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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4012: Yukio Mishima - Fruity Bumbums Edition Anonymous 01/04/2025 (Sat) 22:18:08 Id: aaabc6 No. 492271
Nigel Farage rejects Tommy Robinson after support from Elon Musk https://news.sky.com/story/nigel-farage-rejects-tommy-robinson-after-support-from-elon-musk-13283305 Keir Starmer’s role in grooming gangs scandal should be investigated, says Farage https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2025/01/04/starmers-role-grooming-scandal-probe-farage/ Skibidi Toilet’ Has Come to Fortnite. What the Heck Is It? https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/18/arts/fortnite-skibidi-toilet.html
my queen
800 is bad, but 900+ posts is truly cursed.
>>492274 I bet the head is good until you open your eyes.
>>492262 does it still exist? what are the brit/pol/ channels? are there rumble channels?
>>492274 She looks like a botoxed 75 year old wtf.
>>492279 there's something so inately off about people who publicly get in to politics and it's a huge flaw in the system that ony weirdos can handle the public embarassment of any pollitical position
EU shaking hands with ISIS well, the French FM, fuck the German thot obviously
has turkey formerly annexed northern syria and aleppo yet?
>the immodest dress of the jerry thot
>the left Keeeeeeek >restore her citizenship because she was groomed Yeah. Groomed by other foreigners. Fuckoff
>>492282 doesn't look like he's much of a champion of diversity and inclusion. >>492285 she loved every second of it until her team lost.
the solution is no pakis here then none of this happens
>>492285 Imagine stomp her head in... Hahaha
>>492285 So how is any of that comparable?
>>492288 listen to this all the time on my incelwalks. gets so good at the end. 90s was last of british culture
>>492188 he's just pandering to pro-white people after pissing them off >I'm totally against our race getting raped to death, fellow goyim >>492285 women want all white people to be hacked to death with machetes so I don't think there's any reason to have any empathy for the grooming victims tbh. 99% of them are total retards that got into some Paki's car because he said he had heroin or something. hardly any of them would have given birth to a British child anyway. it's really just an emotional shock value story to make people racist
>>492293 spic shut up.
not on the elon issue, just on the grooming gang shite.
>>492293 Those lib middle class women that defended the rape of kids for votes need beating in public by the criminal nonces they defended
Even pakis say it themselves
>>492293 Fuck right off
>>492293 This account has whole stories about what went on since the 70s What you’re saying is exactly what nonce defending politicians cops and lefties said Unforgiveable https://xcancel.com/Jaccusepaper
>>492296 >asian Paki muslim nonces.
>>492296 Same old news, no one in power cares or worse is complicit and covering their arese.
>no streams to watch tonight
>>492296 more than anything he's admitted to foreigners being imported to undermine the political process.
>>492299 the cause of the problem is that there are shitskins in Europe. the majority of women support this, so strongly in fact that even hearing about the grooming gangs does not change their 'minds'. white women don't care about white girls getting tortured, so why should we? what we should care about is the eggs in their ovaries which we need to reproduce, rather than the suffering aspect which is actually politically useful to us
the goal is to get artificial wombs and harvest white females for their eggs at 5 months and then grind up the eggless foetus into pink gloop in a garbage disposal maceration device. then we can pump out an army of genetically engineered 160 IQ chad aryan beasts to exterminate the entire populations of Africa and South Asia
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and spics
>>492307 the ones that aren't hot, sure. we can keep around some stock of exotic sex slaves
don't reply to me you disgusting faggot
even with the full filter I can still see his reply links really annoying
Imagine spending more time stretching your penis than actually using it on women
you can see the psychological profile being built here.
>>492311 been wasting the past few months using immune system cream to burn off tiny dots of HPV I got from dipping the willy in a fat kikess when I was in high school. just want to continue PE and get to 7x5.5". that and femur lengthening to get to 5'10 and I'll be all set... except for money. the gravity of having made no effort towards my finances for all these years is sinking in
>>492311 and anyway... you're supposed to extend or hang for 1-2 hours per day. even Chad does not have sex for 2 hours a day
such bait, i'm filtering too
started penis stretching myself. and the results are... STAGGERING
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did manlets get psy-op'd?
meanwhile on Kohlchan >>492317 a woman might be with a guy that's short for other reasons but she'll never be as attracted to him as she would if he were tall
I guess it's all about the rizz
>>492293 KEEEEEEK this take is kino, its like the take of a 10 plus year internet seethenat where you can see how everything is degenerate
>>492282 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek look at the kikes clapping seals pretending like they are in charge
glad steinzog is here, was worried I'd only be getting replies from spic.
>>492323 they modded in pigs to skyrim lad
>>492324 poundland woes, but also somehow better. probably because he's not bloated and grotesque.
>>492325 that would mean re-downloading Skyrim and installing mods. bit too much effort, lad. you tried it?
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>ywn be an iron age lad and just make comfy metal fittings and helmets with pigs on them for the iron age deanos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYKW8otERPk&list=RDMMiYKW8otERPk&start_radio=1
>>492324 >reminiscing about woes dvd collection videos keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>492324 has woes been going for 20 years now?
>>492332 no way it's that long.
>>492332 no I remember him showing up about 2011-14
>>492334 he was definitely earlier than us as i remember he was memed around circa 2013 when we were in our infancy, also he's in his 40s now i believe.
>>492329 good lad.
>>492328 I will never be a 6th century iron worker and it hurts.
>>492317 of course they did, the manosphere while having some salient points is all a dysgenics and pre-muslimisation psyop, as is feminism.
>>492339 >the scene was shocking
>>492340 a bit callus lad for all the short kings duped.
I automatically assume any videos made with an AI narrator voice is just made by pajeets now. they're fucking everywhere.
>>492343 good assumption. the conflict has developed a lot of developments in many regions of modern warfare but throwing satchel charges into fortified structures is not one of them.
>>492340 tbh good point lad manosphere shite seemed like psyops to put shitskin mentality into western society
>>492344 they're tank mines and it is a thing
>>492346 They're lobbing high explosive into fortified structures and it isn't an innovation at all.
>>492347 alright cool lad, but could you maybe try and make an interesting post?
>>492348 when you do
>>492351 Some lads have posted methods before but it seems a bit fruitless without an archive to remember this sort of stuff.
>>492352 unfortunate. I used to have some success posting the url of paywall content into archive.org, but that method doesn't work for me now.
>>492351 https://gitflic.ru/user/magnolia1234 here you go lad. don't know how well this works since it's a fork of the old bypass paywalls extension
>>492353 code monkeys have caught up.
>>492354 thanks, lad.
rightoids are going to freak over this nazi sympathiser getting a medal
>>492357 Finally a shabos seller of kike forskins gets his due.
>>492359 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1xjfAVXfb8 just watched this, found it quite good
>watch a documentary about some normalfag mong from the uk who got himself killed volunteering in ukraine >2 weeks after arriving there he got a cute ukrainian gf who visits his grave to cry about him after he died Can't even cope without being taunted ffs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K-evRnwcSc wish me luck lads making my first micarta knife handle got two blanks. one POS finnish one and a localist illnois blacksmith knife which is more of a burger seax "kephart" knife got mossy oak micarta and some cool mosaic brass pins its gonna be kino
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>>492361 westoid women are such trash tbh saw this video of this one lad getting rekt by his hot slag gf and it made my skin crawl I hope my gf is never like that. she can be kind of a loner and isolationfag and doesn't want to do much except toilmaxx but thats better than some stacy shite. smh
>>492361 link? that sounds fake tbh
>>492364 its not fake its called hell jumper its that guy who got killed in soledar when wagner took it in early 2023, its on iplayer. What about that sounds fake to you?
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*awaits his response*
>>492363 >she can be kind of a loner and isolationfag and doesn't want to do much except toilmaxx but thats better than some stacy shite. smh be careful she doesn't turn on a dime after a while because of "regretting" not doing exciting things and then she fucks you over, bring her out of her shell just enough to prevent that from happening.
