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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3775: Rivers of Blood Edition Anonymous 09/21/2022 (Wed) 18:19:05 Id: 44a259 No. 307684
Leicester violence spreads to Birmingham as 200-strong masked mob surround Hindu temple https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11234085/Leicester-violence-spreads-Birmingham-200-strong-masked-mob-surround-Hindu-temple.html Putler orders partial mobilisation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-62984985 Britons held by Russian forces in Ukraine freed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62988234 Pound slides to another 37-year low against the US dollar https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11234285/Interest-payments-UK-plcs-debt-hit-record-8-2bn-August.html Driving instructor who stalked his 17-year-old student is jailed for 20 months https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11234839/Driving-instructor-stalked-17-year-old-student-jailed-breaching-restraining-order.html
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reminder that enoch was a reincarnation of an egyptian cat god
>>307672 The suit is wrong. Reviewbrah wears suits from the 1980s and 1990s. >>307656 It's not recommended lad. Your funds are too concentrated. You'd need ten times that and in different sectors etc. to avoid fluctuations eating up your munny like lots of angry gnomes
>>307688 Literally meow
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>>307693 Thought they were singing stand by my grave then "stand by you grave" like nigger speak, insulting the Queen and celebrating her death or something.
>hindu vs muslim violence reported in Birmingham now https://twitter.com/activistjyot/status/1572476284919500802
>>307697 the cheek of those bloody hindus
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>that lad who dunks on the hinpoos itts but not the mohammadans
hindunats online are funny i cant help but like them.
tbh they maybe street shit shitters but at least Hindus are VERY INDO-EVROPEAN street shitters.
Actually after checking that twatter link, fucking scum hinpoos. The replies, especially this one, make me rage. Just go back to fucking india and take the pakis with you ffs.
Dangerously based comment on the Daily Mail https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11234285/Interest-payments-UK-plcs-debt-hit-record-8-2bn-August.html#comments >CantBargainWithMaths, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago The plan was always for the boomers to have a great life than hand the bill for it to their kids and grandkids. I'm amazed people on here haven't grasped this. The boomers will be know by the correct term in a decade's time - the locust generation. The country had everything when they arrived and they assets stripped the country leaving it barren.
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OK bro u wana talk abt strong horse lol I got ur strng horse right here bro
it was the east india company who offically ended the rule of the mughals dont understand why some poos can be so ungrateful sometimes
>>307679 >not even true lots of roman emperors/leaders early on were noted as having light features yeah light brown hair and green eyes, not blonde/blue
>>307706 blonde hair is native to eastern siberia, blue eyes are native to the black sea coast, people back then moved around a lot. the corded ware culture that begat germanics begat celts and italics aswell.
Truss trying to inflate house prices. >wew
>>307705 Sneedvening lid.
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based poos
https://youtu.be/8TToLgW7zuc Imagining Dorsey and Wessex in a city I think most lads here are small town dwellers
>>307711 how did they eat a lizard after being gang raped and killed
>>307712 wish i lived in bournemouth
found a steinerian youtuber in this one he talks about his workplace. there's the lisa simpson manager and young buttmatrix foids above ground. literally below them are the caliban incels toiling underground doing manual labour. the incels can hear the foids gossiping and shit talking them. he goes on to describe his encounter with a joker-esque new toilee who everyone shits on because he's an ugly manlet and ends up having a breakdown and smashing stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T7AkbT8fCs
>‘Normalising’ relationships with Israel now carries the death penalty in Iraq
>>307715 Yea a lot of small companies have that dynamic, officefoids above, incel minimum wage toilers below in the warehouse
because apparently only foids can send emails in the modern era.
>>307715 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK hes literally steiner, bet theres so many lads like this across the west.
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Sex is so gross but I want it. I need it.
Might get a good monocular, or soemthing with thermal any suggestions?
>>307719 Steiner likes living with his mummy though. They live on a vinyard.
cant stand blackpill shite tbh
>>307723 based me neither lad
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>>307723 >>307724 Here here!
>>307723 dehumanise yourself and face the bloodshed
>being awake for 28 hours
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>>307727 >CSTO Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan fighting each other >Armenia getting bullied by Turkey and Azerbaijan >Iran undergoing colour revolution with police being beaten to death in the streets >Russia being pushed back in Ukraine zogs winning on all fronts lads...
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just more jew propaganda shite to hide from market collapse
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>he unironically bet against neoliberal hegemony
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>flame grilled sirloin with steamed buttered asparagus and baby sweetcorn, alongside two poached eggs
we put our trust in a stupid fucking monke
>>307733 I've seen through all of your lies barack obama you wicked wicked devil
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Giving up on Russia now is like selling a stock at the lows. This is where you buy. Русская Армия всех сильней!
If russia mobilises these troops theres nothing hohols can do since manpower is the only advantage they have.
just dont get why russia didnt mobilise earlier
>>307740 their president is a monkey
>>307740 I wonder if it was to escalate in good timing with the peak of economic woes in Europe. Sometimes I think they've put more planning into the economic war and forgot they need to win the actual one.
>>307739 except equipment and info from the west. I wouldn't doubt american surveillance has been essential for the ukies in this war.
>lads losing faith
>>307740 some legalistic reason that nobody really understands or cares about except Putin
>>307742 keeek ye maybe its to appear when when you are strong or something
>>307743 the equipment is piecemeal, they have basically nothing left and the west can only give them so much
>>307747 the same is undoubtedly becoming true for russia who are still using old soviet supplies they dont produce anymore.
>>307734 based, now this is how you save the white rice for pudding.
>>307746 The power of escalation was a card they had in reserve, you'd hope they knew it was only a matter of time. Simply can't beat a country that's fully mobilised.
If Russia had invaded in 2014 back when Ukraine had practically no army except football hooligan volunteers he'd be set by now. He already got sanctioned for taking just Crimea why not go all in then?
