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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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>>312717 based whigs post
>>312717 good lad
>>312714 Good lad
>>312721 you're a nig guy
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Fully explained
smh reading that mosley review. drawing on the classics and quoting original works in french and german. he clearly knew more than i ever will of what it means to be evropean
>>312724 the truth is armenians revolted against byzantium and accepted turkish dominance if it allowed them to practice their miaphysitic faith seen as heretical by the Greek Orthodox church.
The economy got blacked
>>312727 again?
>women online, I'm not petite (i.e. a fatty), give me a tall guy.
>>312730 ^incels online
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hello I hate women
>>312725 are there any more published book reviews that mosley did
poo'd, buzzed pubes, took a below-the-waist demishower, trimmed fingernails/toenails, put away laundry... mentally exhausted
beowulf is pretty cool. he kills monsters and doesnt afraid of anything.
The fucking state
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>>312733 thank GOODNESS we're saved
>>312733 Good lad the thread is now blessed and warded against evil doers
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>>312739 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >>312740 >>312741 >>312742 tbh a good sunday for all good lads
thinking of doing a deal with the devil down at the crossroads for bluegrass banjo skills https://youtu.be/AJOIqmlI65Y
thinkin of brappin
>>312747 point to a time when this wasn't the case
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chicken cordon bleu for dinner
>>312756 holy kino
so... society... and all that
a good hot meal
>>312761 so many middle classoids out there fighting for the stupidest of causes
>>312765 not a fan of that movie. shitty nihilist hippy era western
>>312766 this gay ass nigga can't understand the mystery of tempting the west with his mates.
steiners a pure billy no mates
>>312768 yeah I would have ditched those softies in the night and maybe stolen their horses
BREAKING: Local billynomates copes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I7MSPhbvRs
imagine having literally zero mates
reminds me a lot of myself
>>312766 the jew made ones from that era are the worst
>>312773 yeah like little big man
john ford westerns tbh, searchers is the american version of lawrence of arabia (best movie ever made IMO)
>>312774 keeeeeeeeek thats the one I was thinking of, I never even got to the end of it
>>312775 searchers is dees lad
also shane is my favorite, its about a billy no mates who saves the white race from evil cattle baron
searchers only had a 3 million dollar budget keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>312778 never seen that *flicks my ciggie butts into your face until you seethe*
https://youtu.be/gpNdlmKpXto >ywn live in this kind of society
>>312782 >>312783 holy based
why dont you just hang out at the local bar, you'll get some mates that way steiney
normalfags itt
they're talking about gigachad in this csgo game i'm watching
honestly these gramerly adverts fuck off
>>312790 so true
neetcel im in my meat hell
>>312789 fucking utter gash
The bird just reminds me of Tampax and the Labour Party for some reason.
sneed lads
>>312796 hullo lad
Mae govannen welcome to the tolkien lore channel, I am the tolkien geek. Why are my lips so piink? https://youtu.be/i_FbxI610tM
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might have a temporary job this winter that pays ~8k (CAD) a month for only 2 weeks of work something to do with green energy infrastructure or something. haven't been told too much about it yet
>>312799 nice, lad. should make it less temporaryrino
>>312799 wew based hope you get it lad
>>312800 should get me a foot in the door for more projects of that sort, i presume will be my first gravy job
I could use some CAD right now. Why don't you let me hold some, lad
>>312803 my fiat is too strong for you, traveller
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That tranny tory councilor who reported a labourcel to police for 'misgendering' him still has a yt. Swear it used to be called the amazing ZOG or something really schizo taunting. His Royal Highness should do what he does best, for 'Zoe Kirk-Robinson'.
she makes great comics
>>312804 keeeeeeek
>>312810 based georgia
>>312811 >when Georgians stars up their PC
>>312812 keeeeeeeeek
bizarre that there are people who still don't believe that wikipedia gets manipulated for political purposes when it's so frequently used without any attempt at verifying what it says
>>312814 a lot of the times it isn't even sourced, or the sources link to something you can't check smh. All those years of school and teachers never really explained to me why you shouldn't use it for school work
>>312814 it's actually useful as a source to see 'what the narrative is'. they just authoritatively state the most ridiculous bullshit as a matter of fact
>Guatemala >Nintenderos
So unbiased
Full of character assassination
>>312820 *kneels*
Remember Peter Hitchens editing his Wiki. keeeek.
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>>312816 I was told (15 years ago mind) that wiki was good for purely technical bits of info, because only an informed autist would edit a science or maths page, but to not c&p because if you can't get it yourself, spitting out something in an encyclopedic format would make it obvious and a teacher would automatically fail you. One old lass mentioned then that unless it was about guns, tank models etc. don't trust any history page. Oy vey. >>312820 Contrasted with this.
>>312823 >Christopher was thrilled when Peter told him(that they are Jewish) By then he was living in Washington and most of his friends were Jewish. Moreover, he felt that he had somehow known all along. He remembers an odd dream in which he was on the deck of a ship and a group of men approached him and said they needed a 10th man to make up a minyan (Jewish prayer group) and he calmly strolled across the deck and joined them. He insists that he is Jewish - because Jewish descent goes through the mother - though Peter Hitchens, who has traced the family tree, says they are only one 32nd Jewish >>312824 >pitting out something in an encyclopedic format would make it obvious and a teacher would automatically fail you. There are programs they use to check whether it's a direct copy, which is why I always copied from the English wikipipedia and then writing it in Welsh
>>312825 >There are programs they use to check whether it's a direct copy Keeeeeek. Are they still using this one to scare students? They don't have machines, they just use quotations marks outside a block of text in Google.
>>312815 tbh seriously hate how everything needs a mobile number these days smdh it's everywhere >>312816 >teachers never really explained to me why you shouldn't use it for school work the reason they always told me was it's because anyone can edit it experience has shown me that crowdsourcing information from motivated autistes is actually the most accurate and up-to-date way of gathering information as yet discovered you only get problems if they start deliberately lying to you tbh but major publishers can do that just as easily in fact what would be a years-long edit war on wikipedia can get squashed immediately by orders from above in a "legitimate source" >>312824 >guns, tank models etc. based old lass >Contrasted with this. lad al-qaeda are brown and therefore without sin sure they might have hurt some people in the past but it was all just a misunderstanding how are we supposed to welcome them into the diverse multifaith neurodivergent queer society of tomorrow if you keep reopening the wounds of yesterday smh they just want to feel welcomed
>>312820 >"men's rights" in the middle of a bunch of badboyisms >>312824 >widely regarded as keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that's all they get compared to how badly Stephen got grilled
>>312825 >1/32nd Peter nooo. Into the holocoaster. 1/64th smeeself but that's okay.
would be utterly devastated if i ever found out i had kike relatives tbh >>312828 men have the right to pay taxes and the right to die in wars lad nothing else
>>312778 Good film >>312806 >>312807 These are utter shite >>312829 That's not OK lad, one drop rule.
There is a troon in our midst. I sense it.
>>312829 tbh if you're 80% white you're white
>312833 *reports you to the King*
>>312831 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxcTDoE_Kbg Me when questioned about my crusade for the ethnostate.
>>312834 The king I have on speed dial?
>>312833 I'm 100% white. Ashkenazis are (inbred) europeans.
Louis = Clovis
>>312838 Ashkenazis are a middle eastern population lad, you're unironically not welcome in the ethnostate and should be sterilised or deported to Israel
>>312835 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>312841 >buying kike lies that they're semites
>when you try to google your ethnicity
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>lads here call me le mutt memmie but they are literally jews
>312843 fucking cope you mixling faggot
>that time Matt Easton of Scholagladiatoria went on a racist tirade saying a polish-caribbean man wasn't white
>>312845 I'm not like cuc/k/. Smh.
>>312843 whatever they are they aren't british
>>312849 Tbh but I've still got more anglo in me (almost 100%) than spig or cuc/k/.
>312850 You're a mixling.
No infighting. no brother wars. we're all white
Any admixture with Jews must be eliminated. If the proportion is low, sterilisation. If the proportion is high deportation.
>>312853 Based post.
