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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3786: Burning Bridges Edition Anonymous 10/09/2022 (Sun) 17:55:25 Id: 70313f No. 316034
Ukraine Blows Up Supply Bridge in Crimea https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1680221/ukraine-live-vladimir-putin-russia-kerch-bridge-crimea-zelensky-war-latest-updates >Two Russian governors have called for a brutal retaliation to the humiliation the Kremlin has suffered after the destruction of the Crimean bridge, with one making a sinister threat towards Ukraine’s largest cities. In a menacing video shared on Twitter, the deputy governor of Russia’s southern Stavropol region Valery Chernitsov said: “Ukrainians, leave your cities, especially the large ones. Because a big surprise is waiting for you. Sarmat missiles are ready to strike.” Man Stabbed in Sussex Biker Brawl https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11296287/Police-arrest-seven-people-man-stabbed-two-attacked-dispute-biker-clubs.html >Eyewitnesses reported seeing three members of a motorcycle club as they were attacked in Findon Valley near Worthing yesterday evening. Niggers and Shit Revealed as Victims of Irish Petrol Station Blast https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11296335/EXCLUSIVE-One-victims-Irish-petrol-station-explosion-sat-car-outside-giving-lift.html >The ten victims killed in the devastating explosion at a Donegal petrol station include a father and his five-year-old daughter and a mother and son - as a man in his 20s fights for his life in hospital and a further eight are being treated for their injuries. Kanye West Threatens the Jews https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11296623/Real-Housewives-star-Lizzy-Savetsky-leads-backlash-Kanye-West-antisemitic-tweets.html >The rapper, 45, declared war on the Jewish community following his controversial Paris Fashion Week show, where he showcased his White Lives Matter shirts.
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/09/2022 (Sun) 17:56:55.
first for woes
>>315985 alexander the great was the ultimate zoomer he literally changed nothing from his fathers military innovations and inhereted a hegemony that was ready to expand and basically just coasted and craterus's/antigonuses boomer generation of generals all helped alexander during problems but then got no credit. you can tell because alexander did autistic william things like force race mixing and adopt persian cultural memes
its over for putler
>>316041 again? oh no!
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playing warband mod called rome at war and conquering etruscans as the gauls. stomp the meds
>when a big etruscan tries to come at you with one of those massive etruscan axes and you just stab him in the face with your spear
>>316043 keep us posted lad, let us know when you recreate Galatia
>>316045 smh once we defeat etruscans I am going to just go start raiding the filth epirotes in order to cause invasion of greece so that mustache men can stomp all the manlets
>>316043 haven't played that mod in years I wonder if they still update it
22st lives ear
>>316047 I think the guy who made it vaxxed out or something, he was working on an update but nobody can contact him
Crimea bridge: Putin accuses Ukraine of 'terrorism' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63195504
>>316040 that was based re-aryanisation.
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farted really hard and nearly shat myself while i was eating sunday dinner ruined the entire meal for my family
>>316053 inconceivably based
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feel so fucking fat right now
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>>316053 feel like i'm about to poo myself whenever i fart now, age i guess
>>316057 Is it you?
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if bbk goes to eurovision, we won't be able to have a special eurovision kosmi extravangza
>>316061 watch it and I'll shout "NIGGERS OUT!" during a slow song
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woes is only going to millenniyule again this year isnt he kek
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>flame grilled duck breast, medium rare, with red current jelly and red wine sauce, alongside steamed and buttered tender stem brocolli and sugar snap peas, with butter cooked white cabbage
>>316066 cut him some slack lad it's really tiring speaking into his phone once a month for telegram audiences
(1.48 MB 480x480 tysongroove.webm)

>>316066 is he even going miliniyule?
thinking about my race mixing cousin and how her older sister has failed her. She follows a vape instagram. I swear that girl has been led down a dead end road by the people she should have trusted most. Makes me want to get violent with her sister for contributing to this. Fucking fat cunt.
>>316067 duck isn't that nice tbh, too game-y
>>316069 is he going to fight joshua for xmas or not?
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>>316072 it was fucking delcious
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>>316073 no idea but joshua needs something to revitalise his career.
>>316066 have you not kept up with the Gram Of Woes series?
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Can feel a poo abrewing lads
>>316078 nobody bothers because he was releasing them 2 months after making them when the breaking news was old and boring
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>>316081 tbh, it was basically listeneing to him ramble about stuff which left the news cycle ages ago while taking superchats
what will wews job be in the ethnostate?
>>316082 look how fat he's got off those eceleb bucks
>>316083 comfort woman for Dorset
>>316083 he can clean the toilets
>>316085 No, I already have a Scottish woman for that..
>>316081 we watching animatrix tonight or saving it for later in the week?
>>316087 no flag today lad?
Haiti is collapsing
>>316088 are they in TV episode format or film format? could watch an episode but wouldn't go for a film on a toil night
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>>316089 no flag for 3 days
>scottish woman
>>316091 fug looks like most streaming sites have them uploaded as one big file, when they were originally shown as a series of shorts....
>>316090 Has been since the French left tbh
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>>316093 oh god no
>>316096 Did ginger lass ever reply lad?
biting pain in my gynecomastia at the mo lads
>>316094 early next sunday then I guess, or fri/sat after that
>>316098 No keek Sent her a friend request and not accepted it smh
>>316092 lad...
>>316092 goodlad. can't be impersonated if you aren't a flagfag/tripfag
>>316101 yikeroo tbh what a bitch. I give you leave to rape her tbh.
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>>316099 >gynecomastia lad?
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>>316099 That better bee obesity related . . .
>troons in the thread again
have gained a fair bit over this year.
>>316108 stop eating so much then.
putting in work
22 is Wow fun?
>>316110 what can you use instead?
>>316114 sneed
>>316110 Did they really start charging people for wrongthink? Not like it's any worse than refusing a bank account but wew.
thought PA had been quiet the past few weeks, they were doing another conference, this time in scotland https://odysee.com/@PatAltScotland:c/PA-Sco-Conf-2022-Laura-Towler:2
>>316116 they said they were going to, there was a backlash, and they retractedit but I still think they will do it
>>316117 I wish they would hurry and register with the electoral commission tbh
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>>316117 LOCAL PA branches do activism all the time tbh
>>316121 it's Goy Beorge!
>simping for a BASED NIGGER keeeeek >>316119 they are still being blocked illegally, anarcho-tyranny in action
>>316119 According to joomer (pinch of salt) they've been easy to refuse because they've got no good accountants.
