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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3787: Charles III Edition Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 21:23:28 Id: ae38d1 No. 316798
King Charles III Coronation to be Held 6 May 2023 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11303991/Coronation-King-Charles-III-held-Saturday-6-year-Westminster-Abbey.html >Service on Saturday May 6 next year will be eight months after accession of Charles III and the Queen's death Dame Angela Lansbury dies aged 96: Murder, She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast star passes away peacefully in her sleep at her LA home - five days before her 97th birthday https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11304653/Angela-Lansbury-dies-aged-96.html >A statement from her family read: 'The children of Dame Angela Lansbury are sad to announce that their mother died peacefully in her sleep at home in Los Angeles at 1:30 AM today, Tuesday, October 11, 2022' Pound plunges as Bank Of England boss tells pension funds they have until Friday to balance their books and warned the current bailout will NOT continue past then https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11304709/Pound-plunges-Bank-England-boss-says-pension-funds-Friday-balance-books.html >The pound has plunged tonight after the Bank of England told pension funds they have until Friday to balance their books before it removes emergency support for the bond market. Neonatal nurse Lucy Letby 'returned to kill baby whose twin brother she had murdered just 24 hours earlier and also tried to poison a baby girl weighing just 1lb three times in a month - but both children survived', court hears https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11303953/Lucy-Letby-returned-kill-baby-twin-brother-murdered-just-24-hours-earlier-court-hears.html >The nurse, who is accused of murdering five boys and two girls, left the girl 'severely disabled' after overfeeding her with milk and injecting her with air, prosecutors said today.
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/11/2022 (Tue) 21:27:18.
still seething at that ruseman who sent me back to the old thread by telling me it was the new thread
>>316800 She's in my discord. You can join and talk to her if you want.
still keeking at that lad who wen back to the old thread by me telling it was the new thread
>>316804 keeeek what a mong
>>316800 A saviour of the white race. >>316804 Keek.
>>316803 puglad detected
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>>316807 Nope, guess again
If this dysgenic child killer had killed those babies in the womb nothing would happen.
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>>316810 women are le innocent angels
>>316810 Literally. Evil society smh.
Fancy a game, anyone? https://lichess.org/3ggzNVYQ
waiting for links
so russia is sending in troops through belarus to attack kiev looks like putin listened to spic after
>>316816 think of all the lads who'll die during that
>>316816 like I've been telling you, they read this board
>>316816 They've been bombing infrastructure in Lvov, maybe they're going to cut of NATO supply lines
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>pound plummets >again
Spic has a direct line to Putler. He's Putler's top guy.
>>316821 *Putin is Spics top guy
sneed chips boring blogpost ahead >go out and wait for pickup at specified time and place >half an hour later mummy drives by without stopping and I have to go find her elsewhere >tourism cancelled, spending my birthday packing boxes and moving the boomers into their flat >"incredibly hard work" t. mummy who moved two or three pieces of folded bedding >go to boomer's new digs >£165k flat in liminal hotel full of people waiting to die >admire the empty rooms and make sure the new flooring is installed properly >aunty and uncle xoombot decided they wanted a pub dinner so we went pub >borgar with salad and onion ringe for me >no chips, should have had some other onion rings to go with it but never saw any until the very end >xoomer passes a cold greasy plate over to me with one cold greasy onion ring left on it, they had all the rest because they forgot it was my order despite praising me for being conscientious about not eating chippo as per doctor's orders >given stinkeye for asking for gin and lemonade; it costs about the same as a pint >go back to boomers and keep packing for them, find the time to BLACK my boots for interview tomorrow morning >don't leave for another hour because they all absolutely have to keep making inconsequential small talk we had some cake too, I always mention that I like carrot cake and nobody has ever bought carrot cake. This time it was some sort of strawberry and vanilla mousse thing, not bad but not what I would have picked. also mummy cut my beard so I guess that was my present. Also found a pic of my dad and mum at their fake wedding (10-12 years before deciding actually they couldn't be bothered with this family thing) that was hidden in the back of the boomer's guest room wardrobe, looked kino tbh they were done up in 18c new romantic larp outfits. Finally went through album of aunty's wedding. She had a child with her husband at 22 and was married at 24 and has been together ever since and she specifically mentioned "three years younger than you" and they all smuckled and i seethed. okay, thankyou >>316676 hope it was good lad for me it was a half pint of gin made out of some furrin fruits and lemonade >>316762 goodlad, looks fresh to me
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>>316823 *nods* Happy birthday lad *writes down that you like carrot cake in my character lore book*
>>316823 are you 30 yet?
>>316825 3 more years there's still time (to be a neetcel) >>316824 ta lad love carrot cake me it's a vegetable so it's healthy tbh
>>316824 Love carrot cake, me.
>3 years till 30 >loves carrot cake >the dafty incel loser neet of the family *checks knees for explosivity to be sure I'm not wessex*
the higher that the monkey can climb, the more he shows his tail
final JUST of the day: >also buried in the back of a closet was a baptismal dress for children that granny was baptised in as a child >she didn't baptise her children in it but was hoping they would theirs >they didn't and I was made to look the fool for asking where I was baptised (I wasn't at all) >but I was given a "baptismal serviette ring" or some shit, fancy bit of metal that never saw any use because fuck ritual and tradition, the prestige of wasting lots of money for no reason is more important >>316829 one of us one of us one of us
>>316823 lad, really sorry, I've been called away this weekend so film nights are cancelled but we could watch the films - goyo and gangs of wessaypur part 2 - mid week instead
>>316832 lo lad don't know if I will be around but yeah try hosting 7-8pm during the week I guess
mummy's visit won't be done until next monday I think, and I will be doing my voluntoil and jobsharter shit and going straight to the boomer's to help them arrange furniture with no idea of when I can return
didnt go shopping with mummy today so i have very little food in the house smh just canned food and some frozen fish and burgers argh
for me it's today's leftovers from lunch that the others didn't masticate too badly mummy bought enough to last me the rest of the week almost, fake bombay mix stuff and cold meats >>316836 have burger
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>>316823 Happy birthday lad sorry it didn't go to well they sound like bastards everytime we hear about them At least you're home with your pals now
>>316823good lad
>>316838 keeek cheers lad I probably cherrypick but at the same time it's shocking how oblivious they can be one day those toilees will be doing the shuffling for smee
wish that wessie got to inhereit property smh
>>316833 It'd have to be wednesday and thursday, as I need to be gone by friday
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-63211743 society will collapse in exactly three days.
>>316842 I had mild hopes of getting the boomer's new place but it's all kinds of fucked up business and law wise >pay 165k outright for a flat >but it's in an OAP home type place so non-boomers not allowed to live there >so boomers paid 165k for a flat they will live in for maybe another decade at most if they are adrenochrome zombie tier >then it goes back to the business don't understand why they can't just rent but I guess that would be too easy and not make enough money >>316843 try that then, if I'm not poosting please postpone until the week after
>>316844 hot diggetty I hope the graphs are right
>>316841 It shouldn't take much to put a bit of thought into it, keep an eye out and make sure the lad (who is the reason you've come out) is having a good time. no excuses for the boomers
also saw in my granny's wedding album that some of their guests were noted as being Windsors probably not the royal krauts though tbf also grandad's best friend was in it and he was a lightbulb headed poojeet smh bet as soon as the yalta conference ended his frankenstein mind control device activated and he decided he was going to be civic for life
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>>316844 Just in time for the weekend
>>316847 yeah smh I think it's the other way around for them, I am the excuse to have a good time at least this time I didn't get told at the last minute I was going to have to pay for my drinks
>laptop acting funny lately >switched itself off >only got it two years ago or some shit smdh
>>316851 you vill buy ze new planned obsolescence technology und you vill buy ze licenses windows 11 shit being pushed on me now smh
>316851 definitely not running a thinkpad that's at least 5 years old on linux xfce, this faggot
>>316854 It's a windows ten "gaming laptop", think wessex is right tbh >>316853
>>316845 >try that then, if I'm not poosting please postpone until the week after okay I will put an heads up in the thread late afternoon 5-6pm to see if you're around, and try to have the film on before/around 8pm (because they are long)
>>316857 might be in later than 5 or 6 tbh but will try to be there
>>316856 >/dempart/
shnight lads toil on the morn
>>316860 night lad
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yeah night lads
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tbh tbh
>>316856 >/agatha2/ my brothers where art thou
>>316860 night lad sleep well
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>>316868 >krauts
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>>316865 your the last one now
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Got spooked at the new terms of service window tbh thought the big boys were cracking down on this place
sneedvening, collapsed into bed after toil and woke up at 10 smh still tired, need to do another all nighter again
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>>316876 good lad
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new zoomer construction laborer is humble bragging to me about dating a 33 year old stripper who has 4 kids and he is 21.