>>307740 For quite some time they thought Ukraine would come to le negotiating table, which they did, they were almost ready to give up these regions to Russia, but then Boris rocked up into Kiev and any idea of a deal was torn up. >>307752 Guess he doesn't want to trash his reputation with allies. At least the way he's doing this he can say look, we're protecting these people in the Donbass. A full on invasion and conquest of Ukraine and he'd have no friends left in the world
>>307752 They forget that their enemies can prepare at the same time as them. Classic RTS mistake, he tried turtling and didn't push the advantage.
>>307753 literally zero world leaders who support putin do so because of moral reasons. they are exiled from the zog world and coalesced around each other, russia being big strong and mean is only a good thing for them.
>>307753 >we're protecting these people in the Donbass he could have done that in 2014 and probably rues his decision not too
>>307727 enjoying the semi lucid state?
>>307755 True but they don't like the idea of regions having referendums or seceding at all, like what's about to happen. This has all happened since the SCO summit that was on last week, which I don't think is a coincidence. He must have at least have received some assurances from China >>307756 tbh
Maybe he only decided to confront the west after covid
Liz Truss is the first female prime minister to have given head.
>>307760 keeeeeeeeek
>>307761 You know it's true.
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>>307760 she looks like a typical british skank
It's embarrasing, how did she get to be leader
>>307765 Literally David Cameron's diversity quotas.
>>307749 mong >>307752 hindsight is 20/20
>>307765 country is run by mongs, slags and darkies
>>307714 Bournemouth is awful, Poole is better but also shite
>>307771 bournemouth has all the smackheads and jews walking around in the daytime, lass lots of sexy escorts too smh
>>307772 I can pop in on the train if I wanted that sort of immoral thing
>>307773 for dorsey it's about the vibe
>>307773 not really many real pubs in bournemouth tho weird not like 'ere where theres one on every street
>>307775 It's all shite bars and clubs. Tbh Poole only has a couple of ok pubs
>>307715 sounds like a guy coping rather than a steinarian evaluation of the self in modernity.
>>307715 so sick of this gay dynamic in life
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>>307784 lad...
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>>307784 It's time.
>>307790 Dorshie lad, you got any film requests for the weekend?
honey and lemon drink for supper. weather's changed quickly and fucked me up smh
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>>307792 i am certain that autumn doesnt even exist
>>307667 The closer to the pole you get, the darker actually folk get, Inuits are dark because of the harsh UV in the polar regions (plus practically living off fish and animal fats). It seems that in more northerly maritime regions where you get low sunlight people just become translucent i.e. Jocks, Bythonics, Baltics etc. to soak up whatever sunlight there is. Swedes tan fairly well because they get decent summers. >>307582 I have quite a bit of med blood but I am bluey-green. my willy is also preternaturally thicc
Leicester Birmingham Where will the browns attack next?
>>307795 hull probably
>>307795 what cities have a significant Muslim and Hindu population?
>>307797 london
>>307798 I think they are more self segregated in London
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>>307800 Imagine being paid 50 grand a year to type this up. I can smell the 40 something spinster hr foid on the doc from here.
>>307803 piss off
the sun never sets on /brit/
Deep stuff.
sneed chucks >>307807 smh
>>307807 tfw no bedridden asian wife who hates me
>>307807 Chinese biscuit
I'm going to type the n word
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-62988234 Brit prisonwrs including Aiden Aslin returned in prisoner exchange to the UK
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnjgyifog#ipgo75dgiytatdtvgvcgtdou iylg9 7i6r'n f
>MARK ALMOND: The good news is that Vladimir Putin can't start WW3 just by jabbing a red button on his desk... And we don't know if Russia's aged atomic warheads still work Are the people fuck retarded?
>>307812 thought those lads were done for tbh >>307814 yes
>>307814 >Are the people fuck retarded? maybe i'm fuck retarded too
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>GGG Granddad was a steamship fireman in the big ocean liners of the 1900s >His wife starts having an affair with another man >He comes back and she throws him out, leaving him to wander the streets >He gets put in a workhouse in 1908 >dies six years later in the same workhouse >meanwhile his wife had a baby with this other guy and she marries him ASAP after GGG Granddad's death Raging tbh lads, GGG Grandmother was a thot
PFA said he can't think of anything to invest in. said we can just move stuff from the CIA into the ISA to use the allowance. guess things will be poo for a while
Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng is reportedly preparing to announce that 120,000 benefit claimants will have to take active steps to find work or risk losing their benefits when he sets out his mini-budget on Friday. Asked about the reports on LBC radio, Deputy Prime Minister Therese Coffey said the government wants to get more people "working in many unfilled vacancies as well as people doing a very limited amount of work today". >Poor Wessie
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Truss is so disgusting, the way she smiles, can see why that lad thought of fellatio
>The Cyberpunk animu is better than Cyberpunk 2077
>>307821 Poor Wessie will chafe to death
>>307826 It was alright.
>>307829 keeeeeeeek
Interest rate rise will be 1.5%
>US Fed interest rate is 3.5% 2008 isn't over yet.
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confused by what my monitor or computer is doing i'm getting these visual errors
>>307834 Israel stuxnet worm. Everything you've done online and will ever do is being published in the guardian this moment.
>>307834 you got internet chinkflu lad
perhapse windows is intentionally fucking with me so i download their damn update
0.5% is pathetic
5 4 split vote on it too
its getting worse
>>307840 smh rip lad
>>307834 >>307840 your graphics card might be dying happened to me
>>307843 Card couldn't handle the 4k render of gingerlass?
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i fucking despise these pro-war boomers hate them want to send them all to live in eastern ukraine and have their children forced to join the army and die just so they can see what war is really like fuck them
>>307846 based
>>307846 tbh happily cheering for it because they know they'll never have to deal with the consequences smh it's disgusting
http://elwininternational.com/elmina_java.html The Dutch sent black soldiers to Indonesia.
>>307765 cookies and milk for pre sninner snack
smh didn't mean to reply to that lad
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>>307850 Thanks lad
Dorset show me the hookers u've been eyeing.
>>307854 sure you want me to post a pic of yer ma?
>>307855 do it u incel freak
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>>307827 >second image Instagram seems to have been deleted and her 2 year inactive twitter doesn't have this level of wessexian thirst trapping.
>>307860 do like the hustle and bustle of the city tbh, proving there are no nonwhites around but also enjoy the cuntryside
>>307861 swiping in Jakarta tonight lad. lot of city bustle there
