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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4010: Hogmanay Edition! Anonymous 12/29/2024 (Sun) 17:25:25 Id: 588e61 No. 490534
Warnings of snow, wind and rain across the UK for New Year https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c785k44yj12o >Weather warnings for rain, snow and winds of up to 70mph have been issued for parts of the UK on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, the Met Office has said. A rich couple bought our ENTIRE village and turned our streets into a ghost town... our community has been destroyed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14230541/A-rich-couple-bought-ENTIRE-village-turned-streets-ghost-town-community-destroyed.html >Residents in a historic Welsh village have claimed it has become a 'ghost town' after nearly half its residents moved out due to rent hikes by new landlords. War of words over crashed South Korean jet as experts say bird strike would NOT have crippled landing gear and emergency touch-down with longer runway may have saved some of the 179 killed https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14233741/south-korea-plane-crash-bird-strike-theory-questioned.html >Aviation experts say a bird strike should not have crippled the landing gear of the doomed plane that crashed in South Korea and killed 179 people.
>>490534 good lad
wish that there was a hyborian age bannerlord mod
What are your new years resolutions, lads?
>>490540 Breed. As always
>>490540 get thin or die realistically, less fat smh don't think I can do a stone a month
pure black coal
>>490543 Pan-Slavicism with Niggerslut Characteristics
>>490542 I've just counted calories using an app, lost the weight I wanted to and feel great for it.
>>490544 smh forgot Stalin was a bbcslut
>>490540 get my motorcycle license and move out, in no particular order
>>490543 Yeah, Russians has never been our based allies, they are just enemies of our nation which includes our faggy establishment and our hwhite population.
>>490540 About 360p is all I can manage. Happy British New Year to all you lads. I have no idea what your after Christmas celebrations are like over there, especially in modern day, but I hope it's enjoyable for all of /brit/.
>>490543 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8omTtVE7MC4 this is what I think of slavoidic "eurasianism" shite unless its a chinese guy or a japanese guy saying it, its just russkie contrarian bollocks. russkies are being race replaced by churkas so they can shut the fuck up about muh futurism
So many lads in here with their 3/10 gf and feeling on top of the world.
we actually enjoy celebrating Christmas. Glad the puritans long fucked off.
>>490554 he posts here, lad.
>>490552 they are saving the white race lad
>>490552 >You can't feel happiness because Im not happy Get over yourself
I'm very happy, sunshine.
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Chicks? That's gay!
>>490542 same here. Let myself go this year
>490542 >this false redemption arc again
he'll be stuffing his face the next few months and posting fat wojak while he does it.
VPN hopping subversive. Probably the same doomer who was posting here the other day. Get the rat banned.
fuck off, cunt.
you know it's truth I'm spilling.
It's diarrhoea you're spilling. 22st and Steiner have a redemption arc, Wessica has survived much longer than we expected and has done well given his circumstances. What have you achieved? Or is that just it, you've achieved nothing? A dead weight? Maybe you're a tranny whose biggest achievement is self-mutilation. Either way, fuck off. Snotty little prick. We don't want or need a dead weight faggot like you here.
Absolute drivel from an absolute incel.
I rest my case.
*combines two beefburgers and some shropshire blue cheese into one patty*
Beg your pardon, tranny? I can't see your cringeworthy doomer posts . . .
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>22st >redemption
>>490570 Based.
>22st goes from being a NEET mummy poster to having a good job and a female over the space of the last few years Yes. He has had a redemption arc and has arguably outperformed us all.
Ain't outperformed me.
22st, you are my inspiration.
Credit where it's due, it's a low bar. Now if we can just get Wessie to fast he might not be dying every next year, every year.
Dorset went from being an erratic weirdo to an open homosexual in the space of that time. Wessex went from a dying NEET to a dying tax payer in that time. Steiner went from incel posting in the woods to having a gf and contemplating boars in that time. You made shit posts and got filtered. You are the bottom of the pile, sweaty.
>>490574 So? He's still an ugly Norwegian kiddy fidler with no life
Haven't made it before a breedee is actually bred tbh. I'll keep you updated, but given that I need to have preimplantation genetic diagnosis done it might be a while tbh smh
>>490579 What constitutes having a life in tranny world?
>490579 >kiddy fidler The tranny reveals its hand. I, TBBK, have once again drawn them out into the open. Open like their mutilated genital wounds! >>490580 Still doing better than Mr. Lopitoff here lmao
Bro trynna be Lana Loptoff
>jocko itt Smh. Why does he keep coming bACK?
22st is not a nonce, but I support killing him for not washing his hands. To clarify my posnition.
>>490579 >post covid 2024 collapsed shithole timeline >talking about "having a life" are you from the year 2011 lad?
who even "has a life" anymore >>490584 is she the thegn of whiterun?
>>490586 well I am kind of forced to wash my hands now that I got a breedee always hanging around smh
>>490588 I think having a life is what Vivek doesn't want Americans to have. Which means not having a life is workhorsing all day without complaining like an indian slave bug
Maybe we should make them fling poo at eachother in a giant fish tank before slowly filling it with acid. >>490589 Thank fuck she's making you less grotty.
>>490591 >Beowulf was 30 years ago
>he date of composition is a matter of contention among scholars; the only certain dating is for the manuscript, which was produced between 975 and 1025 AD
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Business idea: We take over interracial and make it about committing interracial violence!
Ray Winston was such a top choice for Beowulf's voice. https://youtu.be/KNaj7uCVPCI
>>490587 tbh was getting bullied by xoomers the other day for "not having a life"
>>490599 gen x is 10000 times worse than boomers. they are like in their 50s pretending like they are "Cool". they are the most cringe humans in existence at least boomers were actually sort of interesting. what has gen x ever done for them "having a life is listening to narcissistic grunge 'im sad' shite like "woman behind drugstore counter" shite" then basically self owning their whole lives out of narcissist drama
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>>490540 1080p
>>490599 >>490600 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeq tbh, the ones at work love talking about shit they don't understand (but should given are jobs). They're all anti-racist because the telly said to be and look down on the internet. Fucking clowns. Toilchink is the worst of them. Immigrant tory from London who thinks he's the shit because he comes from London and worked at some of the bigger institutions. He only got the job because he's a Londoner and an immigrant. Had he been born a whiteman up in t' norf he'd be nothing. (This is the guy who thinks Trump won because of the descendants of the Puritans). Loves giving lectures about things without having a clue. Gen X are a generation of posers.
*fixes my gimp suit* Sorry for ranting lads, they annoy me so much smh
Get a life means waste it on futile booze escapades. Really having a life means being a productive member of the white race.
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>that xoomer coworker who is in 50,000 bongo bucks credit debt that drinks away his earnings each week looks down on you for not drinking alcohol
>>490608 Wouldn't surprise me if he's divorced but talks about his failures as though he's better than you for having had them. Reason for the divorce? Some narcissistic bullshit.
>>490606 amen brvther
>>490608 "Normal" people are shortsighted hedonistic retards
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anyone up for watching some slop?
>>490612 Depends on the slop.
Apparently Chalres The Woke said "diverisyt is are strength" during his christmas speech this year? https://youtu.be/Vo3ZyGJ70qI
Weird seeing smart women become baby retards when their clits tingle tbh
>>490615 what are you referring to lad?
>>490616 lived experiences, lad
>>490615 >smart women ???????
>>490617 um lad?
>>490620 >there was a time where I wasn't fine with Spic being banned/killed
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>>490621 he was badly mistreated back on /newbrit/ tbh his leadership really was a golden age, he brought us all together and kept the peace, and voluntarily stepped down when his work was done and in return, we ack'd his peeb smh
>>490615 The "I don't want a baby" shite goes out the window when you're inside them. Then, they start begging for you to cum in them.
>>490623 wish I could just breed breedee the normal way tbh smh
>>490624 Just do it, who gives a fuck if she has some genetic shit or whatever. Everyone has their cross to bear whether it's a crippledick or exploding legs. Adversity breeds strength. It's the story of are race! Vgh . . .
>>490624 i thought you were doing that?
>>490625 it is 50% inheritable and she just has the mildest form of it, and it is worse for males. Not risking it tbh >>490626 I am ejaculating inside her only when she has her period/in a condom
>>490627 if you breed a retard girl does the child always come out retarded?
>>490628 I just said 50% chance. You're the retard
>>490629 Silly breedee chungus over mexcrement any day
>rectangle enjoyers itt
just grab whatever you want by the pussy
you're spic then
>>490633 or by the penis
>It's the spic or the trannies. this board is deranged.
everyone getting gfs then
>>490637 well lad, you have to leave the house to get one
We haven't had any tranny trouble recently anyway. No gender dysphoric disturbances.
Will 2025 be the Year of The Juggalo?
hes done me
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>>490637 don't worry lad, I split up with my one I'm a single b again
>>490637 It took a lot of effort, and nothing is for certain until there is a breed event
>>490637 I doubt any of them will last long. Personally I would rather slit my wrists than waste time, money and emotions on the wrong woman.
And as expected, zero reply from b*ns for an hour.
Good night, sweet prince.
>>490644 There's no right woman, lad. Make do.
>>490643 Jesus fucking Christ, what is this, breedee number 85 now?
>breedees that never actually breed.
Jimmy Carter has passed away tbh.
>>490648 Of the ones I have had physical contact with it's the fourth
>>490649 Princess morbiously a beast.
Jimmy Carter finally let go because he knew Trump's Jeet Apocalypse would be unbearable.
>>490652 bit mean that. she's about the standard of the average brit lad
>>490647 There certainly are "wrong" (fundamentally incompatible) women, so yes, there is such a thing as a "right" woman >>490649 Specifying that they are merely prospective would be more precise, I guess.