>glowing references you have there on your CV mate
https://youtu.be/7XVsEVW4x_Q National Action's proscribed now and Jews accurse our land And though we've yielded we have proved ourselves a valiant band. We fought them hard we fought them long, we pissed upon their flags And bravely struggled for our race while wearing of the black.
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>>316005 I don't even care about the savagery with the civilians- the civilian are slavs anyway- the thing that pisses me off the most is the butthurt belt subhumans (Poland, Balts, and of course hohols) that think they're invincible and will never get flooded with shitskins. they think they can suck the EU teat and never have any consequences. see screencap
>>316123 >>316124 smh, might look into them when my job situation is fixed tbh
Bon nuit m'lords x
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>>316129 nini lid sleep well
>>316129 Hope you wake screaming in fear and drenched in sweat.
last night I dreamt of being on the same plane as the queen and at debarkation after everyone but me had left I found a baby nigglet under her seat where it had been used as an emergency adrenochrome supply
>>316131 that's not very nice
>>316133 the screaming nightmares are to prepare for the waking horrors to come tbf
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>>316134 >listening to Dellingpole talk about his interview with a "mother of darkness" - a girl selected at 9 years old to become one of the high priestesses of the secret satanic order that controls the Earth
>>316132 Keeeek.
>Dellingpole just said that he thinks Elon Musk *might* be the anti-christ I'm a bit fed up of people calling out the anti-christ all the time, I remember them saying it about Obama, then about Jared Kushner, now Elon Musk every time, it amounts to nothing
>>316034 oh fug just noticed the edition
>>316140 I'm also >>316127 but had to hop ips for another IB
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Russian commercial to deter Russians from emmigrating to JewSGay
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>>316142 >Jew S Gay? U.S.A.
>>316142 keeeek russian headcanon USA is like a john hughes 1980s comedy
america is so much more shit than that video
really hope that russians fund wignatism
>>316147 they'll be accused of doing that even if they don't so they may as well tbh
why is spic obsessed with this war and slavs? you will never be hitler
>tfw I will end my life as some broken old man yank version of solzhenitsyn wearing an autism cowboy hat and little russian kids laugh at me at the pensioners office and I look up and think about the forest in michigan
I want to be the one to escort steiner from the entrance to the ethnostate and bolt gun him out of sight for his chug admixture.
leftover chinese for supper
Love obvious trannies ban goodlads on sight nigger.
sorry spic but real anglo americans who have been here since the beginning don't listen to or take orders from filthy worthless ellis islander swarthoids
(2.22 MB 498x498 pepe-money-rain.gif)

>me when Putin personally funds my epic shitposting
mamma mia thats a spicy meatball t. george washingtetrozini
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>>316155 Those rubles will be the only way to buy gas soon.
>spic But I'm mancs.
>>316149 >why is spic obsessed with this war because it's the biggest thing happening in geopolitics right now and the outcome is very significant. if Russia can get a decisive victory then it will accelerate the collapse of the American Empire >and slavs I interact with them a lot on KC and they are stupid and annoying. I strongly believe in the racial superiority of Germanic and Romance Europeans >>316154 America is shit and always has been. in fact the existence of America is more than enough justification for Anglos to be put into internment camps 'until we can figure out what the hell is going on'
he says it in english
>>316157 that vid is pretty clever tbh
gay annoying swarthoids with autistic nordicists jerry cuck memes
https://youtu.be/3dFF31U_1zM this song was playing when I read spics comment before filtering him
why is an anti anglo mutt allowed to even post his idiotic opinions here
>>316159 >I interact with them a lot on KC and they are stupid and annoying Keeeeeeek good lad love you
>>316156 are you with shart lads who call him "Town Destroyer" or something lad? Read about that moniker in passing a few days ago along with something about how he and his pals tried and succeeded in part in jewing the original constitution to be more favourable to federals than states
>>316150 You will end up as Piggy Stardust, a mutant tranny pig roaming Michigan fields as hohol immigrants take potshots at the niggers chasing you to turn you into bacon sandwiches
hope spic is banned for anti-anglo sentiment tbh
>>316166 not sure exactly what you mean? you mean how him and the others betrayed the continental (american rebel army) army in favor of banks in shayes rebellion
vgh, what could have been... plus Reichskommissariat Anglesachsen of course
>imagining him as a troon
>>316169 maybe, I didn't get any details other than that and the name "town destroyer" being attributed to american wignats, maybe it's a southern thing
>>316171 good lad but also a bit sus
>>316173 yeah sounds like some kind of autistic thing a neo-confederate would say
Based law abiding chad
anyone know how to clip out a bit of video from Odysee? James and Dick Dellinpole just had a really unintenionally funny exchange
>>316177 link us lad I'll at least screengrab it
(1.32 MB 908x498 2022-10-09_21-34-59.webm)

>>316180 Perhaps it'd be funnier if it just started at where Dicks says "If they're black, that's not good..." the next thing they talk about is Lenny Henry too
>It was a mistake guys, honest!
WEIMAR 2.0 Somebody push the button
(2.12 MB 960x540 2022-10-09_21-34-592.webm)

>>316182 lisa simpsons always fuck up like this
>>316184 cheers lad
Shortly the psychological penny will drop with bond investors that getting 4-5% on gilts is a complete rip off when CPI (no laughing at the back) is at 10% and going much higher. Debt servicing for everyone in the UK is going to rise significantly, and it doesn't matter what the Bank of England do they are a busted flush.
>>316188 yeah this disgusts me so much. all these should-be-breedees going into porn instead
>libtards want to dig up blumpfs ex-wifes grave to look for classified documents
>tfw you can get your sex doll with a hymen intact
all those old racist jokes about Irish being thich as sht turned out to be true...
>>316198 >Brits Out >Africans In Turns out they did look up to our ruling elites after all.
