I: 1 / P: 1

/martialart/ - Martial arts

Do you like Martial Arts, anon? Have you practiced any?

R: 15 / I: 5 / P: 1

diabetes thread

Is there anyway to reverse diabetes? either type1 or type 2. Are there any resources to help diabetics with lifting, diet and cardio?

R: 3 / I: 2 / P: 1

Working out everywhere thread

After asking some questions like a month ago about workout equipment that can be easily hidden in the office. I think a general thread like this would be nice for people like me who don't have much time during the weekdays to workout. mainly for stuff like working out in the car working out in the train working out while on the computer working out while giving a PowerPoint presentation this thread will be about trying to find all those ways to get big in common situations.

R: 9 / I: 9 / P: 1

Old time strongmen, physical culturists and the light dumbbell system

Having just finished finished a book on the old 5 pound dumbbell system, and beginning to read some of the old literature such as Strength, and How to Obtain It and Muscle Control, I am inspired to create a thread on the old timers. These guys were amazing and made their achievements without steroids or modern supplements.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 1

Is there and actual way to improve memory? Esp. when you have ADHd, and is taking Clonidine for said ADHD.

Is there and actual way to improve memory? Esp. when you have ADHd, and is taking Clonidine for said ADHD. Pic unrelated

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

How do y'all guys feel about protein shakes?

I enjoy the taste of protein shakes, but only had ever drunken a few. Are these safe to drink?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1


Which one is the best exercise for bicep growing? According to science weighted Commando Chin-Ups produce the biggest muscle activation of all exercises refering to bicep grow. But, according to some gymbros strict curls and cheated curls give you the best gains. What's your take on this?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

/fit/ newfag advice thread

Alright /fit/ so I have been hitting the Gym lately as a step up from working out at home for a few months (started hitting it last week) and I am completely wrecked after working all round over five days (only like an hour session a day, with one day a week off is my plan). My friend did say I'd be wrecked but I am not recovering as fast as I thought I would. Mainly its my shoulders, triceps and chest that are pretty bad. I have been trying to follow the 1g of protein for a pound of body weight rule in the last two days or so, trying to maximize my protein intake in the last week but I may be missing a few things. So /fit/ what do? I mean I get take a fuck ton of protein but how the hell can I recover asap?

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

Is decaf the perfect compromise? /fit/izen

Pros/Cons >no caffeine addiction >antioxidants >nutrients >relaxing >tastes decent <stains teeth? <unjustifiable expense for no calories

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

Weird question

'm the type of guy who likes to cleanse out his past before moving on to have a sense of closure, so I began taking a shit every morning and only the morning for a new day, I'd hold it in however long I'd need to then shit the next day fairly quick within the time frame of an hour or so. Now, the problem is these days I need to eat something first and wait up to 3 hours to finally get it all out. It steals a lot of time and I'm sick of it. So to put it bluntly how do I make myself shit every morning. I need to brutal expunge out my intestines fully before I start the day and do it quickly, I can't stress enough how important this is. Are there any natural laxatives? The only one's that work are fast food but I can't buy fast food every day besides, it's unhealthy. Is it worth taking the risk and trying out non natural one's that can have side effects?

R: 6 / I: 1 / P: 2

The Protein Shake Bar

Feeling that burn? Use this thread to lounge with other anons and shoot the shit in between reps!

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

explain this to me /fit/izen

>be skinny with a fast metabolism all my life >literally <5% bf no matter how much i eat >since i can't gain weight by eating i decide to start working out >work out religiously for a whole year and eat accordingly >work my ass off 3 times a week minimum >after a year, no gain whatsoever, dispite all my efforts >fuck this, decide to drop it >a month goes by >notice that im sarting to grow some belly fat wtf.jpg >decide to work out again to get rid of it >within 3 weeks all my muscles start to pop out, thicc gainz. >literally made more gain in 2 weeks then the past year i don't understand why.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2


Newfag here, I've been attempting to do this but am stuck on day 1 of week 4 after starting on week 3. What am I doing wrong?