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>>316878 send him to the slutgranny job
>>316878 lucky lad
>>316880 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I already gave her skullet boomers number he said he would have banged her
>>316875 tbh I was thinking about that yesterday. its just an endless horde of poo and no ones stopping it >>316878 keeeeeeeeeeek guess thats a win for zoomies
>>316879 yeah skullet boomer just roasts him all day long keeeeeeeeeeek, he makes a girl voice from the scaffold and says "hey zoomer you can be my boyfriend until my other boyfriend gets out of jail tee-hee"
>>316884 KEEEEEK
choccy orange for midnight snack
>>316875 if it makes you feel any better look at how much non white colonization has occured in canada in the last 10 years lad half a million shitskins entered my country this summer alone
>>316886 lush, i got one of those for a pound at tesco the other day
wish I lived in a country with your lads demographics. me and skullet boomer where the only "real americans" on the jobsite, everyone else was a spic outside of the electricians who were also based chuds
>>316887 >half a million shitskins entered my country this summer alone we are getting fresh of the boat niggers straight from africa here tbh plus shartica is bigger and has more people so proportionally its worse, the shitskins here esp the indians strut about like they own the place and show a total lack of respect, most of the niggers atleast act slightly timid and shy.
>>316890 smh yeah you lads don't have anywhere near enough room for wogs. but even then empty space doesn't mean shitskins should just be allowed in
I think the shitskins in my area and reaching a critical mass and thats why I've been noticing them more, its like the plantations.
>>316887 canadas ruling class looks completely colonised now
Was thinking about how I'd rather be shooting at hohols in the donbass than here when I was going to toil tbh
I've noticed indians never to the turn outward and move slightly to get past thing when you are going to bump into eachother like whiteoids do, they just keep walking in a straight line and expect you to move, its the little things like that that make a dafty
>>316893 ontario is completely different than it was in the 90s, COMPLETELY. it used to be that people in michigan crossed over to be around white people but now michigan seems like some anglo-german redoubt. most of the "canucks" we meet these days are fucking street shitters or fucking iranian diaspora. canadia also has this weird massive hol hol diaspora
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>when a shitskin foriegner subhuman says "eh" to you in a forced inflection
>>316873 me too lmfao
>>316895 they probably just view you as subhuman ironically. Im always as rude to them as possible tbh >>316896 smh making me think of all the pookranian filth I had to see over the summer of this year
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the great lakes are anglo, it was decided at the battle of the plains of abraham. simple as.
living on one of those antarctic science bases must be so comfy.
>>316901 they probably just nonce kids all day
can't believe we lost half of all posters after tarrantino
>>316903 cowards
>>316873 Immediately checked if 8ch was in the news again. No idea why they'd put it there if there wasn't outside pressure.
>yank zogbot generals saying putin should be brought before the hague
>>316903 and when they do manage to find us they show up during a troon raid then run off thinking we've been taken over
listening to wagner...
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>>316901 wish that thing had caterpillar tracks on the base of all those stilts so it could move around that'd be even cooler
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>>316901 oh it *can* move around https://youtu.be/W_ekDJuuD8E
>>316911 hi there d
there are still fags walking around in masks lads
>>316914 >>316914 they will bring back coof this winter anyway
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>>316915 we don't have to comply though
how would eddie izzard be recieved in cromwells time lads?
it would be so kino to see sadick cunt in a gibbet having norfmen and chav-lings throwing tinnies at him as he gets vored by gulls
>>316920 keeeeeeek
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>>316920 Just part n parcel
meh we don't have a monarchy so they can LARP at being poor when we know they're not
>>316924 what a joke, it last happened 70 fucking years ago and probably only costs a few million, bunch of larping penny pinching cunts not wanting us to have anything aspirational or implicitly patriotic
>>316925 yeah, it's a historic occasion, one to be remembered through the ages, it shouldn't be subjected to the silly whims of the current thing
>>316926 good luck to her
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>>316930 he looks so absurd, we should make him in to a meme
>>316928 Who is going to hold these deceptive swindlers accountable?
>>316931 >falling for obviously fake reddit screencaps when will you retards learn
>>316933 idk tbh, there are no groups to do it atm
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>>316823 happy birthday >>316851 oh no what a shame
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>>316937 ok boomer
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and for my lunch im having garlic bread and a tomato
>>316935 Really the politicians got rich alongside them
>>316940 it's not lunch time it's almost 2 am lad
>>316932 lorrainebros on suicide watch. carolchads we won
>>316941 this cunt should be hung drawn and quartered
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still love her
>>316942 I woke up at 5pm
>>316943 I can't tell if she's being sarcastic tbh
Didn't mean to spoiler
>>316926 she is a larping pajeeta and not a real american
>>316930 he looks like a bad acid trip
>>316896 Thinking back on it, even Toronto doesnt even seem so bad about fifteen years ago. Too many dagos (not that many pajeets then) for my young chud mind then to consider its' plus side, in that it was the destination of all the top Lisa Simpsons tbh, who were as of then thankfully only just 60% deranged from feminoidism, and the hipster nightlife actually seemed tolerable.
>Peter Hitchens: 'If Scotland and Wales want to leave let them' https://youtu.be/qqhQKZiLP9c
>>316953 in canada it's legal to apply for euthanasia if you're over 18 and consider yourself to be mentally ill. 30,000 people self ended last year
>>316951 >pajeeta she's a polynesian island gook
>>316955 Ill stick around to see the vaxies die, thanks lad
>>316957 hope not, that would mean essentially my whole family except me dies
smh they deleted the charlottesville charge video with that old boomer in it
>>316958 Sorry lad, I know about the euthanasia stuff, its just as disturbing as the transition surgery doctors. They actually give extra consideration to your case based on your economic situatuon, i.e. you are poor sick despondent and about to lose your housing and you're white you some foreign doctor can agree to helpkill you and maybe send your body down the hall to his buddy for you to be turned into spare parts for the highest bidder
>>316960 noooooooooooooooo
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*writes a grotty gangrape scene for me book*
>>316962 worry not mein brvder I archived it beforehand
>>316964 remember watching this live keeeeeeek
also good lad
almost time for a coffee methinks
>>316967 grockle?
>randomly reset my ID 3 times hate this shite
>>316968 decided on tea instead
>>316971 no way lol
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the new (actually 20 years old by now) keys that cars have piss me off so much. they have immobilisers in the key fobs so the it wont start if you just use the key to push in the pins of the traditional ignition lock and turn the ignition, there has to be some gay computer god frequency before your silicon chip master lets you drive the machine. if you're worried about your car being stolen just put a hidden kill switch on it, fuck off with the computers
>>316971 Vestigial compartment tbqh
>Farage on the migrant crisis: 'We're being laughed at by Albanian criminal gangs posting on TikTok'
Another day, another wank over the naked blonde neighbour milf in her bathroom.
