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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3777: FUCK LIBTARDS Edition Anonymous 09/24/2022 (Sat) 23:10:13 Id: 5a3aac No. 309097
no links oh wait here's one https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ libs triggered
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not to be blackpilled or anything but it's actually fucking over.
cursed thread >>309091 well specifically the slavettes can you really blame them for not wanting to be with slavic males? >>309092 it's not that they're "based", they're renowned for being hot gold diggers that fiscally well-off western men can easily import and make into a trophy wife that mogs the fat pigs in the wect. Odessa is famous for this, men use sites like AnastasiaDate and RoseBrides to find a wife, meet her in Odessa, and bring her home to wect. problem is that she will impart slavic dna onto your sons, the daughters will be pretty and thus fine but the sons will be ruined that's really the problem with mixing. mutt daughters would be okay as long as they come out cute but mutt sons are a real problem, you're supposed to be proud of your son and root for him to breed and propagate your genes. but knowing he is half ukrainian or something would ruin that even if the mom is pretty >>309093 stalker
can't believe I was kicked from the bongo, lads. 8 years of persona and clout building... now I'm just an anon in the thread
>>309107 You should kill yourself
Joe Biden is the anti-christ.
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slavs are okay by me, better than spics or other shitskins
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https://youtu.be/sB4aVLv1IPE >when a spic hides away in your teleportation device
>>309118 okay I renonce my ways. Now invite me back
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>bongo doesn't want you to be a nonce >thread encourages noncism >tfw can't choose
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can't stop listening to abbey road smh
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>bongo doesn't want you to be a nonce
politics, british politics at that.
>>309110 pontificate your reservations with my take >>309113 Slavs are savages, the only ones with notable achievements are the Russians and they are part Swedish. meanwhile Iberians are southwest European R1b ubermensch that emerged victorious in a thousand year race war with the Saracen, then explored the world's oceans and conquered/bullied tons of shitskins >>309121 you're not a nonce, lad, don't let that bitch gaslight you
>>309125 shut up gringorino
>309126 spic
>>309126 Why are you even here? this is an anglo board, we are anglos. Can't you find an americana board?
why would you come on britpol and shill hispanic supremacist shite like the english weren't mortal enemies of the dagos for centuries? oh yeah he is a mong
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>>309131 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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las naciones latinas se unen! las naciones latinas se unen! las nac- HHHHRRRUUUUUUUUUUUU *FFFFTTTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU*
>spic cope maps
Dating a teenager must be so fucking tedious. It's not just the social media, but the liking of niggermusic, the acceptance of gayism, the lack of proper goals/accomplishments, the astonishing ignorance of how the world is. It's bad enough with women in their twenties.
*puts hand on shoulder* yeah I also hate women
>>309136 Yeah mr. (1), at one point women just grow out of their nastiness and become wholesome. Whole point is you find a relatively untouched young girl then groom her into not being completely awful. Even with one of your mid 20-s lassies you wouldn't pick one at random, you'd fine one that is relatively bearable
>>309137 at least we're not being misogynistic and speaking german I guess
>>309138 just get a trad 40 y.o.
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*dodges spics (you)*
Leicester: Why the violent unrest was surprising to many >For decades, Leicester had a reputation as a model for cohesion - but the recent unprecedented unrest between groups of Hindu and Muslim men has raised difficult questions for a place that prided itself on its multiculturalism. >In the 1951 census, just 624 people with South Asian heritage were recorded as living in Leicester. Now, 70 years on, the city has one of the highest proportions of British South Asians. >By 1971, there were 20,190 people of South Asian heritage in Leicester. In response to the surge in numbers arriving from former colonies, the far-right National Front grew in popularity locally. >The far-right group's high point came in the 1976 local election, where they came within 61 votes of victory in Abbey Ward, and gained 18% of the total vote across the city. Throughout the decade, the anti-racist fight back saw British Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus working together. But on the streets, at times, there were clashes between anti-racists and the National Front. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63009571
>if we won 1812, Steiner would be full olbjwe
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>>309129 >this is an anglo board, we are anglos t. Norseman I'm half british isles ancestry and am a staple of the board's culture at this point so I very much belong >>309138 I could never have a relationship with a woman over 25 tbh that's very yikes. it's one thing if we're together a long time and she reaches that age but for it to begin that's a nope from me. 16-24 is the optimal breeding window, you can and should keep going until 32 or so but it really ought to start in the 18-22 range at the latest
>>309131 keeeeek
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why did those 3 french men jump him?
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> staple of the board's culture
>>309147 >dindus can only fight in numbers and by surpise quelle surprise
https://youtu.be/dwofn-bshdw mannimarco and other line go up line go down boomers are saying I T S H A B B E N I N G
Three men in court after Sark 'aggravated burglary' >Three men from England have appeared in court in connection with an alleged aggravated burglary in Sark. >Al Ahmed Hussain, Ali Abbas Ahmed and Omar Sharif are accused of robbing a couple on Tuesday and detaining them. >Guernsey's Ordinary Court heard the three, all aged 36 and from Slough, had been charged with robbing a couple of $2,400 (£2,200) via a bank transfer, plus taking equipment and documents. >They were remanded in custody until their next court date, due on Monday. >The court heard they were also charged with falsely imprisoning their alleged victims during the incident and detaining them against their will. >They are also alleged to have robbed the couple of four mobile phones, a custom-built laptop and hard drive, plus various documents including bank statements. >The men were arrested by armed police who were called in from Guernsey and held at La Moinerie until they were moved to Guernsey. Not even Sark is safe.
>>309151 >Omar Sharif
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god I love that movie
>>309148 tbh only reason he's here is because he ran his own containment board into the ground and there's no one left to ban him on sight
so many good lads lost to the migrations
>>309158 who are you talking about
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nini *goes to sleep*
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>>309155 if they were (preferably latina) biological female feets, then that would be acceptable, but those are not so no thanks >>309156 >>309157 pic >>309165 nini pardon my bullying image but I had to
>>309150 mannimarco has been "its over" poosting for the past month
economic ninja says we have 2 weeks keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>309061 >>309072 https://dlive.tv/p/counter-currents+QpPVVu74R Watch it before Grindr greg puts it behind his gaywall
>>309170 until what lad?
>>309142 the Leicester hindu vs muslim riots didn't surprise me at all, in fact I have been expecting that to happen for some time I expect it to happen again in future too
>>309173 rest your sweet head cupcake
>"And you say you do this how many times per day?" >"We cannot possibly draft you dorset, you will have to serve your country another way"
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>>309162 why hasn't anyone done merchant ones of these yet?
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>>309183 Israel Pfizer Leak with Dr. Yaffa Shir Raz. Israeli Health Ministry knows the pfizer jabs are 1) causing long-term adverse effects, 2) introducing "re-challenge": adverse effects repeat with each dose, 3) exposing them to liability
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>>309180 Steiner betrays /Brit arrghhbb
iranian simps are still rioting
smorb lads
>>309111 Civil war is brewing
>>309188 What are their demands? Anything translated?
>>309189 mornin' >>309191 it's CIA/Mossad color revolution bullshit over some feminist bitch or something
good edition
>>309189 rise and shine
going to report this tranny to the fsb tomorrow. gn https://twitter.com/YourGentleZeph/status/1573459592134131728
>>309195 based ni lad
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>>309167 He's right.
Are you lads actually all nonces? Fucking hell lads, get it together.
>pretending not to understand the difference
Nooo you can't just heckin groom a 12 year old to be moral and wife and deflower her at 16 and have 4 snabies by the time she's 22. She's supposed to be on the cock carousel until she's 35 and then adopt a niglet you incel nonce freak.
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Grooming little girls is fucked lad. I hope you're just joking about this tbh. Not moral at all tbh
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Genuinely not ok with that tbh lads.
>spitting on the ancient tradition of MORAL grooming of sexually maturing girls into good wholesome women Fag.
Grooming 12 year olds aint right lad. You're a nonce. Simple as.
I should say nurturing tbh. Grooming has such negative connotations. Not saying sexually abuse girls. The exact opposite. Stop them getting nonced by others including horny teenage boys. Then marry them when appropriate. Simple as.
tbh lads, I think being on your own so long or on degenerate chans has turned you in to a fucking nonce/degen tbh.
>>309206 You can dress it up however you want but you're talking about chatting up little girls and grooming them to be your wife from like 12 m8.
Absolutely feminist homosexual takes from newoldlad. Smh.
Talking about the ideal in a MORAL society btw. Not that it's viable now. But finding a legal age 16 year old not yet plowed by 5 different men and grooming her is the best option moral groomers have. Which is what the norge abomination of the white race was saying.
>>309209 I dunno m8. It's different to be a father figure or positive male model in someones life and wanting to raise them to be a wife for you.
>>309211 16 and 12 are very different ages m8
teenage year old girls don't have the time for you, they're too busy studying. And clubbing. And texting. And practicing tiktok dances.
>>309213 Tbh tbf but in the ideal society her parents would find a good moral man to arrange to marry her to and they would be friends for a few years to bond.
Samuel Pepys married a fourteen year old
Honestly lads, I'm a bit worried about you two. Nonces get the rope tbh.
Need to sort it out you two. While I agree the parents should be responsible for them, having a fully grown bloke come in to date a young girl like youre suggesting is just too far mate.
>>309218 tbh we live in a society tbh
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>Propriety did not prevent him from engaging in a number of extramarital liaisons with various women that were chronicled in his diary, often in some detail when relating the intimate details. The most dramatic of these encounters was with Deborah Willet, a young woman engaged as a companion for Elisabeth Pepys. On 25 October 1668, Pepys was surprised by his wife as he embraced Deb Willet; he writes that his wife "coming up suddenly, did find me imbracing the girl con [with] my hand sub [under] su [her] coats; and endeed I was with my main [hand] in her cunny. I was at a wonderful loss upon it and the girl also...." Following this event, he was characteristically filled with remorse, but (equally characteristically) continued to pursue Willet after she had been dismissed from the Pepys household.[37] Pepys also had a habit of fondling the breasts of his maid Mary Mercer while she dressed him in the morning.
The idea of a moderately lopsided relationship makes me uncomfortable tbh. Good women need a certain degree of self sufficiency
>>309220 a life one can only dream of
>>309221 >The idea of a moderately lopsided relationship makes me uncomfortable Now that is a thouroughly modern feminist homosexual take.
>>309223 I enjoy when women do the unexpected. It's nice to be pleasantly surprised sometimes. I can't love a woman I don't respect. Which is why I'll probably never love a woman.
>he's an actual homosexual Yikes.
>>309225 Didn't say I didn't want to love a woman lad, just that I find it hard to respect them.
>>309224 Tricky balance to be struck that. The sort of woman that people here think they want could be too docile to remain exciting, that said porn has a lot to do with rewiring your brain to expect something different constantly.
>>309228 true tbh it's not natural to constantly be craving and expecting something different
>>309228 Women should be docile. All they need to do is cook meals, clean the house, mommy stuff, and do their best to satisfy you sexually and provide some comfort and appreciation. They don't need to be spontaneous or exciting or whatever.
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>when you cum full circle and have an extreme fetish for sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with a homely chubby wife who's intelligence is lacking somewhat
>>309231 keeeeek the prodigal son returns
wish i lived in the shire lads smh
>>309233 You should watch the new LOTR series lad it's great
Mae govannen, I am the tolkien geek welcome to the tolkien lore channel
I should listen to more of this very 80's type stuff instead of just extreme metal tbh
wonder what the pharoahs would think of 100 million slum arabs occupying their lands
