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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3781: Bee Yourself Edition Anonymous 09/30/2022 (Fri) 08:08:55 Id: 3e9797 No. 311961
Asian hornet alert as insects spotted in UK https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/asian-hornet-uk-bees-insects-b2177217.html Petition demanding early general election passes 100,000 needed for parliament consideration https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/general-election-liz-truss-mini-budget-b2177835.html EXCLUSIVE: Jab got your tongue? Pfizer Covid vaccine caused 'debilitating' lesions that left 60-year-old woman unable to eat for months https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11235577/Woman-60-suffers-agonizing-TONGUE-ulcers-getting-Pfizer-COVID-vaccine.html
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>that huge wasp I saw yesterday might've been a dirty foreign wasp
>>311966 first the squirrels and now the wasps smh
Militant atheist with jewish raised children, Sir Keir Starmer will take the reins.
Perhaps there is somebody decent locally that you can vote for. But in terms of the general election, what sort of person still gets excited about it? I'd hope the turnout just gets lower and lower and it probably won't.
>>311969 niggercattle just love vooting even when they don't like any of the options smh it makes them feel powerful
>>311971 What mods are there auslad? Is there another beside bbk?
yeah i modded two lads in total
>>311973 good lad, the trannies do tremble
>man who offered a character reference still hasn't emailed me back
>>311975 He's done you.
>>311976 they all have fuck them i'm bennie maxxing
>>311968 >Keir Starmer's wife >only fit at certain very specific angles >looks like she's had a nose job I wonder if Hebrews are actually an alien parasite who have been with humans since the dawn of time, slowly attempting to emulate and be human. Starting out in their initial form, but eventually getting closer, but not quite there, i.e. where they are now.
>>311973 lad one of them assaulted my post for no reason, whoever that was is a tyrant and must be removed see >>311864 >>311874
they're paying mongolian mercenaries with sheep keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>311979 What did you do lad? *looks at you suspiciously*
>>311981 I posted >>311875 in response to >>311860
I had a dream I was in a museum and couldn't find any toilets suitable to poo in, eventually I found one but then people started walking in and looking at me and schoolkids were laughing at me so I just started pooing. then there was no toilet paper
also had a dream before that where I had to change babies' nappies poo dreams all over smh >>311982 wasn't bbk, he went to bed at 11 tbh
>>311980 kek. They're getting food aid and some money as well, but still...
>>311987 Russia will probably start picking up again when the mobilised people are ready for battle
https://liveuamap.com/ Is livemap bias? Its main sources seem to be the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence
>>311988 I think they're going to be on the defensive until the winter, when things will die down a bit because of the snow >>311989 yes. Southfront is pro-Russian and they are pretty objective, that's what I'd recommend http://southfront.org/ other pro-Russian sources: http://readovka.news/ http://riafan.ru/ and obviously RT and other than Liveuamap there is that 'Institute for the Study of War' or whatever for pro-the-urine sources
didn't finish my post. after the winter then Russia will have mobilized and they will be on the attack again also Russia just recognized Kherson/Zaphorizia independence, they will annex all 4 oblasts on October 4th and they will comprise the new Novorossija region. then the Ukraine will be occupying Russian de jure territory which will give Russia justification to take the gloves off and consider tacticool nukes
>>311990 >>311991 thanks lad, figured that may be the case Russia are saying that attacking the new Oblasts will be seen as a direct attack on Russia hope we see nukes used in are time tbh NATO will shit itself keeeeeeeeeek
>>311991 Could be an offensive on one of the southern fronts during the winter once the mud freezes.
>Flu >Twindemic Don't call it a comeback, I never left
trannies preparing to raid /brit/
Twindemic is the new buzzword lads
Might start making some merch
>>311994 keeeeeeeeeeeek
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We got your flute now cracka
>>311998 ffs never heard that one tbh. I switched off a long time ago.
ironic how nogs are the icon of slavery because i would equally hate to be either slave or darky
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>>312001 Sure this already happened years ago.
>>312003 Every albino nigger I've ever seen has been a nigger bugman. Anybody else noticed this?
>>312005 Where do you live to see so many albino niggers? Never seen one in my life.
>>312006 Nah, it's a rare thing. Only a fewtimes. But every time they have been the biggest bugman you can imagine.
>>311991 Freshly mobilised forces will be arriving in those oblasts next week. The real question is how long Ukranian breakthrough units will use their local superiority to extend their advance. They started off with a 10 to 1 local superiority and I'm surprised at the fact Russia hadn't prepared any defence in depth. So it's just about how sustainable the push is now until fresh brigades reach the front.
>>312008 I figured it would take months for the mobilization to have a significant effect since they have to send them to boot camp for training, even if they have military experience surely they'd need two weeks to brush up no?
>>312007 Fuck off congo nigger. The only way you've seen even a few is you live in central africa.
It's all cope really. Ukraine will be preparing for Moscow by the end of Winter.
>>312010 >Britain doesn't have lots of niggers, even albino ones. you ever left your house?
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with my drunk uncle
>>312009 So they're not just mobilising completely green units and the idea is that the completely green units are sent to the rear of the army to be trained by the guys being rotated out. Honestly Russia simply didn't have the numbers to defend every front so they chose one to keep their best equipped units around. That said the units were also under equipped territorials and NATO was instrumental in providing intel so the Ukies could get deep recon teams behind their lines and have their artillery level ammo dumps and CPs. It's why the advance has been so fast the Ukie commanders on the ground plus nato advisers are making on the ground decisions as they break through backed by western intel.
>>312012 Britain has maybe 3% niggers. Been seeing more of them recently smh. Got to be maybe 40 or 50 of them locally whereas there were none 10 years ago. >Want a nigger for a neighbour? Vote Conservative!
woken up this morning by one of the annoying loud elderly neighbours saying they were trying to book another booster jab
>>312016 The nigger ratio will be discovered next month lad
>>312017 Just got an email for that tbh keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Get ready for the Twindemic™ Winter, it's going to be a rollercoaster.
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>>312017 What did you wank it to last night lad? I'm getting worried that you're going to become a troon because she rejected you . . .
>>312021 Why are you trying to get me banned, lass? smh
Anybody got the louis tapes?
I will never become a troon, I am far too masculine looking, I could never pass. I am not a sub
https://youtu.be/H2dm4_cIxFQ found the louis tapes >>312025 chant this every new moon lad. you must not let them devour you.
>>312027 dont worry lass, im the one in charge of them
you think you're funny but you're not, mate
>>312028 I've heard it before
>>312030 he was only being friendly.
>>312012 Seen quite a few albino blacks in South London. I saw one white guy who might of been an albino too. The features are different.
Redpill me on Louis the Neet, what was that about?
Excited for the census results to be released, finally get to see my work on display
>>312032 Dorsey you shouldn't find that funny.
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>>312016 Who do I vote for if I don't?
>>312040 Nobody, nobody is even trying in this country despite proven success of at least mildly naughty boiz in multiple countries we've convinced ourselves of red blue red blue
purple was simply a disguise for red blue, red blue make purple
>>312042 purple is the sneakiest colour, lad
Keeeeeeek Russia annexes Kherson, almost completely removing Ukrainian access to the Black Sea, leaving her only Odessa
>mummy had this painting on her bedroom wall Weird thinking back on it. Think it's because she was a goth and not because she was based though.
New Charles coin has dropped
>>312047 Based, too bad money is worth nothing now
>>312047 based
>>312049 Do you have the monarch on your ausdollars lad?
>>312050 naturally lad wonder when the king chuck banknotes are going to come out tbh
I've always believed in an end to SA's tyranny. You called me a dafty I've always believed in an end to bongo infiltration. You called me a seether I've always believed in TBBKs rise to power. You called me a bum boy Who was right, you or me?
>>312052 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK just rewound it, he actually did, hes calling the western elites satanic outright
>"we have many supporters in the west, even in america, and we feel their support..." LADS THATS US
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>>312052 did he mention Dorset too?
>>312055 can you link plz lad?
>>312062 I don't reward laziness, its easy to find
>mong larper "expert" on the news fantasising about putin being taken out like beria
>>312065 Where are you watching this?