>>312854 based would be actually eliminating it all from the world so nobody will have to ever deal with it again
>>312855 Not practical, we should work one country at a time
yeah let's just do a little local genocide
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>>312863 smh no autistic tv-fu to keepo in a cage. The character she plays is just so awful though
>>312864 *make her run in a giant wheel*
>>312864 That would make it all the better, you'd be doing the world a favour
>>312865 Keeek
>>312865 she'd love that
computer shut down during the night and now runescape won't start smh
>>312869 >Auslad despondency arc >Auslad self improvement arc Hmmm
>>312870 i choose the second tbh just need to find some toil
>>312872 Going buy a 589 grams Thornton's classics box with my nectar points.
>>312873 based
In my dream last night my pubes went all along the penis
https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/phone-call-widnes-man-stopped-25123469 HOLY SHIT KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKK They're making a National Action drama with Robbie the Rat keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>312876 smh the well must be running dry if they're digging this deep tbh
>>312877 I hope my character is in it tbh
Aaron Paul could play Wessica
tfw no big belly gf
We should do a kosmi of this cringe tbh
Filipina lass says she'd like to meet up in November. God knows why. November must be a slow month for her
>312882 Ban him.
>>312882 >>312882 Tell me the Filipina whisperer all. I will decipher it for you lad.
just want a retarded slave gf who can also raise my children smh
>tfw a lad falls for the trap of easy seamonkey pussy and dooms his genetic line
>>312885 Philippines is the perfect place for that
>>312886 tbh life should be hard
>>312884 She kept on sending me jokes and music every week but I stopped actively texting her beyond replying when she said she was too busy to see me for the third time I asked. Three weeks of nothing and then she she texts me "Hiyaaa, how are you?" and says she hopes we can meet up if I'm free in November >>312886 she's the opposite of easy, lad she is a lovely Christian girl
can you stop? Why are there so many awful characters on here? This is a place for based lads, why do you insist on staying and pushing unbased ways of thinking on us? Spician tier
https://www.entertainmentdaily.co.uk/tv/the-walk-in-itv1-episodes-plot-cast-start-date-trailer/ There are five episodes of it, if I'm not fucking in this I'll nailbomb a postoffice
>>312888 tbh hʌrdship breeds pvrity >>312889 comparative to westoid lasses she's easy lad you talk to her and it's not an automatic no
>>312891 keeeeek what the fuck
>>312889 Yea, she's definitely seeing other guys, make sure she is the one treating you if you meet up in November as why go with her if she's already demoted you
>>312890 Idk lad, Filipina posting has ancient lore here, going back at least 5 years
>that lad Bins keep posting who worked for Trump or something but who is now spending his days fucking every hole in the philippenes
>>312894 she never expected me to pay for things so I wouldn't do that to her. You're probably right though
>>312897 Or you could tell her you want her to be her bf online, Filipinos do that all the time
>>312893 That little fat cunt Robbie is on £33,000 a year to chat this shit btw
>>312899 tbh it's all a grift he decided that living comfortably and not being hounded by police was more important than having principles never trust a turncoat smh for every one who actually believes his new "beliefs" there's ninety-nine who are just in it because they got a better offer
>>312898 I've already told her I like her in person but we haven't really discussed it since
>>312900 Woes is sort of a medley of the two
>>312900 My theory on him is that he turned in April 2016 when the nonce joined NA and the leadership wasn't listening to us when we said to boot him out. We all had to threaten to leave on mass if that guy remained (Ryan Flemming). I think Robbie started feeding information then because the mole shit started at that time. He told us he got a new job fixing cameras paying £33,000 a year. He also said his new boss was taking him to strip clubs and giving £50 notes to them. He also mentioned he might be getting a gf indicating that he was maybe being sexually groomed.
I'm going to have to do a commentary track for the episodes explaining all the bullshit
>>312903 tfw no spy gf
>>312901 she's got other offers and you're on the backburner lad trust me you might meet up and you might even have a great time but her heart is somewhere else >>312902 tbh keeeeek he straddles the line masterfully >>312903 smh that sounds likely tbh it all seems a bit suspect nobody just turns like that unless they were a plant right from the start tbh there had to be some kind of dissatisfaction no doubt he's playing it up for the media to show that he's "reformed" tbh he has to or else he can't ever retvrn to normal life even now all these years later he's still getting trotted out as an example of a chud who saw the light
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Too low energy to even fully grift.
>>312907 >1st august >september 29th
>>312908 You don't understand lad it's hard to produce content while going through a lifestyle change.
>>312909 tbh he's very busy
Wonder what he does with his time tbh.
>>312911 sucks his payepiggies dry
>>312907 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek makes you ask yourself what he does all day >>312910 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek great pic
>>312911 posts on /brit/ anonymously tbh he's always here lad he sees it all
Sleeps, masturbates, responds to apt right groomers, looks at Twitter, posts on telegram occasionally
>>312911 And also eats sugar
>>312916 what, like from a bag with a tea spoon?
>>312911 wallows in depression, struggles with self worth, eats, sits on the toilet, scrolls on his phone, goes to bed, lies awake wishing he had done more with his day, recounting regrets, finally falling asleep, awakening late in the morning, staying in bed drifting in and out of consciousness until back pain or the urge to pee become overwhelming, go for a walk to the shops, wish he were dead etc ad infinitum
>>312913 snot mine tbh some other lad made it smh all i did was colour the hands purple
>>312917 Chocolate, coca cola
>>312918 Tbh, we've all been there
The champion of British nationalism is depressed, smh
Life can be wonderful and it's important to keep in touch with those you love and care about
If he listened to speed metal & lifted weights he wouldn't have this problem as he'd have more energy tbh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZWARGdLjps
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hanging out my arse today lads whew
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Don't know about you lads, but I'm glad Wessex is now a productive member of society. It was long overdue.
>>312929 based tbh
>>312929 Has anybody from Surrey ever actually been in a fight? keeeeek.
>>312932 I only fight at competitions tbh fighting randoms is pointless
found a worm in my headphones
>>312930 >now not yet lad they still have to torture him for a few years before an employer relents and actually hires him >>312934 spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
>>312935 even if he gets an employer, it may be a shit life anyway
>>312936 that's what toil is for smh it's all makework these days keep the serfs busy so they daren't revolt lest their income get cut off
wessex: >sits at a computer all day >is miserable >does not meaningfully change society office toilserf: >sits at a computer all day >is miserable >does not meaningfully change society he already has a job tbh he's just employed by the government
>>312929 karate and kicking shit is so dumb, great way to break your ankle or toes
>>312940 you kick with your shin or your instep retard
>>312941 yeah do it on somebody who is moving williamoid and see how easy it is to jam a toe or bust a tarsal and then you have a limp. enjoy, would rather slam some cunts with trips and lateral drops and box them then do gay kicks https://youtu.be/Uum7Z6ul0D4 this is how you fight properly lad
>>312942 >countless videos of people kicking effectively in all major fighting organisations >some fat brownoids are proof kicking is silly lol grow up
https://www.whattowatch.com/watching-guides/the-walk-in-release-date-cast-plot-trailer-and-all-about-the-true-crime-drama-by-jeff-pope This is absolute fucking bullshit >The leader of National Action believes the organisation can learn from the disciplined of Islamic terrorists and believes drastic action is needed to protect the white race. We never took any influence at all from Islamic terrorism with the sole exception of the white jihad meme
>>312944 >we lad???
