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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3776: Morality Edition Anonymous 09/23/2022 (Fri) 15:46:32 Id: 762412 No. 308363
Most of the world doesn’t practise monogamy – so when will UK law recognise polyamory instead? https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/polyamory-meaning-monogamy-uk-law-b2172833.html Alcohol duty freeze welcomed by drinks industry https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/kwasi-kwarteng-chancellor-commons-government-scotch-whisky-association-b2173964.html
>>308363 >Most of the world doesn’t practise monogamy They do, the ones who don't have strict patriarchal control over the multiple wives and take a lot of women off the market, disenfranchising blokes of lower class from the pooci market
>>308363 >so when will UK law recognise polyamory instead? basically opening the door for total Islamic domination
night lads >>308366 >take a lot of women off the market, disenfranchising blokes of lower class from the pooci market tbh always seemed to me like having that be the norm just guarantees a permanent amount of civil unrest >>308367 tbh smh
>>308368 Goodnight, my love. Don't let the willy biters chomp of your knackers as you lie dormant
>>308368 this chubby soyboy is the one that wrote the article
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*wants to start screaming but just doesn't feel it anymore*
got banned from the gay bongo, lads smh. I need a straight one
>>308373 >bongo >straight Not possible.
>>308372 *screams*
>>308375 *screams back startled* Thanks lad.
>>308373 wtf do you mean by bongo? I missed this one when I was not here I guess. What thread does it start in?
>>308376 keeeeeeek >>308377 oh no
>>308373 this one is straight, mostly https://discord.gg/JKdqgQzc
>>308379 god I wish she was my breeding sow
Built part of the village wall in minecraft with two towers so far. It's on a big hill with a commanding position of the plains on one side, the sea on the other, and the mountains on the other. I've bult a stone mason hut and storage zone, a miners cabin, and a mine. I'm in the process of building an archery range and a fletcher. I may as well build a bowyer also. This will be along the southern gatehouse which over looks the plains.
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>>308377 Might take some unpacking. Wew. We had a tyrant mod called SA, much like the old YKTD (but not the same person). He's gone now, thank fuck. But he lead a discord cabal of gayists that manipulated and censored the threads, and even the word discord was filtered as bongo bongo land. So lads just started referring to them as the bongoists.
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>>308382 SA info dump
>>308382 Wait SA became a mod?
>>308385 He became BO.
>spoon feeding
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We also had a tyrant called cuc/k/
>>308385 Yeah he was BO and mod and he modded cuc/k/ who was just as much a petty tyrant. >>308387 It's for oldfag newlad who poosted this I was looking for for ages so I thought I'd be nice.
More cuc/k/ lore
>>308390 Cheers lad. I guess paying my old memes was worth it. Didn't know he would become such a sperg tbh.
>>308390 guitar lad was such a nonce keeeeeeeeek
Wait ttpw chopped his cock off and left finally?
>>308394 He was too intelligent for people who laughed at the coxocaust committed by Death to Traitors Freedom For Britain.
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>>308394 He disappeared after he became a famous TV personality for a moment
>>308395 Cox died for nothing. So he left? >>308396 Holy fuck he became a tv personality?
>>308396 TOP FUCKING KEK the name got doxed?
>>308398 He doxxed himself, in a bongo of course.
>>308397 >>308398 He was on University Challenge lad https://youtu.be/TdcNL_688RI
genuinely in awe of how economically incompetent the Tories are.
>>308403 It's literal boomer retard stuff.
>>308399 >>308401 fucking christ.
>>308404 keeek there are only two parties. They're both based entirely on economic positions. Both of them are economically incompetent. Makes a nigga cogitate . . .
>>308396 WHY THE FUCK IS ANYONE STILL TALKING ABOUT TTPW??? he hasn't posted here for at least 7 years fucking years! most of the posters here weren't even using the board back then then they get annoyed if anyone mentions pembs, who is a current troon poster
>>308409 TTPW is ironically the most successful /brit/izen
>>308409 Most of the posters c'mon now lad, most people are veterans here
>>308409 >>308410 >>308411 Wow it's been a long time. Why the fuck do you guys still have a fucking troon?
>>308412 you are talking to new brit faggots lad
>>308412 he's a wholesome and based troon who gets fucked in the arse lad
>>308412 troons are on the periphery of the social system even though the jews try so hard to push them. We are also social outcasts. Naturally troons see some form of camaraderie with us. Even when we tell them we would cut their rancid prolapsed heads off
>>308410 >TTPW is ironically the most successful /brit/izen no troon is a success >>308411 I never encountered TTPW and I've been posting since 2015
>>308413 Oh, well I mean. Aren't I technically new cause I couldn't find you lads for so long? >>308414 Doesn't sound very wholesome or based. Is he based cause he lets you have a go? >>308415 I always wondered what the fuck drives them here whent hey could be in leftypol. >>308416 I dunno I came across that degen a bunch of times.
Oh shit lads, frens is having drive on their movie night tonight if you want to watch that with some lads and some bants.
>>308418 frens? why aren't they on /brit/?
>>308419 It's a frenschan event. Drive is fucking great so I thought you might want to watch it.
>>308420 the lion doesn't watch kino with the sheep lad
>>308420 tf is frenschan
>>308422 Another chan, I mentioned it as a potential back up for this site incase mark drops it.
>>308423 who runs it? and would we get our own board? it looks better than this place at a glance
also what did they mean by this? >Welcome to Frens Chan, a cozy place to post anonymously for FRENs and 4trans refugees. >4trans refugees
>>308425 You would if you kept posting for a while in /pol/ with generals. Least that's what the owner said.
So we have to put on a show and dance and be on display in a Brit/ thread exposing ourselves to foreigners
I do worry about the fact that many of the porn boards here would constitute Democrat activism under British law
>>308427 who owns it? could be a bunker but we also have endchan this place is fine as long as you don't venture out of the board
Is there a bongo bunker?