>>312064 the exact part where he says the western elites are satanist is easy to find?
>>312055 are you talking about this speech? where does he calle the western elites satanic? https://youtu.be/yIuN6v_cmNM
Padamir Vlutin
>A man has been jailed for six years for terrorism and public order offences after sharing posts promoting extreme right-wing views over a messaging app, found during an investigation by the Met’s Counter Terrorism Command. >Between November 2020 and February 2021, Anthony Barraclough, of east London, posted content which he made readily accessible, and showed his hatred for people from ethnic minorities. >He shared a political text and hate speech recording promoting white supremacist views and advocating terrorist violence, as well as videos of black people being racially abused. One video referred to George Floyd. >These posts were discovered by counter-terrorism officers. The material was reviewed by the Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Unit (CTIRU), based within the Met, and it was assessed that some of the content was in breach of terrorism legislation. >– Six counts of distributing written material to incite racial hatred (contrary to section 19(1) of the Public Order Act 1986). >– One count of distributing a recording to incite racial hatred (contrary to section 21(1) of the Public Order Act 1986). >He was sentenced to a total of six years’ imprisonment at Kingston Crown Court on Friday, 10 June. https://www.counterterrorism.police.uk/man-jailed-for-terrorism-and-public-order-offences/ oh whats that chuddy? thought your little posties were harmless? maybe think twice before you post your little memies next time.
>>312070 >sharing posts promoting extreme right-wing views over a messaging app remember when terrorism meant doing cool shite like taking hostages and blowing up buildings? smh can't believe standards have fallen so far tbh they just let anybody be a terrorist these days
one of my relatives husbands was literally sucker punched and kicked to death by druggies and the guys who did it got 4-3 years each. I really hate this country. I dont want to be an extremists but it's impossible not to see this entire system as evil and needing to be dismantled.
>>312072 wew smh
these subhuman fucking pigs get orders that we need to balance the arrest rate between pakis and whites so they just ruin hundreds of lives over fabricated crimes. every single CTU pig deserves to burn in hell along with every politician that lets this happen.
>>312074 tbh it's disgusting
https://youtu.be/Un1vqPGPhrw POV scene from Dorset's upcoming troon meeting
I just wish we had even some semblance of lawyers actually willing to fight this. they dont need to be right wing just basic human rights libertarian assange types.
>A man has been jailed for six years for terrorism >after sharing posts promoting extreme right-wing views over a messaging app
>watched whole speech and there is no talk of Western elites being "satanic" I wish (1) lad wouldn't spread misinformation, I really do
>>312079 did you miss the part where he put up an ack meme compilation on power point?
In other news the govt wants to censor the internet more because some mong father allowed his daughter to kill herself after looking at shite on social media
>>312079 you obviously didn't watch it then you mong
>>312076 dont think its fair to compare a wee bonnie lassie to these ugly slit eye freaks, tbh lad
>>312081 still can't believe he actually did that tbh
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>>312070 we've just had 2 weeeks of Muslims inciting religious hatred against Hindus, in mobs, in public, and not a single "terrorism" related arrest or prosecution has been made But this lad gets 6 years for right wing private messages
>>312086 lad that's just their culture smh don't be racist
>>312083 watched the whole thing, with subtitles on as well, no mention of "satanism"
>>312088 you are lying, I literally watched it live
Every single nerdy white kid rotting in prison because he made posts online and downloaded assault pdfs are only there because muslims commit so much fucking crime that the pigs need to balance the arrest rate for PR reasons. Childhoods taken away and entire lives destroyed solely for pr, solely to prove they're not racist. This only happens because those subhuman inbred pakis are here in the first place and fucking murdering us with terrorism. It's beyond enraging.
>nerdy white kid
>>312090 tbh it's sickening all the traitors and all their pooskin pets need to be made to pay for what they've done
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>>312089 I watched the wholre recordin - there is lots of criticism of the western elites and America, but no mention of satanism you could prove me wrong, easily, just by linking to where he says "satanic", but you can't of course, because he never said that https://youtu.be/yIuN6v_cmNM
>>312094 stop lying, I was sitting watching sky news on the TV and he explicitly said it https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/putin-attacks-west-as-satanic-hails-russian-traditional-values
>>312095 link to where he said it then I'm listening to it all again to check
Would you look at that, bins being an outright liar as usual
>>312097 maybe a differnet translation, I'm not hearing that on this: https://youtu.be/yIuN6v_cmNM
Spreading misinformation and doubt
>hes still denying it scum
JUST LINK TO WHERE HE SAYS IT! or don't you know how to link to a time stamp?
Was going to just be a 10 min ban but that disrespect right there warrants a 30 min one, stop spreading doubt about Putins basedness just because you are a mong, I watched it live, I heard the words, and you are calling me a liar.
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pookraine has just formally applied to join gayto
>>312103 Thank God that woman was there to choke him out after the BIG LAD had flattened him
>>312103 nice to see the community come together like this
it's over
>>312107 Ok 24 hour ban you are just lying to cause trouble now, I posted 2 separate links proving you wrong and you are still persisting.
>>312109 OKAY I FOUND IT FINALLY! PUTIN DOES SAY WESTERN ELITES ARE "MOVING TOWARDS OPEN SATANISM" the problem was the translator mispronounces "satanism", instead saying "sat-ur-nism", so I missed it the first time round here is a link to the time stamp, at 59:10 that's all I asked for tbh, a link to where he said it https://youtu.be/yIuN6v_cmNM?t=3550
>>312095 >Russian President Vladimir Putin said the West was “satanic” and rejected “moral norms” Why on earth would he say that? The silly Putler man is delusional. >>312110 ta for finding it lad >>312109 that's pretty cringe, lass
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>>312111 the translator mispronounced the word so badly it was easy to miss also it sounds a bit Alex Jonesian and hyperbolic from a global leader, so it's difficult to believe he would say something like that
>>312112 to be clear, he only said the West was moving towards "open satanism", not that it was already there
>>312114 that means it is satanic and they are moving to displaying it openly
The whole delivery was so dry and un-emotive, it's a bit odd he would say something as extreme as that, with no particular emphasis or crescendo maybe that's just a russian thing, idk maybe they are just culturally boring
>>312110 >mispronounces or maybe he's in the know
>>312117 it is a bit weird tbh, it sounded more like "Saturn-ism", that satanism he says it really badly too, lots of "um err umm" before hand, as if he doesn't really want to say it can you undo my bans please, they were a bit unnecessary
>>312116 maybe he's just tired of their shit >>312117 tbh, freudian slip by the virgin translator
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really hoping the economic collapses today so that I don't have to climb up on scaffolds with psychotic boomers again on monday while waiting for the big bossman to clear my 4k check
just been blowing off toil lately because psycho boomer has been breaking shit all day long on wednesday and I just had enough of it
>>312124 It still amazes me people can get away with things like that.
>>312125 yeah I reported it multiple times and big bossman said just ignore it but the guy is tearing tounge and groove cedar shiplap ceiling down and smashing it against the finished posts and screaming at us chudlets and then throwing 375 dollar paslode guns off the roof which aren't even his.
>>312126 keeeeeeek he sounds insane
>>312126 >big bossman said just ignore it smh how much money do you reckon psycho boomer has wasted so far?
>>312123 tbh nuclear escalation would make a nice end to the week >>312124 based, get him fired by the big boss then become le boomer foreman yourself
>>312127 yeah he is completely mental he wears camo and drives a giant truck which requires a ladder to get into the truckbed and he just chainsmokes black and milds even inside the houses we are working in around the customers. I hate him so much he has this full body dead-on hammers framing rig that has the skulls on it and this insane look in his eyes, has those really sunburnt grey eyes that whitoid roofers get from working in the sun. has this big skin cancer scar on his nose and forehead and he is bald but never cuts his hair so he has a skullet and he just sneaks up on you from behind on a roof or on the jobsite and been having nightmares about this fuck. almost got into a fist fight with him last week when he was screaming at this 21 year old helper kid and getting in my face and me and the kid have a pact that if he touches either one of us we are gonna break his legs. also big general contractor bossman has been dealing with supply shocks so much that the cabinets for the whole neighborhood came already even though most of the houses don't have doors so he was paying me and zoomer to "guard" the houses in the late afternoon until his security guys came up. just sitting around inside these gay cardboard kike mansions built for pajeet colonists in the midwest and we are sitting in them with framing hammers like its vice city. fuck this country
>>312128 probably like 3000 dollars
don't make enemies with a nutter on a construction site
>>312126 he just sneaks up on you from behind on a roof or on the jobsite and been having nightmares about this fuck KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK at least those poojeet houses won't last and might actually kill the occupants >>312132 tbh
we always joke that his brain is full of sawdust
>>312130 wew that's shite >me and the kid have a pact that if he touches either one of us we are gonna break his legs based >>312131 smh how does he get away with it?