>>490650 RIP to the failed peanut farmer/worst US President of the modern age apart from perhaps Biden.
>tfw single b and ready to mingle b
>>490655 My sweet summer cringecel, there is no right woman. Make do (her) and stop being a faggot.
she seems to have quite narrow hips and a tight gina though so let's hope this werks out
gf has wide hips and a narrow waist. am I winning, dad?
>>490660 I wasn't snumblesnaggin. I'm worried as it might have binplications for the birthing
nah, I was talking about my gf
Haven't heard from moggers in a while, hope he's doing well.
>>490600 Ironically one day you will be the new xoomerboomerllennial devil for Gen A and it will be funny chuglette because they will bully you to death for it
>>490665 there's been some good news recently so he's not had any material to make content ouf of
>>490666 >le generational hate is just natural not to do with each ones character Fuck of Satan.
>I (You)'d the beast ACK.
>>490667 >there's been some good news recently has there? must've missed all that good news.
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>>490670 Drumpf won Musk has given Reform 100 million Labour tanking in the polls Reform becoming defacto opposition party
>>490672 sounds like he has an acky peeb
>>490673 Sounds like they’re going to fully circumcise him
>>490676 can you still get a hardon if they remove your prostate?
>>490671 Yank civil war delayed a bit long, Musk donated to light blue labour to replace blue labour to btfo labour, polls which do nothing to change government the next 4 years... Again, where's this good news?
>>490622 >he was badly mistreated back on /newbrit/ tbh >his leadership really was a golden age, he brought us all together and kept the peace, and voluntarily stepped down when his work was done so true! glad somebody recognizes the actual history instead of the delusional Dorset/TBBK narrative >>490627 women can only get pregnant if you ejaculate during ovulation or about 5 days before. that's like days 9-14 of the 28-day cycle
>>490679 >or about 5 days before and this is only because sperm can live that long in the vag
I've been nutting in my gf so much it's insane.
>>490672 he's just delaying that trial or investigation he currently has hanging over his head. It's now been postponed due to this.
>>490629 white lass has cuter face by a mile
>>490656 amazing how people in other countries follow amerishart political drama so closely tbf
>>490683 the goblina has a weird face, granted. but the other one just looks like a potato head.
>>490684 it's not that amazing. our countries are occupied and if you follow politics at all it will be very yank centric, as that's where all the money is.
>>490686 looks like Uncle Jared Taylor.
can't beat this. pizza any other way is just goyslop. ngl
>>490689 steiney, what's this? are you going to start Korean posting now?
>>490689 interesting, was wondering whether i should bother with this but pretty good so far
quick rundown on the Korean lads...
>we're not saying every single punjabi in the world >just the dirty ones I keeeeeek
>>490693 asian guys did the math
>>490696 orientals are good at math. surprised it took them this long.
>>490699 good lord what a damned place
slavs have a tough playthrough ngl
must say Zelensky did get into power while peaceful relations with Russia were part of it his promise. that soon switched to jingoism and riled them right up. just typical jewish tricks of giving you permission to be a bit racist/xenophobic to a certain group when it suits.
thought on Carter, steinzog? the media really had it in for him.
maybe the Chinks and Pakis can help us genocide the Pajeets
>>490703 he was from the phase where the zionist kikes were still trying to gain complete control so he is maligned him and nixon and especially kennedy were the last anglo/irish/britiod diaspora presidents that weren't jewish pawns
>>490704 unaroused
>>490704 Give her this OST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2KsHb9754Y & make the HAVE CHILDREN text flash really violently in the middle bonus points for shinzo vignettes faded in
my youtube is 100% grifters. literally there's some xoomer fag on the front page trying to get me to worry about the sun's magnetic field flipping kek
>>490704 clap le baps. i'm wanton for wonton.
>>490708 Is it that suspicious observers lawyer cunt? He's cultivated a wee cult for himself. They're totally obnoxious.
>>490710 not sure, i "not interested" it but my whole youtube is just political commentators and war and misery
>>490711 mine has bible study, cars, & historic news reports. Try a hobby
>>490711 I wouldn't bother with that stuff either, the good stuff about the grand minimum is to few and far between. Mine is like synths, dayz, and tunes. Maybe the occasional gun video. I'm done with geopolitics, conspiracy, and chudly content. I get enough stuff shoved in my face on X.
I'm starting a new life with my head in the sand.
>>490713 grand solar minimum never happened, i was watching content about that 5 years ago. winter just consistently hasn't lived up to expectations
>>490715 It's barely started, we're only 4-5 years into it, and it supposed to max the trough between 2030-50.
Whatever, I'm not like predicting apocalyptic events here.
However, I'm secretly hoping that volcanic activity continues to increase, and crop output drops further, so light dims so nigs starve, and hell breaks loose in north africa.
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>>490720 night
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTdb0MKmnwM sorry meant to poooost this lad
why did it take gooks to call out the jews
I always get Lauren Southern confused with Laura Loomer.
>>490678 >Again, where's this good news? Remigration is back on the menu, in Europe and America
>>490727 lad, how can you do that? one is hot stuff the other is an oven dodger
>>490679 >so true! glad somebody recognizes the actual history instead of the delusional Dorset/TBBK narrative what is their claim?
>>490726 >why did it take gooks to call out the jews not sure what you are implicating here tbh lad as usual, white people *invented* antisemitism, gooks merely made it smaller, cheaper, and more efficient they just copy what we create
>>490723 just watching a video on this
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basically my thread right now
>special economic zone Yeah. They’re own fucking countries. If businesses like them so much go build your shit there but only sell it in that place. Also India and Israel etc lobbying so aggressively for visas to the west is only so they can plant economic spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) and get political control which then favours their own countries. Why is this so hard for people to understand?
keeeeeeeeeeeek Democracy btfo again
Is Farage About To End The Tories? https://youtu.be/45oTDRgiDLM
>>490736 >Must spread Democracy !!!
>>490738 Elections after three years of headchopping all opposition
>>490737 Boring
>simping for Lauren "generic blonde racemixer thot" Southern
>>490736 Democracy is just a tool for oligarchs to rule from behind the scenes anyway democracy doesn't lead to democracy
>>490741 Simping for any woman tbh
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>>490741 yeah so?
>>490742 Democracy is a word that will likely be fashioned into a lump hammer one day and then liberally used to bash it’s proponents heads in by the legions of people they’ve pissed off
>>490744 yikes
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>>490746 careful lad she will marry me one day
>steals your kids rapes your bank account and texts you a photo of new bf Siddhartha Bengaljeet kissing your baby daughter That is this face in short tbh
>>490748 just want to kiss her
>>490749 >wanting sloppy seconds after a jeet She’s DOGE Designers gf now anyway
>>490749 the face is arguably the worst part
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Boat-People Stalking Our Women & Girls https://youtu.be/l8aOeKn9bzg
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>>490751 she's perfect everywhere
>>490752 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>490755 Hank tier
>>490750 >She’s DOGE Designers gf now anyway that's not true
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>lads trolling smee only so I post even more pictures of based american beauty Lauren Southern
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>defending my queen
Oh it's bintard, that explains his gay taste in women
>>490760 her sister was penger
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>>490764 >gay taste in women how can I be gay when I love women (Lauren Southern)
>>490765 I'd breed them both to save the huwhite race
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IS LONDON SALVAGABLE? https://youtu.be/Wv1pk1bfGio
>>490769 huwhite sharia tbh
why is it like this lads?
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how can I be gay when I'm this good at dancing? girls love men that can dance
Probably the gayest t thing I’ve ever seen Off to vomit
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>>490776 >Probably the gayest t thing I’ve ever seen these lads not finding Lauren Southern attractive? ikr, so gay
>>490772 Dosen't have to be lad
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maths quiz lads
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>>490778 >Dosen't have to be lad at this point the church itself is adamantly against anything based
>>490779 The number that seems to creep up every year
>>490780 The church has turned into a refuge for fags and pedos. Only uncorrupted church is Pootin's
it used to be that they said they were bringing in wetbacks as fruit pickers because Americans don't want to do that anyway. now they're saying >you don't want to work 80 hours a week for shit pay? you're entitled and lazy, we're going to make you train your Indian replacement and turn you into fertilizer if this doesn't radicalize people...
>>490728 In Europe, yes. Won't hold my breath for Zumpf. Glad the Swedes are uncucking, bad as it makes Great Shitain look now.
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Liberals don't even support this, they're retconning the Democrats as the anti-immigration party or something. >Trump tricked you! He said browns bad so you'd vote for him! Now he's bringing browns! Which is true, but it's not like Kamala was saying >Now, I know I'm a dirty shit nigger, but listen up, cumskins: That orange nigger is planning on drowning this country in subcontinental sewage, and I'm the only one that can stop it. Vote for me, and I will build massive meat grinding machines near every urban area and feed every browneye into them feet-first! I think they're starting to come to terms with the fact that immigration is bad, and against their own interests, but they're too cowardly to express that in any way other than >Republicans bad! They are the rich people!
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I think admitting that both parties are just as bad would break their brains, due to the sense of helplessness? Are they coping with the situation by pretending that the Democrats are 'for the people' as opposed to the 'rich racist (((white))) men that want millions of Indians to replace Americans' GOP? Perhaps people on both 'sides' will begin to realize just how bad things really are, and move towards some sort of NazBol consensus..?
>>490783 >>490785 Good posts, spig. Try not to post latinx feet and I might not filter you this thread.