>>492367 I love you lad and know that other's love you too as you hopefully love others.
>>492365 wew kino at the end
>>492366 didn't mean to provoke you madlad
The ufo shite btw is slowly decending into the gray equivelent of mzungu magic.
they just want us as another plebian client group and the frogs gay.
>2 weeks staying at a hostel and the ukie lass was arranging for them to sleep in the same room as soon as the opportunity presented itself
>>492375 good motivation to get her pregnant first.
>>492376 he never managed to breed her in the 9 months they were together, just died.
>>492377 smh utter suffering.
>>492377 Reckon it's possible to go to Kyiv and just stolen valour pretend to be joining up? And then just date around? They can't forcibly conscript foreign citizens right?
>>492379 Yeah lad go ahead, I'd like to see you gamble on those odds.
Would be nice to hear Steiner's voice again
Don't do it lad it's only for data rectificatioion now they have to get you off the two dozen watch lists from the post office to the the local indeed site.
>>492379 > And then just date around? The foreign legion lads apparently all have loads of ukrainian women on the go because thats how women are, being a ukie incel must be the worst experience in the world rn, allegedly the shartican volunteers are really bad for this sort of poaching behaviour.
>>492383 Sharticans have a different set of morals to other westerners. Ww2 is a good example too.
>>492383 All it takes to find a woman is to poach a foreigner in a conflict you have no business being close to.
Honestly the way the kike elite is talking about Ukraine post war is criminal and should be remembered for posterity as an example of what any further broad conflict will entail for anyone in Europe.
>>492362 good lad knife making is a kino hobby >>492383 tbh can't fathom how horrific it would be to watch the young women go abroad to western europe while the remainder flock to foreigners and then you just get your legs blown off
>the comments on that british army vid
A life as a neet incel watching auditing, nonce hunting and hooker sighting YouTube videos along with occasional walks to a forest and supermarket is much better in comparison to ukie incel life. https://youtube.com/shorts/vgSHYvWlA30?si=RDqT1FGr-Z9GgUcw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrkEc2V3mO4 *daunces* >>492388 it's possible that this retard was in sierra leone and saw what niggers are really like firsthand and he's still like that
>>492362 good luck
>>492361 please send link
>>492375 corr id fuck her guts while i wear his dog tags, wahey!
>>492391 our roads are already becoming like this too
>>492394 he wasn't even a military volunteer, he was doing evacuations and could stop and leave at any time. >>492393 its on i player
>>492395 Wessex u live where king Arthur lived. It's lucky Wessex is a britano Saxon hybrid kingdom originally, coz you don't have to choose to be a Saxon or brit
>>492395 road rage and traffic is part and parcel
noticing reddit soys seem to be using the term "native british" more often without the whole "what even is native" shite spam.
>>492383 A pair of jeans that fit just right 😏
>>492368 Good lad yeah took her to a chrimbo parade
Steiner's gf is a lone wolf type
>>492404 keek good pepe god bless kazakhstan
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0YeGv5xHUU banger canadian song from back when the country was worth living in
>>492403 Imagine looking her in the eyes as you choke her to death.
>>492362 Blue jean micarta is the only non wooden knife handle I like. Good lad.
Been reading soleil comics and eating chocolates
Mfw soleil comics haven't diversified their medieval comics basted, at least the scanlation ones
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>Japan-themed thread Excellent
>when you try to find a quote by grooming gang members on x and you're met with this Thanks, Elon >he really is a bbcslut
>>492391 I was waiting for something to happen
>>492399 good omen
>>492391 >>492395 Ever been to the Isle of Wight? That's normal bus driving down there
>>492415 Used to be like that on the 101 Edinburgh bus until the bus company responsible lost the contract. >>492412 don't blame Elon lad, it's weighted by your prior searches
>>492416 >don't blame Elon lad, it's weighted by your prior searches
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0kvlkvzdgzo I miss Steiner's rants. Can we have a snowstorm one
proficient at finding porn on youtube, anyone want links?
>Indian picturebook to learn English keek
>>492421 Untouchables btfo.
>walking around Cromer >Not a single shitskins all day Moving here tbh
Look at who posted this slop
>>492418 forgot to ask for donuts this year too smh >>492428 niggers
>>492351 removepaywall.com archive.is archive.vn archive.ph
Knives out for nigger elf
>>492433 keeeeeeeeeeeek he's so desperate for even a tiny w after all that sperging out
>>492433 Can this embarrassment ack already I have such fatigue
>>492433 wow, this really fucks things up for Reform
>>492435 he's attacking Farage from the Right Elon backs Tommeh, Farage calls Tommeh a "far right thug" Elon has said he will donate 100 milion to Reform, but probably won't do that if NiggerElf continues to cuck to the left
>>492429 hey lad, you missed an epic film night yesterday thought you were dead again
>>492428 those "decent affordable homes" look a lot like grim high rise estates from the 1960s that got knocked down eventually because british people hated them but I guess these new ones aren't going to be for british people
>>492436 >>492437 Who cares? Oh no some foreign brainlet faggot that nobody likes backs a state agent over milquetoast career politician
>>492437 I know. I just hate Musk
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>>492440 >>492441 you just don't get it do you?
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sometimes wish I hadn't killed Helmer so he could be back here defending Farage
Oh it's binlet, of course he's focusing on retarded dead end shit
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>>492444 what's your solution then lad?
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Direct Twitter Exchange between Nick Fuentes and Elon Musk
>>492446 the ratio is much more severe than that btw, they seem to be limiting it. I saw a screenshot with Nick 26k likes, Elon 1k
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>>492446 >a twitter exchange and they still dare to say nothing ever happens
>>492446 It'd be so easy for Musk to be a hero with relatively low cost
>>492449 yeah he should stick to posting anonymously on image boards like a real hero
>>492448 oeeeeeeeeeeeeek
mummy is touching the poo again and this time I won't stand for it she wants to know what I think of anarchism because she is an anarchist and wants everyone to know that she is (a retard) give me your hottest takes and most brutal dunks and I will and destroy her with the chud gestalt
>>492454 >mummy is touching the poo again lad?
>>492455 term for insisting on interacting with retarded topics with retarded people who can't understand or engage in actual debate so like talking to bins or an sjw type she knows i'm a chud and she knows i fucking hate her retarded politics and she's still shit testing me so now is the time to go full polface on her
>>492454 >anarchist does she believe in private property? if she says no then just start taking her stuff but don't let her have any of yours because you DO believe in private property while she does not
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Oh, you lads might get a laugh out of this. Dad got me this for Christmas.
>>492458 how BASED!
>>492459 Going to clean my dick right now.
>>492458 Dadberg telling you to wash your penis
>>492460 good lad
>>492458 Expect this next year. >when your rules for life are so solid you have to add another 12 rules to it
>>492458 maybe he smelt your cheese >>492456 keeeeeeeeeek oh in that case I accidentally touched poo earlier smh
>>492464 Smartin!
>Mufasa, Lion King prequel >the villains are white liones called "outsiders" keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Bins... Mads Mikkelsen plays the white villain lion.. we have to watch Mufasa now
>>492394 always the correct thing to do.
>>492463 Smh, hope not.