>>308432 yeah but only the big dogs are allowed
>>308425 >>308426 halfchan is totally full of troons even on /pol/ now.
they're talking about how to avoid being drafted in the russian pol threads on endchan
keeek ruskiebros got too cocky
Drive is starting lads. tv.frenschan.org Maybe see you lads there.
>>308431 Some lad called hizzy. seems a good lad tbh. Says he will give a board if you are active for a while.
>>308429 For a bit like.
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don't want to be adrift in a sea of yanks anymore tbh
keeeeeeeeeeeeek some retard set himself on fire at a protest in tennis
>>308417 The left can't meme, and some troons love memes. Hate poombs but he enjoys a spicy meme like any other /brit/ lad. Smdh. I would shoot him in the back of the head like in Of Mice and Men rather than see him tortured to death though. He who stares long into the bongo may be gripped by it's dark power, and find another man starring long into his own gaping hole.
>the boomers defending fracking wouldn't want to be a lefty now would we
>>308441 >dominic you rat!
>half the cabinet has been KWASI'D
>>308442 I dunno lad. Troons aren't to be trusted. Also the left aren't funny but they do technically make memes if you count movies and shit. They can literally shape what people view events as by slapping "based on a true story" near it.
>>308443 Sharts had problems with poluting plebs water and they've thousands of miles of desert to do it in. What could go wrong in our densely populated little island? >>308446 I know lad. Poombs has supported 'trans kids' bullshit. Would literally off him in minecraft if I could get away with it.
>>308447 That's fucking rank tbh
Is everyone busy? What do you lads even do at 7 tbh?
Continue browsing, dorsie is having a whore this weekend
>>308449 I typically bathe, then I think about what to do next smh
(682.18 KB 960x540 Woes top 10 chins7.webm)

fixed the quality on that woes webm
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Oh ok lad. I was wondering what happened to all the old content producers we had. I remember there were OCs for every thread OP.
(531.33 KB 960x540 Woes top 10 chins11.webm)

>>308453 better
I want to be a luchador lads
>>308454 We've grown too old and jaded now lad, even shartin' martin (22st) doesn't do much OC anymore
>>308456 move to mexico then
>>308457 That's sad lads. timet o get back involved with OC to breathe new life in to you lads. Here have a new bobby.
i posted some the other week and it got no (you)'s
>>308460 What'd you post lad? I saw something about woes being a tubby now.
>>308461 polface using an ack tranny as a surfboard
I've eaten all the sweeties
>>308463 i'm never gonna stop
>>308462 Nice.
>new lad joins bongo >says he's a lurker from the threads keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he glows
>>308460 smh poor lad I always miss peoples OC when they don't credit themselves as posting OC, too much gets missed
>>308466 bongo? Wait you're in discord? Why lad?
>>308468 that's where it all happens these days, lad
>>308469 That's sad. Not willing to go to discord tbh. Maybe element because it's more encrypted.
>watching GB News during Her Majesty's funeral >Some woman comes on showing off her collection >Claims some princess was half caste with ancestors from senegal >Look it up >The evidence is one portrait of her with wider than average nostrils for a white even though her other portraits show she's clearly noral nosed and it was just this one painting >The source of the claim is from some bloke in the Caribbean who made the claim in the 1940s/1950s These people are fucking scum
>>308470 tbh already have screencapped things that will get people in prison if they try to ban meeee. Even if I didn't cap it it's all still stored in discord
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I make OC but it's usually crap or not really politics related.
>>308471 They really are. >>308472 That's why I don't wanna go to discord lad.
>>308473 the cock on that bumbumdragon
>308472 this is why you never trust foreigners bongoists deserve it though >>308473 I like the deboonker have a (you)
>308472 should be a bannable offence tbh though i have no sympathy for bongoniggers
>>308473 kek that's pretty good lad.
I love how he has nipples keeeeeeeeek
I don't get why he would screencap like that. Bit of a nonce tbh even if what you guys said about those fucks is true.
don't worry lads just being cheeky, not capping mee. but discord does save it all yes
>>308479 Keek just noticed myself. Started off making a bat demon thing that turned into a dragon, then used that image with the audio and threw some windows video editor stock 3d effects and sounds on.
>>308482 that would have taken Woes a month
I did it lads... I finally fucking did it... I redpilled me nan
>>308484 >I did it lads... I finally fucking did it... I redpilled me nan good lad on what topic?
>>308484 she's going to leave eveyrhting to you lad, to the white race
>>308485 keeeeeeeeek perfect chudjak moment
>>308484 good lad
>>308484 gratz lad. only found out as my grandad died that he was based as fuck tbh.
never happened btw, just thought it was a funny concept. all my grandparents are dead.
why is he like this?
>>308492 because it's easy to bait the mongs here
>>308491 you have bamboozled us for the last time lad, im taking away your lad privileges
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>>308492 He's a pseudo intellectual who gets BTFO constantly and thus sees these little fibs as some sort of small victory because he'll never know the big victory of actually defeating lads in intellectual combat
if someone puts "me" before "nan" then it's 100% a shitpost
>>308496 keeeeeeek
have I ever lost a debate here? I've always thought its was board consensus that I've always managed to scrape a win near the end.
That lads not very nice tbh.
Three rounds of shaddow boxing tonight. Five minutes long. Included upper cuts and hooks. Tomorrow night? An extra round with Kicks.
>308498 You couldn't win a raffle tbh
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GAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! the NHS have received my reference it seems, next they just need my DBS check and I can shart over the phone to schizos
starting on elfbars tbh
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>>308159 *challenges you to a duel*
>>308491 grr I hate this lad, there has to be at least some truth to stories, lad, don't just make it all smh *is a little upset*
I ain't watchin that nigga
>>308498 I always win I think
(2.13 MB 232x232 1663948782310937.gif)

>Steiner getting his comeuppance after posting inflation porn all night
Aggnonce, were you the lad in that video where the lad was getting questioned and his mum was going "YoU LiKe DoInG ArT DoN't YoU!?" to try and humanise him in front of the police who came to his house because of twitter?
