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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3778: Are Mongo free at last Edition Anonymous 09/25/2022 (Sun) 22:02:43 Id: 76e77d No. 309844
No troons No gays No noncery No links
this mongo bloke looks like a right nonce tbqh
/brit/ is finished Dorset and his troons killed it
he's so fucking ugly, the russians should've just shot him straight away for the sake of everyone else.
https://frenschan.org/pol/res/45160.html#45791 Once again I am offering the olive branch to all my fellow based oldfags brothers to join me on a non-troonjak board.
>>309854 please, fuckoff lad
>>309854 Nah you can all stay here tbh
for her
>>309844 Good lad
utter cunt stirring the shit probably fucking bins or some other drama obsessed faggot
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>>309854 No. Fuck off, just FUCK OFF Been nothing but trouble since this cunt rocked in here
>>309854 dont trust frenschan, seems like a honeypot.
>>309866 Nah I'm not offering you to go there, I'd rather you degens stay here tbh.
what is even the point honestly tbh bet if everyone just stopped posting for a week or two the troons would start infighting and kill themselves >>309867 it's a chan, I don't mind it but the retard tarring us all with the same brush is rapidly souring my opinion of at least him and his thread
>>309862 >that's it /brit/, what you pulled with the bongofags was too far >hand in your /pol/ >and your other /pol/
>>309868 ZOG trying to reverse psychology us lads.
>>309869 Sorry lad, but I was really shocked at just how bad it'd gotten. Maybe some of you are still based. just I saw an utter shitshow last thread lad.
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should i get a motorcycle or a new car next year?
Frenschan is only for people who want to discuss real world politics and how to take effective action. I'm happy for you lot to not polute my board with your weird stuff. The only reason I'm extending this olive branch is because, as an oldfag, I remember some decent people from here
>>309873 those were bongofags not us. /brit/ is still the last best chance the white race has got.
>>309877 top kek you're giving me a laugh tbh.
>>309878 Is that true lad? Cause first it was noncery then it was troons. I don't know what to think,
>>309878 simple as
>>309880 Lad that's just someone having a laugh.
wait, are there two frensmongs here now?
>>309885 they really havent tbh.
>>309884 There isn't he's just having a laugh. Already told you lot not to come.
So anyway the pound is fucking collapsing.
>>309888 based. Time to buy up as much assets as possible to weather this.
>>309888 does this mean I will be able to buy a house with my savings?
>>309888 Inflation destruction
just having a gay old time with my b
>>309891 maybe the market for housing will collapse and you can then grab one.
>>309893 bummers
Seems like I made the right choice to do all that tourism this year and pre covid
Knew things would only get worse
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>>309888 >dad telling me to contribute as much as possible to my work pension >value of pound is plummeting, everything is going up, life is getting worse etc etc is it even worth squirreling money away for when I'm fucking 75? What's the fucking point in saving anything
>>309901 quite possibly not, if we descend to developing country status
>>309901 noticed this with a lot of jobs I've been applying for, advertising automatic pension payments like it's some kind of benefit and not them taking my fucking money without asking first
>>309862 Don’t blame me you fat idiot
>>309898 You are a fucking disgrace. I remeber when this place used to discuss actual politics and wasn't full of this discord drama. I remember Helmer, SA, TTPW and all the other great posters from old brit. You lads should hang your head in shame. I don't what else I can do to convince you lads to jump ship apart from frenchan being superior technologically. You're al welcome to donate to frenchan as well, it's growing very fast and will soon take over all the other alt chans. I've put 5 grand in myself and so should you lads
>Promote frenschan.com and earn chances to win a 2-year prepaid SurfShark VPN membership. lmao. sus.
Maybe ban on site for frenschan posting.
>TTPW and all the other great posters KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK he is baiting
> TTPW and all the other great posters this is definitely a ruse
>>309905 kek. That's pretty good. >>309906 That's right it should instead be run by a pig farmer who sells your data like 8ch,net was.
>>309910 yeah keek > I've put 5 grand in myself
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>>309904 dont call wessie a fat idiot on my watch again lad
Honestly I'm not even inviting you dafties anymore. Do what you want.
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>>309902 Wow i can't wait to spend all my pension on paying for refugees and minorities when I'm 75, if i somehow even make it to 75. >>309903 I actually have a really good pension policy, if I contribute 7% of my salary the company will match it with 10%, but then I lose like a good 200 quid to the pension account which I need for petrol and insurance and vehicle tax and so much more >>309908 Cannot look at that anime lass without thinking of neo
>>309914 thank you lad in light of my continuing weight loss progress I DEMAND to be called "slightly less fat idiot" instead
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oh wait 5ea1da is the real one
>>309915 You are waifuposter. I am the victim of a coordinated multi-bongo gaslighting operation.
post your tits dorshit it's the only way to be sure
Thread cleansing seacow very much needed tbh
>>309927 is that a pussy areola?
I'm done for the night a thread and a bit of this shite is enough.
he's got tits AND a dorset knob they call him johnny-troon-lately ACK! >>309925 tbh
>>309925 don't think we can count on norn much these days smh
>>309931 I can't imagine why he stopped posting.
aggy aggy aggy
>>309925 the threads have fallen into disrepair BECAUSE of there being no seacow
>>309931 you take that back
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Watching temrinator1 tbh. you lads should get comfy and do something too.
>>309937 IT'S NOT FUNNY *screams*
>>309918 Did you see what happened last thread? Dorset invited the troons from his discord and they literally started posting gay porn and bragging about their fucked up sex lives It was a fucking disgrace, yet nothing has been done
he didn't hear no bell
>>309939 >comfy on a toilnight
>>309939 watching gettysburg
it's 6:36-9:36 am in Australia currently, Auslad will appear soonish i guess.
>>309943 You can get comfy in bed before you need to wake up for work lad. >>309944 nice.
me? watching with my b
stop it
>>309947 no with jaffa cakes
God I want to breed
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So the frenschan posters are actually the operators and they're trying to grow their site and extract money from /brit/ lads.
>>309945 hope he bans the fag cunt going to start filtering people (you)ing him soon
>>309938 Fuck him lad you're an OG he's a nameless faggot with not a meme to his name.
>>309955 yes give me your sheckels. Not really lad, I just run streams for fun. Like I said. Stay here. no degens allowed sorry.
ALL TROONS MUST DIE >okay thank you
>>309959 Why do you do this?
>he is still posting here what's wrong frennyboy is your chan even deader than this one? should have just left it at "hey there is this other chan and I think it would be a good place to visit and maybe make a thread on" tbh
>>309964 HOO-AH
>>309963 I wanted to see what you guys were like tbh. Had a good time with you lads in a few threads then the shit show of last thread started. I'm just seeing how bad the rot is tbh. Hoping last thread was a one off.
And so the great filtration begins. For all the shit BBK stirs about cook he would have stomped this to shite from the start.
>>309957 ty lad but i'm not him
You can end this, Westie
>>309970 That thread was an utter shitshow and I can only speculate about the timing of the bongoist shite in relation to the frenchan stuff.