>>492424 you're not wrong, lad. Nice place.
was there in Cromer in the summer
Anarchism To be blunt it is a stupid ideology for people who are too delusional or lazy to put in the rigorous thinking to understand reality, or who want to justify their selfishness to themselves. It is a transitory state which always yields to another ideology.For the only formal example of an anarchist state in the modern era one only has to look at the Spanish Civil War. Between the Communists, Monarchists, Fascists and Anarchists, the anarchists were the least successful, ultimately destroyed, and only managed to survive as long as they did by immediately abandoning anarchist "practices" in order to get any output at all from the industries under their control. One might also consider the Russian Revolution which had some anarchist involvement, also quickly stamped out in favour of communism. Today, anarchists might be considered as a parasite group which has completely abandoned whatever vestiges of true community responsibility remain- placing themselves and their fellow cultists first above all others, hyper-individualism and selfishness where the community spirit ends outside of the immediate group. Despite that the de facto beliefs of modern anarchists (progressive liberal) are intensely pro-state, contributing to the continued collapse through rot of a (formerly) cohesive, homogenous organised society- which in real terms makes life worse for everyone including the anarchists, with the only benefit being temporary through their already having formed in-groups... But because of the de facto demographics and beliefs of the group this is no defence against the collapse brought on by that selfish behaviour and will result in the destruction of the community by outsiders through violence. Even in the best of circumstances "anarchy", whether practiced by individual groups within a wider context or within a totally anarchic environment (both essentially already yielding to a tribal hierarchical society), is only a weakness. See the British tribes and the Roman invasion, or Africa. "true anarchism", like communism, cannot exist.
>>492458 Jordan Peterson is for lost lads that don't have a father. so you're dad buying you it makes it even more funny.
>>492473 leeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>492473 your*
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>>492470 In this weather it's got a mournful beauty imo
>>492473 I know lad, never cared for him. Way too far along the political spectrum when he came out, I'm almost 30.
How many lads on the spectrum?
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>>492476 >mournful beauty wewsian pretentiousness there lad
>>492478 >spectrum lad?
>>492476 don't much like the seaside during the winter. don't like the winter at all tbh, apart from December and early January. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0LeL9BUPtA
>>492478 ZX Spectrum maybe
>>492479 I don't watch that faggot, only guy I really watch these days is occasionally blackpilled. Too many good lads are gone.
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Taking the Christmas decorations down today. Am sad. But not Black, so it's not all bad.
>>492481 Fairs, I like gloomy shit, sometimes I find the beauty of summer cheap.
>>492484 The last day of Christmas is the 6th, so you're still early
>>492486 won't be completed until tomorrow anyway. there is much after all.
>>492478 I've never been officially diagnosed, so I don't give a shit. Perfectly functional members of society who blame their personal shortcomings on somesuch vague mental condition are contemptible.
We have French neighbours, a husband and wife with a couple of kids. They gave us a galette du roix, so we'll have some of that tomorrow. The wife's parents are probably from Indochina. My parents say they probably moved over here because the French are quick to take the piss out of foreigners. Most of their memories of France are from before 2008 though.
and now we wait for the libtard seethe the last time I bluntly responded to her poo and didn't entertain her delusions I got called a monster or some such similar thing intended to longhouse and cause emotional harm
>>492489 ought to go back to indochina then smh furriners
I can't believe I was sick during the holiday AGAIN. It looks good on paper for slave-owning bossmen, but it feels awful
>>492490 A lot of women have utterly retarded political opinions lad, mostly utopian in nature, that don't take human nature in consideration.
>>492493 yeah I added a bit about that into my response very dangerous and evil thing, utopianism been liking drukpa's takes on pragmatic basically-fine-ism recently
>>492388 Plenty of based ones as well
>>492458 Worse than when mine got me a Russel Brand book that turned out to be somewhat interesting and relateable keeeeek.
>>492434 He’s got a tiny w
And now Elon Musk reposts an anti-semite despite countersignalling them all the time. This nigger should ack already
>>492502 Keeeeeeeeeek just saw this His t/l is fucking hilarious ngl not as if he’s going to ban himself is it keeeeeeeeeeeek
the nigger in the room
the emperor's new nigger
don't judge a nigger by other niggers
>>492501 Washyer Penison.
let the nigger out the bag
has musk ever tweeted at length about South Africa at all? not even racially just in general? reminds me of all these non-yank grifters who's content is about 85% US poolitics, because that's where all the big money is.
>>492511 Tbf South Africa is as dead as Rhodesia.
>>492511 Shameful tbh. Indian immigrants are actually more honourable than him
>>492511 not since he went turbo grifter, besides the occasional thing about his Dad's mine
>tfw niggers try to kill your dad and he miraculously survives >still is a meritocracy nigger
can't really say I blame him on that front though SA is an irredeemable shithole and has been for a long time now
>>492509 roaring
>>492520 This would be exciting if Elon didn't come mask off as a retard. Instead of dogwhistling it comes off as mocking us
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>>492520 >unironically having a teardrop tattoo
Just want the Empire back to make sure we deal with the natives properly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBoXTzerQYw
>>492511 imagine being in his position and it being britain in that state. wouldn't be me, think he's just a rootless country hopper. which is why he has no problem with importing inifinijeets, as long as certain lines go up
Imagine getting cucked by this weird goblin creatura. Easy to see how Musk went full retard tbh
>>492527 she's such a weird goblina, I kind of get it tbh. and that's not how it should be.
tbh my syndromee is a little gobliny as well but I love her
>>492531 The Ukrainian really comes out in that photo.
>>492529 Your goblina breedee is b*ns
>>492529 you should play this when she pops out your first dysgenic travesty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPwZQiYsL4w
>>492534 Except a troonphonic rendition
Reckon Nige might stab Rupert in a spergout soon
However bad you might think it is EVERY morning you wake up not brown
>>492524 Top lel that dumb jewsnight presenter.
>>492538 it's just another prop to expose how shit the establishment have been. none of them care about the act of native women being mass gang-rapped itself.
>>492538 Think I hate Tice more than any politician rn.
>>492534 Err we tried to watch Lord of the Rings but she didn't like it and was scared by the Uruk Hais being bred
>>492545 >some sort of bald mystery meat indeterminate gender effeminate wog right there in the thumnbail
>>492545 I couldn't find a source with good quality
The more that I'm around chinks the more I hate them.
>>492546 >wessie's eyes are going too
>>492548 *boils your dog alive to increase the flavour profile*
>>492550 *boasts about superior desserts only to present you with a white bun that has a tiny spot of custard in the middle*
I know Elon is a kike, but his comments on the UK are great. I really wish he didn't come out for H1B because it's clear his comments are a deflection.
>>492552 He can be useful to us. Insisting that he agree with us 100% is for fantasists. It'd be great but we aren't there yet. It's for us naughty boiz to exploit.
>>492536 Harriet Harman is a perfect example of why women should not be allowed anywhere near politics
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>pan fried fillet steak, rare, with home made peppercorn sauce, steamed asparagus and tender stem brocolli smothered in melted butter
>>492554 Shiz a nonce I bet. 'Arriet check 'er 'arddrives.
>>492553 I agree, I don't think I'm purity spiralling. I'm not asking him to post the 14 words. But his comments on the US are very different from the ones on the UK, his lack of consistency hurts the points he produces. Its clear he's playing politics rather than caring about the issue. You guys think that Reforms voters can push Reform to the right? It's clear many Reform members aren't happy at the current state of the party.
>>492557 Possibly. BM and PA are planning on doing a spot of the old reachy weaching tee hee
>>492558 >BM and PA are planning on doing a spot of the old reachy weaching tee hee what's BM?
>>492559 British Movement: https://www.britishmovementnorthern.org/ They're an NS group who are more active than PA but looking moreso to congregate National Socialist and other Fascists together for socials, exercise, activism etc. I've been doing more for them than PA lately
>>492560 I'd heard of the British Movement but thought they had disbanded or something
>>492562 They went quite when the Boomers devolved into drinking do nothings but have picked up a lot over the last year because of PA's anti-based rules and general untrustworthiness
>>492558 Fingers crossed, might be worth be joining as a member just if there's any internal leadership squabbles. >>492560 Out of curiosity what sort of stuff do you do for them? I get if you cant answer.
>>492563 what about Homeland?
