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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3780: Freedom and Democracy Edition Anonymous 09/28/2022 (Wed) 22:43:31 Id: 04a123 No. 311274
All of SA's remaining bans have been lifted, REJOICE AT THE NEWS
first for tranny genocide
democracy sucks ok thank you
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4th for our Lord BumBum
>>311281 how much do you spend on traveling lad? you're everywhere
Where thats lad who called me a battyman last thread, has he learned his lesson?
>>311279 >tfw i used to use one of these as my avatar >tfw I was there when it was first posted online i'm so fucking old
>>311284 were you an ironmong?
>>311282 5k for 8 countries this year. 3 months in total.
>>311287 that's cheap wtf
>>311289 Spain, Portugal, Paris and Turkey, Albania, Serbia, Vienna, Greece so far this year.
Hostels, cheap countries and buses mostly.
>>311290 which one had the prettiest lasses?
>>311283 it was agnonce
>>311292 Albania or Spain. but I was in Albania a long time.
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first for dystopian shartburbs being scoured from the face of the earth by vengeful winds
>>311296 maybe many of the spics and jewcels there will drown
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what's the deal with this crystal flute? did he find it in a loot box?
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>>311300 good lad
>>311296 suburbs aren't dystopian, they are comfy. now, those look too dense and inorganically-planned due to the highly sought after Floridian real estate, but organically-planned suburbs with plenty of trees and space between houses are very comfy
>overheard hohol lass talking to some other girl on the bus about how russia might nuke them and she is scared
meanwhile in florida >>311304 did you go full chud? I have a tough time keeping it bottled when normals start talking about the urine
>>311286 i was an ironmonger yeah lmao, never a daftie however
>>311306 wew used to visit the site a bit, there were some decent effortposts. overall terrible site glad its gone, were you in the leaks that doxxed half the users?
>>311307 never posted enough, so nothing of importance was leaked, I used to post in the discord way more than on the forums. Some of my old dms were amazing however, but for a good while I was banned because I made fun of one of the mods having a gypsy girlfriend.
>>311298 keeeeek that reminds me I've got some seethium to inject into steiner too
>>311308 from what little I lurked it seemed like 90% of the site was two epic super serious fascists getting into an argument over fascism and revealing that one was a tranny and the other a furry.
>>311308 this is so cringe
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>>311311 yeah it's a little gay
>>311312 kill yourself
>literal cokehead nigger running the economy
>>311308 think i got banned from there in like 2015 after me and a friend decided to just meme shit cos it was all cringe LARPing keeek was friends on skype with several people that actually went and committed "terrorism", actually killing people but i dont think any shit about me was leaked wew
you probably shouldn't discuss such things lad
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>>311316 maybe people would like you if you werent such a boring attention seeking faggot.
yeah he should go back to talking about tranny cock tbh
all trannies should fucking hang along with anyone who associates with them. unironically kill yourselves you deformed freaks.
>>311322 kill yourself
ok mr grumpy
>>311324 mr faggot
your words mean nothing
>your words mean nothACK
bins and dorset can you please stop fighting it's been like 4 threads now just stop neither of you are exclusively heterosexual
>>311328 ban all of them. just be anons from now on.
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>>311328 lad, that's not even smee, I'm over here
I can't take it anymore lads.
>>311332 take what?
(272.19 KB 480x480 alex shoooo hummmmmmmmmm.mp4)

Take this cock up your arse lad
when is society supposed to fully collapse
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maybe the frenschan william was right all along
>>311334 Long distance relationship where I can't decide whether to move from lucrative job for them or not, I'd probably be resentful if I went now. Just want to leave not happy here tbh. Thank you for sneeding my blogpost.
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>>311340 don't do it lad, u should never give up ur career to be a househusband
>>311340 go and be happy lass
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Dorset and his troon army have finally broken the board I tried to prevent this
Provoking Quarrels
>>311345 what the fuck did i do?
Drama magnet
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shart spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) are making an ai that will identify poosting styles
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apparently zoomers don't understand how folders work on a computer, they use the search bar to find things https://www.theverge.com/22684730/students-file-folder-directory-structure-education-gen-z >>311354 I was thinking about this the other day tbh, it's unavoidable. don't write onto the internet with your real identity, or if you must, then try to change the style as much as possible
>>311356 idk how some people don't realise the USA obviously did this
>>311355 smh stupid zoomies. somebody had predicted that the desktop and programs would be overtaken by internet browsers so I guess its to expected
>>311356 it's Nordstream (1) that Germany was relying on, Nordstream 2 was fully constructed but just sitting there not being used. each pipe has two threads and I believe only one of the Nordstream (1) threads were active, neither of Nordstream 2 threads were the US sabotaged the pipes, both Nordstream (1) threads are fucked and 1/2 of the Nordstream 2 threads are fucked. so the only way for Germany to get Russian gas through the Baltic is the surviving Nordstream 2 thread, and Nordstream 2 has not been bureaucratically approved yet
(174.32 KB 650x312 turkstream.png)