>Putin even Dresden posted in his speech
>>312130 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK he sounds based, like he is mogging you, you having to guard the houses sounds kino too KEEEEEEK wish I was a shartican sometimes
>>312131 lad, just wait for a day that psycho doesn't show up after a bender, then hammer home to the big boss that you could do the job better and save him so much money he could spend it on rehab for the psycho. then show him how big your truck is, give him a firm handshake, and the job is yours. >>312138 spicy... oh wait, that's probably the wrong kind of dresden posting
>>312140 yeah big bossman already told me just hold on until next week when he will have a different foreman and more guys for the crew so it won't be just me and a zoomer being led around by ahab the roofer
>>312140 hes said the west destroyed dresden and hamburg for no good reason and that it was just to intimidate russia by destroying 2 beautiful cities
mad brad miller
>>312139 shartica really does sound like giant wwe venue sometimes
>>312138 yeah and mentioned nuking civilian targets too fell short of holohoax posting though >>312138
>>312142 >hes said the west destroyed dresden and hamburg for no good reason and that it was just to intimidate russia by destroying 2 beautiful cities they were described, by the allies themselves as "terror bombings" at the time - more for psychological effect than military value
Look how fat and spic they look
>>312147 keeek at the beginning when the cop thinks the other cop is trying to grab his gun or some shit
>>312150 Thank god this is true I don't want space-age high-tech cameras on every street corner, it's bad enough having potato cams
Steiner must look like an Elf or something anywhere in the south of the USA
>>312151 >Thank god this is true tbh, CCTV here is shit, and all noggers look exactly the same on it anyway
>>312152 yeah its very apparent if you are a gringo around spics, the spic crews that work alongside us all make us look like giants even though most burgers are like 5'9-6'2 unless they are dutch diaspora fags or something or just tallfags. crazy boomer always refuses to speak to beaners and tells them they can only speak english on *his* roof
he almost threw his hammer off the roof at his one spic on wednesday for almost scratching his truck and I had tell him to calm down.
>>312153 tbh how many arrests and convictions have there been from those mass shopping reparations parties that da yoofs keep holding? they use their unrecognisable features within a mob to their advantage
If America wasn't so expensive, i'd go there for a visit. The only place I can go now would be Tenessee or New Jersey, I could stay with famiuly friends there.
>>312155 youve betrayed the white rice... its over...
>>312155 based
steiner coming across very middle classoid mummies boy just now tbh
>>312159 based
>>312161 He can't escape his class, personally as another sub williamoid, i enjoy his escapades among the deanos
>>312147 disgusting out of shape creaturas
>>312161 yeah easy to say when you aren't trapped on the jobsite version of the Pequod lad
https://youtu.be/uAMpQ5xA3Y4 this is more shartican boomer toil lore, I am not lying that during covid americans are literally building cardboard houses
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Consider the subtleness of the construction site; how its most dreaded creatures suffer under toil, unapparent for the most part, and treacherously hidden beneath the loveliest tints of azure. Consider also the devilish brilliance and beauty of many of its most remorseless builds, as the dainty embellished shape of many designs of houses. Consider, once more, the universal cannibalism of the construction site; all whose creatures prey upon each other, carrying on eternal war since the world began. Consider all this; and then turn to the green, gentle, and most docile earth; consider them both, the construction site and the land; and do you not find a strange analogy to something in yourself? For as this appalling site surrounds the verdant land, so in the soul of man there lies one insular McMansion, full of peace and joy, but encompassed by all the horrors of the half-known life. God keep thee! Push not off from that roof, thou canst never return!
>>312167 smh >ywn be a 19th century sub william and write stories giving meaning to the ruthless life of the working classes >now all writing is about being gay communists
>>312166 wew glad i live in a solidly-built building tbh nothing but bricks can't imagine any of the paper shacks being built these days will still be standing in a few decades smh >>312167 this says a lot about society
night lads
>312167 you sound like a poof lad >>312172 ni
>>312172 Night love
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>the way her little boobs jiggle
>>312179 I like her stupid face
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>>312178 I just realised who she reminds me of
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>>312175 like the romans putting up a statue of hannibal or some shit
>>312182 They actually had statues of hannibal, he was their greatest enemy therefore he was celebrated as such.
>>312181 don't like her tbqh
>>312183 oh keek maybe a statue of brennus then
Countries that will disappear this century http://poal.me/ph1ydp http://poal.me/ph1ydp http://poal.me/ph1ydp
>>312187 keeeeek
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>>312185 you could put a statue of me in your server
>>312186 isn't israel unable to form a functioning government because of all the different factions?
could put a filter on you tbh
>>312190 Yeah but in the end they're all Jews and will fight for Israel. You'd have to be a dumb cunt to believe that Israel should leave the Golan Heights for example.
>her campaign slogan was "trusted to deliver"
>>312193 >>her campaign slogan was "trusted to deliver" that's going to age like milk
>>312193 >her campaign slogan was "im truss enuff"
>>312194 into . . . CHEESE!
>>312193 Trust in Truss
So it seems /brit/'s prediction is for an exit for Israel this century. But where will the remaining Jews go after Israel's demise?
>>312199 bullshit tbh
>>312199 Same as always, another influx of refugees to the credulous west
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>>312198 Truss The Plan
>>312197 need that cheese speech webm tbh
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new map of russia just dropped
>>312208 which bit is russia?
>>312209 the grey bit
it would be nice if russia would hurry up and genocide the ukies already. im getting tired of all these yank military veterans sucking zelenskys knob
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already dreading monday toil lads
really hope the economy collapses asap so I don't have to see mad brad miller ever again
>>312212 its friday get into your right-fitting jeans have a cold beer eat some fried chicken turn the radio UP!
having a curry and a cider and watching a spud stream tbh fuck it
>>312211 patience lad putin is getting there, he's just turning up the heat slowly, saying america is run by satanists nonce trannies like the ones in Dorset's bongo
>>312215 steamed spud for dinner?
>>312213 whatever you do don't get yourself killed by some lunatic over the construction of a poojeet house
>>312217 no an autistic scottish victoria 2 player
I had cod loin, buttery new potatoes and peas meself
Is Wessex dead?
quads for kill trannies
>>312216 keeeeek >>312221 they forced him to toil
>>312223 >they forced him to toil so yes, he is dead then
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dont even want to drink alcohol just gonna get a pint of milk instead
>>312225 get milk then?
>>312224 essentially, he hardly post here anymore because of it
>>312226 oh.. i will ;]
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>>312228 milk from jockos big troon cock?
there he is, bringing it up again cant help it can he
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>>312225 what was the story behind that meme? why did that guy even upload a video saying that stuff? was it a job interview or something?
oh it was a dating thing... https://youtu.be/MoDSK3NThCk
>>312230 keeeeek
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>>312230 just teasing, lad
@BBK ban bins for troonism
>>312237 lad no, it's film night tonight
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s-steiner??!??? noooooooooooooooooooooooo
>>312242 thanks lad, I found it already though
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>>312245 yeah I made that joke in bongo then he stole it
>>312246 oh, so hes in another bongo, but not mine..
>>312070 GCHQ, the real footsoldiers of the Capitalist-Progressive oligarchy
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>>312246 bongo? which bongo? the satanic troon one??
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>>312248 >oh, so hes in another bongo, but not mine.. so there is another bongo that neither of us is in?