>>492564 We take down stickers, food drives, put out propaganda through various means, and do banner drops. The other lads do fitness sessions, social events, etc. too. It's more about building a core of NS to influence certain parties etc. Worth joining for the laughs tbh >>492565 Might look into them when the election cycle starts up but they just seem like another PA style movement atm
Rupert Lowe Shows Farage How it’s Done https://youtu.be/nkdhoqWHPV0
>>492566 >Might look into them when the election cycle starts up but they just seem like another PA style movement atm A fat scottish guy rumoured to be the one that leaked the BNP membership list joined PA, then caused the rift, taking many of the regional PA organisers with him into a new organisation Seems pretty sus to me tbh
>>492568 tbh, never know how the normal grunts are though. PA members are rarely anything like Collett
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>>492533 >Your goblina breedee is b*ns I wish, he barely even talks to smee anymore
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>>492566 Ah fair play, I do a bit of sticker tearing just by myself, would consider joining if I was in Britain.
>>492571 She scares the shit out of me every time I see her
I joined PA but left when it became clear it was NOT actually a retro SNES game emulation club and besides mark didn't even have the courtesy of falling off his chair while playing sonic like based woes did
>Look at me! I’m the Prime Minister now!
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>>492569 >PA members are rarely anything like Collett what do you mean?
>>>/v/1057720 pagangbros i don't feel so good
>>492575 It'd be fucking hilarious if Robinson actually became Prime Minister can you imagine how much kvetching there would be?
>>492577 literally who?
>>492578 Suspending my disbelief for this highly improbable scenario, if he were PM he wouldn't even last as long as Truss.
>>492581 >Suspending my disbelief for this highly improbable scenario, if he were PM he wouldn't even last as long as Truss. I'd never even thought about it before, but now the idea is out there it seems possible somehow it depends how weird things get
he'd have jewry's hands up his arse even further than biden
>>492583 This is the only reason he’d be in with a chance tbh
>>492581 I think someone determined and with the force of will would have survived in Truss' place. Too many people halfhog shit, if politics has ever taught us anything it's don't be cowed and go for half measures.
>>492578 >The coke parties >lauren southern getting railed by every member of the cabinet >mossad openly wiring the entire building while all this is going on smh
>>492586 Why would Mossad need to wire anything? If he got in they'd literally own it and he'd be sending them daily reports
>>492576 They're not like this: >>492574 Normal PA members actually put in some work in a variety of ways and aren't frightened little pussies too afraid of the state to take a solid position. PA members don't try to appeal to the state with bollocks such as "voluntary repatriation" for example. They almost all supoort forced repatriation. PA leadership cucks out even where it doesn't need to. It's like trying to appease a school bully.
I hate the boomer take that humour is or was something that should be above reproach. It's a form of rhetoric like everything else.
>>492583 hey wess, up for a really late night film watchoom?
>>492586 It’s already wired by them and the coke parties have been going on hundreds of years already The Lauren Southern thing probably hasn’t been done there though
>>492587 they do it anyway. just how they are.
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>>492586 >>lauren southern getting railed by every member of the cabinet oh fuck yes, I'm on team tommeh now I will be his chancellor of the exchequer
knew this would get bins attention
>>492595 he's only interested because of the brown men
I’m not for voluntary repatriation tbh I too am for the catharsis of a violent and iced repatriation that will make them and their ancestors forever think 6 million times over about ever leaving their countries again tbh
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>>492595 I'd so stop being gay, for a whiff Lauren Southernussy
going where many a brown man has gone before
yuck still got shit stains on it from the jeeting she underwent
Repatriation at all is a cuck position We have to kill them all Not just the ones in the UK ALL of them anything less is just woke nonsense
‘urry up and put the film on
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>>492599 lad that's not true it was one at most, and he was only half asian or something shut up
>>492602 what film you want lad?
goodnigged laTNDs
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where's Steiner?
>>492603 nah, the first one was part nigger actually, everybody though he was a pajeet. but he was part negro. but lauren thought the criticism was laughable because he was a christian anyway. then she decided to have a baby with a half filipino.
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>>492607 ack I still believe she's a virgin and she's saving herself for marriage to smeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>>492597 >>492601 >a good old larp. this is what brit used to be about.
Epic levels of cringe witnessed this weekend are predicted to continue on into next week Readers and listeners are advised to buy special cringe hats you can pull over your eyes and ears
>>492604 Heretic
>>492565 founders were looking at doing time, got let off then suddenly caused a schism in PA and started their own thing. a bit sus. or possibly a coincidence?
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>>492609 >this is what brit used to be about. honestly, /brit/ used to be about worshipping Farage, civic christianity, and trolling "jerry cucks" it's actually better now, even as the country has got worse
>>492610 >and listeners are advised to buy sp starmer thinks his got this until elon brings out kekius maximus. then it's over.
>>492612 >founders were looking at doing time who was looking at doing time? that fat ugly scottish mong? Kenny Smith I think his name is
>>492613 took a while for all the toryboys to fuck off tbh.
>>492597 How would you do it? Push them into the sea with bulldozers until they make a landmass of floating corpses? Gas chambers for a laugh? Firing squads? Leave them on a remote island until they die of exposure?
>>492617 All of the left to right tbh
this thread has moved quite fast I think. new year, new optimism?
>>492620 I mean there about better ways but to do it at scale seems infeasible. >>492613 >Civic We've always wanted TND, it was just naivety on the political process. Most of us back from 2015 were teens only just caring about politics for the first time.
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>>492623 >We've always wanted TND, it was just naivety on the political process. Most of us back from 2015 were teens only just caring about politics for the first time. TND on /brit/ in 2015 meant "total nazi death" rememer this shit? >
>>492626 SA’s mum
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>>492418 yeah I need to film some of those and upload them tbh made a memi video about elong muscc but its such a pain in the ass to upload videos now because of everything being cloud based for CIANIGGER tracking
>>492421 the future is just shitskins who have nordic headcanon
>>492628 what was even happening the last time you made one. was it before the drump assassination attempt?
>>492630 yeah it takes like almost an hour to upload that shite and I did not want to comment about the election at all since its for plebs and also I sort of don't like american politics or even this country anymore and don't really "care" what happens here since its pretty much baked in that its fucked. maybe like 100 years from now something kino will happen but the average white mong here with just jump back and forth from autism to autism. even the sort of mass "wake up" ethnically that is happening by whitoids is annoying because american whites are so fixated on the brainwashed "enemies" that the kikes and oligarchs program them to hate. so sick of amerisharts hating on chinese all day when it was our leaders and the kikes and blacks that really trashed this country
Keeeeeeeeeeeek They’re having a proper meltdown retweeting every neolib, commie and nafo/fbpe account they can and making up fantasy stories
>>492634 jews are arguing that 2 jews a minute is also realistic? do they know how insane that is
>>492633 you're only truly experiencing it when you feel the hustle and bustle of the big city in your chest.
>>492626 Nah lad it wasn't, if it wasn't you wouldnt have ever visited it, and Britain joining the war was a continuation of a policy that has been around since the Elizabethan Era tbh.
>>492638 seriously, 2015 /brit/ were total cucks worshipping bomber harris for killing nazis on ZOG orders it was awful
>>492636 I’d wager it impossible as they are undoubtedly pretty good wrigglers and would need a heck of a lot of wrangling to get them to keep still
>>492639 I think from a geopolitical point of view there were valid reasons to fight Germany. Yes there were things we weren't great on but we were far from soft when it came to our opinion on shitskins.
>>492580 >Assumongoroldo keeeeeeeek
people who say "partner" are cringe what are you a fucking cowboy?