>>490786 >I think admitting that both parties are just as bad would break their brains, due to the sense of helplessness I was thinking that yesterday. We are managing to kill the Tories, even if Submit is cucked. Their two party system is so deeply entrenched it seems impossible to destroy it without complete collapse. Only answer I can see is localism.
>>490785 There seems to be a 'MAGAt tears' element to this, just like the 'liberal tears' phenomenon that won Trump the election. But if the source of the tears is >Now we're all fucked because Trump is bringing the Indians! Then I don't see why they want to see 'MAGAt tears' in the first place? Like, they're conceding that immigration is bad... >You dumbfucks support the orange man because he says browns bad? You're racist! >The orange man tricked you, he only SAID that browns bad but actually he thinks that browns good! Now we're all fucked, and it's your fault! You should have listened to us browns that say browns are good because we would actually do less browns because we're not stupid-pants rednecks like you! it just doesn't make any sense, it's incoherent. I think this H1B thing is tremendously unpopular across the political spectrum and everybody is pissed and coping. MIGAfags are crashing the compiler with Pajeet-coded TrustThePlan.exe, Libtards are becoming communists or something
>>490788 And Joe will rise from the ashes like a great scouse phoenix and burn all the Pakis away with robust bin collection.
>>490789 >Then I don't see why they want to see 'MAGAt tears' in the first place? Because they want their political opponents hurt, not because they disagree with whatever is upsetting the magatards. I believe they are compartmentalising the issue and trying to bury it, like many of Brits do with the paki rape gangs. I don't think all democrats disagree with the policy, too many of them are magatards for the democrats and would happily eat propaganda as to why H1B is good. I think you are being overly optimistic, but I would be very happy to be wrong.
>>490783 >26 year old sportsball scholarship twat with degree in ‘le marketing’ from jewiefornicatia >CoLLin >RuGG Doormat by name, doormat by nature discarded Clickbait/engagement farming really distorts reality tbh although in this case he probably believes it and should receive a whole life tariff plus 100 years hard labour
>>490791 I think they're in a state of cognitive dissonance. For years they have believed that they have to be pro-immigration because it's allegedly 'moral' or whatever, but when it comes to this H1B thing that's blatantly against their interests even from a civic nationalist economic populist lens, they're starting to get confused, maybe. Part of it could be a perceived loss of abundance? They would ridicule MIGA people for saying 'immigrants take jobs', having a sense that 'America has infinite jobs' and 'if you're worried about your job being taken, especially by immigrant browns that don't have white privilege, you're a dumb loser'. But now that there's been so much inflation and they're feeling the squeeze, and billionaires (who they claim to be against) have blatantly taken over the government and are using that power to undercut the actual good jobs, maybe they're starting to backpedal to 'immigration yes BUT NOT LIKE THIS'? I did crop out some comment that was some generic 'America is nation of immigrants' gibberish, but that doesn't hit the same when there's billionaires saying 'Americans are lazy and entitled and we're going to make you train your Indian replacement to create the most efficient capitalist machine'. That's against the values of both white people that want to live and socialist liberals that hate rich people. 'America is nation of immigrants' is supposed to mean 'Shut up, racist redneck', not 'let's all kill ourselves so Indians can do our jobs for less and our billionaire overlords can shave some living wage off their bottom line'. It's just not a defensible position by any real person at this point.
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neoliberalism has segued from Civic Nationalism to Corporate Nationalism Ethnic nationalism >We want to take care of our people's best interest, 'our people' being our biological nation Civic nationalism >We want to take care of our people's best interest, 'our people' being whoever lives here Corporate nationalism >A nation is nothing more than an economic zone. We want to make the economy as efficient as possible to make Elon Musk richer and compete with China, Total non-Pajeet Death. If you disagree then you're a loser retard, fuck yourself in the face and please teabag me
>please teabag me is that a global wordfilter? if you say 'k1ll yourself', it changes it to that
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Unrelated, but here's a different kind of cognitive dissonance >Taliban very bad because mean to women >Taliban... slightly good? Because they ban Bacha bazi? Maybe Afghans just bad? But is racist? Not racist, just Islamophobic, but not too Islamophobic, or something??? no idea how libtards make sense of reality. I think they're just dumb and don't even try to
>>490794 This good lad
>>490793 I don't know, immigration has always been against their own interests but as you said with the declining abundance it could lead to different results this time. As well as this being even more blatant in its attack on their livelihoods. But I'm unsure, depends how much the MSM and the two party system has it hooks within the average American. We will see, but I'm eternally a pessimist. In my view if any nation that can be saved from this great replacement it won't be America or they will be the last, they aren't an ethnic homeland, it is their cultural imperialism pushing this, the founding myth of America is one constructed by pro-enlightenment thinkers.
>>490796 Taliban are unironically good lads. Bit harsh in some ways even compared to late Victorian era i.e. fully re-Christianised Britain, but that's just Islam. Their concern is for their own country and clearing up corruption, noncing warlords, opioid addiction, and oh the horror making women be tradwives instead of wageslave girlbosses.
>>490749 She is mid lad. Or is that really the best Canada can do for hot slutty slags
>>490783 Keeek it was so corny watching these ceofaggots coop the redneck tradesman memes of 2016 trump
>>490799 Yeah, the Taliban are great, I kind of want to visit Afghanistan, if for no other reason than to be able to buy some silly clothes for cheap and brag about what a le edgemaster I am for going to 'the stone women place'. They're noble savages lighting the way on the woman issue. In that thread, the Ledditors are whining about how the Taliban banned windows in kitchens (because somebody might see a woman without a burqa). Keek
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>wakes up to lots of effortposts
>>490803 enjoy the slop
>>490803 I'm procrastinating doing my teeth
so I can go to bed
>>490805 You deserve to be undercut goy has finally reached the middle classes.
>>490798 shartica is a doomed experiement. it was at its core a giant larp by virginia slaveowners who didn't want to pay for the crowns wars but at the time they were using the british diaspora as their tool of conquest and only really thomas jefferson connected intellectually with the "redneck" nation. there are like 10 different countries operating in north america within the sort of "holy roman empire" boundaries of the united shits. I started writing a sci-fi story but sort of gave up set in the future where america has deteriorated into a pseudo nation that exists primarily as a collection of city states and economic zones administrated by a landed nobility of "voters" who violently suppress the voting rights of outsiders and police and administrated their "districts" against "gerrymandering" by opposing clans and houses of "old american voters" during contested small scale elections. it was sort of fun but I kept getting sidetracked with autism about future construction
>>490807 tbh and not a moment too soon
>>490808 Was there a lore reason why voting was maintained at all by the landed elite?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8znY9Z2l4w&list=LL&index=36 for me it was all over when the shitagain state police stopped driving this kino in favor of the goyslop mobiles of today. the crown victoria ford was the last real american musclecar it had that over the top big boy cadillac luxury but had the torque of a truck. and they looked so intimidating with the push bar on them all covered in mud
>>490810 just like how the early medieval elite kept the roman milities/dux system going in. it is a veneer of legitimacy. and voting is just a headcount of a particular house or clan over another they generally have a gun battle or disagreement in some area near a town over who gets to "vote" first. thats the premise of the story one family goes down to a ohio river village to push out a different clan and they have a gun battle in the hills using weird drone shite but I sort of gave up on the story
>>490782 why can't we have based and trad leaders like him?
>>490812 Sounds cool like a distopian western.
>>490813 Because he really isn't if you actually find out what Russian natsocs say about him.
Although I suppose he's a traditionalist in the sense he keeps the chechens around as his personal cossack tsar guard to put down any dissidents.
>>490814 that was the idea and they soldiery basically consists of trying to take out the other groups ECM unit so that drones and autonomous support weapons can annihilate the enemy
>>490817 are emp's outlawed?
Sorry to flesh the idea out I was thinking that the emps could be used as the new nuke and dissident groups kept sneaking them into the city states and the landed elite found it so disruptive they just put anyone to death that has more copper wire that they're licensed to have.
>>490805 Don’t hate the Indians, hat America(tm) Wut?
>>490808 Yeah I agree, but I don't know the most about the slaveowners role in the revolution. I personally am not really interested in learning about Britains losses. That sounds like an interesting concept for a story, i could see America breaking apart into constituent parts, but I can also see the state holding itself together well past it's expiry. If the US and China throws down I think then we will see if the US will break apart, I think there needs to be a traumatic event to cause separatism strong enough the central government is unable to patch the wounds. I also wrote a 100k word story on a website about basically a white crusade killing the shitskins and kikes, of course I obfuscated the groups with stand ins, none of my readers noticed the politics hidden under the narrative. >>490813 He's just another leader like Trump, he isn't "based" and he isn't our friend. He is one of our many enemies that also hates our nation as well as our people.
>>490818 yeah I never figured on the ballistic missile thing except that there would be ABM tech orbiting. the idea is that there is a "south american empire" "bolivarian empire" or "mexican empire" that is a client of vague east asian states and the foreign states have a blanket ABM system to prevent the amerisharts from using their nukes as a way of suppressing them after their defeat a century or so ago.
>>490821 >He's just another leader like Trump, he isn't "based" and he isn't our friend. He is one of our many enemies that also hates our nation as well as our people. Putin brings in Tajiks and other subhumans to work in Moscow but he also bans homosexuality/feminism and tries to increase the Russian birthrate. He's not an ethnonationalist but he's much less bad than any western leader to my perception.
>>490823 >He's much less bad I really don't care, he's still not our friend. We are surrounded by enemies as we are the greatest people to ever exist, they know if we rise again we will take the world with a vengeance. Even if he funded WN in Europe it isn't because he's our friend, it's because he hates our countries and wants to damage the nation. I would gladly accept the money, but I would have no loyalty to him. I hope he gets deposed and someone that shares our views replaces him.
