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/fit/ newfag advice thread /fit/izen 09/14/2023 (Thu) 10:42:43 Id: eedac5 No. 188
Alright /fit/ so I have been hitting the Gym lately as a step up from working out at home for a few months (started hitting it last week) and I am completely wrecked after working all round over five days (only like an hour session a day, with one day a week off is my plan). My friend did say I'd be wrecked but I am not recovering as fast as I thought I would. Mainly its my shoulders, triceps and chest that are pretty bad. I have been trying to follow the 1g of protein for a pound of body weight rule in the last two days or so, trying to maximize my protein intake in the last week but I may be missing a few things. So /fit/ what do? I mean I get take a fuck ton of protein but how the hell can I recover asap?
>>188 Being this new, you will accumulate fatigue much faster. You should probably just do 3 or 4 days a week to start with, hit each muscle twice a week at least, and aim for 12 sets per muscle cumulative as well. People who hit the gym six days a week are spreading which muscle they hit so it gets a day or two of recovery. If you hit every muscle every day you will feel like shit, injure yourself, and get worse results because the growth happens during the recovery phase anyways. Eat your protein throughout the day, stay hydrated, and get a full night's sleep. Don't hit the same muscle two days in a row.

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