>>309971 yeah I've never had a problem with cook I know he did some bad bans occasionally but a bit of friendly fire is okay after it's all sorted out in the end
>>309972 Then it's over.
>>309975 the bongo stuff was building for a while
>309970 the situation has been explained to you lad. at this point you are either an actual mong or acting in bad faith
>>309979 I hate them, we need a new new/shit/ containment board for them.
>>309979 >they ban 22st >immediately afterwards, without a fellow bongofag to cannibalise, they begin raiding /brit/ almost as if troons are spiteful mutants existing only to generate negative energy
>>309975 I don't know lad. I was just here to offer you a place, then all I saw was bad shite. Maybe the bongoists want the chans to hate eachother? Fuck knows lad.
>>309983 They have to harvest some loosh for the devil before offing themselves.
>>309984 It's all the cunts from new/shit/ that regrouped on discord.
>>309987 exploding legs? like from his sheer weight?
dorshit dying of aids or wanking
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>>309983 >almost as if troons are spiteful mutants existing only to generate negative energy tbh but it was Dorset that brought them here, to "defend" him fucking shameful
>>309988 That last thread blackpilled tbh. Hoping what you say is true lad.
we're currenty offering a three to one on it being aids due to the last thread.
>>309989 No that's deep wessessian lore, he's a genetic cripple due to aristocratic blood
>>309994 Thought a bunch of people here had that. Godwinson had it too apparently.
>>309996 you're getting Kaboomed hard in a couple hours traitor
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>>309996 you should apologise you know what you did you brought THEM here
>>309995 Is that prat still about? I honestly try to not follow any e-celebs, especially when they spend time making videos on other e-celebs.
>>310000 No idea. I just remember his neethogday video.
Poor westie we saved him from trooning but not from homosex
>>309991 At least he's stopped whinging about ginge minge
>>310002 you need to apologise
>>310004 He's never stopped.
>>310004 yeah but he started lusting over troons instead
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just stop talking about bongoniggers and they'll fuck off.
>>310010 good lad ambitous
Had to make an effort in norns stead.
>>310008 you brought the trannies here from your bongo, and they gayed up the thread to the max, in front of the new anon too it was awful, for everyone
>>310010 Good lad
>>310016 >cant you just let this go instead of shittign up the thread aboot it? No Everyone needs to know what you did
>>310015 I'll refine my technique lad there's always tomorrow. n
>>310020 and you also validated the troons, telling them how "sexy" they are etc. when they just look like men in girl's clothes
>>310021 you aren't sorry at all and you'll probably do it again too
>>310022 >when you get nonced as a kid and develop schizophrenia then transexualism
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For Dorshits eyes only
>>310028 >wonder what fucked up things happened to you in your childhood to make you a nonce lads in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
>>310028 dno, maybe when I hit my head as a little kid or was born with a fucked up cockerino smh
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>>310031 apologise and never do it again
Helmer please come back.
>>310034 you unapologetic degenerate troon loving faggot
>>310038 >At least I am honest. I don't lie about things. honest about what? out with it lad, be honest
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>>310042 lad you want to avoid looking at any of this thread or the last.
>>310042 friends of Dorset's that he brought to the thread, then showered with compliments while they posted about their foul sex life and pics of gay porn
>>310043 no, he should see the truth of what Dorset is in to everyone should
>>310045 You're all part of the bongo cabal as far as I can see.
smh why is shitdick so prevalent with wignats? just masterbate to boobs on google images. https://youtu.be/2mG7DbMQ_gM
Auslad will sort this all out he'd better
>>310047 smh it's all about breeding, lad. Suckling on teats is what babies do
>>310049 Only fags fetishise the arse.
>>310050 yeah, fetishising arse, that's what I said
>>310046 >You're all part of the bongo cabal as far as I can see. nah lad, I'm not in the tranny bongo. They hate me and I hate them.
>>310054 you made the last thread hell with your tranny friends, and now you just want to get away with it this can not be allowed
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>>310056 you have no shame that makes it worse
I'm going to bed now. Be nice to Bins
>>310058 I'm not gay you twat
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>310054 fuck off just because bins is annoying doesnt change the fact you're in a tranny bongo where you flirt with them and told them to come here and shit up the thread
>>310059 night b
>>310047 How has boomer toil been?
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>>310063 shite but just talked to the general contractor super bossman about the problems so hopefully he fixes them. a crazy gen xer/boomer cunt became the new foreman because the old toughguy boomer who kept all the lads in line had a heart surgery so the new foreman guy is always coming in to work hungover and the rest of the crew kind of left so now its just me and him siding an entire house and it was okay for a bit until he hired some dumbvote Dem and now he is just forcing me to train the kid, etc. and yelling at me all the time and being a prick. uber bossman said to just tell him to fuck off and call if the guy is being a cunt again
>>310067 *dumb vote Dem not dumbvote dem
keeek Qoomer word scrambler changes dumvote Dem to dumbvote Dem
dumb fuck juvenile worker keeeeeeeeeek
wtf is he on about?
type fuck K l d and see what the wordfilter is keeek
>>310067 Yeah don't get pushed around lad. I had to do a call out for some guy at 7.30 this evening even though I explicitly told him there was every chance I could not get out to him during the day he still sent me stroppy texts because his ex was wailing about a tiny leak.
vote Dem
oh right any combination of children and sex turns into owning the libs shite
>>310075 yeah try pa edophile and ra pe kids.
Italy going fash
>>310076 smh customers being entitled. hope you double charged them for it. this boomer foreman gets mad and breaks shit, he broke the old foremans coilated siding guns on purpose hit them with his hammer and then we had to use hammers and when the new kid messed up stuff the drunk-prick guy would break it. we are doing the trim on a bungalow type porch after siding it with fiber cement and the porch is tounge and groove cedarwood and this guy just throws the cedar around its 96$ a piece and breaks them, he broke like 200 dollars worth of them on friday. uberbossman was not happy to hear that at all
>>310081 she used to be so fit and a 10/10 wignat gf now she just looks like some gross spic
>>310083 what did she used to look like?
can't wait for are far right parties to get some gains oh wait
>>310082 How is that guy avoiding the sack? It's not like timber is getting any cheaper.
>>310086 for you, it's fucking troons
>>310087 >can't wait for are far right parties to get some gains oh wait starting to wonder if he had the right idea all along...
>>310092 maybe wessex will go postal when they take his bennies.
>>310093 hope so
>>310088 I have no idea at all its really pathetic because he acts like some john wayne boomer but he is clearly being shelters by uberbossman, he has one of those gay lifted trucks as well and refuses to use it for hauling stuff.
>>310095 I suppose the nice thing about being a sole trader is I only have to deal with juvenile customers.
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>>310091 last thread is a gold mine of Dorset's troon loving degeneracy
>>310096 woes lad.
>>310102 I think his father was funding him
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>>310102 Wasn['t it his dads?