>>490825 Very common EA was doing that with Bioware but it seemed it was to put in more DEI hires that were loyal to the publisher over the studio.
>>490826 Russia is an empire and simply cannot be run like a hemogenous anglo nation.
>>490828 >homogenous?
>>490829 homogeneous happy now?
>>490828 Whoops wrong video
>>490831 Lad it's not like our nations are being run in any way but into the ground right now.
>>490819 >dissident groups kept sneaking them into the city states and the landed elite found it so disruptive they just put anyone to death that has more copper wire that they're licensed to have. Keeeek that's some kino worldbuilding autism.
>>490813 based putler
>>490828 >An empire can not be run on ethnic supremacist lines Mate...
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>>490835 >what happened next might shock you
>>490837 Yeah, no chance that Russia could ever break apart on ethnic lines. You do realise you are arguing for racial diversity? What do you think happens in Russia when the Muslims outbreed the Russians? They arent in it all together they are separate groups with their own interests, Russia's diversity is the same poison pill we've swallowed.
>the effortposting is now transforming into larping autism okay time for gooming
>>490828 The USSR had internal passports, it was much harder for a Tajik to go to Moscow then. They regularly would put ethnic groups on trains at gunpoint and move them around.
>>490842 But still recognised various ethnic groups with semi autonomous repbulics
Hence the internal passport system.
Russia has and will continue to suffer the fruits of multi ethnic society eg. the Chechen wars
>>490845 The Chechens have been bought off by Putin.
>>490846 >Putin is paying the jizya Based!
Brings this video to mind
>>490848 Did he ded?
>>490849 Inshallah Allah brought him up to the 72 virgins
>>490850 Wojak bakalim Soyjack salah
>>490831 What a grotty spook looking bitch. She's being doing that since the age of 3, you can just tell.
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https://youtu.be/vFHBOKa_ZG0 Take me back to sneeden.
>>490854 >neeson approved lovely lasses
This dick isn't going to suck itself.
>>490859 absolutely adorable tbh
>>490863 Shame Japan doesn't take the same approach as their neighbors just over the sea smh
>muh Japan Don't care about them tbh, other than Jews I see Asians as our greatest enemies. They are the only ones competent enough to foil us.
>>490865 mild qeeq
>us Like we’re in control or ever have been
>>490811 peng. don't even know what the police drive here. bmws or something maybe?
>>490868 Of course we've been in control, if not we'd have created Israel without the US threatening to destroy our economy and we wouldn't have created the US/Australia/South Africa/New Zealand/Rhodesia etc. I don't see any 24d chess as to why the kikes would have wanted to turn entire continents white.
King Charles Christmas Speech - A Declaration of Civil War >did anyone here watch Charles The Woke's speech? https://youtu.be/q2bYUIJ9wTA
BINS put soynic 3 on or something >>490870 The reasoning for forming Israel was initially envisioned as an attempt at removing Jews from Britain they played both sides and reneged on promises and backstabbed as usual
>>490872 any other requests?
>>490873a plenty but mostly furrin Tango & Cash Red Heat Red Dawn Jarhead Severance (tv show)
>>490868 do you feel in charge?
>>490871 was at work so didn't watch it but read an article about it. Heard he went on about the riots and preached cohesion or whatever. Not surprising
>>490871 Hope he goes the same way as Lord Mountbatten
would also like to watch the rest of squid game slop, it seems i stopped at ep5 but can't remember why
foolish to call squid game slop when it's clearly kino.
South Korea excels at creating kino.
what sort of person sits there for hours watching something they regard as slop? seems a waste of time, my friend.
always hated that one misanthropic, billy no mates poster that loves to indulge in being thee contrarian poster. such a insufferable mong. he really is.
been watching the second season, it's good tbh. the troon is obnoxious but all imperial territories have to pay tribute to the JewSa so I get it.
>>490886 is it passable?
>>490887 fuck no lol
massive korean bloke with a karen haircut lmao
>>490888 >>490889 so it's so ridiculous it's comedic?
men dressing up as women for comedic value is an English pastime.
>>490890 there's lots of glazing of the troon, and the last episode is ridiculous, but I won't spoil it. and lots of very cute korean girls tbh.
they put a trans character in Alice in Borderland (Japanese) but it's actually an attractive female. Which makes it easier to garner sympathy for the character. sly as.
>>490892 >and lots of very cute korean girls tbh yum tbh,
>>490872 >The reasoning for forming Israel was initially envisioned as an attempt at removing Jews from Britain When was that, from what I've read we were opposed to it: >Despite the pressure of world opinion - in particular the repeated requests of US President Harry Truman - the British refused to lift the ban on immigration and admit 100,000 Jews to Palestine. The Jewish underground forces now united.
>Korean pembs
>>490895 just read up on balfour and the circumstances around it one faction pushing for it were popular antisemites who wanted yids to fuck off at least this is my understanding from chudly osmosis >>490896 keeeek the hands
>>490897 jew win anyway, and rule over us so there's the reality.
be more based like this gentleman. that's all I'm saying.
>>490900 keeeeeeek
>>490897 >keeeek the hands he's a 6ft korean. I bet he looks like a giant in that series. how is it not comedic value?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3uRc8WiSnQ >the trve version with the OY VEYs has been purged from youtube probably
>>490900 >Chadley Osmosis keeeeeeeeeek
>>490900 he's done me
>>490903 this makes me vomit in my mouth a bit.
>>490906 sell you a bottle of mouthwash to get the taste out? for you my friend only 200% markup, you'll not get a better deal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc-8Me-lq34
pressing play on that video makes me hate groids more than jews in the moment tbh
>>490878 Hardly going to preach civil war though is he
>>490883 Yeah. Just check out Jeju Air 2024
>>490897 From what I've read it seems in the 1940s we pivoted away from the idea of Israel and wanted Palestine to be shared between all religions. Which is why we gave up the mandate of Palestine when Truman was bullying us into It. It was only after the yanks did Israel actually get created.
when will King Chud the Based go on TV and do pushups while demanding Total Wog Death smh
>>490910 lockerbie did it better
>>490909 he will not do anything, just like his mother. a useless cunt too.
*ghost dances*
>>490907 I hope a small misfortune befalls you in the next few days. >>490916 I saw the thumbnail of someone making hats out of fungi this morning, and I totally ignored it. Perhaps I shouldn't have done so.
>>490918 this is what nazism used to be about
Why the KING is OUT OF TOUCH https://youtu.be/00CD5woSVD0
The King's Christmas Message The Betrayal https://youtu.be/b_A-CQPwwHA
went on ifunny to find that pic looks like they are still based despite the seething jeet moderation or whatever problem they had
>>490922 eyes a bit too close together there tbh perhaps too beady even for britain
>>490903 Hate the way they steal devices from and then absolutely butcher every single culture and then pass it off as it’s own tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-Y7oKPdV70
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>>490925 comfy dauncing to watch tbh >>490926 only if you put the rest of season 1 on first
Eps 6-9
>>490927 >only if you put the rest of season 1 on first lad it's not my fault you are way behind
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In your LARPmagination, what would (You) do about the monarchy? It's clear the current line is co-opted and needs change, but would you destroy the institution or transform it somehow?
>>490930 pseudoelective monarchy in which the current ruling line stays ruling only so long as they are upholding their duties as defenders of the NATION
>>490930 > It's clear the current line is co-opted and needs change, but would you destroy the institution or transform it somehow? we've killed kings and replaced them before it's an English tradition
>war raging in Ukraine >they continue ‘dancing’ >no fighting for them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZeqhpxPhXc
chinky style mandate of heaven or whatever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbBTkINk5n4
>>490932 We should just deport them to Germany tbh We need an Englisc monarchy
>>490933 with pet nigger in thumbnail too keeeek
reminds me of another thing to watch if bins wasn't uncultured ccp propaganda kino Founding of a Party and pre/sequel which has some scenes of qing and warlords era fighting and other cool things
>>490937 sounds rubbish
dayfags really have the weight of the world on their shoulders. strange creatures
>>490939 Pickin’ the cotton so you don’t have to
Fancy a 10 hour binge tbh
>>490930 In my LARPmagination I'm partial to the idea of 12 great men from significant families that hold great power and they vote on a Lord Protector from their members that lasts for a decade. Make it very knightly and give them a martial edge where they have to truly serve in real combat.
>>490944 >give them a martial edge where they have to truly serve in real combat. And die
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V35Vw29tay0 >There was a whole Ted Talk in Delhi India about pooing in the loo Keeek
>>490943 oh squid game?
execution for actions contrary to the wellbeing of the people tbh have another position like speaker of the house called the exectioner general who opens every address from the monarchy and every session of parliament with a reminder that traitors get their heads lopped if they so much as insinuate that opening the borders or outsourcing jobs or whatever would be good for us
You were 20 when this came out bins. Time to relive the glory days
>>490945 These great families would have enough members where one or two could die a generation. I get this is max autism LARP, but I think there's something cool there with the idea of the aristocratic knight.
>>490942 >video unavailable great job lad
>>490953 Is it not on NiggerNet™ then?
>>490950 keeeek he probably watched it on tv
>>490950 >You were 20 when this came out bins when WHAT came out?
>>490930 death by neetsoc goon squads >>490946 truly amazing, my sides tbh
Execution for contrarian rubbish receptacles as well tbh
>>490935 >We need an Englisc monarchy who would you suggest?
well go on bins put the slop on already it's half nine
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>>490958 now look here you
>>490960 which one?
>>490962 any fucking thing but soynic 3 for preference
>>490959 Me, I've got a link to Henry the 7th.