>>492642 >I think from a geopolitical point of view there were valid reasons to fight Germany. lad we lost the entire fucking empire so Churchill could pay off his debts
>>492648 Do you ever watch terrestrial tv when you're with boomer family? I sit there with things in my head looking at it "we bombed Dresden for this, we bombed Munich for this" and "the Germans didn't bomb London enough"
>>492649 >Do you ever watch terrestrial tv when you're with boomer family? No lad, never They know not to put on such media when I am around
>>492649 >the REAL heroes are the vaccinated that grafitti is fucking insane
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tfw you never took the vaxx
>>492650 >>492651 I love my boomers but lad without the TV it's a sedentiary tour through the same anecdotal stories I heard the previous week The only time I'll have to duck out is when it's police interceptors catching criminal memesters or "how to avoid scammers" for drip for brains
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>>492654 good lad me also
where's aggnonce
>>492648 We were following a geopolitical strategy that we've followed since the at least war of the Spanish succession, if not the Anglo-Spanish war. It was working well for us. If we allowed Germany to dominate the continent, we'd have lost the next naval arms race putting our empire in Germany's hand. We only just won at Jutland, round 2 would have been a stomp. Yes the outcome war shite, and it ruined us. But we would also have had our empire destroyed if we didn't fight Germany then. This was the safer bet, but it turns out we lost before the war started.
>>492657 zogcuck
>>492658 Retarded Polish kike
>>492659 >Retarded Polish kike what?
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>Polish kike
>>492660 >>492661 >Being a newfag Keeeeek
>>492503 he wants his jeets and he knows that it pisses off chuds so he's doing something that doesn't cost him anything to garner favor- tweeting shit that would have been based 10 years ago >>492657 this is retarded cope. the whole point of WWII was to give the Jews world domination and destroy the white race. the Germans called it at the time frankly, even if Germany's goal was to exterminate the entire British population, it still would have been better if they had won because losing one European ethnic group is less bad than losing all of them
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>>492663 lad, I'm the furthest thing from a newfag here
>>492660 steiner is probably right about peabrained jeets starting a race war
>>492664 >frankly, even if Germany's goal was to exterminate the entire British population, it still would have been better if they had won because losing one European ethnic group is less bad than losing all of them Ah the true face of the Jerrycuck is revealed. I would trade the entire world for Britain to survive and remain white, I'm a British nationalist not a German or White nationalist. This is why we had Harris posting.
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>>492664 based, good post lad
>>492667 > British nationalist Britain isn't even a real country you idiot
>>492660 based! free our boy >>492667 >Jerrycuck >Harris posting cringe fag reality is, what the British did in WWII is unforgiveable. even if the white race survives, it will be a permanent stain on the British legacy. likewise, Germany will always be honored for the sacrifices they made for the greater good
>>492667 good lad
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>>492670 >British did in WWII is unforgiveable this is sadly true we were tricked, by Churchill, in to handing the world over to the Jews and they've been destroying us ever since
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REMINDER THAT HARRIS POSTERS WERE PUSHING THE SAME MEME AS ANTIFA tells you all you need to know about the mind of a zogbot, basically
Churchill really did do us, lads. wasn't even his voice in those radio speeches. smh.
>>492670 >reality is, what the British did in WWII is unforgiveable Then go fuck off to the continent if you are so ashamed of your blood. I am British and it is where my loyalties lay, not to the nebulous white race that includes Serbs, Wops and Spaniards.
>>492675 >Churchill really did do us, lads. weak men create hard times
>>492676 >I am British and it is where my loyalties lay, not to the nebulous white race that includes Serbs, Wops and Spaniards. > British identity now includes pakis, pajeets, kikes and niggers
>>492670 We would have been forced into peace negotiations had it not been for the US entering the war. The "great" satan is to blame as always. Especially it's filthy spic population.
>>492678 >British identity now includes pakis, pajeets, kikes and niggers No, it doesn't.
>>492678 >British identity Oh fuck right off you subversive shit. I'm here, clearly I mean the British peoples you fuck whit. All national identities have some shitskin in them for Western Europe. Should we just scrap every single successful white nation to ever exist and just LARP as one white blob?
>>492667 tbh >>492678 not british simple as
>>492681 >>492682 Ban him Auslad. We have a subversive tranny on are hanz.
>>492681 > I mean the British peoples you mean WHITE people hence white nationalism, not "british" nationalism
>Let's continue a brothers' war from 80 years ago
>492684 He means British people who are a subdivision of the white race, ratard.
>>492613 SA =/= /brit/ tbh. >>492639 Revisionism. We got sick of the spic larper 4cuck mod imkampfy and bantered him with seals bombing dresden on our way out. >>492674 >that's the joke.webm >>492685 Tbh.
Being unable to understand that subdivision of a larger category doesn't stop the larger category from existing is peak nigger blood speaking
>>492684 No, I mean the British ethnic groups you dumb cunt. Not the Poles or the Albanians or the Romanians, they can fuck off too. I want a British Britain, not a White Britain.
>>492689 Plus, the welsh and irish are British.
The Americans and their lap dogs love deflecting that they are responsible for the way Europe is today. Hitler tried to warn us. He loved Britain and wanted a united front against the "great" satan
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>>492687 >>that's the joke.webm the joke is that you were on the same side as antifa? great joke
Notice how the lap dog recoils? He's not focusing on the counter arguments being made but instead wants to focus on some random bullshit.
>>492690 Keek, yes
>>492692 I could spell it out further, but I think you'd deliberately misunderstand even more. Enjoying the kino snowstorm tonight.
>>492693 >some random bullshit. nah this is where we started from, how shit /brit/ used to be when actual based lads were called "jerrycucks" by retarded civic niggers thankfully they and their stupid ideas have been utterly BTFO and they are shown up for the kike cock succking faggots they truly are
>>492695 nah I get it lad you probably watch tv, drink beer and support football too, and think that makes you a proper patriot
>sacrifice Britain screams the British nationalist Honestly why not move to the continent? You clearly don't care about Britain. Move to Germany and endlessly kvetch about the eternal Anglo.
>>492676 >Then go fuck off to the continent >>492572 >would consider joining if I was in Britain.
>>492696 >thinking all the harrisposters were civic torybois I've been a full on wignat for 15 years smh. Cool your sneethejets.
fuck spic and fuck shitler
As I recall, the bomber harris meme was a direct reaction to Americans trying to pin the war on us like they were innocent. >492696 Yes, I remember how it was two groups of retards allowing themselves to be pushed to absurd positions which were both anti-British because the other side were "gerrycucks" and the other were "patriotards" or whatever. Groups of weak men who would rather argue about some shit from 80 years ago than take a pro-British and broader pro-white attitude. British Britain. European Europe. White world. Restore the Empire on racial supremacist lines Simple as.
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>>492700 >Going through my posts Seething keeek, I'm in northern ireland retard. Lesser Britain, not Greater Britain.
>>492704 that'll just be Ireland soon enough anyway.
>>492699 >Honestly why not move to the continent? You clearly don't care about Britain. Move to Germany and endlessly kvetch about the eternal Anglo. because the continent is fucked too thanks to the kike funded zionist Churchill seriously why are you so dumb?
>>492705 >Anti-British posting again Utter state of Jerrycucks, honestly just move to Krautland. You'll be happier there.
>>492707 didn't say it was good or bad tbh.
>tfw we could have actually had TND if not for Churchill, Bomber Harris and co
>>492709 tbh. terrible shame.
>>492706 At least you can be in a country that you want to exist you fucking kiked retard
>>492707 not anti-britain, just anti boomer tier spitfier nationalism we obviously defeated the wrong enemy, just accept it lad
>>492709 if nationalists took over Britain then the Royal Navy could have fucked the US Navy and secured supply lines for Germany. they also could have glassed Leningrad. 100% Europe would have won the war if Britain were on the right side
>>492711 >At least you can be in a country that you want to exist then you should be in Israel that's who we fought the war for after all
Japan could have won too then with Britain as a naval ally
>>492698 keeeeeeeeeeek >>492703 tbqh
hobbyist shite none of this matters
>>492715 vgh >>492718 tbh just pissing in the wind
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>>492703 >As I recall, the bomber harris meme was a direct reaction to Americans trying to pin the war on us like they were innocent. No, "Bomber Harris Do It Again" was an antifa meme, created to demonise the PEGIDA (anti-muslim) rallies that were going on in Dresden at the time retards on /brit/ picked it up as way to troll NatSocs on /pol/ purely for lulz, and that's what got us banned
>>492712 >not anti-britain >>492705 >>492678 >>492684 >>492669 Fuck right off, you've shown your colours
>>492714 >He doesn't even know about the creation of Israel We opposed it you dumb fuck
>>492721 > you've shown your colours yes, I'm white
>>492722 Churchill was a massive supporter of Zionism WW2 was basically fought at the behest of Jews, so they could found Israel It had nothing to do with defending Britain, which is why we lost everything, white they gained everything It's a bitterpill to swallow but it's the truth
>>492723 But not British, so fuck off to the continent and best of luck finding your kin there.