>>312945 your replying to a NA veteran lad, you had better salute him
>>312945 I'm BBK. Also, Robbie didn't join because of Jack Renshaw at all and Jack Renshaw was more or less half in-half out I think he gave a maximum of like three speeches for National Action
>>312947 I like how there's no mention of big ben or welsh bloke whose name i cannot remember
>>312948 Alex Davies that was it
>>312948 I was good mates with Robbie so I hope I'm in it, will let you know which character if I am I wouldn't be surprised if they put Ben and Alex in Chris and Matt from the NW section are in it as characters so I imagine all of our main gang are. It depends how true to life they want to be but given what I've seen it'll be pure bollocks
>>312943 kicking is for frogs and wogs
>>312944 this is how they fabricate history to millions of people that know no better, this version of events will become "the truth"
>>312950 >good mates with a heccing traitorino... it's crazy this TV show is even a thing because I used to know a lot of dafties from the London Forum circuit and none of them spoke about anything like murdering an MP etc, they did invite me to a bunch of stuff etc but nothing worth arresting anyone for lmao, in most cases it really seems like these poor guys have been deemed as terrorists for the crime of having edgy friends
https://youtu.be/xJdRKJMcyyw Trailer shows Matt Hanksinson but the flags are wrong and we never had riot police like that with us ever on a march only if we were kettled >>312952 >>312954 They lied about NA being a terrorist organisation so they'll definitely lie about the people involved. If I'm in it I hope they cast me as a big bodybuilding nutter or something at least keeek
Zoomerhair might be Alex Davies
>>312955 >>312956 is this on a streaming site? we can watch it on kosmi
Keith is a serious weirdo
>>312957 ITV tomorrow at 9PM. I think I'm in it. I was at the meeting when Robbie joined (pic related). He was quite confident and not weak and measely as shown here. Also the pub was bright because this was late summer not spooky like in this pic. In real life it was me Chris Lythgoe and him. Not all these spooky body guars in threatening poses keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>312955 that fucking flag is so shit lmao why didn't they just use the real one?
>>312959 write an IDMB review lad
>>312961 I'll make a commentary or some shit fuck it. This is unironically outrageous. My mates are in prison for years because of this fucking fat shit.
>>312959 sometimes I wished we lived in the reality liberals think we live in, where we own pubs and have enough big lads to make scary bodyguards whilst we grill people over a pint of bitter, and not just a couple of blokes meeting in the back of a shitty wetherspoons lmao
>>312963 >sometimes I wished we lived in the reality liberals think we live in tbh if only
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>>312963 tbh, one of the lads had a gym and they starting calling it a terror training camp in the papers keeeeek they used to just box and lift weights then get drunk in there >>312965 Based. I wonder if Wessex will be in the new film keek
>>312964 >>312963 sometimes, i figure i should of just played up my autism more but having worked now and lived alone, i can't really get away with it.
>>312966 >used to just box and lift weights then get drunk in there smh based >>312967 too late now lad now you mvst becvme the overman
I never use heating anyway. Heating is for wogs that can't stand the cold. How fucking hard is it to wear layers?
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I've already had the heating on twice I guess Russia is going to win the war, then
>>312973 smh it's over
>>312971 yes i tried telling mummy this excluding the wog bit, she agreed but still acts like the media propoganda is importatn
Off to a book launch about local history tbh
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>>312976 good lad, keep it LOCAL
>>312976 very nice, lad
sneedfernoon, don't like all the NA talk tbh, bbk should be removed as janny hes a liability, Also getting sense of doom because toil tomorrow.
>>312979 sneed lad smh
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>>312979 > bbk should be removed as janny Death To Traitors tbh All Hail His Royal Highness The Bum Bum King!
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do not like the big white teeth yanks have
>>312969 stupid fucking slag
Dude, this war is like, crazy, man! https://youtu.be/WVXzwnU1H6U
>>312985 >dave smith breaks down the reasons russia invaded ukraine 2 mongs talking about something they know nothing about
>>312986 he's actually right though, that's the thing
>>312986 uhhh Putin is literally Hitler 2.0 he wants to resurrect the Soviet Union and he hates jews. Also Zelensky is the second coming of Christ.
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Watching it again lads
>>312989 based
>lad can't even recognise his own b(rother)
>22st/bins parahomosexual relationship
>>312993 god forbid we bring back wholesome male friendships. Our loyalty is a very masculine and straight trait
>>312994 you two are gayer than actual cock sucking cum drinking homosexuals and I wish you would never post again
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>>312995 >>312993 there has never been anything sexual between me and b
>>312996 You have never been fascist
>>312994 mannerbunds and koryos are kino and all but you lads take it a bit far smh
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>>312997 >you have never been a fascist oh yeah? well why do anti-fascists always attack bins then?
great thread today
>>313000 truly what /brit/ is about tbh
>>313002 me on the left
https://youtu.be/XY7zC8BMu7Q When the fat black lady sings
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observe this conversation between a jew and an average aryan warrior
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>>312869 lad...
>>313005 I wanted to see him go full monke and rip his head off.
>>313006 pvre kino
considering trimming down to sideburns tbh night lads
>>313010 probably written by leftoids to explain why LOT is actually a massive threat to society for reposting stuff leftoids say in public lots of mental gymnastics in other words
>>313010 Harder to own them when they're all in a group like that
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>>312863 Cute little mouse
Just had a social interaction now I'm spazzing out and shouting random strings of words
>>313016 Pathetic, tbh. How did it come to this, lad?
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so I heard dorset is planning on meeting jocko for sex
>>313018 lmao >>313016 Sometimes when I get upset, I get the nigger plus other bad words Tourette's.
>>313018 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>312960 you know why, lad, they need normoids to instantly associate based daftlads with nazism
>>313017 all i do these days is play minecraft and listen to lectures
so tired. so cold.
>>313023 >so tired. so cold. this is what it takes to defeat Putler though lad
>>313021 the original NA flag was already pretty evil looking tbh
>>313025 *frightens you*
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miss them tbh
>>313027 AAAAAA
>>313028 The real NA docudrama would have pepes pissing on people tbh
>bolsonaro is losing the election
>>313031 It#s over for huhuwhites
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>>312969 #NoHeatingNovember OOOO OOO I LAV MY UKRAIEEENII
>>312969 why are women so fucking stupid
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>>313031 I have to say some of this stuff seems so inconsequential. Did Bolsonaro really do anything for Brazil? Did anything truly change for anyone? Maybe I am retarded or not in touch with Brazil but other than him being edgy etc it doesn't seem like much truly changed for South America, or the rest of the world. I mean Brazil is one of the BRICs etc but when Xi or Putin make changes we know, and when the Indians do something stupid they burn down Leeds and Leicester, does anything happen in brazil besides favelas and twerking?
>>313031 maybe the spics will have a civil war
>>313035 met a nice brazilian lad travelling in serbia i did.
>>313023 put on a jumper and go to sleep earlier
Ed Benes is my favourite Brazilian
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No filurms tonight?
>>313041 Work keeps my mind busy, it gives me purpose. I don't like having too much free time. There is nothing worse than being lonely and idle, not valuing your time. I really really really would rather work myself into oblivion than stop to think about how lonely I am
>>313043 tbh we're not designed to be idle, our minds hate it over longer periods
>>313031 it's being rigged, Brazil has electronic voting machines with no paper trail, doesn't matter if he gets 80% of the vote it will still come out to 49% military junta is possible because it's south america but shartica said they're going to intervene if that happens so there could be a major happening. Brazilians are very pissed off at the idea of America intervening in their politics or bossing them around regarding the Amazon
>>313045 should call weimart's bluff tbh
>>313043 not like it matters either way tbh
buttered digestives for supper
who are some peng brit milfs?
>>313043 you need to set your own goals when neet tbqf. exercise every day, somewhat healthy diet, maybe money for tourism.
>>313046 tbh what are they going to do send in the obese troon brigades?
>>313035 he seemed to be just another cope like zumpf
>>313050 carol kirkwood
>>313045 it would be so based if there would be another massive spic war over the gran chaco so that all the spics can fuck off and die and stop poking their noses in gringo business
>>313054 Disregard females, reclaim constantinople.
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>>313030 BASED NA
>>313042 yeah lad, what you want to watch?
Anyone interested in watching Cromwell (1970)?
>>313062 huh, when did I give myself this (You) ?
>>313065 I'd join yeah.
>>313066 okay I'll set it up
https://youtu.be/bVFM2mCPnhQ Dorset is almost free
>>313068 looking back at this now, it's so obvious Geroge Michaelwas gay he has such a case of gay face
Off to bed lads, looking forward to seeing the Jewish lies about me tomorrow x
>>313062 heh, yeah guys, completely chad move.
>>313075 oh shit posted that early by accident
>>313071 makes sense that the current boomers couldn't figure it out tho
>>313071 the earring, the eyebrows, the overly coiffed hair, the way he poses his face like a woman, are all dead giveaways.