>>490963 Gladiator 2?
>>490965 cant be arsed to watch a long seethepic like that at this time of night either the tv show or some slop
>>490966 What about this new Day Of The Jackel tv show?
>>490968 could be good if not pozzed but also would require thinking and being invested in the plot so not suitable for this hour
>>490970 >negress front and centre nope
>>490971 >Tried, but didn't like hiring whites. H1-B reform required denying Indians visas in the opening paragraph. Just couldn't do it.
>>490971 Respect the goy chains that bind you plebs!
>>490972 also that danish girl guy ack
>>490971 so he did play vice city and vice city stories?
vice city stories is the forgotten gta. never played it personally but would've
>>490977 I know he stole Tesla from the two lads that put it together and they had to sue him but that’s it
there's no film night tonight
>>490981 it's still not too late lad there is just nothing we want to watch
>>490984 thinking of that pic of the jew with his chink wife
>>490983 soynic 3 or the first two again because i forgot about them already or a repeat of some other animated slop i don't want to think i want to be comfy and/or shart on a film with the lads before going bed
i bought some special spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)d orange and ginger ale for a treat and all also just remembered that the monarchy board exists here still next time we have some commentary about king cuckles it could be fun to post there
what about something like war horse or spirit keek remember all the lasses crying at that shit
>>490986 sonic 3 isn't out in HD yet also the first 2 are shit
bins dood wat nou?
>>490990 The Wild Robot is a new bit of slop looks like wall-e but less kino
also kung fu panda 4 apparently isn't he voices by i am steve
>>490984 chinkcels trying to get some sort of revenge for the nanking that never happened. but failing. smh.
is there a film about to be streamed or is bins ghosting?
>>490993 Jack Black seems to be a voice actor in any Hollywood animation made recently. he's anti-trump though, so that's something I like this jew for.
ngl, this was kinda kino www.youtube.com/watch?v=imSefM4GPpEAOC
>>490992 Wild Robot then?
Malaysia should bring back the mandatory death penalty just for Ian Miles Ching Chong.
>>490997 don't remember that when we watched the fillum smh wasn't it mostly her girlbossing mario or did another one come out >>490998 >nigger name on the cover keeeek yeah go on
nyong'o mongo
>>491000 did you watch it or just base your opinions from pol?
>>491000 tomorrow then, it's too late for a film now I have to go to bed in 30 mins ack
the amount of kino missed out on because of spergs is just not funny anymore
>>491003 >tomorrow then, it's too late for a film now >lightweight
>>491002 bins streamed it and i was there but it was so forgettable i don't remember much besides some training arc scene with mario being girlbossed by the princess and jumping around on floating bricks >>491003 >prevaricates around for 2+ hours not putting anything on then saying it's too late NIGGER >spending new years eve watching slop well okay then nothing better to do tbh
voicing robots as niggress'. this is just well out of hand now.
>>491004 sneed a competitor who will stream furrin kino and btfo bins already
A NEW CHALLENGER EMERGES That's right. I'm doing a stream to rival bins. Put your foreign suggestions forward.
there must be a film you lads have wanted to watch for a while but has never been streamed.
Instead you got Ant-Man 5
>>491010 >niggers take over the army my recommendation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Thq-SBtukg
>>491009 aside from history/war stuff i find on yt it's mostly /brit/ reccs tbh i put them in a notepad file and forget about what they are Beginning of the Great Revival, Founding of a Party (ccp kino) seoul station Legend of Turmoil, Hokuriku Proxy War, Legend of Ando Family Black Angel Samurai Squad VS Bandits 1st Reformed Midnight Meat Train Godzilla Final Wars Raging Fire Call of Heroes Aragami 2LDK Versus (asian zombie film) Beyond the Black Rainbow Grasshopper Wild Zero Biozombie Tokyo Gore Police One Cut of the Dead A Bittersweet Life Azumi Floating Castle, The Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor Nihonkai Daikaisen: Umi Yukaba/海行かば (1969) Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale When the Last Sword is Drawn Sanada 10 Braves The Boxer from Shantung Hidden Fortress, The Union of Salvation Legiony Little Big Soldier I'm Back (2018 Italian film) Eight Hundred, The City on Fire baahubali (pookino) Train to Busan
Floating Castle or Hidden Castle are quite recent big budget nip war kino iirc
>>491008 I formally invite /brit/ to watch kinos in my kosmi starting in the new year.
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>>491006 >NIGGER sorry lad, yes I deserved that I forgot that I have to go to bed early
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>>491013 good luck finding sources for all these weird obscure films lad
>>491013 that's a massive list (I know many of those) and I appreciate it, lad. but can you narrow it down to films that are known films that lads want to watch but it just hasn't happend yet? It's a good starting point for a first stream from myself.
>>491017 there'll be torrents out there
>>491015 normal and trustworthy and not slimy looking at all feller tbh >>491017 there are entire websites for asian films and dramas and everything that isn't anime
>>491017 okay boomer I'll just download and stream them through kosmi. sharing window is so 2020.
>22s neighbour
>>491020 >normal and trustworthy and not slimy looking at all feller tbh they always try and smear kino enjoys like ourselves, mate.
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>>491021 >I'll just download and stream them through kosmi keek he doesn't know
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>>491020 >there are entire websites for asian films and dramas and everything that isn't anime > why have you never mentioned this before?
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>>491022 is he winning? or losing bad? I can't tell
>mention things to alzheimerman constantly >forgets >why didn’t you mention this before?
>>491026 Think him and his hard drive might get deported tbh
>>491018 so much time has passed isnce these were brought up I couldn't recall what had more appeal to others tbh I remember various chinky films got rather good attendance, Ip Man and other WW2 era settings that list is actually lacking chinkino except for Little Big Soldier which I think is a jackie chan war comedy and the eight hundred which they did watch but without me even though it was something I really wanted to see I'd start with the jap stuff since that's similar and perhaps more desireable to imperial weeaboos You could always do a poll with some choices on it some time beforehand (instead of half an hour beforehand so nobody has time to think of kinos or do anything other than shit on bins for being retarded as usually happens) >>491025 because only the most severely mentally impaired of retards lack the ability to open their search engine of choice and type in "watch x film" and see what comes up or "watch asian dramas" or whatever
>>491027 keeek tbh
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>>491027 >>mention things to alzheimerman constantly >>forgets >why didn’t you mention this before? this is literally not true
>>491024 I do know because I'm not a retard and have done it dozens of time before.
>>491028 >Think him and his hard drive might get deported tbh did he say his favourite anime was a loli porno or something?
>>491031 Why do you have this picture of 22s hands?
>>491033 >I do know because I'm not a retard and have done it dozens of time before. you liar
>>491036 nope, I've done it numerous times before. Kosmi doesn't like certain filetypes or files encoded in a certain way, but you can download and play files through it. even add your own subtitles too if the video file isn't hardcoded
>>491034 classed as "comedy" but much fanservice probably spiccian in genre, perhaps
>>491022 Based Hiroshi Abe looking on
thinking of that one jap lass who went on a total korean death rant in public
>>491025 >Knightmarez where has he been, for what must be years now?
Did lads already watch Godzilla Minus One?
>>491037 >nope, I've done it numerous times before. it always a delivers a shitty frame rate for viewers when you do this never had it been a success
>>491042 eight years or something. he just vanished. wasn'rt everyone saying he was a prevent spy?
>>491042 deep cover GCHQ sleeper cell waiting to hear woes' code phrase "diary milk with a glass of milk" and release decades of information on House Of A Big Nonce noncery to the public
>>491043 don't remember watching any gojira films tbh except for the kino one that kim jong il made by kidnapping a director and forcing him
we should watch Rollerball (1975)
>talking about furrin kino >we should watch zogslop from my youth when I was but thirty years of age! no tact
>>491045 >eight years or something it's not that long. he was on Millenniyule 4 years ago or 3.
>>491049 keeeek, he did try and just pull this one out of the bag to please.
>>491013 Train to Busan or Godzilla Minus One both films with clout, I'm streaming one of them tomorrow.
>>491051 I wouldn't mind it tbh but in his own time not in place of cinephilia
>>491052 Busan I think thats a highly rated zombie thing iirc? would def watch unless i have a family thing for new years after all
>>491050 I must of missed that, as the last time I remember him being on the yule it was like 2016-17 or something.
>>491054 fair enough, mate. you put the effort in and gave me a big list, one from your list would be a good idea I think.
what happened to that korean medieval zombies tv show? we watched some of that before bins dropped it like his IQ too
luv zombies me something something metaphor for niggercattle and mass immigration
>>491055 *must have missed that...
What a dreadful thread to read through, all because of bins.
you can still serve us slop bins you'll just have to do it at an earlier hour >>491060 verygoodlad
>>491008 filters are working maximum overdrive tbh
>>491062 bins can be the warm-up. not the main attraction
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>>491061 tbh madlad tbh >>491064 he probably enjoys being the fluffer anyway
>>491065 pretty gay tbh
>>491066 >he probably enjoys being the fluffer anyway
>>491068 too far?
>>491069 probably just about right tbh
>>491066 I'm actually really bad at sucking dick
I hope people don't think I'm madlad again, just because I'm Scottish.
>hes now literally talking about sucking dick what the fuck are the mods doing, he's been avatar fagging and spamming all thread, all it takes is one bumboy to ruin things
>491071 you are a disgusting bummer
didn't realise we had Destiny here
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>>491073 >what the fuck are the mods doing, he's been avatar fagging and spamming all thread, all it takes is one bumboy to ruin things it's only the troons that hate me you are outing youself "lad"
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Bins and Shartin really have done a number on the thread tbh. Particularly egregious lately.