>>307862 not a fan of slit eyes tbh
they're making a ghost of tsushima film
>Judge Turnock said the fact that the WhatsApp group was private and no one in it voiced any complaint “does not render them incapable” of breaching the law. >(Judge Turnock) ... Told the court that the legal test was whether they were “grossly offensive” to the people they related to – those from a “Black and ethnic minority background, people living in certain areas of London, women, children, disabled and gay people” – rather than those who received them. it's so unbelievably over...
>>307865 Can't wait for private messages or conversations at the dinner table between Muslims or blacks about how much they hate and/or look down on whitey to be criminalised. Any day now. Equal petty tyranny for all.
Oi, sorry Peter Tatchell. You can't whisper to your boyfriends that you 'ate 'eteronormative soysciety and how the nuclear family disgusts you. You're nicked, m8.
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>"There is no evidence that any of the defendants, or the other members of the group, ‘called out’ or challenged any of their co-defendants on receipt of what are said by the prosecution to be the offensive messages," silence is violence is now uk law
>a second middle class woman has died from allergies while eating at Pret in five years
>>307869 Literally totalitarian. Murdering the judge in self defence would be entirely reasonable and legal by natural law.
>>307870 Keek glad I unfiltered this poost on a whim.
you can be done for retweeting something
>>307873 Are for simply liking it. Either of which can be a misclick. Nothing in the law to protect that. Using social media with big thumbs is a hatecriminal offence.
>>307877 they can't prosecute if you put "retweets and likes aren't endorsements" in your bio and use quotation marks
>>307878 They can and will if they think you're a chud with illegal thoughts.
>>307879 it's foolproof
Still remember a politics seminar in uni and i said some people don't like globalisaiton of customer services due to cultural issues, accents, some rupert told me i was wrong and that's racist.
Teenager was racially abused and chased before he stabbed two men in city centre https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/teenager-racially-abused-chased-before-25081876 >Ibrahim Sarjo today pleaded guilty to two counts of unlawful wounding and possession of a bladed article in a public place in connection with the incident on Queen Square on the evening of Friday, June 17. Emergency services rushed to the scene shortly after 7.30pm after receiving reports of a double stabbing, which allegedly came after a fight involving three men had broken out outside Yates bar. >Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen two men collapsed on the floor in the aftermath, having been stabbed in the chest and stomach. Liverpool Crown Court heard this morning, Thursday, that Sarjo was "subjected to racial abuse and pursued" before knifing the pair - who were named as Raymond Watkins and Anthony Sweeney. >Adjourning the case, Judge David Swinnerton said: "Nobody should be racially abused in the way you were. You were both racially abused and pursued. >"Equally, nobody should be carrying a knife in the street and nobody should be using a knife to stab people in the street. I accept there are mitigating circumstances, but it is a serious offence. >"All options are possible, including prison. It is always a serious offence if someone uses a knife in the street, albeit the circumstances in which you came to use it are clear and the court will sentence accordingly." You can stab people for being racist and get a lesser sentence now lads
Always carry your knife tbh
Smh. Mongo is going to be doing the rounds on the televitz soon.
>>307884 During his detainment aislin was talking in depth about Ukraines wrongdoings, let's see if he'll stick to that with his new media handlers
>>307886 I'd gain a bit of respect for the mong if he just goes back to a normal life. But given his social media presence before, it's not happening.
>the Ukrainians through him out because he kept shouting at random and giving their positions away
cheese on toast
Sneed on toast.
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>>307891 This fucking body type again
is he still entitled to a war bride?
My Chinese (female) pen pal talked about me moving to China today.
>>307893 He already married one.
>>307891 keeeeeeeek what a fucking monster
>>307891 didn't they kill him?
>>307897 he won gulag round and redeployed
>>307898 I just heard he got released and is coming home now
Well I fucked that up
>>307901 >Well I fucked that up NEVER POST HERE AGAIN!
>>307901 mongo would be proud
>>307891 Did you add that audio or was he really making sounds like that?
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>>307909 >tfw he just genuinely fucking loves violence
are they just handing out mail order ukrainian wives to anyone who gives as little as a freddo now? slatha ukrainy
>>307912 a-are they?!?!?
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mmmm daddy might move to weimart and get him some bitches
>>307891 Good God
From carer to international mercenary to international laughing stock smh
that wicked isle of man lad added weird audio to make are Aiden seem more monstrous thanhe really is smh this is the original, it's quite beautiful https://youtu.be/kJsyFFuisSc
mmmm daddy might move to chernihiv oblast and get him some курва
>>307915 refugees welcome, amiright lads?
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>>307920 I need to refuge my penis in american schoolgirls
>>307921 oh I thought they were ukrainians
>>307919 >they are all fat >ukraine is the "bread basket" of europe carbs smh
How do trannies not look in the mirror and say "yeah I look fucking mental"
>>307881 Its not your fault you were gaslit but now you have to rise above and never put that uni on your CV
>>307925 do u look more handsome when u look at urself lad? I always feel handsome in the mirror but then i come out ugly in photos
>>307927 I look handsome in the mirror and in photos although my head is clearly longer on one side that the other smh
STOP typing like a mongoloid.
>dad got redpilled recently and is its_over.jpg posting about demographics LOOK AT WHAT YOU CHUDS DID APOLOGISE
Ay lads, just popping in to say hey and to ask how the fuck do you ake a decent lasagna? I fucked the bechemel sauce right up
https://youtu.be/gkWOf0Eccw0 Not much security is it? Reckon I could probably impreginate her without too much trouble.
>>307931 >walk up to mummy >demand lasagne simple as tbh
>>307930 what redpilled him lad
If my country's borders are not defended, I could really care less about Ukraine's
>>307934 think his boomer whatsapp group
>>307927 >I always feel handsome in the mirror but then i come out ugly in photos i get this too smh photos make me look shit most of the time
>>307936 i redpilled me mum on niggers and jews now she's a cartoonish racist tbh still supports abortion and feminism though
>>307927 its because of angles and the actual camera lens itself different camera lenses can widen/thin your face depending on distance and so on
>>307936 might have been me, I've been redpilling boomers recently
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>all my days consist of playing a bit of vidya, obsessing over what to eat, and exercising a bit
>>307938 >still supports abortion and feminism though yes, so do I, but for niggers and jews only we must liberate them from the patriarchal oppression of having any children at all