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new russian laser anti drone AA asset
bus company cancelled the last bus of the day after the second to last bus had already left and I had to wait around with toillad for two hours before getting a taxi and now I have paid £25 for one day of travel across a total distance of 14 miles and the bus company will probably get out of reimbursing me because I only have physical receipts are we third world yet lads?
the toillad had the same thing happen to him almost a year ago only that time mummy was around to give us a lift back
>>313084 toil on a sunday?
he says the buses just don't bother to turn up for at least a quarter of their postings a week and always at the most important times >>313086 restaurant (not me the other guy)
taxi driver was a boomer ex coalminer and he said covid es el mentira and that he was going to spend the rest of his evening drinking in a local pub that was closing that very night after x hundred years of existing
also I put on 2kg this week after being extra depressed and not eating proper meals sunday dinner was turkey mince lasaga and salad followed by peach crumble and ice cream and it was nice though
>tfw back to work tomorrow in the bitcoin mines
>5 wessie posts in a row
didn't have dessert after sunday dinner because I had sweeties yesterday and friday but I regret it now smh, toil tomorrow all day, suppose I'll try and squeeze what little enjoyment is left of sunday night, gonna be busy all week until friday smh.
>tfw had a really shit workout today and then ate left over pizza for dinner I'm not going to make it
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>>313091 keeek at that cope image when in reality its EU getting spit roasted by amerimutt and vatnik
>>313099 think they are all in on it tbh the EU elite wants to punish the cattle too
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>>313101 nice audio quality for the size tbh
>new series of Coping Ricecels Imaginary Booba Show is out
the thorntons classics were awful and sugary, all those nectar points wasted wew
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>tfw last "anime" i watched all the way through to completion was Daria >tfw this was a few years ago I can't hack it anymore, I can't watch my chinese cartoons like I used to
>>313105 is that the one where she is a BASED alt scene girl who is le quirky and depressed just like (you) the viewer or whatever
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>>313106 she's quirky but mostly cynical, they couldn't make daria today tbh because all the major characters are white and straight. Her friend Jane was best girl however tbh luv are Jane Lane
against all polling results bolsonaro is winning
schnini, toil calls.
>>313109 bye brave lad
fuck bolso's dropping now
bolsonaro's probably going to lose lads....
>>313112 Only feels like last year that he was elected smh Guess he's achieved fuck all then since I can't remember anything notable coming out of Brazil during his presidency
>>313112 BELIEVE
>>313113 he liberalised gun laws and crime dropped significantly under his rule. he also defunded all the NGO's receiving state funding, especially enviromental and indigenous protection stuff.
kat dennings
oops. ahaha this isn't google
>>313115 Was just looking at some of the things as you posted. Apparently he also pulled out of the UN migration pact, for what good it'll do Brazil. Still remember him sucking Jewish dick though so basically Brazil Trump.
>>313118 iirc brazil and south america have a pretty large arab/palestinian population who are super libtarded, so the natural reaction to dealing with them is to support Palestine, and iirc Hezbollah has strong ties to the cartels in Latin america as well. It's really weird tbh
>>313119 support israel fuck
smh forget when captcha's up
Not looking good Wonder if they're using Dominion voting machines
ok bolsonaros lost its over brazil has fallen
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>>313125 Good lad
>In October 2018 Clegg joined as public relations officer at Facebook because he was "convinced that the culture is changing" and that "lawmakers need to have a serious conversation about whether data-intensive companies allow other companies to share and use data" >In May 2019, he rejected calls by American presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, as well as Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes to break Facebook up, saying that Facebook was "a great American success story" and that "I don't think it's a very American tradition to start penalizing success." >In June 2019, Clegg said there was "absolutely no evidence" that Russia had influenced the outcome of the EU referendum using Facebook. He said that the company was working towards greater regulation of technology firms >In October 2021, Ahead of the release of the whistleblown Facebook Files, Clegg authored an internal memo saying that there was no evidence Facebook was a main cause in polarisation and that the company does not "profit from polarization, in fact, just the opposite >In February 2022, Clegg was promoted by Zuckerberg to president of global affairs Lost his seat and now a paid shill for the highest bidder.
>>313129 he reminds me of a vicar i used to know
>>313105 probably for the best since anime is just starting to get infested with zog filth
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The same thing is obviously being done here Fabrication of a "far right" terrorist threat to suit political narratives
miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe >>313133 so sick of this shite
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>>313134 did they ban him?
>>313135 hey lad, did you have fish for dinner today?
>>313137 they did it a couple times... he just stopped coming back
>>313139 sounds like he was a good lad
XR's former leader was based.
>>313141 isn't that what they wanted to prevent
>>313141 he wasn't based, he was anti-white, blamed whiteness for the "climate crisis" and wanted to end white supremacy to save the planet he was just a total leftoid schizo
looks like williamoid unimong apocalyptic climate cults are becoming a thing https://twitter.com/echetus/status/1576475779604455425
>>313144 they wont stop the chud uprising
>>313138 No, I had sausages,onions,tomatoes and cheese why?
>>313146 sounds nice just wondered what you had for dinner I had pan fried chicken in a creamy mushroom white wine and onion suace
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>>313147 interesting do love a good sauce
>>313149 >do love a good sauce ooh, I know you do lad, I know you do...
>>313150 what is this meant to imply?
>>313151 that like smee, you are an appreciator of good cuisine
>>313152 ah, thanks
>>313154 I made this (but I didn't have any parsley or bay leaves so made do without) https://youtu.be/sqelF9LaAlQ
chud rape
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how the fuck am i supposed to sleep for about a week ive been physically exhausted yet i just cant fucking SLEEP
>>313162 go to bed and get up at reasonable regular times. Avoid looking at electronic devices. Write down anything that's worrying you with pen and paper. Read a book until you can't concentrate any more.
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was edging to latina tikthot and just as I was gonna stop and wash up and end it without cooming I accidentally coomed ffs ruined my night also I've been having anger issues lately, at inanimate objects mostly, also technology. anytime anything doesn't do what I want it to, I start barking at it (not literally, like 'barking orders' you know?)
wasted loosh I was gonna retain it reeeeee and it wasn't satisfying at all it was ruined
this track is so fucking good
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>>313169 yeah don't you think that's a healthy thing to do? charge it up and then stop and go about your business? semen retention with daily edging is probably how you maximize your power
>>313166 >>313167 happens lad, my technique for not cooming is to just go to the bathroom and take a piss. by the time im standing over the toilet ive already lost half my boner, it really works >>313170 i don't do it daily but yeah im on about a 3 week streak now, when i feel the need to wank i just edge then do the aforementioned
love the feeling of blue balls ngl, feels powerful
>>313171 I was in the shower. I said I was gonna stop at 3:10am and continued til 3:11am 1/2 and then it was too late. if I stuck to the plan it would have been fine
>#Kriegserklaerung (declaration of war) was trending on German twitter for days in response to the US sabotaging the pipeline think ZOG might have went a bit far with this one. I think #1 priority right now is to expose the US as being behind it, it's so obvious but there's no concrete evidence
Truss, kwarteng already u turning like lil bitches
>>313174 weren't US warships spotted nearby at the time of the explosions? I would have thought that's a pretty damning indictment
NHS chasing me on this fucking reference and the guy didn't get back to me. Have an NHS appointment this afternoon, will ask if a GP or nurse can give me a reference.
>>313176 tbh the burgers obviously did it >>313177 smh
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Old Bill finally getting their priorities right
>>313180 keeeeeeeek they have things like that on fire engines too now
Imagine your child got shot by some absolute fucking deano
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smorn lads
>>313183 smorning
what's occurring
Nervous about the BBK tv show tbh, hopefully they'll leave me out due to defamation
Thinking about lynching some wfh scum.
Neets against WFH
>>313188 tbh, they're miscegenating our societal rolls
Angard royal mail keep fucking changing my started work time, stop it.
>>313191 It's just good business.
>>313192 I literally just turned off HOTD to attend their mail centre at a rush in the next 2 hours, 6pm to 2pm, now it's 3 pm.
>>313190 Got a few Chinese girls on WeChat me, my favourite one is a bit prudish tho. I'm trying to get her to dress sexier
Phwoarrr, I'd let some of them tickle my prawn balls.
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>>313195 What's your situation in Aus currently?
>>313190 The bitches at 6:48
>>313198 still neeting tbh
>>313200 are they still holding on you?
sorry holding out on you
>>313201 should be all cleared up now tbh
>>313203 didn't need to stove in anyone's head in the end?