>>316184 keeeek Goat eyes is a new one for me.
world ending tomorrow lads, the job-centre king will grab his whip and lash my life away smh
>>316202 another lad enters the toil mines
He must : 1. want to travel with me and wants to take pictures 2. want to have kids, he must not have extra baggage 😊 sorry i just want to have my own child with a man who has no kids . 3. funny 4. caring , sweet 5. love to cook 6. know how to clean 7. family oriented 8. God fearing 9. honest 10. circumcise
>>316205 saving the worst for last keek
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>>316205 one thing would be if it was the most attractive lassies making demand like this, but it's also the ones who should be humble smh
enjoying some snacks while wallowing in inceldom
>>316211 another casualty of ZOG hellworld
suicide is the leading cause of death for white men in literally every european nation now I think
>>316213 We're samurai or roman senators
>>316213 the only thing keeping me going is a morbid curiosity to see just how bad things can get.
you should save a local copy of that site. the domain expires next june
unless someone else takes it over
cheeky couple of 11pm pickled baby beetroots tbh followed by tea and honey-milk italian biscuits
it's world mental health day lads
>>316219 u're a resilient lad
>>316220 got a little note somewhere that says "keep living just to spite them" or something like that tbh
>>316221 You're the Primo Levi of the Alt Right
>>316222 >Jewish holocaust survivor keeeek
>>316224 that's right goys no solar colonialism for you, it's more important that women get to play dress up with jobs and that we subsidise niggers to inherit the earth through endless breeding
dunked biscuit for too long and it fell in the tea
>>316227 mainstream comedians got the whole crew laughing
if the joke doesn't offend at least one racial group I don't laugh
Anybody know any racist jokes about biscuits?
>>316230 possibly something about charcoal biscuits and ovened jews but that's reaching
bourbons and sans-culottes perhaps
>it's an every other wombymb is in an "open relationship" now episode
>>316233 what is the cure for such disorders?
>At Windsor the Queen said; "Rich tea biscuits"? >And Meghan replied: "No, I'm fine nibbling on >these ginger nuts".... Hmm
>>316234 idno lad women have all the power . There will always be someone who'll cream their snatches and someone to give them money
>>316230 Two guys watch a dog licking itself... one: - "I wish I could do that." other: - "If you give it a biscuit it will probably let you."
>>316230 What did the custard cream say to the bourbon? nigger
>>316229 >if the joke doesn't offend at least one racial group I don't laugh Unless if offends the huwhite race
>>316241 tbh tbh
>>316241 tbh had to stop watching the latest RLM video when they did an anti-white attack for no reason smh
https://youtu.be/ihPSxkIWSrk Trying to sing this, smh it's hard
https://youtu.be/s6yTbOrITN8 MORBIN WE'RE BRINGING IT BACK
>>316243 grotty lass tbh didn't boomer tom and his family take all the donated money and go on holiday to the bahamas or something
>>316238 Good lad
>>316247 >boomer He was actually The Greatest Generation™
(59.20 KB 640x640 name that biscuit.jpg)

It's finally the King's English again
Bradford, the city of culture Just not ours.
>>316246 King Viserys actor looks like an even bigger twat irl
>>316256 based nonceferatu
(307.22 KB 600x591 chudseacow.png)

>>316258 that's not a seacow. you're not ulster WHERE'S ULSTER *starts firing*
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Im here tbh just forgot about it smh
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>>316263 good lad
>gingerlass coming home in the middle of the night again
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estimate i've slept perhaps 6-7 hours maximum over the last 3 days and im not tired
>>316269 doesn't really matter when you are a neet does it
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>>316270 Job interviews this week smh. Least it's just Christmas work.
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>>316272 how does this end for you dorsey, little dorsey.
>>316274 keeeeek if only he would stream like he used to
>>316275 in forever sleep
you stupid fucking bitch
>>316176 Just taig seethe as usual. >anti-colonialist >but literally colonised by Asiatic sodomite banker occultic mind heresies >crickets...
>>316281 >HELLO!
>>316283 oh wait thats from the previous vid
>>316284 It’s okay lad, it’s only you and me here rn
>>316281 >grumpy loner rude clint eastwood archetype feel like they did this in the revenant too, maybe not to the extent as it is in the eastwood films but I think its still there.
sneed chucks
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remember some guy at the pub a few months ago saying i had some special energy power when i put my hand over people
keeeek i remember him saying he married an indian and had mutt kids or something keeeek
>>316293 based
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somethinghowevermanyhourswithoutsleep and back to writing some lore for my alt-his book
*spends hours pondering whether something alternate is realistic or not*
>>316296 >alt-his what's it about lad?
>>316298 synopsis is germany wins ww2 but its set in the mid-late 1960s and a young german lad gets called up for his national service and does a tour in russia expecting things to be relatively peaceful but things escalate and become a massive mess
>>316205 All but one and 10 are fine to be fair >>316230 Yes, I made one last thread: >Chocolate bourbons be like: We WuZ KaNgS! >>316248 Oh, the joke doesn't work. I forgot my biscuits. Thought the white ones were bourbons and chocolate ones were chocolate bourbons. Disappointing.
Did you lads get a disclaimer coming to the shite?
>>316299 sounds kino tbh >>316301 no lad
>doesn't know his biccies
>>316302 Had trouble getting to the board smh, this would come up and take me to the main page instead of here
>>316302 should probably not focus too much on the lore but the tism gets the better of me, just want to drop random lore stuff into the book tbh and also to display how subhuman hohols are tbh
>>316306 *pushes you to the floor* write an alt-history book in which you aren't a loser and have a gf DOOFUS
>>316307 Why would I need to write a book when I have real life for that?
>>316305 strange >>316306 write a supplementary lorebook that you can refer back to while writing your main work to keep it consistent
>>316305 there's a message on the catalog that says they are testing a new disclaimer page. plus a load of spic gibberish smh
>>316308 *swoops at your eyes* >>316309 >>316310 strange website tbh, porn and degos
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>>316311 happens to everywhere that champions free speech tbh >>316312 choon that
Tis a good day. Ruskies should bomb Kiev more
(unpaid) toil soon fellow worst gangster police state slaves >>316281 good lad really adding to the lexicon tbh hope the terms become part of the wider incelosphere >>316301 yes smh maybe something happened
>>316243 >hairy sneedpits yum
>>316301 >>316305 I just did for the first time, yes
>>316318 >MORBIN UP ALL IN THAT RHAENERUSSY. tbh. The niggers and mutts had me cheering for incest breeding. I guess that brought us Wessex so it's not all bad
>Instead of a noble elf strong in character and power they made Baladriel an awful person who wants to torture little orcsies in front of their dad for her own pleasure while she enjoys some cheese
(486.79 KB 224x360 There's a bird.mp4)

faculties declining
What's happening in Kiev and what is my opinion supposed to be
>>316326 Russians launched a bunch of missles it's good but could have been better, many of the missles were intercepted and there's a video of a bridge they appeared to have targeted which was not destroyed which is a tad embarassing
>>316321 choon that
>>316293 Sounds like you met a GAY Learn the difference
Getting a bit worried lads. Wake up!