>>316977 miss being 23 for this reason
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>>316978 Makes me laff how bathrooms are pretty much the only windows that don't really often use blinds/curtains, so you can just see right in when the lights on.
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>tfw you look better the older you get
/tttt/ peaks my interest, what obscure board is this i wonder
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdJ_SGof2GI >lads didn't notice this cool music i posted earlier i post so much good music here but williams never thank me, bothers me a lot
>>316984 thanks lad, love a good tune me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqitiJ8IwFU this one's for the daylads when they wake up
Russia are going to cut NATO supply lines…give it two weeks before they make a move
>>316988 >international peacekeeping mission doubt the west is going to send people now if they've gone this long without doing it
based putin still having his eyes on the prize
*screams smorbing lads didn't even sleep tbh
>>316991 sneed chuck smh
>>316864 >ywn be an adpet in the Golden Sun world why live
>>316975 nah the glove box is very useful. that's where you put the car manual, papers like registration, insurance, I even put my license in there so I don't have to remember to grab it every time I leave the house. plus you can put things like car chargers >>316977 take a pic for us reeeeee
when did this happen?
>>316954 I fucking hate cunts like that. "Oh zog cunts want our country to disintegrate? Do it! See if I care! :(" faggots. They're like women or children. >>316983 >someone recorded dorset public wanking to his neighbour and put dying robot noises over it why?
>>316995 >withheld didn't even know that was a thing tbh
>>316995 It happened months ago lad, RT is banned everywhere but you can get to their site in the UK
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Ukraine conflict faces ‘inflection point’ – Belarus The country's security chief says the fighting will enter a new phase between November and February >A pivotal moment in the Russia-Ukraine conflict will occur in the coming months, Ivan Tertel, the head of the State Security Committee of Belarus (KGB), has said. Russia launched its military operation in the neighboring country in February. >“If the Russian Federation properly conducts mobilization, ensures that its military force [involved in the fighting with Ukraine] has equipment and advanced weapons, combat will enter a key phase,” Tertel said during a briefing on Tuesday, as quoted by the news agency BelTA. >“According to our assessment, the inflection point will come between November and February,” he added. >The statement comes after Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko announced that his country had begun forming a joint military force with Russia. He cited tensions with NATO as the reason for the move. https://www.rt.com/russia/564464-belarus-ukraine-conflict-point/
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https://youtu.be/EVKVyu-mJD0 >I am sixteen years old >I'm in year eleven *clears throat loudly* Greetings, Alicia Jade! I have come to save you from your loneliness! I give to thee this ring! Let us marry and make many Aryan snabies!
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>>317000 based
>>317003 it's time going to walk into the job centre and give the interviewer a firm handshake and walk out with the job don't think they do handshakes any more though because of el mentira
>>316924 >>316925 The motivation is probably that he's elderly, unlike his mum at her coronation. Some PR mong will have thought to highlight the changes in this way. Or a cheeky anti-monarchist did it to ruffle normies.
>>317004 do a roman salute instead lad it's more hygienic
>>316980 But this is him in two years
mornign lads
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>Say I am looking for a young woman on dating app >Sarah88 contacts me
>>317012 Might as well get a shag out of her before she entraps you.
>>317010 >the thelemic race
seemed to go alright guess I will look forward to another rejection next week
>>317011 morning lad >>317012 thirty-four is young lad she's still got a few more years to have fun and find herself before it's time to settle down like the saying goes life begins at forty
>>317015 based
>>317012 Literally just block on sight.
>>317013 >>317016 the duality of foidseethe keek
>>317020 what is meta?
>>317021 my word, I would love to see how the poo on poo hate crime stats are changing in recent years. >>317022 Facebook
>>317023 Ah that thing.
>>317020 based tbh >>317021 smh so sick of smug poos infiltrating every organisation
>>317025 >infiltrating it's a position tailor made for them to oppress natives more smh
>>317026 yeah tbh they're being invited in
>>317028 well you see hypocritical globalist "westerners" are allowed to do all the proxy war they want because they are the good guys, but if an independent nation dares aid their enemies that's a violation of the rules of neutrality and grounds for being bombed into oblivion
>>317028 what's this otan shite?
>>317031 smh should've known tbh they always do things backwards and then demand to be given equal priority
I… can’t hold it… much… longer
>>317028 wew on our way to ww3
>>317033 keeeeeeeek tbh
dinner at aunty xoomer's tonight probably be some furrin or vegan slop I can't actually eat
>>317037 smh they always do that
>we might actually die in a missile strike from the relative good guys, thanks to globohomo I will seethe so much in those last moments.
>>317039 >being credulous enough to give in to the fearmongering nothing will happen because it's all a giant charade to keep niggercattle scared and confused
>>317040 what is that.
>>317039 just think about all the swarthoids who'll die as well as you lad especially how they'd survive if they'd stayed in their own countries >>317040 caligula's horse tier tbh
>>317041 It's still a remote possibility if NATO fags stupidly escalate things even more.
watched clear and present danger and the end where the president is trying to offer jack ryan career advancement by keeping quiet about us soldiers dying covertly fighting columbian cartels made me seethe good lad jack ryan is for not playing the political game hunt for red october is still my fav tbh
>>316800 Goddess queen I love her
>council tax payment time >website features stock photo of a binbag woman as if they fucking pay tax
>>317045 never seen clear and present danger tbh looks kino >>317047 you're not their target demographic any more lad
turns out my computer was using 100% of CPU and memory. Did a virus scan and found two trojan horses. They got destroyed.
>>317049 smh good thing you noticed it time to change your passwords lad
>>317050 I regret downloading big black asses volum 16 now tbh
>>317051 hope you learnt your lesson lad stick to khazar milkers in the future
>>317047 >as if they fucking pay tax they are showing who your taxes go to
>>317049 thanks for the bitcoin lad
>>317012 >Sarah88 88? BASED! she's the one lad
>>316964 the first chud uprising will not be forgotten
>russia is still losing villages
based schizo throws shitbull off bridge, claims that witches commanded him to do so unfortunately, it survives https://nypost.com/2022/10/11/south-carolina-man-shannon-lee-cantrell-says-witches-commanded-him-to-toss-dog-over-bridge-police/
Only good Shitbull is a dead one.
>>317057 hes getting tactical advice from spic now so dont worry >>317060 keeeeeeeek
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He's just overly friendly.
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>>317063 >Bet you've still got your PS5 though.
>>317064 >burglarize Fucking hate the way Americans do that shit. They add "ize" to make themselves sound more intelligent. Why not just write burgle you fat milkshake vein cunts REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>317068 thats pretty good
>>317067 that's a british english american english distinction, I've never heard "burgle" in my life
>>317070 weird it's always been burgle burgling burgled here.
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>>317063 >20 people wanting to adopt a pedarist pitbull
>>317070 You've never heard anyone say they've been "burgled" or "they tried to burgle me"? What the fuck do amerilards say? I'm off to burglarize? keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
ANOTHER NAUGHTY LAD ARRESTED https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/liverpool-man-accused-extreme-far-25242748 >Kristopher Thomas Kearney, 37, was arrested by Spanish Police at an address in Alicante in March this year, under a Trade and Co-operation Agreement warrant, obtained by the Met Police's Counter Terrorism Command. Kearney's extradition was granted by the Spanish courts and he was extradited last month. >Kearney, formerly of Croxteth, is due to appear at the Old Bailey in London on January 27, where he is expected to enter pleas to two counts of disseminating a terrorist publication. A statement from the Met Police confirmed his arrest followed an investigation into "extreme right wing terrorism". >The Old Bailey confirmed a provisional trial date has been set for June 5 next year. Kearney has been remanded in custody.
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/12/2022 (Wed) 15:47:57.