fucking howling at this shit >>307942 she supports abortion for everyone because mothers might be too busy to develop a relationship with their child she's a fucking aspergers retard I HATE HER!
>>307927 >>307937 depends how close u r to the camera camera lens are curved slightly and create barrel distortion its the reason why when you look at yourself in the mirror you look more handsome than you do on picture
found a solution to the leicester problem
>>307946 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek imagine unleashing 100 of them
>>307929 Clear off mong
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escort not read my email
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>>307950 she's saving the best till last lad
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>>307952 why post this ginger minger
>>307953 get him D!
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>>307953 want to SNEED about it?
>>307933 But mummy asked me to make it.
>>307959 slap her and tell her THAT'S YOUR JOB MUMMY YOU FOOL!
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>another dead nigglet on the news as if anybody cares
>>307931 cheese sauce is easy to make >grate cheese and dust it in cornflour so it's coated (about a heaped dessert spoon should be enought but it will depend on how much you are making obvs) >put millk in pan and bring it to a simmer >add the flour dusted cheese and stir it should thicken up almost straight away don't put on too much milk, less is more, you can always add more milk if it's too thick, but it's harder to thicken up a thin sauce (you'd need to add more flour dusted cheese)
>>307963 what is this?
>>307964 There's no fox in the henhouse to drive out, so it will pass
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>>307968 keeek keeeek ekkkkeeek i'm keeeeking! ACK
>>307968 oh I get it now how the fuck did you make these D?
>>307970 i didnt, just found them on /tv/ ai generated images
>>307943 Thumbnail looked like Star Trek cosplaying. >>307946 Cute tbh. >>307968 KEEEEEK.
>>307972 WHAT i DIDN'T WRITE THIS?!?!?!?! how does this keep happening?
*cackles maniacally*
>>307962 I want to help mummy tbh,
take your insulin, lad
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>>307977 I've crushed the gnomes and I'm snorting their bones invading some homes
just learned that the mummer might have had a breast r*duction at some point smfh....... I really should have been a lass tbh, could have been fat t&a onlyfans millionaire, life would have been so easy. getting a y-chromosome is the coin flip of doom to a life of toil and suffering
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>spic mad he cant suckle on his mums big tits
>>307980 no I'm just against mutilating boobs in general smh you weirdo
wish I could back in time like the terminator and cut her womb out
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>filter id+ still doth not work
>>307984 Whomst didst thou filter, bully?
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>>307982 im going to fuck your mum
>>307988 you couldn't even get his mum to read your threatening texts lad
this thread sucks. you mongs arent funny stop taking up the thread with your gay posts.
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>unironically wanting to be a woman because muh vagina ack yourself spic
>>307996 are these too pretending? or is this real?
>>307996 my cited reason was because I would get rich by doing basically nothing, so life would be really easy and comfortable
hate bond films tbh
>>307979 jesus christ, spic...
>>307998 why not just be a rentboy
>>307998 the fact youre drawn to a life of hedonism and induglance if poof tier
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>>307979 lad? you've really gone off the rails since you left my server. Please come back, we can help you
>>307843 bought it 6 months ago
>>308002 wew who is that japanese guy?
>>308005 bond san
>>308001 idk what that is but it doesn't sound good >>308002 well biologically speaking the ideal life for a man would be getting perpetually milked to impregnate thousands of women, not some sort of ascetic monk or hard toiler >>308003 that's not "off the rails", it's just being realistic. women have it easier, men flipped tails on life. it would be off the rails if I were in denial about it and went troonmode like SOME PEOPLE.... we're males and have to suck it up and make the best of it, it is what it is
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https://voca.ro/1nfpCgxKBp8t TIME TO HIT THE STREETS!
biologically speaking youre a bender
>>308007 lad you said you want to be a woman
>>307985 Yellow flag
>>308012 Dorshie?
>>307999 honestly when rewatching all of them with the lads I didn't like a single one tbh
This mysteriously appeared in a field in Wiltshire It is a sign
>>308015 >honestly when rewatching all of them with the lads I didn't like a single one tbh they're actually shit aren't they? except possibly the first 3
i think...bongo is to blame
>>308016 >wessica hasn't posted lately Je pense
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theyre all quite funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG8yYi_pu4M i actually liked the timothy dalton films tbh
>>308021 it's not a woman, he fights a troon it's based
old bond is kino
bond peaked with goldeneye tbh, you cant deny these facts >>308020 good lad
https://www.selfologi.com/treatments/body-shaping/cavitation-does-it-work-is-it-permanent-how-long-to-see-results oh fuck there's a thing called ultrasonic fat cativation where you just buy a machine and it vaporized fat through the skin!! spot reduction!! I need to get one of these and use it on my stubborn saddlebags that make my silouttte unaesthetic. can use it under my chin too
>>308024 yes bond peaked on my n64 when i was 10 years old tbqh
>>308007 >idk what that is but it doesn't sound good Trying too hard. You know what one is because everyone in the western world has used the phrase for decades, poof.
>conned by weight loss scams maybe he is a woman
>>308014 There are a few others, but yes. The namefags are all cancer, but also that flag in particular isn't a good one to see
Stayed at a hostel recently and it was full of zoomers
>>308029 we need to fall for every meme to lookmaxx so that we can get pussy someday >mewing/chewing >microneedling >ultrasonic fat cativation >retinoids/sun avoidance
>>308032 Did you HAVE SEX with any?
>>308034 None, chatted to the males mostly. Some of the women were sleeping in their pants though
interest rates have... risen
>>308026 great film with great videogame >>308030 peak bond kino
poo leaking from the bum of a dead animal
>antifat idiot has returned
>>308039 we need to get shredded so we can get pussy, it is the only way. no point in avoiding toxins if you can't breed
>>308039 it's spic
>>308038 Much like (exactly like) society.
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>>308043 I wish. Save us from the tyranny of FPTP H meme man.
https://youtu.be/YlAJcNe9gpE?list=RDYlAJcNe9gpE smh what will be the music accompanying the end of /brit?
just want a cute thicc latina to plant her pussy on my nose so I can huff her pheromones and get brainwashed by her copulins
>spic turning into a sissy
>>308048 no, lad. I'm just getting tired of the lack of physical intimacy, it's starting to get to me a bit
auslad has some kabooming to do when he awakes
>>308049 touch grass get the sun
>>308051 the sun is bad, period. the problem is that most people are too stupid to realize this and organize their activity around the sun rather than the lack therof
(2.37 MB 640x360 sharpe papists.mp4)

