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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4011: 2025 Edition! YTTB 12/31/2024 (Tue) 19:50:42 Id: c87088 No. 491397
2024: Year in Review https://www.britannica.com/topic/2024-Year-in-Review >The year was marked by historic elections and global unrest. People in more than 60 countries—representing almost 50 percent of the world’s population—went to the polls in 2024. HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MANY MORE TO COME, LADDS!
First for Spic getting crushed by an aeroplane crashing into his mother's house
second for bins finally dying of GRIDS
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>>491400 >>491401 they hate me coz they 'ain't me
>tfw filtered him this early in the thread
>>491405 tbh tbh
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"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
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what's that? did somebody say something?
>>491409 keek tbh put this in the CSS field so you don't even get that .unhideButton.glowOnHover { display:none;}
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>>491409 everyone knows, everyone always reads the filtered posts you're just inconveniencing yourself, not smee
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>I outlived Helmer >I outlived SA >I outlived Dorset And I will outlive Wessed too
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may as well post again tbh
>>491379 FUCK ELON BINS! And Happy New Year to the based lids
binsposting in The Year Of The Pig
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>>491415 Wessex specifically asked me not to put a film on because "kino lad" was going to put on something instead now he's made with me that I didn't put a film on I just don't know what to do
>>491410 based
installed the unification mod and have been enjoying playing the DoW soulstorm campaign recently very comfy stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqsBgFczAF0
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>>491417 >I just don't know what to do
>>491417 got through a lot that I missed this year: >Jeepers Creepers >Jeremiah johnson >Northmen >Point Break I believe I've also not seen yet Last Witness or Crying Game but I've a separate video club than brit so btfo get your own
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>>491423 I think fatt wess and his mean bunch of bullies don't want me to put on films anymore they say someone called "kino lad" is taking over film nights, starting tonight
>>491425 stop giving bbc memes currency lad
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>>491426 he's here!!!
>my libshit sister said she's tired of forced diversity B-b-b-based, very proud of her.
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>>491428 once the ball starts rolling, there is only one direction for it to travel eventually she will become one of us
>>491429 does she look like @THIS ???
>>491430 Here's hoping, but I'm just glad she's at this level. Anything else is gravy. >>491431 Nonce
>>491433 >Nonce lad you didn't say she was underage
So where is "kino lad" and his film? it's already almost 9pm
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>>491432 We've won
>>491434 She isn't but you're still a nonce
>>491426 tbh hate this memi
>when elon bbcslutposted at a journalist
Yeah it's repugnant, I never repost "based" derivatives
https://youtu.be/iCR1OmL-8Ys https://youtu.be/sK0K-NZyxKI Watching it again, lads. Reminiscing about when elon was gonna save the white race
smh guess kinolad couldn't make it
although it is new years eve so may as well go all the way to midnight
>>491442 he's busy defending the white race
spending snew years sneev with my favourite people
>>491441 checked the channel and he's still at it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4Dd_aB9GRo >>491444 what a unit
>>491442 There never was a kinolad. It was a mold hair loose nation by wessington
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>>491437 lad, let me breed and marry your sister and then we will be true brvuthers (in law)
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>>491442 oh what a pity Another epic win for the bins race
>>491450 why does he always come out on top?
>>491449 Her bf is a 6'4" boxer, studies engineering and his dad owns his own business. I doubt you can beat that.
>>491452 Loser bf can't compete with my neetcock
>neet Grim tbh
>>491452 Closest thing to sports Bins has ever done is the time he diarhoea'd in the cricket ground's carpark
>>491455 shagging other men in the woods at one of those pagan gatherings is kind of a team sport I guess
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>>491451 >why does he always come out on top? top
>>491454 Your sister will lick the smegma from my foreskin while daddy's lil boxer cries on the floor
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>>491455 >>491456 am I meant to feel embarrassed by this?
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>>491452 lad, his dad probably works for me
Filtered tbh
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>>491461 filtering is for faggots
filtering you too tbh
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>shartin sticking up for his eboy again into the filter he goes >>491464 massively based
>>491464 based post
>>491442 shall I stick on The Wild Robot (2024) again then?
>>491467 again?
>>491468 I was going to put it on earlier, and set it up, but Wess said that I was too late, because "kino lad" (who has not shown up) was going to put on a better film So we didn't watch the film we had agreed to watch yesterday, because of Wess, but then kino lad didn't put on his film either meaning that, thanks to fatt wess the miserable dysgenic mong, we have no film at all thanks wess!
>>491469 kino lad? THey are replacing us????
we backed the wrong horse
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>>491470 yeah but the replacement have turned out to be unreliable and disappointing just like in the real world
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I, bins the magnificent, hearby rename "kino lad" too "poo lad" that is all
poolad is already an established /brit/ cryptid
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*turns wessex to stone for his crimes against the bins race*
>>491474 oh yeah fug poopoo lad then?
>there should be a fat tax for fatties Keeek
>>491471 We will retvrn
>>491471 a bit like the lads that backed wessex not 22st, when 22st turned out to be the epic breeder and wessex is basically already dead
>>491479 smh I was so beautiful back then
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Well I think this has turned out to be another total victory 2025 is looking good already
>>491480 you still are b, you still are
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already watching it tbh
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here's some good pajeet seethium if you havent had enough lately
>>491486 watching what?
shut up bins
this is kino
>>491490 factual and true
Musk has gone full gay since being raped
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>>491412 And who killed them all? Sit down old nonce, or you're next.
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>>491471 Just thinking of this photo, Africa is so beautiful. We need to take it back, we need to protect and enshrine the beauty of the land. It should be ours. Just imagine what wonders we could create from the virgin land.
>>491497 *poops down elevator shaft*
>>491498 Truly Africans have such a beautiful culture
>waaaaaaah I have a highly paid steady job with a strong trade union and good enough work/life balance to sustain two lovers and regularly getting away with antisocial behaviour waaaaah >I didn't learn from my mother's mistakes and got knocked up out of wedlock by a black sailor and now people are judging me waaaaaaaah >I got married to a girl I don't really care about and spend all my time alone wearing leather with an obviously gay motorcyclist and now everyone thinks I'm gay too and my wife slept with another man after we agreed to divorce it's all so unfair waaaaaah why were British boomer films like this?
>>491501 I hate this subversive shite, whenever I read crap like this I think of daftie things. But ignoring that, why was this acceptable back then? Most people would have turned their noses up against this crap, why did we not have the cultural strength to suppress and censor this? Maybe because we lost all hope with the death of the empire?
>>491501 because the neocons conspired with jew financiers to give women the vote in 1909 You build a time machine and takes backsies
>>491504 neocons didn't exist in 1909 lad
>>491503 That one's even earlier fuck offing real religious faith in the post-enlightenment so that by WWI we're just paying token lip service having forgotten why we do things any more and enjoying the vestiges of a culture that had already started pressing F
>>491505 neo means new, and conservatives means ??? any more
>>491506 I think some of that is true but I'm unsure of the degree, I don't follow the death of British Christianity or the religion. Personally I think our spirit was broken by the two wars and communists coopted our upper class. Honestly our upper class needs to be purged for all the damage they've spearheaded.
Happy New Year lads! May seven of you get long-term gfs this year, and may four ALL of you breed. Happy new kidneys Wessex! I wonder whether the cost of round-the-world flights could instead get you some private healthcare...
Happy new years lads
happy new year
>>491507 >Neoconservatism ... originated in the 1970s as a movement of anti-Soviet liberals and social democrats in the tradition of Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Humphrey and Henry ('Scoop') Jackson, many of whom preferred to call themselves 'paleoliberals. ' [After the end of the Cold War]
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>>491509 good lad close enough Happy new year
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Happy new year lads. May we all succeed . . . for the white race!
was too busy btfoing the elf gimps in soulstorm as imperialchads to remember the year change smh a very honky 2025 to all (except bins) >>491509 hap'n'yee la glad you were around to post >>491515 good lad lets all get around the white race saving table
>>491511 >>491513 to (you) too festive (you)s all 'round (except bins)
>I'm mentally LARPing about being an interrogator after a daftie revolution I don't think I'm evil but man I'd kill so many people.
>>491512 "Winston Churchill was not a neo con" but the man clothed himself as an Arab shiekh worn to fancy dress, and hated taxes being earmarked for the things they were supposed to be collected for, and loved "liberating" everything down to the last parts of the Empire which he sold to America so he could "liberate" (go to war) some more But to be fair he didn't let people outside the autocracy go on nude bike rides or celebrate the summer solstice at stonehenge
>>491509 Good lad. Happy new year.
ALL ABOARD! CHOO CHOO *ppppffffshshpplplsplsplshhhhhh*
>>491522 >Purges you for pro-india content
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>being radicalized by sam hyde to hate indians >indian 'jeet calling me for boomer toil project >last time he wanted me to reside the front of his house and acted like 340.00 was too much money but he was driving a german import sedan
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Every property in Britain owned by a non-ethnic Brit would be confiscated and sold back to the people of the nation at grand auctions. Companies would not be able to purchase these properties, they'd be only for the people. The wealth generated by this mass sell off to the British public would be used to reverse the economic damage the revolution would cause and if possibly allow us to create generous public schemes to bribe the people into accepting the new order. Thank you for listening to the small extract of my LARP.
2025 then
>>491526 Living fully in the dystopian future now. That ISS woman moment story still making me sneethe since last year.
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I have solved South Asia
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>>491528 eh let the chinkers in the east be independent, idk where to draw the line
I vow to become more woke right this year.