>>308511 the very same
>>308512 *isn't sure whether to believe you* the man who cried me nan smh
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don't all poost at once
found perhaps the greatest nigthcore gaming mix of all time.
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>flame grilled sirloin, rare, with steamed and buttered tenderstem brocolli, frenchbeans, and babysweetcorn, alongside two peppered poached eggs
i only ever eat steak its the only thing i can cook next to spagetti hoops and ramen ill go to the butchers twice a week and get the biggest peice of rump i can, then ill fillet it throught the week fry it i cant cook anything else save for eggs, bacon and sossys
Liz Truss won't last until Xmas
can we upload mp3's
and do they play in the thread
go back
Don't look at at me, I voted for the Drop a Neutron Bomb on London and Start Again Party
>>308534 fuck off ty lad
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>pound plummets following announcement of biggest tax cut in decades >20% to 19%
>>308540 At least it's Kwasi taking us to the 3rd world
Getting this seethe out of the way before seacow hour
film night when
>>308542 >Anglican
there are zero christians in the anglican church, you could kill a thousand anglicans without committing a sin. kill every last anglican and you'll gain only grace.
fitting that they should add the nigger worship to the churches
we wuz bus drivers
gentlemen The online incel movement is getting more violent and extreme, report says https://archive.ph/Uwah6
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Hey lads, should I make a thread on frens?
>>308550 Yeah go for it lad
>>308551 I dunno what news stories to put in OP tbh.
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>>308549 jesus christ, we jsut saw two weeks of rioting between pakis and poos, over a fucking cricket match, then the MSM turn around say right wing introverts are the problem? wtf serioulsy
>>308551 Also dunno what number to put in.
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>>308553 Weakness invites aggression, including the establishment's aggression against sissy chuds. Mujahadeen and hindu warriors scare authority. (You) do not.
3 weeks and still going btw.
>>308542 >St Mary Redcliffe church smh, walked past it numerous times from the train station. Nice enough looking building though it's the standard plight of a progressive church that can never be spiritually relevant no matter how much they flagellate themselves. More importantly, is it just me or does most modern stained glass design look like shit? Even leaving aside the subject matter it's just aesthetically unappealing. I had the same experience in Gloucester cathedral where there's several new windows that are just dark blue smears.
>>308553 it's a shartican spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) report lad
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>>308549 >and is seeking to normalize child rape >Imran Ahmed, founder and CEO of [Center for Countering Digital Hate]
>>308559 the same idea will get repeated over here though
>>308556 you will grow to fear me in time lad
I made a thread lad, I just stole the OP from here tbh.
>>308558 Can't remember the name, but there was a Church near or in Salford I looked around last year that had some almost too good looking stained glass. Incredible illusion of depth and realistic detailing of everything. Really not sure if they were high priced new ones that were designed on a computer first or some victorian wizardry. Was a smallish church but with an organ player. Young lad who was really good at it but had a bit of a gay william look and voice. Smh. I digress.
>>308498 that isn't anything to brag about the lads here are thick as shit
>>308542 literally just chuck rocks through them at night. make them pay materially and morally through constant defeat until they have to recede in defence. this isn't hard, rightoids need to get their act together.
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>an invitation-only Discord server keeek so actually they're talking about a handful of hotheads they've conditioned to make posts they want them to make
>>308565 they're the last chance we've GOT
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no seacow again
(1.95 MB 1032x1043 rememberwhatheytookfromyou.png)

>over 1,000 webms made since end of 2020 need a fresh life tbh hope seacow is alive
>>308573 post the cream of the crop lad
>>308564 Salford... that reminds me.
>>308573 >not having them scattered around your computer with random names that you forget about
>>308576 all on one computer?
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Ataturk was the greatest white leader of the 21st century tbh.
>>308574 just scrolling through and it's all complete bollocks
Thinking about Queen Elizabeth
>>308581 He genocided the Kurds and Armenians when noone else would. A true hero.
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>>308587 holy flippin based. *deposite +1 wholesome chud*
https://frenschan.org/mod.php?/pol/res/45135.html#45147 Right there's the thread lads. I don't think I made it very well.
huh what the fuck that's a weird link
(1.71 KB 362x39 thread url.PNG)

When I copy pasted it was this one.
>>308583 Her in her rotbox?
can't get over the fact they literally just outlawed GI in France, Germany and Austria. I fucking love democracy.
>>308594 GI? Didn't they ban generation identity a year ago?
>>308595 yeah that's what I mean. a bunch of different government just decided being young and based was illegal and nobody cared. barely even made the news.
Identity England, however, lives and will be in Parliament Square, London, 12 Noon September 24th.
coraline's other mother is peng, tbh
>>308586 comfy
>>308597 Be there or betray the white race.
Think I did a poo-y thread lads, sorry. I can ask a mod to delete it and one of you lads can sort it.
thank you based anti monger
>>308605 all in a days work lad
>>308606 I retract everything. Fuck you and the sack that spawned you.
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https://frenschan.org/pol/res/45135 Should I ask for a new one lads?
you know this whole situation reminds me a lot of the white race. whatever happened to that?
>>308609 what is this?
>>308611 my president
>>308612 It's a britpol thread there. You lads said to make one.
>>308609 they deleted the thread?
>>308617 No, it's still there. Just none of you are posting in there.
>>308619 it needs a login? but the rest of pol doesn't? is that some kind of shadowbanning?
>>308618 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek hes been sitting in the old thread like an unwanted incel
>there's another lad in the thread with him
>>308621 https://frenschan.org/pol/res/45135.html#45153 I have no fucking idea how that happened. See when I clicked the url it was that, but now it's this.