>>309240 choons these
Which /Brit personality would make the best wife? No homo https://poal.me/205h4y https://poal.me/205h4y https://poal.me/205h4y
>>309242 bit gay lad smh
Hello lads, I have a self destructive lazeabout lifestyle, can I get a few "Based." (You)s for validation please?
>>309246 anything for you, king
>>309203 Get the fuck out you faggot. >>309208 Which is the way a correct society should function.
You could probably make an entire pack of custard creams from the crumbs in my bed. >>309247 Thanks lad, what a bro.
https://youtu.be/2PGk2wJhfnE There was a UK 90 day fiance made with a south African called Shaun and an older Pinay mail order, 8 year ldr.
going to take a stand here and say twelve is far too young tbh
>>309251 You're standing on nothing, the marriage age should be 14 for women. From BIRTH they should be trained to be wives. Their fathers should be looking to marry them off before they're eighteen to maximise breeding potential.
The Japanese had the right idea with comfort women
>>309253 They didn't. Prostitution is an outright evil. Better that a man who can't control himself be castrated.
>>309252 finding it hard to refute this because women don't progress beyond childhood either intellectually or emotionally at all in their entire lives but you should at least wait until they're physically adults >>309254 tbh immoral
>>309255 Yeah 14 for marriage is the canonical marriage age for women, I'd say it's correct but the current laws aren't too bad 22 stonesian levels of grooming are too much tbh and the "grooming" should be done by the father rather than some fat weirdo who drives trucks keeeek
>>309244 And this is why I never spend two minutes on economic issues. Normalfags get gaslit into believing there is a crisis and then the capitalists come through with such a "solution". Smh normalfags are such iditiotic cancer 😤
Kinda black guy who would be Steiner's best (school) friend
>>309257 why would you "tbh" that post?
>>309258 democracy was a mistake tbh literally half the people you meet are below average intelligence but the fate of the nation is put in their hands plus as mass media has shown they can't even be trusted to vote in their own interests let alone the broader interests of the nation bring back the aristocracy tbh vooting only for established landowners and peasant revolts whenever they get too cocky >>309261 because you go too far with your grooming when you target lasses who are extremely under aged or who have some kind of mental disability comes across as extremely predatory tbh lad don't you ever wonder why these lasses aren't allowed to talk to you once their parents find out about you?
Schmorn, sunbites crisps for lunch
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19910207/russians-death-threats-pow-aiden-aslin/ Prisoner released by Russia 'treated worse than a dog' Look who's complaining
>>309264 He's alive and looks fine. FSB should assassinate him for lying.
>>309263 schneed lad >>309264 >“They separated me from the others and began interviewing me in the back of an armoured vehicle. >"I went to my commander and said, ‘Look I’m going to be taken, they’re probably going to kill me, I need you to tell my family when you get out, if you get out, that I love them’.” so after he was separated he went back to the people he was separated from to talk to them
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>(5) >morning
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>>309264 Listen up Mongo. Push the action button repeatedly if you want a beautiful death. Press the select button if you want a quick one.
>>309270 xDDDD
>>309270 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>309273 what an absolute dysgenic specimen of a creature and look at that mong she's hugging too.
so this is how society ends not with a chud but a soyjack
Russia is releasing prisoners, why? What's coming next?
>>309276 Nuclear genocide before we can reproduce
>release enemy prisoners back to their home nations >nuke said nations >max killcount
>>309279 Southwest was Royalist in the last one right lad?
>>309276 More moral grandstanding while wiping out the jew-manufactured threat of neo-nazism from eastern Europe. >>309278 It'd be cheaper to just chuck him into the Black Sea to drown. Can you hack the game to get extra points by resuscitating him or sending him across borders?
>>309282 well southwest is still majority white. who willl they be fitghting lad?
>>309279 based now's the time to prove her right lad >>309281 keeeek tbh see if you can get a two for one
https://youtu.be/mZoisaGeVDw I wish they were consripting Antifa
>>309262 >because you go too far with your grooming when you target lasses who are extremely under aged or who have some kind of mental disability Extremely underaged? And the retardations haven't been that debilitating tbh, I wouldn't want a woman who can't raise the childhogs >comes across as extremely predatory tbh lad don't you ever wonder why these lasses aren't allowed to talk to you once their parents find out about you? Err that was once, and I don't care how I come across, I never do anything illegal.
>>309289 >Extremely underaged? And the retardations haven't been that debilitating tbh presented without comment
Lads, in china, everyone needs to have a data connection on their phones and are constantly surveiled what with mobile payments. how do we avoid globohomo doing that here?
>>309292 Why did he send £200?
>>309279 >>309282 I've been predicting multiple factions over possible dividing lines (in rough order of size): >Poos >Muds >Gov/Military-loyal - Royalist >Gov/Military-loyal - Parliament/Republican >Ultra-tolerant centrist CofE I-just-wanna-grill boomers >LGBTQs (who take massive losses in every confrontation that lacks an opposing force) >Poles >The Norfern Legion, under General Gazza >(Unironic) Commies >Yt Whignats >spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) loyal to the great reset >The Holey Army of the Church of Scientology >Fox-hunters >Nicola Sturgeon and her four (4) fishy friends Can you lads think of any others? Maybe we should draw up a likely territorial map to help out the poor overworked GCHQts.
shnight lads >>309292 keeeeek >>309293 you can't really tbh as long as they own the infrastructure you're at their mercy if you want to use it best bet is only using p2p encrypted messaging apps and hoping you're not important enough to be monitored
saving the white race is a thankless job smh
>>309295 where is /brit?
>>309294 train ticket to my dungeon
>>309293 >>309297 Talking in thick rural accents over PMR446 radios tbh. >>309294 >debilitating retardations >>309300 on the internet
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>trying and failing to buy a retarded child's affection
>>309302 >Dorset will fight in Carl Benjamin's personal legion of incel hoplites Noted and added to my list.
How would one succesffuly breed this lass?
>>309307 *slaps her*
>>309309 was it a wet one lad?
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>>309289 ignore these maggots b their opinions are worth nothing
fuck off you rotten old poof
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>>309312 I had a dream about one of my ex gf's last night too, we were in bed together and I got a stiffy then I woke up... bit weird, not thought about her for years
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A man ahead of his time...
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>>309316 >They love jews but they hate communism >Its like saying you love to go swimming but hate to get wet
Goddamn can you imagine just how horrendously worse a 12yr old "groomed into wholesomeness" by 22st would be than a regular modern woman
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>>309319 >Goddamn can you imagine just how horrendously worse a 12yr old "groomed into wholesomeness" by 22st would be than a regular modern woman you mean a girl that wouldn't have a double figure body count by the age of 20, had never had an abortion, or had sex with a dog?
>>309320 even worse
>>309321 you think like a woman
>>309319 How would she be "horrendously" worse for having be inducted into nationalism and traditional marriage?
The völkisch State will classify its population in three groups, namely, citizens, subjects of the State, and aliens.
>>309323 He would fail at le redpilling and end up raising a broken robot slave that lives to clean up his crusty wank socks before eventually shooting him and then herself
Dorset sucks the cum out of a used pussy but then acts like an authority on women >>309326 No basis to believe this other than a defeatist cuckold mindset.
Those who are without personal honour or character, who are common criminals, or traitors to the Fatherland, can at any time be deprived of the rights of citizenship. Thereby they revert to the status of mere subjects of the State.
>>309327 He's disgusting, lazy and immoral. That's all the basis needed
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>>309331 can't stand these slanderous posters making false accusations about the good lads of the thread they always turn up at the weekend I notice probably Soros funded stooges, JIDF, or 77thbrigade tbh
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The object of door shit's lust (he is incapable of love). He is a cuckold and tranny lover. >>309332 Truth is not slander, retard. You've also made use of slander in your faggot post against imagined slanderers. Ironic. >>309329 He's one of the few here with a job and actively looking for a woman. That is not laziness. Your disgust toward him is rooted in your inferiority to him. Your perception of morality is also clearly warped.
>>309335 aha, that explains it
>>309289 m9.... nonce tbh. Please stop. >>309292 He did? That's pretty fucking groomie and predatory tbh. >>309319 Dread to think about it lad
smh all these anklebiterinos
>>309313 yeah, thanks, b *stomps on them*
And still he(me) will breed
>>309340 >washing his hands after having a shit >wash his cock after cooming does he really not do this
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>>309340 why do you always turn on your friends dorshit?
>dorshit attacks other people for being "degenerate" to hide his own even more blatant degenerate behaviour
Whats more blatant than sucking cock m8, also you are an annoying snarky poof who constantly riles up trouble, dorshit is just a mong coomer
>>309348 >Whats more blatant than sucking cock m8, also you are an annoying snarky poof who constantly riles up trouble, dorshit is just a mong coomer I've never sucked a dick or fucked a man's arsem this is just bullshit you slanderous twats like to shit up the thread with you contribute nothing
Degens go in the pit tbh lads.
>>309350 >I've never sucked a dick or fucked a man's arsem this is just bullshit you slanderous twats like to shit up the thread with haven't you met men from grindr? did you take it up the arse or get your cock sucked or wank them off, you've admitted to homosexual behaviour you liar. you are the one who contributes nothing to the thread you 90 IQ bongo poof
it's all hecking jokes, come on now
yeah bins needs to fuck off
>>309355 >>309354 Jesus fucking christ. You allow these degens here? Brit/pol/ more like fag/pol/. smh You've become utter degens while I've not been here.
>>309333 >inferior to an obese norwood 3
>309358 >You've become utter degens while I've not been here. oh its the newfag, fuck off mong.
>>309354 don't even remember saying any of this stuff >>309355 what a load of bollocks these posters are pembs, lew, and jocko, the unironic most degenerate people that ever post here
>>309361 >these posters are pembs, lew, and jocko I am none of those people
>>309358 We've all just got closer and let our pasions run
>>309353 >haven't you met men from grindr? no, never evenused it
>>309358 >You've become utter degens while I've not been here. literal trannies like TTPW used to have run of the board, and is remembered as a hero so no
>>309364 then how did you meet men for sex
>>309367 >and is remembered as a hero
Was emokid the 1st celeb birthed from /brit?
>>309370 yeah, some lad was calling him "the most successful poster from /brit/"
>>309371 he's not even a celeb
>>309373 he went on question time
>>309369 >then how did you meet men for sex I didn't, you prick
Auslad should make that image a banner tbh
>>309376 >>309377 this is fake
we've seen enough evidence take him away
>>309380 all the "evidence" against me is fake and gay bongo screen grabs or out of context warnings against degeneracy, taken as being pro-degen by liars Dorshit on the other hand regularly posts about wanting to fuck trannies and you side with him that's because all of you a trannies and tranny lovers, unlike me
its back to bongo for you
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>reminder that Dorshit is in a bongo full of literally trannies and regularly posts about wanting to fuck trannies
>>309383 you are a lying sack of shit and should be permad for it, trying to gaslight the whole board, we know what you are
>>309386 >>309387 >Just face it, there's no way to recover your image on this board after everything you've said in private. imply this stuff hasn't been posted a thousand times already - usually when you literal faggot trannies show up
>>309388 I'm not a tranny and have never used the bongo, twat.
>>309363 I dunno lad, I remember we bullied the piss out of ttpw back in the day. However just letting fags openly hang out and say they're moral is just fucked tbh. >309360 Bit rich coming from literal nonces and gays tbh. >>309367 M9, he was bullied and rightfully so. >>309368 kek, what the fuck are you on about.
>309392 >faggots accusing others of being faggots
SA tier from bins tbh
this is just a saga now
It's the /newbrit split war!
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>>309399 he fucking admits it too lad, this incriminates you
>>309400 >It's the /newbrit split war! the /newbrit/ split is basically those of us that hate trannies (like me) and those that love them (like Dorshit)
>>309403 I would never fuck a tranny, I fucking hate them for starters, and I don't like anal
>>309393 >>309394 Oh my bad. >>309396 I thought you were one of the ones attacking me tbh. Sorry lad. >>309398 It's getting out of hand
tbh I didn't know there were so many gays and nonces here.
>>309406 The constant talk about grooming didn't tip you off?
>>309407 tbh lads I'm actually shocked.
(224.44 KB 1017x762 doom enoch.jpg)