>>492724 Churchill wasn't in power, Atlee was and we opposed the creation of Israel. Learn your history dumb fuck.
>>492725 >But not British, so fuck off to the continent and best of luck finding your kin there. Ironically loads of brits in Spain and Italy now kek >>492726 yet somehow we are Israel's biggest ally, and will send fighters to protect their borders while ours are wide open
>he doesn't know about The Focus zionists funded Churchill and got him in to power because they wanted the war lad learn some real history ffs
>>492727 >Moving the goalposts to make Britain bad Talk about cope, you are just shitting out false yank talking points that are used to cope with their involvement.
Don't like Churchill. Don't like Hortler. Do like are Mosely. Think Britain shouldn't have entered the war. Don't actually think atrocities against krauts were good. Not a psycho kike. The bomber Harris memis wre funny. Go suck imkampfy's brown knob. Simple as.
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I'm going to bed, toil tomorrow, but I'll end with this not that you'll read/card. White Globalism isn't British Nationalism. Even if you disagree with everything I've said, there can't be a successful British political movement that hates the British people but loves the global whites. British Nationalism can't hate the British, it's dead end roads. Screaming Hitler was right on street corners is dead end roads. If we ever get a based party it will not be one that agrees with you, there is no political or non-political answer for your ideas. Even if you were right, which you arent, it doesn't matter your view can never be dominant. It can never be accepted on mass here. And I say this honestly I think you'd be happier in Europe than here, being around the people you hate, you will also find much more traction with your ideas there.
>>492728 doesn't know shit tbh. just cope
now now lads, let's all be civil with each other. jews won ww2 and that's just a fact, ennit.
>>492675 >wasn't even his voice in those radio speeches. smh. what? didn't know this was a thing.
>>492730 tbh >>492731 tbh ni la
I don't like it when it gets all hostile in here. My hands get sweaty and I need a safe space.
>>492736 the safe space is inside you lad
>>492664 nazi germany was anti white they invaded and destroyed eastern europe and were instrumental in the destruction of the british empire which was the entire reason that "whites" were ever "supreme"
>>492720 based
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>>492731 >I'm going to bed, toil tomorrow, but I'll end with this not that you'll read/card. White Globalism isn't British Nationalism. Even if you disagree with everything I've said, there can't be a successful British political movement that hates the British people but loves the global whites. British Nationalism can't hate the British, it's dead end roads. Screaming Hitler was right on street corners is dead end roads. If we ever get a based party it will not be one that agrees with you, there is no political or non-political answer for your ideas. >your view can never be dominant. It can never be accepted on mass here. that's true, but it is nonetheless the objective truth >>492738 >nazi germany was anti white retarded >they invaded and destroyed eastern europe they had to because the USSR was becoming too powerful and intended to conquer Europe >were instrumental in the destruction of the british empire which was the entire reason that "whites" were ever "supreme" Germany did not want war with Britain and sent tons of peace treaties. all Germany wanted was to defeat the USSR to establish security. the British threw themselves on their sword for the Jews because Jews controlled their government, economy, media, etc. as they did in the USA, USSR, and the Weimar Republic for that matter. National Socialism was a European nationalist political revolution against Jewish domination
kek, his wife knew this was coming.
>>492743 what happened with his wife?
>>492744 divorced him
>>492743 he once justified his hyperneoliberal rule with the infamous quote, "because it's 2015" he then resigns in January 2025. does this mean that a based schizo antivaxx NatSoc Chud can now rule Canada for 10 years and deport all jeets, citing "because it's 2025" as the reason?
>>492745 smh castreaubros it's so over
don't think it's one for film night myself. keeeeeeek
>>492552 >>492553 >>492557 >>492664 Musk is for H-1B visas because they are good for his wallet. He's against the paki rape gangs coverup because as he has stated in the past he's hard against anything child abuse related, which was his retarded reason for the banning of Jones. He has either not yet made the link that more H-1Bs = more child rape, or he is in denial of it. It is the duty of anyone with an X account to push that link in his face in order to force him to change his position on the visas or face more public humiliation. Stats to present may be difficult because rape is heavily under-reported in India, so the cases that are reported tend to be some of those ones that are horrific in scale.
>>492749 there's a surprising amount of goofy goyim that think pajeets are well behaved, law-abiding citizens and not the fraudulent, scammy, rapey pajeets that they are. England as an example, the criminality of niggers and moslems helps them fly under the radar to such people
>>492750 it also gets confusing when searching for data because burger gov like brit gov lumps pajeets into "asian" along with nips and gooks: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43 while if you count chug rapes on chug land then "American Indians" are the rapiest bastards by far in the US: https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Sexual_Abuse_FY21.pdf such noble savages.
>>492751 what they class as 'White' in yankland stats is also a bit more than sus too.
>>492752 tbh, most Democrat activismographers were yt
Andrew Tate to Run for Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
>>492754 decent rhetoric tbh if only it was someone huwhite saying it
>>492754 Andrew tate is a shitskin
>>492754 He's a fucking retard. Also, you don't run to be PM. You stand as an MP and lead a party with a parliamentary majority. This is pretty basic stuff. Also, as Steiner says, he's not even white.
>>>/v/1057873 >bins is so retarded he clicked on that link to /v/ earlier then avatarfagged in the thread thinking it was still /brit/ and that /v/tards would be receptive to his homosexual grooming via wheelie bin larp
>sells herself into slavery Many such cases
>>492758 classic bins
NOTORIOUS TROTSKYIST NONCE DEFENDER BLAMES FAR RIGHT. AGAIN! OF COURSE LABOUR NEVER HID IT FOR POLITICAL REASONS! Who is this far right he keeps talking about. Very confused tbh https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c4gz1n38l8vt
Fresh no-longer-niggerman My experiences of being an "Outpost White" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yVVbhoVQNQ
>>492764 22st_based_NA_hussars.png rip to those niggas hope they kill some wogs in prison
>>492760 Don’t forget those troons 2015-17 arguing with him as well.
Based Elon tbh even if it's pantomime
>>492768 Tbh glad these cunts are getting called out by someone ( untouchable for them ) with reach exposing their attempt to ramp up censorship >BaN TwItTeR! Er, how about no? Keeeek
>>492766 >22st_based_NA_hussars.png Do you have it, I lost it and got a laugh out of it. >>492769 Tbh tbh, shame Reform is so fucking kiked that they aren't being the voice of their voters. This could amplify Reform but they are being total cucks. So frustrating
The Zionist is right about women tbh Love fromKazakhstan
>>492770 Reform are a waste of time entirely.
>Farage gets promise of £100 million to grown an opposition >basically tells Elon to fuck off because Tommeh when there are arguably even worse people than the Luton sniffhead sitting in safe seats Farage is a plant
>>492770 no smh i lost it too hope it's not lost media maybe 22st uploaded it to his deviantart way back when
>22 women raped and another 1200 sexually assaulted every week in Birmingham Broadway We. Pretty serious allegation she made back then
>>492772 I'm not ready to say it's a total right off, but likely yes.
>forced to go outside habbagudaffanone lairds
so this is how they tried to brainwash the zoomers to drill oil. I looked up the thot singer and she's literally half Jewess, half Zulu. a Jew wearing the skinsuit of a black bitch doing subversion via girlboss pop rap music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEJLuJyxLDE
>>492777 up for a filmoom later?