>>308527 I completely forgot about that schizoomer website
auslads fault for not making the end of the thread clear enough
>>308625 >it was dat >now it dis now it's fucking what? fucking nigger
>>308628 I posted what it is now lad. Chill out.
I'll ask them to delete it so I can remake it. Maybe there's a problem with it.
it's been deleted
Can one of you lads make it? I fucked it up.
>>308633 you didn't. they just deleted it
forget about faggotchan this is our home
>>308634 I asked them to cause I fucked it up.
>>308635 This chan is run by a jew in his mums cupboard lad. Also it's got fucking loli porn and shit on it.
>>308637 >iwts gowt wowli pownography waah im a fuckin baby
>>308636 it was fine
>>308639 So I shouldn't have asked them to delete it? Ah fug.
>308635 >our
>>308640 are you slow in the head lad
>>308642 A bit tbh
77 plan to make this lad bo and entrap us all
>>308618 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>308645 Wow that's a really good troonjack.
>>308637 acid isnt a jew you daft cunt
>>308647 I thought this was ran by mark
>>308637 Im not posting in a /pol/ general lad them days are over also cake kike just runs /v/ like he always did
>>308646 >>308645 FUCK, I didn't see that KEK, saved
>>308648 no, hes only on /v/
>agg peacocking >this newfag stirring trouble >bongo poofs posting uncontested >wessie gone AGAIN like hes too good for this place and many other infractions against the board They come out the woodwork the minute I leave the thread GET THE FUCK OUT
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>Today was the best Conservative budget since 1986.
>>308652 who are you again?
steiner still in the other thread
still don't know this lad.
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>>308649 I dunno but I got told by the admins that they'd make a board once they know that brit/pol/ actually posts there for a bit. Ah he's just running /v/, I thought he had the whole place. Fair enough. Wont this place get targetted by those troons? >>308651 Fair enough lad.
fuck off back to the bongo you worthless nigger
thought spit lad and me were mates tbh
>>308658 >Wont this place get targetted by those troons? the site has multiples fallback plans if that was the case
Not one of you is worth not hanging
>>308661 Oh ok. The other place is there too aswell.
>>308655 na lad, he's outside touching grass and making a rant video about how /brit/ is dead >>308652 dorshit's blogposts degenerating into unironically promoting prozzies isn't even worth a mention i understand lad
did dorset really waste his money on a prozzie
>>308666 I hope not
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK the tory slag larper ukip bint is going to be in a new channel 4 show called "make me prime minister" next week
>>308668 she hit the wall hard
>>308666 tbh can't tell anymore if it's just the false flagger upping the ante or real dorshie degeneracy trips would suggest it's a satanist larping prozzie
>>308668 holy busted
>Alice, 20, a student from London >A first year Classics student at Oxford University, Alice is a staunch Brexiteer who feels that “politicians right now are a bit of a pantomime.” >She grew up in an agnostic family but converted to Catholicism when she was 18 years old and was subsequently baptised. >Having met her political hero, Margaret Thatcher, when she was very young, Alice describes herself as a ‘patriot’ who genuinely cares about the interests of the nation. >She would like Britain to be more self-sufficient and wants to see a revival of British industry and agriculture.
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>ttttsssssssssshhhh mind the GAP
>>308673 what is the point in this post?
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I fixed it lads. Sorry for being a dribble. https://frenschan.org/pol/res/45160.html
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>>308674 He's trying to do pic related
frens is full of odin jerry spics i think one is enough thankyouverymuch
scot is angry again.
If I offer him buckfast would he chill out?
>>308682 He looks so sad lad.
>>308679 tbh we really ought to have our own imageboard by now
>>308684 You could go to britfa.gs
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>>308689 how much did you pay her
lads is the economics collapse?
>>308692 Maybe.
>>308686 thank me mongchud
>>308686 have fun in the last thread steiner?
>>308695 That's actually good lad. Well done.
>>308701 You seeing her again lad?
>>308704 I meant did you ask her out
>>308697 >that chud smirk on the left
>>308706 won't happen
>>308706 solbrah pilled
finna go to sleep now lads i need to be up early to catch a train. pray for me and the white race.
>>308697 nice power stance by the boss bogtrotter
let the spirits of charlottesville grant me strength.
>>308720 those lads were like the ten thousand of xenophon
>>308720 hope most of those lads are doing alright
may I remind you chuds there's a demonstration in central london, specifically in Parliament Square, London, 12 Noon September 24th. Where you may have your chance to meet /brit/pol celebrities such as myself.
wow dorsey you are so quirky for a 25 year old unemployed racist
ok I really need to be up by 7, i'll livepost if it gets spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)y. see you lads in chudhalla.
>308727 fuck off larper nobody is giving you (you)s
>>308728 meet me in Parliament Square, London, 12 Noon September 24th.
>>308702 good lad that was always one of my prot hymn songs https://youtu.be/6fpV2fJ0NoI
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pack it in give it some peace
>unironic "THE BANKERS THE BONUSES" rhetoric coming back now
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>>308751 can't believe she gives her dog her surname
>>308754 did you help throw them out?
>>308758 Time to tie her up and take her away in your caravan
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>>308751 tacomas are such shite
>>308759 >he took all the redpills based
>>308762 too sweet to know the joy of motherhood?