>that lad stabbed to death was a niglet Je qeeq
why are halfies always so incredibly scrawny?
What was generally understood by this term was the enforced adoption of the German language, but it is almost inconceivable that people should imagine that a Negro or a Chinaman, for example, can become German simply by learning the German language, by being willing to speak it for the rest of their lives and even to vote in favour of some German political party. Hitler . . . I have some bad news for ya!
What makes a people or, to be more correct, a race, is not language but blood. It would therefore be justifiable to speak of Germanisation only if that process could change the blood of the people who were subjected to it, which is obviously impossible. A change would be possible only by a mixture of blood, but in this case the quality of the superior race would be debased. The final result of such a mixture would be that precisely those qualities were destroyed which had enabled the conquering race to achieve victory over an inferior people.
Might netflix (do nothing) and chill (have a wank) tbh.
>>308060 kosmi that wank?
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There is one kind of sport which should be especially encouraged, although many people who call themselves völkisch consider it brutal and vulgar, namely, boxing. It is incredible how many false notions prevail among the ‘cultured’ classes. The fact that the young man learns, how to fence and then spends his time in duelling is considered quite natural and respectable. But boxing—that is brutal! Why? There is no other sport which equals this in developing the militant spirit, none that demands such a power of rapid decision or gives the body the flexibility of fine steel. based Hitler
(160.98 KB 740x879 Big Head Poljack.png)