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Just another day in bongland. Honk.
>>313204 just a phone interview tbh it was pretty simple >>313205 same as it ever was
>>313168 good lad, Carnivore are great
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>>313168 keep seeing those as bum bum ears
>>313190 Going to Singapore in December and possibly Malaysia or Thailand too, not decided yet. Might show you lads some photos at the time if there's anything interesting
>>313209 Just show us lots of legs that don't have cottage cheese. A contrast from here.
>>313209 how can anyone here afford to travel the world in current year. makes me seethe with envy
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>>313212 How is she even supposed to give you a handjob with those hideous nails?
>>313210 keek tbh they dress so much better too >>313211 I'm a good saver tbh, shouldn't be wasting it like this but don't really care any more might as well see some of the world before none of us can smh
I have white hairs now that are only single strands but stand out massively against my usually brown/blonde hair
>>313216 based
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>>313211 Been to 8 countries this year for £5k so far. Considering to go to Asia again this year as well
>>313219 Hope you enjoyed the 'local cuisine' in each of those countries lad?
>>313219 Waste of money tbh
>>313220 Waste of sperm tbh
>>313221 Travel will definitely be banned in the future lad. Either by cost or by decree.
>>313220 No coz it was in Europe. Asia is the place for pussy
Hell is the place for race mixers.
Pure hate uppity western foids
>>313223 Good, it's a decadent degeneracy
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>>313227 You were banned for pushing troonism constantly and "ironically" What's the policy on lads who push race mixing around here?
>>313228 Reckon it's even worse, tbh. It's one thing to stick your willy in a white bumhole, it's another to potentially sire mutts like spic.
>>313222 >>313228 Low T incel cringe tbh.
Race Mixing Scum.
Denying the Anglo his right to put it about and be revered by women around the globe.
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>omg sex sex sex pussy pussy!!!!!!!
>>313232 I was in the Kay bongo, I know how you and your ilkerino behave all day
fuck off nonce
smh I am only attracted to women who are 16 and up, not a second younger
Banned them both tbh, it's up to auslad if he wants to lift them. Not too sure on the policy smh. Off to the NHS for battle tbh
>>313238 phew you didn't get banned. My friend
>>313239 maybe he does it to scare me, to make me fear the bum bum king
>>313231 True. It's a right.
Here's a left.
Basado. Fuck chink shaggers.
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>>313229 you realize women can only get pregnant when they're ovulating, right? like 75% of the time you can fuck them and coom inside and nothing happens. the other 25% you just need to pull out
Ah yes, because you speak from experience.
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>>313245 it's a biological fact
stop posting these monstrosities
>>313244 urgh, hairy armed bitch
bbk starting to ramp up the bannings, auslad needs to demod him before he goes on another schizo cycle and really fucks the board up
>>313249 yeah he's mentally unstable, he needs to be demodded. we can't have bans, it's supposed to be comfy
>>313249 feel like he'll ban for the most petty shit yet allow noncery and the like to be unpunished
>>313252 lmao Twitter have blacklisted that site, and won't let me repost it.
>>313251 Facts don't care about your feelings, dorshit. Just stop tranny posting.
>>313251 I hope he bans you for being a quare.
>>313254 ive not troonposted
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>>313255 i am not a quare nothing but lies and slander
stop bringing up dorsets troon posting its annoying
>>313258 >stop brining up what he keeps doing We want to. It's why he's supposed to learn from his bans. Smh.
You've already troonposted in your mind, regardless of whether you've committed it to page, and that is the gravest sin dorsie.
>>313248 >2/10 would not bang
>half 3 already where has the day gone
If you push race mixing, trannies, or faggotry in the thread you will get banned. Banter? Fine. Going on and on with banter or doing it unironically? I'll ban you. At first and hour to three hours. If it is habitual I'll ban you for good unless auslad tells me to do otherwise.
>>313263 I'll just unban them you mong
>>313263 Don't do permas tbh. It's where all the drama before came from. I think 3 days for dorshit's repeat troon posting was reasonable tbh.
>>313261 Cracking chebs, but the horsefaced spic physiognomy, hairy arms, voice, and retard gesticulation puts me off.
>>313264 It doesn't matter, typically the hour to three hour rule will have passed anyway. Why do you support the things I've written against there? What's your problem with it? >>313266 I'll do permas if it's really egregious and repetitive otherwise I don't think it's necessary or even workable.
We have one mod against trannies, fags, and race mixers. We have another who doesn't seem to have a problem with it.
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>>313269 It's a part of are culture
>>313270 Okay, 3 more days.
>>313268 you defended bins despite him being the most prolific faggot on this board thats the problem, you are like wormtongue.
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>>313272 I've never seen bins post anything homo though. You assert he is one because you are projecting.
>>313274 >I've never seen bins post anything homo though. come on thats so blatantly untrue
>>313274 >I've never seen bins post anything homo though.
>pathological lying homosexual being the arbitrer of truth
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>I've never seen bins post anything homo
bbk must be a poof whos wormed his way into a janny position and is now defending his fellow homosexuals
>>313272 If he doesn't post anything in the thread there is no justification for banning him.
Wait, now I think about it, the bins buldge one he posts is a bit gay.
reckon even bins would admit to posting some homo stuff even if it was "ironic"
Ahh, we're being raided by the trannies Maybe a genocide is what you're looking for?
>>313274 me neither, I just assumed he was a homo because of his gay bins images with accentuated arses on them.
>>313283 Trannies are the only ones (with proof beyond reasonable doubt it's what they are) I'd support perma'ing tbh.
ah, so despite all the screencaps of bins posting homo shit, that doesnt count as being homo right
Them and actual niggers or pakis, the obvious.
the "B" posting that him and 22st do is obviously an implicit homosexual thing for the whole thread to see, also all the "ironic" gay stuff he posts
You see evidence report it, otherwise I'm not banning them for giving eachother nicknames
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brit is a gateway to trannyism
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I'm going to fart into one of your mouths. I big stinky egg of a fart made of gas.
quality post mate think that needs a banning tbh
Perhaps some poo flakes will fly off. Perhaps in the thick green gas of poo and sulphur there will be something that learns you. Learns you not to be gay. Learns you not to push race mixing.
In poo there is no lying. In poo there is no truth. Only green clouds of arse air. Sniff it in. Snort it up. Open your eyes and let it go up to your brain. Then you will know. Poo is true for me and you.
>>313296 careful lad you'll arouse the trannies with that kind of poosting
>>313298 keeek
>tfw your thick straight cock acts like a plunger and sucks out all the poo from the tranny arsehole upon being pulled out
fuck off
comfy schizo spooky time tbh settle down lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdHH3rN29Ns
>>313267 don't think that's her voice, it's tiktok, they move their lips to other people's sounds
>>313301 We're going to be in a TV show lad. tonight at 9pm on ITV
>>313303 don't think I could suffer watching tbh probably give myself a stomach ulcer from all of the lying scumbag propaganda
>>313301 don't overlay a map of these disappearances with the entrances to deep underground cave systems
>>313305 >search for this >top link is le fact checkers telling everyone not to worry it's nothing spooky and definitely not US government related
>>313304 Yeah, they're even lying about the little things tbh but want to see if I'm in it The flags are wrong, the settings are wrong, some guy has zoomer hair, etc.
>>313307 clip it if they have a 40 stone incelloid actor say IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR for me please lad
>>313308 Will do, I'm hoping it'll be hilarious tbh what is there to do at this point but laugh smh
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didn't realise this was England at first...
>>313310 KEEEEEEEEEK all the mongs saying he dindu nuffin
>>313310 That's shepard's bush isn't it.
Gonna watch the 1992 BBC Ghostwatch for comfy schizospooktober >BBC Forced to apologise for the show after tens of thousands wrote in saying the show traumatised their pussy children >Someones wife made her husband go on live Television to discuss how he shat his pants >Autist lad became obsessed with ghosts and hung himself after
>>313312 no idea, looks like a zoo to me
>>313313 sounds kino tbh
seen this posted on twatter a few times, but no idea if it's true
>>313310 >he's a young boy >full beard Based terminog being unphased by it all tbh.