>>491077 you're just jealous of what we have
Wish someone would kidnap him and deliver him to Russia in the back of a rusty Lada tbh https://xcancel.com/KonstantinKisin/status/1873282605480599931
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
>>491077 tbh getting bad
>Too much faggotry Time for a new thread ?
>He’s still awake and posting over an hour later
>>491084 truly a double gaynigger from outer bongo
>>491084 the power of Alzheimer's. he is in a realm beyond time and space.
>>491083 do it lad
>>491087 on second thoughts why start a thread at 10 to 12 ? going to bed
>>491088 I'm not going to bet until I've finished these beers, and the half bottle of rum I've got left. TBH https://youtu.be/hedTanphxAo
I wish /newbrit/ was still a thing and dysgenics stayed there
not even 600 posts in this thread tbh
>>491091 being a bum boker is an integral part of being right wing lad you better let bins bum you
newbrit was where all this started
>>491088 >>491092 >>491095 there were some goodlads too albeit the majority of posters are now in bongo friend groups and stuff I kind of envy that, something a bit more real than imageboards too socially retarded to put the time and effort into maintaining such things myself though
>>491096 rubbish song
could do without the troon grooming albeit
>>491098 boo hoo don't care >>491097 I just remember homos and troons in particular raiding /brit/ from /newbrit/ and being totally infantile and toxic, but fair enough if there were some good lads.
the whole board is long gone, all the old ukip yoomers have left/died. 4chan brit/pol/ is probably much closer to what this board used to be
>>491097 >bongo friend groups iirc the scot guy was a fag and the bookie guy was into all kinds of sexual degenerate shit
personally I don't give a fuck and I just want to see a sea of blood
>>491100 now it's all over I think a lot of the goodlads came from the /brit/ precursor or early /brit/ threads or whatever /politics/ was wasn't around for that tbh >>491101 yeah smh even with the board visible the culchure and stupid shit which we usually have going on seems too impenetrable for new blood >>491103 this too
>>491103 We all do lad, im sure most of us have fantasies on how we'd execute the political class. I keep coming back to slitting their throats into the Thames outside of Westminster palace and turning the water red with blood. Then creating a mural of the scene within the house of commons so our future leader will always be forced to remember what happens when they betray us.
what is the appeal of posting on /brit? for oldfags (which is every one of us) >comfy >habit >griping outlet >frens >sometimes fun >lots of seethe (and getting news by osmosis) >very occasional actual politics if there are any newfags lurking they preusmably just see the usual interpersonal shit flinging and retardation and secret club style injokes etc and move on still not leaving THOUGH
>>490881 the first season of Squid Game was pretty good and I'd recommend watching the rest of it. I haven't seen any of the new one, but I've heard it sucks
>>491104 sad webm, wish i had paid more attention to my early twenties when i had friends and would go out. can't do it now too old
>>490930 give them the Romanov treatment and make Barry Stanton the new King
>>491106 good lad
>(65) out of 572 is the (you)conomy healing? >>491108 same time travelled right through all of it smh
>>491111 Wessex lives! and waddles on!
>>491106 My issue with 4brit is that it's full of shitposting, typically about namefag, the political discourse there is trash and almost nonexistent. When /Brit/ wasn't a zombie it had much better political discourse than 4cuck, and it was slow enough that it was comfy with decent posters. We were more highbrow and politically aware. We even had YouTubers like yomkippur and Them Days Are Gone.
>>491106 yeah bwoy, I'm just here for the seethe.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PcdQ2yO6kA jimmy carter was the last boomer toiler president
>>491113 Oh and I've left /Brit/ multiple times due to real life getting too busy, I've only just come back recently as I'm bored as fuck these days. Last time I regularly posted here was like 2020 maybe 2021, can't remember.
maybe /brit/'s project 2025 will be to make OC and good political commentary again I will try to remember to do... something... occasionally...
>>491111 >>(65) out of 572 one poster to rule them all
>>491113 yeah there's no youtubers now. anyone remember that lad who made the thunderkips video? made me kek hard
>Wessie fanboying right now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We5c1wXouV0 >me the second I see spic IRL
my best posts tend to be small additions to other lads' and usually about historical trivia and similar half-remembered anecdotes albeit >>491120 can this bird sing A Little Less Conversation THOUGH
>>491121 keeked when I saw a video titled something like "dealing with a hard stare" the other day
>>491122 >can this bird sing A Little Less Conversation THOUGH more than that, he can accompany his beautiful voice with a guitar strumming along.
>>491123 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek yeah that one was kino
>>491121 Is that Gary Lineker's brother?
>>491126 no lee morrison the lad who helped bring pinoy martial arts to angloshart
he is more into localism now though at least as far as I can tell
>>491127 come on lad that was obviously a joke.
>>491129 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>491133 no thanks I have the nigro fatigue r
ight now
>about 2 dozen chud posters here >avg age probably 30 >not one has bred.
I do feel a bit of sorrow for niggers that critically look at their race and think surely we can be better. Being born of such awful blood to know your people are slave labour at best and a malfeasance at worst.
>>491137 There is at least three /brit/posters or previous /brit/posters with at least 1 children.
>>491137 24 people actively posting on /brit/ is highly optimistic more like 10 or below tbh so actually a significant portion is close to potentially saving the white race (steiner, manx, 22) the closest of all might be ex-new/brit posters daftie and bertie, also kay and her lad who posted for a short time doing pretty good for a bunch of political extremist misfits i'd say
>>491140 women don't count lad c'mon, also regular posters when you add them all up it is probably 2 dozen, they just don't post all at the same time, I recently went a month without posting, plus the boardlist says about 18 posters usually.
>>491141 OSRS has twin girls, merchant navy lad got that filipino woman pregnant and ran, and there was a guy who was married and hated his wife's friends.
>>491143 >OSRS ? >merchant navy lad got that filipino woman pregnant and ran whomst? and I assume the last lad is cook, he dumped that woman over the debt issue I recall, point is its not looking good.
>>491144 cook was such a bizarre poster. he was naturally unfriendly
40k the drvid was always a stay at home dad too his children might be in college by now wew
not sure if it would be hellish or a source of comfort to be a geriatric and still posting on /brit/ could explain a lot about bins' behaviour
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_t9qtND4kqA >giving a fuck and not just becoming an aryan astrologer metaphysician and reconstituting the true racial religion from the stars geometry alone
>>491144 >? OSRSposter, he also was a janny for us before we arrived here. >whomst? Some guy who joined the MN, got the slit eye preggers and left her with £15, I think he was also the lad that made us songs. Unsure about that. >and I assume the last lad is cook No idea his name, mind tell me his story.
*the stars and geometry alone...
>>491149 yeah the navy lad was known as guitarlad coo/k/ was a good mod and a good lad tbh just very spergy on the board known "recently" for effortposting about the ukrainian war hangs out with ttrpg playing lads last I had contact with them but I couldn't keep up and faded out of that circle
>>491151 That rings a bell. Was guitarlad the lad who did the Owen Jones tune? That was pretty funny tbh, especially Jones sperging out about it on Twitter.
>last day of the year rn better get all the gooning and sweeties in before the resolutions tbh (not actually)
>>491152 Yeah that's the one.
the thought of having to get a gook because of being an incel who can't get a white wimmin is painful tbh, would rather be alone.
>>491154 class
>>491152 maybe, I don't recall though I still consider myself a newfag for only showing up on /brit/ and 8chan in general around the time gamergate got big >>491155 would be okay if you were able to ensure hafus only tbh spare the world more hapacels that way
https://x.com/themuslimvoteuk/status/1872959180166054091 speaking of owen jones, interesting investigation from him, tldr a zionist jew runs the bbc news middle east desk
>>491157 I'm the same. I heard about the exile on twitter and checked it out because of that.
>>491152 Anyone got the Owen Jones song? I lost all my old Brit files when my harddrive corrupted. There was a based NA song too iirc
this was actually before my time too I think
>>491155 It was funny because he was coping when we called him out on it. In the end he did the proper thing and fled the chinky and the child.
>>491161 keeeeek that's it
>>491161 >this was actually before my time too I think Smh, imagine being a newfag
>>491165 When did you join Brit and how did you find it?
>being a nu-newfag on /brit/ still means showing up 4+ years ago
will SA ever return to us
>>491168 Didn't he become a cripple or something?
>>491169 worse.... a bongoloid and a twitter user
>>491166 Had been on 8ch since 2014 but the few times I checked in on /brit/ it seemed to be a bunch of thread celebs shit flinging so I never bothered until 4britpol got so unbearable I had to leave, that was 6 years ago, soon to be 7.
>>491172 >over 1k followers. he's made it.
>>491172 >>491173 thats enough to get on milleniyule tbh
>>491174 "I'm a female tweeter" seems to be enough tbh.
me? been here since we used to watch question time. pretty bizarre to think we actually saw politics as a hopeful thing back then. maybe we were just younger
>>491174 more than enough. some lad had 300 followers on his best platform and was on there giving int the big one. smh.
giving it*
>>491170 I thought he fucked his knee and was stuck in a wheelchair and got fat or something. >>491171 Fair play lad, thanks for telling me.
>>491179 oh yeah he did have that arc he was an extra in some sort of acting career thing and got fucked up somehow got better presumably as that was around the time /brit/ was banished from /pol/ iiirc
jesus christ I'm fucking demolisht
>>491176 Yeah, looking back on it it's funny to see we used to watch it less as time went on showing our disillusionment. I still have hope that being said, the riots and conservatives dying were massive whitepills. I cant think of any western FPTP system that is getting destroyed and the last time there were riots like we had was in 1990 Germany.