>>310100 you're gay!
we still never got that camera footage of woes that lad said he had
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>>310106 the pics of woes with his gf? I have them
So Dorset, what is it like being a flagrant homosexual that wants to bum trannies?
>>310109 think it was cctv footage of woes at an aldi
>>310111 how the fuck would anyone have CCTV footage of wews? sounds like a lie
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>>310112 >>310111 Probably footage of him screaming about food not being british.
>>310113 that's obviously made up wews doesn't buy any food in it's natural state, he can't cook, and only eats pizza
>>309875 A motorbike will save you money, but can't pick up chicks unless you go for the full license. >>309901 Tbf anything will be better than our currency at this point. >>310095 You should walk off and do some other work again til uberbossman rages, puts him in his place and begs you to come back lad. Start your own underground gym, grifting incels with a "get builder-fit" regimen of lifting planks, bricks and cement on a stick. Then introduce them to Project Dafty.
>310118 don't need reminding that thots will be thots lad >>310119 Roger has often been quite based on international politics, but supported gayism at home.
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>>310054 yeah this is probably it. the "fr3nsch4n" shill skeeves me out, he's suspicious, but this whole thing that's been going on definitely smells like a Bins tantrum I don't think anybody should be banned except the fr3nsch4n shill, but it would be nice if Bins would let it go so we can go back to comfyposting. last thread was funny but this can't just keep going on for 2 threads, that's too much >>310081 >brothers of Italy >is a woman >>310086 disagree, south of pyrenees but north of straight of gibraltar is peak sexiness. but you already know I feel that way scottish people look weird imo, long oval-shaped heads, but the lasses have nice bums >>310087 should have rallied behind Sargon's UKIP >>310110 bins just stop man, shit's been posted like 5 times already just move on >>310119 don't like pink floyd but I hate poles
if only this were true but in reality the chick on the right would stand out as typically white in the north
go to mexico, you fucking mutt
ATTENTION AUSLAD TREATISE ON THE CURRENT STATE OF THE BOARD 25/09/22 THE NEWFAG/FRENSCHAN QUESTION This particular poster has come to us out of the blue and worked quickly to ingratiate himself as some sort of "oldfag" despite the fact that we know nothing about him, nobody recognises him and his "Old OC" posts could easily have just been from him lurking here for a few months and collecting said old OC before he creates this new persona. He is incredibly annoying and arrogant to the point where he is making sweeping moral judgements against the entire board without understanding the current state of this place and the struggles we have went through to continue our existence over the turbulent 3 years since tarrantino. As for frenschan, I have have never heard of this site until he brought it up and after a cursory glance it looks like a honeypot, the over the top meming and the in your face nature of the board style (and its name) seems like some NGO worker or FED looked up a dictionary of memes and decided to pick a bunch of chan memes and add them for no reason other than for the site to look the part, I also find it suspicious that this newfag seems to have a direct line to the owner of frenschan whom we know NOTHING about, this site has been working fine with no technical issues whatsoever so there is no reason to move, we already have 3 bunkers in case of emergencies, endchan, 9chan, the julaychan network shite I can't remember the name of, also worst case scenario a regrouping could be done on 4britpol, regardless this is all theoretical because this site is and has been working perfectly fine and this newfags desire to see us leave for no reason despite him just turning up here makes him seem incredibly suspect and he should therefore be banned. CLEAR THEM OUT/THE BONGO AND THE BINS QUESTION It is clear that several posters have taken Auslads weak leadership as a sign that they can make utterly abhorrent posts without consequence, something that despite his faults SA would not have tolerated, it would be a shame for our glorious revolution against SA to be ruined as a result of weak leadership from Auslad, he must also appoint another janny(perhaps smee this time tbh) in order to maintain order in the threads during his slumber lest we have another repeat of todays disastrous thread. On individual posters BINS A flagrant and outright homosexual who has admitted both publicly and privately over a several years long period to engaging in homosexual behaviour (despite his denials of this fact the evidence speaks for itself), he also routinely provokes quarrel in the thread for no other reason than what I can surmise is a homosexual desire for attention and chaos. He also constantly makes vaguely homosexual posts towards and with 22st with whom he pretends to have an "ironic" homosexual relationship where they both refer to eachother as "B", this consistently derails the thread and adds nothing to the board, they were previously not a problem because SA would ban them on sight and they generally stuck to their own bongos and they also had their own board on old 8chan. Bins should be banned on sight. Shartin Martin 22st Nost Similar to the above but with even more snarky and needlessly disrespectful posts designed for no other purpose than to rile other posters up, has been coasting on his legacy as an OC creator for years despite not producing anything of value in that entire time. Routinely makes disgusting and lurid posts about bother himself and his habits and about young girls and boys and other posters under the guise of "irony". 22st should be regularly banned to keep him in line but should be allowed to post. Dorshit A degenerate coomer who has become increasingly annoying in threads as of late compared to how he was previously, has bizarre homosexual and tranny loving posts which seem suspicious but it is difficult to know how genuine they are. Is also very very disrespectful to other posters in what appears to be manic episodes that are increasing in frequency which may be a foreboding of what is to come. Should be bullied consistently when he gets out of line but if he is belligerent then should be given temp bans to keep him in line. SPIC A widely despised foreign swarthoid who routinely makes disgusting and detestable posts, should be temp banned whenever he makes his presence too obvious and whenever he promotes his swarthoid anti northern euro cope, otherwise is usually not too much of an issue. COOK Should be banned whenever he makes an "ironic" pro jew post and should also be demodded due to his kike heritage and should be banned whenever he mentions it. ASSORTED BONGO FAGS NAMELY LEW,POOMBS AND ANYONE ELSE Openly and unapologetically homosexual and tranny in nature and thus have completely fallen to the dark side to such an extreme degree that they should never be allowed to post again and any mention of them should be spoilered or simply avoided outright. BAN ON SIGHT. It should also be board policy that any links to bongos or encouragement to use bongo is a temp ban, even for minor infractions such as accidently using bongo spoilers instead of board ones, bongo is a cancer which has destroyed many an image board and we should have a zero tolerance policy towards its use. minor issues Auslad should be aware that his position as BO is becoming untenable should he continue down this path of inaction, he should also note that it was I who called for and ran the election which saw the ousting of SA and that I am the one with extensive contacts at the Daily Brit which could make his tenure as leader extremely difficult, Filtering posters does not work and never has with the exception of schizo and even then it is debatable.
>>310125 Frenschan is the site where that kid that shot up the mall and made a copypaste of tarrant's manifesto came from, it is without a doubt a honeypot, dont fall for it lads.
>>310126 he posted it on 8chan. which is they shut it down
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>>310123 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek this image is the biggest cope I have ever seen lmao Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek fucking yucatan penninsula looks like that HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHA
>>310116 yeah can't do that right yet big bossman owes me almost 4k rn
>>310127 No you donce, not tarrant, the copycat kid in buffalo.