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onetus two wanking boogaloo.
only a few more years until wizardhood for old dorsey, thats maybe one more major oneetus
having a look at my cville folder again
>>308769 He's soiled his attempts at wizardhood.
since when is there a thread? >>308585 I thought the Kurds helped carry out the genocides? it was Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians that were genocided
>>308775 you been in the other thread all night?
von der Leyen threatened Italy with "reprecussions" if right-wing parties win the upcoming election, Italy responds with vote of no confidence against her >"For me, this is a vile threat (...) the lady represents all Europeans, not just the leftists," Matteo Salvini, president of Italy's ruling League party, responded to von der Leyen's above statement on the Canale 5 morning show. >He called the EC president's words an institutionalized threat and announced that a motion of no confidence would be submitted against her in Brussels. >"If someone in Brussels thinks of withdrawing the money due to Italy, let's say because the League wins the elections, then we should rethink this Europe - from which I expect protection, not shameful threats" https://www.ilmessaggero.it/elezioni_politiche/elezioni_diretta_von_der_leyen_cosa_ha_detto_salvini_minaccia_news_oggi-6945857.html >>308776 I've been away for several hours but yeah I apparently missed the boat into the new thread
>>308777 a few did tbh
Upon closer examination, one can see how Bikini Bottom is an allegory for the destiny of Faustian europe. Squidward clearly represents the Apollonian aryan man, stern, cultured, full of the creative Hyperborean soul and solar aristocratic character, and yet there is a tragic aspect to his character, in that his spiritual and creative passions are given no place in the degenrate modernistic kosher bacchanale that is modern (((Krabs)))-run Bikini Bottom. Spongebob represents the Dionysian aspect of aryan culture- he is the unawakened gentile, who has succumbed to cultural marxist brainwashing. Always maintaining a cheerful, carefree demeanor, and yet fawning and servile before the semitic crustacean power structure. Patrick represents the introduction of the primitive negroidic blood into the formerly pure white ethnos- He is an utter buffoon and unproductive anti-social drain on society, and yet the good goy Spongebob has been conditioned to accept his friendship, unaware of how his own way of life is gradually succumbing to the cthonic, subterranean negroid elements. As I’m sure we’re all well aware, Mr. Krabs represents the eternal merchant himself, as while not only is he a filthy money-grubber, it is shown, in season 1 episode 12, that he is pushing race-mixing upon the racially unaware Spongebob by trying to set him up on a date with his ball busting yenta whale daughter Pearl. Clearly, this show was ahead of its time.
sneed chucks >>308780 keeeeek probably true tbh
>mummy noticed my odd behaviour >smoked a cigar out the window and she could smell it
Need to power my sleeping pattern back to normal Going to do odd jobs. Polished my room. Changed my bed. Will paint the fence and do the grass.
Hoover the stairs.
>>308784 good lad
>>308786 Cigar was alright, overrated. Not worth cancer and bad smells. How art thou this morn m'auslad?
>>308787 smh always wondered what cigars are like but never felt inclined to actually try one had a pie for brekkie
>>308788 they taste of wood sort of, nice but not exactly amazing smh >had a pie for brekkie based, soon we will all dine on jew pies full of dead jews
>>308789 and a sumptuous meal it shall be
>>308787 the occasional cigar isn't going to give you oral cancer, that's if you're smoking frequently or smoking after drinking alcohol >>308788 I want to get into tobacco someday but I don't want to fuck up my gums. actually have a bunch of pipe tobacco blends that I bought awhile back, they have been aging probably 2+ years now, ought to be good. the one I've opened smells amazing but I can't really pick out any of the notes when I actually smoke it, just tastes like smoke
I also have some nasal snuff tobacco, I've tried two kinds. one is German Schmaltzer which is fruity, the other is an old blend from British Egypt and it just smells like soap. in either case you get a big nicotine hit and it makes you sneeze and then you have all brown shit in your nose
>>308792 >it makes you sneeze and then you have all brown shit in your nose keeeeeeek
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>>308793 this is the video that convinced me to try it https://youtu.be/4XFxa1KT4gM makes it look so cultured. in practice you >grab a pinch of brown dust >split it into two small piles on your hand >sniff some into each nostril >it smells like soap >you sneeze >blow your nose, brown dust and snot all over the dissue >splash water around nose and mouth, wet q-tips and swirl around your nose, put away snuff, wash hands >nicotine buzz makes you more focused for a couple hours at least it's dirt cheap
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>>308793 btw watch this long video on how cigars are made, it's very interesting how much goes into it. it's basically an artisanal distillation of third world labor into a pleasure product for conneissieurs https://youtu.be/_mGFeOwjfbs
change of plan, I'm going to go asleep and rely on my body waking up early to gradually unfuck me up
>>308795 always get a bit blackpilled after seeing old british pathé videos tbh smh >>308796 looks interesting tbh will watch that later >>308797 good luck lad
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>>308682 >Dewbs >no bewbs I'd be sad in her prescence, and with that weird yellow haired troll doll.
signing up for bennies again after getting kicked off for not looking for toil enough and now i have to rebuild my profile all over again because they redid their website smh
https://youtu.be/WtS5BkwA3yU >>308801 wish whiteoids could get bennies so easily here
Kinda angry at Dorsie and Wessex acting superior
>>308803 it's how they cope with their own inferiority
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdIiktVu-M0 >Liz Truss Replaces Tories’ Leftist Policies With Conservatism >Join our anti-globalist movement 'Build Back Britain' by getting your very own merchandise to spread the message: >the cheek of this fucking indian
>>308805 such a fucking farce smh
Liz truss leading the boomer faithful, i.e. retarded boomers who believe in blue team,red team u ironically
>>308807 Only good thing she did was end funding for stonewall, to pander to terfwaffens though. Not rightoids. Ew. Despise her.
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>>308803 dorest and wessex are simply . . . BUFOONS!
>>308799 smh that static sound makes it so obvious. *remembers back in the day where I used one while pretending to be a girl*
https://youtu.be/xfYHLk29FBM LIEbour are starting to look like a government. It's red team time.
so what the fuck is meant to be happening in london lads?
btw scotlad you're a cunt.
>>308813 Nothing as far as I'm aware
>>308812 The far left jew telling the far left nigger and coalburner thot that they are le bad for being blue team. Come on Labour FC. Score us some voots.
>>308816 If I'm racist, how come me favourite chancellor's Ngubu?