>Taiwanese training for jihad by learning muslim choons
>>316331 based tbh
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I think China needs a few more years of preparation to invade Taiwan. They are on the rise while the US is on the decline and bleeding themselves out over the Ukraine, doesn't make sense for China to act now. Unfortunate but that's the sober perspective
>>316335 all china has to do is wait tbh sooner or later taiwan won't be able to count on any outside help
When will Poland enter the chat lads?
hohol thot btfo by Chudssia
>>316338 based
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>>316338 >runs off to change knickers
>>316340 >going from kinda ugly lass who would have had no problem finding a husband to a turbo-manlet baldcel wew indeed
4 job interviews for Christmas work over the next 2 mornings. It's over
>>316345 >4 job interviews >over if you're getting interviews you've already made it lad
>>316341 Lviv is not the cultural capital of Ukraine, the actual capital is
>watch captain Phillips film >turn off in disgust reee amerimutt trash, based pirates tbh
>>316346 And angard paid me the higher rate by mistake, off to the woods now to shadow box and await instruction from milord
>>316346 If they offer me the job at the handshake, what should I do lad considering I want to hear the other offers?
>>316348 would be kino being a pirate tbh >>316350 accept the job and then go to the other interviews lad you can always back out later not exactly decent behaviour but it's not like they'd ever offer you the same courtesy tbh plus it's not like future employers could ever find out that you did it
>>316351 Or I could tell them I won the lottery and I'm a millionaire now
>>316352 kino way to do it tbh me? i'm saving that bombshell for when it actually happens for real any day now tbh
>>316351 tbh despite them being mudslime wogs I was rooting for the pirates because compared to the murimutts they were based
When did moe start using a disclaimer?
holy smokes significant if verified
>>316341 I remember reading that Russia had been fairly restrained about bombing infrastructure.
>>316354 tbh >>316355 only just started today tbh >>316356 uh *ahem* dare i say based?
ex-zoggie neet torturer lads using the venue at voluntoil today and we got talking about how ukrainian "refugees" are pouring into the country, being given everyhting, and then being given special treatment for jobs and services as well and he thought it was a good thing because "oh they're so eager to learn, they want to get jobs, it's been great working with them, not like people on benefits" maybe we wouldn't be on fucking benefits if we could get fucking jobs that weren't being taken by fucking foreigners who don't need to fucking be here
>>316359 but think of the gdp lad
>>316359 Lad it's obvious you just don't want to work (a demeaning job for next to no pay with zero prospects of any advancement)
>>316335 If the US navy becomes directly involved in a conflict elsewhere (e.g. Crimea), China will have a free hand in Taiwan
>>316362 They us maintains a Pacific and Atlantic fleet.
>>316363 didn't realise that
>>316362 >>316363 yeah you're underestimating the US Navy, they have 11 aircraft carriers. what do you think the world's largest military budget gets spent on? the US navy has a larger air force than any air force
interesting look at steiner's toilbox unit in 81 tbh
>>316344 She was put on at 16. Should've been bred instead. Smh.
frankly i'd say that the sheer size of their navy is proof that the heart of shartica is anglo and not german like so many of them claim
wew what the fuck kanye west the BASED NIGGER literally phoned up mark to do white lives matter stuff keeeeeeek
oh never mind it was a "joke" but he played it seriously for seven and a half minutes of waffling
>>316356 keeek
>>316368 It's the only way to project power when there are big oceans inbetween you and all your interests.
(15.56 MB 1920x1080 MrCollettIveBeenExpectingYou.mp4)

No White Girlfriend would've been furious.
>>316375 tbh I wouldn't be surprised if he has tried contacting the BASED NIGGER directly to do WLM stuff, he seems the type to grasp at every straw possible
>>316376 Doubt it, he went on one of his wrestling rants about Koonye just last week.
>>316377 people actually watch his content?
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if only vaginas existed
>>316378 It was a Patriotic Weekly Review
>>316381 don't recall tbh, may be protective amnesia where I forget everything that just transpired the instant NWG stops talking
Russia really know how to do an underwhelming response.
only a few more hours until tomorrow and I have to put the family face on
>>316293 sounds interesting lad, what did he mean?
>>316384 It'll be over before you know it.
Not seen the Crimean bridge incident described as a 'suicide bomber' once. Funny that.
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>>316370 PA conference made the front page https://archive.ph/XjWEx
>>316389 based
>>316389 Well it evidently wasn't very secret.
>>316389 >repulsive banner
>>316359 smh ive seen so many of these ukie mongs who cant even speak english
>>316393 yeah there is a whole industry in britain around teaching invaders how to ask for bennies used to have to walk by one of the places to get to bennies office in yeovil, nothing but the purest scum imaginable and delusional officefoids making bank out of destroying the country
Would you help him get drunk?
>>316396 Sending this to anybody that decides to be a nigger lover this month.
>>316331 If China ever go to Taiwan they won't actually land. They'll surround the islands and starve them out.
>a PA guy has been imprisoned by the piggies and might go to jail >for posting a link to a "white race bible" archive site with 10,000 pdfs, some of which were objectionable to the UK government
>>316401 which PA guy?
>>316401 We should start making a noise about it and PA could be good for that. Would attend a protest at the court tbh
>>316402 "charlie big potatoes" I think
vagina meat
>>316404 >charlie big potatoes" I think I think he left PA a while ago. He was arrested in spain, allegedly for some dodgy business activities he was getting up to there involving employing illegal migrants (although my source for that was HNH so it's suspect)
>>316406 Is he scouse?
>>316406 might have been someone else called charlie then or I wasn't listening properly either way it's in the september pa stream wish noseley or meatybraps would release a synopsis or update report on the PA site or something instead of leaving info in the middle of 2 hours of rambling
>>316409 Wew. HNH are freaks tbh
>>316408 >instead of leaving info in the middle of 2 hours of rambling yeah same, I really dislike this hours long stream format that has become the norm in the dissident right, it makes it hard to find specific bits of information that makes using videos to red pill people really hard, so this type of content just ends up being the dissident right talking to itself, not expanding influence
You'd clip it and send it about if you were that arsed
>>316399 smh and people still have the nerve to be anti semitic
>>316412 idk how to do that
>>316412 He shouldn't have to. That's the point.