>>317076 He shared a link to a website that contained 1,000's of PDFs. And on there was a few that the government has defined has 'terrorist material'. Wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of those honeypot websites about, set up for this exact purpose.
Charlie 'Big Potatoes' played by Stephen Graham in an ITV, government funded production.
>>317076 where are you getting that he was ex-na, it doesn't say that in the article and I've never heard it before about him either
>>317077 tbh I bet something like library genesis could get you done for the same charges >>317079 >where are you getting that he was ex-na Oh yeah, scratch that tbh I'll edit it out
this issue of my laptop turning off my in fact ultimately have been a hardware issue smh can no longer have it on my lap
Might start getting components from a desktop tbh
*for a desktop
>>317079 it was claimed in a Times article, not sure if true >Collett has set about creating his own secretive network of fitness units run by Kris Kearns, who was active in National Action before it was banned. https://archive.ph/2wzxw
>>317084 Active would be an overstatement by the times, he attended one or two meetings pre-proscription before starting a business in Spain
>>317084 >>Collett has set about creating his own secretive network of fitness units run by Kris Kearns well they are lying, there is nothing "secretive" about PA fitness groups also, Charlie Big Potatoes isn't part of PA and never was
this country is such a joke.
>>317084 be aware, the MSM will always try and link *every* right wing group to National Action, to try and get that group banned too it's all guilt by association the reasons for proscribing NA were shaky af anyway, they never did any actual terrorism
>>317087 >secretive they use little words like that to introduce the idea of criminality >>317089 it's because they can justify a ban if one group can be considered an alias of another group they did it with Scottish Dawn
>>317090 >it's because they can justify a ban if one group can be considered an alias of another group they did it with Scottish Dawn the ban on NA wsn't really justified anyway they didn't show sufficient remorse at Jo Cox's death, that's mainly it
>baiting glowies
>>317091 tbh, the socialist reactions to Thatchers death were way worse than what NA's north east twitter put out
the left are allowed to call for murder, terrorism, cannibalism, etc. but our memes are a more pressing threat to the state because they unironically have more destructive power
NA mongs did everything they could to try to appear like terrorists which was stupid. They were retarded and they got unfairly btfo but they shouldn't have been so easy to btfo.
>317095 Yeah lad, they were banned as terrorists because they wore all black and not because the home secretary has borderline dictatorial powers in regards to nationalists
>>317094 tbf, crustywaffen in bristol got absolutely fucked by the state after their brief one day riot. like this guy got 14 years for trying and failing to torch an empty police van that was hanging outside the police station as bait. there were atleast a dozen sentences handed out some 6-8 years for what amounts to scuffling with police.
>>317097 also apparently one of them ACKed in prison.
>>317097 Isolated incident tbh, although I hear the state are going after HnH for standing on the police's toes
>>317096 I saw them throughout 2014 to their banning, the cringe white jihad stuff and talking about hanging traitors. they weren't terrorists, they were too autistic and cringe to be a threat but they desperately tried to make people believe they were to feel hard.
>317100 Ah, you're an autistic retard who doesn't understand memes Then again, why would a youth group for young men use memes to attract members i guess you're right
hate this state apologist faggot tbh
>>317093 leftoids actually did this outside a tory conferencem and there are still songs about them killing tories on youtube https://youtu.be/YBZwicfZu8Q
>>317099 >So far, 13 people have been sentenced to a total of more than 51 years in prison https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/12/kill-the-bill-surge-in-bristol-riot-charges-prompts-alarm-over-civil-liberties They charged 38 people so expect more to end up in jail. Average sentence so far is 4 years. It's just an example that even dogs of the state like Antifa will get smacked if they get in the way of the real agenda.
>>317103 based tbh
>>317105 no, not based, because if these cunts would do that to the pinko liberal tories, imagine what they'd do to us you idiot
>>317104 It also helps convince the people in it that they are some sort of resistance group railing against the state.
>>317106 Nothing, they'd do nothing to us.
>>317106 they melt like butter under a Fascist fist tbh
>>317106 The Tories deserve death you faggot
*switches on VPN*
>>317110 yeah but not by leftists
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i fully endorse terrorism against the state
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If Antifa assaulted a tory at their conference they would absolutely go to prison and if it was bad enough it would be condemned by the system Antifa's in HnH, JCB, CST and Tell Mama. if Antifa assaulted a Kipper-tier type nobody would care, the police would only intervene if he fought back and the media would ignore it. That's the difference. They can bark all they want about kill tory scum they literally will not do shit. These three Generation Identity members went to prison for 4 years each because they got jumped leaving the 2019 GI conference in Sevenoaks and fought back, as an example.
>>317117 they did exactly this though, and police intervened on behalf of antifa that happened at the last tory conference
>>317106 >if these cunts would do that to the pinko liberal tories >Some banners and some mops
>>317119 when?
>noooo you have to support the torees they need our support to beat the left no
>>317121 a couple of weeks ago one of the lotus eaters was there
>>317123 any evidence at all lad?
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>>317124 not in the msm, or on google, no but he posted a video on twitter
>>317122 Nobody here thinks this.
>>317126 ok then post the video you mong
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>>317128 Go and find it for yourself you lazy twat I'm about to go workout
>>317130 never happened, therefore I win the debate. better luck next time toryboy.
keeking at us all having a meltdown tbh, is it a full moon tonight
>>317132 No idea, just people being tedious for the sake of it I reckon.
>Royal Matine basic fitness >1 minute plank >20 push ups simple >>317133 it's funny to rile people up tbh but we're literally all people who like to do that to others but hate it happening to us keek
bbf777 was being a fairy, I know that much.
poo lover told me to slit the home secretary's throat and poo in the gash
>>317131 fucking leftoids ITT ffs
>>317136 boring, unfunny, attention seeking posts lad
>>317138 t. poo lover
post some terrorist manuals for us lads
*laughs manically 'midst the chaos*
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>>317081 >falling for the lap meme that literally fries your bollocks lad.
>>317144 I like to peal back my foreskin and put it on the hot bit feels good
poo-ocracy government by massive hairy POOS!
>>317072 >>317075 not a common word really "buglary" "burglar" "committing a burglary" "burglarizing the house" >>317073 white women
>>317147 >American comes in with le anti-white memes pottery
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wish i had one of those tory student types so i could annihilate her cunt everyday till its radiating red so when she goes campaigning for percy darlington-whit in heminford on stilt the next day, shes waddling between the mock-tudor estates after ive bruised her £500k uturus then id openly support labour and transport reform to make all the toryboys like bbf777 seethe and pee
just watched twilight tbh it was alright
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>>317152 Tell the next girl you meet about your love for Twilight. Faggot.
>>317154 Will do, lad. Girls love that shit. Shame you only know that through the internet and not real women . . .
>>317155 >real women lad, "real" women don't exist, that's just a meme
>>317117 this was a total injustice antifa showed up at a private conference held by GI, started attacking people outside, a few of them fought back and those that did got arrested and put in prison meanwhile the antifa that started the violence got nothing
>>317155 >Shame you only know that through the internet >30 Anon, I.
lads whats a good idea for a meme?
>>317159 killing women and foreigners
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>cat's been missing for 3 days
>>317159 a crocodile with zoomer hair could work
>>317162 smh sometimes cats do that
>>317165 It's a new one
>>317162 he'll be back in a few days and act like nothing has happened >>317166 oh, rip lad
>>317166 maybe a lass found it and thought it was abandoned
>>317168 The only hope i have. It is so scared and shy but hopefully it seeks someone when it's hungry
>>317169 did it not have a collar/microchip?
>>317170 it has a chip I think but that only works if someone actually takes it to the vet
>"let's hang the tories together"
lots of ban worthy posts ITT tbh
Who's posting /brit/ memes on /v/?