>>310125 >the over the top meming and the in your face nature of the board style (and its name) seems like some NGO worker or FED looked up a dictionary of memes and decided to pick a bunch of chan memes and add them for no reason other than for the site to look the part, tbh good summary
>>310131 the copycat was crusius. that's who i thought you meant but you meant the buffalo one
>>310128 holy caliban
>>310125 keeek I love this autism
>>310125 >A flagrant and outright homosexual who has admitted both publicly and privately over a several years long period to engaging in homosexual behaviour this is a lie, fuck off
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>>310125 dorshit should be BOS he's a troon loving fag well past the point of irony nn
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>>310137 there is way more evidence of Dorshit's love for trannies than there is of me ever being homosexual I fucking hate the trannies, which is why I am not in their server and they are no in mine As well as that it is THEM that spread the lie that I am gay, when I am not troons and their sycophants are the most subversive posters around by far, and should be treated with utter contempt
something very elegant in every vasily surikov paintings even in the most chaotic of scenes
some right wing american teen got killed by a leftist in shartica and the MSM basically ignored it
>>310138 do you think when they look in the mirror they subconsciously ignore their man features
>>310141 that zoomer was named fucking cayler he was looking like he was a bad acid trip 90s nickalodeon character
>>310142 >do you think when they look in the mirror they subconsciously ignore their man features I shudder to think what the fuck they do but I do know they seek constant validation, to help them maintain their delusions twats like Dorshit actually give it to them
>>310143 people have been compating it to Kyle Rittenhouse Rittnehouse's bail was set at something like 2 million, while this guy's was more like 2k Rittenhouse was given trial by media and dragged through the courts, while the MSM are ignoring this democrat guy Also Rittenhouse's case was clearly self defence, while this attack was unproked
>>310145 well so are you, you tranny loving prick
>>310141 Was he half way through transitioning into a Puerto Rican?
>>309971 Fuck that Jew retard and over moderation. Don't like 'em? Filter 'em. Simple as. Bullying trannies is good for the blood.
>>309907 filter frenschan to noncechan tbh >>309905 >I remeber when this place used to discuss actual politics I remember getting banned for calling out Farage >>309901 Your employer is forced to match what you pay in up to a certain amount. It's free money, retard.
smorning lads some abysmal posts tbh can't exactly do more than clean up the aftermath since i'm asleep during peak hours smh regarding the frenschan new old lad i agree with him for the most part don't see why he's so insistent that we move though tbh that seems odd >>310125 tbh make an account and post your name and i'll add you as a janny
And so a new era of goodboy persecution begins smh
>Pakistani minister harassed in London for not wearing headscarf. Keeek. Welcome to Britistan innit kuffar https://www.twitter.com/RehamKhan1/status/1574064277937426432
I'm into Moroccan and Algerian women at the moment.
>>310156 keeeeeksmh
Interdasting https://consortiumnews.com/2022/09/23/exposed-covert-pro-western-info-op/ > Declassified Australia is publishing here a detailed analysis of the remarkable report by Stanford University’s Internet Observatory (SIO) and network analysis firm Graphika, released on Aug. 24. >This report is all the more surprising because SIO and Graphika have deep connections to the U.S. national security state and to information campaigns against U.S.-designated enemies Russia, China and Iran. >SIO’s director, Alex Stamos, for example, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a visiting scholar at the Hoover Institute and on the advisory board of NATO’s Collective Cybersecurity Center of Excellence. He was chief security officer at Facebook where he led the company’s investigation into alleged Russian manipulation of the 2016 U.S. election. >Graphika’s director of investigations, Ben Nimmo, is a senior fellow with the Atlantic Council, was a consultant to the U.K.’s Integrity Initiative propaganda unit, previously worked as press officer for NATO and is now intelligence chief at Meta (which owns Facebook and Instagram). There he produced a report that attempted to link Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn to a Russian influence operation prior to the 2019 U.K. general election.
>>310153 >make an account and post your name and i'll add you as a janny An autist janny would kill the board.
Foreign food is shite. British cuisine is superior. Additionally, cultures that define themselves on their food are decadent and dying.
>>310159 unsurprising tbh social media is just too powerful for the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) to not make full use of it >>310161 tbh
Love pasta and 'za but not having them is a small sacrifice to keep Britain free of wop immigration
wonder if the rumours of a coup in china are true doubt it tbh
are they back in business yet? honestly luv how they fully played on the whole "slave bugmen" thing with the han
might watch 55 days in peking now tbh
>>310167 What a faggot, these kinds of wars are the kind worth fighting for tbh Uniting Russians in pookraine with Mother RUSSIA is based
When are the trannies coming back? I want to battle them again it was fun
I'm hungry for Lancashire hotpot
>>310170 based
"fresh" woes https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/Gram202230:c somewhat afraid of madlad having jannie powers tbh he's on a hair trigger you never know what passing seethe will set him off
brunswick ham, mascarpone e gorgonzola and salad sandwich for brekkie
>>310153 we don't need more jannies. just filter bins when he's having a tantrum >>310163 >what is a recipe
https://youtu.be/VdFZLhVAhTk Russian zoomer gets slapped and told to speak Russian at 18:00
>>310179 Bins isn't the one who has a tantrum, it's typically Dorset and madlad
bins does in fact have tantrums they're just faggoty gay ones where he tries to foment infighting and other unpleasantries I think he should be mercilessly banned whenever he brings up his favourite topics of homosexuality, trannies, bongo drama etc
>>310181 if you aren't familiar with Bins' tantrums then you don't know him. it's something he regularly does, he has the emotional maturity of a child
>>310122 tbh lad I think you just didn't like that someone saw you for what you are. Already said, stay here, you lot are degens. >>310126 That was before my time there and also it got deleted pretty quick when the shooting happened. >>310152 >noncechan bit rich considering the posters here tbqh.
>he's back again at least have the courtesy to drop it if you're going to post here lad smh
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>this thread
>>310180 The only acceptable way to treat zoomers tbh.
>>310185 I don't want you fags there simple as. Already said it multiple times. I know it's hard to accept but you don't need to go >teehee~ stop silly boys I wont go there. It's good. stay here lads. Gays aren't welcome there, nor are nonces. Simple as tbh.
btfoing the b'xoomers with facts and logic and educating them on geopolitics in my head lads hate it when they decide to do a metaphorical shit on the table at our gatherings because it's all I can think about for days afterwards smdh >>310186 tbh >310188 so.... go post on the other chan then and stop bothering us, or if you do want to keep posting here, at least try and fit in
filtered for being a shit stirrer tbh
time for toil
>announces he filters >doesn't just say "it's just trolls who were being gay and nonces." >can't handle the lightest bit of bantz poof tbh
>>310189 >hate it when they decide to do a metaphorical shit on the table at our gatherings you have the power to make it stop at any time lad all you have to do is agree that they're right about everything and that nothing is wrong with the world and that their generation is blameless >>310192 have fun lad
Time for the first good post of the thread. The pound and euro are still hitting all time lows.
>>310195 Fantastic news tbh. I hope all the russian and chinese and non local cunts who bought all the homes are panicking that they're wealth is gonna collapse soon. Or more likely, this might just make the darkies go more nuts killing eachother other scraps. Either way is pretty good.