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>>491530 me rn too. i'm thoroughly depressed by the passage of time
Finished GoT. Season 8 was in fact more kino than I remembered. A good start to the new year. Cheer up gloomers.
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Remember lads you live better lives than kings 100 years ago, be grateful!
>>491535 X has become increasingly bugman-coded over the last two years. Pure fucking cringe.
It's like a LinkedIn for complete toady spastics to thrap off about how AGI is about to happen in like five minutes and how mathematicians will be obsolete in 700 minutes. >>491534 Nothing will prevent this wild ride from capitulating. Satan is abroad.
>>491535 >shitskin name >speaking my language >invoking my ancestors (not direct obv) >shaming me yeah fuck off back where you came from
techoids are trying to circle the wagons because they thought that they were going to be the bureaucrat caste of the jew world order but they followed memes like midwits and now they are trying to be reactionaries like the "liberals" (reactionaries invoking the jewish civil rights movement as a founding mythos)
>>491527 keeek yeah imagine if a straight white male intentionally destroyed a trillion dollar space station. he would be 24/7 solitary in ADX florence
>>491528 nah I want buddhist chads to have a buffer from the mudshits
henry tudor would have put all the jews to death and had shitskins and boer faggots like elon musk put in a gibbet so that little bazlings could throw pig shite at them and pull faces at them while gulls ate their eyes out
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>>491540 I'm not convinced itsreal I've only seen record of the stint that particular bimbo did from Q2 to Q4 2018. While the footage of dropping a tool kit was some other stronk womyn, and the toilet I think was not on the same flight up as the rocket to come get her but was in 2020 or 2021. It might just be a funny larp anon, or culmulative women visiting the space station amalgamated into one story
>>491485 >Sam Von Hydler awarded TopLad-Auszeichnung mit goldenen Eichenblättern, Schwertern und Diamanten
guess I'll buy a few gooms on steem then
>it is almost the 2030s
oh boy it's the first blogseetheretardpost of the year god I hate women first thing I have to see in 2025 is mummy being a retard she's been seething about having to leave france because of LE BREGGSIT or something and being an unproductive retard who didn't bother to put in the work to be a french citizen despite living there for nearly 20 years her cope was "well I'll move back to britain with my PARTNER and we'll live in a canal boat and be faggot hippies and save the inheritance for our children" now out of nowhere she's saying "actually despite being 65 and closer to infirmity and death than anything else I'm splitting up with my PARTNER who worked himself like a slave for me for 20 years including spending his inheritance on me and I'm going to live in a TINY HOME after wasting all the worthless fiat currency my children were supposed to have on some shitty agricultural land where I will inevitably fuck up out of laziness and not conform to the legalities properly and have my home demolished by ZOG and end my days being abused by nigger care workers in a cheap state geriatric containment facility and all the while I will still be a libtard and vooting to make things worse for YOU" >>491546 anything good then?
her cope for me before this was "well when you get 1/4th of the remainder of the boomers' liquidated investments maybe you'll be able to afford a static caravan and live in a trailer park" like that is some amazing future and now even that chance is being pissed away and anyway that's two women now I've personally seen throw away what relationships they had at a senior age why do they do it? they're not going to have any more time on the cock carousel, they throw away their parasitisation target because it's not "exciting" enough to have someone to depend on in your twilight years and big daddy government can do the job better?
>>491552 The thing is, if you're a complete fuck up, you really are covered by the government in your old age. Responsible people are taxed to subsidise shortsightedness. Let's say you're single and over the state pension age, with no land/buildings to your name and less than £10,000 in savings, because you've wasted everything on frivolous hedonism. You get: >A minimum of £201.05 income per week from the pension credit, even if you didn't pay enough national insurance to qualify for the state pension. If you qualify for the full state pension, that's £221.20 weekly. >£200-£300 winter fuel payment >Housing benefit to pay your rent >Reduced council tax >Free bus travel and discounted train travel >Free TV licence Women don't need the security of a partner, because the state will force the everyday man to fund their twilight years.
>>491552 Not to be rude but your mummy is fucking retarded. If you can you should sit down with her and try to get her to think as realistically about her future as possible, likely wont work but it's work and attempt. Also you shouldn't rely on inheritance coming your way to buy a place tbqh, you should be saving up for it now. >they throw away their parasitisation target because it's not "exciting" enough to have someone to depend on in your twilight years Yeah pretty much, it's a case of the grass is greener and want to explore life without being shackled down to a partner. Very selfish of her tbh.
>Watches Random Scott lass talking about UK >Checks comments >Everyone's red pilled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzstEpSeuwU Have you lads noticed this too: Many Normies are on their way to being natsoc
>>491554 >Women don't need the security of a partner The quality of life the government gibs gives is shite, you'll be lucky to just scrape by and that's assuming your not stupid with your money.
>>491551 >>491552 Your mummy sounds like she could gain a few IQ points with a labotomy.
I had a dream where a fox ran up and bit the collar on my shirt and just hung there looking into my eyes and then I beat it with a hammer until the neck separated from the body. Then in a deliberate way I went off to search for more behaving like that and began a standoff with a heron where he asked me why I was going to kill him and I said it's because the look in his eyes upon assessing his prey was like that of the fox, so he explained he has an important job to do where he mainly catches the sick and the lame. And then I didn't know any more was I mad at the predators or mad at England? But then I woke up and thought the storytelling was shit because my brain's a midwit at creativity
think I'll buy some steem goymes
>>491560 Which ones? I might pick-up something soon, but if possible from GOG.
>>491561 no idea workers and resources soviet republic looks good.
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>>491563 it's the afternoon lad
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>>491565 Wtf the zogbot is pro migration? How could anyone see this happening?
>day 1 of 2025 >procrastinate on resolutions >go back to bed and get up at half one in the afternoon >hmm well my work for today is waiting until 5am the following day to put the rubbish out yep it's neetin time more DoW i think >>491554 easy to see how there are entire lineages of dole dossers who live on bennies from cradle to grave nowadays smh >>491555 yeah I do try smh I think the whole family branch is just shit, her sister clearly does much better (ie her sisters husband and progeny) it's actually worse (for me specifically) because the boomers are splitting everything equally in the will so I get 1/4 of 1/2 of whatever if left after the previous two generations run through it honestly if i were them I wouldn't even bother with my mummy or her children at all and just cut us out smh >>491556 the groups in which this phenomena is present might slowly be expanding but the bulk of vooters are still retarded libshit middleclassoids and up i think
>>491568 >>day 1 of 2025 >>procrastinate on resolutions >go back to bed and get up at half one in the afternoon I wrote out my resolutions even before the end of the year >hmm well my work for today is waiting until 5am the following day to put the rubbish out
fresh rhodieboomer looking quite rough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZdi29lITys
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>>491570 you want to watchoom that film tonight or are you stil waiting for "kino lad" to put his one on?
Ukrainian incel Kohlchan poster, Ihor, has hired the trashiest bimbo hooker
>>491572 so artificial she may as well be a troon smh
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I'm ready if bins and the foren fillum lad aren't streaming later
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lawrence of arabia is on the telly atm
not going to engage with film poo any more tbh if someone has something they want to put on then fine and I might come and watch it but otherwise not bothering to suggest or get involved about timing or whatever
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>>491576 >not going to engage with film poo any more tbh >if someone has something they want to put on then fine and I might come and watch it but otherwise not bothering to suggest or get involved about timing or whatever coward
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>tfw killed wessex and stole his future gf
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy53vz1qpx1o keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the state of journalism
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>>491580 sargoon made a video about this https://youtu.be/H9LZ6vf7oYI
100 Returning Jihadis: Why is the UK Inviting the Enemy Back? https://youtu.be/i_f_jZwFM8U
>>491535 Musk have been posting coal after coal lately, and his seeming care for both AfD and rape victims seem fake
>>491578 I see Bins OC I keeek
>>491580 Imagine doing this as a 53 year old man. Cringeworthy.
>>491587 his peeb seems pretty ack'd ngl
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>people are getting radicalised by house prices Keeek, only when shit is this dire and it personally affects them in such an obvious way do they start noticing. It's a shame that we are so selfinterested as people they couldn't notice it before. House price nationalism soon brvthers. >>491584 He's always been an obvious oligarch, I've never feel for him or Trump, if he was really based he'd be funding NGOs that promote the hwhite race.
When Wesshog and Binshog fight
>>491589 >Keeek, only when shit is this dire and it personally affects them in such an obvious way do they start noticing. It's a shame that we are so selfinterested as people they couldn't notice it before. House price nationalism soon brvthers. Hitler talks about the NPC(most people) in Mein Kampferino. Sadly even the Aryan is like @this. Then again I don't really view it so bad. Evolutionarily, having leaders that are hostile their own tribe doesn't make sense, so people being followers isn't necessarily so bad in a better world. Besides, you can't really change this without eugenics, and I am not sure if we would actually want everyone to be a natural chud Global natalism just seems like a way to farm more high IQ he can import which is misguided as well. I refuse to believe he thinks humans will actually go extinct because of us not having children
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>muh gay failed German ideology
Tim Pool and other kosher retards on X suddenly start to act "racist" after Musk bans and silences that crowd... odd business strategy. Lazy controlled opposition or just farming likes now that others are banned?
>>491592 I don't get it
>>491593 both.
Do we still seethe farm Steiner? HEY STEINER
>>491596 I don't think that'd tickle any of stieners neurons anymore.
Yeah I have the same feeling
>>491593 >>491591 >Besides, you can't really change this without eugenics, and I am not sure if we would actually want everyone to be a natural chud We need to inject chudism into every child, to create the child master race. >>491593 It's trying to win the base back over, while Trump is do or die with his oligarch buddies, this needless infighting hurts him and he's pissed at Elon. In my humble opinion.