also there's some drama about pipes running through Belarus and Poland as well... the gyst of it was that the only way for Europe to get Russian gas right now (other than the unfucked but unapproved Nordstream 2 thread) is through Turkstream, and it's mostly Balkan countries that get that, not Germany
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i fucking NEED sex
>>311361 you don't NEED anything.
>>311361 how has your courting of pub lass been going?
>>311363 what you mean lad? >>311362 i NEED you
i NEED Russia to start winning the fucking war again already ffs get it together
>>311364 wasn't there a lass at your pub who you danced with and got to hold her hand
>>311366 yes, but she said she was seeing someone else
>>311367 beat him up lad, don't let him get in the way of your romance
>>311368 nah its ok im wooing jocko at the moment
>>311280 >peeg im happy
why would Russia not >immediately declare mobilization >knock out all of the electricity, water, gas, everything in the Ukraine >completely cut off all gas to countries that sanction Russia >attack Lvov instead of Kiev to cut off supply route from EU instead of monkey business at Hostomel Airport pic related is what I would have done t. armchair general
>>311365 I want Putin do assasinate some Western leaders tbh that'd be fun
>>311298 i seethed thanks lad
>>311298 lizzo is so disgusting absolute state of the West just want it all to burn ngl
>>311374 hey steiner this sissy nigger from jew york made fun of your fellow midwestoids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1KTBkyapTc
>>311372 putler is an optics cuck
>>311372 because they expected the hohol government to collapse quickly a big war from the start would be bad for international relations russians are just shit, we cannot comprehend the russian mentality
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you know what now that I think about it this is really all you need to do for phase 1. secure Kherson and Crimea land bridge, cut off Polish border, blockade coastline
>>311372 Would invading from Belarus not defacto make them a belligerent in the conflict?
>>311381 Russia did invade from Belarus, so apparently not. Belarusian troops have not been used
would need to put supply lines through belarus you stupid mong belarus is an even bigger shithole than russia
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>>311372 if only Putin listened to us! he'd have won by now!
>>311383 yeah it's all swamps idk at the very least they should have wasted Lvov with artillery, destroy the highways and railroads
>>311384 maybe he should have. I think after those polfaces had uncovered "moderate rebel" positions in syria, assad's military started using the information to bomb them keeeeeek
If only Putin listened to some yank mutt that never leaves his basement, maybe then he'd have won by now.
spig is here?
>>311388 your spicdar is severely lacking lad
sigh... what could have been... >>311388 yes
>>311377 good lad I just made an incel rant a bit ago will upload it
>>311387 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>311390 come back to my server lad, we value your input there
no, come to my server instead
>>311391 the worst part about that clip imo was how the deracinated mutts in the background giggled at their pet nigger mocking a state that probably produced enough food to feed all the niglets in weimart
>>311389 tbh, I can't pick up his posts at all
>>311396 hes 90e016 lad....
>>311377 smh kansasfags btfo by some gay nigger in cuck york. love how all these foreigners and shitskins take over cities and act like its "more cultured" there while all the whites are forced to leave and live in "boring" areas >kansas >not having a brand https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bleeding_Kansas
>>311395 yeah they all act badass but would all fold into little bitches in leavenworth prison when AB chuds told them to tie their shoes
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I don't like ginger pubes
>>311401 cringe
>>311398 tbh just like the worthless pakis acting like they built birmingham
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ginger minge
I put "ginger minge" in to google image just to see what would come up, and got this says it all really
God please save me from this fallen Earth
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(828.83 KB 828x432 rhgyzkVfyPHPTBiB.mp4)