>>310195 got a theory that the big boys want to crash all major currencies down to parity with the usd and then they'll introduce a global central bank issued digital currency >>310196 tbh one upside to the ship sinking is that all the rats flee or drown
>>310197 >global currency I didn't consider that one tbh. Seems likely. >rats flee or drown Exactly lad. Or there's the chance the government will just go commie and then we're all fucked as they will just give lavish lifestyles to the invaders and push us in to the ground to support them.
>>310196 tbh the Russian that are panicking over this would the class of people within Russian society that Putin would love to liquidate anyway, same with the billionaires that throw their weight about and try to undermine the Chinese Communist Party.
>>310199 I want them liquidated, those homes could be getting put to use rather than sitting empty. Then again. I want london to depopulate anyways. Same with all the cities.
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>>310184 >bh lad I think you just didn't like that someone saw you for what you are. no, I don't like that you're some weirdo that popped up out of nowhere telling people to leave the board
>Ursula von der Leyen is a German aristocrat who is married to another German aristocrat with a Japanese first name despite not being Japanese at all
>>310184 >That was before my time there and also it got deleted pretty quick when the shooting happened. Before your time? That was 4 months ago, so what exactly is "your time"? And whats with the weird insistance that we should move there? why cant you come here if your intention is to have some bants with the lads? Youre one shady character thats for sure
A new book of Salazar's work has been released. Nice.
Feel bad that Wessie is trying to enter the workforce as the GBP becomes worthless
Had more than enough sympathy over the years, that fat lump.
>>310182 >>310183 Bullshit. Wessex is more of a tantrum haver than bins >>310184 OK tranny. >>310203 I bet he's yanklad tbh
>>310209 tbh, wessica has been spoiled
>tfw reading about Austria's Vaterländische Front Why do the Germans ruin everything?
>>310195 what even is the point of toil anymore?
>>310213 An autistic need to claim other peoples clay.
>>310214 was there ever a point to toil?
>>310214 Brexit killed my dog
I'm joining Labour's wealth redistribution squads tbh Methinks they may put me in control of a large wog district if I claim to be jewish
Truss wants to fill the country with poor xenos, slept with a odd looking lunatic black man, thinks British workers are the laziest in the world. Boomers still voted for her in their echo chamber.
>>310219 boomoids live in a fantasy world smh
>>310219 to be fair, I think it's redzogs turn now and they'd never elect a woman
>>310221 Nah, redzog under Blair Starmer have stabbed the Trade Unions in the back prolonging the Torah Party's power.
>>310222 Even the poomers I've met don't care about that tbh, the budget has really fucked with people but then I live in a redzog safe seat smh
>>310215 germany should cease to exist tbh, everything has gone wrong since they unified
>>310216 That fantasy of owning something one day?
David Cameron's diversity quotas worked out way worse than Blair's babes why lads?
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>>310225 Better to own someone surely
>>310226 Cameron is a jew
>>310225 >he doesn't know
>>310227 what i said is correct and you know it, lad
>>310228 I have yet to successfully trap someone under my floorboards. >>310230 <
What even are labour's current policies other than opposing fracking?
>>310233 trans rights
>>310234 Good to know they're looking after the working man.
>>310206 I have said many times now to stay in your gay containment website fam. Where is this weird insistance for you to come over? I said already. Stay here. please.
>>310210 says the troon and troons lovers.
>>310237 You're the fucking troon lover, just like door shit
https://youtu.be/8fjUdJqa5Hg >this is British schools now
What wrong with Ysgol Gymreag?
>>310241 You're the closest, you tell us.
>>310238 I dunno lad. Not me personally. Saw it was some lad here that summoned them to help him. Dorset or something.
>>310244 Yeah it was he, can't lie i love bullying troons but it was annoying smh
>>310244 Dorset and some woman ( not sure of her association with/Brit/) run a tranny cord
>Jordan Peterson Debates The Psychology Of Vladimir Putin With Piers Morgan https://youtu.be/hAqWOMmgTUY
>>310243 The Welsh, the valleys specifically are the only place where native British people can truly be free to have children and eat Weatherspoon's brekkie in the ethnostate.
>>310248 Yeah but the video is cringe tbh
>tfw being reminded the UK has billion tons worth of shiny black clean burning coal but the faggots won't touch it
We'll use the coal to establish a new empire when the oil runs out.
IT’S COMING BACK! IT’S COMING BACK! 45 PENCE IS COOOOOOMING BACK! Think we should introduce the political class to the Minecraft servers where they can have fun
>>310254 I would shag her tbh
The Tories are self sabotaging by introducing an unpopular budget days before the Labour Conference tbh
>>310254 Why do all of red team have a lisp?
>channels Chesterton
>>310257 Cock sucking injuries
>>310258 She's a fucking weeaboo.
>>310260 She’ll be Mussolini by tea time in the UK
>>310260 Moscow exchange down 11pts Do it Italy! Do it!
PIGs getting their revenge on Germany for 2008-10 would be kino tbh.
The FdI are too pro-US/NATO for Italiexit, but right wing enough for UvdL to shit the bed tbh.
Friday and Saturday are royal mail strike days
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>Liz Truss spent £1,841 on Norwich City FC shop and over £10,000 on Fortnum and Mason as FM
>>310266 >Fortnum and Mason https://www.fortnumandmason.com/halloween-praline-selection-box-145g >nearly £20 for some fairy cakes Yeah, I'm beginning to understand the budget
>he doesn't know about the F&M hamper meme
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Tell me the meme NOW
>>310201 swear I used to have a bunch of mosley webms/mp4s but they're all gone. can someone post some?
>>310264 She threatened Italy with Polish/Hungarian style sanctions if they elected anything other than neolibs the other day
>>310270 Sorry only got Salazar and good vibes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMG3nKVl3z8
>>310270 all i've got smh
£1 is still £1 but boy oh boy
no matter how much the rest of the world collapses america only stands to benefit.
this is why we need to radicalise the chuds to bring about a civil war.
>ECB chief banker Lagarde: The outlook is darkening
>>310275 It's rigged lad
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>>310270 Here you are lad
(3.33 MB 854x480 BumBum on Mods.webm)

>>310274 I bet the plunge protection team is behind this, .
Bumbum reminds me of the queen
>The EU will postpone a decision on the introduction of a ceiling on Russian oil prices due to disagreements among countries
>>310255 Not saying much, that
gregory mannimarco says to please consult the graphs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F77Iw0n2VQ&pp=wgIGCgQQAhgB the banks: failing the financial system: collapsing
Nervous vampire is nervous for the thousandth time.
>>310285 What does that have to do with Nazi Germany destroying Austrian Catholic Nationalism?

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>>310288 1. they had a much better idea than boomer "catholic nationalism" 2. austrians are german
>>310288 the austrian larp is still alive today lad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cRIc3gVBVw
>>310286 Nice sporran you’ve got there Greg
>>310290 >1) they had a much better idea than boomer "catholic nationalism" Except Salazar existed. >2. austrians are german Prussian aren't Austrian.
