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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3785: The Death of Spoons Edition Anonymous 10/07/2022 (Fri) 15:47:56 Id: 654583 No. 315199
Are supermarkets killing Spoons? Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin faces 'momentous challenge' to get punters back 'to the salubrious environment of the saloon bar' after filling their fridges with supermarket beer in lockdown - as empire plunges to £30m loss https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11290575/Wetherspoon-faces-momentous-challenge-persuade-punters-lockdown.html
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/07/2022 (Fri) 16:03:44.
>>315199 good lad good night
>>315199 Thanks lad rest well
>>315199 gni la local spoons closed down tbh as well as some better actually local pubs (taximan from sunday left the last night for one of them to pick me up smh) apparently the spoons closure is some kind of dodgy jew financial shit because the place is being bought and immediately reopened in a few weeks
>>315199 Horrible nightmares to prepare for the waking horrors to come, lad.
>>315199 Good lad
smelling that lasaga sauce and soggy tortilla crisps
>untrustworthy musk and biden
just found out i have early onset arthritis lads
>>315208 smh start wearing fingerless gloves or something I guess don't know if much can be done
>>315208 Bins?
>>315209 its my knees lad
>>315207 I believe the leccy thing tbh I hate it so much that my flat has nothing but electric shit for heaters, oven, water etc
>>315211 kneepad compression warm thingies like the sumo lads sometimes have on maybe
>>315210 >early
gonna have to sit out the revolution with a blanket on my legs so my knees dont get too cold and start hurting
>>315214 he's only 48 years young lad he still has time to find a wife and make some children
>>315215 you can be my second and ride with the shart cart brigade lad
>>315216 yea bins can breed many and be a grandsire at 80
>>315216 Unironically if he has enough money.
>>315219 he is the richest person on /brit/ atm smh
im not bins
>>315220 Bins wealth 400k+?
>>315221 But how old are you? Did you get VAXXED?
>>315218 imagine the autism I found out that the concentrated functional tism I have is also like this, grandad's dad was in his 50s and his mum was in 40s when he was born, literally from the victorian era keek >>315222 the lore is that he is a property developer or estate agent who owns lots of rentoid boxes and stuff so maybe
>>315199 never been to a wetherspoons
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>22 and jabbed, now he has arthritis in his knees
dad would always go on about the price of beer being 50p a pint when he was younger now its 4.50 for a guiness its why i only drink tins
>>315228 it's gods punishment for me calling wessie a kneetard
>>315230 Muffled keek.
>>315230 keek smh lad should have donated when you had the chance
4 interviews now, everyone wants a slice of smee
unfortunately it's all shit physical jobs and not easy foid work
>stop right there chud you're being kidna-ACK
>>315235 keeeek but they are totally normal people who just want to be the opposite sex, definitely not insane psychopaths
>>315235 >taiwanese businessman kidnapped for 4 days by 3 filipino trannies kek
>>315237 smh filthy chink lusting after ladyboys probably
fresh alt music scene eggy going up in the world HMWH - Get The Bags (feat. Egg White) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdua1EQ7324
>>315215 Would not have stopped Crusius, weakling
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thought I had put on a red shirt earlier but have come to realise in the light that it is actually purple
>>315241 nobody has done purple shirts for fascist paramilitaries yet have they
>>315242 don't think so, we ought to claim it before somebody else does
my neet time is ending smh
>>315244 godspeed
>>315245 will miss u lad, i honestly don't understand why emplloyers think a few months of employment on a cv make any difference. I haven't even been asked for a reference for any of these jobs. Just put tiffany and co on ur cv and apply for some jobs and then convince them in the interview
a lot of jobs u can be pretty shit at them and they won't actually fire u as long as u're polite
>>315247 yeah smh autistcels always get the short end of the stick at toil because the normies barely put any effort in and don't focus on the job while spergs do according to mummy one of my voluntoil places is "raving" about how good of a toiler I am (I just do my job for the alloted time then leave afterwards) low bars to clear at least as you say
>>315248 yea, i'm autist even got a diagnosis, and i always either become anonymous at work or fall out with some people without doing anything wrong at work. normies can't stand autists.
>>315249 smh it's another reason why getting a job isn't actually going to fix any lad's life, can't meet people when they actively avoid interaction been sneething a lot at my second voluntoil because every single paid employee is a woman and they are completely stereotypical email senders who do zoom calls and the only bit of work I've ever seen them do is print out some paper fliers (which I spend my whole shift folding into leaflets while also on reception, sales and data entry) total interaction with non-customers is poking my head into the office and saying "hi I'm here and starting my shift" and maybe "shift is done and changeover completed, bye"

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a qt BIG ARMED LASS is dead at 30 BBC News - WWE: Sara Lee, Tough Enough star, dies aged 30 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/newsbeat-63170494 no reason for death given, so vaccine is possible
>>315251 all that effort and a thirteen year old boy could beat her at arm wrestling did she even breed?
>>315250 yea, also looks matter, they will stereotype as the fat, shy loser or have strange globohomo ideas about race if u're in a deathnic area. If the knew the real wessie, they'd be queuing around the block for some wessex
>>315253 yeah they would all want to hear my brainlet takes on how hitler could have won the war and the current state of ZOG
not really expecting anything to come of losing weight but it would be nice tbh
>>315255 you were handsome in that current year vid, there was definitely a bit of sexual tension crackling in the vid.
>>315256 keeeeek smh I should have backed up alex whathisname and also said she looks white to me was still overweight back then too smh
>>315226 They're nothing special really
been doing more escapism poo reading shit fanfiction and came across something interesting, banned from other sites for being too sympathetic to le evil nartzees even though they all die horribly at the end the writer is actually not bad and gets quite a bit of the alt shite scene and language etc https://archiveofourown.org/works/39920010/chapters/99958665
>>315251 >woman pro wrestler She probably died of embarrassment
>>315247 >>315248 tbh got employee of the month at toil just for doing what I was asked
>>315263 shame the other part of the cope where the autist who focused on his studies during education becomes the big bossman of the brainlet chads doesn't happen smh but getting a second or two of recognition is nice
>>315263 When a group full of officefoids springs that kind of thing on a decent bloke doing his toil, I always think that he should request that they pull his dick instead of pulling his leg
>>315265 keeeek good lad
you should be thankful that they deigned to descend onto the shop floor among the subhuman toilers to metaphorically pat you on the head for being a good goy
hope bins is on time tbh getting sleepy already despite getting up at half past twelve in the afternoon
>friday night drunkards out already
*posts again in the new thread just for the thrill of it
>>315268 He's reliable, I think
>>315251 fucking hell that's tragic I would have bred her to save the huwhite race
>>315272 will be interesting to see how good the films of the most powerful race in the world are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS-21Qkvpuk
got this spam email from the council so who is signing up for NHS therapy to tell them about their worries that the NHS and society at large is antiwhite?
all of this gay shit not addressing the root causes of the problem and not even being accessible to the people who actually need it
Having finally stripped the Earth of all resouces, including life itself, the Chosenites take off and leave for their true homeworld, planet ZOG
>>315278 looks like some kino pulp SF cover don't think they are competent enough to get that far tbh
haven't had the heart to even protest the boomers getting their newest booooster or tell them about the studies confirming they are killing them tbh
first payment from the scam fuck govt directly to the scam fuck leccy companies came through at least >it's enough for maybe 3 weeks, less if the price goes up again
>>315279 >don't think they are competent enough to get that far tbh yes, because we will stop them
>>315282 darn skippy fellow westman we will cannibalise them once and for all, I mean peacefully deport
>>315280 >haven't had the heart to even protest the boomers getting their newest booooster or tell them about the studies confirming they are killing them tbh I've been wondering this too. I don't know how much of the info about vaccine harms is getting through to normies. My whole family is vaxxed, and I havne't heard them say a thing about it
>>315284 I would say absolutely zero new information because of how fucking stupid cattle are they get the news first, decide that whatever mainstream opinion they've been fed is the incontrovertible truth for all time, and actively resist even considering changes to the status quo of everything but especially new information that might make them actually think or consider their actions at best they will finally realise when it's too late and all evidence is literally shitting on their faces applies to anythign tbh
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>>315286 hagia sofia?