>Vice has a new documentary out about how the U.S. criminal justice system can victimize sex offenders. Then this happened. can anyone translate what he's saying in to English?
>>311408 They always looked like piss bombs to me.
>>311409 what the fuck is wrong with niggers
>>311410 I think they are meant to tbh it's not a serious image - it's from a time when political terrorism didn't seem as likely as it does now
>>311411 I don't know, I reckon Dorse could cross that line any day now.
>>311411 >what the fuck is wrong with niggers part devil, part child
>>311413 he's already posted his dick tbh
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>>311415 Oh yeah.
>that's "cor" >this is "not your type" lad wtf
tried playing battlefield 5 it's shit--avoid it like sin
"Don't take us seriously! Pay no attention to what we do, don't criticise what we do!"
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He was investigating pizza gate before he died.
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awful lot of faggotry these last couple of threads. Primarily pertaining to Dorset.
Hate this place. Full of benders that flirt with each other because no woman will.
>>311381 Russia and Belarus are part of a borderless union state.
>>311431 Filter them and don't interact. They can't survive without attention from mongs like (You).
>>311301 Filtered.
seething over not getting into bitcoin early and making the perfect few trades to become a billionaire again smh
just want to thank Kek for meming lots of things for me. I don't believe in coincidences, all day it's been thing after thing, Kek is weaving reality, I believe. we are his people and we must have faith and harden our resolve
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>>311437 tbh there are more things in heaven and earth horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy
>>311431 Are they getting good at flirting?
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>>311439 that goes hard tbh ngl
>>311441 now try this
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going shops for tinnies >>311442 yeah choon that tbh tbh
>>311439 my dad makes that kind of music only time I've ever heard his voice keek
School shooters alert
Best head in the county.
>>311446 >>311447 sometimes i wish i was a yank zoomer tbh
Are we going watch Steiner's rant on kosmi later?
>>311449 is there an archive of steiner rants?
>>311450 I have downloaded most of them, others have too. Rumble should have as well
Wew Buckle up lads! It’s gonna be oy vey the whole way! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA-jOLF2T4c
Autistic deano revealed to me that he's not married and he chaddishly impregnated an older filipina in London that he found via a FB event about a jolibee restaurant opening.
>>311453 Ragdoll Misfits?
>>311454 Yes, misled ragdoll
>>311452 mans bullshitting >half a million dead already No way it's higher than 5000 to 7000
>>311455 Oh yeah, that's it. Does she live with him and his parents?
>>311457 No, he bred her but they live separately. Misled was streaming from his bedroom last night. Listening to sonic music. He told me he's 34
I thought she was a mail order bride but apparently not, autistic deano has more moves than dorset
>>311459 >autistic deano has more moves than dorset
>>311453 >jolibee blows my mind that filipinos have fast food spaghetti tbh just seems so strange if i was going to do fast food pasta i reckon i'd go for penne carbonara tbh something a little less messy and a bit more cheesy for instant appeal
It would be based if he had a son that looked like him. He has a daughter that's half flip and looks nothing like him. smh.
Making pasta fast food at all. You are scum.
>>311463 italian hands typed this post
>>311463 Herts?
If it's not the benders and tranny chasers, it's the philistines. smh.
>>311466 This is Wessex's Wrestlemania entrance theme.
>>311467 food belongs to everybody who eats tbh jump through hoops to separate fine dining from the hoi polloi if you want but ultimately if it tastes good and fills you up someone's going to eat it >>311468 keeeeeeeek
>>311430 you mean a lot of false flaggers and liars
Dorset in that post nut clarity zone again.
salted nachos and toothache for luncheon
>>311472 based and smh get that checked lad
>>311473 my body is literally falling apart
>>311474 STOP falling apart
>>311474 maybe dont have a shit diet?
frikadellen, tomato, dark chocolate and hazelnuts, with a mug of milk, for breakfast
>>311470 who is it that's been impersonating you anyways?
>>311479 its always bbk
>>311480 smh, figures
watched a video of two lads riding bikes through alaska kino but very much diminished by them being californian soyboys smh >>311477 tasty
Mornin lads.
time for a bacon sarnie methinks.
>>311482 why are you watching videos of lads?
>>311483 >>311484 smorning and based >>311485 living vicariously through them seeing them do things i want to do but can't afford to do
>>311480 You're a tranny loving faggot
>>311487 You never know lad Australia might be a mad max parody in 18 months.
>>311487 go biking in the aussie mountains or something
>>311489 fingers crossed >>311490 need something that can go the distance first smh
>Emailed rich relative who said he'd give me a character reference to see if it was alright to have them email him >He hasn't replied No worries mate, take your time. Meanwhile I have a JSA interview on the Tuesday. I hope I can get it backdated. Might as well benniemax at this fucking point.
>>311492 They'd probably be just as slow getting you on bennies.
>>311492 just list him as a reference already lad easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission you already floated the idea with him and he said maybe yes so that's good enough unless he's a complete scumbag he'll still pretend to know you and give you a glowing reference even if he doesn't remember who you are
>>311493 They all claim to want people employed but then throw up stupid as fuck hurdles. They have a DBS check and a reference. Why specifically two? Why do my old employees only give a company reference and ban personal references REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>311494 plobably will tbh, i'll just give them his email if they don't email back tonight
I had a dream last night that was more like a nightmare but it gave me an idea of a sci fi story.
>>311497 I often have dreams I am a composer, and the music is perfect. But when I wake up I remember none of it.
if i got a call asking about some person expecting me to be a reference i'd say he's the best god damned employee i've ever had he was like a son to me smh i could leave any task to him and i knew it would be done just as well (if not better) than if i had done it myself letting him go was the hardest business decision i ever made >>311495 based get that gainful employment lad >>311497 luv those >>311498 'ate those
>>311499 I need a reference to become a janny...
>>311500 best lad i ever knew tbh he was like a son to me smh if i needed to ban lads there he was like manna from heaven
It's kind of clichéd but I reckon I can wrangle something fun out of if not clever.
>>311502 do it lad creative writing is good for the mind
>>311505 damn that's a big one
>>311507 never mind I'm glad it's gone.
think i've been kicked off the bennies again tbh only two days after getting approved not sure why tbh when i logged on the site yesterday it said i had until the 2nd of october but when i logged on today to apply for toil all the shite was gone going to have to call up and talk to "david" from bangladesh smdh
>>311508 *sniffs*
>>311511 You may have to go to the office with a tire iron lad.
>>311513 smh hoped it wouldn't come to that
>>311514 Som times you got to make the make work jobsworths do the work.
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Any suggestions for films for the weekend?
>>311516 Kosmi Steiner's new rant
>>311516 hackers (1995)
>>311518 Cringeback. No thanks.
>>311516 big booty destroyers volume IX
We should watch various TES speedruns without commentary.
>eating a dib dap
>>311519 it's good lad watched it myself a few days ago
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>groomee tells me all about herself and all her health and life problems for weeks >be understanding and try and comfort her >I tell her about le cripple cock >read 1 hour ago
Might start a podcast so I can invite people like Joe Owens on tbh. Would be kino interviewing him about the national front and BNP.
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>>311526 wow Joe Owens, he's such a genius
>>311529 ty for the fresh content to consoom.
>>311524 lasses will literally never care lad don't burden their thoughts with reality
So BOE's solution was more inflation ala Japan?
>>311531 Women don't care about dick size and functionality in today's society?
>>311527 >>311532 Do one. He's the man in Britain who has the most intimate knowledge of our political history of right-wing movements. I don't think he's every had a wrong take
>>311536 > I don't think he's every had a wrong take
>when lasses assume you have an 11 inch dick for daring to talk to them while being so ugly and autistic
>>311536 He's a retard trying to cash in on his time doing fuck all in the BNP and NF. Retards like you lick it up because he's le hard man bouncer.
>>311536 >we should take white christian ukrainian refugees