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 2

Wresting is fucking gay soap oppra for fat retards.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 2

Want to start lifting weights

I have a Weiider machine from baaaaack in the day that I used to use. But then I nearly killed a nigger and went to prison instead of university. Long story but it was a must. In prison there were no weights or anything really so I just did pushups and this and that using my own body weight (forgot the name for that) pretty much so I wouldn't become sick. Can I make gains with this thing? I'm seeking good health not any great appearance. Or do I need free weights? If so, what should I buy? I was thinking I'd like a chin up bar. Alright, thank you.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2


greetings and salutations, /fit/izens i'm thin as fuck 55kg (120 lbs) and i'm manlet 177cm (5'8). i have a few dumbbells at home. how do i start building muscle and getting fit? i'm so fucking weak and i just can't stand it. my hands are very thin and it's starting to make me look like a fag. i need to know that if push goes to shove i'll be able to defend myself. seriously help. i think i need: >exercise plan >diet plan (im neet so no 20 euro salads) >people to watch/read >whatever else i don't know THANK YOU ANONS

R: 8 / I: 6 / P: 2

/fit/ Approved Anime and Vidyagames

What have you been watchan and playan? What do you recommend? I've been watching Fist of the North Star and playing Yakuza.

R: 2 / I: 0 / P: 2

Good habits and supplemental activities

Discuss things that aren't workouts or exercise per se, but help you to improve your performance as well as maintain /fit/ness and motivation. For example: >meditation >wim hof method >supplements >prayer >onions >nofap >abstinence in general >study and inspirational reading Things to not discuss: <roids, drugs and other gay shit Personally I stopped using warm water in my showers, all my showers have been 100% cold for the last 3 months. I've had a huge uptick in energy levels since I started doing this, and I also feel more solid, like my body has become more dense. The reason I decided to do this is related to an observation I made a few years ago. I was visiting family and had my cat with me, and even though it was the beginning of winter, he had to stay in a shed outside because of their dog. Now, he was normally 7.5 pounds, but after a few weeks in that shed, he was 14 pounds. The reason I weighed him was because he was noticeably bigger, and suddenly had muscle definition, it blew my mind that he just about doubled his weight. Interestingly, he went right back to his old weight after he started living inside again. It reminded me of something called "Bergmann’s rule" which is basically an observation that species adapted to cold environments tend to be bigger. Anyway, a couple years later I learned about Wim Hof, which really activated my almonds about a few things, not least of which was my cat turning into a chad in the cold. It might be worth noting that he was unfixed. I think if I keep my cold showers up over the winter I'll see some real progress. Otherwise, I'm on day 7 nofap (29 days is my personal best), and today is day one of a 7 day "mind fast". I won't be playing any games, watching TV, reading anything other than the Bible, or using the internet (with the exception of /fit/, my email and 4 astrology sites, I've already got my tabs up and they won't be changing them for that time). I'm just going to focus on training and meditation. What are you doing to improve yourself /fit/?

R: 505 / I: 219 / P: 2

Gaymin /fit/ness, health and cheapass nutrition thread

You haven't been touching that soda now, are you? Drink your water, now! Keep your posture straight, keep straightening your back every few minutes because you keep slouching forward. Most importantly get up every half an hour, take a walk, stretch your butt and look outside to unfuck your eyes. Stop ordering crap everyday and make your own meals. Cooking good food is easy and cheap. See pic related, that's the basic foods you need to be healthy. There are many more techniques like keto and shit that you probably don't even need to be healthy. And keep that calories in check.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

I think I injured my rotator cuff. What exercises are safe to do until it heals and how long will it take to heal completely? I don't think it's torn but it still hurts every now and then, seemingly at random. I just started getting big pecs and biceps; I don't want to lose them already. pic unrelated

R: 13 / I: 11 / P: 2

Music to get /fit/

What do you anons listen to when working out? Besides 80's metal I've been listening to Eurobeat and Powerwolf.

R: 7 / I: 0 / P: 2

>a gallon of whole milk has 2300 calories >has a good balance of macronutrients and many of the micronutrients you need, also hydrates you >every day drink a gallon of milk and eat some fruit and veggies for fiber, other micronutrients and some extra calories >occasionally eat some meat to get extra stuff >could easily live on $6 a day, don't have to waste time cooking or eating. Tell me why I couldn't do this.