>>312252 the /shit/ bongo
>>312253 oh that one really is /shit/
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>WARNING: GRAPHIC ⚠️ Police in Russia detain a woman protesting the war and put her on a bus. Moments later, her screams are heard from inside the vehicle.
>>312255 speaking as someone who has raped: at the threat of violence women will be silent
>>312256 You stole my joke and I won't let you have credit
>>312258 who are you? Im not in a bongo
>>312257 It appears to be torture to extract information
Or just a scene for the camera
>>312253 is SA still active in there?
>>312260 yeah you can see through cars, superman?
Thinking of going abroad again, normal tourism mostly but was considering sextourist maxxing in the philippines for a bit too is it wrong?
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Got a new desktop, lads. Just finished setting up.
the joomer is "its over" posting now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS2RG2bgzcM
>>312265 poo and a fart and a shit
>>312266 microshart should have continued supporting IE instead of their pound shop chrome reskin
>satanism quote at 59:15 https://youtu.be/yIuN6v_cmNM >>312264 Now now, no need to shout
>>312270 *throws kryptonite at you*
>>312272 Wow it's wessex my favourite poster
>>312265 sex for its own sake is wrong
>>312265 Why don't you do like Waifuposter and see a prostitute?
You can even pay to lick her pussy like he does mmm
>>312272 Hey Wessex . . . GUESS WHAT!?
>>312277 you have stopped taking your funny pills and are about to have another episode of hysteric mania?
>>312278 THEY MODDED HIM! THEY MODDED HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE BUM BUM KING!! *sits back to watch the meltdown*
>>312279 good for you lad keep the troons at bay
>>312280 >Wessex supports are lad BBK as mod Good spaz.
I have pood.
>>312285 Rocky? That sounds like my last relationship!
what a boring film choice smh
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>>312288 We watched 9 of your films choices over consecutive weekends and you didn't even say thanks
didn't even watch whatever you're on about either
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>>312287 Rocky? Sounds like Leicester's race relations last weekend!
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>>312290 >tfw trying to keep Wess happy
>>312289 All films are disfavoured : the medium of film is degenerate.
>>312294 Haven't listened to him inn 200 years tbh
This was a pretty good film tbh. From that golden period when Sean Connery played the exact same character in every film he was in, both in looks and personality. Also Catherine Zeta Jones in her prime.
>>312295 he sounds like a politician
Friday night chads
not a single person showed up for Bins' film. Such betrayal smh
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mum made my curry too spicy. this is the last time she'll betray me.
>>312303 had a nice chicken korma earlier
>>312015 good post >>312074 yeah cops are scum >>312247 Heil Putler tbh. this is based, calling out European elites as traitors and saying USA/EU/NATO is behind mass immigration >>312266 should use Pale Moon. even Brave is better than firefag
spic add me on the bongo
stop having bongos
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>>312306 I haven't logged in to it in forever, gave me a white screen last time I tried. now I got past the white screen but it gave me this shit
my mindset is if your site doesn't work in my schizo privacy browser, then it sucks and I'm not using it
everything is about to collapse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5-pXyGusfc
>>312308 oh.. i wanted to invite you to kays server..
>>312313 I would but it won't let me in. blame the tranny mong web developers
India is denying UK citizens e visas whilst giving eu citizens e visas. It's so unfair.
>>312313 Oh you could invite us all
>>312316 he's talking about the satanic troon bongo btw
>>312316 No, I don't think I will.
>>312317 We could turn hmthem straight
>>312319 bit late for that mate
>>312320 Invite me, you love me
>>312321 who be you?
No bongo
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Britain has fallen, society is collapsing, it's over. But playing (so-far) vanilla Oblivion for a couple of hours on my new PC has been a good end to the day.
Kiwifarms is back up btw and it's actually fast and usable again. the troon keffals is pretending it's still down while moving on to the next thing to try to cancel https://kiwifarms.net/
oh that's right, nobody's in the thread 'cause they're watching some stupid movie
and it's that KANGZ OF DA RANGZ shit too
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baste Meloni-chan sl*vs out!
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>>312323 >ginnie had a swarthoid baby
>>312331 Defamer. Smh.
map of Russia according to kikepedia
>>312070 >11th june 2022
>>312130 >>312155 god bless america
>>312336 yeah he is a q fag as well and was telling me about the deep state bunkers under los angeles getting blown up during and earthquake
>>312337 sounds like he could go daft at any minute
>>312338 dont give steiner any ideas
>>312338 tbh >>312339 fuck that >>312337 KEEEEEEEEK get a burner phone and start sending him codes and instructions to stand by and kidnap mummy gretchen, signed Q
>>312341 >contemplates
>>312319 >We could turn hmthem straight no lad, if they wanted that they would be in my server Dorset's troons are too far gone, dressing up, wearing makeup, popping tranny pills,and one small step away from the lop.. and then death there is no saving them
bongo fag
>>312337 There's q bunkers all over albania
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>>312345 He's the pied Piper of trooons
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Jocko looks better than gingerlass
what's an albino? an old comic ok thank you
>312347 BAN HIM NOW!!!
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People are saying it's a new cold war What worries me is that this time, it's the Right, not the Left, that is more inclinded to side with the "enemy"
found a spicophobic waifu for Steiner
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>11.5 hour work day
>>312355 smh is bossman at least paying you for that
>>312356 $37/h overtime
>>312359 the dollar symbol
I have given Dorset a three day ban for his constant transexual posts.
Night m'lords x
*lifts the ban*
banning him will probably just push him closer to the troons
>>312364 good riddance
>>312364 >banning him will probably just push him closer to the troons lad he's literally meeting Jocko for sex in about 12 days
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excited about the news from out of moscow today
>>312367 Putin's speech?
>>312368 yes, but more than that. the situation in lyman seems to have revealed ukraine has expended too much in their counter-attack. they cannot take lyman despite their relentless attacks with all the might they've thrown behind it. the last two days have shown me that the ukranians probably won't be able to take lyman (i had expected the would). the moral of the LPR fighters in improved by this news and the ukranians are apparently out of reserves--they're pulling men and armour from out of siversk. i suspect a reversal soon, and this will be a defining defeat for the ukranian mentality for the future.
>>312342 this is a patrician webm
>>312366 hope thats just a rumour
extraditing lads for naughty posting https://archive.ph/MebZS
>>312364 good. we'd be well rid of the thread derailing degenerate. best thing to do is ignore the cunt and don't give him the attention he craves
>>312372 smh they're really going after every dafty and sub dafty they can find >charged with two counts of disseminating a terrorist publication they never even list the "terrorist" publications maybe they fear an upcoming race war after what happened in leicester
>>312371 >hope thats just a rumour if it is just a rumour, then it's one he started himself - he said it in the last thread
seething again at these gay laws and prosecutions
declare a rump parliment consisting of me and all those on brit with foreskin intact
>>312369 yeah if it decisively turns in favor of Russia again and Russia starts painting the map, the Ukrop morale will be crushed both domestically and internationally I'm more worried about Nordstream than anything. they say if they're repaired quickly enough they can be salvaged, if not then the seawater will corrode them. my concern is that the repair effort will be sabotaged too and the pipes will be fucked, the political will to build brand new pipelines will not exist and Europe will become permanently poor
kek the salt
found a mosley review of a colin wilson book https://counter-currents.com/2017/11/colin-wilsons-the-outsider/
>>312376 Keeek yeah what year did it become a crime a fun post
>>312381 *to fun post
>>312381 no fun allowed any more smh
>>312383 Must be why so many lads just talk Russia all day, as it's one of the few safe subjects, smh
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Speaking of
>>312385 keeeek
>>312387 Today is the first of October
horseface calls for more internet censorship >ban pro-Russian narratives >ban criticism of global warming hoax >ban white men from expressing non-suicidal opinions btw I hate Australian and Kiwi accents
Sneethemorn. Hate modernity. >>312390 Really pushing the human emotions here. Evil baby killing globohomo tyrant.