>>491592 >failed ideology my sweet summer goy the ideology didn't fail, it succeeded, too well that's why the real ideological failures - liberal capitalism and communism - had to join forces to destroy it from the outside, because National Scoialism's epic success was a threat to them ultimately it is (You) who has failed
>>491594 he's an idiot, b ignore him
Driver kills 10 ramming truck into New Orleans crowd in New Year attack >they are calling it a terrorist attack https://www.reuters.com/world/us/multiple-fatalities-truck-crashes-into-new-orleans-crowd-cbs-news-says-2025-01-01/
>>491587 >shots fired at b*ns
>>491603 he's talking about elon musk,lad
>>491602 Wonder if we'll get a newyears snackbaring too. 7 1/2 hours left. >>491605 >mariana trench lad returns
>protein eaters ITT
>>491608 wew that overhang is crazy
>>491611 Trump should designate Musk a domestic terrorist
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How can I improve my bait?
>>491614 That's fucking cope, Elon gave him so much money. He isn't going to turn on him. Only way he does is if the issue won't die and he needs a scapegoat.
>>491618 These people are only loyal to themselves lad Trump would dump in a heartbeat. There’s flats in London that cost more than what Oblong gave him
>>491619 Trump isn't going to dump Elon and the oligarchs, if he does they will fuck him.
>>491620 He’d dump Elon but not the hebrew ones
>>491622 Mate they are part and parcel, Trump does not want to make enemies with any of these men and I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the kikes protect Elon behind the scenes. They are weaponizing the most wealthy man in the world against us, why would they want to burn that tool when it comes with so much wealth? >>491621 Sounds good, I might add some communist terms for extra fun.
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>>491624 Wait, you are baiting me. Fair play lad, sorry so used to /ptg/ retards
>>491611 are they gonna ack the pres? they done it before
Hey Wessex, want to try to watch that film again?
>>491615 Keeeek. Thankfully I look a fair bit better than that. Never refer to a woman as queen unless she's a monarch. Camilla is queen consort, I don't care if she wants to be referred to as the queen, she's not.
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Happy 2025
I really don't want to go to work tomorrow.
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>autistic cousin bought an antique tractor >he lives in a city-centre flat
>>491631 what toil do you do?
>>491617 try and make it more believable by calling jeets natural conservasharts
>>491632 One could say that you're a detractor of the idea >>491633 Accountant
>>491635 No lad he's the one with de tractor
>>491624 trump is just another geriatric puppet like biden, he is no huey long or even a richard nixon. he is just an actor he isn't going to have oligarchs whacked like old school 90s putin
>>491627 that was the most obvious inside hit, how would the guys in the grass know to take cover if it was just oswald up in a tower 1 shotting him
>>491639 I know lad It's astonishing more people don't get it
>>491621 >too boring of a job for americans lmao this is the most amazing cope, its even better than the 2000s memi of spics "doing the jobs americans wont do*" *won't do that job for piss wages and not health insurance and zero safety protocols
>>491613 indians are going to be the ones that destroy globalism they have no subtlety, why wouldn't they do this chat in their own fucking language like actually skilled subversives. its like if the british went to china and spoke in mandarin to other british about how they wanted to sell opium
>>491611 battery cars are a joke they had them in the edwardian era, why aren't we doing hydrogen fuel cell? they can do with radio waves into a type of salt to create hydrogen its suppressed tech
>>491602 >they should have tried it grand isle louisanna
>>491643 >battery cars are a joke I found a whole channel recently that does nothing but debunk all the net zero bullshit - including how utterly unworkable EVs are https://youtu.be/S9HfuM-sYxQ
>>491638 I meant a financial ‘hit’ job not a literal hit as in crashing his finances with no survivor and delivered into the hands of his little hat creditors such as Larry Fink
>>491645 Alegs is defending Elon's censorship sperg out? fucking why?
>>491646 good lad, all of net zero is anti anglo shite coming from foreigners many of whom are continental whites with that hunnic mindset (so-called prussian socialism). its just a control system it has nothing to do with "climate change" which is in itself natural and a function of things outside our control (i.e. during bronze age parts of the egyptian sphinx was underwater)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN-md1HR31M wish I was a peruvian localist and just played cool animal whistles all day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gekvMh0ZeGY
>>491649 cause he's a spiritual kike and has been for quite some time
>when he plays the owl whistle
New Orleans attack suspect identified as Shamsud Din Jabbar >ISIS flag found on vehicle confirmed truck of peace attack
>>491655 just in time for jewish war in middle east
Alegs is looking really fit these days
>>491650 tbh the romans weren't even able to effectively march during the daytime in iberia because of the intense heat >>491654 niggress owned
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>>491656 oh fug
>>491659 what's this lad?
>>491661 A Tesla was packed with fireworks in front of some Trump hotel and set alight.
>>491662 sounds like leftoid terrorism to me
Guten nacht
apparently there was someone in it ooft tbh
>>491667 hopefully a leftoid vermin
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>>491669 a degenerate left wing piece of filth
I hope it wasn't our lad dead but it feels like it was.
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>same people who thought a cloth mask stopped an airborn nothingburger virus and saved lives telling me doing a couple minutes of knife sharpening in doors is going to give everyone cancer
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>>491671 no it wasn't was it?
>>491666 they cannot read the room at all they at least jews have that awareness, indians just show up and demand to be in charge of our society
>>491674 Obviously hasn’t been watching the Ukraine war
>>491674 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>491675 Never met one with any redeeming feature tbh body goes into toxic shock when I have to interact with them tbh
FIne. Just apologise for the havoc your fellow niggers including your criminal son have wrought on the British public for the last 75 years
>>491651 > wish I was a peruvian localist and just played cool animal whistles all day You can do it being part ojibwe probably makes you look like one anyway. Get yourself a a poo jeet skull flute and hit the streets fortunes await
A beautiful success story. He’s in a much better place however..I take issue with the ‘racism’ angle I’d say he was probably booted out after serving time for murder, rape, drug dealing or terrorism Tbh You wouldn’t just get yeeted on a ‘racism’ ting innit’?
>>491682 what's this about lad?
>>491680 Lawrance legit dindu nuffin. His ascent into sainthood, the mcqueerson 'report' and it's consequences, making his mum a lord, are all bad enough without smearing the dead dbz nigcel, lad.
>>491646 It's obvious shit without even having to know about the preceding World Ice Theory
Any guys that are good to watch these days? Seems like the online right is dead
>>491684 Jus a clip off some yanks YouTube. He visited India and Pakistan and hated both places coming to the conclusion they both contained people who were basically the same character wise and culturally. He didn’t need to go there to discover that though tbh
>>491687 Not really. It’s 2025 all’s been said and done. It’s time for war
>>491689 I want to beat that fraud to death, and I don't agree I feel the fringe is becoming less radical than the good old days
>>491690 Nah the fringe is more radical and the alcoholic boomers trying to pass off the reigns to subversive little Zoomer shits like Nicholas Lissett running the Reform accounts is transparent and wearing thin as they don’t have the history and intellectual capacity to read the room and give the right messaging. Farage crowing about 150k members or whatever. There’s 70 million people in this country at least none of these parties have any legitimacy
They’re literally standing up Ukrainian Cossack/Tatar surnamed teens in some councils and their image is all over the place totally incoherent Only the criminally insane would vote for them or anyone else
>>491688 Pakistanis were once the shittest tier of Indians, that's why they converted to Islam to escape the hindu caste system which put them - quite rightly - at the bottom of society
We need foreigners like Farage gone they have no loyalty to us only their wallets. He knows where France is, time he went back, they’re not bullying Huguenots anymore.
>>491692 what the fuck is wrong with his eyes
>>491695 Slav mutt inherited some rare eye disease from his Ukrainian prostitute mum who took billions of money shots from mongols
>>491691 I feel that's not the fringe, I think thats the more mainstream getting more radical. Which is great for us, but I miss that 2015 energy. >>491692 I would do horrible things to Farage. What do we want after the conservatives die? Is clear Reform isn't up to the task and I don't see any other right wing party getting votes.
>>491693 Hate pakis me, but werent they the head of India until we basically came along?
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brahmin? dalit? paki? it makes no odds
Like Indians have been slaves to foreigners since 1200 ad
>>491696 It's been proven that lasers can be used for propulsion by skimming an object along the circulating energy of the edges of a beam. So could you not use a big laser device in space to propel big clumps of asteroid at chud countries who didn't do as you would want them to? >>491695 It looks like a subcutaneous little cyst thingy on the eyelid but I've only ever seen them on old people really. He should get it cosmetically sorted out. Hate things on eyelids tbh But I'd rather have the Khanate do roads and bins than a more old hat kind of monkey. My civ nat shame is showing like a poorly fitted hospital apron
>>491698 Look. Homeland's leadership looks like a jew and says the things someone would want to have spoken to them with no track record for anything. Farage at least gave us deliverance out of the EU, the post voot fuck ups not being his to have made. Put the mystery meat "based" party in charge of your local councils. If Farage tries to row back and cuck then you'll have a base from which to launch a splitting vote come another GE. Once you've done all that it's finally time to call it all over and just infight amongst every different ethnic bloc. But for now try the voot way
>>491703 We've seen this song and dance before, Nigel will never allow Reform to promote our views no matter how much the voooters want it. Unless we can coopt the party, which I doubt, it's active containment like PVV. >If Farage tries to row back and cuck He's cucking more than Keir right now.