>>311540 Did fuck all in the BNP and NF? What are you on about you mong? He played a large part in both those organisations >>311541 He never said that
>>311542 He did fuck all. He's a LARPer who hasn't got a clue.
>>311542 >He never said that Yes he did, you actual mong. Go write a letter to a paki councilor about the bins.
>>311544 huh, I didn't write this? d-did I ?
t. joe owens
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>>311529 >encoding video et tu, steinhog? >>311535 they care about willy size and height and income but that's it your personal hangups are baggage that scares her away don't tell her about your weewee until she's too close to run away
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>>311548 >they care about willy size and height and income but that's it thats why you go for transwomen
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>>311547 a woman wrote this
>>311550 >removing the barriers that have slowed down the UK economy for decades. Like borders?
>>311549 it's moments like this (which you provide multiple times each thread) that give credence to the rumours that you are actually attracted to troons >>311553 tbh
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>>311552 I already filtered him. What's he done ?
>>311558 making a tranny poost
>zoomer is a homosexual not suprised
>mummy is here just fuck off you aspergers cunt
>>311559 Gross but unsurprising. Ban him auslad.
>>311560 are you calling *me* a zoomer?
>>311563 where you born on or after 95?
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stupid argument
>>311556 >it's moments like this (which you provide multiple times each thread) that give credence to the rumours that you are actually attracted to troons it's not a rumour ffs
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STOP lusting after trannies
>>311566 yes lad i was being facetious for humorous effect
>>311567 maybe when half the board stops being gay nonces who do nothing to actually save the white rice
>>311567 STOP being so lenient with him.
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>>311558 already posting about his love of tranny dick
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>>311564 Zoomies are like on or after 2000. Only aging tiktok catladies would call themselves zoomers for being born in 95.
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reminder that being in to tranny dick is the same as being in to dick >i.e. it's gay
Maybe Dorshit shouldn't be using the lowest common denominator as an excuse to further drag down the board.
>>311570 can't help it tbh at my heart i'm still a recovering l*bertarian i'm trying lad >>311574 tbh
>>311574 Should have absolutely no tolerance of gayism tbh.
>>311573 I'm pretty sure that where the generational dividing line is but then again I have no idea who comes up with these things.
>>311576 if i ever get banned for supposedly being attracted to troons, then bins should definitely be banned for his "ironic" gayism
>>311579 tbh and 22st as well always calling out "b" to each other
>>311579 >if i ever get banned for supposedly being attracted to troons, then bins should definitely be banned for his "ironic" gayism unlike you, I have never come to this board to post about loving dick
>>311578 i would say the older you get the more its to do with attitudes and the like like i dont see anyone my age(25) with those fucking perms but everyone 2-3 years younger do i dont think generations are so arbitrary that they start at a certain date, its more gradual
>>311580 >always calling out "b" to each other being friends is not the same as being gay ffs!
i remember bins saying several times he wanted to watch porn with me and also masturbate guys a fucking homo for real
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the fact he's in his 40s and still not got a wife despite being super wealthy is also very sus
>le generation wars jewish psyop
Literally ban anyone doing anything remotely homosexual. Even if it were smee. Need a taliban mod tbph.
https://youtu.be/zRy1AZYrUE8 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek this one is for boomer toilers, in amerishart the price of lumber has fucked over boomer kikes so much they aren't even sheathing houses anymore so normalfag deanos are literally buy 750k cardboard and pinewood houses
>>311585 you're unreal me and 22st call each other "b", and you think that's the same as Dorset posting, every day, about how he likes tranny dick
as opposed to you posting several times a day about me and troons, sad obsessed old man
tbh, never seen bins and 22st be that gay, every day door shitter is being a fucking faggot
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>311584 >i remember bins saying several times he wanted to watch porn with me and also masturbate you horrid little liar
Provoking quarrels
>>311587 Tbh. Every gen since boomongs has been equally messed up and in need of a fascist leader to save them from themselves.
bins will deny doing anything homo but the screencaps are all there compulsive lying schizo cunt
>>311593 22 has but a long time ago.
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BAN HIM >it's the only way to stop him from posting about his love of tranny willy
dorshit thinks it's funny derailing threads he deserves a 24 hour cool off every time he tries to rile up bins
>>311572 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>311588 make an account and post the name while you still have the same id >>311589 wew smdh i knew burger houses were made of paper but i didn't know it was that bad >>311590 lad the two of you literally have a quasi-homosexual relationship
>>311516 last time im gonna ask for this tbh
>>311599 He needs the big D. Deterrence.
bans arent a deterrent
Accepting Quarrels
>>311601 this is what is happening at my boomer toil job one side of the house we are on now is literally styrofoam cladding with a thin layer of fiberglass and it wasn't even fastened to the studs properly so you can literally pull the sheeting off and drunk foreman just had us put like 2000 pd worth of fiber cement siding on it so the first major storm or tornado is gonna rip that entire side of the house off. 750k boomer mansion and currently it is getting drywalled by spics so we are unable to repair the wall now. really need to quit that job but my dad is saying how I need to tough it out.
>>311602 ohI thought you meant the Nick Cage film we already watched
>>311604 >bans arent a deterrent yes they are and you know it
>>311606 no the charlton heston one where he rapes women and abuses a midget
>>311605 I am so glad we use brick in this country, even timber framed houses get a brick skin to them most of the time.
>>311605 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK what is wrong with sharticans, suppose its a good thing that they aren't wasting resources on nice housing for mutts to live in
>>311611 yeah they back the bricking in america with thermoply which is fucking cardboard. I was thermoply framing out these chimneys all last week climbing up chimney shafts while spics on stilts listening to really loud beaner music were insulating the house with that pink fiberglass shit. america is such a shithole. the general contractor is 83 years old and falls alseep in his truck all the time. the concrete bossman was pulling his hair out trying to find the GC running around the neighborhood to get the specs for doing the driveways and the bossman was sleeping in his sleeping spot in a garage of one of the empty houses so I went and woke him up and he drove down there and told the guy "just figure it out" keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek told the master finish carpenter who was trimming out the bungalow decks that he didn't have any blueprints for the deck posts so just measure it off the other ones and "figure it out" also he never paid the trim carpenter once and owes him over 19k in wages
>>311604 tbh that's why i never ban for longer than a few days smh in this day and age bans are a choice dynamic ip adresses are more common these days than static and then there's everyone who has a vpn on top of that when lads say "permaban him" i'm not sure if they realise they're saying "ban him for a few hours and then let some innocent lad get caught in the crossfire a few years later" bans only work on people who deliberately choose to abide by them and for those a warning is sufficient >>311605 >so the first major storm or tornado is gonna rip that entire side of the house off something something built his house of sticks etc. smh jokes aside that truly is dire smdh people actually have to live in these things smh they're only built to last for a decade or two so the inhabitants can sell up or down smh it's honestly amazing that an entire country could be built on this
>>311614 Mod me, my name is YTTB i'll only ban porn tbh
Bongo fag
>>311613 >owes him over 19k in wages
>>311615 Fuck off retard we have enough jannies
Great, we have another cuc/k/ on our hands
demodded sa and cook now that there are new british daytime mods no hard feelings tbh i'll be honest i always liked you lads but the people demand it >>311615 done lad
My manifesto was made clear, you are lying about 22st not making gay posts with bins are are simultaneously saying dorshit should be banned, you are a liar and a rat
>>311621 Fucking finally.
>>311621 Thanks lad, I'll only ban really naughty stuff and leave off even with annoying cunts
>>311624 Based.
(194.27 KB 792x684 asd.jpg)