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>>313306 I wonder what they're doing with these people. Aliens, DUMBs, artificial reality, machine demons.
>>313313 watched that live as a kid it was genuinely spooksome
>>313319 Sort of thing that would've been fun before the internet tbh
>Missing 411 cases from Michigan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-nMXZ2Wd0s
>>313323 esoteric footyism tbh
>>313263 good lad
>canadian freedom of information act only applies to private citizens and the government has no oversight or transparency whatsoever
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>>313313 Based. This lad made a video about it, keeking at the bloke who shat himself tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND1nH-wOr3o&t=22s
>>313330 I want to know if his idiot friend that went to fight for Ukraine is dead
fresh guy that 22st should go and visit to tell him about viking pepes with big bulges https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cB0lQ8dT3vM
>>313333 le cancelled lad
Where people just "bitch ass niggas" in the 90s? Or have we become desensitised by ISIS/Cartel/War footage?
oh he did an interview with survive le jive, cofnirmed BASED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX_Boh6b2Oc
>>313333 God this could have been a 3 minute video probably. If you want your message out why not make it in a more accessible form
>>313337 3 minute videos don't get advert revenue it's just good business
become accustomed to the zoomer practice of watching videos sped up tbh almost everything on 1.25x, sometimes faster
cutie lass nurse sitting in on my NHS meating, made my blood pressure go up tbh
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>>313339 Still gets you to the same place
wanking tiger hidden bum cheeks
>>313326 It's actually fairly new to have useful FOI here. Should maybe put together a sticky one day of some of the moderately good things blairites have done. They at first genuinely viewed themselves as le edgy rebels gaining real power to, among lots of terrible things of course, create a bit more transparency in government. Given as late as under Major, police and security services monitored radical leftists seriously, obviously without ever admitting it at the time, they had the idea of cleaning up le evil (already not very) right wing establishment. Before they copied the same dirty tricks and did even worse.
>>313343 stop putting "(You)" in the name field. mods are banning dorste for 3 days and this guy can troll us all with no reprecussions smh
>>313344 keeeeek
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I just never clear my cookies.
>>313346 >cookies
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>>313339 I have done it for a while, because some people just speak too slow, and you have to get to a normal speed. Depends on the content. Instructional videos it's necessary because I'm really impatient.
>>313350 all those moments... will be lost in time... like.... tinnies... in auslad's flat...
granny's cold turkey lasagna leftovers for dinner
>>313355 is that a troon
>>313356 nah just a gimpy looking bird
>>313355 Demon eyes
fresh "russian" xoomlarp >Video From A Moscow Mobilization Center https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqUE4oHZx0k
>>313360 seems like a totally normal thing to need and definitely not an insane reaction to having a destroyed society with zero trust and a terminal spic-nigger infestation
https://youtu.be/TVSVWzkFtus getting nervous m'lords
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>>313360 The biggest sex trafficking pipeline in the US is foster care from what I recall.
so you're telling me there's a burger element to all this?
>>313366 did you hear about that place called Boys Town in the US, that was praised for being a refuge for vulnerable young males, run by a political nigger, then it came out he was noncing the fuck out of all of them and was part of a massive pedo ring?
>>313354 >turkey lasagne I like turkey and I like beef lasagne so guessing I would like it even though I've never had it.
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Anyone interested in watching this NA docudrama in kosmi? We could stream it live there if somone knows of a source we can play it from
I want us to declare war on shartica for the nordstream thing so I can kill 4ft 11" mulattos
>>313371 You not got ITV live or player or whatever the fook it's called?
I hate fat people
>>313373 >You not got ITV live or player or whatever the fook it's call I don't, no. But I know there are free sites out there, because we've used them before for stuff like this - I just don't know what they are
>>313343 If memory serves, FOI is one of the few things Blair actually regretted about his premiership because it was used against him
>>313370 it was turkey mince so basically the same but huwhiter I reckon it would come out pretty good if I just used white sauce instead of tomato too
Getting nervous fats lads https://youtu.be/HgBw22bBV74
does anyone have those webms of dumb niggers playing with loaded guns and killing their friends
>>313379 seconding, thought I did but cant find them
>can't screencap ITV player sneaky bastards, was trying to set up a stream but failed too nervous tbh I hope that I'm the comic relief if they put me in it
I was the comic relief irl tbh, head of the aryan breeding camps and all that
>>313381 Is it just a black screen when you try to cap? Usually, turning off hardware acceleration in browser stops this
>>313383 yeah, wanted to cap a sexy corrie lass
five minutes until the spooky NA drama drops.
just read the description for it on the TV guide, spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) really have done a number of this country to be so blatant making themselves look heroic.
>>313388 They made their main guy scouse for some reason keeeeeek
can't believe my old best mates are gonna be the subject of a zogovision drama this is fucking weird
>1:26 British Army https://youtu.be/EmfBL14t8k4
Anyone got a link to wath the NA show live?
>>313393 https://www.itv.com/hub/itv best i got, it's cringe as fuck already
>white jihad is not a meme I fucking keek
Formula for world peace and British prosperity: >lift sanctions and recognise disputed territories/elections in anti-yank states in exchange for cheap resources and a strengthened anti yank alliance. Sell materiel etc to Russia instead of giving it to Ukraine for free >withdraw from all international agreements on human rights. Order the navy to push back or sink all illegal migrant boats >raise the tax free personal allowance for income to £25,000, and allow full sharing of unused allowance between spouses >raise corporation tax to 20% >curb the powers of the mayor of london. Police are to be led by a locally elected sherrif and funded locally >all single east asian women have expedited naturalisation after marrying British men >renationalise all rail services. restore connections to heritage lines and have occasional steam trains on normal commuter routes >privatise TV channels >mandatory minimum fees for NHS usage. Non citizens must pay a premium. Those without ID or payment will not be treated unless subject to life threatening injuries >commission more nuclear fusion reactors, immediately stop all "green" programs >Allow police discretion to issue on the spot fines and have punitive overnight jail stays for petty criminals and drunks, with minimal paperwork >Mandatory christian education. entrance exams for all schools from secondary onwards >stop issuing university loans in favour of more bursaries for high achievers and funding for apprenticeships
Pat 1 has been about Matthew Collins and it's just chatting utter shit about how we "aren't allowed to watch jewish movies or listen to nigger music"
They also imply that the Tesco Sikh SLicer was in National Action which isn't true
>>313310 be like that brave ngubu at JD sport who was killed at his post because nobody forgot to relieve him
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lots of BIG pumpkins in the fields these days lads starting to get SPOOKY outside
I thought the economy was supposed to collaspe today lads
>>313371 no fuck off stop trying to bait ctu you mong
Formula for world peace and British prosperity: >lift sanctions and recognise disputed tortures/electrocutions in anti-bollock states in exchange for cheap destructions and a strengthened anti bollock alliance. Sell my bollocks etc to Russia instead of giving them to Ukraine for free >withdraw from all international agreements on human rights. Order the navy to push over or shoot all of my testes >raise the tax free personal allowance for bollock destruction to £25,000, and allow full sharing of unused allowance between ballsacks >raise CBT rate to 20% >curb the powers of the mayor of london. Police are to be led over my nutsack and over the balls >all single east asian women have expedited naturalisation after destroying British bollocks >renationalise all rail services. restore connections to heritage lines and have occasional steam trains pulverise my sperm sacks >privatise CBT channels >mandatory minimum blows for CBT sessions. Non citizens must pay a premium. Those without ID or payment will not be treated unless subject to life threatening bollock destruction >commission more nuclear fusion reactors, immediately dip my nards in them. >Allow police discretion to issue on the spot beatings and have punitive overnight torsion sessions for penis criminals and danglies, with maximum papercuts >Mandatory CBT education. entrance exams for all schools from secondary onwards >stop issuing university loans in favour of more bursting for bollocks and funding for explosive genitalia removal
>>313401 society is collapsing today, the economy is tomorrow. hope this cleared things up.