>>310293 thought he turned himself into a tranny and got suicided tbh
The Greek war of Independence was started by a masonic secret society of middle-class educated Greek diaspora's living in Odessa called the Filiki Eteria (Society of Friends). >Last of all, I swear by Thee, my sacred and suffering Country,— I swear by thy long-endured tortures,— I swear by the bitter tears which for so many centuries have been shed by thy unhappy children, by my own tears which I am pouring forth at this very moment,— I swear by the future liberty of my countrymen, that I consecrate myself wholly to thee; that hence forward thou shall be the cause and object of my thoughts, thy name the guide of my actions, and thy happiness the recompense of my labours. -Great Oath of the Filiki > “As a Christian orthodox and son of the Catholic church, I swear in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity to be loyal to my Country and my Religion. I swear to be united with all my brothers for the freedom of our Country. I swear to bleed until death for my Religion and my Country. To kill my own brother if he is a traitor of our Country. To submit to our Country's leader. To not retreat if I don't repel the enemy of my Country and Religion. To fight when my Leader campaigns against the tyrants and to invite my friends to follow me. To hate and despise my enemies. To not give up until I see my Country free and my enemies dead. To spill my blood so that I can beat the enemies of my Religion or to die as a martyr for Jesus Christ. I swear in the name of Holy Communion that I will deprive her if I don't execute all of the promises that I gave in front of our Lord Jesus Christ". -Oath of the Sacred Band, armed wing of the Filiki Eteria
>>310295 That was the army one, Bruce Jenner.
>>310295 no that was the other one, not Edward Snowden Bradley/Chelsea Manning
>>310298 The deep state's weapon of choice against nationalists is to turn them into.trannies
Just see our own tranny issue
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>>310182 you fucking traitor Dorset's troons were literally posting porn in the previous thread, and you're saying *I'm* the problem fuck you, seriously
>>310294 >Except Salazar existed. Salazar was good but national socialism was the purest expression of ethnonationalism and resistance to Jewry that all nations should follow >Prussian aren't Austrian. >muddying the waters with this retarded bullshit "German" is a meta-ethnic group such as "British" "French" "Spanish" "Italian" ...
>>310301 beaky but not jewish
>>310302 everybody who uses discord should be brutally murdered.
>>310299 >The deep state's weapon of choice against nationalists is to turn them into.trannies they did it to David Shaylor, a UK secret service whistle blower, too
>>310302 you became the problem when you kept going spamming the same images in the next thread when everybody was done and wanted to move on
press f5 it ate my other post for some reason
>>310306 they killed his dog and put it on his head too.
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>>310307 which images? these ones?
>>310305 you are speaking to bins, the biggest bongofag who regularly uses the board, and a homosexual groomer with a feminine need for drama which is why he keeps insisting dorset is a mastermind responsible for the troonwaffen instead of just a retard
>>310309 >they killed his dog and put it on his head too. I never heard about that
>>310311 >you are speaking to bins, the biggest bongofag who regularly uses the board, and a homosexual groomer with a feminine need for drama which is why he keeps insisting dorset is a mastermind responsible for the troonwaffen instead of just a retard you worthless fat liar
Lads so devoid of female attention they eventually start flirting with each other on Discord. Then some fully take on the female role. Keeeeeeeeek.
auslad is a fucking retard who should've never gained control of the board in the first place
Auslad you still here?
>>310314 >Lads so devoid of female attention they eventually start flirting with each other on Discord. Dorset was doing it in the thread! And even posting porn there! But yeah, their bongo is full of this filth constantly
>>310315 >(1) the thing I don't like is how he's a bit impressionable, if a couple ids start telling him to do something he tends to say "tbh" and cave in when there's no reason to do anything
>>310302 Wessex is a fucking fat retarded stooge Pay him no heed
Might start a faction if we're having a civil war
>>310320 just a regular monday tbh
I'm head of the hardline BumBumite restorationists.
Faggots, the lot o' yers tbh.
>>310314 It's actually true keek
>>310318 impressionable but way too biased tbh i'm the guy he kept banning for the slightest of anti-christian rhetoric, I get it if you don't like criticism of your religion but auslad cannot tolerate opposing views at all which is not a suitable trait for a BO the fact he's sided with dorshit in all of this is just the icing on the cake of shit
>>310325 no you deserve to be banned for being an annoying faggot.
>>310322 bumbum is a freak but I'd support him tbh, seems like a strong dictator type. i'll be in his kingsguard
>>310327 i'm already his lieutenant you can be captain.
go and make newbrit here if you want bbk as BO he took over the corpse of the old one and spent upwards of half a year posting to himself in there
>>310325 >i'm the guy he kept banning for the slightest of anti-christian rhetoric He was right. Only things that deserve a ban: >Blasphemy >Pornography >Unspoilered gore
>>310329 that never give in attitude is what disillusioned bumbumb voters want.
>>310326 >>310331 nothing I did was annoying you just have no argument backing up your beliefs and are incapable of independent thought. no one should be banned for posting one pic of justin welby or asking reasonable questions, that's muslim tier low IQ thuggery
>>310334 We have plenty of arguments, your positions are retarded as with all atheists
>>310334 lets see what your arguments get you when you're burning in the lake of fire.
>This is definitely a based response keeeeeeeeeeeeek >>310325 yeah that's the other thing I don't like, the christboomer thing. Britain should have a Germanic, Anglo-Saxon elite imposing Wodenism on the Druidic masses. christoids need not apply, that bullshit is from the middle east ffs it's created by jews, not European
>>310335 I'm not an atheist >>310336 jesus is gay
>310338 Reported :)
>>310337 at the very least such a discussion should be allowed to take place but these wet blouses shatter and shart themselves at the slightest opposition to their worldwide zogpreach
And people call me a kike.
Dorset is hetro but he'll joke about sucking troon covk in the troon cord
>>310341 you were just countersignalling German unity and implying that "catholic nationalism" is preferable to national socialism. you have admitted to having kike blood and it clearly affects your opinions and behavior
>>310342 >Dorset is hetro No he fucking isn't you fool
spig you just need to make a new newbrit tbh. i'll forgive the footposting if it means we get to not have trannies, tranny lovers and christianboomers flinging shite
>>310343 Germans >annoying >autistic >warlike >ruined europe a dozen times Jews >kind >friendly >beautiful women >saved europe on innumerable occasions.
>jew positivity i've had e-fucking-nough, i'm out
aggchad-madlad dual consulship and balance of terror tbh
>agg nonce chased the cringe nonce away perhaps i had him wrong i will genocide you agg nonce, you and all the other jew shaggers
Should I buy sweeties now whilst they're an ok price?
>>310352 Yes, buy in bulk to take advantage of the economy of scale. The sweeties will be the currency of the new aryan world order
>>310239 >hitchens on russia: trying to predict is a job for astrologers
I just want everyone to get along *starts crying*
>>310352 >Should I buy sweeties now whilst they're an ok price? buy them now, wait for society to collapse, then you can sell them for more than the price of gold!