>>315286 mudshit filth in a church
>>315287 >>315288 Yes, it's beautiful, they're so much more cultured lol
>>315288 *hangs a dish with a penis scribbled on it to the wall*
>My grandfather a pontic Greek still calls Greeks Romans, "Ρωμαίοι". It was the only name he knew for his people. I find it kinda fascinating that I can call myself a Roman, when many people think that the Roman empire is ancient history. keek trve roman grotty gyros gayreeks
>>315292 vgh mikra asia all lost to the mudshits
>>315294 few mins to get my dindins
ready when you are
Just had about 20 hysterical redditors at my throat because I said Finland/NATO is an act of aggression
>>315298 good lad btfo those scum
>>315298 why were you on reddit?
>>315300 It was an astronomy thing but it's full to the brim of redditors because tbf it's a pretty reddit hobby
>>315301 it isn't lad don't let them take it from you no surrender
Getting takeaway with dad :D
invite filipina lass to the kosmi i dare you
angel cake for supper, seems I missed the start of the film
keeek the pinoy movie is when shartica was still kino and had different regiments for different states instead of imperial fed shit. also they had loads of civil war veterans and were using monitors as well but then there was some ww1 level tech starting to show up already
>be me >go to park >its just been raining so park is kind of empty and no pakis about >feeling comfy >sit on bench >geese approach >more geese >honking noises >think they are just being friendly >they start bulling a goosecel and pecking it so it runs of and sits in corner >geese start hissing at me >several peck my feet >I try to kick them away but there are about twenty of them and they are pecking my legs >two fly up onto the bench and try to peck my face >I have to run off >pit in corner bench with the goosecel >tfw I am the first human goosecel, even the geese bullycided me
>>315310 thats baby level compared to communist countries
>>315310 >niggers, gooks, spics, and other assorted pooskins dont care
>Oh you think america's bad? well did you know the CIA killed Fernando Cumstaño an indigenous labour organizer and professional child impregnator for trying to unionise the boy-slaves-for-israeli-tourists industry???
>>315310 millions more must die
why has every single country in south america had retarded trash governments forever? and dont say racism reasons I want REAL socioeconomic and historiographical factors.
>>315316 turks were the original globohomo
>>315316 why did turks love femboys so much? they had like five different types of boy slaves.
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>>315320 >they actually experimented to see how many turks were needed for a circular mantrain >then wrote a book about mantrains orbital sides
>The National Socialist Party was a small political party in the United Kingdom, founded in 1916. It originated as a minority group within the British Socialist Party who supported British participation in World War I; while historically linked with the Marxist left, the party broke with internationalism. It affiliated to the Labour Party and was eventually absorbed by it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Party_(UK) it's over for labour after this gets out. we did it lads.
>>315323 >just nuke russia already keek the state of it *gunna work on my ww3 plan tbh lads* *abandoned railway tunnel and supermarket raid tbh*
Libtards have convinced themselves that russias nukes don't even work btw
>>315323 hope nobody actually listens to this kike poof
>>315317 Literally because chugs can't into government, and chugs and chug mixed make at least significant minorities of the population in South American countries
>>315327 dorset, 22st, bins, having a showdown over pembs' boihole
>>315330 > and dont say racism reasons I want REAL socioeconomic and historiographical factors. learn how to read chud
>>315332 >give me reasons other than the real reasons
Big hairy Castilliano hands are needed to tame the wilds of Souf America tbh
>>315335 >ukriane is a founding member of the UN
>>315324 Tranny detected.
>>315336 I think that's technically true, as the USSR insisted that Belarus and Ukraine were given "their own" seats to have a few more communist votes in the UN against the West
https://voca.ro/1dfsXDuah386 Eurovision is coming to Liverpool
>>315340 is m'lord attending the eurovision?
eurovision skegvegas
>>315341 As soon as the tickets go on sail I shall be buying two. One for me and a lady I shall kidnap
>>315343 will you prevent any bullies from attending the event sire?
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>>315344 I AM THE BULLIES!
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>Gary Glitter won't represent Britain for Eurovision
>>315346 >Gary Glitter Sounds gay, lad. Smh
>>315337 rope if you agree with that post
>>315349 Did you read it? What is there to disagree with, tranny?
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shemitahfags we won...
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>>315351 did silver finally go up lad?
Any sex havers?
>>315356 dorset had sex in a premier inn
>>315357 What? Not heard this one before
>>315358 he banged sperg in a premier inn
>>315350 Doesn't name the occupiers and only refers to them as "your enemy". That they have already won and their only motivating factor is to humiliate us. That turks fucked boys as a humiliation power play and not because they are gay faggot roaches.
>"Your enemy" >"GAE" >"The Great Satan" >"The Cathedral"
https://youtu.be/jxsIEnxLEbQ This is really fucking disturbing
>>315316 Wasn’t it theodore dalrymple that first identified this?
>mummy wont let me use her card to pre-purchase Victoria 2.
>>315359 Didn’t know they got a hotel…
rage in the chud cage (my bedroom)
>>315366 What’s up lad?
>>315364 just pirate it tbh
>>315367 see above
Thinking about how lucky I am to be an Englishman tbh, wonderful feeling
A brother is in pain, we must assist him
>>315371 Anglo pride worldwide
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https://youtu.be/Am8HSX3I6gA >>315374 wake up now and pick a side!
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>>315376 perhaps it should have been called boy breaking news
>>315376 >Jacob Breslow?
>>315377 that's a 1:11AM image if ever i saw one
The holiday might be ending wew
https://youtu.be/wDYKFxsCLlg >mummy made me cookies
>>315383 Mummy loves her piglet
>>315383 wish I had some cookies, ate all the sweeties in the house
marching around in my disgusting pig pen rn eating cookies and listening to victory march tbh its the simple things
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>>315387 good lad
>>315381 What’s this lad?
>>315390 /brit/ over the years
>>315235 >PULIS KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK just got caught up on the last couple of days, loving how auslad's unwitting acceptance of BBK as a mod turned out to be one of the best decisions ever made for the board, after I was going to make fun of him for it >putting in work to eject troons and bongist fags he's by far the hardest-working member of 77th
has dob streamed lately I heard he got found by the gooks again and is living in a car again
>>315393 >he's by far the hardest-working member of 77th he's still a cunt.
>>315381 Changing but also staying the same?
>>315393 today he permad someone for insulting gary glitter
>>315396 tbh, not the cunt we need, but the cunt we deserve >>315398 KEEEEEEEEEEK obviously just banter r-right?
it's the other mod that's been putting in work on the troons
bbk banned a few troons
>>315395 last one i watched was at the beach. he's moved into a new flat apparently but is getting jewed out of his security job because he has no references and made a video asking his subscribers for help
he also had to get vaxxed and has spent a few thousand ausbucks on this endeavour
>>315389 lmao >>315393 tbh. bumbum is a good lad
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society is collapsing and the west has fallen
>>315408 Just watched this on GB News https://youtu.be/nQICIuBLrnE
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>>315393 no this TBBK is a tyrant oppressing innocent lads. also he has a bad moral character and is mentally unstable
loretta lynn died on tuesday
Just seen one of the worst clips from ukraine I've ever seen lads
i became inspired whilst in the shower and came up with this thought: i hate spic and dogs so much that i'd have a male dog 'knot' itself inside spic's loose arsehole for it to run itself to death around a concrete yard. i'd come after them to occasionally prod it with an electric prod or cut at it and spic with a knife to keep it going, so not to let spic have any rest while being dragged around by his arse >>315413 whatever it was, it's nothing compared to what i'd have done to spicposter
>>315413 post it >>315414 >i hate spic and dogs so much I hate dogs too, lad, we should bond over our mutual dislike of canines >spic's loose arsehole I don't think it's loose, I'm a purist in the sense that I strongly believe that anuses should only ever be used for defecation, anything else is immoral >it's nothing compared to what i'd have done to spicposter this is spic derangement syndrome, I don't understand what causes it
it's because you're a massive retard filtered
also, you've gobbled down your own cum don't talk to me about purity
>>315413 cannibalism? Necrophilia?
