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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3774: Leicester Race War Edition Anonymous 09/19/2022 (Mon) 23:01:42 Id: cdb75b No. 306892
Leicester riots: 16 cops and police dog injured after being ‘outnumbered’ during clashes between hundreds of rioters https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19857452/leicester-riots-cops-police-dog-injured-outnumbered-clashes-protesters/ Police officers diverted from the Queen's funeral to deal with violent unrest in east Leicester https://www.itv.com/news/central/2022-09-19/police-diverted-from-queens-funeral-to-deal-with-violent-unrest-in-leicester Fifteen arrested in Leicester disorder operation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-62946146
Chimpout confirmed
Suicide immediately and post haste.
>Leicester Race War David Davis.
Lads, should I make a thread on the other chan just to check it out?
>>306898 it's still ongoing lad, and it's getting hard for the MSM to cover it up but they keep rolling on with wall to wall coverage of the Queen's death they don't care about THAT being a David Davis
Tarted up cunnies all about town today lads.
>>306900 It's been going on for two weeks at least. >>299948
>>306902 yes, and the MSM keep ignoring it unlike the Queen's death which they've covered non-stop for weeks
>>306901 You deserve all the cunny bbk
>>306901 on a Monday night? unusual... it's not one of those underage nights is it, where school kids are allowed in to night clubs?
(1.76 MB 640x480 Fick Dich Tisch.mp4)

>10 posts in >BBK and 22st are already nonce posting
>>306904 ||b?||
had to look up what cunny meant
>>306908 what does it mean?
>>306907 Yes B
>>306911 cool posts b
>>306915 calling me a cunt
>>306916 cunny means cunt, but for children
>>306916 >>306915 that was well out of order tbf
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they're doing the Stalin thing to tobacco on old movie posters
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>>306922 hey, look who it is!
did you see dutton mention sneeds feed and seed tonight?
why are the cracking down on tobacco? they ban/demonetize/censor tobacco youtubers too like the guys that review the dip cans does nicotine increase testosterone or something? it's not like they care about our health because they don't do anything about all the tranhydrogenated whatever the fuck seed oils or high fructose corn syrup
wait lads, is the leiciester race war serious?
>>306926 >implying things happen even the multiple wars and ongoing economic collapse is basically a nothingburger. when was the last time something happened? I don't think anything ever did
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>>306921 keek editing out the fag just makes him look like smug pepe
>>306927 does mentira count?
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>>306925 tobacco gets the blood pumpin
>>306926 >wait lads, is the leiciester race war serious? it's been going on for 2 weeks, pollice can't control it, the MSM are trying to ignore it, and it's escalating as muslims pile in from other cities to beat up hindus
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>>306294 >After about 15 minutes, the first of the fish affected by the toxin will float to the surface. More will drop to the lake and river beds. >Those that float will be gathered eventually up by crews and buried in pits dug for the purpose. That's going to be so confusing for future primitive archaeologists investigating the remains of are once-great empire.
>>306931 When will the authorities do something?
>>306934 what exactly can they do when they are mostly pretending it isn't happening?
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>>306937 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek based mummy
>>306934 Last time, they flooded a valley, scooped up all the undesirables that floated to the surface and dumped them in the norf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangla_Dam#Displacement_&_Resettlement Where will be the next poo pressure release valve?
>>306939 Smh this living history requires use of the pith helmet
>>306825 A true nationalist, you are
>>306939 tf Ingerlund is India-tier dense in population? also Rwanda/Burundi are randomly more dense than the rest of Apefrica
guess it makes sense since they're small and having a capital city while being small will generally drive up population density
not looking good for ricecels
smh at lads that sleep during the night, you're supposed to sleep during the daytime to shelter from the daylight and then be active at night when you're safe from the sun
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what a chad this is what getagookmaxxing looks like, he's literally building a filipina harem https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=KyE3pjnlaH8
smorning lads
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>>306952 keeeeeeeeek
>>306954 smorb lad
the steelworks looks very pretty this morning
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>all those screaming retard mets just shoot them tbh also dont understand why the poos dont just run through that thin line, not like the zogbots can wack them it would be a racist
First is of Hindoos invoking their war god "Jai shree Ram"
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today I ate >chicken egg >pig meat >chicken meat >cow milk >shrimp >scallop >more pig/chicken meat >cow meat vegetarians btfo
>>306964 based
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ooooh boy you're gonna like this one lads
>>306951 Is that fake? Colour of the blood is convincing but I can't see a wound.
can't women just be a proud pair of boobs instead of doing the cringe LARP >>306967 idk
>>306966 clown world is just a playground for women smh
>>306892 Great thread, b
>>306937 Based
>>306966 *screams*
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>>306974 >poos repatriating themselves all according to keikaku
>>306974 >2nd image those are false flags tbh
>>306951 >You got blood all over my bag >Sorry Black people are wonderous beings >>306967 Looks like he got stabbed below the collar bone, from the way the blood is dripping
>Muslims attack and loot an Indian restaurant "Street Taste" in Leicester, are chased away when the police comes.
>>306977 Autistic men truly have it the worst
Honestly think we should victimise the normies
>>306980 But you're disabled?
>>306981 Yea but not physically
the virgin aspie vs the chad retard tbh
>>306984 Thanks for your service
>>306984 have fun lad
>>306987 smh these so called fact checkers won't be able to stifle the truth forever
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going shops >>306989 based
What's going on with Russia?
>>306992 They shart their pants, everyone laughed
Race riots are on GB Jews >>306993 smh, m-maybe they're just f-falling back to d-defensive lines in order to f-freeze the holhols in autumn
>>306985 >>306986 >mandatory job fair attendance >it's one (1) hiring agency in one (1) booth that gave me one (1) leaflet with a link to their website >doesn't even have any local jobs keek fucksake just another officefoid grift wasting everyone's time
GB Jews has to literally african news readers
>>306996 but are they speaking in BBC pidgin?