REAL TIME EVIDENCE OF DORSHIT BRINGING TRANNIES TO THE THREAD TO CAUSES GAY DRAMA >Chuck is Dorsthi >Daenocra is Pembs (tranny) >Gazelle is Jocko (tranny)
Seems being on a degen site all this time led to you becoming degens.
bongobongo and the victims of little saint james
THIS IS WHO DORSHIT IS GETTING TO "DEFEND" HIM >Jocko, the most insane tranny of them all
>>309415 is this what he means by gingerlass
tbh lads, is this why you didn't want to go to a more moral site? Cause you know people would judge you for being degen gay nonces?
Auslad is the moral arbiter but he's asleep right now. Maybe Steiner will come in and clean things up
>>309417 fuck off glownigger nobody is going to your obvious honeypot site
>>309420 auslad does nothing tbh, he hasn't lifted a finger since becoming BO
Steiner never reads through the thread anyway
madlad should unironically lead a coup
>>309421 tbh lad, it's not glowie but not sure you would fit in there being so degenerate. If you were worried about it being a honeypot you'd just use a vpn. I think it's cause you're all gay now tbh.
>>309423 Because the moment he does anything at all on here it causes a shitfit.
>>309428 from who? the very people he should be banning, 22st and bins who attract all the trouble.
There are 3 bongos I believe 2 from the newbrit split 1 run by a woman whose connection i do not understand to /brit and the other by bins then there is SA's bongo possibly another bongo too which wessie has disappeared into
>>309429 >22st and bins who attract all the trouble. who get attacked by literal faggots and trannies sent here by Dorshit you mean
>>309431 you are 22st cause trouble and post your gay shit regardless of any dorshit brigading, you are disgusting and awful and should be permad like you used to be on old 8chan
REMINDER THAT JOCKO LITERALLY TAKES IT IN THE ARSE FROM A FED >THAT'S RIGHT, AND HE SENT THE FED HIS DISCORD FRIEND LIST TOO This is who Dorshit likes to hang out with on discord, and brought to the thread just now "Gazelle"
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>>309436 this is pembs, who takes it in the arse from Lew Also friends of Dorshits
>>309438 no, just looks like a man in women's clothes
>>309438 Dorset, would u rate her as high as gingelass?
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>bans me >comes to the thread to harass innocent little meee at least best b has my back
>>309443 what can men do against such reckless hate?
disgusting tbh. wtf happened to all of you.
>>309445 There used to be strict moderation, I remember
*backs team nonce*
>>309446 Dorshit should be banned on sight tbh He's a literal tranny lover and uses them to raid the thread from his bongo this tranny friend of Dorshit's is literally getting bummed by a fed
Team nonce Vs team tranny
>>309448 at least he has a based an pagan necklace. wtf i'm team tranny now
never thought I'd miss moonman and his merry men assuming they werent all troons too
>>309446 Well it needs to come back. Honestly, this is horrendous lads. Both troons and nonces get the pit tbh.
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>>309451 >at least he has a based an pagan necklace. wtf i'm team tranny now that doesn't counter the fact he literally takes fed cock up his arse and shared his discord friends list with him
this newfag needs to pipe down with the holier than thou posting
tbh lad you need to look at yourself. Old brit/pol/ would gas the lot of you.
>>309456 love this webm Academic Agent uses it a lot
yeah we get it lad you remember 4chan
>>309460 I meant 8 as well.
so bins and shartin were the straight ones all along
>>309462 Dorshit is the one that lusts after trannies and hangs out with them on discord daily
oh awesome I closed my laptop to go make myself some food for 30 minutes and windows decided it was time to update even though I was halfway through a Vic2 game and now I've lost my progress and all the tabs I had. holy fricken science I love technology.
>>309466 you're so fucking thick pembs at least one of those posts is me telling lads NOT to get into troon and femboy shit, but you are too dumb to realise
>>309469 you're a fucking tranny that takes cock up your arse from Lew
>>309411 fuck dorshit, one of the worst posters here and yet he gets away with it
All of you bongoloids should be killed
>>309470 Imagine taking it up the arse from this guy, Jesus fucking christ
>>309472 It really says somethign about Dorshit's moral compas that he would call upon bongo trannies to "defend" him
REMINDER THAT THESE ARE THE PEOPLE DORSHIT HANGS OUT WITH ON DISCORD >AND YET HE PRETENDS TO HAVE THE MORAL HIGH GROUND at least two of them are bumming each other, and the other is getting bummed by a fed!
>>309476 oh does he look very different now?
>>309480 here is a more recent pic Lew and pembs Dorshit's friends
>>309482 why do you hang out with them?
keep the bongobongo in bongobongo please
>>309484 you own that server, you could ban them but you don't, instead you post compliments about them and bring them to this thread
>>309485 >>309485 There needs to be a war bongo
>>309485 >keep the bongobongo in bongobongo please yeah quite, but Dorshit intentinoally brought these trannies here, to "defend" him, just now
these trannies are mauling poor old Bins I almost feel bad for him
>>309492 don't worry he'll be dead soon
gone for 20 minutes and 124 posts of discord drama is what I come back to.
auslad can you hear me auslad can you see me auslad can you ban these bongofags
(157.56 KB 1280x720 berserk-guts-face.jpg)