>>317178 they really are insulting everyone at this point
(6.83 MB 720x720 vaxproblems.mp4)

>In COVID hearing, #Pfizer director admits: #vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission. "Get vaccinated for others" was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated.
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>>317178 >Russia created a Sam Hyde meme It would be funny if it were true though smh
>>317183 we've lost him to a source mod for a bit I'd wager.
Feel sad. Think I'll comfort myself with my nephew's cookies and sweets. mummy will understand
>>317176 what memis have been leaked?
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>>317185 >carbs lad, you're only hurting yourself
>>317176 show us some screen grabs lad we might be able to identify the meme theif by the file names
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>>317189 that's Isle Of Man
>>317190 it's not. his first post in that thread was asking how to make them
>>317191 well they are posting his memes
>>316989 >doubt the west is going to send people now if they've gone this long without doing it twenty years, lad. Twenty Years. they love a good long-war, it's great for the (((economy))) just think of all the equipment sales! >>317062 >>317063 smh
Fucking hate the people I work with. Bunch of fucking wogs can't stand the cold and insist on having the heating on so the room temp is always 26C plus. They can't spell words properly and they do sloppy work and chat too much. If it were up to me I'd fire the lot of them. Productivity and profit would probably triple.
>>317194 many such cases lad
>>317183 I'm back but it's too late, toil on the morn
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>>317198 lad...
>>317190 >>317191 yeah not me tbh
No film tonight?
fresh morgoth le spenglo Is The West An Elephant On Stilts? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP4TlRMTgbI
>>317201 dont like yank police
>>317206 >fresh Ban him.
>>317205 >>317206 brit hivemind
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>>317163 I tried and even i don't understand this meme
>>317210 if anyone here should be banned it would definitely be (You)
https://youtu.be/jVgZDcUQPEY >3:31 >mfw someone says I won't breed
>>317213 A mild keek from smee. >>317214 Smh I was only joking.
>>317204 you want to watch something?
>>317218 could start on gotham or another tv series actually, one episode is short enough
>>317218 Would join if you were. I'm done gooming tonight.
well don't go all soylent on me
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>messed upthe formatting
>>317222 sorry was just setting it up
>>317223 >catwoman
Have a seat
going blankiemode tbh
ALEX JONES ORDERED TO PAY ONE BILLION DOLLERS TO SANDY HOOK FAMILIES https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-63237092
having a bit of a soft tug and pinch through my sweatpants tbh
>>317230 why though?
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>>317232 he said it didn't happen and people (no evidence provided on this) fucked with the families. therefore -1 billion freedombucks
>>317234 I saw a solitary hobo lad doubled over, standing still on his feet with his head by his ankles like the Pittsburg zombie videos the other day. First time seeing that for me.
>>317162 smh hope kitty comes home soon. put clothes and stuff that has familiar smells outside
>>317237 probably on spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) lad had a big problem with spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) in my town among the hobos before 2019
what's more subhuman? >70 IQ mongrel apes hundreds of thousands of years of evolution behind modern humans >'forgiving' said mongrel apes after they kill your son
>>317240 nothing is worse than fags who cuck out like this, its lower than an insect protecting its hive from invaders
its a middle classoid phenomena as well
>>317240 I will forever seethe about the norwegian women who were beheaded and how their parents reacted similarlily
>>317240 unjust and mentally ill
>>317239 Thanks lad, I was just trying to search what its symptomatic of while you posted. I can probabaly track down the video where I saw the same thing happening, it was Pittsburg I believe and the guy was driving by whole blocks downtown with numerous people all so alike.
>>317245 yeah heroin people kind of fade out like that but I think also fags on that k2 shit also do it
night night. Japanese Chun Li. https://youtu.be/-HEOglPXv7E
>>317230 >$120 million to Robbie Parker, the guy who laughed before his interview
>>317251 even if sandy hoax were real, a kid ain't worth $120 million
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>>317253 based
>>317240 >to give up all claim on account of (debt) Sounds antisemitic
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>The families’ lawyers had suggested jurors use $550 million as a “baseline” for calculating damages — roughly one dollar for every social media impression Jones’s Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts jointly racked up during the six years following the 2012 mass shooting the actual fuck is wrong with them They honest to god hand on the bible ruled damages over "1 like = $damages" >1 like =1 dollar please like and share this post
it seems like a 4chan schizo just did a mass shooting in slovakia and is now on the run.
i really wish meme massacres weren't a thing tbh
>>317253 >old people with walking frames outside the door keek what >>317252 No reasonable person would put a price tag on their child, not that the ptb give a shit about children. The purpose is to destroy Alex and cement the inviolability of the mainstream media. >>317256 This is the price of freedom (of speech)
>>317256 the entire thing is ridiculous >>317258 tbh
this is the guys twitter. he's supposedly responsible but he's still tweeting: https://twitter.com/ntma0315 someone did do a shooting in a gay bar in slovakia and the suspect hasn't been caught yet.
ah shit he has a manifesto and he mentioned 8chan. god what a fucking faggot.
>>317262 smh some worthless europoor ruining free speech on english language forums when he shouldn't even be on them in the first place
>>317262 smh the security services will no doubt find this place as a result due to the name alone
>>317259 >No reasonable person would put a price tag on their [OWN] child that's not what I'm saying though, I'm talking about a third person assessing the value of somebody else's kid. objectively, if you think about what you can buy with $120 million (a real estate empire) and compare that to an ejaculation, 9 months gestation, couple years breastfeeding and a few years of food... the economic value is not comparable. a man's entire life's work is worth maybe 2% of that, depending on what he does.. organs are probably less. obviously a parent is going to view their own offspring as priceless, but we're talking about a court assessing damages. they're saying that the emotional stress of Alex making fun of the crisis actor is worth more than 100 houses
there's multiple 8chans right? this one doesnt even have an active /pol/ board so Im hoping this place doesnt get shut down.
"fuuuck they're coming bros..this slovakike led them here"
the only somewhat decent Slavs are Russians and only because they bully the other Slavs
come the fuck on
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>>317269 he sounds a bit like spic
>english feed >shite memis >"hullo audience" tweets tryhard mong
he's posting on fucking 4chan's /pol/ right now
the thread https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/399535969/ I bet that mong earlier feels really stupid for his attention seeking posts earlier. maybe auslad should wipe it so that mong doesnt get done.
>>317270 I fucking hate this meme
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>>317275 do not post in the thread they will demand the ip addresses of everybody that posts in that thread from 4cuck
wonder if the jap who runs 4chan will finally close up /pol/
>>317269 fucking eurotrash obsessed with american wignat culture. why don't all these random eurocucks just speak their own damn language and get their own memes like russians do?
>>317278 tbh don't even click
>>317253 I hope this is set up
you lads are based and anglos should stand together but all these west slav fucks need to catch a nuke they are all constantly antagonizing russia and drawing america into conflict with russia. I honestly think that pipeline was most likely done by the poles despite the memes it being done by CIAniggers
>>317285 the nig jumping out the window in fear of a crippled zogbot is hard to believe
>>317287 >>317282 are these AI generated pepes?
>>317285 that camo stopped being used about 2008-2010
>>317288 USA did the Nordstream ones. there's another one going through Poland that the poles probably did >>317290 nah
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>>317293 good lad
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>>317279 why post that lad
>>317234 not healthy
>>317297 i'd also like to know the answer to this
>>317299 was that how you looked after your mannerbund?
>>317299 thats how poofs attract mates
>>317299 it was just pembs looking for change on the site of the road
>>317301 think that's how pembs looks now after months of getting bummed by lew
>>317301 I believe it
pembs doesnt do that kind of stuff
i think we are safe tbh. he was a newfag to 8 and only found the site after pic related. he thinks the site died so must have missed the comeback and migration.