>>306997 gorgeous lenguage tbh >>306994 yeah lad its all part of the plan, the winning condition is to steal all the potatoes and go back to the 2014 borders smh
>>306997 Just standard southern English. They say that the other wogs are taking advantage of our free speech rights which apparently exist in GB Jews land
>>306951 It's real, lad was wearing a Gryffindor robe and doing rap battles of history or whatever. Retard? Absolutely? Deserve to be stabbed? Nah. I fucking hate niggers. This is why I never leave the house without my own knife.
>>307000 >large-scale disorder MOSTLY PEACEFUL
AUSLAD record your accent for us
>>307003 Cultural capital second to the us, wtf...these retards think shartica is good
Sometimes I see certain people and imagine how vile their farts would be. I can almost imagine their hot blast of air in my face.
you don't have to imagine
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>>307006 ugandan knuckles now works at the news!
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OK, new slogan: Niggers should remember their place . . . before whites remember theirs. It could be the caption to pic related
they saw my ARSE
>>307014 >Auslad is a redditor
>>307003 Piss take so he won't be blamed for exploitive journalism by the usual attention seekers
I fucking despise Robbie Mullen
>>307016 nah read the rest of the thread he is a civic cuck smh
got some soju and it's very nice >>306995 keeeeeeksmh what a farce looks good on paper though which is all that matters >>307004 don't really have an accent tbh or a microphone just bog standard williamoid recieved pronunciation
>>307020 >just bog standard williamoid recieved pronunciation so you don't have an aussie voice?
>>307021 >>307021 https://youtu.be/d27gTrPPAyk He is an Anglo in New Anglo
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>>307022 smh in my head canon he' a bogan
official ban message should be KABOOM in honour of the archetypal australian tbh
>>307021 no lad those accents only really exist out in rural areas tbh since coming to australia i've only ever lived in the suburbs so i was only ever around urboids who watch american films and play american games >>307023 sorry to disappoint smh >>307024 keeeeeeeek tbh
>>307025 smh, do they love their British heritage there?
>>307027 >cosmopolitan consoomers anywhere across the globe >loving their heritage
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fantasising about someone trying to mug me again but I stab them
>>307027 mostly ambivalent tbh but the connection is there for the most part it's not uncommon to meet someone who has an english aunt or uncle or granny or grandad or something tbh was in the city about a week or two ago and walked past a group of tradies doing up a shopfront and one of them had a thick yorkshire accent >>307029 >north leicester is for us hindus. the mudslimes already have east leicester and the whole of bradford to themselves roooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fuck off fuck off
>>307031 >yfw the portuguese have north Bodmin
The only time someone tried to mug me: >walking through an entry (alleyway, gibbet, whatever) and a lad passes me on his bike >He turns at the end then rides straight at me and grabs my tie >tells me to give him my phone >start fumbling my word and turning myself so that I'm facing the way out and he's facing the park >he says "give me you phone now i've got a knife" then reaches into his underwear for some reason >I say "alright lad, it's in my bag i'll get it" >grab his hand and throw him to the floor while shouting fuck off at the top of my voice >he falls down like he's made out of paper >i stand like a monkey half ready to run half ready to attack him and steal his bike for the banter but frozen because of the knife claim he made >he says "watch now lad" and rides away keek about it to this day, I hope I get my first kill in such a manner. reach into my coat and say "here you are" then stab and drag at one of his arteries keeek
>>307032 based, Ausland is BRYTHONIC clay
>>307033 smh the high street has its own mini leicester type thing going on with a bunch of paki businesses and then some of those scam phone shops run by indians that go bust every quarter but always get replaced by another identical business and pajeet
anyone here ever taken a human life?
>>307034 very based lad >>307037 snot i
>>307037 >>307037 I took Nick Griffin's life from him
>>307029 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXf9KRR3NmI Also fucke them all. For all the millions of pakis and poos in London, there were token brown faces in the crowds all week. Less than 1% of them represented. Probably 0.4%
Woke up today speaking French to myself because of a dream I was having where I was explaining myself to some foid at some guerilla warfare camp. Explaining the "how did you get into this" personal story. Some people had already told her theirs in English, so I was pitying her and making an effort in French. Can't escape even being a simp in my dreams. Ah well, 'tis good to practise what has been learned occasionally.
>>307040 based joomer >>307041 practicing skills in your mind is free self-improvement tbh
>>307042 If a thot can launch an attack on a globalist wtf are we not witnessing more rebellion in the rank and file? From 2015 btw, before this cunt turned Italy into Draghistan. He’s gone now of course, just like Angela Merkin. No punishment for their cultural vandalism, just gone. Smh
https://youtu.be/ylb_BEFcV-Q >Indian origin girl, smh absolute hilarity
>>307043 women are immune to the consequences of their actions tbh the worst she'll face is a single-digit year sentence in a cushy women's prison tbh more likely just probation or something >wtf are we not witnessing more rebellion in the rank and file? women don't believe in things smh they'd be the ideal footsoldiers for organised chuddery if only they had the wherewithal to believe in something for the sake of it instead of just adopting whatever beliefs goodscreen spits out smdh >>307046 >she's a female, she's a female don't do it and women say chivalry is dead smh
>>307048 FUCK OFF
>>307046 Jussice will be serve fr fr U jus can’t dayuum tek photo o mane’s face an teet! Blak powa!
>>307050 niggers are cringe and also should be destroyed.