Why would you mod him you fucking retard, why, hes mancs wtf, the only reason I was jannied was because I wrote an autism manifesto, what has this cunt done other than lie to defend bins
>>311627 Erm, I'm mancs.
Also cba being a mod.
>YTTB you're retarded auslad
Then who the fuck is this mong hes just modded, could be BBK for all we know, auslad you are an actual retard
>>311631 It is bbk, and I'm okay so long as it's never SA, cuck, dorshit, or any bongo tranny.
*feels the weight of responsibility on my shoulders*
it's y tin tin brenin (the bum bum king) you mongs
I am a proponent of lassai-faire modonomics
>It is bbk
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>>311626 based >>311627 >>311630 >>311631 knew this would happen tbh calm down lads the worst that happens is that dissenters are banned for half a day and then the offending mod is permanently de-modded >>311637 no
>>311640 Braindead mongs its BBK for FUCK SAKE
He is our Corbyn. Not very good but still 1000x better than his most passionate enemies.
BBK has finally conquered /brit/ with a pawn BO.
>>311643 He'll run it into the ground eventually.
Seethe and cope, trannies.
>>311646 Fuck off.
(40.07 KB 400x400 Scouse Green Nigga.jpg)

*allows you to make these posts against us* We are true demoshatics
>>311641 he has issues zero bans out of potentially infinite you call him a tyrant when he has a proven track record of infinite leniency? >>311646 keeeek too late lad
he'll ban the whole board on a whim whenever he next has one of his episodes
>>311640 how does the sun orbit the ice ball or rather, the ice ball orbit the sun. would its orbit be on a 90-something degree tilt like uranus, where night and day are sort of simulated by the sun dipping in and out of visability on one side of the pond?
>>311650 Hes never been a mod of anything before you utter mong, its an insult to everyone else too that you would janny someone like him
(56.63 KB 640x340 I GOT YOU LAUGHIN.jpg)

Hahaha you fucking retard auslad.
>>311654 I was BO of /brit/ lad, despite what people say we had other posters and my position was to only ban extreme porn and force filter gore
>>311656 >I was BO of /brit/ lad you mean newbrit
keeeeeeeeeeek hail tbbk at least he knows what its like to be perma banned
>>311654 Honestly suspect you're part of the old tyrannical order. Literally just give it a day and report any unreasonable bans to auslad and he'll be demodded if needed.
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>>311653 it just sort of scwhoops around really fast lad you wouldn't understand it >>311654 >Hes never been a mod of anything before you utter mong neither have i lad i put on a flag to ask to get jannied so i can btfo schizo when he appears and then the next thing i know i'm bo i have no idea what i'm doing >>311655 yes
>>311661 >i have no idea what i'm doing thats rather obvious
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*supports bbk being mod because i want /shit/ destroyed*
>mancs siding with tbbk make sense, one likes tranny porn the other likes ir shite, they probably wank off together on bongo
tbh not sure id make a good janny id ban any bongo incursion (dorshit, dorcell and bin related faggotry included) and gayisms that infinge on are traditional british values. itd probably kill the board
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one day us hardworking true anons are going to rise up and kill all you personalityfags
far from being over /brit/ is only just beginning
>>311664 You don't need to know what you're doing. You're doing fine. >>311666 Never bongoed in my life.
>>311672 thanks lad
just want the best for my /brit/ friends tbh want the best for each and every one of you
night lads
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>>311675 Night lad, I'll watch the streets while you slumber
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think itd be nice if one day all us lads had a big game of ck2 or viccy2
kys who plays that gay autistic paper shuffler rubbish?
typical of the retard lower-middle-class williamoids that infest this place
>>311681 sorry we cant be underclass subhumans like you
Starting the seminar now
>>311682 ok trannyboffer >>311683 fuck of bins you smelly willy chaser
>>311680 what do you suggest
>>311686 go outside, commit yourself to rigorous study?
>>311529 >more incel rants on the way good lad
>>311529 Good stuff lad >>311691 He should write a manifesto
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>>311693 Tell your trannies to back off lad
>>311694 they arent mine
>>311695 *looks at you sceptically*
wish i was steiners friend irl tbh
>>311697 We will be one day
Wish I was his cousin
>>311699 so you could fuck him?
>>311700 he can fuck me
did our little steiner not suck his cousin off or something?
ffs the traps
fifa and slags not strategy games and trannies ok
Steiner lives on a vineyard with his mummy
why so many homoids? https://youtu.be/Np4mAy-HlmQ >>311704 tbh tbh don't even like fifa tbh but the other option is so execrable that'd take fifa any day
>>311706 The other lad had the right of it. A lot of the lads here have graduated to homosexuality after having no pussy in the modern incel low status society
>>311707 Yeah, saw it earlier. I pretty much agree with it.
>>311707 I've had pussy though.
>>311709 you live like a prisoner with only imagined access to pussy though Dorse.
>>311709 Think it through dorsie, it's not enough to have just "had pussy". The libido is an endless torrent. Master it, or it masters you.
>>311701 Are you homosexual?
>>311713 Cool it with the tranny remarks.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vztUwRuWMvM >PM Jacinda Ardern calls internet freedom a “weapon of war” in most recent UN speech. She reminds me of a young controlling teacher I had in school
(967.66 KB 222x400 banshee_on_truck.webm)