Tulsi Gabbard on Ukraine and the Military Industrial Complex https://youtu.be/rAfwpfUBw1M
>>317306 he brags about it on twitter
bins bringing up pembs again obsessed
>>317293 very good lad
>>317308 tulsi gabbard is a pajeet and not an american she is also a CIAnigger
>>317310 troons love to think you're obsessed with them, when in reality they are just a morbid curiosity, like watching a freak show
if i was a mod i'd ban you without hesitation
midwesterne medical students recite a prayer to The Science Steiner's tribe is mentioned
>>317312 >tulsi gabbard is a pajeet and not an american she is also a CIAnigger she's a curious case for sure, what do you make of her turning against the dems?
>>317315 >checks lexus nexus >writes oxy script >bills insurance wow I just did medicine
>>317315 society cant collapse quickly enough >>317316 shes going to steal takes from beady mike
>>317316 she is like elissa slotkin who is doing that exact heel turn but only regionally in shitagain. elissa slotkin is a MIL-IND CIAnigger jew so she is pivoting right for the military reasons and getting on the "bring back manufacturing" aspect. gabbard is just another CIAnigger implant and they represent the bureaucracy and want stability and not necessarily the insano shit. gabbard is not based at all. its just some act she plays to get chud boomers to vote for her since she is some pit mommy milf lookalike but in reality is a pajeet implant like suckdick cunt, etc.
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>>317314 >rent free
sad pathetic old man
can you prolapse your angus bins? https://youtu.be/tZ-9-tbEjAA
horrid little troon boy
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oh it's Dorshit should have guessed
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>>317325 I'll watch that Mark Dice video Watching some CIA guy talk about Putin and Ukraine right now https://youtu.be/xQEmYYpWt2g
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>>317329 so you still meeting the insane troon Jocko for sex or not now?
Dorset if you are here then put on your flag
>>317331 why lass?
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>>317331 >Dorset if you are here then put on your flag he doesn't put a flag on any more he's ashamed of himself, and quite rightly so
creepy old bins
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Just hate troons nothing wrong with that
Nobody : Bins : TROONS!!!!!
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Nobody: Troons: BINS!!!
bins is obsessed with troonism because he is attracted to masculine men and he views trooning out as a 'waste of a hunk' it's like one of those 'before tumblr, after tumblr' images with a normal pretty girl that got turned into some weird dyed hair shaved head piercing tattoo freak
>>317339 >he views trooning out as a 'waste of a hunk' troonism is mentally ill, perverted, anti-life evil that's my problem with it
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>>317341 dorset, are you thinking about leg lengthening surgery? if you got femurs and tibias done you could reach as much as 5'11. then gingerlass is all yours idk my height in centimeters but I could hit 5'11 from just femurs, maybe even 6' just barely depending. I think I will do that at some point within the next few years
cmon you know you want to reply the posting must continue
must be your worst post yet not including the fact that every lad ive seen gingerlass with was a manlet
>>317345 >every lad ive seen gingerlass with was a manlet so she's into manlets then... just not you tbh I would have a pretty good shot with gingerlass, my southern european phenotype would make northern european women easy. but she would have to agree to start taking natural breast enlargement herbs such as Pueraria mirifica, as well as begin a rigorous glute hypertrophy routine
youre fucking delusional beyond belief at this point
>>317346 lad, you can't really have sensible conversations with Dorset
this place is fucking terrible, honestly hope it gets shut down the fcking state
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>listening to Alex Jones live on infowars to see how he's reacting to his insane fine
>>317352 is he seething
>>317353 yeah a bit, but it's not broken him
>>317354 is he e-begging more than usual
Good morning lads
>>317358 rise and shine
It's Spic, he made it, lads!
>>317361 I found a forum for leg lengthening and apparently all of these cheap surgeons in Turkey are very bad. seems if you want a good result you need to pay a western doctor a fuck ton of money. the turks only charge ~$25k but then you get infections and shit and if you complain about it then they threaten you livelifetaller destroyed my life >I started femoral surgery at livelifetaller last October and had a series of post-operative complications. These include but are not limited to osteomyelitis, osteochondrosis, and nerve damage. Of course, at this point, the most important thing to deal with is still osteomyelitis, which has left me unable to stand and walk independently and with a lot of pain almost a year after the surgery. At the very first interview with them, their doctor told me that their patients were usually able to walk off crutches two weeks after surgery and run within a month. I was convinced, so I had the surgery just a few days after the interview. Just a few hours after the surgery, they ask you to get out of bed and walk, and then they take video behind you. And the steps are repeated over the next few days. You have to do it and they will force you. That's why they have so many videos. I was discharged after 3 days in the hospital, which is usually a week for the rest of the team. After being discharged I noticed thick yellow and red fluid coming out of my wound and had asked them about it. They told me that it was normal drainage and that it meant that everything was fine (since I had no previous experience with infection, I didn't know it was an infection). After that, there was a lot of pus coming out every day and I asked them about it, but they told me to trust them and that they were sure I didn't have an infection. After being in pain for close to a month, their people came over to take x-rays of my femur, but found no success in lengthening it. So a few days later, I underwent a new surgery, which was a continuation of the nightmare. I noticed after the surgery that I had numbness in my left foot and no control of my thumb, which was more intense when I was lying down. As a result, I was unable to sleep most of the time. At first I thought I was losing too much blood and asked them about it. They still told me that everything was normal and that it was normal to experience numbness after surgery. It wasn't until last December when I returned to New York and found the infection had increased that I went to nyu langone for a checkup and they told me that I was diagnosed with osteomyelitis and had nerve damage and bone loss (before that, livelifetall told me that my bones were growing well). And they found that the infection was caused by the built-in metal contamination and recommended that I have immediate surgery and acute shortening of the gap between the bones, which meant that the surgery was a complete failure, so I refused. At a later time I re-inquired about livelifetaller and sent them my ct and x-ray and they told me their doctor had looked at it and still found no problems present. It wasn't until I gave them the nyulangone diagnosis report that they put the blame on me. They said my surgery failed because I took too much pain medication (what does this have to do with osteomyelitis?) However, while I was there they did not allow me to buy any medication and only gave me one or two diclofenac pills a day at my request. After that, their executives contacted me and threatened to hold me legally responsible if I told anyone about the incident. And after I was disabled by them, they still did not take any responsibility and compensate me. http://www.limblengtheningforum.com/index.php?topic=71235.0 it's amazing because if you look at their youtube channel, everything seems fine, the patients all seem happy and appear to have good result and everything seems clean and professional. but then people go on forums and there's posts like this
Didn't realise it rained so much at night smh
Gotta go to my paid trial shift in the rain roooooo
>>317361 keeeeeeeeek
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seems Vietnam is better than Turkey one of the usernames on this forum is "maimedinturkey" keek
sneed chucks >>317362 >doctors smile and take your money >tell you you'll be much happier after the operation >leave you with nothing but a festering wound literally just the lop but for manlets tbh madness