>>307050 >comply >get killed anyway growing mountain of evidence to just outright exterminate them tbh >>307051 tbh
>>307051 Poos trying to say they are being disproportionately targeted by black criminals in the US but they disproportionately own about 62% of all the convenience store in the US. Fucking poorasites are obviously gonna get rekt Also no one likes them
>>307052 >growing mountain of evidence to just outright exterminate them tbh If a nigger starts getting aggressive, it's clear that you must immediately end the situation with violence. The point at which whites are willing to talk us much further down the line than niggers.
luv multiculturalism me >>307053 tbh they own all the robbery targets then wonder why they get robbed >>307055 tbh are body language and threat resolution methods are completely different tbh it just doesn't work
Capitalists like Indians a lot
>>307056 >are body language and threat resolution methods are completely different One of the many indications that we're separate sub-species or even species of human
>>307058 bit racist lad smh careful now
>>307054 Hasn't he always been willing to end the war but pookraine (US and Britain) won't talk? The military op was always about defending Donbass not to conquer the whole of pookraine as he wants to keep China and India on side. They'd never support a full blown invasion
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I thoroughly despise Europeans.
>>307062 You are one . . .
>>307062 they're not that bad surely lad
Dorset hated Europeans more than anything. The European he hated most . . . was himself.
>>307065 brits aren't european tbh
>>307062 They're okay, as long as they are over yonder and not over here
https://youtu.be/xv35v_0r-Og alicia has uploaded
>>307063 No, I'm British, English by the grace of God. >>307064 Some are ok, but they all have that superiority mentality about us, don't like em, simple as.
>>307066 >>307069 *cringes*
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Ah, it's *him*
It's certainly not *ginger lass* keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>307069 yeah smh that is annoying tbh
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VGH that little creep tried messaging me i'm going to leave him on read
>>307075 *unread foids have their ways with social media tbh they can read your messages without the system knowing they've seen it smh they're cunning like that
Why are there no paki footballers? they'd build a shop on the corner! >>307078 keeek love women hate women simple as
>>307075 she looks a bit mannish
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>>307080 she just a skinny ass nigga
>>307082 god she's not actually good loooking
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>>307083 yes, like i said i was having a conversation with some chad-lite i went to school with the other day, and he said shes a minger her photos only look decent because of angles and makeup, she looks god awful head on with no makeup smh
i think she looks alright
>>307084 she has two big PUCKERED anuses. one for pooing and one for do farting
only reason i like her is sunk cost fallacy
>>307086 no lad, thats a vagina
>>307084 lad you need to move on tbh oneetus is unhealthy and it's only causing you pain the gingerlass in real life will never measure up to the gingerlass in your head >>307087 let go lad you're a prisoner in your own mind be free
Just approach her and chat her up ya daft cunt and spare us this tiresome arc
she looks like she smokes 40 rothmans a day and does that horrible granny pucker with her cheeks every time she takes a puff
>>307088 then what was that brown thing i saw coming out of it?
>>307091 KEEEEK
nearly 2 years ago that i talked to her
>>307094 You're 24 right?
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>>307096 keeeeeek I'm four years older than you that makes me your boss LIL DORSIE
29? bit sad ngl
https://youtu.be/J8wI9OMXdXQ >>307098 the next four years will go faster than anything before keeeeeeeeeeeeek death is coming for us all!
>>307098 oh u leaving here dorsie?
>>307099 based
(3.24 MB 960x540 Goodnight 32.webm)

watched the running man and blade runner (1982) yesterday tbh pvre kino taking a break and watching treasure planet tonight shnight lads
>>307102 Goodnight, my love
>>307102 Sweet dreams bb
>>307102 rest well, watch out for dingoes
watched gunfight at the OK Corral 1957 was good tbh, doc holliday was cool >John Henry Holliday (August 14, 1851 – November 8, 1887), better known as Doc Holliday, was an American gambler, gunfighter, and dentist.
>>307043 what's ECB?
>>307109 Elastic Chinese Balls
>>307109 Extreme Championship Badminton
>>307048 of course they'd do this
>>306960 >>306962 >>306978 Absolutely baste and portentous. It's Christmas come early for /brit/ and my predictions of hindu/mud civil war factions coming true. >>306943 tbh, gov always try to downplay it by combining UK population density into one blob, but this is a rare red/blackpill that you can find on kikepedia.
>>307113 I had a hindu work mate who fucking despised pakis keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he was based but can leave with the rest of them
>>307114 Do you ever drive past an ethnic riot and think to yourself "how can I help to inflame this?"
>>307115 I don't drive, I'm an esoteric leggist.
>>306962 >5th vid >that scrawny foid officer with the German shepherd the same size as her >>307116 based, max out that AGL and zog cars can't chase you down narrow alleys or across fields
>>306962 >307117 forgot pic
>>307050 The axe man was quite restrained for a nigger tbh. Smh felt a bit sorry for that sihk lad. Hope that scawny wog gets fried or spazes out in pain after a lethal injection.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUaVPD8qMik Joomer is really pushing the limits lately.
>he's been impersonating me again
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wanked again
>>307122 what to this time lad?
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>this thread
*makes another post so i don't have to look at it*
*makes a longer post* sneed
>307125 BAN HIM!
>>307125 lad wtf
imagine hat's what he sent violet keeeeeeeeeeeek
£10 to Bucharest lads/
>>307131 its obviously not me you fucking mong bbk does this so much you retards should be able to recognise it by now
>>307133 how do we know that you're you and not him?
>>307133 Maybe tell us when u first became attracted to femboys?
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>>307136 think you are going to have to duel tbbk to resolve this matter
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If Dorset was a nigger, I'd feel so betrayed. Especially after seeing what I thought was his big, juicy, pretty hu'white dick.
>>307000 >You get the good (great food, hardworking immigrants) and you get the bad (cultural baggage!) That's the way it works.
>>307137 pic related their weapons
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Since the King is itt, don't know if he saw this last thread. For (You). A smoother ride than a BBC, I hope.