Lazy cunts
That said, they should have a 'PA Clips' channel. That's what many are doing.
>>316416 I know lad, they can't even be arsed to register properly. They need to get it together. Everything about them is trapped in 2005. It could do well with someone competent at the helm. >>316417 They should present information clearly and make it accessible to people who might want to join or eventually vote for them.
>>316417 yes, they should do this
Might do one myself. But I won't include any of Jason talking. A bloviating yank cutting a wrestling promo is off putting for most.
>>316420 Who are you lad? Are you in PA?
>National Identity Networking Gang >Approved 25 April
Last application from PA was months before that. They're chatting shit or Mark is a genuine fucking imbecile.
>>316392 Hate-facts.
>>316421 Nigger
I'm waiting for answers about PA. I guess they aren't cumming. Fucking idiots.
>>316428 the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) and the loss of wews is whats keeping them down
[carameldansen overlaid with screaming]
more like poo alternative
My bussy is fucking KILLING ME!
Filtered on >(1) impressive.
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fresh (un)OC
>>316435 *calls the police on the nazis* now let's fuck some hot virgin buss buss
what made him this way, lads?
I don't think that's the real dorset
Latest HotD was pretty good. Spoilers for that autistic mod: An uppity nigger gets half his head lopped off by have sex man, and nobody cares lmao.
>>316438 And worst of all, the troon could be any one of us. He could be in this very thread. He could be you. He could be me. He could EVEN be- ACK!
>>316440 keeeeeeeek
>>316441 What? It was obvious! He'll be turning into a woman any second now! Aaany second now...
>>316435 ==VERY BASED LAD=
>>316436 >now let's fuck some hot virgin buss buss lad you seriously fucking need to stop hanging around with those troons
Still wish valve would have at least tried to make a feature length animation so that maybe yidsney would have had some competition
>>316445 That pilot of the tf2 show was really good.
>>316446 is it on yt? searching for "tf2 show pilot" doesn't have anything
>Ashly Burch involved
>>316435 bit gay lass
>>316447 It's called expiration date.
stop impersonating me you knobhead
>>316450 oh right now it makes sense why I instinctively hated the voice and character of the foid
>>316449 yeah that's what mine was an edit of, gay lass
>>316451 no, you stop impersonating me!
>>316449 it's the anti-thesis of this you mong
>>316439 Spoilers about HOTD and now team black is going to black it's black haired children So I'm firmly team green now
>>316449 There's graffiti about "protecting trans children" like this down the docks. I should go and fuck its shit up tbh
>>316458 just replace trans with WHITE like I did keeeek
>>316458 just cross out "trans"
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>formatting worked
cheese toasties and lentil soup for sninner
I think we're missing a mod for the night shift
Oh I don't think so
>>316459 >>316460 >>316461 keeeeeek good ideas tbh, caused a lot of seethe by crossing out a trans lives matter sign near a school about a year ago
>morgoth keeps reviewing films I haven't seen
>>316466 I've been putting some on as film nights
no wonder theyre all shit
>>316465 good lad, did they write about it in the local paper?
wearing comfy blanket pauldrons tbh
>>316469 No, they covered it up but someone drew and arrow to my crossing out and wrote "wanker"
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>>316471 shouldve crossed it all out so it only reads "wank children"
>>316466 did you watch Cromwell with us?
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>>316474 yeah, mild keek there used to be humour a bit like that here in the 90s
>reading soylent-laced fan fiction again (star wars this time) >authors note mentions they work in a combine harvester fucking soys taking over everything even trad jobs like farming
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXWVbtfggWg fresh dobby, looks like he finally found the redditoid archive of him
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>>316478 nobody gives a shit about this guy, stop posting his bullshit it's not politics
>Ongezellig has finished
>>316477 >tax money goes to psyopping the taxpayers
>>316479 /brit/ is post politics now
>>316482 its very important that you never pay tax for this and many other reasons tbh
>>316482 >psyopping the taxpayers what they did to Based NA was basically unjust, so the authorities have to cover their tracks with propaganda
>>316484 wish I could get out of council tax entirely but even dole dossers have to pay it smh just inflation/govt fraud with extra steps >>316485 yeah
>>316486 >no brit mafia to tax avoid with
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>>316477 >>316484 >>316485 bbk did a shie up of it
>>316488 yeah, read all of it tbh
A walk-in is where someone's soul has left their body and has been replaced with another soul.
>>316490 so the guy that sold out Based NA, sold his soul....
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>vape shop near me looking for staff >they want two years experience in vaping
>>316389 inb4 Medically Assisted Dying becomes an excuse to not offer help to those who need it most and it will be based >>316467 one night you should just put on old episodes of Little Britain and see how much worse the clown world has become than its satire
>>316493 tbh I went back and watched a bit of LB myself some time in the past few years and all I could think of that it was mocking (in a mean and not a funny way) indigenous britons, mean spirited cosmopolitan vs lower classes way
>Yarael Poof >Poof keeeek that cheeky lad lucas
fresh and live AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9nh-TISp-Q
(2.54 MB 480x540 steiner toilbox.webm)

dont open if you aren't steiner
reminder that in two (2) days, the first niggress to complete a full mission rotation on the ISS will be returning to Earth's surface please give me your energy to deliver this SpaceX Bomb safely to its destination and not have it intercepted by a Russian missile
>>316497 keek but also AUGH and smh
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new footage found of Martin Nost aka 22st
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might go to bed tbh
joe biden is gonna dab on some racist pos like putler
>>316504 channeling twitter tonight?
>>316505 https://youtu.be/2CHV44WpKw4 no just vibing in my pig pen to my favorite songs
>wessie linking le based trannies earlier
>>316504 have a look at this post lad >>316497
>>316497 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>trannies are a bigger concern to them than the darkies raping their little girls seek help
fuck off
choccy cake with ice cream and cream, with a touch of seethe for dessert
a lot of sweeties lore in the latest woes tbh
>>316510 good episode tbh. Even with the nigger Velaryons it's still the best show running
my dad has been ironically supporting Ukraine just to rile me up lol. He doesn't really give a shit about Ukraine
>>316513 what lore did he dispense
>>316396 it's actually 12/60
anybody have a link to that russian chan site that this is on, can't remember the name of it
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na night pals see yer in't mornin'
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>>316524 b-but I just woke up ;_;
lanklets are now obsolete
I'd say get mental professional help, but ofc these days they'd try to troon out spig.