>>312391 morning lad
>wakes up again We're so back >goes to sleep It's so over
The terrorist laws really do need to become an immediate concern for us tbh, they're using them to simply ban free speech
We can't re publicize the board with those terrorist laws tbqh
https://www.indexoncensorship.org/2020/01/free-speech-and-the-law-counter-terrorism/ >While the courts in England and Wales have – to date – tended to find the rules set out under counter-terrorism legislation compatible with free expression rights (usually on the basis they are necessary for public safety, national security and the prevention of disorder or crime), they have expressed serious reservations along the way about the breadth and lack of clarity of counter-terrorism law. >What’s more, the new Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 goes much further than previous acts in criminalising behaviour many would consider a step removed from “terrorism”. For example, it criminalises the one-time viewing of information online that might be useful for a terrorist planning an attack. As parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights pointed out in 2018, this can easily criminalise “inquisitive or foolish minds”.
>>312397 >Terrorism Act 2000 Section 11. Belonging to or professing to belong to a “proscribed organisation” is a criminal offence, carrying a maximum prison sentence of 10 years. Proscribed organisations are those the Home Secretary considers to be “concerned in terrorism”. So the Home Secretary can simply declare an organisation a terrorist organisation and it thus becomes one.
>>312399 >expressing an opinion
>>312400 This is interesting tbh, UK law does seem to go against international law on this issue. I think that we may see some of these laws overturned if the government goes schizo and bans a broader group.
>>312401 >""""international law"""" created by american jews is going to save us
>>312402 >american jews who run our country are going to allow the country to make laws that supersede those of american jews *deranged laughing pepe*
Because many offences under the terrorism legislation are defined by reference to the legal definition of terrorism, if something is defined as “terrorism” then so are many associated acts. Taking the example of the anti-vaxxing blog, if it were deemed to be “terrorist” in nature, the following would be criminal offences under the terrorism legislation: Possessing any article in connection with the blog or any document likely to be useful to people publishing material of that kind – for example, research on the anti-vaxx movement. This is punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Encouraging the writing of similar articles or sharing the article with others with a view to encouraging them to write anti-vaxx articles. This is punishable by up to seven years in prison. Undertaking any act preparatory to publication – such as researching, writing and discussing the article. This is punishable by life imprisonment. Bringing the activities of journalists and bloggers within the ambit of “terrorism” has been criticised by, amongst others, former Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation Lord Anderson QC as encouraging the “chilling effect” that can deter legitimate enquiry in fields related to the publication. Lord Anderson also said that making people whom no sensible person would think of as terrorists subject to terrorism laws risked destroying the trust these special powers depended on for acceptance by the public.
>>312401 international law only exists when there's someone who wants to use it as casus belli tbh >>312402 tbh suppressing dissent from huwhites is the whole reason why these laws were made
>>312405 >international law only exists when there's someone who wants to use it as casus belli tbh it's just something for the US to cite when they're bossing people around. 'muh rules baste order' (where everybody obeys the US' "rules" which they do not themselves follow)
>>312405 These laws were made to suppress muslims, only recently have they been used against whites. The government only need to overstep the mark with the wrong people once for the terror laws to be brought into question. There has already been significant challenges to these laws so far. >>312406 Yeah lad, everything is le conspiracy
>>312404 >encouraging the “chilling effect” that can deter legitimate enquiry in fields related to the publication by design they want to make people scared to even think about risky topics >>312407 they brought the muzzies in to create the crime necessary to push these laws
>>312407 >>312408 >These laws were made to suppress muslims >they brought the muzzies in to create the crime necessary to push these laws yeah like 9/11 they bring in a few moslems and then the israelis demolish the twin towers and they blame the moslems and they get a two for one special: wars against israel's enemies and patriot act
jews must have been so euphoric when this happened, flexing just absolute domination over the earth, doing whatever they want with no consequence
https://youtu.be/HChUtKj4DjM It's China national day
Mae Govannen welcome to tolkien lore channel I am the tolkien geek
Visa appointments all full for the month of October and half way into november smh
Don't like how it takes groomees fucking ages to reply on bumble
>>312407 >These laws were made to suppress [Semitic goyim], only recently have they been used against [Anglo goyim]. >>312408 More like they brought the muzzies in to use as scapegoats in big false flag attacks to push these laws, and in the process of demonising them and stoking hatred, created a useful boogeyman out of an old ally against the USSR, then let actual hateful ones pour in to carry out widespread low-level attacks to keep whitey downtrodden and flipped the narrative to "you can't criticise these oppressed rapefugees anymore". >>312409 tbh, the PATRIOT act was written long before the towers were blown up, ready to be rushed through congress. Can't quite say the same for the UK's terrorism act of 2000, which just firmed up temporary measures put in place for taig banter. All completely kosher business practice of course.
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>>312418 Where are all the old folk? Did they get turned into soylent or deleted in a factory snafu?
>>312419 They rot in the countryside
>>312420 smh lucky bastards
>>312420 >>312421 tbh beats rotting in a tower block while your kids can't afford a patch of land to park a caravan on.
applied to work as a seasonal warehouse servant for tiffany again. I might ask royal mail if i can be one of their full time seasonal servants too in their sorting centres but they will deny me coz i'm one of their seasonal angard servants. just want a job for 2-3 months, then i can get my visa for india easier.
>>312418 look at that. plenty of space on the train and not a nigger in sight
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Viet kids learning to waddle like penguins
>>312428 looks like a better school than 99% of english ones tbh. Clean, high tech, disciplined and homogeneous
>>312429 yea, just noticed they're using bag hooks. not sure 'waddle' is a very useful word for them to learn though
>>312431 u never got injected right Wessica?
My plans for this winter. Complete a celta course for teaching English abroad. Find some seasonal work.
>>312432 yeah I didn't and last time I saw my kidney doctor he said I was a schizo retard because I am le fat and that means I am at risk of LE COVID! he also recommended SSRI type emotion and brain changing damaging shit luv are NHS me
>>312434 yea you're a vulnerable lad so I imagine NHS is on you everyday.
>>312431 Just got this email this morning
>>312436 wonder if this booooster is the one that finally causes the NPCs to keel over in the streets
>>312436 smh it's over
dumping women in peat bogs tbh lads cheers
>>312439 based
>>312439 extremely trad
no email from the boomers about snaturday sninner think last week's display of noncompliance with the narrative may have scared them off
Hi, im 40 year old Asian Vietnam single mom. My son is 15 year old. Last week, I am very shock and my heart beat so fast when I find out my son are been sending my private photos to his friends and they leave comments about my body. He probably steal the photos from my phone. I understand my son and his friends are growing up and they are curious and woman body, but I feel I am betrayed by my son. What should I do ?
Where is that tranny loving fuck "dorset"?
shut the fuck up
shut the fuck up
>>312442 too dangerous for them to be associating with you these days lad they might get done for terrorism
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>>312443 >hey Woo, what's wrong? <look see, Cheng >disgracfur, shame you no have fatha to beat her <she dishonour me being such whore >Woo, lad...
alright lads? Just booked in my fourth booster. Got to keep the old folks safe.
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Vietnam fucking shit
>>312449 based
>>312378 >and Europe will become permanently poor Maybe all the brown people will leave when there's no money and they are permanently cold.
25 days until St Crispin and Crispinian's Day Victoria 3 will be released
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l0RMGid6vo Shitting here, I realize You were just like me. Trying to make poopoo pee. But who's to shart the poo in loo When the seat is down I think we'll both agree That poopoo breeds poopoo But in the end it has to pee this way I've cut my own log You've shattered your bog But maybe we're both the same The loo has flushed And so many have pushed But nobody is to strain I'm staring across this brappy wasted john I feel new poo will go in loo Beneath the blood stained paper Beneath the blood stained paper
>>312457 keeek good lad
>>312449 mfw a girl turns 16
Saw Biden making a statement about how the US would defend "every inch" of NATO territory as if this was some big deal. Russia was never going to touch NATO territory. Despite the cries of illegitimacy, the west will be much more cautious now that there's a chance it could turn into a direct confrontation with a nuclear power if they try to retake Donbas etc. Pathetic grandstanding as always, all talk
>>312459 based and completely legal
>treating a parody account as real
of course it's the binslet
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>>312464 I didnt say it was real
>>312464 lad are you stuck doing tardtoil during the week? I don't see you post much on the week days.