>>307140 Will murk the pair of them tbh
stop. ruining. the. thread! or you will pay
>>307141 speeping snorpers that's a big dragon, I hope it doesn't eat behorned naughty boiz
Game Idea: Womens football But they're really bad at it. You can put a tranny on the team for a power boost but there's a 45% chance they'll commit suicide
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think i've got pneumonia from a foul machine at toil
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>>307145 I'm right here
Game idea: Retard Races Like Mario cart but it's retards in wheelchairs.
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>>307150 Based mongs.
>>307151 huh, when did I write this? am I losing my mind?
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Hey lads, there's a movie night running on frens. Thought you lads might be interested. It's ace ventura tonight. starts at 7. There's usually a bit of music first. https://tv.frenschan.org/
>>307153 Thanks for the invite lad
>>307154 lad no, they will record your IP!!
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>>307154 No worries lad. Thought it'd be a laugh. >>307156 If you're that worried use a proxy or vpn lad.
>>307150 >Car is soundproof >They can turn mics on to send sound in Haha btfo mongtards
requesting that weird looking kid with the kamala's not black t shirt
There's not much worse than seeing fat, middled aged men out wearing Marvel t-shirts.
>>307164 >that first one Keek.
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got a nice photo of a sexy gingermilf today
the cheek of these hindu cunts
>>307169 fucking hell, imagine practicing Hindu religion, in Bri'an, a Muslim country!
oh, it's the "far right" that are rioting in Leicester apparently
just got up
Stream is starting up if you lads want in, music playing at the moment.
Liverpool Dock WOrkers go on Strike https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/dock-workers-strike-port-liverpool-25055786 >MDHC engineer Mike Jay said: "We just want a pay rise that reflects the current cost of living crisis and Retail Price Index, which is about 12.3%. We haven't actually been given a great deal of opportunity to negotiate. We've only had two meetings since June. >"I think MDHC is being very stubborn with a pay increase which they consider to be reasonable, but with the RPI and cost of living being what it is, it's not acceptable at this time. We have got guys here on different pay scales, and it affects the guys on the lower pay a lot more." >David Huck, chief operating officer at Peel Ports, said: “I am deeply disappointed Unite has rejected our significant pay package after many months of negotiation. This is bad news for our employees, families and other local employers.
https://youtu.be/mboIwYKIBNI i hate this anti-russian cunt huge market for anti-russian zoomers on jew tube
Farage talking utter bollocks again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sXZCqLTiLA
Is this what happens if you never leave your house and get fed BBC coverage over the last week 24/7?
>>307177 It might be his high amount of polish admixture.
>>307179 You should get a picture of that to hang on your wall.
>>307180 He'd never stop wanking then. smh
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>>307125 why is this post still here?
>>307182 Sounds like a wookie
seriously Dorset should be perma-banned on sight
>linking directly to it >referring to a false flag as dorset
>>307185 its not me, stupid retard
>>307186 I asked why the post is still here? why is it? >>307187 yeah but you should stil be banned
>>307189 just coz
>>307190 yeah, ok lad
I think I'll try that again
>>307191 oh, I thought it was the "N" she was getting offended by
>>307192 >yeah, ok lad why do you have a better reason?
oh its bins the aging homosexual engaging in effeminate shitstirring just for the purpose of creating drama
>>307054 RT just said that Russia says the war cannot end at thie time >>307060 that's what Russia has been saying all along but I think their original intention was to coup the Ukrainian government and once that was deemed impractical they changed to 'take as much of the southeastern Ukraine was possible'. they are doing referendums to join Russia in Lugansk, Donetsk, Zaphorozia on 9/23-27, Kherson will soon follow >>307147 smh get well soon lad
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>>307182 take2
>>307197 ah, that makes sense tbh
>>307199 real tbh joomer breaking out of his skin suit and going golemmode
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>>307197 fuck you you fucking fucker!
talk of a Putin speech and now this looks like Russia will mobilize, fucking finally
>>307203 putin going gloves off at last?
>>307205 They were always off, russia is just shit. Or do you think the guard tank divisions, VDV and spetnaz are just conscripts?
Look, all I'm saying is, how do we know which one is the real dorshit?!
>>307206 >They were always off, russia is just shit. no, apparently Putin has been constrained by legal definitions throughout, which is why they refer to the war as a "special military operation" and other such strange matters the empire of lies doesn't care about international law, they just do what they want and justify it afterwards
>>307207 his loveable nature will shine through
>>307121 >>307122 he seems so real to smee
>>307206 the entire problem for Russia is that they are outnumbered like 5:1 because they rely on volunteers from Tuva, Buryatia, Chechnya, etc. that join the military for the financial incentives, supplemented by drafts in DPR/LPR. if Russia does mass conscription like the Ukraine, they can roll over them like they should have from the beginning
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>>307209 >his loveable nature will shine through y-yeah
>>307211 Russia hasn't even engaged 10% of their forces lad
>>307208 contrained my ass lad, they cant mass conscript people, but they did send their actual professional forces, the only things they havent used is mass conscription, strategic bombers and nukes, to fight ukraine of all places, an agrarian eastern european shithole. >>307211 Pure damage control, they never had numerical inferiority in the beggining, corruption and incompetence got the best of them on the first assault and they got stuck on an attrition war they cant keep up with.
gross, somebody in the thread is eating toast, I just tasted it
>>307215 I ate toast some minutes ago, about to start sipping a cup of earl gray tea
>>307214 >contrained my ass lad they still haven't declared war, and haven't engaged more than 10% of their entire military
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>>307216 fucking psychic abilities fucking me up again I hate toast
>>307217 >they still haven't declared war it does not matter what they call it, it is a war, they have been treating it like a war for a long time, most of their "forces" exist on paper and they havent been able to fill those numbers since before the collapse of the soviet union Its a paper tiger that got itself into a stupid war they failed to win, why are you so adamnt on defending them?