bins facing off against the horde of loppees and degenerates
>>309490 this is how you cope, you vile little faggot I never had any interest in you whatsoever, and tried to stop you becoming the disgusting troon you now are
>tfw never had any homosexual inclinations. hard to understand the minds behind these posts. maybe it's female brain vs male brain
The LGBTQIA+ Community belong in gas chambers. That includes door shit.
>>309504 >ts at times like this i wish i screenshotted your countless attempts of flirtation with me all in your imagination you deluded freak
>>309505 agree tbh
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>>309500 james eats a pencil hammond gets a chocolate milk enema and I haggle with a tortoise
(1.17 MB 220x244 CEO of Suicide.gif)

>>309512 You will never, ever be a woman.
>>309514 keek tbh
Are you bongo trannies going to livestream your suicide for us?
>>309502 >>lew gets to shag this every night would you prefer to be shagging pembs yourself lad?
he looks like a hapa tbh
>>309519 You're a mentally ill man who failed to even simply be what he is. Pathetic.
>>309520 not saved you faggot, just copy pasted from your horrible degenerate twitter page https://twitter.com/WalkingInRuins
>>309518 >>309502 so do you want to fuck him lad?
>>309524 you're in denial about the fact you want to fuck trannies and are therefore gay
>>309524 Ah, have I offended you little tranny friend? Guess which demographic fucks kids the most, Dorset. It's homosexuals like yourself and your tranny friends. The reason you and your kind try to enlargen the parameters of what constitutes a nonce is because you're desperate for company!
>>309518 >them
>>309525 His eyes betray some admixture. Jewish?
>>309531 not wanting to fuck teenagers is a bit sus lad, why wouldn't you want fertile pussy? pretty gay to choose a crusty boyhole over that if you ask me
>>309531 I have made love to a teenage woman. Hair on her lady parts and ample breasts . . . we were in love. Alas, you've proven my point! Pushing the definition of paedophilia to adults in order that you may lessen your crimes!
>>309537 did you breed?
>>309536 >literally has so many pics of me saved your point was I have "so many" pics of you saved, when I just copy paste them from your homofaggot twitter page, which is public your oestrogen addled brain can't think straight anymore also, Dorset admits he wants to fuck your arse
>>309535 You're beyond a failed male, you are a failed organism that detests its own being. So we come to the part of every argument with a homosexual failure where they hide their faggot tears behind le sassiness. >>309538 More like Sardine, the smell of you. >>309540 Nah, it wasn't the time. With my new qualifications and so on I hope to be back in the market for a woman before 2023.
>>309542 cope harder you tranny freak
Off for a bath, mention me in your suicide notes
>>309543 >wonder how long you could keep bins posting like this you literally brought the trannies to this thread to attack me, homofag
>>309546 >dorset >normal
>>309544 >You're beyond a failed male, you are a failed organism that detests its own being. smh lad don't say that he's admitted it makes his dick tingle
>>309547 not good for your testes lad dip them in a cup of cold water after
how does a middle aged man even end up in a life or death struggle with a cabal of zoomer trannies?
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>>309556 keeeeek
Steiner stop hiding
>>309557 fake right? just make up r-right?
>nosely talking to grindr greg again can't escape the shit eaters anywhere
>>309508 tbh, good lad
Jesus christ lads. What the actual fuck is wrong you lot?
Sissy hypno is a legit weapon of mass destruction and the inhabitants of /brit/ are examples of its power
(10.34 MB 854x480 BUF.mp4)