It is also in the interests of the nation that those of beautiful physique should mate in order that they may play their part in providing the nation with fresh beauty. NOOOOOOO HITLER PLEASE LET ME BREED!
>308066 talking about himself again
(87.49 KB 600x681 Merry.jpg)

>>308067 No evidence linking Crusius to inceldom, only proof to the contrary
>>308070 > only proof to the contrary go on?
>>308067 doesn't necessarily mean that calibancels shouldn't breed tbh
Zipper head
infowarriors it's over
(2.75 MB 852x480 1651707405705.webm)

he looks like a fat aj styles
(93.95 KB 815x923 spoky woman meme.jpg)

>>308075 How do they do it? pvre kino
>>308075 You're getting quick at these courses lad
Lads is there any way to make some money quickly. Ive been thinking about ordering some expensive stuff in Amazon and then saying it didn't arrive to get a refund.
>>308080 rentboy
(1.67 MB 498x280 JC Get a job.gif)

keeeek all these russian youtubers that spent their entire youtube life showcasing russia and how its actually a good place are suddenly leaving because putler keeeeeeeeek
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"Yes -- socks! Run out again!! Why is it that no matter how many millions of pairs of socks I buy, I never seem to have any?"
Edmund: Sir, with your forgiveness, there is another, even weightier, problem. Prince George: They just...disappear! Honestly, you'd think someone was coming in here, stealing the damn things and then selling them off. Edmund: (laughs) Impossible, sir. Only you and I have access to your socks. Prince George: Yes, yes, you're right. Still; for me, socks are like sex: tons of it about, and I never seem to get any.
>Newer studies have shown, however, that children develop type 1 diabetes 3 percent of the time if their mother has the condition, 5 percent of the time if their father has it, or 8 percent if a sibling has type 1 diabetes. Consequently, researchers now believe that something in the environment has to trigger type 1 diabetes. Some risk factors include: Cold weather. People develop type 1 diabetes in winter more frequently than summer. It is also more common in places with cool climates. Viruses. Researchers think some viruses might activate type 1 diabetes in people who are otherwise vulnerable. Measles, mumps, coxsackie B virus, and rotavirus have been linked to type 1 diabetes. Research suggests that people who develop type 1 diabetes may have autoimmune antibodies in their blood for many years before showing symptoms. It was the Neanderthals what done it. I was proud of my Neander Valley jeans. Now? I'm cursed. I have the white mans disease. Only one in twenty chaunce of snabies getting it though. Cure not far off. I think I'll chaunce it.
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>>308078 He's bean training.
guess i'll message another escort then smh
>>308089 How about you escort yourself to the pub and chat up a real woman.
>wombyn >at the pub
>>308091 at least put some effort in to attract some slag miles better for you than adjusting your tastes to an unrealistic expectation via a session with an escort
>>308091 you said they were complimenting you last time
>>308093 ye in town only 1 of my locals has any regular gash and theyre all taken smh
shadow boxing complete. One five minute round of jabs. Another five minutes of straights. Soon I'll do hooks and swings too. Need to sign up for MMA when the jews let me work again smh
(437.06 KB 200x210 pepeswing.gif)

>escort read the email but not replied its.. over..
>>308094 hit the town then
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>>308097 expensive pubs are ok less than £5 a drink but buses stop at 11pm and pubs shut at like 1, so only way back is a taxi, which is at least £15 unless i go to a club until 5am
>>308098 I had a single of rum for like 5 quid, cost of wiving cwisis is ruining incel lives
Good afternoon, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing in response to seeing your listing on Adultworks.com. In lieu of time I should summarise my thoughts; The goods/services you are providing are more than adequate, and I find your going-rate more than satisfactory. I would very much like to proceed with further correspondence and business engagement. Hope to hear from you soon, Let's have Sexooo Dorset
>>308099 went into a pub and it was £8 for a double vodka i get that for £3.40 at my local smh
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Identity England sent me an e-mail "Saturday 24th September Every patriot to Parliament Square, London 12 Noon." Shall I answer the call?
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>>308074 as if it's a secret that Hollywood is run by gay Jews fucks sake
>>308105 who is getting killed here?
if i go to the protest will any of you lads be there to back me up?
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>>308104 >>308109 Are you pretty close to London or is this a big trek for you?
>>308112 bit of a trek
>>307996 is this real?
>>308113 don't cupcake out anti*a are going to be there
(313.87 KB 717x436 My sides are in orbit.png)

>>308100 keeeeeek
dont want to get jumped by an entire zulu impi on the way to and fro the train station tho.
>>308049 pussy isn't even a wizard yent
>>308117 take wessie with you
>>308111 Nasty stuff, no chance to react.
>>308111 >>308105 hol hols are such scum
>>308105 its like they get some sick satisfaction from zooming in cannot stand these videos modern warfare is awful
if a technology exists, it will be used to kill thank you, faggots who invented drones
>>308105 I feel so sorry for them whichever side they're on. Disgusting and perverse to watch these men die when taking no risk to yourself using a drone.
>>308122 tbh drone bombing is something only an autistic kike would think is great warfare. it literally does nothing except I can assure that eventually people associated with drone use will not be taken prisoner. I doubt that any other type of military shit would just target sleeping enemies like that.
>>308125 >drone warfare does literally nothing what level of goycope is this?
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mad what n*ggas will do for some klunge
>>308097 funny how theres no wogs in shrek maybe orgres are the wogs....
>>308125 well as we move away from a moral society that has codes of honour in warfare like we used to have, its not a surprise tho that part of the world and many other parts have oft been savages
>>308127 looks like Bidens Antifa terrorists got their Soros checks.
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>“We are the English Guards, and we hope you will stand till we come up to you, and not swim the Scheldt as you did the Main at Dettingen,” he gibed, after which he invited the enemy to fire the first volley. “Gentlemen of the French Guards, fire,” he called. Comte d’Auteroche replied. “We never fire first; fire yourselves.”
>>308126 it doesn't have any strategic purpose, drones can't provide tactical air support, they can't take and hold areas, etc. the only ones that maybe can are the big ones that aren't those gay quad copter ones. its not going to be as effective as just having some company of 81mm mortars shell an area and smoke it so that infantry/armour can take it. what can a drone do?
Don't lads attending far right rallies get attacked by gangs if they visit London now?
>>308132 >kills General Soleimani anyway
>>308133 yeah probably because right wingers are mongs and dont understand how protests work. I'll be there to render aid and make sure nobody gets btfo for twitter to celebrate mostly.
>>308104 what's the protest about?
>>308134 that achieved nothing
also a targetted assassination is different that dropping mortars on some conscripts sleeping
>>308137 >You achieved noth-ACK
>>308121 is this holhols killing Russians then?
>>308136 saving the white race.
Is there a good bongo?
I live in London and my parents are going to the isle of wight this weekend. should i host a brit/ warband?
>>308144 you may accompany me on my expedition as the rank of captain. wessie is already my lieutenant
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Census results came out here today tbh but I dont understand how to read it
>>308146 what can i be
>>308149 manservant
could I actually stay at one of your houses I dont want to rent a hotel room or get a night ride home pls
I will pay you in ethnocoins, soon to be real legal tender in the ethnostate.
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>ywn fuck a tranny with Dorset
ban him
ban who?
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>>308155 >when his big dorse cock makes the bussy prolapse so you can swordfight with the pink soft flesh dangling from its anus
>>308140 yeah hol hols killing dpr militiamen I believe (no AA detection and manpads like russian regulars would have)
>>308159 I hate it when that happens
so not steiner was spig all along
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>>308162 she should vacuum my dingus
>>308160 fucking nasty i think I heard about these bombdropping drones, they got them from turkeyI think...
>>308165 I think those are just quadcopter domestic types IShit was doing the same in syria which points to it being a CIAnigger/westoid spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) originated tactic
>>308162 >women
>>308166 seems such a low and cowardly way to kill people typical of this fucking war
>missing D
>>308172 I've got the D the daughter's missing
>>308080 amazon takes a picture of the package at your doorstep so you can't do this. you can use things and return them for full refund though >>308118 I had a good sleep last night so test is up and I'm all lusting for gash. usually I just wank to alleviate boredom >>308139 marg bar amrika tbh
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(6.57 MB 960x540 Woes top 10 chins.mp4)

worst webm ive ever done
(29.16 KB 638x561 teehee.png)