>>307219 he is a brainlet and thinks le putler is le based instead of another zoggie globalist WEF graduate
only reason to care about pookraine is for the entertainment value and to remember that it has nothing to do with our elites arbitrarily destroying the economy and dragging us into poverty over inflated energy prices etc
>>307222 words cannot describe how gay that NATO slave flag is keek
(715.67 KB 858x480 the Ukraine NWO.mp4)

wrong thot, I meant to post this thot
>>307219 >it does not matter what they call it, it is a war, they have been treating it like a war for a long time they actually haven't though, the whole nature of things changes once it is officially a war at the moment, they are obeying international law, by liberating Eastern Ukraine which declared its independence - that's why Putin said, at the very start, that they recognise Donbass' independence This is also why the West hasn't officially fully committed either, not officially sending our troops or secret service to help - although of course we have really who have you been listening to about all this?
>>307224 as if they can't play both sides c'mon lad it's the basics of jewry
>>307227 what purpose does it serve to destroy all of that NATO equipment? the US is sending materiel to the Ukraine which gets destroyed by Russia and therefore cannot be used against China
>>307219 >why are you so adamnt on defending them? I'm not defending them, just presenting the information as I've seen it
>>307220 >he is a brainlet and thinks le putler is le based instead of another zoggie globalist WEF graduate schizo
>>307228 again this is ancient and basic lore at this point the power axis is being shifted to china and the remaining parasites in the west wish to extract as much power and money from it as they can while also destroying it so that it cannot act in opposition in the future
>>307232 huh, I didn't post this, what's going on?
>>307231 the elite in the west controls the west, not china. why would they want china to be more powerful than the west? they made a mistake by outsourcing the american industry to china, they didn't anticipate china becoming a superpower that they cannot boss around. the want one world government, they can't get that if china is a nationalist superpower run by han chinese supermajority
>>307234 >they didn't anticipate china becoming a superpower that they cannot boss around. the want one world government, they can't get that if china is a nationalist superpower run by han chinese supermajority tbh, china is never going to accept jewish rule, so idk why Wess thinks this
jews have literally been in china for over a century since the communist revolution and warlords period in 1920 and they hold similar positions there as they do here, if more hidden and a few more rungs down the ladder to avoid chinkcel seethe the elites are globalist in nature not "in the west"
>>307236 >they hold similar positions there as they do here they control banking, media, and porn?
REPEAT AFTER ME! THEY HINDUNUFFIN! Disgusting disrespectful fuckers can’t get round the negotiating designated shitting street when the country is in mourning. Expel them I say. Where were the brown faces lining the streets to pay their respects? NOWHERE TO BE SEEN!
schneedvening, sneething this evening with toast and choccy
this is what I crave
>>306921 Ironic considering they'll be smoking Philip Morris weed in a decade, branded like monster or redbull.
Huh? Sky News made that Putin address private
>>307242 Cancelled till tomorrow apparently
>>307240 got just the w*man for you lad...
>>307245 a-are you the real Dorshie or the evil fake one?
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>>307246 i'm the real evil dorshie
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>>307247 *phew*
>>307244 So that's what Eddie Izzard has been getting up to
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>>307250 I looked at this pic, and I swear to god, Sam Hyde actually looked back at me, through *those* eyes for a moment, it was really him we connected
Evil Dorshie is an anagram of Devil Hosier
well i suppose he is gay like you
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I'm not even going to acknowledge that was aimed at smee
>>307253 >the man who associates with unironic trannies is casting aspersions wewlad
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>>307255 who? who is the tranny i associate with?
>>307255 Dorshit associates with trannies? Where?
>>307256 pembs, lew, jocko, luna, neo etc.
>>307258 I only associate with 2 of them, and only one of those is a tranny freak stop trying to stir shit up the thread FUCK OFF
>I don't associate with trannies >e-except that one, but you're still wrong keeek
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>>307260 pembs only became a full blown tranny recently, and i am deeply saddened by it, smh
The chants of 'low it', northron culture is utterly wogified.
>>307244 Keeek Was just going to post this very monstrosity
>>307261 We all wish we could rescue him lad, but he's a lost cause.
>>307264 he is quite sexy tbh, not sure if he was serious when i offered him lots of money for a blowie smh
fucking hell
dorset, you have a problem
dorset if u associate with the trannies, you will engage in your femboy fantasy and damn yourself from the board.
>race mixing cousin has a new bf I hope he's white. My research leads me to believe it's not the last guy at least
yeah dorset should be filtered for associating with trannies, right on lad
>his cock is bent
>>307275 You have a lot in common.
>>307276 my cock isnt bent, lass
>>307277 No, but thou art!
where are the jannies lol, do your job.
>>307279 are you retarded
>when his cock is twice the size of dorset's and has a gentle, pleasing curve not my cock tbh
>>307280 yes, why?
No film tonight? Pls no trannies or gayism.
>>307283 why would there be jannies here
>>307285 auslad bans people for posting images of justin welby, why would he not do the same for pics of giant cocks keeeek
>>307286 oh, youre talking about them, thought you were talking about me in which case yes, janny should do his job
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Our mods are dead. Ancient oldfag shitposters slew them 1000 threads ago. They were... more trouble than they were worth.
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>>307288 what goes around comes around.
creatine saturation is making me look swole, what a big difference, can't believe I haven't been taking it all along gained a few pounds of water retention and it's all in the muscles. I'm 160.5lbs now first thing in the morning after a shit and a piss
>>307290 how much does it cost I want some
so you look swole but arent so youd get battered to fuck by me
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>>307291 it's not expensive. micronized creatine monohydrate, order online. you take 5g with a meal once a day for maintainance, can do that up to 4 times per day for the first 5 days or so get get saturated faster it tastes bad alone so I wouldn't recommend just putting it in water and chugging it. that's viable but it's unpleasant so hard to be consistent. either get it in capsules, make capsules yourself, or mix into into a shake or something where you won't notice it so much >>307292 t. ladlet
do not take more than 5g in one sitting or you WILL shit liquid
>dorset talking big keeeeeek isnt he like the shortest lad here?