>>312467 yeah also just don't care to post that much tbh detoxing a bit, not that it changes anything
>>312468 You can't blame them really. I mean how many bespectacled niggers in suits do you see outside the Treasury? I mean with civil service hiring policy probably a lot but the point is niggers all look alike and the Mirror issuing a self-flagellating statement doesn't change that
>>312470 It shows the Left are the real raists toryboy_williams.jpg
>>312469 It's still a good thing, gives your will a bit of exercise in abstinence.
I live in a child's hair
https://youtu.be/bb2RocIgVYU Number four was fake, that guy has a fart box thing I've seen his other bits
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>>312469 luv horses tbh
>>312475 what has that post got to do with horses?
>brainlet bins can't even read screencaps now smh think he might becoming down with alzheimers in his old age
>>312475 I still find it funny that clubs are overnight care for adult children.
>>312475 We have horses over the road from us, they're good lads but they randomly scream smh I like to think they scream when a nigger walks past tbh
>>312477 I just read some stuff about lollypops making foids be quiet
>>312476 the article lad >>312478 keeeeeek smh they really are lots of exciting activities to get them all tired out before bedtime >>312479 keeeeek based
https://youtu.be/SX2NE0haQls Floating green pajeet beard with pink binoculars for eyes teaches us about FARTS!
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well that's not sus at all...
why does kosmi not play audio on some files?
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>>312487 lad did you see the news, Inoki passed away last night.
>>312385 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
snunday dinner this weekend and the xoomers are away/hiding from me so it will just be me and the boomers eating in silence until they bring up something stupid from the telly >>312489 don't follow it enough to know whomst smh but rip
particularly awful dutty episode, he really should analyse the steinrants smh https://odysee.com/@JollyHeretic:d/what-causes-men-to-be-incels:1
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>>312491 smh lad Inoki invented MMA (technically), and was probably the greatest Japanese lad since Musashi.
>>312491 >snunday dinner this weekend and the xoomers are away/hiding from me so it will just be me and the boomers eating in silence until they bring up something stupid from the telly lad, when you go visit, take them a present - it's much harder for people to think badly of you when you have just given them something nice make a little bit of a fuss of them too, make them feel a bit special, this will work wonders in improving your relationship with them even if you have a different opinion on some things. It will also make them more likely to adopt your point of view, because they think you are a good lad
>>312493 sounds based >niggy using boxing gloves while he bareknuckles chad tbh
>>312493 keeeek he ruined muhammed alis career just sitting on his bum and kicking his knee what a chad
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>>312495 >>312496 Time for my ultimate technique.... the forbidden move.... *lies down*
>>312496 >>312497 >Inoki crab crawled across the mat towards him and kept connecting kicks to the legs. By the third round, a wound had appeared on Ali's left knee, and the crowd had started to boo at the lack of solid action. Ali began walking around the ring, out of reach of Inoki's kicks, taunting him by shouting "Coward Inoki! Inoki no fight!" and "One punch! I want one punch!" KEEEEEEK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kErJOepkDQk
>he crab broke ali
>>312499 powerful niggatry at work
>>312499 keeek
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>>312499 smh another black role taken by a white man
>>312502 don't like this memi because it's clearly diverting attention from the fact that zogmericans did it tbh
>>312497 keeeeeeeeeeek is he soyfacing >>312504 tbh putler went off about western genocide against innocent chugs and chinks in his speech too. not very based
thinking about how le eptsteinhog killing himself became just a funny memirino
shartican whites won't get any aid for hurricane destruction
>>312505 monkeigh facing
>>312504 perhaps but it is pretty funny tbh, I reckon DGSE did it.
>>312507 wtf I love paying taxes now
>>312505 >tbh putler went off about western genocide against innocent chugs and chinks in his speech too. not very based It's semi-based to point out the hypocrisy of the great satan tbh, simping for slit eyes and that prevents it from assuming full basedness. Reminds me of when either Sif Ifrika or Rhodesia called for the decolonisation of the USA and Soviet Union keek
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LEFTOID ACTIVIST BLOCKS FARAGE'S PATH >leftoid looks jewish to me too
>>312507 can't wait to show this to crazy roofer bossman
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>>312511 >>312511 reminder, raclawa soon
>>312512 not even worth arguing with mongs like that
>>312511 breznev called nixon and said that any war between USSR and USA would be the end of the white race and that in the event that they go to war some missiles should go south to eliminate the brown races as well. they were leaders before the kikes took direct control. putler is just the russian version of HW bush, a kike quisling born from the ultra nationalist intelligence services. the next world war is going to be for the kikes to eliminate the population groups of the anglosphere and the slavic core in eastern europe so that the white race is completely finished off.
>>312516 tinfoil gloves typed this post
>>312515 >not even worth arguing with mongs like that not really also, if a right wing activist did this to a left wing politician, he would be arrested for "hate speech"
>>312512 immediate roundhouse kick to the lower thigh, disabling the nerves in the leg, followed by a single punch to the nose, shattering the cartilage and disabling the opponent, then discombobulate. Hows that for a debate faggot.
>>312516 I believe it
>>312519 good lad
>>312518 he'd be declared a terrorist
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>>312520 hey lad, want to watch a **good* film tonight?
>>312522 >he'd be declared a terrorist yeah actually
>>312523 what is it then
>>312525 withnall and i
>>312525 dunno yet tbh
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>>312521 all within the grounds of a legal sporting event of course lad.
going shops for popcorn I guess
iceland does these huge family tubs that you could stand in and be up to your shins in popcorn, kind of want to get one but on the other hand it'd probably be all stale after one night
>>312531 I thought you had to watch your sodium intake?
>>312532 yeah I get small toffee popcorn bags usually that or maize and corn crisps smh but it's just not the same, can't have chips or crisps at all now
>teenage children
I've had hiccups off and on for three hours
>>312526 >>312528 Keeeeeek verygoodlass. Awful film but great review ngl
>>312525 the question was kind of implying you get to pick, lad
>4hins is 19 years old
>>312538 then I pick Garry Glitter and the Secrets of Dipshit's Dungeon or whatever it was
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keeking at this webm tbh
>>312542 >no audio fool
>>312543 IT's from 4chan you womble
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>>312544 womble this *kills you with my mind powers*
>>312535 he didn't stand in her way and shout attack words in her face just complimented her arse
AOC is an ugly crypto kike
>>312549 nice arse though ngl
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*vores cold picza* big boomer GC keeps calling me today don't really want to answer hope he has my 4k otherwise steinhog is retiring from cardboard house construction
>>312551 form your own crew of zoomers and mexicans and start sharting out mcmansions
>>312550 kristen gilibrand and kristen sinema both mog her and they are 40 plus mummies. wendy davis mogs her and he is in her 50s
>>312552 fuck no the economy is collasping rn and house building is already crashing. they cannot even find workers and window units are 2 years out for deliveries
>>312554 what's the next hustle lad, back to gymtoil just for something to do?