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>>491693 >Pakistanis were once the shittest tier of Indians, that's why I don't think that's true. in general, lower castes were probably more likely to convert to Islam under Muslim rule because they'd have more to gain from it. but geographically speaking Pakistan is closer to Afghanistan/Iran, part of it Iranian ethnic groups (Pashtun/Baloch) that aren't really "Paki/Pajeet" per se. and even those that are Pajeets (Punjabi, Sindhi, Kashmiri) must be marginally 'whiter' than Pajeets from India. the Indus valley civilization was there and they might have some ancestry from that, although not much since Pakis are all inbred rape mutts with the surname "Khan" it's important that we are racist accurately
reminds me of this video of a Pajeeta reacting to an 'India Sucks' video coping about it by saying >What about Ladakh? that red part of Kashmir where it's Tibetan Buddhists living there or something rather than Hindu Pajeets that poop and throw garbage everywhere
overdosing on seethium
>>491708 Why you seething?
>>491687 https://youtu.be/eyX0KNddpSM Unironically even the worst lootiser (Conner) makes better based content than Wews.
Sinoids are going Hugo Boss mode
>>491706 >it's important that we are racist accurately *chuds respectfully towards you*
>>491659 >>491661 >>491662 >A Tesla was packed with fireworks in front of some Trump hotel and set alight. no, it's a Cybertruck that exploded. the driver died and 7 are injured electric cars explode on their own, they're inherently dangerous. no fireworks necessary
>>491713 thank you for the correct informations sir
>>491711 kino the west is finished tbh don't even care anymore hope that nips are the dominate ones since I sort of like them more but don't care either way. 10000000 times prefer east asians to shitskins
>>491710 I've never watched Wews, he's a faggot that sucked dick. I don't forgive gayboys.
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some aloha snackbar, allegedly with ISIS flag, allegedly crossed border 2 days ago drove a truck into a crowd down a street in New Orleans then died in a shootout with police, killing 10+ and wounding 30+ >>491715 yeah I would prefer Japan to China but that ship sailed in 1944 or so. I'm at the point where if I ever see some Asian blabbering about "racism" I'll be tempted to stare them dead in the eye and say >do you want your kids to be raped to death by shitskins? and when they say <well no... then I say >welcome aboard, Kamerad and shake their hand it's non-browns and even light browns against complete and utter subhumans at this point
now that it's <we're going to make you train your Indian replacement and turn you into fertilizer everybody is saying >gee, I guess Venezeulans aren't that bad then I wonder if this is a negotiating tactic to get people to accept Biden Presidency levels of browning >at least they called off the H1B thing, we're winning! either that or they'll actually do it, it's not like anybody can stop them
>A violent fat at a Jack in the Box restaurant in the United States hit the staff for forgetting her fries, suddenly is surrounded by a gang of niggers that put her in her place
>>491719 compare to China
>>491719 what a shithole
>>491718 they won't end either thing without blood, its quite obvious, its why I don't care about the vootard shite and boomers and xoids have waited so long that that blood involved in this process is immense and I don't really want to experience it but I think it is going to occur regardless either as WLP larp or as lothrop stoddards "french revolution in haiti" meets farnhams freehold
>>491720 sam hyde was coping about this
america is like a barbarian shithole and the only kino part is the middle where my people live and its only kino in a retarded way
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmkvsojD2sI this is the sound of my people
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>>491723 he was saying >this is overrated and not what really matters but that's kind of a bad argument. it is a symptom of something that does matter. the correct and truthful argument is that shit-eating 76 IQ Indians are not going to be able to achieve similar things to 105 IQ Chinese. they're not "the best and brightest", like Musk is saying, it's cheap codemonkey labor to increase profit margins for tech companies according to Curtis Yarvin philosophy that white people that expect a decent standard of living are an economic liability that should be turned into fertilizer the reality is that if America wanted to compete with China, it would have to put white men back in charge and implement a eugenics program to maximize the number of 130+ IQ white males being born. 22 years later you could have brilliant Wunderwaffen scientists pouring out of the universities, truly the 'best and brightest', but that's not compatible with the Jew agenda of destroying the white race so it's a non-starter. so competing with China is simply not going to happen, the only thing that can happen is tech oligarchs hoarding more billions while the country gets worse and worse
>>491726 good poost spic >curtis yarvin do people still listen to that mong
>>491727 he's apparently the Dugin (ideologue) of the Little Tech PayPal Mafia oligarch posse including Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, etc. that controls Trump
>>491728 nice brain post spic the visigothic genes must be pushing out that moorish genes. yeah a while ago a blogger called "hipster racist" called this whole thing how the alt shite was being curated by kikes like yarvin behind the scenes to legitimize "neo-feudalist" society (chesterton and belloc would call it the servile state)
anytime I see that techfag who wants to "reverse aging" on youtube ads I just think of soylent green and some late roman Elagabalus degenerate
>>491729 >nice brain post spic I'm just regurgitating Nick Fuentes, I don't follow it that closely. but that's what he's been calling them
>the shitskin who did a truck of peace was a Ford guy
the recent shitter posts about the rape gangs has done me
Apparently this was the guy that got blown up in the Tesla outside the Trump hotel.
>isis attacker was Al qaeda! >cia thot Sarah was right! >Dindu Al Jabbar was US born ex military! smh at this ‘America’ country tbh place is full of mentalists
>>491737 directed by Paul Verhoeven
https://xcancel.com/nicoleperlroth/status/1874708616164602006 If anyone is interested tbh, there is a low chance Adrian Dittman isn't Musk according to some Berkeley professor.
Fucking schizos, the RCC is probably behind Taylor as well.
>mfw papists are putting the Jews in charge of everything so they get the flack.
>>491745 >not even the richest man in the world can avoid having his offspring shriveldicked
>>491746 Sounds like a micro peen Jaffa lad himself what with all that ivf probably no way out for that son apart from axewound therapy
2ND DAY OF THE YEAR Some early year Wisdom from CWC
>’super high iq’ autist and richest man in the world ratio’d on his own platform by a no checkmark spic Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek He’s actually getting ratio’d on the regs now after his low iq spergout over the PQ poo question
It's good to see how unpopular Elon is with the base but it's not being directed at Trump as well which makes me this Trump will ignore it
>>491735 >>491741 >>491748 Fire and blood is needed.
>>491753 Dracarys...
>>491753 Tbh tbh
Wew Refresh page because it’s buggy and get this
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Just when you think the sperg has maxed out on the autism he goes and pushes it even further
>>491699 >Hate pakis me, but werent they the head of India until we basically came along? not exactly the head of India, no India was invaded and run by the mongols, who can from further east. They were Muslim, and ruled as Muslims - seeing all other religions as beneath them India had a caste system, and the lowerst tier Indians were called "untouchables". There was no opportunity for social advancement for them under hinduism, but once Islam came along, they could convert, and immediately be above their previous masters, and many of them did that So the most dysgenic mongs at the bottom of Indian society converted to Islam and "ruled" that way: they had no honour, no loyalty, no right really to be in that position, and they ruled thusly The British were right to depose them, which of course they hated and caused a massive stink about, so India was partitioned to keep the warring groups apart - and thus the paki was born
>>491723 >sam hyde was coping about this he was right though, doing that kind of thing isn't actually that technologically impressive, it's just having enough drones follow specific coordinates, which is quite easy to do and the chinese didn't even develop that technology
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>>491713 weirdly symbolic though Tesla, representing Elon, destroys itself through its own flaws, right outside Trump's most famous building
>>491761 Ah I thought the Muslims that rules India were pakis. What happened to this group then?
>>491764 >Ah I thought the Muslims that rules India were pakis. What happened to this group then? I don't know what happened to the Mongols in India but their empire gradually declined maybe some of them interbred with pakis and lost their distinctiveness that way? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_Empire
>>491765 From an earlier search the muslims created the delhi sultanate which turned into the mughals then we big fucked our way into control
>>491766 pakis are lower caste indians that converted to Islam after the mongols invaded prior to the mongol invasion India was hindu https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongol_invasions_of_India
>>491764 >Ah I thought the Muslims that rules India were pakis. What happened to this group then? they were mostly ethnically Turkic (Uzbek, etc.) but used Persian as a lingua franca, as I understand. "Pakis" were not a thing until the Raj fell and the Muslims didn't want to be part of a Hindu-dominated India
Someone made an edit of are film
Elon Musks current partner and mother of his latest and most beloved sons is a literal Indian Jew. This explains so much! >Shivon Alice Zilis was born in Markham, Ontario, Canada on 8 February 1986 to Sharda N., a Punjabi Indian, and Richard Zilis, a Jewish Canadian. >In July 2022, court documents in Travis County, Texas, revealed that Zilis and Elon Musk had twin children in November 2021. The twins were born via in vitro fertilization (IVF). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shivon_Zilis
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>>491768 > I understand. "Pakis" were not a thing until the Raj fell and the Muslims didn't want to be part of a Hindu-dominated India this is basically correct, but the reason so many pakis are dysgenic looking weirdos is that many of them were untouchables (i.e lowest tier of hindu society) that converted to Islam while the Mongols ruled, to get on up on their previous betters in the old hindu caste system
>>491770 Uglier than grimes too. Wew. >>491771 That jewyorker filming keeeeeeeek.
Just hilarious that Jared Taylor replied to this creature
>>491774 >That jewyorker filming keeeeeeeek. yeah I thought that was a comedy voice over at first weird that some people actually talk like that
Let's see if Hitler and JQ spam will have an effect on Jared Taylor
>>491777 Very much doubt it, he's either: it's bad optics or not all jews. He won't change now.
