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History comics and manga Anonymous 05/08/2022 (Sun) 04:00:38 No. 25878
Thread title. Share recs here.
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I've been reading confidencias de un senderistas and Rupay, both are comics about the peruvian civil war of the 80s and 90s
>>25891 technically it was not a civil war, it was just commies killing civilian and local authorities. But yeah, commies love to paint it as a "war".
>>25891 Does Peru have interesting comics, and how anti-commie is this comic?
>>25892 Sendero Luminoso tried to overthrow the government and put a communist dictatorship, so I'm pretty sure it was a civil war. >>25893 >Interesting comics I've recently read Ayar which is a fantastic reinterpretarion of the ayar brothers and the foundation of the Inca empire done by a DBZ fan. It's kinda cool. There aren't a lot of national comics here, Argentina is basically the only exception, the only latinamerican country that had a big comicbook industry. >how anti-commie is this comic? Haven't finished Confidencias de un senderista, but a friend told me it's peruvian government propaganda. Rupay shows the horrible things that Sendero did to the andine farmers, It's a bit apolitical in that regard.
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Does historical fiction count? Like westerns? Because Jonah Hex is awesome. I also like Enemy Ace. Enemy Ace: War Idyll is a really cool graphic novel which is treated like someone in the present interviewing an old veteran, and though technically Enemy Ace has stories where he meets time travelling Superman and stuff, this story is played as realistic. That's also the reason most Jonah Hex stories are good, though I do like when he gets into weird sci-fi bullshit as well, like the time he got warped to the post-apocalyptic 21st century for a while. I suppose that particular series wouldn't fit this thread theme, but most of his series would. Especially his Vertigo stories from the '90s. I also have one very underrated and interesting story called The Kents, which is about Superman's (adopted) ancestors during the formation of the state of Kansas in the 19th century. Really, it has absolutely nothing to do with Superman, and they just framed it as that to get some capeshit autists to read it. I think there is a little appearance by Jonah Hex, and there is another character implied to be an ancestor of Lois Lane (actually IIRC it was a real guy named Lane and maybe it's just the framing that leaves the reader assuming they're related), but otherwise it's just the story of an actual historical event, but told through the eyes of fictional characters. Would be cool if DC or Marvel did more like this. I mean they both do a lot of World War II stuff, but given it's all either about superheroes or monsters/robots/dinosaurs, I assume that's not what this thread is looking for, even though JSA/Agents of Atlas/Dinosaur Island/Creature Commandos/etc. are all awesome.
>>25904 Historical fiction counts but try to avoid stuff with fantasy/scifi elements
>>25901 >I've recently read Ayar which is a fantastic reinterpretarion of the ayar brothers and the foundation of the Inca empire done by a DBZ fan. It's kinda cool. There aren't a lot of national comics here, Argentina is basically the only exception, the only latinamerican country that had a big comicbook industry. I barely found it. Thanks, I'll try to read it. This should be fine for people like me who like less-known civilizations linked to Age of Empires.

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