>>311717 spooky
>>311717 old boomer foreman would have just gone out and bonked that thing with his hammer and told us to get back up on the scaffold
>>311719 what would you do if it ripped his throat out?
>>311716 Only the Americans could enact such laws in the west tbh and their constitution prevents it I hope >>311717 based night terrors
>>311717 I once nearly had a nervous breakdown at 3am in Edinburgh because I could hear a vixen and her howling, and I thought it was a mutant monkey screaming. Truly terrifying.
Edinburgh is built on a plague pit tbf
>>311722 I hate the way foxes howl.
>>311720 ask for my check
>>311725 get it while he's still warm. I would probably run I don't do spooky things very well.
Reading moby dick and wishing i was a whaler tbh Captain Ahab is like the tories chasing le GDP green line
>>311727 the town-ho chapter is good, it has the story of the great lakes sailors led by their bosun steelkilt leading a mutiny
>>311728 keeeeek that's the chapter i read last night very kino tbh
>>311723 it's a fucking cursed city full of masonic goblins >>311724 exterminate the lot tbh
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ahab did nothing wrong
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>>311733 don't know where the meme that white people don't age well comes from, fair haired women seem to age pretty well tbh
>>311734 I guess it depends on class a lot, but also temperament tbh.
i remember my brother's friend telling me a ghost story when he was in boarding school. him and his mates would sneak off at night to the grounds behind the school and smoke fags and that. theyd go to this big pond aswell with a stone path leading down to it with no light one night theyre surprised by some women (whos fairly easy to see) next to the pond who starts chatting to them, none of recalling how she appeared next to them. he told me that when he'd turn away from her, he would forget she was there, get confused what his mates were talking to, only to be surprised again when he would turn back towards her (also said how they would keep losing track of time). all of them noticed this pattern and became terrified of her and suddenly bolted back to their rooms, and never saw her again its the only ghost story ive ever been told tbh.
>>311736 Interesting tbh, may have been a fairy or elf unironically
>>311734 depends how fat they are. Fat people age terribly
>you catch her staring at your crotch what do yo do?
>>311740 step on her
(68.03 KB 558x743 1663710248705594.jpg)

tell her to make me a sandwich
https://youtu.be/RhjNvq_nMhk you lads are going to get inflated big time hopefully you can vore some smalle europoor cucktries
>>311740 Use her as a semen bucket and then toss her aside.
(1.14 MB 608x1080 lV0OKTHbw02Hcx_u.mp4)

>>311744 >>311741 ok what about this white one then?
>>311745 thumbnail fucked up the video smh
actually seems a bit banterous that shartica blew up the pipeline ngl, even zognald dump wouldn't have the balls to do something so evil
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I'm on the shitter Feeling quite bitter My arse cheeks are dead While I'm reading the thread Nothing but links from Twitter I'm having a poo Now give me a (You)
>>311748 pure pottery
>>311748 based
he might have a point tbh
thinking of going abroad again if things are going go super poo
who will rid us of these turbulent tories?
dw lad they wont be smelly refugees with cockrot, they'll be poos! from based raj! bringing their intelectualisms, and yummy poo cuisine
>>311748 >>311748 I wiped my arse today, to see if it still stains
>>311755 What the fuck? Poos be wildin'
>>311755 why did she take all her clothes off
>>311755 Thank you Sir Jesus Christ for letting us share this bountiful Earth with these wonderful people.
Matched on bumble and the bumble profile is actually sending me replies, feels weird but i'm so jaded, the inevitable rejection won't hurt too much at least.
Are bum bum and auslad the only two mods now?
>>311765 bumbum is a mod?
>>311766 Yeah, he gave door shit a two hour ban for posting about "bussy" for the three hundredth time
>>311767 lmao I've been away for about two weeks, I knew things had degenerated, but not to that level.
Is this like some form of Saturnalia?
>>311768 This all happened about thre or four hours ago, he demodded cook and SA
>>311770 >demodded cook and SA good
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah the bumble replies have dried up in frequency after my 2nd reply weew
does garry glitter being a pedo make his music better or worse
>>311758 Can't tell what they're saying but I'd guess she ran out of time or didn't pay for the room and wanted to change so got naked thinking it made a point then got hysterical a poocel didn't avert his eyes or let her go up the elevator.
>>311774 probably better
>>311777 keeeeeeeek I think he is gonna be posting inside the hurricane tomorrow
>>311778 his toil is an example to us all lmao
>>311779 yeah I like nowicki's takes tbh he said for low status men you don't have to worry about getting old and old age is not so bad because you never had anything exciting happen as a youth that you lose out on as an older man.
>>311758 preparing herself for rape
>>311774 makes him a ledge
I always believed in tbbks rise to power.
>>311774 Gives his choons a funny edge to them tbh hang him though tbh
>>311780 Sure, that sounds like he's just coping with low expections though. I'm firmly pointed towards hyperborean apotheosis. https://youtu.be/l5krzKn4l9g
this better not be spic
genocide is coming, and it's unavoidable
lmao spic
>steinhog sounding canadian
>BREAKING: First openly trans Army officer charged in plot to give U.S. military medical info to Russians to help in war against Ukraine https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1575553251264471040
>>311790 around troons don't be buffoons
>>311790 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the photos of these freaks always makes me laugh
>>311789 yeah michiganoids and ontarioans have the same accent with alot of words
>>311792 jkkkkekekkk
>reddit thread on troon traitor is entirely claiming he was a right wing MAGAtard. lets just start killing these niggas.
It's all fun and games until there is a swarthy dolichocephalic midget crawling up your leg.
based trannies????
>>311796 BUH WHERE??
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Buying this idea about animals getting more aggressive as society crumbles.
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>>311799 *stares at (You)*
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(413.71 KB 400x400 n word is ok.webm)