>>491182 > was in 1990 Germany 2001 oldham
In 2015 there was such frenetic energy on 8/pol/, it felt like we were ascendent.
>>491183 The riots were on a national scale not local
>>491184 we were, totally dominated the discourse online, then the censorship and controlled opposition came and destroyed it all.
>>491185 what riots were on a national scale in germany in 1990 that related to race.
keeksmhing remember talking to the xoomers about the poll tax riots and how even after 30 years or whatever they were so proud and smug at having "done something" despite council tax (the same thing with a different name and maybe even worse conditions) coming in shortly afterwards proles never win
come to think of it, has there ever been nationwide race riots by whitoids in europe post ww2 except this years in BRITVN?
tbh what happened to rioting? i guess phones ruined it
https://xcancel.com/wigger/status/1873892448692486480#m >46 minutes of sam hyde comedi-seething at elon musk over the JQ (jeet question) and the great techbro "betrayal" >>491193 bystander effect yeah and everyone being old and fat and apathetic
>>491193 so many mongs at this years went out in unique clothing faces uncovered phones in pockets or recording while breaking the law, once again leaderless proles without a vanguard getting btfo
>>491192 We are truly the most chad whites, honestly if anyone in Europe is going to be saved I think it's us now.
>>491194 i remember noticing as a bairn that everyone you saw in the high street was old and white haired. didn't realise that wasn't normal until i got older. jealous the boomers got to grow up in a younger country
>>491190 keek they did fuck all.
the london riots of 2011 would be the last proper one i suppose
>>491199 that was a black/urban yoot thing
>>491161 ahh guitar lad, how I miss him.
>>491199 Yeah, but not national. I think it's an important distinction, it shows theres a level of resentment and will to act across the national psych , not just locked up within a single grieved area.
for that lad who was asking for morgoth the other day, he's doing a very long milleniyule appearance right now, they've been live for 4 hours https://rumble.com/v64b7c1-millenniyule-x-morgoth.html
DROP OF BLOOD ALERT MEN ARE AT WORK, CUPCAKE >Seems like a lot of conservative influencers are very eager to sweep things under the rug and move on as quickly as possible. Sorry to disappoint but this isn't going anywhere. You've severely misjudged the moment. >People have been getting screwed over for far too long. We're done with corrupt Anti-White companies and their puppets in Washington ruining our way of life. The cat is not going back in the bag. We will burn down every door until we get serious immigration reform and until the DOJ starts prosecuting these companies for their overt racial discrimination against White men. >This is just the beginning.
>>491201 he had a lot of banter potential tbh
>>491203 >inb4 steiner qvetches
morgoth sounds totally wrecked tbh
>>491207 solid chebs
>>491207 want to nut in her while she stares at me.
>>491211 same tbh, while this gaiety plays https://youtu.be/6ElBcqQPCH4
Steiner is a lightweight
utterly pathetic sort yr sel out san https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLq78sIP6MU
>>491212 based.
>>491214 lightweights can't even comprehend space mountain WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I love my manlet brothers. We shall work together for a better future.
>>491220 as an over 6' man who gets zero clunge, i can't imagine how difficult it is for chudlets
>>491221 I have a 5'4" mate who gets more pussy than me, and I'm like 5'11". It's the way of the world tbh.
latest /tg/ outrage bait just dropped in the clogged heart valves of the fat future, there is only vore
>>491223 Adeptus Retardus
tfw you got to the bar with steiner and have a fight for the bants https://youtu.be/mYxNJbCvCdQ?si=3eROphMgY9iShHZP
>>491221 you've been gaslit all your life.
I've turned into an xer over night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Bijt9YwlQ
>not rapeing
>>491226 how do you mean?
>>491229 clearly you're not getting by on height alone.so you need to add another element to that at least.
>>491230 Based Macca.
Is it a coincidence the best selling artist of all time were some lads, 2/4ths of Irish descent I think not. Up the Ra.
inb4 steinzog turns up with his conspiracy theory revisionism nonsense that nobody wants to read.
>joking about up the ra btw
>>491233 good lad.
real drunk hours
>>491238 >real drunk hours aye reet lad I'm pure fucking skanked tbh
>>491238 but did you at least watch question time?
>>491240 missed it : ^/
>>491244 very good lad
don't you know that they can't make you forget you're the man
>>491243 it's ogre. it's 2024 and we all lost.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8j73X9Vu8E lads the last track "why" on this album is very good, i found it on eggys stream just now
you're the man you're the man
you're the man you're the man
>>491248 is eggy alright? I tell you huwhat. I was in Okinawa and the radio stations were playing some citypop. was lush.
my heart, I can't take it bros https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HRDMK-ibTc
>>491252 >he lives good.
real pisshead hours
>>491255 >mfw going to be hngover for new years eve
>>491255 what's on tap la? got some creme of pastel de nata for crimbo myself
>A cream liqueur from Portugal that combines the sweetness of creamy milk with a traditional Portuguese custard egg tart sneed to get cinnamon first I guess
any /ships/ man in? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NW00QJ1xUA >>491258 sounds good but you wouldn't want to session it
>>491259 nice, I like the sailing and early steam warship stuff best anything past 1900s gets too samey
>>491257 it's all rum. think I' m Jack Sparrow at the moment. One bottle I bought myself, the other was a gift. and you?
>>491260 I can't believe it's 3:30 and wessex is up, posting on brit
>>491261 crimbo gift since aunt and nuncle went to portugal for their winter holidays very boojie smh >>491262 yeah i fucked my schedule up smh the consequences of neeting again
ask the doctor for some valium
>>491263 >yeah i fucked my schedule up smh good lad ngl
sorry lads, feeling a bit fruity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJRP3LRcUFg
soybooru got fucked up with some kind of retarded captcha system so I can't go and find a fruitjak to post smh gni lars (did you know that as well as being a phonetic /brit/icism "lars" is a roman household or farm minor diety or spirit which brings prosperity or something)
>>491269 nini wessie
>>491269 good night, sweet prince. you're a brit institution. love ya.
fresh drump just dropped. not looking good oligarchy bros.
thread dead
>>491273 four years of sleepy blimpf smdh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzrjBZiw4Kk& best sam hyde ever, he's back
>>491276 keeeeeeeeeeeeek looks worth a watch the wannabe ardman larper is a very sad phenomenon tbqh
>>491278 dayfag be gone *casts banishing spell* this is a place of mirth and drunken revelry not twitter screencaps
>>491280 >>491278 he's done you
any of you lads actually got plans for new year's eve? just going to goom tbh got a six pack of coopers stout and some leftover box wine once that runs out and a frozen pizza upon which to vore never been much for parties tbh
>>491282 going to be hungover and miserable. apparently eggy will do a rumble stream so maybe watch that, don't know how well the wisconsin time zone matches up with yours though
>>491278 Hate all the reform simps, Nigel has been doing a shit job and should be called out on it. I get how they are stuck in the mindset that we should uniformly support reform, but it's such childish mentality.
>>491280 Ha! >sets Steiner on you
was listening to 1940s british radio whilst trying to make internet radio work in war thunder since it's on the small list of stations that are confirmed to work some lass was singing a song about blah blah stay with me and we'll have a boy for you and a girl for me (paraphrasing) wouldn't catch that kind of thing today tbh just get cancelled for being pro-natal or acting like motherhood is a good thing >>491283 >going to be hungover and miserable. we all know the cure for that lad just double it and give it to yourself tomorrow horrible horrible hangovers yet for some strange reason around this time every single year i fall for its siren song anew >>491284 nige isn't any better lad he's civic to the core reform is his wet dream tbh since it's a slightly edgier newer tories that's still explicitly civic that's all he ever wanted tbh to be an anti eu rebel but without ever seriously upsetting the status quo
>>491284 They’re not an alternative in any way shape or form. It’s so easy to catch them when they revert to globalist terminology - ‘meritocracy’
>>491287 ethnats need to coopt meritocracy as another word for racism
>>491286 >we’ll let you get your feet under the table if you lead the masses away from nationalism which is bad for our business model. Also here’s some silver pieces Man is a fraud
>>491288 >London is 75% meritocrats >meritocratic rape gangs
>>491286 >>491287 I know, I do think there's a possibility of it being coopted into something based as it's a new party and it's members basically want it as the voice of the white working class. If that fever dream doesn't actuate it's a sufficient tool to kill the Tories and they'll die of the same issues as the Tories.
>>491289 not sure what you're referencing here >>491290 well to be fair they are much better at raping >>491291 that's the dream tbh it really is insane how different the hopes for the party are for its supporters vs its leadership
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he got triggered into astronomic levels of cringe
>>491292 >not sure what you're referencing here Farage >well to be fair they are much better at raping Will refer to all xenon as meritocrats now >>491293 No wonder he was refused top secret clearance turbo sperg
>>491293 had to take a second look to understand that this was actually elon musk what the fuck is he doing
>>491296 no sympathy hope he loses all his hair a second time and that is not a curse i hand out lightly let me tell you lads
>>491293 It does bring a smile to my face how he now has no love from the people, all he can do is snivel up to fellow oligarchs. Also calling them the "tech bros" or "tech right" is way too generous we should call them the tech oligarchs or something, there needs to be a pejorative.
BBC FACT CHECK HAVE FACT CHECKED H1B VISA ROW WITH IMMIGRANT INDIAN IMMIGTION LAWYER WHO SAYS IT’S A NOTHINGBURGER https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg87n2ml11o BBC just get more laughable by the day tbh >most applicants are Indian and Chinese and 70% men Brace for the rape American ladies
>>491299 clownwelt
>>491282 doesn't look like any family thing is happening so I guess I'll just vore my final slop and watch any fillums the lads put on
advanced tinnitus sounds like a car alarm and my phone ringing amid the usual endless scream
>>491300 And this is how it works. That cunt should be investigated by the feds and yeeted like all ‘immigration’ lawyers
>>491303 >>491299 Do normies even fall for fact checking these days?