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>>310346 >spig you just need to make a new newbrit tbh I can't be assed tbh, /shit/ has a good level of activity, any attempt at remaking /newbrit/ will lower the numbers. we could use flags/trips here so we will more reliably identify the /newbrit/ posters among the /shit/ masses, that's a better idea >i'll forgive the footposting glad you're finally seeing the light, panz
>>310355 me too tbh
>>310343 Austrians are inheritors to the HRE and not Prussia, the Nazis killed Dollfuss because they were faggots and Germany needed to wreak the fascist bloc of Catholic countries countries for it's own short-sighted autistic nonsense. At least try to learn history.
>>310357 I might post you my feet later
>>310356 Crusius isn't especially well known for sitting behind a computer screen is he? Or is he?
smh spent a few minutes reading that cia article and now the thread's exploded again
>>310347 keeeek post like this anytime spic returns
bongo orchestrated colour revolution against auslad. the only choice is a harsh crackdown on bongoists and their front organisations.
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>>310359 HRE was a disorganized mess, German Empire was better >muh autism it was based >>310360 don't think you are female lad, I'm not interested
>>310359 The racial question is the paramount question. It is a principle above all others.
>>310362 Lad me smod smee before its too late Woesist_
>>310357 >good level of activity the past 48 hours have proven that it's nothing but drama now. not all activity is born equal >>310356 ive been thinking of buying an anime figurine or two because they are legit good investments that also look nice. they balloon in value like 3x once they go out of stock
>>310362 tbh, we simply can't escape these autistic slap fights.
>>310342 No woman has ever opened her sacred clamshell to Dorshie. If he had the sort of value as a man that might compel a woman to relax her uteral vice and retract her labial folds, allowing him entry, it'd be clear to all. But we all see he’s a smelly little icel virgin-man whos developed a taste for troons because of his weak mind
Multigenerational lifestyle will be permanent. Any inheritance will be devalued by the collapse of living standards, vacations will be just for the rich.
>>310364 >based uprising against a tyrannical yet weak BO >we need to crack down
>>310371 I will instead promote endless vaccinations for the rich.
>>310365 My feet are beautiful, foids are usually jelly
>>310373 I'm on a vpn you mong
>>310342 lad he's in a tranny bongo he organised a tranny raid and leaped to their defence whenever anyone insulted them
>>310373 Anarchy is preferable to anything else, m'lord auslad Giving autists power is too great a snacrifice
For the love of god don't mod bbk.
Jerrycucks is to fascism what Trotskyism is to Communism.
Or madlad for that matter.
>>310380 I don't know lad Trotskyism was used pretty effectively as a weapon against the west.
>>310379 BBK would live and let live tbh, like he did when he was BO of /newbrit/ albeit with two posters smh Whatever happened to Canadalad?
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Bumble match but I think she prolly just swiped right without looking
the deed is done
>>310385 what deed lad?
>>310383 Are you really going with he was a good BO because he didn't have a board to moderate? He literally spent the entire time talking too himself.
Bumbum has some fun hobbies like watching Eurovision but he should of used kosmi
>>310384 >30 and fat keep searching lad
did he make tbbk mod
>>310388 He had to other lads with him, some anon and Canadalad, he let them post as they pleased >>310391 He has I just checked the logs keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>310391 >>310392 I'm not BBK
>>310393 I AM! *FLEAS THE BORED*
>>310393 madlad or mancs?
At this rate fuck it mod everyone and let the board burn.
I'm what this place needs tbh, all these lads seething because auslad did the right thing, they'll all learn in time to respect our triumvirate
>>310390 1st white woman I've matched with for months
>>310400 she looks okay to me lad
>>310397 >>310399 Watch your posting, this is bordering on treason.
>>310400 Dating sites are just there to harvest loosh. >>310402 You can get fucked, if you want to prove you're a shit mod in the first five minutes be my guest.
>>310401 She will probably unmatch me reee, I just want a gf to make plans for.
>>310403 >You can get fucked Its time you learned your lesson
>>310400 Stop swiping right on wogs?
>>310409 I want the endorphin rush
>>310407 100 stealth 100 bluff
Hitler was a fucking mong who LARPed as a Prussian so hard that he put the petty grievances of the Second Reich's imperial failures before actual statecraft and genuine prosperity.
>>310400 are situation is dire tbh got disillusioned from online dating when i saw how many of the women were fat niggers >>310402 >treason this is a fucking imageboard keeeeeeeek who the fuck do you think you are
>>310413 >who the fuck do you think you are HIYAAAAAAAAAAAA
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>>310212 > Me (You) it is mancs literally the biggest autist on here remember when he got caught posting tranny porn? AUSLAD UNMOD HIM NOW
>>310415 >it is mancs no its not, mancs is probably you false flagging
The only mods I would trust are norn and isle of man, primarily because they are never here.
Don't understand what's happening tbh
>>310418 Here let me help you
I should be mod
>>310419 This elucidated nothing.
>>310418 Homosexuality
Ban that anti-Christian lad and delete his posts . . . or are you bluffing?
night lads
>>310422 Did that man lose his job?
>>310425 Goodsnight mein fuher, I will watch over the board while you schleep.
>>310425 Night lad, don't believe what they're saying about me.
>>310425 night lad.
>>310427 Ban bins immediately.
The affairs of state will have to wait, I'm got some gooming to do.
Wish I could rape all your mums tbh.
Want Dorset to be forced to watch whilst I despoil gimgelass
>sex offenders and nonces talking about rape
Yet I'm the freak for liking a bit of tranny cock
Cooks been done for a sexual offence?
>>310436 He raped bbk
>>310437 That I fully condone.
>>310438 Me too, if only I could have watched
>>310439 I'm sure you can just watch deliverance and fill in the missing pieces with your imagination.
>22st >Bins >TBBK >Spic Permaban the lot of them
>>310441 whats wrong with 22st and tbbk
The decline feels so inevitable
dorshit is such a little fag
Joe Owens
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tranny subversives have fooled auslad in to taking their side
>>310442 >What's wrong with subversive paedophiles
>>310447 Trans Live Matter.
>>310447 I think he banned the tranny freaks though
>new shit drama again
No emergency interest rise
>>310456 Lol eastern euros stealing the museum jobs
>>310457 Think she married one
>>310457 and a fugly hapa
Queen Victoria’s funeral looked a lot more relaxed an affair https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9yiG3EUz_A
>>310457 The yerrow pelir
>>310446 didn't know he had a son kek
>>310462 >the salute at the end
>>310466 shame snowden is a massive cuck tbh
>>310435 You're joking right?
>>310468 he's going all in on the trannyism now it seems, hopefully just a meme
>>310468 >>310469 jesus christ how much evidence do you guys need?