>>317367 leg lengthening surgery is legitimate- they cut your bones apart and use nails to push them apart, and your body grows new bone- but the turks are very irresponsible about it. you're supposed to lengthen by 1mm/day tops but they push patients to do 1.5mm/day, and 8cm is the maximum you can do on femurs without a huge increase in risk of complications but if a patient wants to they will do as much as 10.5cm. the problem isn't the bones- the bones grow just fine, it's that the muscles can only stretch so much. if you force the bones to grow longer than the muscles can handle then you lose range of motion and can even get nerve damage, losing control of your feet. when done correctly leg lengthening is pretty safe but you have to stay within safety parameters and it takes a lot of physical therapy, painful stretching etc. after the surgery to recover the stuff about the turks smelling the infected wound and saying it's not infected, and threatening people for giving bad reviews, that's just third world holy fuck
richfag-tier >USA >Germany budget-tier >South Korea >Greece >Vietnam maim-tier >Turkey >India
>>317368 or you could just make peace with who you are
>>317336 >>317338 I love him
>>317370 it's not about the mental state, it's about increasing the distance between your scalp and the soles of your feet. tall men are respected by others and have a much easier time with women, it's retarded as fuck but it is what it is pretending it doesn't matter is actually the cope, getting surgery to solve the problem is the best course of action. the problem is the price, probably about $50k to get 8cm tops from femurs in Vietnam or something. can spend another $25-50k to get tibias done for another 5cm or so tops >>317371 mornin', toots
>>317372 insanity tbh
>>317373 idk my current height in centimeters, it's 173-175, if by chance it's 175 and I can get 8cm with femur that's just barely 6'. if not can still hit 5'11 with only one bone. thing is even 8cm is a lot, it would probably be better to do like 6cm femur 4cm tibia, but that's a lot more expensive if only I had bought bitcoin and got rich I could do every kind of cosmetic procedure like this done, I'd get the laser skin resurfacing and the protein rich plasma and the dermal fillers, all the memes, give me all the memes. I'd probably go too far with it and bog myself, slippery slope
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>>317374 sounding like a plastic surgery addict tbh bet if you did make it big off of bitcoin you'd be looking like a bogdanoff right now smh just wear one inch elevator shoes and tell lasses you're six foot tbh women have no spatial sense so they can't tell the difference
spic will always be making excuses once he gets his legs extended, he'll just find some other excuse for not getting a gf wonder what it will be
>>317376 choosing chunky-soled shoes is a good idea as long as it's not too much of a boost and they actually are normal shoes. but I don't wanna lie, I'm an honest person >>317377 what's your excuse, lad? I'm focusing on myself rn. it wouldn't really fit with my lifestyle.. my basement lair where I dwell, what is a gf going to do here? there's a bed to cuddle and fuck in, there's a bathroom with a shower, there's a computer but I don't even think there's room for her to sit on my lap while I shitpost. only idea I have to turn this place into a 'venue' for a gf is to get some kind of projector and speakers so we can lie in bed and watch anime on the ceiling while cuddling and molesting eachother. that's pretty awkward so probably if I had gf I would spend a lot of time at her house and I'd have to buy a laptop to bring over there and shitpost with
>>317378 >I don't wanna lie having doctors put metal rods in your legs is a lie lad
i already have a gf
>>317380 tbh most of /brit/ have breedees and spawn by now
>>317379 <hey what are these scars on your legs? >oh I got leg lengthening surgery, talk about how painful and expensive it was <wow spic you're such a badass! I could never afford to spend that much money or endure that much pain! no lies needed >>317381 if there are gf havers they are very quiet about it. this community is VERY incel
I meant italics not spoiler, oh well
any sane person would laugh at you irl for having leg surgery
bet these fake-lankets have weak legs too from being lengthened just kick them in the shin
>>317385 provided the bones fuse back together properly, which they usually do, about 1 month after the rods are removed the marrow is replaced and they are just as strong as virgin bones. the bones aren't the issue, it's the soft tissue like muscles and nerves that has to stretch really far. tibias are more likely to have problems then the femurs, notably the achilles tendon is the limiting factor and if the tibias are lengthened too much then they may not be able to touch their heel to the ground
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your bones will always be virgin bones
just want to stick my legs together and be a merman
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I don't know what to do until 5:30am or so when I start getting ready for bed, it's too cold to wank
>>317391 STOP staying up past 4am (the civilised man's bedtime)
need to get the space heater, it's space heater season again. this house is retarded because the upper floors and the basement have drastically different temperatures, and the sensors for the heat/AC are upstairs and it's all one unit. so in the summer, the AC runs like crazy because the upstairs gets hot, which makes the downstairs cold, so I have to cover most of the AC vent with a magnetic strip thing. then in the summer, the downstairs gets cold but the heat doesn't run because upstairs is fine so I need a space heater and sometimes in the morning, it's actually hotter in the basement than upstairs, around the time in the morning I go to bed. but the air doesn't run then, so annoying >>317392 6am is better
https://youtu.be/BRb4U99OU80 keeeeeeek looks like team america
>>317394 keeeeeksmh
burnt my finger. great. All I wanted was a small morning za
at the end of the day if i have coins in my pocket i put them on the chest of drawers by my bed took that pile of coins to the bank today and it was two hundred and twenty dollars >>317396 luv a good morning 'za tbh
>tfw just wasted an hour reading through troon posting and manlet posting garbage Why do I do this to myself?
You thought plastic spoons were illegal, now they’ve come for your pronouns and cock!
>>317398 reading through the thread is your civic duty lad >>317399 smh minority report wasn't supposed to be real
>spend ten minutes making a memi >it's not funny
>>317401 don't post it, nobody wants to see an unfunny memi
>>317402 tbh just wasted effort smh
>>317399 Are they just going to per-emptively arrest every incel that a women finds in her peripheral vision?
>>317399 How will they do this and not exclusively profile browns?
hate multi-lane roundabouts tbh who actually uses the inside lane of a roundabout? if you're on the inside lane how the fuck do you get out without missing your exit? single-lane roundabouts are fine though tbh i like them a lot probably the single most effective way of handling a 5+ road intersection four roads too if you don't want to put in traffic lights
>>317406 never come to swindon
>>317406 multi lane roundabouts only work with conscientious (read white) drivers that give way and obey the highway code.
>>317407 *screams*
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>>317407 seen that one before tbh never knew it was in swindon smh hope i never have to traverse that unholy abomination smdh it's only six roads too tbh what was wrong with a regular roundabout? >>317408 tbh so basically they don't work
>>317399 smh minority report was supposed to be a warning not an instruction manual
>>317400 >>317411 you alright lad?
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>>317413 we honestly cannot afford to lose you to dementia.
>>317414 keeeeek smh had a niggling feeling i'd already typed out a reply but for some reason assoomed that i'd deleted it to write something else and cba to scroll up and check tbh
three days in a row of wanking, getting rather sick of it tbqh
>>317416 find a rapehole lad, works for smee
>>317416 STOP wanking
>>317417 I don't own any plushies and even then I'm not going to sexually assault them, that's /mlp/ tier. >>317418 I've had to, I'm in my refraction period.
knew a lad whod dress up as a ninja and sneakily fuck his gf in the night, then leave the room with silent acrobatics
>>317420 keeeeeeeeeek based
​'I AM EVIL. I DID THIS': Court is shown handwritten notes penned by nurse Lucy Letby who wrote, 'I don't deserve to live. I killed them on purpose because I'm not good enough' after she 'murdered seven premature babies'​ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11310989/I-EVIL-DID-Court-shown-handwritten-confessions-penned-nurse-Lucy-Letby.html >The words 'Hope, Panic and Fear' were among other words crowded on to a piece of paper, which also read: 'I will never have children or marry'. >'She wrote, 'I don't deserve to live. I killed them on purpose because I'm not good enough'. 'I am a horrible evil person' and in capital letters, 'I AM EVIL I DID THIS' god i hate women
>>317422 Another womb that should have been chained to a kitchen sink and forcibly bred.