R: 8 / I: 3 / P: 2


greetings and salutations, /fit/izens i'm thin as fuck 55kg (120 lbs) and i'm manlet 177cm (5'8). i have a few dumbbells at home. how do i start building muscle and getting fit? i'm so fucking weak and i just can't stand it. my hands are very thin and it's starting to make me look like a fag. i need to know that if push goes to shove i'll be able to defend myself. seriously help. i think i need: >exercise plan >diet plan (im neet so no 20 euro salads) >people to watch/read >whatever else i don't know THANK YOU ANONS

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 2

2019 anime adaptation of 2016 manga Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru fucks up pulldown demo

WTF happened did the animators not understand forearms are meant to be parallel with the cable?

R: 1 / I: 4 / P: 3

/fit/ memes and other fun things

That horse face made another one of his yearly comics.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 3

Artificial sweeteners: hunger and insulin resistance

Are artificial sweeteners bad for your health? And to be more concise, by that I don't mean stuff like Aspartame being bad for teeth, I mean endocrinology bad Personally, I frecuently take coffee, and sometimes soda, before or immediately after a workout. One of the main points of the detractors of artificial sweeteners is that they raise hunger levels and fools your body into expecting a rush of insulin which may lead to Diabetes type 2. TL;DR: Do artificial sweeteners raise hunger levels and increase insulin resistance potentially leading to Diabetes?

R: 5 / I: 2 / P: 3

Help me plan my exercise routine

So, long story short, I want some advice on planning my exercise routine on Wii Fit U. Pretty much what I have been doing is spending the first hour, every morning doing 10 minutes of "aerobics" (Usually playing a regular Wii game that requires motion controls), then 20-30 minutes of actual exercising (In Wii Fit U), then another 10-20 minutes of "aerobics" (Again, in a regular Wii game). Reason I've followed this routine is because one of the fitness instructors at the gym I used to go to recommended it as the "best" way to get a workout. Another thing they recommended is that I don't do the same exercises every day, otherwise my body starts building an endurance against those specific exercises. So, the routine I've been following for the past few months is just selecting randoms exercises in WFU, five days a week, with Satudays spent going hiking/jogging for an hour (Plan on increasing that time as the days get warmer). Outside of that, I currently work at a fabrication facility, so I spend most of my days walking and lifting (Though, it looks like I'll be let go within the next few weeks). <So, here is my dilemma, what exercises routines would be best recommended in order for me to receive the most benefits? As far as my body's circumstance, I'm currently 5'11", average around 205 lbs. The only real "goal" that I have is that I want to reduce my waist size. Outside of that, I just want to build up the rest of my body, especially when it feels like I spend too much time building up my legs because of everything else I do (Apparently I average around 8000-10,000 steps each day). Also, I only have the chance to set up two routines because the first slot is already filled with activities that do not require the Fit board because, in the past, it seems to become very finicky whenever I change the batteries and it refused to connect or turn on. So, what are your recommendations?

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 3

Derek Chauvin's shin is a barbell

George Floyd Do you figure this barbell placement is approximately the position of the "neck" that Chauvin's tibial tuberosity was on?

R: 4 / I: 1 / P: 3


Feels that don't deserve their own thread. >wanted to punch stuff >got a punching bag recently >started watching boxing videos plus some fighting anime >bought hand wraps and learned how to apply them >practiced stance and shadow-boxing >doing bretty gud and it's fun >throw punch at some point >fucked my hand up >it's not broken but hurts like hell No punching for a while I guess.

R: 2 / I: 1 / P: 3

Cool Sports

Is your physique just for your own ego or is it actually put to use? What sports do you train for? Hopefully not the kind people buy expensive tat for and drink while watching.

R: 6 / I: 5 / P: 3

Cooking General

Lets post and recipes, feedback and suggestions. /fit/ related cooking of course.

R: 10 / I: 3 / P: 3


Is it possible to obtain a strong build with merely calisthenics. I've been doing it a year or two and I've gotten a lot buffer and lost a lot of weight, I used to weigh over 14 stone now I'm in the 10 stone region. What I want to know is if I can build my muscles using just calisthenics so I don't have to use any money on buying impractical weights and not waste any money going to the gym. Better to use just your body than things that are completely unnatural imo.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 3

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from /co/!