>>308179 you know he has a general chat on telegram? you could poost this there...
>>308181 kek do it lad I'm not going near telegram
>>308182 idk why they made it so you need a cell phone number to make an account. totally hamstrings the platform. plus it has no security at all, everything unencrypted plaintext, why
>>308182 >kek do it lad I'm not going near telegram nah I can't do that smh
>>308179 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>308183 >plus it has no security at all, everything unencrypted plaintext, why that's not true, it's all encrypted and they refused to give governments the codes
>>308187 owning troons and defending sexy cunnies? now this is based.
I'm watching Hitler: A Career again.
>no seacow
>>308192 holy shit it's already passed midnight
(33.09 KB 200x304 toadfish pc.png)

>>308196 love toadie me
>>308197 he looks like thisnow
>>308198 looks barry mcguigan
still waiting for poos to kill some mudsharts
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still jamming to this >>308176
>>308200 ==WITH SMEE!!!=
(4.67 KB 458x440 despairing.png)

>>308205 oh shit I messed up the formatting sorry everyone
kill yourself unironically
>308207 what an awful thing to say
>>308211 keeeeek
>>308162 This was made for foot fetishists.
(9.58 MB 960x540 Piglet nibbles carol.mp4)

>>308212 >ape escape 4 never ever
>>308134 >political assassination with no structure of how you want to move the targets powerbase.
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>>308218 Dorshie and sperg tbh except Dorshie's will crumbled
>>308121 All is fair lad.
>>308219 Dors had a will?
>>308221 he had a willy
>>308222 So that's where all his will went.
(1.79 MB 380x480 dorsetchad.mp4)

(2.27 MB 1920x1080 Untitled.png)

>>308214 you wanna see the real shit watch this. nice and veiny https://youtu.be/_GE8MlgAMQY
had a great workout btw
>>308215 god I wish that pig was me
>>308227 enjoy a bit of milf nibbling?
>>308189 >fat is bad OK skelly
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>>308153 Kek, he is such a (You) farmer. That one did 91K on his 3K sub channel. There are subsequently more Norway videos he's done.
What's the name of the artwork of the irish wolfhound comforting a crying man sitting in a chair?
(820.39 KB 2560x1440 rtx 4090.png)

how am i supposed to fit this in my computer???
(921.06 KB 816x720 goz.mp4)

sneed lads >>308236 keeeeek
>>308016 she will return from Aldebaran soon
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>>308239 Sneed indeed
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>>308243 >100% mobilisation it was partial just yesterday
>>308244 ukraine just destroyed the last russian army just outside moscow
>>308245 based tbh they'll be marching on the kremlin within the hour
fresh chug lore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO3WtrMIgJg >>308179 a hearty keek tbh
>>308244 Here's the quote in context “It’s not a partial mobilisation, it’s a 100% mobilisation,” said Alexandra Garmazhapova, president of the Free Buryatia Foundation, an activist group that has reported on the draft in the region. In the past day, she said, she and her colleagues had received and identified more than 3,000 reports of povestka, or draft papers, being delivered in Buryatia within just 24 hours of Vladimir Putin announcing the draft.
>>308203 God that film was so bad. Steiner should murder RLM
Despite assurances that Russia would be seeking men who had recently served in the army and had combat experience, activists pointed to a number of cases of men in their 50s receiving draft notices. One woman said a 52-year-old relative had been delivered a povestka shortly before the president announced the draft the previous day. Yanina Nimayeva, a journalist from Ulan-Ude in Buryatia, complained that her 38-year-old husband had received a draft notice despite never having served in the army.
Kinda kino, I hope the Russians sneak attack over the Bering straits
smh someone give me something to talk about with the groomee
>>308255 us treasury bond yield curve
what do you call a slovakian prostitute slobberbownmycockyoubitch
>>308255 Talk about HOTD
https://youtu.be/0KQlCLu1Pcc >36 minutes when all you need is "yes" >>308258 she said she was into watching series... wow thanks b
>>308139 It achieved nothing. What? Do you think le gore posting is an argument? Your intellect has always been quite low but gore posting because you think you'll shock your opponent into conceding because of le dead body is a new low for you. Protip: You're on a fucking Chan.
>>308262 keeeeek
https://youtu.be/Ex6h8Hlg7qY doing my morning yoga exercises lads
(116.62 KB 220x220 Green Nigga Weeps.gif)

>>308265 I just coomed
the nigger chancellor has crashed the economy
Putin was playing 4D chess this whole time.
>>308269 big if true
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>>308269 Got no love for mohammadens but hate the idea of conscription anywhere. It's all a reminder of the mostly young working class lads pointlessly thrown through the continental meat grinder in WW1 and WW2. Zelensky was an evil cunt for getting the yids out first and then conscripting 16 to 60 year old men. Pootler is wrong to do this. Smdh.
(9.26 MB 1280x720 Great Russian Awakening.mp4)