>>311564 zoomers are born in '97 or later >>311656 >>311657 BBK was never BO of /newbrit/. he claimed BO of /newbrit/ on 8kun like 6 months after everybody stopped posting there except him, he was BO of a board that only he posted on >>311786 >>311788 nah I'm spic
bbk should permaban spic think thats something most of us can agree on keeeek
(62.25 KB 878x703 BBK is Coming For TTPW.jpg)

(3.96 MB 1280x720 joe.mp4)

>>311803 BBK is not mentally healthy enough to be a mod there shouldn't be bans other than like for example when jocko was spamming gay shit, that's what mods are for, not policing normal posters
newbrit nonces are not normal posters
(630.20 KB 1920x1080 Tranny Destroyer.png)

>>311805 Were you the one posting tranny porn earlier lad?
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chugging tea to stay warm lads....
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just one more fucking day
>If i was handsome oh what could of been
on October 4th Russian parliament will approve annexation of these territories and this will be the new de jure Russian Federation. any Ukrop occupiers on rightful Russian clay will get tactical nuked >>311807 no, I've never done that or anything remotely similar to that
>>311810 you could have been me
>>311811 >no, I've never done that or anything remotely similar to that Good lad, the trannies will fear the mighty hammer of the growing red buttocks
buttocks red trannies bled when all is said sneed
>no, I've never done that or anything remotely similar to that feet and creaturas are equally abominable
(77.89 KB 810x720 A man and his glasses.jpg)

>feet and creaturas are equally abominable to trannies
Nobody lynched themselves over feet
>>311812 You are as swarthy as a welshman
foot derangement syndrome is truly a strange case
https://youtu.be/-kvx1jB86ZM >bum bum bum bum bum bum beautiful lyrics tbh
https://youtu.be/ZzIVyezTXcM >I'll only know that I am dead when /brit/pol cries for me
Have to instantly entertain foids on dating apps. can't ask questions of your own unless the foid bores herself with her own answers.
https://youtu.be/AHtz5NGDdts LIZZ TRUSS SHITS ON CAM
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>>311824 *sniffs her trussy*
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nuke america
>>311826 good cartoon tbh
(1.49 MB 576x1024 DoEed2vRDnERgGx5.mp4)

volume warning pretty cool though
>>311830 kek I wonder how much of shartica is just a death cult of people who want to get rekt
>>311823 If the conversation with a woman is tedious, even by text, she's probably not worth it. One of the nice things about filipina lass is how easy it is to chat with her. Even though she doesn't love me back.
Our nationalist and socialist programme was made manifest in our flag. The red expressed the social thought underlying the Movement, white the national thought, and the swastika signified the mission allotted to us—the struggle for the victory of Aryan mankind and at the same time the triumph of the ideal of creative work which in itself is, and always will be, anti-Semitic.
>>311832 I feel like you are keeping her all to yourself lad. She doesn't love you so why do that?
>>311825 >trussy Keek smh.
>>311835 You're not getting her number.
going to buy some bottle and start drinking water tbh
I coomed.
>>311839 smh lad
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>>311840 It was for a good cause though.
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Toilwoman beckons early
>>311842 was it for a tranny?
Bosswoman smh can't even get the lingo right
>>311845 **yes(pls dont ban me for this ffs im sorry!) >>311843 blimey dont ever want to end up like him
i prefer toilwitch tbh
>>311847 *looks upon you with disdain*
(437.06 KB 200x210 pepeswing.gif)

>>311849 always weird me out how natives just kept fighting each other right until the end, but at that point even if they all united they had 0 chance of doing shit, they numbered like a few thousand at the most when all the big indian wars went on custers life on the plains is a good book tbh
>>311849 very kino scene me lad
(61.58 KB 805x591 smugbrigade.jpg)

>when they sneak up on a chug camp and have several revolvers each and just start blasting the shit out of them
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(7.17 MB 960x540 Goodnight 14m.webm)

>>311802 post feets or you're not spic
>>311849 good lad I just rewootched that, to bad the rest of the film sharts on the chug slayers
>American senate decided today, september, 29, that USA will intervene in Brazil if Jair Bolsonaro makes a coup in BR government after this sunday elections. not only is the US rigging its own elections to oust populists, it's encouraging other countries to rig their elections to oust populations and declaring that they will intervene militarily to enforce the rigged elections Russia needs to dump their entire nuclear arsenal on American population centers right now
I daresay that's far more vile than anything I've posted over the last few days.
>>311852 doubt it, he's hetereosexual
doubt it, he's hetereosexual
>>311867 heterosexuals can still be degenerates
Brazil has electronic voting machines with no paper trail so it's not even a question that the election will be rigged for Lula, even though Bolsonaro has overwhelming support by everybody except the favela niggers in the northeast
(4.50 MB 2048x1614 image_2022-09-30_003812831.png)

night lads
>>311852 ghost dance was like the chug version of wignatism, alot of the later plains chugs were just displaced great lakes regions chugs who got rekt by ojibwe and iroquois
>>311871 >if we do our dance then somehow whiteman will go back to evropa and we'll have our lands back makes me keek cos now the whiteman is replaced by spics and wogs who probably care even less about chugs
>>311872 its no worse than us sitting on the computer posting polfaces to each other lad
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>>311864 which mod did this? they need to be demodded, this is tyranny. a janny's job is to manage the catalog and remove obscene spam, not curate posts according to their own opinions of what they think a post should be
>>311864 this file was originally included with this post
somebody link the log, is there a log we can see?
>>311873 at least the chugs could fight back
based mod deleting spics SHITE posts
(293.60 KB 498x401 pepeheadphones.gif)