y'know what lads and poofs, you guys are degenerates, we rescind the invitation to frenschan and affiliated groups. Enjoy the monkeypoxx over here
>>309569 It seems so lad.
>>309570 tbh, yeah. I'm beyond disgusted.
>>309570 ngl good lad
>>309570 >implying Dorshit couldn't raid that thread with his troons too
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based newbrit troonwaffen scaring off the william
>>309576 >>309574 Nah fam, you can stay here in your gay hugbox. You're clearly all lost.
can you not read Ids or something newmong?
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>>309578 perhaps it is better this way, at least some based lads will be saved from Dorset and his troon army we will take these slings and arrows, for (You)
>>309579 The lot of you seem to not want to come and you're all talking about noncing and trooning and being gay. It's actually really blackpilling seeing you lads like this. >>309580 I don't even know which of you is based anymore. This is heartbreaking lads.
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>>309581 >I don't even know which of you is based anymore. This is heartbreaking lads. the faggot with the yellow flag that sides with troons, is Dorset
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>309583 One of Dorset's friends, no doubt
>>309582 I'm just saying lads, if you're not degen you can come over but from what I've seen in this thread this place is fucking lost.
>>309581 >I don't even know which of you is based anymore. Me
this is nothing tbh the old BO let a lad shite in his mouth
>>309583 how the fuck did he even put them in there in the first place
I am both based and redpilled
(1.79 MB 380x480 dorsetchad.mp4)

It's amazing how it only takes one shitty lad, with his army of deranged discord trannies, to ruin an entire board
>>309587 This is what I'm talking about
(2.76 MB 1280x704 Life on Mars Gay.mp4)

>this thread
>>309587 >>309591 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
tbh lads, I'm guessing you're all just degens. You should just take the /pol/ off of your board and threads. There's nothing /pol/ about you lot.
>>309585 just ban Dorshite and it'll be fine
>>309595 Nah see lad, you have nonces who think 12 year olds are ok to groom too.
>>309596 > you have nonces who think 12 year olds are ok to groom too. I don't know anyone that thinks that. Be careful not to believe the lies of any of the troons or troon lovers - they embody evil
>>309597 I was arguing with two who were in tot hat earlier lad. 22st and some other lad who I can't remember,
>>309598 I think 12 is too young for 22st tbh he keeps it legal
>>309599 I royally fucked my post up, but still. I'm not sure anymore after this thread lad.
>>309597 22 and spic both were earlier
the problem is we lost a lot of good lads in the exodus from 8chan and kun but all the freaks managed to cling on like gay barnacles
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>>309600 fine, you must do what you think is right, of course I will fight the trannies here, on your behalf, to keep your based lads safe from this poison think of me from time to time
>>309601 >22 and spic both were earlier doubt 22st would do that, not sure about spig
Then rebuild somewhere actually moral. It's why i was offering frenschan as a way to rebuild somewhere not stagnant and somewhere not without troons. I didn't realise you lot were being so against moving because they were the very troons that frenschan is against.
>>309605 I meant without troons
I'm still reeling from discovering all this shit tbh. Don't know what to think anymore.
>>309585 this thread is newbrit infighting. it was fine back on 8 because they had their own containment board but since it went down, we've merged and this is the result. we've also lost lads as well. your site looks interesting but is brand new and has the wholesome frenpilled shite. i still might post there tbh
>>309605 >somewhere not without troons But I want somewhere that is without troons.
>>309609 that was a typo, my bad lad.
>>309608 You're welcome to if you're based and not gonna be degen.
Honestly though it explains why so many were so hostile against the idea of it and were horrified someone found this place. They were ashamed of what they are.
>>309612 are you on bongo?
>>309614 Nope. I'm not on discord lad.
>>309611 it's okay lad.
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>>309613 is it a civic boomer truth board, like old brit/pol/ used to be? or has it moved on and become more based and red pilled than that?
>>309613 its the newbrit nonces they've infiltrated our board
>309616 behold the horrors that Dorshit has brought here
>>309618 It's ethnonat/racenat. it's growing, quite a bit, so there's that. Like I said admin is even willing to give a board if you're active. Still though lads... after this thread I think you might all just be degenerates and using the brit/pol/ name cause it's all you have left. I hope I'm wrong.
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>>309622 do they still call people "jerrycucks" and post hilarious memes about boomer harris?
>>309620 I dunno lad. look, if you want somewhere non degen other than when it's being raided, then go to frens. Otherwise I dunno what to say.
I still dont want to move tbh all the problems will follow us and we'll have a bunch of annoying yanks sticking their nose in too
>>309612 can't promise anything
>>309625 Not from what I've seen. brit/pol/ would need to actually be made there.
>309622 shit he is already thinking about raiding it with his trannies
>>309629 You'd likely be banned for being a degen.
>>309627 Who knows. You can stay here in the gaids infested monkeypox land if you want lad.
>>309630 this might be an opportunity to get away from Dorset and his vile troons, and be around some based lads again
(192.86 KB 647x516 britpol poofs.PNG)