>>308272 reckon i could batter all them tbh
the hohol beast must be slain in its cave, he has betrayed his Russian motherland
>We can't tax our way to prosperity! That model of economics hasn't brought us economic prosperity. These fucking kikes have cut for the top and left the weight to drop to the working class tbh. Fucking cunts. Hitler would never allow this.
(1.16 MB 854x480 khokhol brain.mp4)

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I don't understand why they're so stupid. ukrops are still going along with this shit
I genuinely fucking hate the tories
>>308277 cry poortherner
>308278 retard alert
(4.47 MB 1978x1307 tiger musky.png)

>>308271 yeah tbh smh
Economic growth is not economic prosperity. The quality of life of our citizens is the measure of economic prosperity.
>>308282 wrong wrong wrong the gdp is all that matters if the country is rich but the people are still poor they should stop being so lazy
*gets a job through nepotism*
>>308285 another warrior falls
should i see another escort tomorrow or sunday
gonna get a gram of sniff and bang the new CoD all weekend
>>308288 Sunday so you can give me a blow by blow
>>308289 based
Dorset's benefits funded sex diary. Wessie's xoomer, boomer dinner
(124.48 KB 235x336 1444134952446.png)

The fact lads are encouraging the use of prozzies on here is awful smh. You have really fallen.
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>>308289 Degenerate tbh
Have sex.
(9.69 KB 900x900 gordo.png)

>>308295 You can get your willy wet without paying for it lad.
>>308296 I'm not interested lad.
>>308293 tbh bit immoral
>>308296 Lol jahans was that autistic boy's rent boy cept he started beating his host
>>308297 Sad tbh lad. Immoral. >>308298 Exactly
(4.62 MB 853x480 GordonGoesHam.webm)

>>308299 He also went mental once.
Jahajs really was very entertaining, he missed the superchat era unfortunately
>>308302 keeeek just imagine what could have been
I remember going as far back as I could with his stuff back in 2015, found he had deleted his whole channel in 2009 or so at christmas as his parents made him do so.
>>308303 "Get your wabs out for the lads, pozz his neghole" etc
>>308305 Big titty show
>>308306 They were fucking grotesque
I remember he was just ours and no one else's. We almost owned woes in the same way
I need a new e- celeb to own tbqh
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>>308309 *stares into camera*
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I need more memes tbh lads.
(7.11 MB 1920x1080 woesinflation.webm)

>>308285 we will meet him in chudhalla
Iran is collapsing rn
tfw no persian gf
>>308316 US colour revolution?
this is what iran gets for not having a great firewall. by the way things are going only china will be left unZOG'd
I don't think this protest will topple the Iranian government somehow.
>>308319 Globohomo is ruining Iran keeek
>>308301 Got the early Jahans rant where he read out our comments? The way he screamed I'ma pozzin your neghole (my comment) was hilarious.
>>308320 English teachers are zogging china one woman at a time.
Since 2017 Iran has had deadly mass upheavals every single year. 2017 riots: 25 dead + 1 police 2018 riots: 4 dead 2019 riots: 225 dead + 2020 riots: 30+ dead 2021 riots: 7 dead 2022 riots: 36 dead (so far) >>308321 it's pretty bad, police have been beaten to death in the streets.
>Nooooo you dont understand ZOG has to dominate the earth for all time because I NEED white guys to blow my pussy out
>>308325 Police always die in ME riots.
>>308327 >tfw we run out of white guys this century
>>308326 Why doesn't Woes get to go on the telly?
>>308330 Because he's tooooo smart
peter hitchens
Woes could of easily been the voice of radio 4, he is too likeable for zog to allow him a mouthpiece
>>308333 tbh he's too dangerous
>>308323 I don't have it anymore sorry lad.
>>308325 their coppers are getting btfo by women?
>>308336 in the videos there's hordes of simps
>when the pseudo-groomee who is in an open relationship with a man and a girl cries to me about how lonely she is
>>308338 top kek. What a pathetic faggot
why dont you find a normal woman instead
>>308337 smh disgusting, its always the simps
>>308340 Arent you the lad who buys women?
Keeek at the obvious tactics of creating an army of simps for an attempt at revolution.
>>308344 Youc an't really say "why don't you find a normal woman instead" then lad.
Why should he find a normal woman? He's looking at a 20 year stretch of inceldom.
>>308346 paying for it doesn't count.
Bennies will probably disappear under truss
>>308348 I don't think that'll work.
>>308309 miss Woes before he got fat
daym need a slim booty bitch
>>308350 sneed lad
>>308347 Wrong
>>308354 His willy is gonna fall off lad.
>>308354 As the old saying goes you're paying for it one way or the other.
>>308355 Why are we talking about Dorset's willy again?
>>308352 so fucked up smh
>>308357 Cause he's putting it in slags you pay money to.
>>308359 is he really though? or just talking about doing that?
>>308360 dunno tbh
the economy has collapsed the pound is falling
>>308363 >>308363 >>308363 >>308363 >>308363 >>308363 >>308363 >>308363 fresh >>308362 if you would please consult the graphs
Jvws are RISING UP against their gentile oppressors
Do u think there could be an intervention against Truss and Kwarteng?
I feel like Truss appeals to the biggest boomer retards
Thinking about the youth parliament where all the williams and lisas of the uk got together to larp in the commons and it was televised
>>308400 what tory doesn't
How many members of the cabinet have been kwasi'd
(3.09 MB 1280x720 d6hj3M48XzXm13am.mp4)

fresh geezer
>Von der Leyen just threatened Italy that if in the upcoming elections the centre-right wins (populists) instead of the centre (neoliberals) there will be "repercussions".
>>308516 >"democracy"
Lads its friday night GET FUCKING POSTING
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reporting in for friday nightshift hauptsturmfuhrer
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dead board
>>308555 Sorry lad was playing computer games >>308555

Quick Reply