>>307296 I may be short, but I'm wide, lad
>>307294 would just put it in my already bloated protein shake mix tbh, cheers lad
>>307298 not only does it make you look swole but it also makes you like 10% stronger, it's noticeable btw once you start taking creatine you need to drink more water in general, it basically tells the body to put water in your muscles
Just eat a dead cow. An entire one, fresh and raw. t. herculean warrior of the white race
https://youtu.be/TVSVWzkFtus *vandalises a mosque*
>>306826 thank lid currently working my way through Brendan's back catalog and lending him my energy
>>307304 >when he starts singing insane in the membrane with the animals at the end of furry vengeance
https://youtu.be/oYMOb4PVOks wtf were they thinking
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>>307259 he's on the ropes
>>307303 is this real?
Swiping in Ann Arbor, sure is white there
poo shits
>>306951 smh put pressure on it mong
>>307284 what film would you like?
>>307312 Richard Spencer will probably defend this
>>307308 Even if it isn't, it is.
>>307313 keeeeek ye thats what i thought
>>307317 meme responsibly
>>307319 same tbh, glad we all know how to take care of our stab wounds
>no brit field hospital
>>307304 have you done the looney tunes back in action yet lad unironically prefer it to space jam
>>307318 suggesting it in bongo, see what b says
>>307150 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>307320 It's no meme, it is and has been happening already, even on our own tiniest islands.
>>307323 haven't lad. looks good I'll add it to my list I've only see, so far, Mummies, blast from the past, monkeybone, George of the jungle,
>>307262 Was he just hoping to tire the other retards out using his face as punching bag? Weird
So many closet benders in brit. It's what happens when you don't get a whiff of pussy.
>>307331 you mean the AI? Learn teeline incel.
sex haver here. pipe down and take note.
have any poos or pakis died in leicester yet
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>>307334 not yet, but we can pray pakis aggressively marching on hindu temple today
>/just/ used to have semi regular comfy streams with 15 pages of chat images
>>307318 are you in my bongo lad?
>>307329 luv blast from the past i do. id recommend to you, airheads 1994 the passion of darkly noon 1995 you should skip school ties [spolier]because its full of jew whining[/spoiler] and encino man unless you like brandon fraser acting goofy
fuck spoilers
encino man
>>307343 Did you ever have to do these Steinreich? https://youtu.be/zN9TydEwLC0
>>307344 no I graduated in 2008 before this faggotry was a thing
>>307345 cannot be real
>>307346 smh, I would have known it was thou if thou hadst
La Creatividad
>>307224 >45 and no children wtf is her problem?
There's probably only a billion whites right?
>>307352 split that number in two pop it in a show haven't got a clue
>>307352 thats optimistic lad
https://youtu.be/QzcvRDWgRIE nailbomb the two thousands
>>307352 actual whites more like 500 million at most you retard
wessie being a mong earlier I see.
>>307358 He's always a mong . . . BUT HE'S ARE MONG!
>>307362 a synagogue a synagogue a hindu temple and a synagogue bomb niggers bomb niggers a hindu temple and a synagogue
bbk forgot to take his pills again?
>>307360 so fucking sick of nigger elf
>>307361 lol what a load of shite
>>307364 https://youtu.be/ZyhrYis509A I RAN OUT OF INSULIN! KEEEEEEEEK
you ran out of incelin? impossible
ahhh my beta cells!
Give us a good vocaroo of a song lad
>>307372 I'm making an album soon lad
>>307369 this hasn't happened in the show yet, how is it on the internet already?
>>307375 happened during the 1st episode
>>307374 Is that Fred Durst?
>>307376 ummm, oh
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-62967084 >UK considers joining new European nations club
tfw gayists among us
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>>307381 ikr smh
Bins on the hunt for twinks.
>>307383 no lad I hate twinks smh
oy vey!
>>307385 bit scary that
wd captcharino mean by ths?
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>>307388 kek. he was Diana and Prince Charles' marriage counsellor. A man of many skills.
>>307388 accurate
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Cant hack the manatee tbh need to try to unfuck my sleep schedule and wash away regrets
Why is there no pro wrestling beat 'em up? Undertaker in Mortal Kombat would be kino.
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>>307393 luckily I look nothing like that
yeah instead you look like an old man
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I didn't hear that
cheapest escort i see is 110 quid bit chubby but nice arse i guess going to slam her hard woof
>>307401 lets go halves and do her together
I'll chip in too
>>307402 would cost double then, you mong
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if you want to have any form of sex involving another man, you are gay
>>307404 >would cost double then, you mong because my dick is twice as big as yours?
>>307405 yeah, and that includes trannies lad
double 2 is still only 4
>antiwhite trending again on twitter
>>307409 the lion AWAKES
>>307410 Old news. TDS covered this days ago.
Wew. When did brit become such a hive of gays boys?
>>307415 its just bins
>>307416 >its just bins says the biggest gay on this entire board
no you
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Dorset loves tranny cock and bins loves his twinks. simple as.
The price of abolishing the community round the village well for sinks and faucets is basically immeasurable
>>307415 it's all new shit and bongoniggers
>>307422 No, bins just outright prefers masculine men
>>307425 Ah, you're well versed in the older mans needs.
tranny chasing bender.
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>>307422 I don't like twinks, but Dorset does like trannies his accusations of "gay" are pure copium smh
>only time I get a good ratio of Yous is calling lads a 'poof' or 'tranny chaser'. Based.
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>cock talk
>>307431 Been a while since you used it? Waheyyyy
Rubbing one out doesn't count, lid.
>307414 >TDS hello 2015 mong
>complains about gayists >is also a gayist
>>307435 >1 Anon, I.