>>312555 just gonna do some side projects and contact a different boomer to be a subcontractor for, already have 2 leads. but boomer GC may be calling because he may have removed crazy mad brad the roofer as my bossman as he promised to do.
also quit gym toil since there were no lasses to talk with
put about 10k in the bank since june so I don't really want to work for a bit was working 7 days a week since april until only this weekend
earlier this week I had an interview with a local shartmart and the guy recognised me from almost six months ago when I had a different shit interview with him and we talked and he was still looking for someone to fill the position from then but refused to hire me ridiculous clown world I guess they just want to railroad me into subhuman basement warehouse toil as the only acceptable position for incel whiteoids >>312556 hope he does remove the guy but it probably won't happen if he's a friend or connection of some kind smh
>>312559 >if he's a friend or connection of some kind smh its literally this and why he is allowed to destroy product on the site. I think he just gave him an extended vacation
can you just get a chauffers license and be a vanfag and deliver shit all over wessie, like shartin did?
good job for BIG BOYS https://youtu.be/9RnwTU39LEc
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>>312558 is inflation outpacing earnings yet? >>312560 keeek I hate it so much, all the lies about doing your best and working hard and all that matters is knowing people and yet nobody will help your own circles get started best offer I ever got was a joking one to go work for a distant relative I only saw the one time at alzheimergranny's birthday party who was the last white man left in london out of the whole family and he just wanted cheap portage >>312561 yeah I have been thinking about getting drivers license again for a while but there is no guarantee of getting a job and the costs of a vehicle would btfo my neetsavings and I have nowhere to put a car dunno tbh just feel like rotting to death again after experiencing months of incel neet humiliation rituals >>312563 fartastic braps and the shemales of bumblegore tbh
>>312566 >fartastic braps and the shemales of bumblegore tbh
>>312563 big booty bitches volume XVII
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great suggestions thanks lad, they will be taken in to consideration
>rich relative didn't email me back >tell mummy >he said send it to him because he was going out why did you wait I waited until morning so i could call the kikes first and see if they would accept him, you fucking retarded bitch. What does she even mean "going out"? To where? Fucking Kilimanjaro? Might ask my nurse on Mondya or if not have a bennies meeting on Tuesday, hopefully they'll give me a reference just to keep me from signing on
>>312566 yeah inflation is starting to get bad here, that one type of soap dr. broenners was about 5.99 for a big amount now its 14.99, and morning cereals are about 7.00 now when they used to be 3.00
>>312572 sneed
>>312571 I'm going to fucking kill you
>Been farting HARD AND LOUD >Bumhole hurts Have I sodomised myself with gas?
>>312573 >when steiner begins a sentence with "yeah inflation"
>>312573 keeeek it's even worse than here tbh, pot noodles are up 21p smh
smh UK sounds like hell for sharting your own business. just no place to have you shit like a van. I just rent a storage locker for my tools is 50.00 a month and then my truck was 7 k and i just park it behind mummies and dads garage
>>312578 keeeeeeek >>312576 don't think I've had that with just farts
>>312573 I assoom that the agricultural bollock destruction during covid when they started just dumping harvests and poisoning land with oil is working and the US is on the way to becoming a net importer instead of exporter
>>312584 Do you ever camp in those woods from your last incel rant?
>>312583 I think it would require nuclear war to ruin midwestern bread basket but idk. the corporate domination of all aspects of life in the jewnighted sharts is complete but I have seen so many fags doing home subsistance farms in the outskirts of my town. lots of chicken coops but not many people are getting into hogs IMO incels should get into hog farming small scale since the only way most normalfags are going to get enough calories is from pigs and cattle is and has always been the elites meat
>>312585 no too many hobos in there at night. but I did once as a kid, its still too well traversed compared to pinckney state recreation area which is a better wetland bog/eastern woodland landscape. real easy to stealth camp in the moraines especially when they are choked with brambles but it gets really cold in the little depressions
>>312586 subsistence farming is based tbh good to see more people preparing chickens pigs is how all the low income families in the UK did it back when we had back gardens to keep a pen in and feed it scraps one pig fed for a year makes meat for winter
https://youtu.be/TLnmA653f94 plus its getting dangerous to camp in the woods this time of year when the boomers all go out in the woods and get drunk and kill shit
>loyal film viewer >forced to watch the latest marvel turd great
>>312587 *triangulates your location* >Steiner is from Brighton KEEK
>>312592 no close but that area is where most of my extended family is from the ulster scots founded howell michigan and their mascot is a scots warrior and they have the best blonde lasses in the state. probably best looking lasses in the state
>>312593 >look on jewglemaps >endless fractal suburbs in boggy ground with more being built
>>312593 keeeek based tbh, wish that the area would retvrn to Britain tbh we could choke the niggers . . . together
>>312594 >howell michigan yeah it used to be kino until about 2000 then it became a shithole fun fact the rapper bones who is super famous in russia now was born there keeeeeeeek went to school with my cousin ;^)
Heard a joke where some guy called himself anarcho-racist and said he doesn't believe in anything he just says nigger now and then
>>312596 glad I don't know anything about wrapper culture tbh except for eggy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY-2tHcyuh8
>Might go back to uni to do a PhD seeing as there's fuck all else >Make a twitter account because I know my old PhD student teachers had to make one for networking or whatever >See a tranny advising that teachers use these texts to teach as " an antidote and a correction to the false myths of White Christian Nationalism"
>>312600 good luck lad uni has gotten a lot worse in these past few years
>>312603 >Bachelor’s Degree or US Associate Degree
>>312604 u don't have a bachelor's degree smh, you're such an academic lad tho
>>312605 I have 2.75 A levels keek business studies (meme shit), history (shit) and a basically failing grade in accounting, and then a meme shit business administration thing equivalent to half an A I did earlier this year
I'm fucking seething >>312602 tbh, when I was there for my undergraduate I got away with a lot even made a presentation on white genocide in south africa keeek
>>312607 my proudest academic moment was showing this cartoon to my uni history class shortly before dropping out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORBBap-m0tY
>>312603 >You are nothing, bug. Your race and people, nothing.
>>312610 what the fuck is that lad in the back left tbh looks like a background NPC in GTA or something
imagine growing up around bugman children hwew no wonder jared taylor turned out how he did
>>312607 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek very good lad
so is film night really soyfag feminist female thor or whatever another awful shit bins choice I guess
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>tfw got a good job straight out of uni in my degree field >tfw most of my mates are doing masters or pointless toil in zogmarches >tfw kinda bored of my job already what is my problem?
>>312615 one, nothing wrong with you two, nothing wrong with you
>>312614 >tfw going out tonight otherwise I'd host a based 80s martial arts kino night https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRWygxReD_w >>312616 I really feel for you wez, wish I could get my bossman to hire you, but I did also apply to 100+ jobs and only get interviewed by two so I have to be quite cutthroat about it.
>>312617 kind of want to watch the ip man films again tbh >only two interviews out of 100+ wew lad worse than my average tbh but I guess you actually got hired so it works out in the end
I'm watching a film with filipina lass tonight
>>312619 ask her if she can get us an english subtitled set of the King Naresuan films please lad I really want to watch them
>>312619 we have the worst characters
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>>312618 technology is pretty cutthroat tbh, I was willing to fight to the death with any indians for my job >tfw can't enjoy ip man since I started karate The story of Ip Man really confuses me since Wing Chung in the age of cameras has proven itself to be next to useless, except of course with the butterfly swords. How on earth did he become such a grand master and respected fighter with such a shit martial art, did the cultural revolution fuck martial arts so hard that all the skill just evaporated? >>312620 I might know a guy....
>>312615 You'll snap eventually lad
>>312623 I think it was the commie shit yeah but also chinkies just being shit in general and all of their kung fu being a giant larp and wing chun being slightly less of a larp get us those films lad I think there's like 5 and a 2 part prequel about some foid kween too
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Why they take ring such rong way? You give Gandalf ring he strong wizard
Is chink shagging poster as bad as tranny poster? (Dorset)
>>312627 >>312626 I'm targetting a particular lad with that post lad
>>312628 i know lad, i'm talking about the one he keeps talking about meeting up with a gook too >>312629 keeeek didn't guitar lad escape to live with the chnks?