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>>491778 > he's either: it's bad optics or not all jews. this *is* technically true
>>491775 We need Andrew Joyce back.
>>491780 Based Bazza
>>491760 *seethes*
>>491760 Hong Kong Pooey
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Kek, at least it's honest
>(1) >posts gay slop ?
>>491771 lucky the wogs didn't attack him, nothing makes niggers seethe more than a common whitoid sitting in judgement of them, they believe they are "massa" now
>>491776 it is a voice over the video is a few years old
lot of mongs in tonight
Think me might get a few scapegoats out of the latest rape gang resurfacing? People are saying it's too big for that but they might try if they're despereate
I'd like to see some "suicides"
>>491792 what's the latest one? don't think it's been posted here yet
The Grooming Gangs Scandal is Ripping Britain Apart https://youtu.be/tGlDyPeE8T8
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>>491736 >>491737 another nafo schizo
>>491736 based one less CIA dronefag that helped cause all the hell and suffering in ukraine
>>491738 keeek neo cohens are losing their grip
>>491795 don't let yanks give you shite about this, same thing happening here on an industrial scale for decades and nobody says anything >1855–59 During this period, large groups of men, predominantly ethnic German, attacked brothels in the east side German neighborhoods that catered to black men. During this period, there were 12 disturbances in which a total of at least 17 brothels were either seriously damaged or destroyed, all on the east side, around the present-day Lafayette Park area. Usually anywhere between 50 and 300 rioters ordered prostitutes and their customers out of the brothels before vandalizing them.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detroit_race_riot_of_1863 >the absolute state of american historiography on kikepedia >the engsoc tier data entries on acutal american history >entire multipage essays about fag rights though
>A mixed-race man, Thomas Faulkner, was arrested for allegedly molesting a young white girl and tried in court. Although Faulkner had voted regularly (a privilege reserved to whites) and identified as Spanish-Indian, both newspapers described him as "negro", and that was how the whites came to regard him. spic btfo
keeeeeeeeeek the historiography of the late 20the century civil rights period is just so clownishly anti white
>They immediately started attacking black civilians on the street and went to a nearby known black business, a cooper's shop. Workers tried to defend it, but the mob burned the shop and adjacent house, threatening black women and children inside. They attacked the five men who escaped from the flames, severely wounding Joshua Boyd (an escaped slave from the South; he had been saving his earnings in order to buy his wife and children out of slavery). He was later beaten more by the mob and died four days later. Although grievously wounded, the other four men survived, as did the women and children. Some were aided by whites. keeeek this just reads like some uni profs masterbation fantasy
then all this narrative falls apart in the context of today where we can visually see that shitskins predate on our people and that there was nothing wrong with our ancestors behavior
>>491804 T.B.Q.H.
>>491760 The Hong Konger woman is much more physically attractive than the second one who was already living here.
>All the politicians and business people who promoted and allowed it >Open derelict barges set adrift in the South Atlantic/Southern Ocean Absolute fuckeries everyone has to deal with so they can continue plundering the nation and it’s people
sneething again
>>491809 Yeah Italy built the 1068 mile deep Balkan wall between them and Turkey in 5 mins flat on New Year’s Eve stupid jeet Reminder We let these people rule over us
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>>491808 holy fuck that is pure seethium
having a little seethe as well. Musk reposting this after calling people dumb racists a week ago for raising concerns
>>491816 musk can fuck off, in leafland and shartica his H1-B program super galaxybrain shitskin are bringing the same culture and behavior to america
>>491804 >we can visually see that shitskins predate on our people and that there was nothing wrong with our ancestors behavior Tbh. >>491808 TPD. >>491814 I'm glad he's such a mong. Maybe Prevent should arrest him for radicalising the whole country. >>491817 I'm starting to wonder if the Space X achievments are just cgi.
>>491818 space x is just a boer faggot farming american tax payer dollars, its money laundering just like nasa
he's not a boer at all tbh
>>491817 Tbh. Jamie needs to hit him up with some jeet rape pages from jewgle
>>491820 Musk is another Norman name but he looks like a fucking testicle headed mongolol in any case. We need to do something about these subversive Norman genes tbh
>>491820 His nan is scouse JE QEEEEEEEEEEEEEEQ
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britisher than you tecumseh
doubt it sassanigger
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Càite bheil an taigh beag?
I miss the doggoman
Mephala cloak you sassanach
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Curry my yoghurt
that guy's a kike that regularly posts junk data
>steiner prepares to go to work for his jeet overlords https://www.youtube.com/shorts/g1zj7MSnAgo
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>>491839 Love the Bongles
>>491832 this is too small to read lad
Someone teach binsoomer how a mouse works
Fucks sake FUCK TOMMY ROBINSON Sick of this timeline. This year had better see a switch up
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>>491844 I'm gonna getcha
>followed by Rajat
>>491845 Elon is trying to claw back some based points after his fuck up over Indian replacement migration
>>491848 Bolt stabledoor horse or something
>>491848 obviously but I don't care since this is a much more important issue for us
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Black bastard barrister on Tommeh and Elong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLXMPyZDEKA
>>491850 > this is a much more important issue for us which? robinson or indians?
>>491849 yeah I doubt it will work and he's still banned all those people
>>491692 I can't find any cheesed to meet you memis and could've sworn I saved them. Can any lad help? I'm thinking a NIP alliance should be on the table.
Strange Things About The New Orleans Attacks it's probably mossad https://youtu.be/V18o7tg99Es
Curse of the Midnight Dildos
>>491862 gooning again lad?
>>491862 Could be. Could be.
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>>491861 put her name on the list
Sara Sharif's killer father 'has his throat slit with a tuna can lid in prison bloodbath' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14245311/Sara-Sharifs-killer-father-neck-slashed-tuna-lid-prison-attack-fighting-life.html
>>491867 Something fishy about this tbh
>>491868 very good
>>491860 its clearly mossad
ISIS is a mossad organization
>>491846 hey, bums you keep posting is, the one with the chudface too but what is the original?
President Yoon bros, not like this
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>>491873 let me check is vid related the chudface one you like?
>>491878 I mean that same video earlier. you posted that with chudface too. but what's the original video without any edit of somebody doing kung fu moves in the road
>>491879 I don't have a chudface of that kung fu one tbh lad the AI I used to make it calls it "$mocny_gaz" whatever that means the AI is called Viggle
>>491880 alright, fair enough. thanks anyway
>>491875 its sad how literally everyone except anglos/whitoids can understand jew.exe
even shart lenin claims to be against the fecal avalanche
>Map of 'Great Afganistan' being shared in Taliban and Afganistan circles amid border tensions with Pakistan. Map also includes some regions of India and Iran. hope they suceed. just leave Iran alone, Sunniggers
>>491884 richard spencer was right that middle class liberals are going to enable wignatism because they think it will give them political power. these people are playing a really dangerous game i wonder if any of them really understand how unstable they have made this country
>>491885 hope iran conquers them they have too much historical shite that they abuse with their savagery
Not watching this enough reading it tbh
>>491886 Tom Holland the actor?
>>491888 Iran could easily do it as long as the US and Israel don’t try and take advantage or interfere which is an impossible scenario tbh
>>491890 he's dating the gorgeous Zendaya
>>491890 No the ‘historian’ This cunt <
>nigger >gorgeous
>>491893 what a twat ffs BBC historian?
>>491889 I hate how the whole world gets to have this voyeuristic view into a nasty inter-ethnic slavic war. its disgusting filth and I got sick of all those videos years ago. the worst was was when the drone shit started taking off
>troon called Traniela Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://xcancel.com/ReduxxMag/status/1874889102539301130
>>491889 I watched it, it was pretty intense. you can't really see what's happening but basically >hohol approaches a bunker with a bunch of debris on the ground that makes it difficult to walk >mongol shoots him through the window, hohol screams >hohol throws a grenade into the building >mongol leaves the building >they get into a slow, grueling knife fight to the death for about 6 minutes. like, grabbing the blade side of a combat knife with fingers, mutilated chunks of flesh hanging out of face dripping tons of blood, really brutal >hohol surrenders, says to 'let me die in peace' >mongol mercy kills him, presumably with a shot to the head the mongol won but he was severely wounded and needed hospital asap >>491888 >Soviets couldn't conquer Afghanistan >US couldn't conquer Afghanistan >Iran could >>491896 hohols are mad about this knife fight video, they're spamming the drone videos to cope. I still think that all the hohols that support the war need to be either convinced or killed, their retardation is what enables the whole thing
>>491893 people that push this subversive shite need to be punished
iran ruled bactria lass
>>491900 we're talking modern times though where the Taliban exists. hypothetically, if Iran invaded, they could dissolve the government but the Taliban would just retreat to the caves and fight guerilla war for decades until Iran gives up and leaves just like the US did
I don't hate hol hols either their country is like redneck america as portrayed by somebody smoking crank under a highway bridge.
>>491899 Exiling to Pashtoonia should suffice a bit of forced bacha bazi will sort them out
>>491901 lad we are talking like 3000 years of rule okay
>>491903 the bacha bazi was mostly Tajiks. the US occupational government's 'Afghan Army' was Tajik boyfuckers. then the Taliban took over and banned that shite >>491904 Iran has had its current borders for like centuries and they can barely hold it together, hijab orders are unenforceable and they're at Pissrael's mercy
>ywn be one of the celtic warriors alexander hired as sword companions and travel the ancient world of western asia as a skyrim nord
>milsim SG larp type posts
Sargoon apologised to the Dairy Milk diggler https://xcancel.com/RyanOnX1/status/1874819118957990039
>>491905 Then we will send Holland to Tajookistan
>>491908 Big Carl being the big man and accepting his failing.