Mae govannen
>>315417 >you've gobbled down your own cum "gobbled down" is disingenuous- it was merely a lick, which everybody has done
slobbered all over your cummy thumb as if it was another man's cock smh. disgusting lad
>>315421 no, what I'm saying is that literally every male has at some point dipped the tip of his tongue into a puddle of his own semen in the cup of his hand, it's no different than licking a cut when you're bleeding. the context was that Madlad said that he did this and everybody was crucifying him and then I defended him and insisted that it was normal, which I stand by
>>315422 and your examples are you and a man who was at one point showing off his bussyhole to old men on the internet.
>>315423 well that is obviously abnormal behavior, but bringing it up is a strawman argument. you are implicitly claiming that you have literally NEVER, not even once, tasted your own semen- and quite frankly, I don't believe you
he literally cannot imagine a life of non-faggotry
Tasted my own semen in a lass's mouth tbph.
>>315425 it's not faggotry anymore than having a wank is. it's literally just Grug-tier instinct, wanting to understand yourself and your body and your fluids better
>>315409 Dolan is one of those 'anti woke' leftoid gatekeepers that I hate.
>lads tasting their own semen >pretending its not gay
according to spic, having cum in your mouth is not any gayer than having cum in your mouth if you give yourself a wank just thought i'd repeat this statement of his goodnight
than *not* having cum in your mouth
tbh who hasn't sucked a cock and drank some cum? Even the allfather did that
Wonder if the worst clip that lad had seen from Ukraine was Zelensky gargling his own cum.
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>ask mummy for chocolate donute bun for brekkie >she gets me one >she gets me *ONE* >always gets me 2 *sulks and doesn't eat the 1*
>>315360 Mong take.
>Anonymous (You) i didnt post this?
>>315440 must be sharing your IP or VPN
>>315440 he puts that in the name field to fuck with people. I don't agree with bans in general but that is one of the few things that should be temp bannable. now if you want to do ctrl+f "(you)" and see your own posts and replies, you're also going to get all of his posts. it's annoying
fairly certain my neighbours can hear me when i fart
fresh grotty 47yearoldrapebastard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Nba4MMBAU
>>315445 based
smorb lads live and totally JUSTed eggy he's been streaming for over four hours, got drunk on a 60% bottle and has work in five hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ndni_5F5aCA
>>315449 the fucking state
ive got video games to play and CIA agents to avoid
>>315452 >avoid
smh i said pic related
>>315453 tbh tbh
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ukies blew up the bridge between russia and crimea. it's over monke bros...
>>315458 time to use those shitty cars that can drive over rivers
Lads I've not been on here for a couple weeks Just wanted to drop in and let you all know Just picked up a cheese and onion pasty from Greggs tbh
>>315460 based keep us posted lad
>>315455 based, I used to love carmageddon as a lad, should fire that up again some time did you ever play any of the sequels? >>315459 what, the BTR-80? >>315460 we'reback.jpg
>>315398 >>315399 It was a 1 second ban for the banter
>>315462 never played any carmageddon tbh smh
>>315419 Mae govannen lad, scene any orcs lately?
I'm a man who hates niggers and I wanna be free Free from those dirty POC I don't drink, I don't fuss But I'm going down town with a blunderbuss
https://youtu.be/LqbGHCkR4j4 What the fuck is this
>>315462 > BTR-80
>>315465 >scene orcs HNNNNNNNNG
>>315469 that's a troll
>>315469 >tfw no mythical gf smh, would pull her ears for fun tbh
>>315470 I stand corrected mr. cunny connoisseur, it was the first pic I found
>>315472 don't worry lad don't mind a phtg gf tbh
https://youtu.be/rJC18Oy9P7E Me and my trolkikes having a cheeki daunce
>>315469 wish scene girls still existed tbh
>>315474 such a kino show ngl
amazing growing up not even knowing that islander race existed, and thinking Lex was just "white"
>>315471 tbh, tbh >>315473 >phtg I don't know what these letters mean, but I assume it's some kind of nonce's cant >>315475
>>315478 I meant to write patg
>>315476 I like the little white one tbh Might watch it over, hated it as a kid because it came on just after the cartoons and depressed me smh
>>315474 >trolkikes Is that a filter for gf? I didn't write kikes smh
>>315480 Wessex breedhog in the bag
lasses? girls? chicks? chix? >>315482 keeeeeeeek they included her just to make her feel special hate fat bitches tbh
reeeeeeeee I didn't write kikes!!
>>315479 >A and H are nowhere near each other on the keyboard
>>315481 one of the sitewide anti-nonce word filters tbh
>>315453 I miss terry so much
>>315486 smh, can't even remember what I wrote tbh was talking to mummy about halloween decorations bought some blood hads prints to put on the window
>>315487 tbh >>315488 >blood hads prints comfy
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>celebrating all pagangs eve
>A Saints eve is le pagan Shut up retard.
haven't really seen it here tbh but I guess the families and mummies that bother with it are all in the safe huwhite estates on the outskirts of town
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My encounter with a genuine Indian Journalist for the medium and daily express in the UK this morning on bumble.
oh it only uploaded the end of the screenshots
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>>315493 don't know when trick or treating specifically appeared as a custom, but tbh it could only exist in a high-trust society, so I imagine the height of /brit/ish empire was its heyday > lad, stop poosting all over my screen
>this lad should have just forwarded her details to the RWDS and left her alone to seethe smh
>>315494 you should have bullied her harder
can't imagine wasting that may words on a poojeeta tbh much less one with a chip on her shoulder
would have been a few keeks if posted come_here_rule_again.webm to her tbh anyone go tthat one? anglo on holiday to poo land and a pajeet wants the empire back
>>315505 Pussay.
>>315506 It felt like she's roleplaying from the start no? who responds like that to a simple location check?
1890s spanish american war-phillipine insurrection uniforms were peak military aesthetic for amerishart tbh, like a weird fusion of cowboy aesthetic with british empire aesthetic also the montana peak style cowboy hat was the most aesthetic piece of ethnic headware outside the scotch bonnet IMO. too bad the muhreens ruined the montana peak by associating it with being a zogbot
>>315494 doxx her or you're banned from the white race
>>315509 tbh can't add much more, don't know anything about the period for sharts
>>315505 god slavs are such edgelord scum
>>315509 gaiters and puttees need to make a comeback tbh
imagine having a peaceful rural shit and then getting magdumped smh got to be one of the annoying poos of all time
>>315510 she's seen my face though.