You guys should rename yourselves 'Brit LGBT' or 'lGBt'
>309635 tf is this supposed to mean?
>>309634 You lot didn't seem to want to. Frankly I understand why now. Take the offer if you want. at this point I'm convinced you're lost.
imageboards are dead have some respect and let them rest in peace
>>309632 is that a challenge?
>>309636 you utterly fucking wrecked this thread by bringing your tranny bongo friends here, again you have to be held to account for it
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wew so much drama, how can anybody suggest that le spig is le problem when all of this happens while I sleep tbh? >>309254 this is misandry, we need pussy >>309601 >>309604 nah my position has always been as follows: >primary school should be co-ed, secondary school should split >boys should go to a 4-6 year vocational secondary school, girls should go to a 2 year girls' school that would teach them how to be housewives/mothers >the girls would graduate at 16 and then get married and start breeding >ideal breeding range is 16-24 but by all means keep going until 32 >>309628 >Mohammed Khan nails your daughter's tongue to the table
>>309637 This place has really fagged out. It is too blackpilling to see how degenerate britpol became especially with how bad this country has become. This place is becoming hopeless. I need to visit Mosley's home for hope
>>309638 how are you going to invite lads to your board without also attracting Dorshit and his army of troons? this is why I asked if you have bongo
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>>309638 by just banning troons when they show up.
(3.32 MB 1268x710 the missing tinnie.mp4)

all will be well once auslad finds his tinnie and kabooms every new shit cunt off the board
Nah, even earlier before the troons you lot were degens. I've been holding out hope for a bit to see if it wa sjust one or two but it seemed like it was a lot of you.
>>309645 Come friendly bombs and rain on /brit/ It's really gone right down to shit Dorset and his band of trannies Escape the ire of lazy jannies
>>309648 he'll probably ban all the wrong people and leave Dorset to shit up the place with his discord troon gang yet again
you're right we're all degenerate I admit it now fuck off you're boring me now
>>309649 who does this cunt think he is?
Well lads, you know where to go if you're tired of this degeneracy. I'm gonna assume everyone who stays is exactly that. a degen. >>309655 neck yourself lad. >>309656 Seems I'm the last non degen brit/pol/ tbh.
>>309657 > trans women there is no such thing as trans "women" you freak
>>309477 important question lads, who wins in the sloppy contest?
>>309658 >keeek that he actually thinks i run some evil bongo full of trannies just for raiding the thread yeah we know you do
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This place is faggier than reddit
>>309664 you'd know
Mate, come on, you're not being very bloody based
>>309662 you know he warms pembs up with a few quick kisses down there, cor I know i would, imagine.... Jocko probably is the throat goat of the three however.
can't stand what Dorshit has done to this board lads
You lot can stay tbh.
(4.67 KB 458x440 despairing.png)

Thanks to Dorset, the trannies have taken over
>>309670 like you and 22 didn't spend years shitting it up with your gay roleplay
This place needs to be shut down lads. This place has destroyed you.
the only id that should be banned is this blue 0724df that's posting the naked men, I bet it's that man-hating fujoshi legbeard bitch "Kay" that runs the bongo operation
(1.98 MB 480x320 methd up.gif)

>For England Dorse? >No, for Me....
>>309677 Nah lad, the lot of you are degens. should take the /pol/ out of the name. There's literally nothing pol about you lot
>>309677 they let women run their bongos?
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>>309679 >no /britpolitics/ newfags get off my board.
>>309677 we need to flush this 'Kay' operator out into the light tbh these random women who turn up to run the bongo cells are fucking suspect
(447.19 KB 1942x1176 Exterminatus.jpg)

In fealty to the Bum Bum King, our undying Lord, I declare Exterminatus upon the 8chan.moe board of /brit/. I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire board, and consign 50~ lads to oblivion. The Bum Bum Protects.
>>309679 it's not looking good for old dorshit
Filipina nurse slave= the best deal for an autist.
>>309682 >>309684 yeah and she literally has autism. she made it into her personal little club where anybody that she doesn't like gets banned
It's hilarious lads, you were so against going to somewhere moral cause you're all literally oven worthy.
>>309689 smh best to avoid bongos they seem to attract nothing but troons and spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
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None of you can join my bloody club
>>309640 you're a fucking poof.
>>309693 he's just upset because he was too much of a mong to make his own thread
>>309694 that wasn't very frenpilled of you fren
>>309695 honestly lad, I'm upset cause you're all fucking gays and nonces. Every single one of you has fallen. You're a mockery of /pol/. It's just sad.
>>309696 I'm not a fren of degens.
bye now lad best of luck with your new website
>>309699 Yeah. enjoy the troons and noncery you fucking degens.
Even if they're trannies, even if they're nonces, I love em all the same, they're my /Brit/ friends forever and now.
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>>309701 so true
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kind of want this horror to stop but also want to see poombs wind bins up more
>>309705 keeeeeeeeek think theres a poombs edit of that from a year or so ago
>>309708 I wish every boymoder I met was as cute as pembu-chan
where the fuck is cuc/k/?
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I'm cleaning up this thread
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stop being fucking gay
>>309712 why would you post a lewd thing at the exact same time that I post a lewd thing? it makes it look like we're coordinating even though it was just a coincidence
>>309713 goodlad >>309715 great minds think alike lad. are vril levels are high enough that were are subconsciously communicating on the same phreakwuency.
yeah post porn trannies hate porn
i dont even like huge butts tbh its skinny bitches with an insane waist:hip for me
guess great minds think alike >>309718 I'm more into T than A but I don't like skinny rly, sometimes it looks good if she's skinny with big tits but the one you post I'd be concerned about her starving in a harsh winter if I can't gather enough meat you know? I don't care for ab definition or visible bones on a woman, I like squishy soft
£1.0770 for a dollar currently sheeeeeeit
Once we dip under the dollar, will we be officialy bankrupt?
>>309720 it's not the ab definition or bones that does it for me tbh, it's just the fact that she's small and delicate and weak, plus it makes their hips a wonderful shape. I think my cope justification for it using my neanderthal logic is that skinny women must not have a man already providing for them, so it's my job to breed and feed them. A fat bitch hath no use for a man and doesn't deserve one. I do like big tits too though
>>309721 fuck fuck fuck
>>309722 British Bonds will continue to lose value at a faster pace, as investors globally drop the pound and demand a higher interest rate in order to offset the currency's falling value. UK Payments on Government interest reached an all time monthly high of £20 Billion this year, subsequent months have set all time highs "per month" as interest payments have seasonal fluctuations. At the end of this year I suspect an eyewatering figure. Inflation will worsen in UK/Europe due to this currency collapse ontop of the existing inflation. Liss Truss has guaranteed the middle class can effectively spend the pound into oblivion by unlimited state purchases of natural gas, which is what the subsidy could effectively do. UK Bonds are going to start acting more similarly to Italy / Greece, which at for now at least have the ECB supporting them by selling German bonds.
>>309728 what do I do?
>>309729 you emigrate to Michigan and give up the dream that was /brit/
>>309729 buy gold and move to Switzerland
Maybe the Bank of England will emergency raise Interest Rates this week, that would be funny to watch.
>>309729 About a year ago would have been a good chance to buy dollars. Gold is the obvious inflation hedge but has suffered greatly at the hands of the strong dollar. I suspect everything will continue to suffer against the dollar until we reach an inflexion point caused by something breaking. At which point the pound may be offered some reprieve, should this happen then gold would rally in excess of any gains the pound makes. Another downside with buying dollars now is they're quite mature into a rally globally.
Genuinely lads you all deserve the rope tbh Time for you to take the /pol/ from your name.
(3.58 MB 640x640 1_5044560482107654547.mp4)