>They've changed robbies dog to a jack russell and he lives at number 88
>>313401 the world economy collapsed in 2008 and will never really recover. We are living in the afterglow of responsibly run economies. There is no way out. We will muddle through crisis after crisis until interest on debt is a large enough part of the budget to stop the economy functioning >>313404 some of my policy ideas are undeniably brilliant and original
his dog was a pit bull
I give you policy gold and all I get is Wessie making CBT jokes
>>313408 yeah it's all solid tbf but while we're dreaming up policies one may as well hope for complete and total nigger extermination and so on
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>313412 Retard alert
>>313412 >he thinks they need cause
>They're making up events
>>313411 the stuff on tax, health and education would appeal to even the average Joe or Sally that doesn't hate niggers. It's viable.
>>313414 shut up faggot
>>313419 >redo elections >under UN supervision
They've made Robbie look like an utter mong tbh, this is the price for turning traitor
my policies to make britain great again >abolish inheritance tax >abolish planning permission >make saying "not in my backyard" a hate crime >decrease corporate tax to 0.1% >decrease immigration to 1.5 million a year >no poles, only commonwealth >bring back stop and search >make being a loony lefty in uni illegal >declare britain racism free >kick wessex in the fucking head
>>313422 let's get around the negotiating table and make it the bollocks and you have a deal
>Bradford White Man March Never happened.
>>313404 actually reading this made me laugh uncontrollably
>>313423 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>313396 stopped reading at world peace
isn't "backyard" a yankism
>>313428 yeah it is
Ben Raymond is in it
>>313430 what happened to him tbh didn't they put him in prison in 2020 despite all his further activity since 2016 being running an edgy art twitter account
They've got the pub wrong and his initial meeting very fucking wrong >>313431 Yeah his in prison now for like 8 years
Doesn't look like I'll be in it, they've put only the people who've been convicted in it seems.
Chris was nothing like that. They've got his voice right though keek. Matt was sound like he's shown in the programme though.
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>>313428 probably considering brits don't have yards. yanks have front yards, back yards, and even side yards
Yeah, they're really pushing the bollocks idea that Rockerz88 was NA
They've invented an MP called Jo Cox and ended with her getting shot keeeeeeeeeek they didn't even get the guy's slogan right
It's finished. I wasn't in it. They're pushing that Rockerz88 and Tommy muir were NA. Total bollocks. Night lads x
>>313438 ni lad, thanks for deboonking it for us
mummy injecting polishits into her emails again and sneething about "my government being insane" and then gloating about how she has escaped the consequences of her vooting and is living in a xoomer ecohippy paradise where they all huff their own farts and pretend to be into green energy and meet up to discuss how their gated community is so tolerant and diverse every week
>just remembered I have a toil project I should have done gonna be a long night
>>313428 Smh I've always grown up with backyard tbh, backgarden as a secondary idk why
>>313441 Get typing quick lad
>>313441 need to apply for two weeks worth of jobs by wednesday myself tbh rentberg inspection to prepare for as well smh every time I tell them about the mould and every time they ignore it bet they will use it as an excuse to turf me out eventually despite it being entirely their fault for not making the flat fit for human habitation
>>313444 >f904b14da28efc758355348c969b75a7f53e430b668626508149a98e2ee9a0c3.png
>>313445 are you laughing at the file name or the image
think I'll watch this NA film tbh, all the episodes are out on ITV player its not just the first episode.
>>313447 webm it if they show us the mean streets of bath and the war against the current year crustywaffen lad
>>313448 looks like they are showing the liverpool demo where there were lots of le fashy salutes
>>313443 keek what Radio 4 programme was this the theme to again? I can't remember.
>>313369 I've heard of it, don't know much about it though.
>>313450 Apparently it was The News Quiz though I've not listened to it before https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_News_Quiz
>>313453 >sandy cockspig hate that cunt
>>313455 cheers
>>313457 I wish boomers would fuck off an die already I want a millennial president already
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>>313459 I'm not voting again unless Tucker Carlson runs
watching the nato bombing of serbia in 99 again lads
>>313460 he is at least an xer, there have been boomer presidents for the past 30 years
too bad he is just another all talk republicuck though. I would perfer rand paul since he is basically the only one I think who would be effective.
rand would dump the hol hols
armed nuclear devices for PM and president of UK and US tbh parliament and senate in full session with acceptance speeches to trigger detonation
as long as we nuke tel aviv
double nuke it, one nuke and then when the kikes are in the middle of grifting off their suffering and rebuilding it with scam contractors another nuke blows it up again.
>>313467 tbh, also EU parliament and davos or wherever the WEF secret supervillain lair is
>>313458 >Iran had a westoid tier buttmatrix society in living memory Kind of a whitepill and a blackpill.
still can't believe russia is getting btfo though, its embarrassing, they need to really pull the finger out, hoping for a freeze in the winter and them building up for a massive offensive to btfo the hohols come spring
>>313469 its a meme lad
Carlson/Gabbard NazBol ticket is unironically the only hope for shartica
>>313470 russkies have always been the comeback kid in wars IMO
>>313471 they did have a westernised society prior to USzog backed islamic dictatorship coups though varg grew up there keeek
ukraine has probably lost 80k KIA and 200k injured though KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK absolute state, dying for the zog empire.
>>313472 kill yourself
>>313473 yeah, btfo somebody with that argument in my head earlier tbh
>>313474 didn't he grow up in iraq
>>313475 yeah ww2 tier
>>313478 some middle eastern formerly not a shithole yeah
>>313478 yeah he lived in ba'athist iraq
Hate how varg just gave up on making vids after getting banned from yidtube, its been 3-4 years now.
>>313482 I think he has been larping as gandalf and making awful takes on twitter for all that time since
Smh russkis desecrating ukie body.
>>313477 https://youtu.be/UJNEFz2bnKk I performed this show in my head earlier in non sequitur response to a hypothetical disagreement over geopolitics
>>313483 yeah he has, think it got banned though, its nothing of value really.
it's getting colder
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Russian POV of chasing 2 hohol soldiers and shooting them down
>>313484 >>313487 comfy with two duvets now tbf
>>313489 >he's got the gold skin on his level 100 shootygun
>>313489 damn wish we could see the aftermath. much respect
>>313492 bins detected
>>313489 war seems so fucked
>>313495 sounds more exhausting than anything, listen to him breathe. bet he got a massive dopamine hit when he realized he wasted two hohols in under a minute though
>>313496 yeah and then all the shit and people who died just ends up being for nothing in the next counter attack. and you wake up in the middle of the night 40 years later to the sound of agonal breathing as you knelt next to a dying man
>>313495 better than being unarmed and defenceless and being chased down and dismembered by a horde of machete wielding wogs in the city streets of what should be your own country tbh wish we could have a proper go at some war here
*dies of a heart attack two minutes into sprinting after a weak sambo I did my part... for the white race...
>>313501 just two more weeks to inflate the simba
>Darkies stand too close to me while waiting for train >think they might be about to jump me >"So this is how my fight for the white race ends, I'll take them all down with me, hail victory"
https://youtu.be/k7Pp3PNw_zA everytime he says collapse I polface
>>313503 good lad always a visceral feeling will never forget the overwhelming urge to push a fully caparisoned yiddish gentlenose onto the tracks myself >>313504 I subscribed to that city prepping guy ages ago but haven't watched anything and every time he uploads it's exactly like gregpire content except with more clickbait smh
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Soon >>313487 Good lad
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>walk to shops for supplies >on way back get accosted by a negro >"hey bruv, you got 30p?" >say no, walk on >he walks ahead of me, asking everyone for money >I catchup to him >"hey bruv, you got 60p" >tell him he just asked me, and walk on >go in to shop to pick up some more items >encounter nigger again when I leave >"hey bruv, you got 90p" >this time I said nothing, just glared at him tfw
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Smh no sex tonight
no sexo dinero
new thread?
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>>313513 >directly below
>background baddies are albino white
>>313516 future film night?