>>308818 He's mine because he's going to make inflation worse.
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It's computer games not "video games". Worst Americanism on the planet tbh
>>308823 > Worst Americanism on the planet A bold claim.
>mum makes waffles but won't let me have any before the guests arrive AHHHHHHHHHHH BUT THEY ARE BEST WHEN WARM
>>308825 Take that which is rightfully yours as the man of the house, lad.
>>308409 I'm shocked people here remember ttpw.
>>308827 Find what it's using as a primary source.
>>308828 thats nothing, only real niggas remember stathem
>>308831 chuds vindicated again.
>>308832 We lost a few like tenents super
>>308834 Wait he's gone? Fuck how many are left? I miss asking guitar fag for advice on playing classical.
>>308835 We have like 13 people left here. I think guitar lad got a gook so yeah he's gone.
>>308827 >triple/quadruple vaccinated keep forgetting that there are people who not only got the jab the first time(s) but were gullible enough to get boosted too smh
>>308836 Ah fug. That's why I want to try and help tbh. Put up some stickers that got a newfag over on the other site already. You guys will need new blood, being unlisted dooms you to stagnation. >>308837 Yeah my parents did. Also a good friend of mine had myocarditis really bad and was in the hospital for a week and a half.
>>308838 >being unlisted dooms you to stagnation tbh don't know why lads are still against being visible smh we only de-listed to avoid getting overrun by qoomers but that's not really a problem any more >Also a good friend of mine had myocarditis really bad and was in the hospital for a week and a half. smh hope he made a full recovery
>>308839 I later found out that you don't really recover from myocarditis. He's gonna be getting constant heart check ups and scans now.
>>308841 It's fucked lad, pretty sure he wont last a decade. He's in denial about what caused it.
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>>308839 >tbh don't know why lads are still against being visible smg we only de-listed to avoid getting overrun by qoomers but that's not really a problem any more Judging by the hostility I got when I found you lads again, seems some of you are happy to slowly dwindle in number until there's nothing left.
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the era of 2014 4pol tripfag epic bantz is over and no one wants to go back there anyway
>>308842 smh going to be a lot of cases like this in the near future
>>308832 Makes me sad, poor lad.
Being banned from that bongo was like losing half myself.. I am like a voldemort.. or a ringwraith
>>308847 or a black tranny (BBCs make up half the entire nigger)
don't understand why some people choose to perpetuate the bbc memi despite allegedly being based and redpilled smh
reading lotr again after watching the lord dem rangz with the boiz and being disgusted by the shite. need to cleanse my moind
also, mummy is clearly dissapointed that i had a cigar and is complaining about my strange behaviour ("galloping" up and down the stairs all night)
>>308852 smh lad don't smoke
>>308853 it's overrated tbh, would maybe have another for a grand occasion but not that great
>>308852 lad she raised a son not a racehorse
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>>308855 i am a valiant steed of the white race and she can't stop me
>>308855 Horses don't like stairs, lad. He's a race goat
>>308845 Yeah, already lost family members to it. >>308847 Why do you care lad? Weren't they subversive?
>>308858 >Why do you care lad? Weren't they subversive? they were my best friends, lad
>>308856 keeek good lad >>308858 smh sorry to hear that lad
>>308859 Why did you get banned? >>308860 Mate, just trying tohelp. You have like 12 people max here according to that one lad. I remember brit/pol/ had tons of people. >>308863 Thanks lad.
kill him madlad
Tbh lad that's how communities die.
keeek imagine there was a river parade of tranny and faggot barges and shit and some chuds came along and sank them all blasting skrewdriver in their speedboats
Is madlad the scottish bloke who pays his aunt ten pound a month or something?
dunno lad. pretty sure scottish lad is a nonce tbh
tbh it's funny pissing him off. It's too easy.
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>my child prostitutes have escaped *sigh* well, back to work i guess
Also angry scotlad, how many new users have you personally booted from the board?
Two Albanian men are sitting in a car when they're approachee by a pair of police officers The men roll down the window "How can we help, officers?" they ask "We're looking for two child molesters", one of the policemen replies "We'll do it", the Albaniam men reply in unison
I cannot type properly what is this bollocks
>>308877 That's a good one lad. >>308878 Maybe your eyes are tired lad.
>>308877 keeeeek
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You lads got any more like this? I was hoping for men of harlech maybe.
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>>308871 u rite now
>>308881 soz lad not i
>>308864 >Why did you get banned? because they dislike me, and allegedly that I am a nonce
In the interest of self preservation it would be wise to initiate colonies on other imageboards. There ought to be established bunkers in case the site goes down. There was a /brit/ on 9chan but that seems to be down with no information of when it will return. If there were an established convention of /brit/ generals elsewhere then there would be places to fallback to. New posters won't be a problem if there's no link back here. Don't trust frenschan though.
>>308884 was it bins bongo? I thought you had gotten banned on all of them by now >>308885 tbh we should have a fallback textfile at least
>>308886 I will always be loyle to my binso
it was the gay one where they all fight over who gets to fuck the Pembussy next smh
>>308889 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek probably best you got banned from there then
>>308890 Just got a greggs, and made a cup of tea. Drank milk straight from the carton, what a day.
>>308893 I found out this morning that the milk I've been having is four days past its expiry date. Tad worrying tbh
>>308894 It was nice knowing you bc424a
>>308894 You'll probably be fine lad. Does't always go off immediately tbh.
>>308885 I dunno why you don't trust frenschan lad. They don't let troons or porn on, seems more moral than a lot of others.
stale milk aka *sniffs* CHEESE!
>>308898 tbh all you need is patience
>>308900 on the bongo?
Add bbk to your discords
>>308903 Why would you use discord lad?