>>307436 Whaaat?
I've fucked a woman. half of you incels haven't therefore i am straighter than you
bins is actually a homosexual that has engaged in real homosexual acts dorset is just a porn-addicted coomer that's fried his brain and pavlovian-conditioned himself to get a dopamine hit off of nasty shit. if he were to engage in simulated coitus with a troon IRL he would smell the stench of male body odor and become disgusted/horrified
latent homosexuals on suicide watch.
>>307440 tbh id never fuck a tranny i just like shitposting a bit about it
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i love women kill all gaycists
>>307442 >tbh id never fuck a tranny post nut clarity. It's a hellluva drug.
You're a grotesque and filthy degenerate, we get it. Don't shit this place up though.
>>307442 >thinking you can hide behind shitposting and irony
>>307440 >bins is actually a homosexual that has engaged in real homosexual this is bullshit who the fuck are you?
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Gingers and nogs uniting, a foreboding image.
>>307447 here's the thing, you is gay.
Found a new white Latina with massive thighs, okay thankyou.
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>it's a Dorset vs Bins thread they don't know that me and Dorset are secretly best friends
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>>307447 you admitted it >>307450 post more
>>307450 sauce then ffs.
its funny cos bins admitted several times to doing sexual things with men of course he will deny it now
>>307452 these are fake ffs
It's funny because you all love cock. keeeeeeeek.
he legit has something like bipolar or compulsive liar
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>>307454 >of course he will deny it now I deny it now
>>307455 no they aren't
>>307457 >he legit has something like bipolar or compulsive liar just like you
>no... you!!!
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Hey Dorset, remember when we watched this in Kosmi?
Me and Dorset irl
im not gay
>>307465 me neither lad lets not be gay together
They look like they'd vote for Jacob Rees Mogg
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>>307450 phwoar
Love a good thigh.
(3.34 MB 400x600 Seamoo.mp4)

morning lads
>>307474 rise and shine
showed this to my mum and she didn't like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FGWdhieK9k
>>307462 is this tranny ack?
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>>307476 keeeeeek >>307477 smh
>>307479 based
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>>307482 keeek
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Lifting without insulin, better than last time but only doing half my routine, rNHS better not fuck my shit up and not have insulin or I'll have to work on background insulin
Titular head
>HAAAAARRRRY POTTER DID YOU PUT THE GTA SOURCE CODE INTO THE GOBLET OF THE INTERNET" Dumbledore roared, shaking the very foundations of the wizarding world, calmly. >"No sir," Harry answered promptly "it was a paki" >Dumbledore looked in half-amazement, took a deep breath to calm himself, >" CURRY MUNCHER!, TUMERIC HUFFER!" Dumbledore exclaimed "DIAGON ALLEY SHITTER! LITERAL MUD-BLOOD! DOOKIE THE HOUSE ELF! HE-WHO-MUST-NOT-BE-SMELLED" >"What's more," Harry added whilst handing dumbledore his phone midst the tirade, "He sent us the ransom demands." >Dumbledore squinted his eyes, slowly reading through the contents of the electronic letter that the leaker had sent him, and then proceeded to get even angrier. >"SIX MILLION GOLDEN GALLEONS!? WHAT KIND OF MONEY DOES HE THINK HOGWARTS HAS? WE BARELY HAVE ENOUGH FUNDING AS IT IS, WHY DO YOU THINK WE HAVE GOBLINS OVER? SLAVERY IS ECONOMICAL, POTTER! And what's more...he wants to meet a certain "Bob" and "Virginia"!? Who on earth are these people? Could he be talking about Robert Dunsley from Ravenclaw? Goodness knows, potter, all I know is I can't pay up!" >Harry nodded in agreement, "I guess you have to take extreme measures, sir?" >"INDEED I WILL. Potter, contact Moaning myrtle and ask her to coax the Indian students from their natural habitat- she lives there after all, and bring them to me. I PROMISE YOU i will have them strung up like chicken ready to be made into butter masala if they don't reveal which one of them it was. I'LL STARVE THE LOT OF THEM, OR MY NAME ISNT ALBUS DUMBLEDORE WINSTON CHURCHHILL THE 2ND"
>>307490 keeeeek
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>>307493 keek, it's literally "eek, nationalism? that's icky you poorfag" argument.
>>307494 Hate Libertarians tbh, especially the ones that use it to retroactively justify their shit life decisions.
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>>307360 >that Cohen's face >The centrist French president suggested [the camp of the saints style genocide against his own people] No wonder they didn't discuss halting illegal immigration to Britain. Neither care about the countries they're supposed to owe loyalty to. Absolutely hate globalists so much. Frognats and Britnats need to exchange weapons and attack plans in minecraft and just murder the traitors and subversives on the server.
Russia to begin partial mobilization – Putin The measure will apply to members of the reserve forces and those with military experience >In a nationwide address on Wednesday morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial military mobilization. He explained that the Defense Ministry has recommended drawing military reservists into active service, as the country faces a protracted conflict in Ukraine and Donbass. >Putin also commented on the upcoming referendums in the two Donbass republics and two regions of Ukraine currently controlled to a large extent by Russian troops. The territories have announced plebiscites on whether become part of Russia, with the ballots scheduled to start on Friday. Putin said his government will respect the outcome of the four referendums, and provide security for the voting process. https://www.rt.com/russia/563209-putin-donbass-mobilization-ukraine/ Russia begins partial mobilization and de facto declares intent to annex large swaths of hoholic de jure clay
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>>307499 >plebiscites on whether become part of Russia Not even guaranteeing independence lmao just full annexation
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ethiopian in finland celebrates
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>>307502 i believe it tbh
>Twitter a European platform >Russians dumb smh
>>307506 You could also say it's a sign of confidence because his two main allies (chinks and poos) clearly must have agreed that they'll pretty much look the other way whilst he goes ahead and does all of this
>>307508 Tbh Wonder how many creaturas the US is mobilising
I hope I don't die in nuclear fire because biden wants trannies in Kherson to read about anal sex to children
The Jews are starting to pick up the Leicester story I see
>Why do you care about drag queens? You take kids to see a pantomime don't you? Shakespeare actors were men playing women! 1. Pantomime drag is purposed to make the ugly step-sister as ugly as possible. 2. Shakespeare actors had men play women because it was considered unbefitting for women to play parts in drama in the past. 3. Drag is designed to mock women and drag them down in the most base and disgusting way possible. The humour of drag is exclusively sexual and often played by homosexuals who are more likely to be paedophiles. I should have said this reply tbh
>>307510 Had to smile when they said Russkies are trying to escape the country now that's he's enacted a partial mobilization Imagine them trying to pull that off here with the refusal to fight and exodus that would follow
>>307514 Imagine launching a firebomb at the pakis and getting it blamed on the Hindus keeek
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>>307517 what's this lad?