Britpol is dead
I'm enjoying the interest rate rises tbh. Earning over £100 a month interest now. Not that it matters if the pound is worthless
>>309675 tbh bins if you're going to criticise dorshit for all this faggotry then your past homoerotic posting with 22st is inexcusable >>309710 tbh >>309731 this is a solid plan if they let you in, but you'd better speak 4 languages
>>309735 leave then
>>309733 This occurred in 1992, it was seen as a sign of weakness and the pound dropped 10% within hours. They would be foolish to attempt to keep up with the US rate hikes, the Americans are simply weaponising their position with the dollar. The BoE was first to hike rates in this cycle and it did nothing.
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>>309736 what exactly is /pol/ about some shabbos goy that waged war against nationalists for the jews?
Feels like Truss and Kwarteng will be dismissed fairly soon tho. Quite a lot of people ready to get rid of them even in the blue team.
starting to think the whole newlad affair is a coordinated bongoloid psyop
>>309742 Rats from a sinking ship, I think Boris had the economic situation explained to him and got out whilst he still could.
>>309741 the point is he realised that it was pointless to do and that he fought the wrong enemy.
pretty sure your iqs have been damaged from cooming.
It's funny, everything is like a repeat of the Major years, in which case tories will win an unexpected majority in the next GE, Starmer will resign and be replaced by someone with an ounce of charm who will then go on to win
>>309746 ah well I didn't watch it, don't want to look a reprobate like that in the eyes tbh
(3.27 MB 1280x720 Joe Biden in Fallout 4.mp4)

I wonder if north america will ever experience a weakening currency like us.
>>309752 smh hitchens is still getting bullied by boomongs who think putler is going to gas 6 quintillion ukies if we dont go to war
didn't mean to give out that free (You)
>>309754 Thanks lad
>>309753 not exactly a bad thing
https://youtu.be/2ssCL292DQA Bins training Pembs
>>309752 all FIAT is dropping, the USD is just holding up better than pound/euro
>>309757 He certainly doesn't see it as a bad thing.
>>309622 The problem is that some of the most prolific posters here are outright degenerates with too much time on their hands, and ought to be banned, but lads would probably complain then that the place is near silent. That is, if those scum don't just go ban evading. Fuck, lads were even giving wessie shit for trying to get a job and improve his life while leaving this place behind. NEETbux are NOT an excuse to sit inside all day when there are LOCAL issues you could be volunteering for. The most based name/fagfags left are probably steiner and auslad, and they aren't even in Britain. >>309744 Could be. This newfag spy is making a good case to jump ship if degenerates will be banned, but who tf the frens/pol/ BO is has yet to be seen. It could be some kike planning to pull the rug from under the place.
>>309761 Wessie definitely has no excuse for leaving.
Wessica is not allowed to leave
we should transfer the bad posters to this other site
(4.02 MB 640x360 NEETs on britpol.webm)