>>308900 keeeeeeek
>>308900 I can't tell if this is the real Dorshie or not
>>308780 unironically based
>>308904 I want to spy on the drama, i'm already in planet b
I mean bbk in third person smh
>>308910 le soccer mummyrino
>>308780 excellent post lad
Does it mean soccer mom?
yeah soccer mom i'd fuck one too, fuck the law it's gay marriage at 14 for chicks 16 for boys with parental permission
und3r 4g3 girl
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heard a pack of coyotes screaming last night outside mummies house in the field
>>308919 wow klaus schwab reads /brit/
>>308921 no I was comfy in bed and heard them outside. anyways I would just bonk them with my dalluge
>>308918 based
>>308922 >I would just bonk them L-lad?
>>308925 based and manson pilled >>308926 the hand still needs to be attached to the girl for you to make that boast smh
>>308926 was this a "lass" you met on grindr?
>>308926 good lad
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>>308930 the one you were going to have a threesom with?
>>308931 why do I only find out about these things after they are over? I'd have married a Polish lass given the chance
I told a lass I have cocaine in my foreskin and she snorted in (it was a huge build up of smegma!)
>308935 disgusting
my wife and child lads
>>308934 yeah I doubt white women were being sold to white men by shitskins lad
>>308937 good lad breeding out her weird jew/dago swarthoid phenotype
>>308931 how do they even fall for this, or do it. fucking hell. God I hate wombem
>>308938 >yeah I doubt white women were being sold to white men by shitskins lad tbh
>>308939 >>308940 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek i bamboozled you all! it's a pornstar!!
>>308937 dude le blacked porn actress. Thanks for posting it lad, not like we get enough of this on 4/pol/
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this is my wife
>>308944 jesus that kid is going to have much to think about when he's older
>>308945 oh it's her from lord of the rings
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>he recognises blacked porn lasses
>>308944 You're welcome m'lord, but I got her from a /tv/ coomer thread https://boards.4channel.org/tv/thread/174608770#p174609013
>>308943 >it's a pornstar!! there are no "stars" in porn, lad
>>308952 quite right lad, I meant televisual prostitute
>>308955 how are these thigs getting maid?
>>308955 luv these tbh
>>308958 thats a great one
I love being a mammal we gett to have BOOBIES! and . . . CHEESE!
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and then, one day, for no reason at all...
>>308962 gingers
Anyone have the image of Galadriel where she's edited into a mouse so I can make lots of CHEESE! posts?
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>>308963 >when you have sons
Ah yeah it's a plant he's actually a based lad doing it to mock them
>>308970 >>308971 based, he should have started singing anti-fag football chaunts
these niggas be after dat CHEESE!
>>308968 wrath of cortex twinsanity simple as
>>308973 oh my god le foreskin neck
>>308861 I know that isn't real but I really wish it was.
>>308976 I tohught it was
https://youtu.be/SHhYpwO7wIg I'm watching this kino tonight
>>308978 are you a poof this is the poster
>>308979 >Fraunce make it weird Well done you fucking frogs
>>308975 Cannot unsee. Keeek.
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>>308979 >22:36
>>308983 more paki shit. not watching.
>>308984 got a better suggestion?
I've had yet another toilet accident :(
>>308986 really don't like the look of that Goodbye Uncle Tom film what makes you want to watch it?
>>308988 the scene where he oils up the negressesalso I have a feeling it will be funny
>>308983 why do jew loving angoloids have to piss all over historia regum britanniae turning percival into a fucking PAKI lancelot into a fucking NIGGER gawain, kay, and galahad into fucking POOS
>>308990 they despise everything are great heroes stand for
fuking hell >auntie mame 1958 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auntie_Mame_(film) >kid gets sent to school where the kids are all naked and fuck each other >Mame dedicates her royalties to a home for refugee Jewish children in Mountebank What the fucking fuck am I watching dirty degenerate fucking scum, this shit goes so far back in time
>watching video on zelda music >in the video a lad manages to make islamic conquest of spain sound like a good thing, and it being recaptured by christians as a bad thing God I hate white people
starting to hate incels, lads *changes sides*
i hate this nigga like you wouldn't believe
>>308995 *kidnaps his head*
>>308997 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>308970 >women and gen x fags cucking again yeah nobody actually hates fags its just antifa
>1 in 5 murders go unsolved in the UK Je pense
>>309002 depending on your perspective, that might be a good thing
Loud out of tune oasis cover bands playing at some local normie festival. Can hear the cunts even with my headphones on, inside, with all the doors and windows closed. Smh suppose it's good the niggercattle aren't cowering over coofid anymore.
>>309003 you mean you have a 20% chance of getting away with it?
>>309004 > suppose it's good the niggercattle aren't cowering over coofid anymore. lad that hasn't been a thing in 6 months keep up
>>309005 no comment
I know. I'm seething and coping. Some deano singing oasis out of tune is now louder than my own thoughts. Aaaaaahhhhh.
>>309007 our little secret
https://archive.ph/Yl6WG hohols are being totally JUSTed so badly for Zog no matter how hard gayto copes
>>309014 livemaps is just constant Russian shelling
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>>309016 keeeeeeeeeeek I love it
>no galadriel mouse in a cage
>>309014 Love knowing the Russians are digging in tanks just like Kursk, now that's kino.
>mummy for the first time telling me to stop farting because they smell She used to find it cute when I farted. Could tell she regretted saying it on her face, but it was already too late.
>>309021 its not cute to fart at your mum when youre 34 lad
>>309014 Ukranians are being genocided thanks to Jewish leadership
>>309022 30, lad
>>309021 She's right
>>309023 i hate them
mongol for film night sometime pls bins
>>309027 woah cool it with the antisemitism lad
https://youtu.be/elp18OvnNV0 Interesting documentary from Al Jizzear concerning red party anti-Semitism
>>309026 Goddess...