>>310470 stfu up bins you poof
Dorsey does joke about sucking tranny cock in the cord
>>310472 "jokes"
>>310472 he'll make one of the trannies wear a red wig from smiffie
>>310470 Lad, I'm trying to just see what this place is, I was blown away last thread and one of you lads said it was trolls. So I'm hoping that's what it was. Nothing else to say on it tbh.
this cunt is still here
woah frenschan actually seems based bros....
>>310478 leave already cunt
>>310479 I don't see anyone here discussing politics. I'm leaving for frenschan and never coming back to /brit/. Goodbye lads.
>>310476 > I was blown away last thread and one of you lads said it was trolls it was Dorset and his army of discord trannies he even bragged about it, and we posted proof, yet he still got away with it again
>>310480 leave
>>310482 that's a false flagger
>>310481 Yeah tbh, he is a naughty little scamp
>>310483 ban the frenscunt too
* Discusses politics*
whys he pretending to be a janny
>>310488 did you see joe owens latest video?
go on ngubu cut those fucking taxes
>>310491 probably being paid off by albanian mafia
>>310494 very wessexian poost
>>310493 Wasn't it blair that let the albanians into the country to begin with?
>>310496 I went to the Albanian version of Center Parcs once.
>>310498 >we make their country safe >they come here and make our country unsafe great
>>310498 they got george bush bakeries in kruje in albania https://youtu.be/EPtUe_SuDVg https://youtu.be/NsIKkPDwaNc
Lol >EU headquarters in Rome
>>310347 I'm going to come to Liverpudlian rats nest and fucking murder you with a knife, you fucking obnoxious yid cunt.
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>>310506 Ghastly creature.
>mummy saying how happy she is the brothers of italy and sweden democrats won >starts going on about how they'd "better not take away women's rights"
>save albanians from hitlerovic >they immediately start immigrating here and committing obscene amounts of organised crime lesson learned, never help anyone of a different ethnicity ever.
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>>310506 VERY GOOD lad
>>310509 tbh if someone is genociding them its probably for a good reason
wow wrath of the lich king classic launches tonight lads
>In 1659, the Kingdom of Kakheti rose up against the Safavid Iranian rule due to a change of policy that included the mass settling of Qizilbash Turkic tribes in the region in order to repopulate the province, after Shah Abbas' earlier mass deportations of between 130,000[143] – 200,000[123][124][144] Georgian subjects to Iran's mainland and massacre of another thousand in 1616 virtually left the province without any substantial population. This Bakhtrioni Uprising was successfully defeated under personal direction of Shah Abbas II himself. However, strategically it remained inconclusive.[145] The Iranian authority was restored in Kakheti, but the Qizilbash Turkics were prevented from settling in Kakheti, which undermined the planned Iranian policies in the respective province. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safavid_Iran#Decline
you have 3 hours to wish dirlewanger a happy birthday
smh lads I feel despondent seeing any right-wing discourse online. There's no maturity, people haven't moved on from 2015 talking points. I just checked out frenschan and every single thread is the most repetitive useless information. For example harping on about the jews by posting boomerbait facebook tier infrographics is just nonsensical. I'm not denying that Jews aren't in any sort of position of power, but these people are entirely metaphysically wedded to the idea of a Jewish matrix. They literally cannot imagine a world in which one bad thing happens that isn't the fault of a Jew. Secondly, half of the threads are talking about woodworking, homesteading, fitness, and half a dozen other hobbies. What's the point in discussing any of this? I get that some of these hobbies have a veneer of being trad but it's just useless self masturbation and fantasy. Literally what has any of that got to do with politics.
>>310518 Hitler bemoaned the LARPers in Mein Kampf tbh
went outside today and multiple womens were looking at me, smiling at me, was checking out some hot thicc latina and she even locked eyes with me for a split second before averting her gaze, definitely felt some magnetism... was thinking, what is it, why do I look good today? I didn't think I looked any different than usual. turns out my skin is good, no visible imperfections (normally I have something) and also my facial hair was a bit more grown out than usual so I had some mature/masculine-looking scruff which the womens apparently like. interesting. didn't even wear my fragrance today, if I wore it and one of these womens got a sniff her clam would surely moisten >>310513 interesting >>310515 happy birthday, Oskar!
>>310518 its impossible to have a discussion with them since any sort of criticism given is met with being called a shill or jidf agent
I've found a cure for depression https://youtu.be/HDiDnInjdjY
watching "Athena", the french film about a race war. already there's a secret clandestine racist org killing people in the ghetto, but they look pretty kino. the director is the same guy who made this music video (renowned for inventing fashwave): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWaWsgBbFsA
>>310523 media is calling it an "antifa" action movie
>>310522 How does this cure depression? Look at those beautiful cute girls. You will never have one of them bouncing up and down on your cock. You will never cuddle one of them. Look how fun and happy you are, unlike you. That is all it makes me think. Fuck this video.
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shut up incel
>>310525 keeek lad there's more to life than benis in bagina. Also from my experience east asian women are fucking terrible at cuddling
>>310518 >harping on about the jews by posting boomerbait facebook tier infrographics >They literally cannot imagine a world in which one bad thing happens that isn't the fault of a Jew
>>310524 There’s zero white people on the wog side so far.
>>310494 Even without a nigger as chancellor it was inevitable that Truss would fuck everyone in favour of the rich
>>310531 love me some Justice tbh
I'm going to give my bitch ass body some time to recover tbh, no gym tomorrow
twitter is probably better than any imageboard rn. providing you follow the right accounts
>>310195 https://youtu.be/VLAx-wZckm0 when does USD collapse?
>>310535 Twitter is complete garbage full of narcissists, reposts, inane observations and chasing trends. Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Plus they ban you for saying nigger
>>310445 keeeek
>>310537 that's most sites minus the banning
>>310540 Twitter is the biggest for trend chasing though. Gets very tiresome.
there is some proper dog shit though tbf you just have to step over it
ok wow that was a truly awful film in every way. didn't even have a coherent libtard message except revealing the ending that the police didn't kill the dindu that caused the riot it was actually racists dressed as police. fight scenes were cooky cutter cringe too. amazing how badly they botched what would've been such an easy film.
society collapsing hard rn
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reminder to torrent all the anime and films you like before the energy crisis means you can't afford to leave your PC running all night!
>>310545 is it lad? I havent gone out to the shops in weeks
>>310545 Yes, well, the very powerful Jesuit Order is attacking it.
night two: no seacow
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xHIhcstxUM >Damn, I feel like I just wasted 18 years of my life listening to rap and shit. This music really hits me on a spiritual level, it's so meditative and calming. remember who you are white man
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>>310550 seacow is on frenschan lad...
heres your sea cow
toil, schnini
>>310545 what's happened now?
>>310552 he would never betray us >>310553 good lad >>310554 night
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zog study about deradicalising auslad and installing him as BO https://archive.ph/Td86a
reminder: stay here talking about degen topics and not politics.
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Auslad shits himself at the sign of confrontation.
>>310565 keeeek isnt that illegal in america
>>310569 of course its some marxshits larper weeing himself over it
>>310544 keeeeeeeksmh >>310569 based

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