not convinced this one is real tbh
>>315511 they had a proto spec ops unit in that war called youngs scouts and then one of the commanders was a cowboy adventurer named cornelius smith who wrote a history of his adventures on the frontier and in the apache and comache wars and he is how people know about this russian adventurer named kosterlitzky who was a cossack who ended up stranded in latin america and became the commander of northern mexican dragoons who allied with the americans to hunt the mexican revolutionaries and indios in the desert
>>315514 he was hiding tbh
>>315517 such kino times could never happen now
>>315509 there used to be some really kino photos of the US Army blue denim uniforms, soldiers in full kit with rifles and blue denim from the 20s till the 30s iirc
>>315520 based double denim
>>315519 yeah it was before all the immigrants came and america was still british https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_W._Robertson this guy looks like peak anglo genetics, he was a member of youngs scouts and him and several other lads routed 600 spanish with nothing more than krag-jorgensen rifles and injun fighting tactics
hate shartica tbh what were they even fighting for at that point, america was already totally mutted by that point so they were basically just fighting for globalism, its not even a real country
>>315508 lad, you have to understand that deep down indian women are just irrational children putting on a face I didn't know this until I met one myself
>>315520 yeah smh trying to imitate papa englands red uniforms with blue. they should go back to wearing blues underneath their camo like the russkies wear teleshanka stripes. but oh well its gay zog so anything related to the pre kike days is forbidden
1830s were the peak of military uniforms tbh
>>315526 yeah your lads napoleonic uniforms up to around the crimean war were pretty based
>>315523 destroying the spanish empire was based and pro anglo
>>315528 ironic that america tried to stop the southern slaveowners from taking cuba but ended up taking it anyway keek
>>315528 It cursed a whole continent to mutt rule. Same with letting Canada and the USA be free tbh, we need to restore that continent to racist European rule
>>315526 mixed feelings tbh unless the changes for the first opium war happened after the 30s don't really like how shakos merged with czapkas and got a weird wide top and the trousers got tighter tbh seems like an opulence and fashion thing rather than a military utility thing
>>315531 they are aesthetic as fuck lad
>>315528 only if it was done by britain, but it was done in shartican interests when shartica is a fake meme country
>>315525 tbh the army should never wear camouflage outside of field operations ironing creases into DPM/multicam and wearing it around in the streets is the most retarded shit, thinking they still look smart when they look like a walking bush
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American military clothing, especially the more casual things like the issued work uniforms etc used to be so kino
For me? It's sailors. Love that uniform tbh, wanted to join the Royal Navy reserve just to wear one but i'm sadly crippled
>>315530 based I agree
>>315536 You'd have ended up in a wheelchair soon after joining anyway.
>>315534 britain barely does parades, the big ones like queen's funeral can be tolerable but usually it's just poo if you watch regiments returning from desert shithole ones where they amble through the streets of grotty towns with fading road markings and chewing gum stains everywhere etc in their baggy camo not even moving in formation
there is a veterans parade or something here and the march route is about 100 feet keek
>>315534 keeek yeah at least you lads never had that UCP crap that looks like autism camoflauge but yeah those fags marching in baggy multicam during the queens funeral looks terrible
>>315535 oh you mean like dungaree shit? its all gay now and classic worker dungaree outfits are the opposite of fashionable you look like some decrepit factory worker/miner if you walk around in dungarees. I have them for boomer toil and they add a cloaking buff for you around femoids
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>>315536 >tfw used to show off my authentic russian Telny's as ah "hehe i have such cool and practical clothing from abroad" worried someone will recognise my telny if I wear it and attack me. I have a few Royal Navy and US navy work shirts that I wear at work and everyone thinks they're really cool tbh >>315531 >tfw cool military hats have all but gone from existence sad tbh
>>315543 > those fags marching in baggy multicam during the queens funeral looks terrible when did this happen?
>>315544 But they literally are faggot rapists.
>>315547 I was watching it it was down the street there was a column of guys in multicam with red berets on and they just seemed very desheveled like other lads say. but obviously they were polished compared to amerizog forces
>>315548 And I'm a simple lady rapist. I know all the tricks. Esoteric leggism ahs given me bomme cheeques of steal.
>>315542 smh that's barely anything
>>315549 I don't remember seeing that, they were all wearing drees uniforms, also start proof reading your posts they aren't making sense
>>315550 Muy basado.
>>315540 I sneed every time there's a remembrance parade here tbh the cadets get a bit of a pass if they couldn't afford both camo and barrack dress for all of them, but it's always the nogs walking out of time >315544 >gutter mind he could have meant through physical workplace hazards >>315542 how many garden laps is that?
>>315551 at least they wear purple suit jackets
>>315552 yeah watch the livestream lad they were in multicam
>>315555 keeeek based
>>315554 No I meant through repeated violent anal rapes and mortar insertions.
>>315552 >proof reading posts you should bearly luck at the scream when you tipe tbh,
>>315558 yes, we are aware now lad, smh
I bet every lad in the navy has to wear adult nappies. Smdh.
bumchums and willybiscuits
do they bum each other in the merchant navy?
>>315564 no, they just wank each other off
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>>315564 >merchant navy
CEASE this base poofery and retvrn to politics
>>315566 Apex keek.
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>>315566 kreeeeeeeeek
Where did this meme of white women shagging dogs come from? Niggers jealous that the BBC meme is bullshit?
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>>315570 came from yer mum
>>315570 It came from the white women that were fucking dogs.
>>315570 its ethnicels seething they can't get white women so they take a few isolated incidents and the fact that western women are using dogs as surrogate children and pushes it as an anti white meme which has now gone mainstream.
If I had this cunt's watch I'd kill entire cities full of niggers
is a meme a meme if it's true?
>>315575 He should've been beheaded and the watch destroyed. No mortal should wield such unnatural powers. Not even for deniggering cities.
>>315577 I would let him denigger the world first in the knowledge that he too must die for his crimes but he thinks it's worth it to save the world would be a good show eventually the jews would be on to him and set up traps and shit to get him
>>315570 there was a youtuber who kind of popularised it, and the fact that some women do it and speak about it is enough to imply everyone does. Every time spic sees a dog he images it fucking women
>>315570 >Where did this meme of white women shagging dogs come from? Niggers jealous that the BBC meme is bullshit? it came from a Christian vlogger called Common Filth who used it as a way to attack White Nationalists He didn't want Whites becoming Nationalist, he wanted them to become Christian, so he came up with that slogan as a way to demoralise White Nationslists
>>315579 common filth
common filth was a spic as well
>>315579 Common Filth, a spic Christian youtuber who wanted to demoralise white nationalists
>>315580 Vaguely remember him, dumb spic wanted to use Christianity as an argument against white nationalists when most of us are Christian. The successful ones at least.
>>315582 race wasn't important to him, he was mainly Christian
>Common spic so glad that retard left the internet forever, what a tremendous faggot
>>315586 he left the internet, but the meme he coined lives on he only did it to piss of Whites too
>>315585 He doesn't sound very Christian if he spreads rumours about people performing bestiality. Care to make a direct argument against Christianity instead of this veiled shit mate? Or do you think we can't see an anti-Christian agenda when we see it?
>>315588 He was a Christian right wing vlogger that objected to White Nationalism - that's why he created the WGFD meme he even made bumper stickers and t shirts for it you might not like it, but it's true https://twitter.com/Common_Filth/status/770416569377697792?s=20&t=IIBEa5CD6HKE4HCy6w0Jow
>>315589 nigger faggot detected, filtered!
>>315590 All I did was tell you the truth
>>315589 To act with such a lack of charity is not Christian doctrine. Getting defamatory t-shirts made like that? Not Christian behaviour. You're deliberately trying to present the opposite and moreover imply that Christians cannot be nationalists. LARPagans have brought nationalism to ruin opposed to Christians who set up white supremacist states.
>>315592 Christianity was Common Filth's big thing, and he hated Whtie Nationalism Just look through his old posts on Twitter, you can see exactly what I'm talking about Stop being so fragile about it, it makes you look weak af
Good Afternoon, I have delivery jobs available at Royal Mail Epping DO from 0700 to 1500 Mon-Sat next week. Please reply to this e-mail with your full name if you would like to attend. Please note this is a delivery job you will be outside delivering letters/parcels. See the address below. Epping DO (Delivery) Epping Delivery Office, 226 High Street, Epping, CM16 4AA
>>315593 I don't care what claims he made about his own position being Christian, his behaviour is anti-thetical to Christianity. You behaviour is sectarian and a deliberate attempt to mis-characterise Christianity. LARPagans are and always have been a corosive factor in our ranks. LARPagans getting wiped off the fucking face of the planet made you look weak as fuck. Perhaps if they defended their faith they would still be around and not conquered by the blessed cross.