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>>316527 how is it troon to pay some turk like $50k to lengthen your bones? once it's all over you walk into a room and all of the foids are like 'uWu you are so le tall xDD'
you would have to go outside to do that
I'll break all your bones for free
Algorithm is giving me good content https://youtu.be/vS8qwXj1K-Q
anal sex
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woes is absolutely going off lads.
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>woes complaining about getting no superchats >someone asks about his substack >says he'll be starting it very soon >"probably in january" keeeeeeeek (alright he's on to woes' hoes so I'm going to bed fr fr x)
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>>316542 just two more weeks collapse bros
why can't the yurops look like this
>jerrycuck maps
>>316545 almost the entire Germany on that map was historically majority German before the post-WWII genocide. there's nothing "cuck" about it, Germany tried to save the white race from the Jews. you have absolutely no argument. besides, aren't you part German? I think you said you are, and you're from the Midwest so that would make sense
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Steiner's ancestry: English, Irish, German, Ojibwe Spig's ancestry: Portuguese, English, Scottish, Irish
how can you be part German and racist and say the word "jerrycuck" unironically smh
fuck off britpol spic
its either med cope bullshit or its jerrycuck shit but you want to know whats always the same? its written in english.
>>316552 good lad tell him how it is
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>>316552 >its either med cope bullshit or its jerrycuck shit they're both true. all foids crave the seed of SUDEVROPA, and the Germans fought to save all of us whites from annihilation (meanwhile, the Brits burned millions of their babies in service to their Jewish masters) Britbongs have long heads, big brains, they invent lots of stuff- the most, in fact. they had a biggest, strongest empire, they live on comfy island giving them the strongest geographical position in Europe. that's all there is to say really, Brits are an intelligent, competent, and lucky people but are not particularly moral, or good-looking for that matter say what you want about it, but these are the facts, I'm being as objective as you can be. I would like if Britain went against the Jews in WWII so I could be more proud of my British ancestry, but that's not what happened historically. simple, undeniable facts
reminds me of the schizo turk that ran 8/pol/
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>>316558 Berkay "imkampfy" Özdemir https://berkayozdemir.dev/
>>316558 imkampfy?
>>316559 >>316560 keeeek yeah thats him
time to create my alt-his map and chug some cawfee tbh
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>>316562 you may find these images useful
>>316563 do you have a world map version of this? it's ideal
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>>316564 unfortunately not, I wish there were one
the blank vic2 hpm map if it had all water bodies colored in would be pretty good...
>>316555 You've done him.
Steinzog is never going to recover from this.
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morning lads another entropic marker passed with nothing to show for it tbh
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>>316572 morning chief..
>>316572 >morning its half 2 lad, weren't you supposed to go out with family
>>316574 they will probably only turn up in the afternoon, I can sleep in being too tired to sneethe will probably help anyway tbh
>>316575 don't you have toil? how old are you now anyway 26 or something, my birthday was depressingly uneventful tbh, just another day of being a sneethcel while youth slips away.
currently doing an all nighter to finish a toil project I should have done ages ago
>>316576 tuesdays and maybe wednesday although I should do job applications then is my main free day of the week twenty-seven smh they will say "it's okay you still have time, you can figure it out" etc keek >>316577 did you pick up remote work? been thinking about that but reluctant to start as it would solidify status as a subhuman basement toiler that never has to be seen by the normies
>>316578 its horrific office foid waffle shite that is excruciating to do, like that shite you had to do to get those qualifications at the start of the year, wish I could just do one of those call center from home things that would be easy, asda did email me recently asking if I was still interested in toil despite them rejecting me for seemingly no reason ages ago even though we allegedly have a "labour shortage". So does that mean you have toil tomorrow, how can you have a lie in then?
>>316579 formatted post badly, I mean tuesdays and wednesdays I'm at home without toil beyond the usual neetcel humiliation rituals (applying for jobs online) yeah the qualification I got seems to be worthless too keek been applying for receptionist jobs but they go to females like everything else cushy ask your jobcentre about remote work, was about to recommend an actual name but I just looked and it's cornwall only keek >remote work but you have to be in one geographical location we love our bureaucrats, we love our officefoids, oh they're so smart, oh they're so efficient
>>316580 >ask your jobcentre never been and never will tbh
I couldn't handle the torture of that anyway the way lads on here describe the bollock busting that goes on
>>316582 >>316581 it's not really that bad tbh and the benniemaxxing is worth it I guess it's avoidable if you have a stable home situation and a xoomer to exploit
"it's not really that bad" says man with bollocks smashed into a pancake 0.5 micrometers thick
>>316583 >I guess it's avoidable if you have a stable home situation and a xoomer to exploit I have my benefactors its true
spoonful of cheesecake and I held a lighter over it for a bit like a candle tbh back to bed >>316587 rant 81 went very hard lad did some fine retrospective seething
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lifted. finally figured out deadlift form without fucking my back, the cue I needed is "shove your belly between your thighs"
yeah cool whatever
mostly been ignoring this whole stable diffusion meme but this image is interesting
(2.76 MB 848x464 dead ukrainian hole.webm)

hohol thot larped as a soldier boy now maggots are eating their way through her makeup
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>>316596 smh is your sleep schedule completely fucked lad
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>>316597 cant have a fucked up sleep schedule if i dont sleep tbh
>>316594 This amuses me because I cant have sex.
>>316599 why? permanent ED or crippled cock?
>>316600 Awful personality and lack of social skills.
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>>316601 then change?
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>>316603 smorning
drank too much coffee i write a sentence then i have to get up and walk around for 5 minutes
>>316605 hullo la >>316606 smh rip
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>>316563 I believe this is more than generous.
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>>316608 look at that subtle off white austria the tasteful thiccness of it oh my god it even has a bavaria
Thinking about it, I should have got rid of Belgium. Oh well too late now.
People who make alt-history maps should be euthanised
>>316612 The Feint of Kiev 2.0 godspeed poccner
finally Russia did a fucking thing maybe the mobilized units are starting to trickle in to the battlefield and things will turn around... so sick of the bullshit I just wanna see everyone I hate lose and be sad
>>316616 morning lad
https://youtu.be/xw5O3SLIRiQ Bins did not like that last LOTR episode
>>316601 Incredibly based
morbing no communication from the family so I guess I will just mope around until someone turns up maybe to a bit of cleaning getting very cold inside now
>>316620 smorbing lad smh
>>316620 Why don't you spend your day in one of these?