>>309761 You lads should be encouraging self improvement. Wallowing is no good at all. Fuck sake we even used to post this to encourage lads in to self improvement.
>>309765 Good lad.
https://youtu.be/j-fWDrZSiZs Not moving, Auslad can take action tomorrow if he wants but the moralfagging and frenschat posting needs to stop.
>moralfagging The only ones fagging are the actual faggots.
you deserve the gas chamber lad.
Did the bad man leave? >>309761 Hey why are you shooting that innocent lad?
>>309770 they went to amputate their prolapses but they'll be back
>tfw to albanian center parks
it's finally over
Auslad got a big decision to make shortly
and for snunday sninner I had chicken and pork with yorkies and tatoes and leek sauce and carrots and gravy followed by fruit strudel and ice cream and it was fucking awful because xoomer uncle said loudly in the middle of it all "so wessex you think that mass graves in ukraine are fake right" (a garbled lie probably based on him not understanding media manipulation eg ukranians showing off mass graves of "rebel" civilians and saying "the russians did it") and then they all niggercattleoomed over me about le evil putler and evil russia and WW3 is totally going to happen and so on in any case some absolutely horrific and abysmal posting recently and probably a good thing I got locked out of bongoland by invasive jew datamining shit wanting my personal details death to trannies and dramafags tbh also every time madlad says I absolutely need to be posting 24/7 I feel like staying away longer just to increase the seethium
are you losing weight?
>>309777 closing in on the 22st mark I will surpass him
>>309778 you're not a degen are you lad?
>>309776 good lad, seems like the normongs are more worked up about pookraine than usual
Apparently there's a Ukrainian refugee family in my neighbourhood that doesn't speak any english. Wish they'd fuck off back to mainland europe.
>>309779 on the degenometre I would place myself near to spic but below because I don't feel sexual attraction towards feet >>309780 yeah probably something on the telly earlier tried to explain that I don't like journalists and news programs and prefer to get primary information through people on the ground and they went into the "but how do you KNOW it's real (no I won't apply the same standards to MY "sources" (tv))" loop
>>309781 I've seen heaps of them this year and hate it
>>309785 enjoy it lad
couple of filters already zero tolerance tbh lads >>309783 pretty much they really bought into the deranged madman putler meme smh
>>309782 well 22st was talking about grooming kids.
filtering for he-said-she-said dramafaggotry as well as regular faggotry tbh
@ce9259 what the fuck?
>Far-right Giorgia Meloni set to win Italy's elections and is on course to become first female PM - exit polls
>>309792 hope she's got some nice melonis on her chest, i do. o'ho
>>309792 >far-right >female so a "somewhere between 10 and 40 years ago" conservative then smh wish lads would just start hammering nails into women who think they can do politics
*starts crying*
>>309792 fuck i didnt know meloni was a woman she's making the EU seeth at least
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>>309798 They call me big Al
*watches gay serial killer tv series* smh gays everywhere
TREATISE ON THE CURRENT STATE OF THE BOARD 25/09/22 THE NEWFAG/FRENSCHAN QUESTION This particular poster has come to us out of the blue and worked quickly to ingratiate himself as some sort of "oldfag" despite the fact that we know nothing about him, nobody recognises him and his "Old OC" posts could easily have just been from him lurking here for a few months and collecting said old OC before he creates this new persona. He is incredibly annoying and arrogant to the point where he is making sweeping moral judgements against the entire board without understanding the current state of this place and the struggles we have went through to continue our existence over the turbulent 3 years since tarrantino. As for frenschan, I have have never heard of this site until he brought it up and after a cursory glance it looks like a honeypot, the over the top meming and the in your face nature of the board style (and its name) seems like some NGO worker or FED looked up a dictionary of memes and decided to pick a bunch of chan memes and add them for no reason other than for the site to look the part, I also find it suspicious that this newfag seems to have a direct line to the owner of frenschan whom we know NOTHING about, this site has been working fine with no technical issues whatsoever so there is no reason to move, we already have 3 bunkers in case of emergencies, endchan, 9chan, the julaychan network shite I can't remember the name of, also worst case scenario a regrouping could be done on 4britpol, regardless this is all theoretical because this site is and has been working perfectly fine and this newfags desire to see us leave for no reason despite him just turning up here makes him seem incredibly suspect and he should therefore be banned. CLEAR THEM OUT/THE BONGO AND THE BINS QUESTION It is clear that several posters have taken Auslads weak leadership as a sign that they can make utterly abhorrent posts without consequence, something that despite his faults SA would not have tolerated, it would be a shame for our glorious revolution against SA to be ruined as a result of weak leadership from Auslad, he must also appoint another janny(perhaps smee this time tbh) in order to maintain order in the threads during his slumber lest we have another repeat of todays disastrous thread. On individual posters BINS A flagrant and outright homosexual who has admitted both publicly and privately over a several years long period to engaging in homosexual behaviour (despite his denials of this fact the evidence speaks for itself), he also routinely provokes quarrel in the thread for no other reason than what I can surmise is a homosexual desire for attention and chaos. He also constantly makes vaguely homosexual posts towards and with 22st with whom he pretends to have an "ironic" homosexual relationship where they both refer to eachother as "B", this consistently derails the thread and adds nothing to the board, they were previously not a problem because SA would ban them on sight and they generally stuck to their own bongos and they also had their own board on old 8chan. Bins should be banned on sight. Shartin Martin 22st Nost Similar to the above but with even more snarky and needlessly disrespectful posts designed for no other purpose than to rile other posters up, has been coasting on his legacy as an OC creator for years despite not producing anything of value in that entire time. Routinely makes disgusting and lurid posts about bother himself and his habits and aboujt young girls and boys and other posters under the guise of "irony". 22st should be regularly banned to keep him in line but should be allowed to post. Dorshit A degenerate coomer who has become increasingly annoying in threads as of late compared to how he was previously, has bizarre homosexual and tranny loving posts which seem suspicious but it is difficult to know how genuine they are. Is also very very disrespectful to other posters in what appears to be manic episodes that are increasing in frequency which may be a foreboding of what is to come. Should be bullied consistently when he gets out of line but if he is belligerent then should be given temp bans to keep him in line. SPIC A widely despised foreign swarthoid who routinely makes disgusting and detestable posts, should be temp banned whenever he makes his presence too obvious and whenever he promotes his swarthoid anti northern euro cope, otherwise is usually not too much of an issue. COOK Should be banned whenever he makes an "ironic" pro jew post and should also be demodded due to his kike heritage and should be banned whenever he mentions it. ASSORTED BONGO FAGS NAMELY LEW,POOMBS AND ANYONE ELSE Openly and unapologetically homosexual and tranny in nature and thus have completely fallen to the dark side to such an extreme degree that they should never be allowed to post again and any mention of them should be spoilered or simply avoided outright. BAN ON SIGHT. It should also be board policy that any links to bongos or encouragement to use bongo is a temp ban, even for minor infractions such as accidently using bongo spoilers instead of board ones, bongo is a cancer which has destroyed many an image board and we should have a zero tolerance policy towards its use. minor issues Auslad should be aware that his position as BO is becoming untenable should he continue down this path of inaction, he should also note that it was I who called for and ran the election which saw the ousting of SA and that I am the one with extensive contacts at the Daily Brit which could make his tenure as leader extremely difficult, Filtering posters does not work and never has with the exception of schizo and even then it is debatable.
>>309805 keeeeeeeeek
yeah go on madlad get 'em *doesn't read
I honestly don't even follow any of this drama and have exclusively come to /brit/ to post in the threads and never joined a bongo and got involved in drama. I can handle seeing banterous newbrit drama and degeneracy every now and again, however you fags turning the thread into your own personal echochamber has singlehandely killed this board.
>>309805 I agree with all your suggestions, but Dorset shouldn't be temp banned because he's a founding father of brit/politics/. He'll be alright provided the thread isn't overwhelmed with trannies and bongo bum boys smh.
>>309805 I'm the guy who runs streams for frenschan so I've spoken to the owner to get that set up, nuff said lad. I don't think it's a honey pot but that's up to you. As for your posts about my old OC. I really was around for quite a while.
>>309814 Lad you created it. Don't you remember?
>>309791 it's pembs, Dorset's friend that he brought here from his bongo
>>309805 good post
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>>309805 smh you just misread me and have a grudge for no reason
>>309817 >He really doesn't remember
>>309805 +1 Auslad, do something
>>309829 yeah wessex is half deaf
all that has happened before shall happen again alzheimers is a flat circle
How did Dorset and his bongo tranny cabal get away with it for so long?
>>309831 want to watch that series again
Roaring at the Afroocan pastor in this video tbh lads
>>309805 good lad
>>309805 >BINS >A flagrant and outright homosexual this is a lie, I have never been homosexual, al the "evidence" is fake bongo screen grabs posted by Dorset's bongo tranny cabale
oh my days the bloke on frenschan is such a fucking spastic keeek
is vanland still alive?
I am baffled, shocked, confused and dazed. "Dorset" is not waifuposter. Bewildering and disorienting.
>>309841 got a text from him for christmas of '20 or '21 but left my phone at home and didn't see it until two weeks later and he never replied again after that hoping he just moved on and didn't dead or in prison
>>309847 >do you actually believe that? yeah, you fight and then make up smh
>>309847 There are subtle similarities to his old posting style. I've been away for years and coming back I naturally thought you were the resident waifuposter of old.
>>309843 they have become very similar lately, both coomoids
>>309805 based >309806 Ass burgers is what allowed /brit/ain to build an empire that the sun never set on. That lad should be proud. >>309808 tbh >>309820 good lad
>>309863 speak not his name lest ye summon him
> Pakistani minister harassed in London for not wearing headscarf. Keeek. Welcome to Britistan innit kuffar https://www.twitter.com/RehamKhan1/status/1574064277937426432

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