Is this guy for real?
https://youtu.be/RVWo5Ns_dmU studying another lisa simpson youtuber, women are so naturally elitist and gatekeep male spaces now in order to protect boomer hegemony. its very interesting dynamic between the lisa simpson and the boomer
CF was a spic? Wew. Remember one of his long, ridiculously vile and obscene tumblr compilation vids where he was saying 'uuh I don't go looking for this stuff btw' as if homo ABDL and beastiality clips were already in abundance on yt or normie socmedia.
Care to make a counter argument bins? Or do you scurry off like a little kike when the spotlight is put on you? Or is your position only defensible from behind a veil of snark?
yeah common spic and spic fuentes are part of that seething north american castizo diaspora who seethe at the anglo/nordicist gestalt of american and canadian nationalist communities so they exist as sort of pseudo kikes and try to ruin them
>>315599 It's just a fact that Common Filth was a Christian I didnt' say his approach represented all Christianity, but he did created the WGFD meme to demoralise White Nationalists, and promote Christianity instead He wasn't interested in helpign white people, he wanted people to become christian, regardless of race
https://youtu.be/AliXzwGaPsE Studying this mmmmm
>>315601 >WGFD meme to demoralise White Nationalists, and promote Christianity instead In doing so you're implying antithesis, something you're known for doing. Christianity is not anti-thetical to nationalism.
>>315600 basically this there is an american contingent of Christians that hate ethno nationalism, and spend a good deal of their time attacking it Spic Fuentes isn't as bad for doing that as Common Filth was, but he still does it
>>315600 >>315603 >In doing so you're implying antithesis, something you're known for doing. Christianity is not anti-thetical to nationalism. I'm not implying anything, this is literaly why he did it You need to calm down tbh
a strong UK nationalist community would be good for US and CAN nationalists because the anglo saxon core would be dominant and the jerrycucks and non-anglo types like spic fuentes would be marginalized.
Just look at his old twitter posts - many of them are still there Common Filth was dunking on Whites and Whtie Nationalism constantly, in his efforts to promite Christianity
Common Filth alternates between posts shitting on whites, to posts promoting Christianity
>>315600 are you sure he was a spic? if I remember correctly he said he was lutheran or came from a lutheran family
>>315607 Get your point lad. Enough about it tbh. The seether is blinded by his assumption you're arguing in bad faith. No pun intended.
>>315605 Don't get brazen with me. You think we all see Dorset side mouthing about his trannies but can't see your anti-Christian bent? You were very clearly implying a false antithesis between Christianity and nationalism. >>315607 >>315608 You do it again, he isn't promoting Christianity in these posts.
common spic is not even a christian either he is just some beaner troll like spic fuentes. spic fuentes is a great example, he is a gay faggot who became a "catholic" because he didn't fit into the status hierarchy of jerrycuck/wignat lyfe.
toil complete
>>315612 tbh, reminds me of that catboy cami lad who got shoahed in ausland tbh
>>315612 are spics antagonistic to you in Michigan? u said one of the female spics wanted to breed u basically
>>315615 yeah thanks for skullet boomer the spic workers are hostile to us gringos but I don't blame skullet boomer its not even like we are close to the border and there is no excuse for not speaking englisc this far north. some workmen spics can banter with you and are generally neutral but upper caste spics like fuentes are the real problem subversive ones IMO
>>315612 >common spic is not even a christian either he was definitely a christian, or at least he self described as such, and promoted christianity as an alternative to White Nationalism, which he hated
>>315617 He was a subversive concern troll if you look at the subtext of his posts. Reminds me of you. Don't think we're all midwits who can't read behind the lines, lad. You have something to say do it up front.
HAIL ODIN HAIL MY ANCESTORS *bloodeagles self and impales all the christucks on my ribs*
>>315618 yaaaaaay
bins causing shit again? quelle surprise
>>315619 I never said his views were representative of all Christianity, they clearly are not His main thing was being anti gay
>>315618 jayhawker sorority slags
>>315622 I didn't cause shit, I just answered a question about where the "white girls fuck dogs" meme comes from It was from an ostensibly right wing "christian" youtuber called Common Filth, who hated White Nationalism and wanted to promote Christianity instead. He made the "white girls fuck dogs" meme to piss of white nationalists
keeeeeek can't believe they spotted subversive b I didn't notice
>>315626 I'm not subverting anything, I'm just converying the truth Common Filth was a self described christian and drew his moral authority from that position
>>315612 It's wrong to say Common Filth wasn't a self described Christian You can still see al the pro-christian memes common filth posted on twitter
Here he is again, shitting on White Nationalism
I need to get better at wood work it took me far to long to get that bath panel in but my silicone work is getting alot better.
>the weekend is already over
>>315632 if you would consult the graphs...
>>315630 filtered you annoying faggot
went for a walk around the city all day, constantly saying "society is collapsing the west has fallen" to myself
Well, one thing is certain Common Filth, who coined the White Girls Fuck Dogs meme, was not a white nationalist Pagan
>>315597 > women are so naturally elitist and gatekeep male spaces now in order to protect boomer hegemony. its very interesting dynamic between the lisa simpson and the boomer KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK yeah noticed this too, boomer men always taking the side of younger lisas to cuck young men and keep them down, lots of seethe
Steiner needs to stop the baseless seethe against nick tbh, nothing he even says about him are actual arguments its always pathology because he got bullied but mutts as a child
>315638 shit stirring christians ITT smh
reminder CF never actually went to church because he beliebed in some wacky methodist bullshit
https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/meet-the-four-women-who-will-run-antarcticas-penguin-post-office-this-winter-180980912/ >Meet the Four Women Who Will Run Antarctica’s ‘Penguin Post Office’ KEEEEEEEEK reminds me of this recent seethe story about 4 lisas being chosen out of 6k applicants to work at a post office in the south pole, its the most wessie job I've ever seen but instead its going to be a holiday for a bunch of whores
not too good
>>315637 >boomer men always taking the side of younger lisas wonder why they behave like this even when it comes to their sons. I've seen several boomers who completely ignore their son(s) and dedicate funds to their lisa simpson daughters and they seem to be the ones that they are most proud of >>315640 don't know how anybody could get around that since church attendance is in the Bible
Heat 2 audiobook is pretty good so far
>>315643 yeah but there were none of his specific denom in his area iirc
>>315646 Does it have singing and dancing in?
>>315647 dunno tbh, it's not my film choice
>>315627 >>315628 >>315629 >>315630 You are a subversive who represented this character's warped view of Christianity as though it were the whole of Christianity. A viewpoint you're known to hold. Instead of defending that openly you make sly little veiled digs until you get cornered and back down.
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>>315649 yeah I get it common filth was not doing real christianity
>>315649 ban the subversive bastard, lad
>>315650 all those people are catholic you fucking mongoloid (both racially and mentally)
>>315647 No dancing, just the occasional witty and funny song
>>315652 >all those people are catholic so they really aren't doing real christianity?
>another groomee who lives far away who wants me to talk dirty with her and fantasise with her but when it get close to meeting she'll probably just block me smh. I'm the victim
>>315654 wrong, they are and they're all doing the correct thing.
>>315655 how dirtee lad?
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>>315656 >wrong, they are and they're all doing the correct thing. good grief
>hmmm today I will do nationalism >but first I have to convert to a religion 99% of my nation dont adhere to and is totally foreign to them.
fuck off
bins is now greenlit
wonder if bins hates christianity because he was nonced at boarding school by a chaplain
is bins the anti christianity mong?
ngl going be the best film night of the year
Have sex.
>>315650 go bury wine bottles in your garden then williamoid
>>315643 its because women are conformist and will not challenge the boomer worldview/schema
>>315664 Yeah, him and his discord friends
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White chocolate covered Hazlenut snowballs tbh
>>315670 You are what you eat
>>315671 *tries not to call you a nigger asshole*
>tfw niggers become my anus
>>315669 wow gays dont like christianity. shocking.