>>491301 remember lad even in your darkest hour you aren't alone that's the best part of being a cringe incel internet loser we're all there with you as soon as you need are power all you have to do is ask and it's there just raise your hands to the heavens and go "huaaaaggggghhhhhhh aaaaaaaggggghhhhh auuuuuuuuuuuugh" and there it is
>>491305 *does the ghost dance* heya hoya heya hoya tfwnogf HUUUARRGHHH BLAAARRGGHH [aggressive sharting]
being real though if you can hold on for another year i will have both the time off and the money to fly around the world and give you a "brand new" kidney (one careless owner) and then fly back again complete with time to recover
>>491304 Yeah older ones but it’s getting a lot less
>>491307 it's this next year smh looked into it and there's a shitload of gatekeeping done to prevent dodgy deals and coercion and stuff so I don't think "pay a guy on the internet to fly over so he can give an organ" would be allowed still a very nice thought tbh, more loyle and dedicated than my own family
*ruins the moment by giving you an offer to extend your stay in material hellworld that you can't easily refuse without saying that actually you've seen enough* sorry lad when i get drunk i'd offer anything to anybody without thinking you could probably ask for my shirt trousers and shoes and i would hand them all over if you gave me a good reason
>>491310 unironically this has actually done a number on me really not sure I want to be around for potentially another 20 years if it's just going to be watching the decline and not participating in the hedonism and being unable to do anything about anything it is what it is THOUGH and it ain't over 'till it's over and giving in is what THEY want
>>491309 i'm serious though lad i know i only have the courage to make this offer when i'm blind stinking drunk but please understand that this is a sentiment that i carry every year and for several years now i consider you a good friend and i would like for you to live longer
>>491312 I do appreciate it too
>>491311 it's going to get better THOUGH
>>491314 tbh tbh
For me? It's living another 70+ years and enjoying every honking minute of it.
speaking of honking just sneed this on /v/ >The complete collection of all known Moonman songs is right here, torrent edition https://argentbeacon.com/music/moonman/ >There may be more saved in some discord channel nobody knows of. Redirect them to the /moonman/ board if they are still making content. The recent AI music generation may have made Moonman relatively obsolete nowadays, though. Not necessarily a bad thing as long as new content is being made. You'll find most new /pol/ack parody songs on Honk.fm now, FYI. Not necessarily moonman or AI, mind you. https://odysee.com/@HonkFM:0 https://honkfm.live >>491316 good lad
>>491315 but unironically tbh you've got to be there to see it like imagine actually living in a mould cave for a decade whilst things get worse then actually fucking kicking the bucket right when things start to get bettet couldn't be me and i'm not letting it be you simple as end of >>491316 holy based
fuck missed the big moment happy new year lads
see you next year lads lol ;)
>>491319 forgot you live in the future tbh hope we get multiple midnight manatees this time around tbh big seacow energies for the year to come
>>491320 >>491321 >being in 2024 you lads are lucky i put up with you fuck you're so uncool
>>491320 wait where are you from? that doesn't sound like GMT to me
>>491322 just you wait ten hours and twenty minjutes
>>491323 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
a5c893 just guhoosting us right on new year's eve very odd
suppose i ought to do a final slop harvest and go hunt for discount stickers >>491327 he's just taking a break he'll be back in 2026
>>491328 sounded like he knew something tbh be wary
Told me to fuck off forever in October and I said best I can do is till next year. Maybe she'll unblock smee tonight and expect a happy new year. Whore.
>>491330 you really need to move on lad you can do better
girl of your dreams is a camwhore who is already married don't want to hear your justifications tbh she is already gone she's already performed for any audience she wanted and she already married her prince charming she still thinks of you because you are psychological residue sticking to the inside of her mind get some self respect lad
>>491319 HNY Auslad!
>>491335 Now her, I would rape.
And because your mum was a ho
>>491337 Wew. Based nootising muhsoggyknee wog. I would let him visit the ethnostate once for a weekend with strict supervision in exchange for 100,000,000 in britcoin.
>>491022 >moves to Japan to enjoy some cartoons because it's illegal in the Nordic countries
>>491334 thanks elon >>491337 actually right for once
>>491022 I can't imagine it's a source of national pride that these are the sort of foreigners they attract to study and work in Japan.
wasn't even worth going out tbh >>491342 I think most nips are just sensible and accept that will be the case for some rather than flying into unproductive paradoxically puritanical rages like the western niggercattle do
Good morning I hate Elon Musk
>>491344 listening to sam's rant rn, it's pretty good really, nuanced https://xcancel.com/wigger/status/1873892448692486480#m
>>491345 this BASED right wing foid summarises it all pretty well https://youtu.be/9wtZyovABdA
of course bins would watch ecelebthot grifters
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>>491347 proves I'm not gay
(453.93 KB 427x498 ritz-balls-tonic.gif)

Shouldn't Pajeets learn to poo in the loo before they learn to code?
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>>491190 Wess, I scrolled back through the thread this far, and could not see anything of value? Did I miss any important posts, or, as usual, did nothing happen?
how the based have fallen... ack
>>491095 >newbrit was where all this started Newbrit is where WHAT all started???
Flu has me hanging out me arse. Not going to make it anywhere near 12 so I will leave my well wishes Have a good one de lads, 2025 is finally /are/ year
>>491335 Much love from Kazakhstan
>queen bins arrives and immediately shits up the thread with chains of consecutive contentless posts and attentionseeking behaviour put a film on or zip it >>491353 get well la
scott is such a reddit soy faggot
>additional comment was hidden by YT/the channel owner >contains important supporting information
>>491356 for me its battlezone 98
outer space should be anglos slavs and east asians only. that woman has some kind of medshartic/kike/spic phenotype so ergo she doesn't belong tagging along with our advancements they can get cancer and die in some bauxite mine on a desolate world later on
>>491360 tbh tbh
she has the phenotype of a "venus of willendorf" hen pecker matriarch type of the feminist bureaucracy of the jew world order which exists as a parasitical extraction .exe, its doesn't actually advance anything or produce anything, ergo putting their quislings in the mechanical/technological age version of a 18th century trapper expedition or 19th century african safari is why the jews are retarded they can't have a 1000 year judenreich they will just destroy our society, create a dark age and then be exterminated by the remnants
>>491362 just have to hope huwhites survive the dark age and get kino again
in a normal society this woman would have either been thrown off the tarpean rock, sold into slavery, ritually strangled, forced to commit suicide, etc.
>>491363 most likely the white ethnic groups at least in shartica either won't survive or will reorganize as new ethnic groups (i.e redneck) IMHO, can't speak to europe
>>491356 If half of that is true, someone should've commited the first murder in space. Justifiably.
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why bother to read bins' posts when none are ever good?
(1.91 MB 1190x1280 video (5).mp4)

>>491370 well you clearly read the last one you idiot
now that film night has been usurped what purpose does bins serve? may as well perma ban him tbqh
(3.10 MB 960x540 Brit Bin Ban.webm)

>>491373 you have no loyalty do you
should get that flag icon back for him tbh even if we don't really need it for identification thanks to the uniquely retarded boomer posting style and the insistence on avatarfagging
>he's going to wait until kinolad puts on some kino and try to split the viewership (and fail horribly then claim it was a success or that's not what he was trying to do in the first place anyway)
>>491379 lad we agreed we were watching this yesterday
(182.78 KB 1486x1010 happynewkier.jpg)

>selective interpretation of events
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>>491382 well if you don't want to watch it I won't stick it on
>attempted guilt tripping after having intentionally engineered a negative situation (>>491379 ) and never admitting to anything despite the behaviour being completely transparent to anyone not as retarded as he is spiritually jewish xoomer faggot just be straight with people oh wait... you can't because you're not straight
(407.30 KB 720x719 binstiredbased.png)

>>491384 okay fine I won't put it on then
he gives the greatest gift of all for this special time of year.... seethefuel
please note it was already said a day ago after you decided to waste hours on not putting a film on then cancelling that night that if you put anything on today it would have to be earlier to accomodate the actual kino potentially happening you chose to disregard this intentionally as also previously explained several posts above ergo you are a nigger
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>takeaway gave me extra freebies with my dindins based HKers
>>491388 >please note it was already said a day ago after you decided to waste hours on not putting a film on then cancelling that night that if you put anything on today it would have to be earlier to accomodate the actual kino potentially happening Right now *is* earlier, it's not even 8pm yet Also, where was this said?
>>491389 more toxic carbohydrates no doubt
oh yeah I just remembered you should never argue with a retard it was said in the fucking thread which you were still posting in at the time despite saying you had to go and 20 minutes before regular film starting time is not "earlier" as most films have a runtime of at least 1h30m anyway you're a nigger and should shut up and go back to the bongo if you're not going to be useful if kinolad can't host kino tonight then you can try again
>>491392 >it was said in the fucking thread which you were still posting in at the time despite saying you had to go >and 20 minutes before regular film starting time is not "earlier" as most films have a runtime of at least 1h30m no it wasn't
yeah i'm not going back and finding the exact post just so you can disregard it anyways you nigger retard into the filter
>>491328 such a good mp4 kek
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>>491392 >you're a nigger being fatt is worse than being a nigger because the nigger had no choice to be what it is, while you CHOSE to be fatt
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>>491352 @THIS!?!?!?!

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