>>316618 Nice mic quality, Bins. Jesus
>>316621 >phone rings >it's the job centre >>316622 liiks comfy tbh I wouldn't mind a bed box so long as it were a bit bigger, like to stretch me
>>316625 >they bully me further by opening a regular appointment for five minutes ago right after the call and make me go in to check it was a mistake and if it wasn't it was a surprise inspection where I'd get sanctions for not applying for any jobs in the last day
>jobcentre said they'd look into something 2 weeks ago >what would take one phonecall for them which could be done under 5 minutes and it's taken 2 weeks and still nothing *screams*
>>316626 >>316627 smh disgusting how they bully lads so
thinking about that jobcentre lad who got attacked and after that they removed anything in the meeting rooms which could be used as a weapon. As if the job centre wasn't already a hecking fortress.
>>316629 they still have el mentira screens up here keek like being interrogated from behind bulletproof glass everything to keep the officefoids safe
>>316630 you should roll in there with a shotgun and declare it an exercise in communication and breaking down barriers when you start shooting through all that plexiglass
>>316631 that very reason is why they did the dunblane psyop and banned guns smh
>>316632 tbh, we should have never been disarmed but boomers are psyopsed hard on the subject.
I guess it makes sense that the jobcentre is the first place to get dystopianised like that, because of all the benny niggers and browns smh
>>316635 Woes?
Liking this ex zogbot’s channel more and more tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzXt9pbMG3c
>no based ginger gf
>>316638 You'll drive dorset into a wanking cycle.
>>316639 it's a troomer too so it's perfect for him
(10.87 KB 554x554 dorset's life.jpg)

>>316637 >literally called thrall (cognate of slave)
>>316642 tbh never trust an ex-soldier, mi6 and 5 love recruiting ex zoggies.
Gentlemen, I wish to inform you that I have just done a poo. A poo of such great size it nearly filled the U-bend, spherical in shape, and protruding more than halfway beyond the waters, with a stench most vomitous. I dedicate it to the brave soldiers of the ZOG.
(2.27 MB 854x480 vaidid by botsv.webm)

vee are geddin vaidid by vots guyvs
>>316644 I just had a shart meself nothing close to solid was in that bowel
>>316646 >nothing close to solid was in that bowel dorset can help with that
Found you a nice lass, Wess
he can try and get close.
been ages since i've seen the big lebowski tbh wouldn't mind rewatching
>>316651 was the rink okay?
nearly time to go the "national" "trust" property is open after all so I will have to pretend to think that the "english" "heritage" company is cool
>>316658 good luck lid
>>316658 smh rip lad
>>316658 bon chance m8
I hope he gets the job and subverts the propaganda for £40,000 a year
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>>316663 keeeeeek
>>316602 It looks like you ran into someone who simps for woman soldiers
>>316666 are you sure they were surgically removed or suppressed by hrt and puberty blockers? I don't think it makes a difference either way but it may explain why they asked.
>>316667 "grow back" implies they were removed. if they were merely suppressed then it would be "grow", and it would actually be possible for them to grow because breasts can grow and shrink. not if you cut out all of the meat though
>>316670 fair point. no coming back from the double shelop.
>>316666 that actually pretty sad if true. Imagine being memed into permanently mutliating your body. Many good wives lost forever now smh
>>316673 Raw cows milk is unironically better than the breast milk of many women, because the cows eat raw diets themselves (while most women don't). Maybe it's for some of them a really tough lesson to learn. For the sake of the innocent though, perhaps the comebacks should be "transported for life"
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having a cider to celebrate wessie's birthday tbh
>>316676 based luv cider tbh
Anyone loaded vans very early in the morning before?
Dear colleague – we are expecting large volumes of work this Thursday (13th October) across the Royal Mail network. As a result, we are pleased to confirm that all worked hours that are less than 8 hours this Thursday will be increased to 8 hours paid working time per day. For all pre-AWR workers completing 8 hour shifts with breaks your pay will also be rounded up to 8 hours paid working time. Where we apply working time increases these will be processed in the following week’s payroll and paid to you as a pay adjustment on Friday 28th October. With Thanks, The Angard Staffing team.
wew thought the site was dead
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>lowers taxes for the wealthy >gives bankers back their bonuses >doesn't tax gas company's massive profits >highest inflation for 60 years >keeps borders open "for the economy" >keeps building more houses >keeps giving billions to Ukraine >calls critics "anti growth"
I'M A HUGE ZIONIST Funny how anybody that gets the job is.
>>316684 realisticly, what benefits does israel actually provide to western countries? do they have oil, crop, leccy, gas, (((money))), labour, industry, anything
>>316685 They're a bastion of strength against extremist moslems and The Only Demucracy in the Middle East™
>>316685 >realisticly, what benefits does israel actually provide to western countries? >they're our greatest ally against terrorism (which they fund) >they're the only democracy in the middle east >they believe in the same "liberal" values as we do
Even if Britain falls, we will still exist to ensure the biggest gay pride event can continue in Tel Aviv.
>put niggers in show >two gets burnt to a crisp on separate occasions >1 gets his head cut off for acting like a smug uppity nigger wdtmbt
>>316689 How many more niggers left? I might start watching when there's zero.
>>316690 unless I'm mistaken there are 3 muttoid nigger women but I can't tell them apart so there might just be 2
>>316692 what happened to his face
having niggers in it actually makes the show very confusing. A big plot point is that everyone can tell that the princelings are bastards by how they are white but with black/dark brown hair, however the niggers make black babies with white hair, but they are still canonically supposed to be pure. So you can be both black and white with white hair, and be of pure stock, but if you have dark hair you are obviously a bastard? Obviously in the book all these characters are actually fair or albino so it makes sense >>316693 loppe.. you see it in the video. In the funeral they keep the whole body so you can see how it was cut more properly
>>316694 The tv series is about Viserys blanching House Velarion.
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>>316688 don't forget Ukraine! we need to fight for FREEDOM to have gay pride rallies and rigged elections in Ukraine!