>>312630 no idea tbh I think the last time I saw him posting he was about to go to the south china sea or taiwan or some such yellow place with the merchant marine
>>312625 no seeders, it's over..... It's quite ironic as Ip Man fled to Hong Kong after the cultural revolution, and was a smelly opium addict for the rest of his life and most of the Ip Man films are pure fiction keeek. In real life he was a scumbag to his wife and family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0wsMoZwdx8 Them yellow fellows do know how to fight however, there's some really strong fighters who come out of Sanda and Sanshou, and the oldschool Lei Tai tournaments they held in Taiwan used to go hard, originally the PRC banned all forms of fighting martial arts because apparently people kept killing each other, to the point where even boxing was banned by anti-dueling legislation.
https://youtu.be/ECnucgnwhF8 I fucking hate this anti-Russian Russian zoomer All the worst people have left Russia tbh
>>312632 >legislating away the right to self defend even with just your limbs it's health and safety gone mad innit just like here
>>312633 that's well established lad the rats and parasites flee at the first sign of trouble to go shit up greener pastures, just like the endless tide of rapefugees
>>312633 >Russians fleeing en masse to Georgia and the baltics >libtarded russians carrying out Russification of the caucuses at a scale greater than the tsars could have ever imagined trust the plan my zisters >>312634 Mao decided that the choreographed performance of wushu was more beautiful than any of the actual fighting and banned all Sanshou (free fighting), they used to have these crazy tournaments across the globe with shit like ring outs allowed over a fucking river
>>312636 kino smh
>all those whiteoids doing chinky larp svpreme excellence
>there is no discernable difference between the two surrey flags curious.... >>312638 Imagine being on the fucking official US Kung Fu team in the 80s.... Amazing. I've just gone through the years and of course the US team gets darker and yellower.... Wypipo just don't wanna fight no more
>>312434 high levels of serotonin in the gut has been linked to worse outcomes of the chink flu >>312600 >
>>312641 don't even know what that means about to have breaded hallloumi slices for dinner though
forgot what I was laughing at
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https://youtu.be/QzcvRDWgRIE?list=RDQzcvRDWgRIE >rope hair >tank tops >combat trousers >bad CGI I qeeq
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So sick of this culture war bullshit, lets get back to real politics that ordinary people care about: killing niggers.
>>312649 keeeeeek the seething chink lass makes me want to make genocides
Anti troon posts anti homo posts anti imperium posts wow wow wow, lads woes says no purity spirals
yoghurt and biscuits for pudding tbh
>>312652 feel bad for banning Dorset for three days tbh
>>312654 what's three days compared to a posting career of 2190 days minimum tbh
>>312655 hopefully he won't have sex with them in his absence smh
was reading an account of the american revolution from a revolutionaries perspective and it seems like the vast majority of blacks were loyal to the king. the protagonist even gets into a heated debate with a random slave over it. It also seems like most were content with slavery, they must've had a hierarchical view of the world and saw their master above them and the King above the master. there were also cases of pro-british partisans arming their slaves to fight the revolutionaries with them.
>>312600 >UNI >post 2013 wew lad
>>312657 yeah smh the empire was always very civic
I like how a white soldier in 1778 can just get into a debate with a slave that was heckling him over politics and he isn't allowed to just shoot him instantly like the hollywood view of slavery implies.
ban bins tbh
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>>312662 okayokay we will watch that gay harry pottter thing you want then
>>312664 it's too late now lad I won't be around to watch enjoy your foul zogslop
I'm hangin' with my teen friends tbh
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>>312665 just can't win smh
>quit my gooming and checked /brit/ just in time for something worth hate watching Noice.
>>312667 maybe just 1. schedule film nights in advance at a reasonable time 2. pick good films
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We should watch
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>>312669 >reasonable time when I put fils on at 8, you say delay to 9:30 because you're gooming >good films when I put on a film you suggested, you still hate it, and say I put on the wrong one
>>312671 the only time I ask to delay is on sat/sun when I have to get a bus home if you put films on fridays like they are supposed to be it's not a problem all of the films I have suggested you haven't picked (except for that one that really boring one I didn't do my due diligence on and acknowledge was my mistake for providing you a list instead of a single order)
going bed now tbh hope I get some comfy dreams about not living in clown world hell
>>312673 >his bed time is at 9
>>312675 just can't be bothered staying awake what is there to be awake for on this bitch of an earth
>>312676 Sleep tight lad x
>>312676 Sweet dreams Wess
misled ragdollz has to work nights and can't do his comfy livestream for me smh
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>>312680 interesting lad. how was turkiye?
>>312681 Probably the best country I've been. Had a bit of a culture shock initially walking down the street in Edirne. The food there is amazing, the choice and price, can fill up on ice cream, patiserrie food, pizza, kebab, uighur noodles very cheaply, nice breakfast restaurants too featuring filoux pastry, bakery goods. Turks are very hospitable, I got practically adopted in a town in Antalya for the day, and I'm a 31 year old man. Turkish men are macho and sit outside cafes/bars but aren't as macho as Albanians. Most Turks are nice though and helpful. There are some amazing greek/roman city ruins in Antalya that you can see for like £5 in total including local transportation. hotels in isparta was like £9 a night, had an ensuite and the furniture was all new, ac too. Istanbul and Edirne had some interesting museums in it like the Turkish military museum in Istanbul. There's also a big Greek orthodox cemetery in Istanbul, I tried going into the adjoining armenian cemetery but got rejected for not being Armenian. There are cats everywhere. I saw some statues and material about the military coup, an ablution reconstruction near one of the main admin buildings in Istanbul. I saw some refugees in a few of the parks but they seemed to just be homeless and there was plenty of turkish museum guards around. One turkish museum guard hugged me and wished me a happy journey the day before i left for greece. All in all, probably my favourite 2 week country. dirt cheap currently too. It seemed a very family centred place.
>>312682 I hate turks for racism reasons but sounds nice lad. I might visit bosnia or albania to see white muslims in action this winter tho.
>>312683 Albania is also great. A Kosovan guy staying at the same accomodation as me told me he went to Bosnia and the Croat neighbourhoods were rich while the serbs and bosniaks lived run down
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>>312654 you banned Dorset for 3 days? that's way too long. unban him now
>>312686 Steiner, have you ever seen or experienced ethnics saying sjw style anti white slurs in America?
Or is it all just internet stuff
>>312687 > sjw style anti white slurs in America?
>>312687 yeah pretty regularly
>>312689 where they say like white entitlement or shut up you rich white man etc.
>>312690 >>312690 sounds pretty weird, occasionly i interact with some blacks here who say emphasise that they are black occasionly but not really seen the slurs stuff yet.
>>312691 high caste indians and non-bantu africans in uni all love saying that shit over here.
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>>312661 i'd only watch it for nat
>>312693 went to uni like 10 years ago, i guess things changed. they are allowed to bring up concepts of white privilege in class unchallenged by teaching staff?
>>312692 yeah its very common for niggers to call you a cracker, etc. in detroit
hindus are also very casual with anti white shite especially about poorfag whites
>>312697 Are they just apeing Americana?
>>312698 Brahmins just have high opinions of themselves, basically curry Jews tbh
>>312695 yeah lmao? They aren't just "allowed" it's forced down your throat no matter what subject you apply for. That wog who's always on piers morgans show Kehinde Andrews is a professor of Black Studies at Birmingham City University, as an example. I've went to art school and it was better than the unis people I know went to.
>>312685 No lad, he needs to stop posting non-stop about trannies. He posted that shit like 30 times in a row. 3 days is the max I will give him but he needs to stop tbh it's near constant with him
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>>312684 >Croat neighbourhoods were rich while the serbs and bosniaks lived run down Based and Ustashe pilled
>>312701 bins bears equal responsibility for it, they're baiting eachother constantly
>>312703 Bins is violently antitrannyism. Pretty sure it's all just Dorse not being able to cope with poombs going down the evil path
>>312703 Bins is trying to talk him out of it tbh, if bins were constantly meming about "bussy" I'd ban him for between 2 hours and three days too tbh
>>312704 I wonder if Dorset is hiding behind trannies because violet blanked him smh
how about we just kill everyone who uses bongo and go back to anon posting
>>312648 *scans for women to harass*
>>312707 No names No accounts But flags
>>312709 AND MY AXE
>>312704 >>312705 bins is anti-tranny because he is gay for masculine men, his problem with trannyism is not some sort of right-wing political trad thing, he's upset because he views it as "taking masculine men out of the homosexual dating pool". it's like how we seethe at women that chop their tits off because it's taking big boobs out of the dating pool and driving up the sexual market value of buxom women, making them more difficult to obtain dorset on the other hand is just a depraved coomer that routinely fries his dopamine receptors on increasingly degenerate pornography
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>312711 >(3) >Dorset defender
>>312711 >it's like how we seethe at women that chop their tits off because it's taking big boobs out of the dating pool and driving up the sexual market value of buxom women, making them more difficult to obtain
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"Clown world? No, thanks - can't take it seriously"

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