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>>492775 >22 women raped and another 1200 sexually assaulted every week in Birmingham Broadway when will we MEN learn??!
>>492778 no amount of cultural brainwashing can make black women feminine or attractive though white male black female is one of the rarest pairings I ever see
>>492781 I don't want to make more niggers. like a nigger version of myself? that would be a nightmare. jews, nigs, and pajeets are totally off-limits for this reason. they are very alien and hostile if you watch the video, they do this 2D animation thing that looks like a white version of the Jewlu slut rapper. to condition you to ignore the simian features
>>492782 > to condition you to ignore the simian features don't think that's really possible tbh
>>492783 the so-called "normal people" do it all the time. wouldn't want to wrongthink, unspecified bad things might happen
>>492784 I don't think "normal people" are as brainwashed as you think the problem for us shutin chuds is we only talk to each other (or our silly mummies) not to other men out in the world When I've talked to "normal people" - i.e. my neighbours and workmen that have done jobs at my house - they pretty much think the same way I do
this sperg can't stop roleplaying as a hero while being a villain
the autist shops himself as Iron Man while he jeets you
is it all 4d chess to become dictator of the AUCANZUKUSSA Empire? probably not
>>492773 Farage to the Tories: look at me. I am the scorpion on the frogs back now.
>>492788 >there used to be more Brits than jeets in the world
>>492791 Got to keep that labour block vote.
>>492793 Need stringing up
>>492797 Get him, Elon
Dare I say Get him, E.
>>492798 Tbh Pedo rape enabler Starmer is going to make another statement tonight after which he’s going to get publicly barebacked again most entertaining tbh
>>492800 he's scum, needs to be relentlessly pressured on this until he fucks off.
all those on that list do
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>>492786 this is the kind of things Woes would talk about America coming to save us from muslims
trudeau dood wat nou?
>>492799 >get him, E hehe only best Bs will understand this epic joke
>>492767 >it's time to end this well we know how it will end for them WITH AN ACK!!!
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>>492758 >>bins is so retarded he clicked on that link to /v/ earlier then avatarfagged in the thread thinking it was still /brit/ and that /v/tards would be receptive to his homosexual grooming via wheelie bin larp yes that's exactly why I did it, of course what other reason could there b?
>>492808 >It was 4B chess all along
>me and my gf
>>492811 i keek every time.
>>492811 classic /brit/ kino
>it's a dramawhoring faggots bring up their favourite troons out of nowhere for no reason again episode keep this shit out of /brit/. they are not relevant
>>492815 >keep this shit out of /brit/. they are not relevant neither is your mom but you bring her up all the time
>>492816 >he's done him
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>>492817 I finally defeated wess
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>>492819 maybe there is hope for the Tory party after all?
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I hope they don't "apologise" for this
How would you even salvage the Tories as an electoral vehicle?
>>492822 Elon Musk is an expert in electoral vehicles. Aks him
>>492823 Never joined twitter, seems gay tbh
>rules about political speech online Dirty commie bastids
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>>492824 >seems gay tbh purity spiralling smh
>>492823 >Elon Musk is an expert in electoral vehicles. no lad, he's an expert in *eccentric* vehicles
>>492824 Yeah but it’s where all the twattery gets posted tbh not going to poost here are they? too much laughing today
>>492825 What a weak faggot, hate him tbh >>492826 Keeeek the post is deleted now
>>492829 Want one
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>>492825 calling for enquiries is such a cop out we konw what happened and we know who's to blame "inquiries" are just kill subject with bureaucracy we need lynch mobs
>>492830 Yeah, Elon is doing good for us with it but apart from that it feels a bit pointless tbh
>>492830 this faggot is clearly a wrongun he should be lynched just for the way he looks
>>492835 Tbh He also assaulted a journalist on camera and caused criminal damage and got away with it
>>492836 oh yeah, that was a total bitch move and the whole world saw it
It's funny how there's a physiognomy that screams nonce.
>>492838 >It's funny how there's a physiognomy that screams nonce. I didn't used to believe it, but there really is
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>>492839 It took a long time but it paid off truly we are the unsung heroes of the huwhite race
>>492842 oh yes lads
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>>492842 >>492843 retribution is coming, lads. I can feel it in my bones. then again, that might just be the arthritis.
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>>492825 >All the comments are slurping up his rhetoric buying into the idea he will bring change
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We've finally found our saviour
>>492847 Nigger Elf bruv’dtfo
>>492847 oh god please don't be real
>>492849 yeah should do but that source is covered in horrible popups making the video unwatchable anyway
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>>492847 it's real
Trudeau’s just found out he’s being deported to Bharat with his family after Donald annexes Coonada https://xcancel.com/6ixbuzztv/status/1876300401659850854
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>romananian turkish sex slavers are going to "save" shitain
>frogs and mexicoons have made a musical about a cartel member who troons out
>>492855 >his family What family b?
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>succulent pan fried chicken in a creamy mushroom, bacon, green pepper and onion sauce, served with steamed and buttered tender stem brcolli and french beans
>>492856 >muslim pimps raping white British girls will be executed by muslim pimp who raped slav girls Abu Tate will literally save the UK bruv
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>>492859 Sorry, got used to posting on /heem/
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>>492862 what's /heem/ ? does everyone call everyone else b on there?
>fight grooming gangs with grooming gangs YESSS!
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>>492864 didn't Tate call out the JQ not long ago?
wasn't he vocally anti-white up until about a year or two ago? just another mud grifter
>>492863 >what's /heem/ ? HEEM is an acronym: Heem Everyone Even Myself
>>492861 fuck this time period its the same here where "peninsulare" spics are the ones "saving america"
>>492865 Close enough iirc >>492866 Yes
>>492867 >HEEM is an acronym: >Heem >Everyone >Even >Myself what does "heem" mean though?
>>492868 >fuck this time period its the same here where "peninsulare" spics are the ones "saving america" well, we had richard specner, but you all hated him as well
>>492870 Lad I've told you Heem Everyone Even Myself I can tell you are a HEEMlet
>>492872 >Heem >Everyone >Even >Myself yes but what does "heem" mean?
>>492873 Not telling you a third time b
>>492873 >I’m gonna heem ye out the window ye bawbag! Ancient Scottish threat
>>492806 hehe I get it b
>>492877 >decent affordable homes This one always gets me the most tbh
Just stumbled back upon this video, always loved it. https://youtu.be/1GoxPKbiWtA?si=G0mAVDucDjA_H9kW
>>492879 When the mask slips and he posts his anti-White vitriol, that's the only thing he really believes in. The rest is just a grift that he will flip-flop over at the drop of a hat. gremlin creature.
>>492882 When I reuploaded it JewTube took it down smh
https://youtu.be/35qy9MNCL7g I love him. Gim that a half paki WAS the best Conform had.
Time to pull up those 9/11 clips
>>492885 h8 lefties tbh
>first day back at toil after illness >almost all the jeets/niggers have been let go because projects ending and there not being enough work left to go round based incompetent bosslady
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idk how to manifest will of god and I'm scared >>492890 how do I make merchant pull that face more?
>>492892 he's such a kike
>>492892 Great bohemian grove work but now he's retired, enjoy your retirement Alex put on your slippers by the fire and relax
Canada is British.