>>317422 based women psychology where they will state obvious negative traits about themselves so simps and other whores will tell them they're not *kills her*
>>317423 tbh a growing mountain of evidence that w*men cannot be considered people >>317424 smh their entire psychology seems to be wired towards ruining things that would otherwise be fine just to get attention
>>317425 well you, look at.. society
>enjoy an actress hog on the telly >go to /tv/ >thread about her and her co actress simulating le sex *screams*
>>317427 *reports you for not supporting wombxyns empowerment*
>starting to think current groomee is a stealth retard or just really immature
>>317429 bit weird how you always manage to find the mentally handicapped lasses tbh
>>317430 Makes sense when you think about women want and what I want
How come women poos are so small when their bone hole is big
>>317432 keeeeek smh just get pelvis-widening surgery tbh ask spic he knows a good bone doctor
back on the wwii spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) training films again
>>317433 spic is going to end up like those lobster wogs in that gay mans doc.
lecture about Trump winning in 2016. Professor is a jew https://youtu.be/yoeTie0wJeM
>>317435 smh many such cases >>317436 >bogdanor
What's a good weekend christmas seasonal job?
funny to think that spic looks like a little latino rob schneider prides himself on his pvre blooded 4% ashkenazi german heritage
>>317438 call centre
>>317438 can't think of anything aside from retoil tbh >>317439 keeeeeek
I think there is a shortage of warehouse serfs in London currently
>>317441 I'm an early morning wine warehouse toilee now
>>317443 based smh jealous of you tbh being a neet is fine but i prefer to work for my money and warehouse toil seems like just the right kind of cushy smh been applying but no luck yet >>317444 >niggers in fantasy settings (an implicitly western european idea)
>>317432 keeeek are there reddit pages dedicated to seething at rightoid memis
>>317445 don't worry, they're killing and blanching them under king paddy's instruction
>>317447 keeeek based
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2022/10/13/politics-latest-news-tory-rebels-fire-critcising-liz-truss/ Downing Street 'working on mini-Budget U-turn over corporation tax' keeeek
>>317449 truss enuss is going to be the shortest-lived prime minister ever tbh keeeeek
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>>317450 >>317449 At first she was all.... But then she was like
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>>317451 going to wait three hundred and sixty three days to see if he actually says this i have time >>317452 keeeeeeeeeek
>>317453 >going to wait three hundred and sixty three days to see if he actually says this i have time oh shit that tweet is dated 2023 I guess it's fake then, fuck
the fine on Alex Jones really shows where the priorities of the ruling class lie - and they are not with public safety
>>317455 Hope he gets sued to death tbh, the man's a fool
>>317454 anything that can be viewed in a webpage can be faked in a webpage lad
when is it appropriate to meet the parents of your woman/queen/goddess?
>317456 >(1)
>>317458 when you're reasonably committed to marrying her lad >>317459 tbh
BEING ANTI-PORN IS "WHITE SUPREMACY >evenif you are a brown skinned muslims
>>317461 Alex Jones is a safety valve to cloud the water with multi-dimensional aliens. His role is to discredit real concerns with conspiracy shit.
>>317461 wew real smh
>>317464 >Alex Jones is a safety valve to cloud the water with multi-dimensional aliens. His role is to discredit real concerns with conspiracy shit. so why are they destroying him then?
Angard sending shift emails all day. Wonder if the strikes will bring RM to terms, the new machines make me think it won't unfortunately. They seemed to be able to get back to normal operations after only 2 days after the 2 day strike at my centre.
Wew. Any other lads lurking who've been unable to poost, if you're using trannyfox, try another browser. Was getting endlessly captcha cucked for some reason.
>>317466 Because the powers that control us aren't one large monolith. They're as much at odds with each other as with us.
>>317469 >trannyfox?
>>317469 >>317470 >Because the powers that control us aren't one large monolith. They're as much at odds with each other as with us. so why was he banned from twitter, facebook, youtube, and paypal all at the exact same time?
>>317471 Firefox. They were the first to push the trans rights bullshit on the homepage, like almost every other browser now does. Smh.
Anyway an update on boomer hobby at the hohol centre today. My polface was not summoned to slava rossiya at them. But I happened to have been carving a bear (nothing to do with Russia) and the visible fear of the hohols at what they associated with big bad Russia made me silently keek.
Wessex do u want to watch sanada maru?
>>317472 Because he pissed off one side of the tranny matrix and the other side views him as expendable.
How do we benefit from some retard distracting from things like the jewish question with talk of interdimensional aliens?
>>317476 could do, this evening if bins isn't putting on gotham? I need to work all day on my flat so I don't get kicked out of it for being a mouldmonster tbh
>>317479 maybe tomorrow evening, i probably should sleep early
>>317478 He's always either been a bit crazy, or a showman first, but the milquetoast American conservatism seemed genuine. That seems gigga based sometimes from our perspective but he's arguably a less 'extreme' version of Tucker Carlson, who seems to have gone almost wignat. How long he'll be tolerated is anyone's guess now. But Alegs was fucked over probably because of being such a popular figure pushing about against mentira virus, and the sandy hook thing was to take something that tugs on the heartstrings just enough for people to think "that's fucked they can do that to someone for freezed peach, but oh well he's le bad for not being empathetic to parents of dead kids, I will immediately forget this precedent being set and move on."
>>317479 >could do, this evening if bins isn't putting on gotham? 22st says he can't watch Gotham tonight, so maybe do somethign else then
>>317481 They all need to fuck off so that wews can shine his brightest as the only alternative source for news after ten months of things happening
>shitty takes ITT
I hope Alex Jones gets assassinated tbh
>>317469 haven't had any problems with firefox tbh haven't updated in a year or two though >>317475 wew smh >>317481 tbh he was useful enough as a conspiracy boomer lure but during the coof he got too much publicity >>317487 bad lad
>>317485 >bbf >best b forever
oh no no no wonder if they will have the trolley lady on the train transforming into a terminator with knife hands and shit keek, such an awful "book" >>317482 chinky goyslop perhaps? an esports drama based on a 3000+ chapter webnovel or there is always fantastic beatdowns and where to batter women 3: the strategies of dempseyroll >>317480 sounds good
>>317490 >Harry is haunted by his aborted child
>>317490 might go see chamber of secrets and the thing in cinema for its 20th anniversary
>>317490 keeeeeek smh he wears the look well tbh
i met king athelstan and she was black
>>317494 haven't seen it tbh, could do
>>317496 that's nice lass *bombs you and rewrites your history* i met king athelstan and he was was very nice honestly
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I bet it's the same cunts that think it's good that leftists get away with political violence that think it's good that Alex Jones is being sued to death
i met auslad and she's black
>>317499 you'd be wrong and you're black
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>>317499 tbh >>317500 shh lass they aren't supposed to know that
>>317503 >tbh as BO are you able to see their IP addresses?
>>317504 sort of tbh it's hashed though and i don't think there's any way to turn it back into a raw ip
>>317505 going to report this post as an example and show you what i see
>>317505 tell him that in fact there a niggas who don't compromise. You is in or you is out. Alex Jones? Out. Leftist terrorists? Out. Bins? out.
Joe Owens? out.
>>317506 reporting your own post? I don't understand
>>317509 >i don't understand because you are a fool
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>>317507 based >>317509 this is what i (or any other janny) sees when you poost here
i hate FOOLS! does bbf777 believe interdimensional beings run the government?
>>317512 they do THOUGH
>>317511 looks like a load of gobbledegook to smee
>>317514 exactly lad that's all we see
>>317513 they do not, it is the jews and the jesuits.
>>317516 but what about the rosicrucians lad?
>>317517 they look like willies tbh. circumstized. i think.
i am making all of these posts while naked which makes anyone who reads them gay
/Brit/ on a group holiday in Albania
/brit/ on a girls holiday in zante
/brit/ on an operation red dog holiday in dominica
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/brit/ on /brit/ posting about politics
>politics >on /brit/
/brit/ on /brit/ talking about /brit/
/brit/ on /brit/ violence
>>317526 sad! many such cases
>>317526 part and parcel of a diverse board tbh
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>>317524 should have kept it LOCAL
728 posts and nobody has once mentioned the lesbians
can't get enough of these training videos tbh smh espionage seemed so simple back then smh it was so straightforward and simple
>>317531 It's still easy now if you're a woman, it's basically just seduce an important man.
https://youtu.be/xW9s4Yjc3Uc Just cuck me says Corlys

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