>>315674 keeeeeek tbh
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>tfw you become indian girl pussy shocking!
do non-whites get into heaven lads? are there millions of them up there?
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>>315677 yes but they all get nutted back down into hell
>>315677 >a materialistically minded ogre nigger souls are whiter than yours, lad
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*kicks you*
>>315681 hm wer bist du?
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>>315682 you're worst fjvcking nightmare
>>315683 yeah I can guess by the shitty manga
>>315686 holy based. we won.
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>>315684 *rapes you to death forever and ever*
sneethening lads walked home among the drunks and druggies and niggers bit scary tbh dinner was lasaga and salad and it was very nice and granny laughed at the "they're not white they're italians" joke
wessie lives in sin city, he can handle himself.
>>315690 sin bodmin
the mean streets
this city needs wessie.
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>>315692 unironically my favourite scorseeeeezeeee tbh
holy kino. shart wars are on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fnbLFhCxXo
>>315695 damn it's brazy how no one got shot there
Sometimes talking to filipina lass is like talking to an automon.
>>315678 what if they don't
>civic heaven keeek SA's finest moment
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>>315698 it's up to us to keep them out
had like 4 hours sleep over the last 3 days and im not fucking tired i dont get it
hope poobin singh is back in time to post the film night links tbh
>have awful sloppy sticky poos >change diet >now poos are just painful but dont need to wipe not sure wot im doing wrong tbh
>>315705 you've been cursed by the toilet witch and need to ritualistically destroy at least half a dozen public bathrooms and shit in six different streets
for me? it's haemorrhoids
>8c got my blanket on nothing can go wrong
actually something can go wrong >gangs of wasseypur part 1 is 2h40m long >and we're starting late
well? don't go all silent on me
>>315710 he's banned lad
Watched a documentary on street gangs in the Congo. It seems like American Negro culture has actually made Africa a worse more violent place. You can see it in the contrast between the more traditional old Congolese wearing suits and their traditional dress talking about school and self improvement. Compared to the youths wearing American football jerseys and t-shirts, doing drugs, rapping and flexing what they steal to cameras. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGHwBPjzE4k
>>315711 smh he wasn't even doing anything until bbk triggered his schizoverdrive and they both schizoomed at cross-purposes
>>315712 thanks based zog
so we're not watching film then? could have it earlier tomorrow maybe, 7pm
>>315697 this one went under the radar
>another groomee revealing she is younger than her profile says AHHHH WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>315715 we are watching
>>315715 what happened? Bins noshowed?
The link is coming
>>315717 because you deliberately seek them out you nonce
>>315721 >profile says 18 How can I seek them out? Site literallly bans them reeee *gives them my snapchat* AHHHHHHHHHHH WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO SMEEEEEEEEE
>>315718 >>315719 it's nearly quarter past nine and the film in 2 hours and 40m long
>>315724 we said 9pm start because you couldnt't make it, yesterday anyway, it's the weekend so...
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>goom a few hours >lads itt still arguing over nothing common filth >poo film night >captcha cucked a dozen times
>>315727 remove. the. you. from. your. name. NOW
>>315729 >that flaccid AK lmao
>>315494 >Could of >>315505 already saw that, how is that worse than the ukrops shooting pows in the knees or the guys gurgling on the pavement or the castration video? >>315523 this >>315528 >dismembering European empires, weakening the white man's place in the world is "based" because muh servile shabbos goy ethnic group >>315570 many white women have a weird attachment to dogs, who themselves are abominate creatures that should never have existed and should all be wiped out, and keep them as surrogate babies to quench their maternal instinct without having to actually create white babies (ick!) like they exist to do. and then when they have this brutish drooling monster in their house with an enormous tongue and knotted dick that will gladly lick and fuck anything, and there's nobody watching, some of them use it to quench their perverse sexual appetite. it's disturbing how many times you see a thot undressing around her dog and the thing starts getting excited like it 'knows what's coming'. also, the people that do the pap smears say that something like 3% (I don't remember the number) of them come back testing positive for canine sperm. so if 3% of women have canine sperm in their vaginas when going in for a pap smear, then the number that commits beastiality with dogs on a weekly basis is substantially higher, and the number that have done it at some point is even higher than that the only way to solve this problem is to ban dogs and euthanize all dogs. anybody that is against wiping out all dogs is a cuck that wants his wife and daughters to get fucked by disgusting dogs >>315638 steiner has a bizarre spic derangement syndrome but he's right about spic fuentes. fuentes is an incompetent, sociopathic, homosexual wigger urbanite that does a lot more harm than good >>315649 christianity is not racist, so why should whites be christian? if it's not going to make whites more racist and increase our chance of survival, then it is useless. I actually think it makes whites less racist because of the "niggers have souls" bullshit. it was christians that were behind the collapse of slavery which unleashed the niggers
why does the stupid mutt keep coming here
>>315735 tbh I think he would like frenschan, they have a /pol/ full of infographics just like the old days that he can root in
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aje0-tWQXRI who /gene/ here? The best smiths ripoff
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I LOVE infographs. I NEED infographics. Im an infograph fanatic. Im an infographhead. I'm infographing OFF RIGHT NOW.
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who /glory/ rn?
Tried picking up on the walking dead and the memi about it being 90% slow ott emotional speeches is still true. Also that congo nigger samurai foid still hasn't been killed off. Still that very first episode was better than 28 days, and they actually got that intro idea from TWD's comics, so I heard. Smh.
>>315740 it's pure shit tbh can't remember where I gave up but it was really deep into the larping feudalism bit where they have a literal kang and so on, just kept getting worse funnies thing I remember is that they cast the fattest woman as the food store organiser keek
>>315707 tbh smdh
>>315712 yeah rap culture shit is definately jewish black magic to make niggers into anti white golems and anti civilizational golems
>>315736 https://youtu.be/QGpLKsGZHvA smh something about pigs rooting just relaxes my autism
probably my white pig genetics making me want to dig holes reflexively from when yakub created me from pigs
>>315744 ancestral memories of being a pig farmer and taking them out into the forest to root and clear undergrowth
>>315741 Keek that's where I quit it too.
>>315746 smh >ywn be a brythonic pig farmer and watch your big boars fight in the mists while you watch in your pointy tits helmet
thinking about how my family lines were priests and warriors tbh trve high caste and now.... poo.... granny and I commiserated over her not getting any great-grandchildren because of explodey leg disease on my sisters making their organs too weak and me being incel
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>>315749 yeah... I just hate women
>>315750 computer, engage tariqverse simulation, 1850s the crab room remove limiters
>>315749 you should still try to have kids lad. I'll definitely end up with kids even though I have genetic early onset arthritis. My fathers and their fathers fathers story hasn't ended.
>>315752 afraid it will come down to sexpat shit or rapebastardry in the collapse and any offspring would have mega-autism from my old age tbh
>>315753 you're in your 20s lad. it really isnt over for you or anyone. you've got a personality, so long as you can give it a go you'll get a girl eventually.
>>315751 thats tune is bussin no cap
>>315754 going to get a receptionist job next week and get fired the week after for asking every female that walks through the doors for their number tbh
wessica will probably end up with some cute 19 year old slag looking to escape from deanoid warlord sex slavery in his comfy peat moss neet hut
>>315758 keek smh we'll have to sexo while standing up to our heads in swamp mud hiding from the normieman deano footsoldiers
i think we will just die alone tbh
I specifically put White/Caucasian only into the race bit for this dating app, and yet the majority of my recommendations are still east asians. I don't get it
>>315760 don't die alone take them with you
>>315760 yeah most likely just vaporized by a nuke or starve to death. thats what skullet boomer says he says most likely once we will be in the middle of siding some house and then get turned into shadow against some worthless mcmansion because the elites are obsessed with bullying russia
>>315764 think the nuke shit is just zoggies putting the cold war project fear stuff back into npc heads tbh the ever higher increase of nihilism and hedonism will accelerate other plans
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>>315766 >Everybody enslaved >Only some are aware >That the government releasing poison in the air >That's the reason I collect so many guns in my lair >I ain't never caught slipping >Never underprepared
>>315768 >soyfacing xoomer in the thumbnail keeeek
>>315768 god that show was so shit
i watched one video on the LOTR: ROP and now my suggestions are nothing but soychuds telling me its forced diversity.