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>>491908 >Sargoon apologised to the Dairy Milk diggler he finally apologised to Millennial Woes?
>>491910 Tbh >>491912 Carl apologised Wat nou?
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>>491913 >Carl apologised just something thought I would never happen and it was a pretty small apology tbh
>>491894 I'd really like to give her one while wearing his dog tags. how kino would that be?
>>491908 woes just coomed
>>491908 >>491911 >>491912 >>491914 And with that, his redemption arc is complete. Don't even like wews but Sargon's apology has been a long time coming. Another win for the /brit/ race. Ready to bend the knee to King Carl of Swindon and commit war crimes for him in The Great Lootising of The Libs in Minecraft. I love him, lads.
>>491917 good lad.
>>491920 Jake Shields is further proof of CTE Enlightenment tbh.
Good night, gentlemen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tE7qKPdPFg >african guy tries to cut romex on a live wire by biting it kleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>491922 keeeeek
>>491908 Carl of Swindon being the bigger man(not physically)
>>491927 Correct. They are both 3ft 6 in
>>491930 haven't kept up with any of this squabbling tbh why do they hate each other and who's based?
Good morning lasses, hope you're warm and comfy
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he just doesn't stop sperging out
>>491931 >haven't kept up with any of this squabbling tbh why do they hate each other and who's based? Yes.
>>491933 >bringing a knife to a gunfight because "muh close quarters" what a dumbass. does he think life is call of duty where you just click the joystick and instantly delete somebody? a knife fight is hell on earth, even if you're the only one with a knife since there's a high risk that they use it against you. I knew this dude that got home invaded by a nigger and fought him with a knife and ended up with a nasty scar because the nig directed the blade into his leg. Elon obviously did not watch that video
>>491937 In the famous words of RT's twitter account: wut?
>>491938 idk some guy was shagging some sheboon and she aped out and threatened his mom so he beat her up, then black twitter is pissed off and she calls them nigcels. something like that
>>491931 Seems a lot of booting and sockpuppetry Some say Asslick is running reform accounts some say Inevitable West who opened an account in Oct 24 but was allowed all privileges just one month later and not the usual 3 months and has over 80k subscribers is a Musk allied poo conducting jeethad
>>491941 How on earth do people think niggers aren't violent?
>>491889 >4cuck is extolling a sliteye killing a white because Putin is based like Trump Hate the nigger cattle.
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK H1B wars. Ewok btfo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj-SwOe8IPE
>>491943 Russfags are honestly the worst low IQ edgetards going tbh
>>491945 So are pukiefags tbh
>>491944 I would love to see some trailer trash drag him down a highway >>491945 Yep, it wasn't 3 threads ago someone here was saying diversity is based when Russia does it.
>>491943 there was a fag in the thread doing the same. some yakut mongol killing a slav. that war is cancer. putler is intentionally sending his east russian eurasians to fight the slavic ukies because it is easier to pallet. its why all the men that the jews are importing to our shitholes are here. to kill us
>>491941 anyone who posts that should have to work a shift at mcdonalds in detroit
>>491937 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek blackcels are the biggest losers they all turn into steve urkel behind the "thug" meme. how many thousands of videos are there of white women getting beat on by some nigger
>>491949 McDonald is such fucking goyslop, all fast food should be banned. It promotes the the lowest kind of people. I worked there when I was 20(?) and I got into a fight with a fellow hwhite employee because he was acting like a nigger.
>>491936 my grandpa was in one of those with a nipponese soldier and it effected him for the rest of his life. had nightmares about it 70 years later
>>491947 That would be funny Also on Russia I think they were saying back in the soviet days tajiks etc were allowed into Russia to work but not granted residency rights as in they had internal visa systems. it was probably spig
couldn't even hold a steak knife
Oh it is him
>>491954 >grandpa ate steak with his hands to remind himself of how he devoured the nip in Guam
>>491953 Pretty sure he was talking about Putin. Soviet Union did some good and shit things regarding race, mixed bag really. They were far from ideal. I'd still say they are better than our capitalists, but that's the lowest bar.
https://archive.ph/EfbT3 >She'll need to return to an orthopedist in two weeks to check on her foot. But the Amazon warehouse where she works denied her request for a leave of absence, and she worries she'll have to find a new job once she's recovered.
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>>491956 >That time your grandpa tells you he pissed on protesting indians and shot one of their kids in the street
>>491958 *screams*
>>491943 >>491945 >>491948 the Ukraine is a vassal of the US. if Ukrainians weren't stupid enough to fight, Russia could just roll over them and win a major strategic victory against the US, which would be good for Europe. European nations needs to escape from being US vassals; the longer this war goes on, the longer Germany goes without Russian gas, the more their economy crumbles and the more dependent Europe becomes on the US. it's good for Russia to get stronger and the US to get weaker and it's better that Russia uses churka/mongol soldiers so that fewer ethnic Russians need to endanger themselves. Ukrainian men should have left and if they haven't and got drafted then that's on them
>>491934 total pajeet death cannot come soon enough
>Russfags itt
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>>491933 >more useful in close quarters lmao I am pretty sure nothing beats a shotgun
>>491963 Lad, come on, it's bait smh.
>people that unironically have those bedtables that become a club and a shield
>bedtable Apparently anglos call it a "nightstand" oops
This is just out and out economic warfare, subversion and demoralisation porn wish MI5 would just do their fucking job pop a canister of expanding foam in his weasle gob and give him a cement overcoat tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrCqsYqbuAc
elon musk probably has like 30 indian eunuch slaves that all would die for him in a second like in caligula
>>491968 he doesn't have a british name or phenotype so why should I care what he thinks about britain lads?
>>491970 Unfortunately civics do
>>491969 30? Try 300,000,000
>>491970 Are you saying a greek-russian jew who tells white girls raped by browns that they shouldn't stoke racial tensions isn't as British as the average working class lad?
NEW YEARS RESOLUTION >invite Elon to England >eradicate his accent >give him some meth >send him next door What do you think lids?
>>491968 If I had my way someone would skin him, wear it and do hello my fellow whites.
>>491974 based its your island lads they ALL need to fuck off
>replaying Ratchet & Clank for the first time in close to 20 years it actually holds up so well
>>491977 that's a nice nostalgiagoon
>>491976 Tbh We used only to be able to perform a jump, a whistle and a fart at the same time for the King to get some acres now we get a badly built council box if lucky and are forced to live next door to third world rapist criminals and raise a family to die in furrin wars Fucking outrageous state of affairs
>looks like a mong >talks like a mong Another embarrassment https://xcancel.com/ben_kew/status/1875193771572506860
>>491981 just so jarring for me how he was being all eugenicist about replacing americans with poos and then signal being pseudo-based on UK and German politics
>>491982 Tbh he’s very chaotic
I just don't get why Sargon does this
big tents don't have to include snubsnersives
Woes wrestling with Galloway in the trenches. I hope he has a knife in reach
>>491988 I remember a yank was once telling me Galloway is based.
>>491988 Nothing wrong with hating people who provably hate you it’s normal. I refuse to ‘hate the individual not the group’, works for Israel innit blud
>>491988 The underhanded tactics, making it look like Galloway won the challenge, when he took away Woes knife by blocking him
The man is a communist, paki apologist/guarder who has had most of his success in politics through their votes. this is long known. he'll pop up with some good takes outside of that at times.
>>491593 I hate these cunts
>>491992 Its just him saying jews = bad, like the Palestinians. And some retards think that it makes us friends and that they dont hate us like they hate jews.
God the font is atrocious
>>491997 Channel 4 is the worst of the bunch.
>>491993 these twitter heads just go whichever direction the wind blows. wouldn't be a surprise if most of them are just goblin brownoids like Ian Miles Ching Chong, and don't have any ideology but just want to stay relevant on that platform. of course he's funded by Ezra Levant, so that adds another angle to it.
>>491996 he talks about other things too.
>>491997 is that one case of the girl that made up lies, now that discredits the million other cases?
>>492000 Only reason ive seen people on /pol/ like him, I personally ignore him, I know he is our enemy.
that's what they're going to do.
>>492001 >>492003 Yep, very clear.
>>492002 >/pol/
Feel like that's what happens every time Tommy is mentioned as well. Instead of outrage against raped breedees it becomes outrage against tommy and the retards propping him up
mossad, pajeets, butthurt belters. so many psyops going on through that website at one time, no wonder it creates schizos with conflicting ideologies.
>>492005 /brit/ just isnt fast enough to fully satisfy me.
>>491991 keeeeeeeeeek he knew he couldn't beat wews
>>492009 another ego death at the hands of the Dairy Milk aficionado. 2025 has just begun and he can't stop winning.
he hasn't hibernated after Millenniyule yet either. Bodes well.
>>492010 >ego death
>>492012 Did dorset suffer an ego death after it was revealed his pecker was average at best?
>>492013 A slattern tricked him into having sex with her, pretending she was looking for a serious relationship. Shortly after she had an ego death moment and broke it off with Dorsie smh
>>492015 oh, the grandma goth?
>tfw reminded that Dorset got date-raped for his first time and he didn't even get to coom
>>492016 yeah. encased his knob in period blood. She probably has the mould still
>>492017 22st liked this post
>>492021 hardened heart melted a little until I realised nipponese women are just as bad as any other hole
>>492023 as somebody with experience, this is a lie.
>>492022 Hullo, lad. Neeson with anime eyes is a tad unsettling.
