/fit/ - Fitness, Health, and Feels

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/fit/izen 08/18/2023 (Fri) 01:59:23 Id: eaf413 No. 125
I think I injured my rotator cuff. What exercises are safe to do until it heals and how long will it take to heal completely? I don't think it's torn but it still hurts every now and then, seemingly at random. I just started getting big pecs and biceps; I don't want to lose them already. pic unrelated
>>125 Take the time to rest and recover. Skip a couple sessions and use ice to reduce swelling. When you start again, drop weight and see if you can increase reps. If it hurts more than a little, stop doing it. Don't let ego cause you to reinjure yourself. Not sure how long one of those takes to heal since I've never had it. But don't sweat your gains. You will probably not gain much in the next few weeks but as long as get your fill of protein and lift even something light your body isn't going to shed its muscle overnight.

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