>>313519 fuck no you rancid rubbish filled bin
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>>313520 we will watch it and you will be there
>>313520 *chokes you out until you faint* wew easy there big lad
>>313523 hehe classic b
*growls* leave. wessie. alone
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>>313360 Didn't know about this tbh, apparently its been going on for years. Better than abortion I guess, but whew lads
>>313525 Err he was the aggressor
I'll be as aggressive as I like the one time binshit puts something good on yesterday it was still at too late a time and I was stuck in another town anyway
>>313360 jesus christ, we really are living in sodom/gomorrah
>>313360 why don't whiteoids just squeeze out big litters of babbies and stick 'em in the box? can't complain about muh not enough money or whatever if you can just put the baby in the box. no more excuses, whiteoids, time to breed
>>313529 >the one time binshit puts something good on yesterday it was still at too late a time and I was stuck in another town anyway okay we can watch something you want soon, I promise
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>>313526 I like this
>>313531 it's like weimar door to door cp delivery but yids get baby sacrifices on the go for when they are on the way to the synagogue but forgot to snatch some and need a minute to pop down to the local baby vending machine before the satanic service starts >>313533 better schedule it in advance if so as in in a few days before friday or saturday evening at a decent time
>>313513 key word here is "appears" I bet this goes nowhere tbh
>>313536 >it's like weimar door to door cp delivery but yids get baby sacrifices on the go for when they are on the way to the synagogue but forgot to snatch some and need a minute to pop down to the local baby vending machine before the satanic service starts
it was actually door to door child prostitute delivery in weimar
>>313514 DITY >>313031 >Despite Lula's victory in the first round of elections on 2 October, neither Lula or Bolsonaro achieved a majority and will advance to a run-off election on 30 October 2022.
>>313539 yeah, just didn't want to write it out tbh don't like thinking about the sheer depths of evil that have happened and which continue to happen horrors beyond our imagination are occuring as we speak in the homes of the elite
>>313537 Already crashed into the Pacific smh but it did fly over Hokkaido
ulsterlad and the seacow is the only esoteric protection /brit/ has from the no doubt many terrible and powerful midnight satanic rituals are enemies perform
>>313544 >>313543 ffs why our are rituals so difficult to get right compared to other people's?
*puts Wessex in the big baby disposal bin*
>>313532 >t. 🤓
>>313546 keeek
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>>313526 how about this one lad? https://youtu.be/AOnzFBHqBh4
really need to stop tugging my todger tbh
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he was here half an hour ago where is he
>>313550 how many times today lad?
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So was there a red horned devil with a crown on the telly?
>>313555 yeah they showed him exterminating the negro population of liverpool with his skinny barbed weenis unexpectedly graphic for ITV
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>>313556 >>313555 The bit where he attacked these two jews completely unprovoked was fucking crazy https://youtu.be/2gKea32Gds8
To think that we now have two celebs on are board
>>313558 yep, me and b
>>313559 Nini b
>>313505 the mulatto city prepper guy?
>>313561 looks fairly regularly muttly to me tbh
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>>313560 nini best b
>>313562 https://youtu.be/DLxZlAhKoXI I prefer this midwestoid
all his latest videos are just how to videos for homeless people smh
>>313564 >the rocket stove made out of treated metal that will gas the user like your experimental one did keksmh I will follow him too but never take the advice because I already have a ratty backpack full of camping gear to bug out with and get no further than halfway down the high street before the local paki gang bombaclaarts me
>>313566 smh yeah but if you lads have to make your own stoves you at least learned from me, that zinc burn off was a really nasty cough make sure to burn that shit completely in a fire before assembling it.
you should get a BIG framing hammer for bonking "nails" lad
>>313567 reminds of yesterday, my boomers are lining up for the latest booooooster injection of goyslop smh they are going to kill themselves and right after selling their nice property that I wanted to inherit and buying a 165k alzheimers shitbox to live out their remaining year or two in >>313568 for me it's milsurp fuel tablets in a bri'ish army miniature camp cooker thing tbh >>313570 keek yeah smh still keep a rusty ball peen by my bed just in case I need to do some late night picture framing
>>313571 good lad those british hexamine stoves are based, the only good shartican kit is that soup cup that that has the collapsible handles.
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>>313571 >my boomers are lining up for the latest booooooster injection of goyslop smh they are going to kill themselves and right after selling their nice property that I wanted to inherit olds are the worst
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>4chan jannies deleted thread about greta thunberg being 19 years old Feels so good to see that stale forced meme person getting cancelled by image board sensibilities. Something profoundly irritating about that Greta, she can't ever leave soon enough usually
Lol thread didn't update until I poosted 😅
>>313572 only problem is they fucking STINK
>>313571 smh they already sold the property?
>>313577 yeah, having to help move them into the new place for my birthday too keeek >the boom-xoom collective want to celebrate with a chinky meal >which I can't consoom, for my health
boomers were the self own of the white race. same thing happened to me wessica. grandpas hunting shack on lake huron was a trust that the boomers were supposed to share but they just fought over the price of the house so much, one boomer was supposed to buy it and buy out the others but he was waiting for market collaspe to lower the value on the house while the other boomer wants his money before the housing collapse so he can make extra money for more cool boomer trucks, etc. in the end they are just going to lose the property all together. smdh
>>313579 is it true that elvis only fucked virgins
>>313581 yeah I remember that arc, it was sold for a femoid cousin's wedding I think? just keeking at this point tbh also seething a bit realising all of the cattle have set themselves up to avoid le collapse as best they can despite not understanding or knowing about it while i will be the first to get cannibalised by fuzzy wuzzies -boomers are suiciding by vaxx so doesn't matter -both local and frog xoomers have moved to 100% white countryside villages -eldest millenials live literally as far north as it's possible to get, and in rural properties -sisters both marrying into high status richfag tradcath families that will protect them >>313582 >in africa so long as it fooking stays there no crickets in me pie it's steak and ale not cockroach pale alright
meanwhile, I inheirited a bit of real estate so I get a modest amount of massive income angloids have no family values, smh, it's all 'me me me'. they don't wanna breed, they don't wanna pass anything on to future generations
passive* income not massive income smh I wish
>>313585 yeah the mexicans on the construction site are all super protective of each other compared to gringos and they all have each others back and they seem so much less cutthroat than gringos.
>spic spends all his time in his basement because he doesnt need to work hate him
>>313584 >So long as it fooking stays there yeah but we shouldn't be feeding Africans though either, we should be letting them starve
>>313590 good point tbh maybe that schizodietlad is right and the insect diet will kill them off
gingerlass keeps going out at night comes back really late, she just got back hmm
>>313584 That's not how it works, they're just using them as guineapigs so they can tell you it's safe when they price out real meat and offer roaches as the only ethical and sustainable alternative.
>>313592 follow her
>>313593 yeah smh nevertheless I will autistically read food labels and never EVER eat the bugs
https://youtu.be/wDYKFxsCLlg this would have been a good theme for the march to charlottesville
remembering that US food regulations stipulate agreeable amounts of insect and rat dropping contamination for products and it is in the range of 2-5%
>>313593 >That's not how it works, they're just using them as guineapigs so they can tell you it's safe when they price out real meat and offer roaches as the only ethical and sustainable alternative yeah, according to the report the study will have "applications here", and they want to find out if kids given the bug diet will do better in school compared to kids just given porridge there are schools in africa where the main incentive to go, is to be fed, you see - so they can study them this way the way the study will likely be reported here is "bug food boosts brainpower" because the starving african kids that were given shitty gruel were more dum than the bug fed ones
>>313594 i would if i could
shnight lads got to spend tomorrow wasting time on neet humilation rituals to secure those worthless neetbux
>>313600 night lad sleep well
>>313599 use a taxi? follow that car?
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i want to completely destroy her
many bluepilled normalfags will survive the coming collapse while us enlightened chuds may perish despite the fact that we are the ones holding up the white races energy field in the astral plain and in the mind of the shite race smh, we will never be given credit, such a thankless task being burdened with such knowledge, when the masses start to act based I will be there to tell them, "I KNEW ABOUT ALL OF THIS BEFORE YOU", perhaps we will be rewarded in the next life.
>>313606 lad, it's still worth it it's all worth it
>>313606 as long as the white race survives its okay to me tbf
normalfags are going to become normalslaves soon enough
https://youtu.be/HsMVGZacKpY we will defend the white race to the last man
"They keep posting his picture, what will we do Rosita?"
As long as I'm posting with you lads, Even if brit dies, I'll know you all exist out there somewhere.
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https://youtu.be/4KlyHwnPqns *walks up to wessex after the battle to save the white race is over*
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i love kisses
>>313612 > Even if brit dies, I'll know you all exist out there somewhere. /brit/ won't die lad, there are numerous bunkers out there now on discord

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