>Went to the tescos festive colleague interview >it was supposed to start 10am, but they made us wait in the colleagues room break room for 1 hr 20 minutes >then the deputy manager asked me if i would be interested in permanent and asked if i wanted to work twilight hours >then some formulaic questions like how do u do teamwork >asked how many hours festive colleauges get, 15 hrs in 3 5 hours shifts on different days. >then sent me and another interviewee down to follow a staff member around. >then i left for my other interview 2 hours late but they pushed it back. >wine warehouse, >they told me i could load vans for 40 hrs a week, 8 hours a weekday, 5am-1:30pm. >They offered me a paid trial on Thursday morning.
>>316478 good lad. dobby is a mong though tbh they're just clips from his own streams
Confectionary warehouse interview tomorrow
Tescos job honestly seemed like an extension of a casual pool job
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>"at least we got brexit done!"
only people i knew who work tecos are crack dealers **who peaked in secondry" and makeup yt channel foids
>>316702 >mfw I attended black history month events and classes because i studied astronomy and the African astronomer visited in October.
>>316697 Become a drone operator and not a drone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY5PX2i7eLU
>>316702 >Le Martin Luther King speech turned it off. Long fed up of these cunts, Farage included.
>>316577 good lad i did one on monday and slept 14 hours last night
>>316704 did seem like it was almost worse than the casual labour force pool for Angard (royal mail's agency), lot of south asian women, black women and deano tier white people, some obesity and possible disabilities as well.
>>316704 But it looked like easy work ngl
>>316709 try get a job in b&q garden centre easiest shit i ever did
>>316711 will try the paid shift van loading on thursday, it it doesn't work out, will look for something more, at leas they are paying i guess
>>316707 >turned it off. Long fed up of these cunts, Farage included. that's what I thought when he brought up Martin Luther King who was basically an anti-white communitst rapist
Maybe I could work my way up to be Tescos Manager
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The bank of england had to intervene for the 3rd time since the mini budget
>playing CK3 campaign as Castille >About to conquer Portugal and release it as a Kingdom >About to capture Jersulem >Game crashes >Corrupted 2 days wasted
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>>316720 this is why we need to defeat Russia
>>316720 >We have the most athletic homosexuals, don't we folks?
I'd imagine there are those in Russia that would like those bombings to be a daily/weekly thing. And then there's the moderates
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joe says pokemon go to the polls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar4t8nzLgOs
>>316725 >le washed up retard
>>316727 >>le washed up retard Is not wrong tbh.
blog time I was the lad that posted about a chinky lass groping me after a uni lecture. Not seen her for a bit, but it's progressed further and today as she sat across from me in a seminar and sucked and licked her pen very suggestively while looking me in the eyes. managed to escape at the end of the seminar before she got to me unfortunately not a sex-haver like our Dorsie, so still a virgin. Convince me not to fuck this weirdo chinky bitch
>>316729 kill yourself
>>316728 He's consistently wrong.
>>316731 yes, I'm agreeing about him being a washed up retard.
>>316729 this isnt the place to rp lad
i don't remember the groping post but if you aren't wiggum then i would ask why you need to be convinced not to shag her. desperation? if that's the case then you won't be convinced otherwise
Whore breaks her back at Twitchcon. BAAAAAAAAAASED
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>>316736 >>316737 not politics
Politics is dead though.
not while joe owens still lives
>>316739 politics has never been more volatile you mong
>>316741 What? We get to vote for 2 parties racing to be the gayest.
>>316734 idk tbh. Getting pretty long in the tooth to be a virgin, tbh, so desperation is some of it. Was just hoping for the usual straight-talking, especially on the race angle. I think I'd find a white girl acting like that completely repulsive, but given she's a bug person, I suppose I think of her more like an object.
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>>316743 >thinking that politics is limited to voting idiot
>>316745 >NA they're banned by the elected government. kek.
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>>316746 they killed the men, not the memes
Transgender hate crimes have increased by 56% over 12 months according to the Home Office
>"and NA, where are they now?" >"you're looking at them la"
>>316749 still not a high enough increase >>316750 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>316749 We can be much better than this.
>>316749 they're probably becoming more psychotic and obnoxious the harder into the therapy they get tbh
>>316749 wow this is the biggest issue the country faces right now
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>doing my bit to raise the anti-troon hate crimes up
Got a bonus for my work today. The old lady was nice enough to add 20 quid to the bill after I had to spend 2 and a half hours fighting to get a kitchen sink tap in. I think I shall spend the bonus on some beer.
>>316729 might as well
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>>316757 spoil yourself lad
>>316759 That takes me back to the early 2000.
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trouble brewing in LA after audio of the city council being racist leaked
>>316765 keeek I have a hard time believing that a city council in LA would really say or do something racist
>>316764 a terifying 21" big black...knife
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>>316764 so it's illegal to have that out in public you can keep it in your home, but as soon as it leaves the house you are breaking the law why the fuck are they making such a fuss about that? that's fine then fucking LBC retards
>>316719 looks like she is poisoning the next batch
>>316770 death via pancake
https://youtu.be/7f173W_WX98 kino lads demolishing zogmutt until he cries
>>316772 >a disgrace to england more like an honour to england and on top of that I couldnt even tell what races that wierd looking mutt might have came out of
>>316772 >SEVEN YEARS IN THA MILITARY t.starts on a 16yr and needs a woman to hold him back
>>316773 final perfection of the helot underclass that will toil in the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) mines for eternity.
might have a drink
is this board dead now?
>>316778 You're in the old thread you mong keeeeeeeeeek >>315199 >>315199 >>315199 >>315199
>>316779 that's not the new thread that's the old thread you dirty dog. it took me like 3 minutes of perusing the thread to realize there is no thread, lads just aren't posting
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>>316772 >“Go back to Africa” the Brit says to the Native. Some 10/10 IQ right there.
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was hoping the economic collapsed already
>>316784 it never does, you just get ground down to nothing slowly
>>316766 They might've said "some wypipo ain't so bad".
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>>316781 hardly anything to post about these days
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meanwhile in kiev >>316788 just blogpost
>>316789 what's putin hitting with le missiles? i'm sure if i turn on the tv they'll say it's civilians as per
>>316791 jewish orphanages
>>316737 Looks unpleasant tbh
>>316792 Empty buildings then.
>>316791 some military targets, some civilian infrastructure in retaliation for Kerch Bridge sabotage. first time Russia has gone for civilian infrastructure so far, pretty significant development
someone make a new thread.
>>316796 on it
>>316788 also the fear of getting banned tbh
>>316802 Just don't post faggotry

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