People are having sex
>>311881 Think I seen people having sex earlier
https://youtu.be/rRpZO7wgYto mannimarco has gone daft
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek a guy pretending to be a paki calling himself ball sack teabaghar
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>>311885 <do you feel theres a resemblance between your pubes and the hair on your head tbh always wondered what it would be like to have monkey hair on my balls. like long thin hair that you get on your arms
>>311888 it's the eyebrows. eyebrows and pubes are the same on everybody
>>311882 >Think I seen people having sex earlier what did it look like?
>>311890 his mum and the plumber
>>311890 Lights were on but curtains were drawn and I could see a human shadow go up and down quite a bit sometimes slow sometimes quick, def a woman since I could see her touch her hair
>>311892 w-was it gingerlass?
>>311893 No, different house
wonder if gingerlass has sex while her parents are in the house gross
just 2 more weeks
>>311897 me looking into gingerlasses bedroom window
>>311898 until what lad?
(93.58 KB 500x500 devilish3.png)

>>311901 society will collapse and then dorset will take gingerlass captive
why would you like in a house with a big silly logo on it looks like a modernists interpretation of a static caravan, except far less comfy
>>311904 often surprised by how big caravans actually are on the inside when i stayed in one a few years ago i could easily live in it
>>311902 have you got a date with a sex worker?
>>311907 cant say or i'll get banned
>>311896 keeeeeeeeeeek his voice is like dickie spencers, lad sounds like a cuck and a bit of a cultist
>>311870 possible tranny itt btw
>>311910 yeah I noticed that as well
>>311908 >cant say or i'll get banned so it's a tranny thing then
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>>311904 is this the pod we will all be made to live in after The Great Reset?
>>311896 close you eyes and imagine him saying "hail trump, hail our people, hail victory"
>>311913 are you meeting Jocko for some bum fun?
(2.45 KB 112x73 1639796843063.jpg)

>>311914 would rather live in a chinky/spic shanty town than one of those pod things could get cholera and bumworms but atleast im ignored by everyone outside of it
>>311918 imagine the smell though
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(1.42 MB 1280x1625 1664490557623578.jpg)

been having a fancy for east asian women for a few days now and its not going away
>>311922 keeek i hope my troons dont get the lop
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god actually feel sick thinking about it, fuck you
>>311919 true but if it were in england the worst youd get is horseshit [spoilers]human shit aswell most likely[/spoiler] and dead vermin
>>311925 better than smelly hordes of foreigners walking about
>>311923 yeah, maybe that's the one positive about you lusting after their tranny cock - at least it might stop them lopping. Maybe it's for the best...
(15.94 KB 645x770 polfacesmug.png)

>>311922 >do you think it will ever look remotely normal? no now allow me to provide you with some rope
>>311925 >true but if it were in england the worst youd get is horseshit [spoilers]human shit aswell most likely[/spoiler] and dead vermin you don't do spoilers that way lad, you use ** either side othe text you want spoiled
>>311929 good lad
>>311928 many troons say they wont ever get the lop but then change their mind once they take enough hormones and shit or become peer pressured online to do it dont want any troon to lop their cock off, not into willies myself though
>2:30am really saving the white rice here lads
(88.76 KB 220x261 dorsetneedstrannydick.png)

>>311932 >not into willies myself though umm, really?
>>311934 im not a sub, lass
cant fool me nigger unless
>>311936 >im not a sub, lass that doesn't really counter all the other things you've said but never mind
>>311938 do you take every single thing i say 100% seriously?
(3.13 MB 348x400 just-got-pranked-got.gif)

>>311939 just a prank, bro?
>>311940 Not quite, but I am not really into sucking dicks.
>>311755 why didn't she use the stairs?
(126.21 KB 260x659 dorshitstronk.png)

>>311941 so you don't like dicks, so you are not gay, but you do like girl dick, which isn't gay?
I think about this a lot
(4.22 MB 720x720 canadianactress.mp4)

TORONTO WOMAN GETS BELLS PALSY 2 WEEKS AFTER GETTING VACCINATED >says she still would get vaxxed again though there is just no helping these people
mate, thats like 2 years ago
oh I only just saw it
STUDY SHOWS VACCINATION INCREASES RISK OF COVID BY 44%, AND INCREASES LIKLIHOOD OF DEATH https://odysee.com/@AlexJonesChannel:c/BOMBSHELL--Oxford-Study-Confirms-Covid-Vax-Increases-Risk-of-Infection-by-44-:2
he was actually assassinated and his family blamed the french government
>ywn be a gunslinging adventurer in the old west who tries to circumvent the meat kikes but gets jewed and returns home to btfo world jewry with your friends https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marquis_de_Mor%C3%A8s#The_Badlands
awoke to my neighbour smashing his fridge up yesterday. don't they have toxic shite in them? said he knew a scrap man who would take it. probably just dumped it somewhere tbh
>>311951 >limited economic socialism I should learn more about why they want this, I tend to ignore the economic part of politics for the most part other than basic shit like "pipelines = cheap energy = everything is cheaper = good" and "protectionism good because jobs" Germany did this whole thing where they said the jews can't get rich speculating money anymore, people have to work for money and they made sure men could all get good jobs. but I've always thought a lot of the 'Socialism' part of National Socialism was just because it was popular at the time because of the Great Depression and they had to incorporate socialism into the party ideology so people would join them instead of the communists >>311955 all I know is on the burgerstan you're not allowed to throw out a fridge without detaching the door because some dumb niglet could climb inside the fridge and get trapped and suffocate
>>311956 he goes on to write this but idk how much (if any) influence it had on the nsdap
Arrested her under Anti-Terrorism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLVo2B7A8eA&t
>>311958 it's disgusting how anti-terror legislation gets used smh wish i could say misused but this was always its intended purpose
>>311958 TLDR?
>>311953 Back in France, the Marquis claimed the Chicago beef trust was dominated by Jews and announced himself the victim of "A Jewish Plot." Turning to politics, he organized a movement that mixed socialism with rabid anti-semitism that fed the French collective mania which led to the Dreyfus affair. On 23 June 1892, he killed a Jewish captain, Armand Mayer, during a duel.[2] In 1896 (after ten years), he was killed by North African tribesmen while carrying out a wild scheme to unite the Muslims in a Holy War against the British and the Jews. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>311963 saw one of those cunts the other day, not that big though

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