>>315597 huh? what she do wrong?
>>315771 more like LOTRoon: ROPe tbh
>>315770 Only saw one or two eps. See any with Q in? Got bored by synthetic marysue too quick.
>sex roleplay ends >groomee goes back to treating me like an equal, forgetting her place as inferior breeding sow smh it's all a hecking game
>>315772 being an elitist cunt about basically building a chipboard box that is not a legal dwelling in any way shape or form
>>315773 lmfao
>>315776 idk her where is the elitism? isnt elitism like when you keep people out of something?
>>315775 they're all heckin stubborino
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>>315781 good lad
Aguirre, the Wrath of God gotta be the most Faustian shit I ever saw.
watched that french race war film athena tbh, was kino but should've been longer, also ending is retarded but kinda based tbh, now eating milky bar and milk, and its very nice, was also going to make a post but can't remember what it was.
>>315789 it was bad and you dont understand kino.
>315790 and who the fuck are you
>>315791 the kinomaster, who the fuck are you?
>>315791 agnonce
>>315787 yeah its kino but it reeks of jerry nihilism and jerry seethe at missing out on colonialism
https://youtu.be/3EuNNKKQ3r4 even american culture is collapsing
>>315795 he looks like a confused robot
>>315795 oh no
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>Another astonishing clip from the Cato Institute event today, this one from the influential Adam Posen, head of the Peterson Institute. He says a focus on domestic manufacturing is simply a “fetish for keeping white males with low education in the powerful positions they are in.”
Houellbecq's "Soumissions" brief race war scenes are far more kino and believable. Some seethemong watching tv seeing the news cut out when a far right march is attacked by unknown assailants, followed by driving to a petrol station to find a dead arab with a gun and a car full of right wing extremists driving off as police arrive catches the feelings of the time. Having these gay melodramatic firework battles against riot police while wearing matching footy gear is cringe. did they mod local a seethemong? I just got meme banned for not liking a movie
>>315801 >fetish
>>315802 your "opinion" is wrong, you are being an effete contrarian mong who thinks hes smarter than he is as usual
>>315804 I am smarter than you, yes.
none of you understand kino like me.
shut up zoomer I bet you think blade runner 49 was a good film
>>315807 I dont actually.
>>315801 jews are blowing it tbh what a mong
>>315801 wow jews suck
that film Unterwerfung is literally impossible to find anywhere anyway so theres no way to even judge it
>>315811 yeah cause its really not the jews haha right, thats what you are implying?
well don't go silent on me
wonder if we'll still be banned from wews odysee chat during this years milleniyule
>>315815 if we offend his little gang of simps and foids we will
your what?
mods cower before me
failed william
holy dead thread
the failed william seems to kill the thread at night looking for gems but he doesn't attain his coalish posts, some things will never change
where is auslad
>>315822 what do you expect at this hour
sneed lads >>315824 hullo
Mae govannen
>>315827 bon sneed >>315828 Mae govannen lad, sneeded any feeds lately?
A giant penis sniffing people's hair.
A little oxen wearing ladies underwear.
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>>315824 Australia
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What's with the recent spike in seethmongery? Calm down, cunts.
Has MW said or done anything of relevance or importance since he was kicked off YouTube?
>>315835 lad he's been very busy
It reeks of poo What shall I do? I've had a little look and there's none on my shoe. I feel an itch Down my underwear stitch And smell the spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) of those poo shits rich.
Another massive poll lead for liebour
blue zog have had over ten years so it is red zog's turn to be fair.
>>315838 unsurprising tbh blue team shoots itself in the foot and red team takes the lead
doesn't that Corbyn guy hate Jews? surely that would be more entertaining than the brown tory cabinet?
>>315840 It's like a merry-go-round. At least on the continent you have a greater variety of choices. Fucking sick of not having based lads to vote for. >>315841 Red zog are run by Kyir Starmer now, a smarmy little jew boy
Kanye West posts disturbing tweet claiming he's 'going death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE', before insisting he can't be anti-Semitic because 'black people are Jew also' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11296055/Kanye-West-posts-disturbing-tweet-claiming-hes-going-def-3-JEWISH-PEOPLE.html >The tweet was removed just hours after West - who now typically goes by Ye - posted it. >West has not been suspended from the platform. >'This ain't a game. Ima use you as an example to show the Jewish people that told you to call me that no one can threaten or influence me,' West wrote his friend.
>>315829 >Mae govannen lad, sneeded any feeds lately? is this referencing something, lad?
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>The Daily Nigger http://stormer-daily.rw/
>>315843 based black man
>>315844 The chucks and sucks
morning lads.
>>315848 morning lad
Dreamed that I had a dog tbh, he was a turquoise coloured race hound and I petted him
>>315851 >le degeneracy that makes me le keek!
Seethe more, cringecel.
Me or him?
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there must be a final solution to the d*g question
I saw agg got a joke ban. I hope it was set for atleast 10 minutes.
I don't like this growing contingent of people hating on dogs. Spic is going to think he's got people actually agreeing with anything he says.
>>315857 I usually do agree with spic, tbh
>>315858 It's fine we'll find a job trolley collection in the car park of the ethnostate tescos.
>>315860 sorry find you a job
>kids not using inside voices anymore
dad replied to my email 5 days late and perfunctory, but he called me son seems proud that I became a voluntoiler or at least prefers it over being a complete neetcel
>>315864 Now send a long ranting email about the state of the country and your plan to fix it through a coup that crowns you lord protector of the UK.
>>315864 Based lad, you are earning the respect of you family.
>>315864 tfw he starts the "it's okay that you're gay, son" monologue because you have never had a gf
>>315863 choon that >>315864 based
I have never once in my life called my mother "mom" (or "mum", or whatever)
>>315869 >he doesn't use the baby voice to get what he wants
I've only called my mum mother sarcastically
>>315864 Is Ur dad a lightweight boomer?
>>315870 It's mummy for me, am 31
dads breeding sow tbh
Not calling your mummy mummy is williamoid behaviour imo
>>315871 >*theatrical sigh* >yes motherrr >*roll eyes* never gets old
>>315867 Mummy used to say it was alright if I was gay etc. and I would come out as gay just to troll her keeeeeeek I did it loads of times and she still believed me every time
I always sign mummy's card with mumsy or some random variant other than mum tbh
>>315865 we'd come to blows at my sisters wedding over whether it should be based feudalist monarchy or meme anarchist tribalism probably >>315867 I hope he understands tbh he seems to have been a proto-autistcel himself, definitely on the spectrum anyway >>315872 anarchist hippy xoomer
>>315879 Your dad watched Tribe and modelled his whole personality on it https://youtu.be/rJC18Oy9P7E
>>315879 Even an autistcel can feel the warmth of having progeny ☺️
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>mummy didn't call to say that the kanelsnurrer was done >they're now only mildly warm
>>315880 kino >>315882 smh the indignities she puts you through
>>315881 more than mummy and granny anyway smh it's two for two on family foids telling me reproduction isn't the be all end all of life zoggy's done a number on them
Need bread, might get sweets
>>315885 sweets are easier to "prepare" tbh
The niggers are seething that the best player on Earth right now is a Norsk lass
>>315889 based
>>315889 He looks like le sex man too
https://youtu.be/KpONcH3RlJU watching old bogies matches tbh
>tfw Haaland does everything so I don't have to Ta for saving the white race
apparently jim watkins has finally killed 8kun and scared off all the qoomers by making a 2fa app mandatory to be able to post 2pph on /qresearch/ keeeeek he slaughtered his golden goose
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>>315895 well that's one less site we could fall back on then smh whatta retahd
>>315896 >attaturk writing about his favourite cuisine
wish we had a fucking kino leader like ataturk or tito, all our leaders have been pathetic or williamoid tier
>>315897 wouldn't go back there even if you paid me tbh 'ate jim for killing 8chan >>315899 tbh
>>315895 based hope the Qtards don't come here
>>315901 wouldn't mind if they knock /interracial/ and that of the top banner tbh, would be funny if they all went to 4chan though they should fight the trannies there
>>315896 what about it
>>315903 Do u agree that children are pure and honest lad? Non hypocrites?
https://youtu.be/t-uVwybjYIw wonder if attaturk enjoyed bogies
>>315901 don't think they'd find a warm welcome tbh >>315905 this is what britain used to be about
mummy taking a covid test, do u think there will be another covid panic?