>>492025 I was going for that. Sort of.
>>492024 err no racemixing
>>492027 It's a bit late for smee.
anyway, I didn't state it as thing that should be done, just stating my actual experience.
me too tbh
if it isn't trannies it's racemixers. Why can't you guys just let us have a good time
we're all having a great time.
as you were
>he's never gone abroad and fallen victim to a colonial temptress smh lad missing out on one of the great experiences of your ancestors
>>492035 If you think the Pilgrims weren't porking Injuns left right and centre how do you explain Steiner, eh?
>>492037 tbh even puritans seasoned dey cocks
>>492039 >Ew more like jeeeewww
>>492039 that palestinian goblin's world view is a house of cards and jared is going to bulldoze it with facts and logic
I'm just not sure if Jared is ready for this
>you have to pay to watch it yeah nah
>>492044 so feminine. this is what men want. gorillas in heat.
>>492045 Do women want you, lad?
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>>492039 >man with no content in head or character will attempt to debate man with big brain and big character Stupid wog
Who cares what women want tbh
>>492014 why does this exist?
>Indian goes to America >becomes lazy mexican
>>491988 >"you just hate pakistanis" so does everyone
>>491985 it's not Robinson's accent, is that he's a fucking moron
Farage is just a thatcherite with a pint of beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. probably why he fits in well with capitalist scum like Musk and Trump so much.
>The Odysseus >niggers hard pass
>>492056 Yes, Farage is essentially Thatcherite. Most of the Tory parliamentary party, including all post-Thatcher PMs apart from Truss, are Heathite rather than Thatcherite, despite any lip service they may pay her. >capitalist scum You can condemn profiteers without sounding like a retarded commie larper, you know
>>492059 >>capitalist scum >You can condemn profiteers without sounding like a retarded commie larper, you know makes me laugh using it, therefore I'll keep using it mate
this gook lover is just a tory boy at heart
>>492061 Gladstone is my favourite Prime Minister
NOW SHOWING INSTEAD - The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim (2024) https://app.kosmi.io/room/uj8loh https://app.kosmi.io/room/uj8loh https://app.kosmi.io/room/uj8loh
>>491967 Americans do. We call it a bedside table. >>491988 >>491989 He's someone I always call a comparative voice of reason next to Blairites. Like Corbyn, hating these types is usually cowardice from mainstream 'right wingers' who're soft on Blairites. >>492044 Would.
>>492064 War of the Rimjob was rushed out by Warner Bros to keep the franchise film rights. Not particularly good, apparently.
>>492066 yeah it's wank
>>492065 Galloway is an unabashed Islamophile socialist. On some issues, he is right. On most, he is wrong.
>>492065 I hate him because he is enabling pakis to rape our girls. I don't care if he has any good talking point, he deserves the mexican cartel treatment and I will not listen to a word he says.
>>492070 >Pakidemic Who?
Talking about the cartel, here's a mental LARP I had a years ago: The cartel has been extremely successful power structure outside of the government remit to the point where it has bought many key figures and won wars against the government. They are so strong they seem impossible for Mexico to ever be rid of them. What if we, British nationalists, mimic the cartel mirroring their operations. We would have an organised and well funded basis to push our politics that can survive the governments tyranny. It's been done before successfully.
>>492072 Academic Gaygent.
>>492074 Quick rundown? I've been out of the scene since 2021
bit of a boring thread
>>492044 american women are trash
>>492075 Some half-Welsh half-Iranian post-alt right Shakespeare and Liberalism academic who does content on YouTube under the name Academic Agent. He's also part of the Centre of Heterodox Studies at the University of Buckingham with noted anti-white spastic Eric Kaufmann. He's into elite & oligarchy theory.
>>492078 Ah ok, sounds like another enemy playing friend.
>>492079 tbh there are a lot of deradicalisation ops atm
>>492080 Out of curiosity what level of radicalisation do we want that feasible? I don't think based NA or anything similar is the right step forwards. Too many normies are asleep and too much radicalisation is off putting to recruiting. I understand the idea of rejecting the normies and focusing on vanguardist actions but I think without normies we are powerless.
Email from the guy that was found dead in that Tesla talking about UAPs and 'gravitic' propulsion. It's only day three and the gayops have been wild. From fake smart-dust fog psyops on TikTok and X, Musk getting involved to prop up Zog agents, and tons of other stuff. There is a new human metapneumovirus outbreak China as well, but it has only reached the western press today. Conspiratards have been posting about it for nearly a week doing similar early covid psyops about people dying in large numbers.
>>492081 I don't know really. I think fate has a large part in this, and we'll be forced forward. The normie is changing tbf.
>What if we, British nationalists, mimic the cartel
I'm just sitting here being groomed by David Icke and Sargon of Akkad for a stochastic terror event. Don't mind me.
>>492083 I retract my question, it was stupid, we want radicalisation to be maximum, there will be dafties, but that didn't stop us and others. There was a acceptable right when we had NA members posting here. Claiming we need a squeaky clean movement is a conservative talking point to attack all non-cucks. We need to pull on peoples heartstrings as much as possible. But screaming Hitler was right in town squares will always be retarded. >>492084 I was thinking about ways other than electoral politics for us to gain power, this was when I was fully blackpilled back in about 2017. It happened quite a lot in South America to decent success. If you have had other non-electoral ideas to gain power I'd love to hear.
>>491977 I liked the Jak games, is Ratchet & Clank similar? never tried them. also which one(s) specifically?
you shouldn't play old games from childhood, it's unhealthy. i did it once with gran turismo 2 for ps1, and although i had an appreciation for how good the game was for its time, i just realised how much i'd changed since childhood and that i could never go back to enjoying the game, which is a normal part of growing up
We've been having this same discussion for years over NA and the other half dozen spastics orgs that have come and and gone. Powerless and banging our head against the wall. Kind of tired of it all. We're never going to storm parliament and wheel SA/Wessex into the commons escorted by armed dafties. And I honestly don't see reform going anywhere either, this momentum will all fzzle out meanwhile more pakis pour in. It's all so tiresome.
ban this demoralised faggot
>>492087 I'm in the opposite situation, had the first 2 Ratchet & Clank games but just never got any of the Jak & Daxter ones. You should try them out, 2 is much better than 1 in terms of gameplay and general polishing but it's still worth doing them in order
>>492090 I'm sorry mate let's be honest here. we're all here strategizing about how to save our country in the company of a grown man who pretends to be a wheelie bin on the Internet. It's the same boom and bust cycle of enthusiasm and groups being formed over and over again for decades at this point. Im just going to fuck abroad first chance I get
>>492091 skip the first one (Jak & Daxter), play Jak 2 then Jak 3. they're very good, Jak 2 is hard https://vimm.net/vault/8558 https://vimm.net/vault/8555
>>492089 Is anyone here saying anything positive about NA? I just said their methods are retarded. >And I honestly don't see reform going anywhere either, this momentum will all fzzle out meanwhile more pakis pour in. It really depends what happens to the conservatives. If they die, which seems entirely possible, it leaves a massive vacuum in the right of politics. I agree reform is containment, with a small chance of it's voters coopting it, but it could die like the conservatives might and leave the goal open.
>>492092 >fuck abroad first chance I get To where? There is nowhere to fuck off too or millions of totally not racist whites would also flee there. There is no escape, only annihilation or salvation. And I have some hope.
he probably wants to live like a museum piece in some asian country
queuing and allowing others off the train first are human traits. seen the exact same scenes in london.
even something such as that we've already lost.
>>492096 Hate chinks of all kinds tbh, asians are the only near equal we have and if we survive this ethnic replacement we need to put them back in their box.
>>492099 don't trust them tbh
>>492100 wessie would like this
think I'll need a rest from the alcohol for a bit, can't stop farting. and they have particularly brutal stench.
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where is wessie?
>>492104 didn't know anybody had saved this. thanks. he's probably about, he noflags half the time now.
>>492106 might go around the same time as wessie
>>492107 hopefully he's just being dramatic
>>492108 >hopefully he's just being dramatic tbh, we've got one of those here
he's doing dry january so don't worry >multiple organ failure that is such rubbish he hasn't even turned yellow yet
>>492088 What the shit are you getting at? GT2 is a love letter to NW German/belongs to Nords-style autism. No idea how the Japanese pulled it off. It rewards you for knowing weight and torque balance. It rewards you for knowing the difference between camber, castor and toe. It's a gorgeous thing. A broad white family with a wife who's known you and you alone it is not but there are worse things to be stranded on a desert island with. And I would immerse myself in this world if I could. I miss the Japanese way where the illegal street racers have an agreement with the local authority to not maim the public but merely damage infrastructure, justifying local council budget via the spending upon repair. There's no Ngubu in the game. There's no girl boss lesbian in the game. What personal development did you think I was supposed to get in order to reject it? >>492089 If you had a single genuinely good idea you wouldn't share it here. As the way it is these places are watched. Again to justify budget, again because feds are bored and shitpost around. You don't appreciate how much three letter agency work is just capability testing. Do you remember a gorillion years ago now with ball peen hammer anon posting infrequently about it and then the gay ops service tweeting about reporting suspicious trenchcoat wearing hammer buyers to the local plodders station? That was just to satisfy the fun of signalling and see if you notice it out from sheer boredom. Sending a mass text as well about the "real IRA" or "national emergency system" or fucking whatever they wanted to see would happen to deploy it's functionality that didn't spook a single member of the IRA because it was never supposed to. The one thing you can be absolutely sure of is Heaven knows they aren't here to thwart any good idea. >>492097 You see the first impatient chud shoulder slip his way in? There's your meaty shield path through the poo... (You) were too civilised to grab him and big mode your way off the goy shuttle despite being 6'3 lad
>>492111 yes gt2 did start that, i think you could go even more indepth on need for speed where you could actually adjust your spring rates and things like that. in gt2 i always used to blow my money on the weight reduction packages because i'm intelligent
>2025 will be, at worst, chaos, and at best, a new harmonious order, born from this chaos. the zog-frog-kike has spoken lids
>>492092 tbh sick of the larping mongs that seem to just get hypnotized by the latest 2 minute hate shite while we time travel as proles into the shitskin kike hellscape future.