>>309028 looks kino
>>309023 >that literal der ewige jude phenotype of papa zelensky
wow thanks Tories
thinking about how women are fucked by dogs and rim people's arseholes but I don't have a gf again
>>309036 >thinking about how women are fucked by dogs and rim people's arseholes but I don't have a gf again yeah, because you won't date the kind of girl that fucks dogs and licks arseholes
>>309034 I hate them so much.
>Deanos still singing loud enough to drown out music in my headphones Fuck off aaaahhhhhh.
>>309037 yeah smh that's why
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>>308900 banned from what, the K server? of course the server with the roastie mod is going to have arbitrary misandrist moderation-abuse. how can you ban 22st smh
>they're playing the cuckolding song Mr Brightside now
>>309042 Is this the film where they've gotten a paki to essentially play King Arthur or something?
>Nuclear strikes are guaranteed to start in Ukraine Many people are asking to describe the probability and possible scenarios for the use of nuclear weapons. >We are definitely much closer to that than at any time since Hiroshima. The Cuban Missile Crisis was bullshit. There were serious people on both sides: Malinovsky and McNamara are not Austin and Shoigu, you'll agree. >The Russian Federation really doesn't have many options. If the AFU successfully advances into "new territories," the Kremlin will have to "show its balls. >There is always the option of strikes on TEC and dams, but it is unlikely to stop Zelensky. In that case, that leaves nuclear weapons. A nuclear strike on Ukraine is a signal that could still force the West to put pressure on Ze to stop the conflict. >A strike cannot be struck immediately against a NATO country, it would force NATO to respond, and the response would in turn destroy the northern hemisphere. Therefore, the first strike is guaranteed to come against Ukraine as a signal to the West. >Taking into account the fact that the strike should have primarily an informational meaning, the ideal target is the Javoriv training range, 20 kilometers from the Polish border. >Then the Poles will feel the urgency of the moment as close as possible. In addition, Javoriv is the firing range where NATO has most often conducted exercises, i.e. a symbol. >A strike on Kiev is less likely. It is terrible in terms of image and militarily useless. >Strikes on objects on the right bank of the Dnieper are also illogical. So some other military facilities in central or western Ukraine might be chosen. >To summarize, we need military facilities farther from the Russian borders and with the least collateral losses among civilians. >In addition, while public opinion demands victory in both countries, it is so that the peoples want peace more than victory that the threat of total annihilation is needed. >A neat trick of the elites for mutual salvation. The fact that the "warring" elites have a fearful dialogue, when necessary, we have seen in the example of the exchange☝🏻 >The Western media is already openly talking about the possibility of a strike, preparing the public. >In the case of such a development, it is highly probable that there will be détente and peace. >The authorities will feed peace on any acceptable conditions to both Western and Russian citizens, "the main thing is that there should be no nuclear war".
>>309041 fucking ridiculous and nasty. *kills her* She has a grudge against me and like with all women she don't like the idea of men finding younger women than her attractive
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camping with the telescope next weekend lads
>>309048 why don't you just get a gf like normal people
>>309049 Like you?
>>309050 I got 99 problems but a gf ain't one heh
get us a nice pic of zeta orion and horsehead nebula lad, need a new desktop background
>>309048 comfy, I haven't camped in years
smh nobody wants to watch films with bins anymore... guess he's lost it
>>309055 shut up
>>309057 oops posted that a minute too early nvm
>>309055 not in the mood for subversive wog shit tbh
>>309057 >paki hmmm, no I don't think I will. and please, do feel free to kill thyself darkie lover xoxo
Now for some proper content: Woes, Morgoth and the yank poof https://odysee.com/@countercurrents:6/ccradio:e
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KEK the English BIO-SPIRIT lives on. GSTK
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Think Im having a quarter life crisis tbh need a big fuckoff car to fill the hole in my heart
>>309063 go daft
well don't go silent on me lads
>>309068 the last remnants of /brit/ should just move in together tbh
Watched the Yellow Submarine. Great film. Very meme worthy. I haven't seen it since I was a lad, good stuff. Now for a wee and boe boe leeps. Nos da x
>>309062 Scouse makes plants grow better. It is the trve drvid voice.
>>309061 it's over is there a place to watch the replay?
>>309073 nah only 16 and up, I am repulsed by anyone a second younger
https://www.unz.com/aanglin/total-media-blackout-on-republican-killed-by-leftist/ guys did you know that andrew anglin invented internet antisemitism?
>>309075 he's still on clearnet you don't need to link unz http://stormer-daily.rw/ he also claims to have gotten Trump elected
>>309077 *slaps your bum and winks at you*
>>309075 He also had a fine old sex tour of the Philippines back in the day
>>309079 Night night Dorse
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willies & bums
>>309078 *has nasty hairy carpenters ass*
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>>309086 good thing I'm pure Brythonic
>>309086 yeah but the native americans entered america via a landbridge so they aren't native either by that maxim
hohol natashas are enjoying their mediterranean pork while dumb A30B orcs die in the trenches for gay marriage
>>309089 they're such monsters. Thinking about how everything good about women was just something the white man made them do smh
>>309089 slav women are such trash compared to westoids never understood the memes of them being based
>>309089 sup Bernd
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>>309091 well specifically the slavettes can you really blame them for not wanting to be with slavic males? >>309092 it's not that they're "based", they're renowned for being hot gold diggers that fiscally well-off western men can easily import and make into a trophy wife that mogs the fat pigs in the wect. Odessa is famous for this, men use sites like AnastasiaDate and RoseBrides to find a wife, meet her in Odessa, and bring her home to wect. problem is that she will impart slavic dna onto your sons, the daughters will be pretty and thus fine but the sons will be ruined that's really the problem with mixing. mutt daughters would be okay as long as they come out cute but mutt sons are a real problem, you're supposed to be proud of your son and root for him to breed and propagate your genes. but knowing he is half ukrainian or something would ruin that even if the mom is pretty >>309093 stalker
>when somebody makes a fucking terrible thread immediately after my very good post
>>309069 nice try GCHQ

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