>>315907 I have a mild cold so I guess we'll be forced into lockdown
>>315907 Maybe I guess it will depend on how fast the economy is collapsing.
damn steiner what are they putting in the water over there
>>315907 doubt it tbh the niggercattle are bored of covid now the next crisis will be a cyber pandemic
>>315910 >when he brags about squatting 4 plates
https://youtu.be/b306KEoLdL4 Wessex put in a good effort here
>>315904 No, in fact I think they are very big machievellian hypocrites. But they are oftne blunt at least
anyone tried bondage velcro? Don't want the groomee getting loose
>>315915 bondage velcro sounds like it wouldn't work unless u cummed on the velcro?
sosij roll for lumch
>>315916 well her hands and legs will be tied so she can't pull it apart herself. smh all just fantasies. Bet she'll rub her clit and then disappear
>>315918 nice might go to sainsburys local and get something meself.
>>315918 based
1 scotch egg 1 chicken and mushroom pukka slice 200g of potato salad 1 apple maybe 1 banana
might get a peperami now I think about it.
was craving bourbon biscuits
>>315924 Why are they called bourbon biscuits?
>>315925 because they're posh to our humble ancestors
>>315925 They support the legitimist restoration of the Franch monarchy
Chocolate bourbons be like: We WuZ kAnGz!
Foids don't deserve elaborate courting of any kind if they're still single post 30
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>>315931 cracks me up everytime.
Takeshi's Incel Castle
craig charles narrates as incels cold approach women in the street and then have to run a parkour course being chased by policemen
>>315933 Can he make it through the bar, into the club and on into the bedroom? No no he's hasn't made it out of the his own room.
>>315935 keek I can hear it now
>pepe graphic appears on screen with a speech bubble describing the 80/20 rule
Where is Door shitter?
>>315938 got his benis stuck in a troon's bumhole, in the ER waiting for it to be cut out smh
>>315938 playing his civil war pc game
managed to grab a quiche for one half price.
also eating a pork pie with english mustard
>>315942 based
>Irish splosion victims were wogs wtf memes write themselves at this point
>>315944 keeeeek
>>315944 potato niggers btfo
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just vored a quiche and a steak slice.
>>315945 >ruining a song I like
>>3159481 I commented "ugly niggers" on the video but the jews censored it.
>>315951 smh if you do that too many times they shadow ban your account so you have to be more creative when insulting pooskins
Feel a bit disturbed by my encounter with that indian foid yesterday, so much unprompted hatred towards whiteoids
>>315953 >so much unprompted hatred towards whiteoids that's pretty common lad
>>315955 don't get it lad
>>315951 Keep doing it until they delete the video out of shame
>>315960 KEEEEEK
>>315960 oh no, misogyny! see, this is why we need more feminism!
>>315960 good lads
>>315960 KEEEEEEK Spainiards are nog tier but their foids certainly aren't any better
https://youtu.be/7YOq930W2e8 *ties hair up* niggasbout to get they heads beatsed
>watching news on the irish explosion >"this is a small rural village where everyone knows eachother" >they show a picture of the local rugby team >theres nogs on it
>>315967 hopefully the nogs got blown up
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>>315969 >flying zoggies
>>315969 What situation do these become useful in?
https://youtu.be/uKWLz_KHk88 Savage comments on this lads keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>315972 chasing down locals trying to flee prison island
>>315972 spending tax money
>>315976 keksmh yeah
>>315978 lmfao obviously. how the fuck is it even legal to just steal your customers money?
>>315979 its not "your" money
tfw the women start to run
>>315974 >>315975 >catches up with target >unable to do anything now >cant even point a gun without the arm jet sending you spinning out of control
>>315982 I guess they need Predator style shoulder mounted visually guided weapons
>>315984 kek, me and Steiner passed 31 this year and neither of us are alexander the great, it's over
>>315984 Stever Jobs is now dead Bill Gates is a fat ugly fuck you are gay
fucking STATE, its over for ireland
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph0COilXnY4 get in the comment section brvthers
>>315987 are these people that died in the explosion?
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>>315988 it is time to ACT
>>315988 pretty much every comment there seems to already get it everyone gets it except Simon himself
>>315988 Doing my bit le upvoting all the based comments.
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>>315992 me too lad
>>315992 >>315993 good lads, the enemies of the white race have lost another battle
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Pate on baguette Cheese and crackers Cake and custard
>>315994 > the enemies of the white race have lost another battle
>New Adam Curtis project lands on BBC iPlayer on Thursday 13 October >The new series of seven films - entitled Russia 1985-1999 TraumaZone: What It Felt Like to Live Through the Collapse of Communism and Democracy - will premiere exclusively on BBC iPlayer on 13 October 2022
>>315997 He’s full of shit though, Adam Curtis
bins stfu you are the biggest mong thats ever posted here
trip for dead niggers
>315999 a wild discord troon appears
fuck off
>>316001 He got trips lad, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ban you . .
>Ukrainian Azov commander, Maksym Zhorin, posted on his telegram channel, showing the massacre of civilians in Kupyansk, Kharkov, by claiming "it's a payoff". >He's the hero of collective west
Kastoria is the place to form our /Brit/ commune
>>316003 this whole war has just made me see slavs as subhuman niggers.
>>316005 tbh dirlewanger was right
>>316003 >Zelensky joked about the Chrimea bridge detonation that killed civillians >he's also the hero fo the collective west https://youtu.be/OJ6mnmtZnuU
bbk did you unban him
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>>316010 It's not fair to permaban him tbh, just filter him
*hesitates to shadow box and bathe befor boe boes because I sense chaos a brewing*
lads, if we fail and the UK degrades demographically, what will we do when we're old men?
>>316015 life expectancy for white men is already so low we won't reach old age tbh maybe late 50s before death by groid or suicide etc
imagine how good fifa will be in 2060
i think i figured it out. how do I get this to putin?
>Congratulations! You have high emotional intelligence. This is good news! EQ counts for twice as much as IQ and technical skills combined in determining who will be a star performer. employers are literally selecting for emotional, irrational foids who are worse at actually doing jobs
fit check?
>>316020 confirmed BASED
>>316015 Fight until death tbh
Hope I can grow a long white beard and live like Merlin in the mountains of Wales tbh
I will kill again.
STOP telling our secrets.
i hate hohols
sam hyde's new pill is so shit now, it's just all his bitches and not even his best bitches i.e. charls and the fat boy. it's other retards with irritating voices.
once again I am shouting sneedpilled phrases in an empty coombox
>>315987 >BBC : Total BLM >PIGS : “LOCAL PEOPLE” smh
>>316015 >what will we do when we're old men?
https://youtu.be/H8380RBSaK4 >1:11 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>315985 alexander the great was the ultimate zoomer he literally changed nothing from his fathers military innovations and inhereted a hegemony that was ready to expand and basically just coasted and craterus's/antigonuses boomer generation of generals all helped alexander during problems but then got no credit. you can tell because alexander did autistic william things like force race mixing and adopt persian cultural memes
Crimea bridge: Putin accuses Ukraine of 'terrorism' https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63195504
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