>>492099 > and if lmao its always so cringe how lads act like its 1801 and our race isn't totally utterly cooked at best and potentially has at most a chance of reverting to our state in the early 6th century
>>492113 Poor because inflation in my bum But happy because repeated L taking by Klaus No "new chronicle for the echos is in line" though, sorry.
>>492104 >>492105 lurking tbh, just not much to post about >>492107 damn poor lad >>492111 hammerposting, now that's a good gimmick
>>492117 smh should have just shot her
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this is my beater its kino so light but hits like a 28oz hammer have beaten holes in doors with it
>>492122 >not the titanium stilleto milwaukee
>>492123 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>492124 >martinez hammers
>>492126 >>martinez hammers >he's done him
>>492128 >me dropping wessie at the station after we go watch sumo
>>492128 hope he got a stunt bonus for that
it needs a woes edit
>>492131 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeke
>>492133 choon that
>shall jolly well write a letter to my Mo and phone and make an appointment if I don’t get a satisfactory answer Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Much prefer the fedposting tbh
smh wrong cap
Can't they just drive the fucking truck
>>492139 they cannot just do this. you know that
>breedee goes home to visit family >they immediately try to tear us apart Does this happen for everyone or is it just me? It's been like this in ever relationship
>>492139 Soon jeets will be driving all the trucks in that part of the world by decree of god emperor Donal Truck and she will be sitting at home nursing Vivek Ramaswarmay-Fiingöläiiäiiënnen and his siblings while husband Arshdeep is at hard at work at the wheel of his Scamia call centre truck with two mobile phones strapped to his ears
>>492141 no, we don't trouble ourselves with trying to reed with untermensch out of desperation
>>492143 This is the first breedee that has a syndrome though
err it's not downs. And since she has a syndrome and we need IVF to avoid creating more syndromes we also avoid making downies
smh TBBK will probably vore me for IVFing that pussy
just stfu and make oc like you used to ffs
and not oc of a fucking wheelie bin please
>>492141 One good thing about this is the radicalisation of her against her parents. I'd prefer us all to be on good terms as I value having good connections with a breedee's creators, but they chose this
>>492150 Keeeek love me some wholesome beardly chungus. Just want to genocide and deport browns simple as we just have to
these aren't dayfags
>>492154 Teaching nips the important stuff.
>>492115 I like the early 6th century.
>>492115 I'm very interested to see small groups of white people all around the world evolve towards ethnocentrism. In South-Africa whites moved into the middle of the harsh desert just to live by themselves and are now the only people in that country without power outages
>>492158 So many complete spastics on X trust me broing it up over the this, totally pathetic chinless vermin.
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>>492160 layer cake (2004)
>>492158 Ok ‘Ashok’
Think we have casus belli against America for killing a Brit lads? Shall jolly well write to Sir Keir and follow up with an email so there’s a paper trail and if I get no reply shall also jolly we’ll phone Number 10 to complain! Might even jolly well write to the King!
>>492115 How would we even revert to the 6th century? No matter how shit things get, if we survive this, we won't be robbed of all our technological creations. Some things make break but too many things are sturdy and can be replicated. Going back to anarcho primitivism is pure LARP.
>>492168 Jews and their electrickery have been keeping us down too long
>>492170 that first woman is just a jumble of proto-hominid body parts
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>>492156 me too the warband mod set in that time was max kino
Super based twatter calling all the traitors out https://xcancel.com/Jaccusepaper
reminder that there was a massive volcanic erution in the 500s and it caused britoids to have some uncomfy times in the 6th century
Leftist gays turning in each other keeeeeek https://xcancel.com/owenjonesjourno/status/1875477118559383572
>>492174 TPD needed
LIVE: Nigel Farage Speech - Reform UK East England Conference https://youtu.be/P9SrJ9MTsSU
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Keeeeeeeeking at this tbh The Aussies go in hard tbh https://x.com/i/broadcasts/1YpKklZnrwEGj
Put Heretic on bins while we w8 for film night
>>492181 Love these lads
Noticing a sharp decline in antisemittism, nazism, hitler, racism, etc. the last few weeks. I love free speech. I love being denied listening to what I want to listen to by some fucking nerd(said this in charls voice)
i sharted....
>>492186 CUPCAKED!
>>492183 Heretic eh? could do
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>>492180 Not sure how I feel on morgoth, he just feels a little weak.
>>492188 good tbh
>>492194 yeah he's just a moaner, basically
What are these phenotypes?
>>492196 Same, but so am I with a bit of LARP in there.
YO STEINER! WHY YO’ NO TELL YO’ HOMIES ‘BOUT FEMINEM HERE YO’!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNF3mxGv_vQ
YO STEINER DON’ YO’ NO GO SAYIN’ I NO FIN’ YO’ DA DAYUUM PUSSY HO’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQmPHiBQUDk
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>>492199 >what are these phenotypes? THE COMING MAN!
>>492200 > bit of LARP in there. been doing a few romans in the mirror have we?
THIS COULD NEVER HAPPEN IN THE SOUTH EH STEINHOG!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgephI_ExRQ
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>>492203 wew some dumpy redneck slag trying to talk like paul wall
>>492213 blade of the immortal
(28.38 KB 600x600 emopepe.jpg)

>phone buzzooms >it's just b*ns
>>492187 That mp4 keeeeeeeeeeeeek.
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>>492199 Left looks like chebs cousin's bf.
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>bins knows your phone number
>>492215 add it to the thing
>>492216 what? I didn't call you?
>>492219 It's the nu secret bongo cabal plotting to destabalise /brit/ so I can seize power that gives me notifications on my soyphone tbh.
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>>492219 >bins knows your phone number
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>>492222 wasted get
>>492223 lad, don't tell them ffs!
I’ll start 07
>>492228 LAD!!!
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>>492230 he cute
>>492233 Civic redemption
>we live in the timeline where Carswell is more radical than Farage
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>>492235 my thoughts exactly
life is just time travel since covid. can't remember anything i did in 2022 or 2023
>>492235 >>492236 He’s going for PM though so he can’t go full throttle not that he would fucking careerist is kanging it now he’s gone full cringe larping from Churchill’s birthplace https://xcancel.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1874064818367349238
>>492239 Saw some retards on YouTube say he's only hiding his power level to become PM, normies smh
>>492240 >Saw some retards on YouTube say he's only hiding his power level to become PM, normies smh this is exactly what we used to say about him though
>>492240 >hiding his power level Keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>492243 I hate you
>>492241 I know, i got tricked I will admit, I didn't think he was one of us but not this cucked smh.
>>492199 look like a bunch of bloody convicts to me.
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YYTB REVIEWS: ASSASSIN'S CREED 2 HRH Bumliness had a nostalgia trip and decided to play AC2 again for the first time since he was 15/16. He knew it was anti-Christian to the core with some ancient aliens bullshit for a narrative. Yet he decided to give it a go. Gameplay? He thought it was shite. The parkour was awful and clunky. The fighting was boring and lacked variety. The stealth? Non-existent. This cannot be considered a stealth game by any stretch of the imagination. The fact that enemies can't spot Ezio, the main character, in a crowd of four prostitutes is absurd. The setting? Beautiful. Incredible. Fantastic. This was the source of his bumliness' nostalgia. The only real draw of the game. Even though the game is old, there is something magical about renaissance Italy. The story? Atrocious. The story is anti-Christian and very black and shite in its good guys vs. bad guys plot. It is profoundly anti-Catholic and utterly pozzed. Ubimerde was always "woke" and this game proves it. Ezio has no character development either although is perhaps the only redeemable part of the story because of his likeability. Nothing is true, everything is permitted? The truth is that this game is shit and should never have been permitted. People only think its good because of nostalgia. 2/10: Wasted Saturday.
White white
Do we have any real rightwing parties?
>>492254 Homeland, NF, English Democrats. None of them have any wide impact though because they're all ran by retards who have a "community building" mentality.
>>492255 Actually a few in Homeland that were looking likely to do some time, but got off and then suddenly started that party. Bit sus like.
>>492254 Homeland. Even they won't keep out toryboys. Can't count PA because they're persecuted far more by the state. Which makes me wonder >>492256 like this.
>>492256 >>492257 Very sus indeed. I put most of my time into BM now while focusing on my career. In time I want to start my own firm (in career) and hire based lads. From there, start on making Liverpool a white citadel.
>>492258 >From there, start on making Liverpool a white citadel. now that Joe Owens is allowing comments, it's just a matter of time before you collab.
>>492260 Implying Joe would team up with spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>Almost ten years since (jew)kipper started his channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbkrGe3dZB4 Saying this is Jewed is an understatement.
>>492263 >the incoming administration are incredibly based >they're reading BAP peroxide lad, I...
>>492263 She’s mental
>>492264 >>492265 real jackanory hours
Might make a new thread with a sexy photo of Laura Loomer, but I'm not sure the lads will be able to handle it.
>>492267 the beauty of the zog jigsaw hr bint is too much
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