>>492790 I don't think that was ever true. but the ratio has gotten a lot worse white women just won't give birth. Asian women won't either. only women from r-selected subhuman races are willing to give birth. the only solution to this problem is to cut women open, extract their eggs, and put them in machines that will, in fact, give birth. or I guess we can use non-white women as surrogates for extracted white eggs or go Taliban^10 and stone women to death for attempting to learn to read personally I'm not even comfortable with the idea of allowing our survival dependent on the Achilles heel of "sentient being that has to be willing to gestate and give birth". just cut them open and put the eggs in a machine, if they won't do it then we'll make machines that will and then there's no need for women to exist anymore. that's what feminism is all about- "WELL I DON'T WANNA BE A WOMAN I JUST WANNA BE USELESS TRASH AND DIE". okay then, open up the egg farms, 5 months gestation, harvest and dispose of the female foetus
>BLAH BLAH BLAH THERE'S NO MONEY TO GIVE BIRTH *makes $80k as a nurse* meanwhile in Niger, Dougabooga lives off 4 cents a day and carries a pot of water on her head for 10 miles every morning with her 8 niglets
>>492874 >Not telling you a third time b ack
>>492898 >1900 pop map We need to go back. I don't like blaming women for our issues tbh, they are too easily influenced by the world man creates. Women are typically bigger nigger cattle than the average normie. We shouldn't see them as equals. >>492895 Maybe one day when we fix our issues, but maybe our issues don't get fixed or it simply isn't meant to be.
>>492892 lolberg gatekeeper, and been known as such for so many years I've lost count. not sure why anybody tuned in expects anything other than some entertainment from him.
hate how people have a track record in this yet it's forgotten about until the next time ad nauseam
Sandy Hook was real too. Yanks just can't cope with the fact any time they use their well polished guns en masse it is to kill school children.
>>492904 Tbh Americans love to claim everything is a false flag or pyop etc. nothing can ever be the truth, same with Qoomers. Everything has to be a movie that only they understand.
>>492905 tbh. that's exactly the same mindset Sandy Hook cospiracy theories come from, retarded rightoid q mongs.
Imagine how great imageboards would be without all the schizo yanks.
>>492907 Tbh, but I think we Brits have our flaws, we are too conservative and happy with authority.
channel 4 will be broadcasting their "Accused: The Fake Grooming Scandal" documentary tomorrow by the way, impeccable timing.
>>492908 >happy with authority Don't think I've ever forgiven my countrymen for how they behaved during COVID lockdowns tbh
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>>492909 Grim, I'm going to write a pointless complaint to channel 4. >>492910 I know it's hard but you can't see the average person as awake, they are in their bubble and don't care. Humans are like that and we Brits are flawed with our trust with authority. Best to view them as nigger cattle that can be converted.
>>492911 Your prbably right but who gives a fuck the more false information they pump the more you can break the media consensus.
>>492911 yeah, I've seen this many times. not proof of anything. because he smirks at the beginning then there's nothing for the next 17 minutes. it's a father that lost a child the previous day in brutal fashion and is stood in front of the lights and cameras. depressed, lack of sleep, and possibly on Valium or some other upper to give a speech.
spergs love to take the human element out of everything.
>>492914 Thats about as speculative as any other take.
>>492916 not sure how a man acting slightly weird in front a camera and lights, the day after his 6 year old daughter was shot dead in a massacre is as speculative.
as speculative as it never happened and they're all actors and the entire thing was made up.
Sandy Hook always was Q-Anon tier mongery from rightoids.
Specative as any other take really. Peronally I take to the notion tha if you aren't present anything could have happened and it can be told to you like a fable and become canon.
Even if you are present that's not really a guarantee of anything given the fallibility of memory.
thank fuck for that, let's hope I can forget this conversation by the time I wake up.
there's a reason witness statements are treated as less credible than any other form of evidence at a crime scene.
basic studies into human memory tbh.
witnesses has no relation to anything I've said tbh.
read better
it do be like that. kek
nice positive on an autism test,
the high autism yet lack of relative arguments is disturbing to say the least.
Meanwhile I'm enjoying a freshly made caramel latte
>>492917 When Ron Paul dies I'm officially old tbh.
>>492937 I was randomly watching a stream of his a few years ago when I thought he died. he had a a stroke-like episode during it and they ended the feed.
>>492917 Hmm, putting this up on their YouTube channel, while showing the fake grooming gang scandal documentary on the TV channel.
snow tomorrow morn for you lads
>>492940 Don't think I'll be getting any. last time it snowed here, it lasted a day and that was it.
Decided to rewatch Channel 4's Dead Set, a self parody of Big Brother during a zombie outbreak. Aside from the gross paki man white woman couples, keeks were had. There's a bit where a great big, fat nigress is screaming and flailing about in a pool because she can't swim. It's supposed to be because zombies can't swim but of course she just seems like a NIGGER.
>>492946 snot over 'til it's snover lad
>>492947 I know. FUCK Hitchens.
>brown subhumans that rape children fascism sounds good >brown subhumans that rape children and make me money I am willing to go to war on this issue the likes of which you have never seen. FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!
>>492914 >>492918 maybe you are on the autistic spectrum but that guy is a really bad actor
>>492950 fascismbros we are so back
>>492946 He's given up a long time ago, what's special about now?
a long time ago, there was a board where all the chuddies knew peace, and where the rainbow goblins had never done HRT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzYD56hKF-8
>>492954 Didn't one of the newbrit fags troon out? Pembs or something
>>492953 He's making it official lad.
>>492955 old news lad don't dredge that shite up again
>>492959 I for one trust this man implicitly
Tbh this is a major problem and none of them are “elite” anyway. Stupid fucking French word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaoMMUlpiKE
>>492961 We need more international graduates to help our lack of skills.
>>492962 Especially brown ones with fake certificates and degrees from India
>>492946 Can't look at Peter the same way after he sperged out on the CosmicSceptic podcast tbh.
>>492967 What did he do?
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>>492966 I wish Peter Hitchens would hurry up and die of a vaccine injury He's peculiar brand of pompous pessimism has run its course, he needs to be swept aside by the new generation of based right wing intellecutals
>>492968 >What did he do? That was the interview where Cosmic Sceptic got the better of Hitchens while politely debating the legalisation of certain drugs, causing Hitchens to storm out like a child saying "I hate you!" or words to that effect
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>Hitchens dead >Farage dead >Bomber Harris dead >Helmer dead >Wessex dead (nearly) truly I have defeated all the false gods of /brit/ I alone am left standing
>>492879 Ian Miles Cheong was always a duplicitous fuck He called the Jan 6th protestors "white supremacists" and said they had nothing to do with MAGA and numerous other embarrassing things
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>Ive been contracted since July >Only done 1 bit of work that has taken 2/3 weeks of work While getting paid to play video games is ok in the beginning its now driving me nuts tbh, might resign
>>492969 Tbh he needs to retire this pompous pessimism but the establishment push to drag him out as a demoralisation “it’s over” tool
>>492973 Maybe sprinkle in some trips outside or otherwise productive goals that don't entail work?
Not watching giggling nip proto bzoomers who should be at home mothering tbh
>>492974 > the establishment push to drag him out as a demoralisation “it’s over” tool little do they know we understand their tricks and it only hardens are resolve
>>492976 I do, I spend a lot of my working day walking around Stormont Estate when working from home. When Im in the office I yap all day to my coworkers, and wonder around the building, mimicing an explorer. I think I will upskill in my free time, starting tomorrow.
>>492981 Def tuh v’stablishmunt tbh Tel. Murk ‘em al asap. Simple ass
>>492982 Become a groundsman and accidentally shoot things iykwim
>>492984 No money in it, im a slave to mammon smh
>>492985 But think of the shotgun and flatcap lad.
Le Penn kicked the bucket
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>When he called a Bolshevik jew nonce out in the Euro parliament https://xcancel.com/Le_Patoff/status/1876602879118909745
Terrible the disrespect these niggers in France are showing to the dead
>>492987 F >>492991 pathetic tbh. he lived to be nearly 100 and his legacy will live on
>>492996 Qingeeeeeek
>Musk retweeting Carl calling Starmer vile keeek https://xcancel.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1876254683980792116
>>492991 rest in piss alt-right democrat total democrat death
>>493000 Total Terror Trips rolled
Libs and lefties are toast lads
>>493003 Based! The conservatives will save us
>>492999 I fucking hate Labour including blue and lighter blue Labour so much.
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>>493004 You naive fucking muggle monkey griffinpoor jew sorcerer

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