>>307517 are you a lass, lass?
>>307518 A potential match >>307519 No, I don't know why he appeared in the swipe cards
>>307520 >bluestacks you're a paedophile
>>307516 keeeeek tbh >>307520 sorry lad the algorithm has decided you're a gayist now smh
>>307516 just poo up
>it's never a lass
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His bio reads like bullshit on reflection, left swiped
>>307522 >sorry lad the algorithm has decided you're a gayist now smh KEEEEEK
>>307522 Genuinely have been getting more matches with gay men recently. Didn't change anything, we are only matching because I try to match everything
>>307528 The site has officially run out of women to send you.
feeling kind of bad for the russian zoomers getting drafted tbh they can't even complain online about not wanting to fight without getting called subhuman warmongers
>>307531 always wondered if the cossacks games are any good tbh
>>307532 that one is kino
I want to smash holly Willoughby's gash and suck on her ample tits
>>307532 >>307533 Yeah, you can capture enemy buildings and use them to produce your enemies special units too The sprites move too fast though which is irritating
>>307533 based >>307535 kino tbh used to love doing that in c&c generals
smh generals was such a good game tbh always used to play as the gla
>>307534 Too old
>>307538 Good. Race traitors should be Chud sex slaves
Russian propaganda is so bad tbh, at least NATOhomo have good propaganda machiens
Traced my patrilineal line back to a parish clerk in the 1690s. Chance he may have been high sheriff in the county and went to Cambridge. Also a chance I'm related to aristocrats further back. The only problem is that there are two men of the same name around. All I can be sure of is that he was a clerk. Parish records get difficult when you have people moving around a lot.
Now I'll move on to my mum's patrilineal line tbh
>>307541 based always meant to research my genealogy tbh but never got around to it smh not like it's going anywhere though
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>>307543 It's pretty fun, even though my history is just farmers, soldiers, factory workers and sailors there's still some interesting stuff there
>>307544 still blows my mind how they can pin things down to specific counties or cities tbh >just farmers, soldiers, factory workers and sailors salt of the earth all of them tbh >1.2% greek & balkan so a great great great great grandparent interesting tbh really want to do a 23&me one day
>>307545 Yeah, I think there are guesses in there with the DNA but it seems largely correct smh, 23and me gives you Neanderthal DNA too. I'm in the top two percent of Neanderthal DNA havers or some shit keek ONE TWO THRE REEEEEEEEE
>taigs yikes
>>307544 Is British and Irish just a category? or u're mixed?
>>307548 hes a scouser so he's mostly irish, despite him denying it once keek
>mixed lads in the thread
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>>307525 Is she the criminal guilty of perjury that wouldn't resign? Fucking wog is taking the piss here anyway. End result of leftist/progressive/liberal politics is the fault of the far roight wang, who can be seen where in Leicester, exactly?
>>307510 Getting a bit worried, Russiabros. Really thought they'd have just annexed all of jewcraine by now. Thought it was pure delusion zelensky was still talking about retaking Crimea. If it really happens you can bet the entire population will be punished for years out of spite. That's after the initial dead.
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>>307499 Bins, get fucked yer faggot nigger cunt.
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>been up since 5 in the afternoon yesterday, most of it playing chess.
>it's real >it's escalating
just noticed that in the past three years or so i've never seen my eastward neighbour ever turn his bathroom light off we share an extraction vent so i see his ceiling and he sees mine and his side is always lit tbh literally 100% of the time >>307555 hope you're not cheating like chess cheating lad does wonder what happened to him
Look at that disgusting shnoz.
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What I want to know is why are there hashtags like #antiwhite trending on twitter, when they would have been nixxed in previous years? Is there some sort of massive racebait happening (above and beyond the usual pish)?
>>307559 think twitter's trying to keep their censorship nominally neutral while the spotlight's on them for the big sale to elon that's totally gonna happen you guys any day now everyone got a false sense of security when the news first hit but then it turned out to be true because twitter didn't dare call any of them out on it guarantee you couldn't have gotten away with any of this on 2021 twitter
god i hate jews inshallah they will all be destroyed alhamdulillah
>>307548 One or two Irish people, but we're all of the same ethnicity
>>307549 You live near the continent . . . guess what that means lil dorsie
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>300,000 mobilised on top of the ~230,000 on rotation since Feb >Russian KIA; 5,937 >Ukie Armed forces; >KiA 61,207 >WIA 49,368 >(excluding Police, National Guard, Ministry of Interior ect)
>>307562 always considered "british" to encompass the entire british isles me >>307564 it's obvious that russia will beat the ukraine if they lean on them with their full strength tbh the real question is what will it cost putler to accomplish that
>>307565 Yeah, Irish Sea coast and northern people are the purest Brits in the country tbh, don't know why a southerner is trying to flex when he has continent*al blood smh
>>307566 idk, i think maybe that's cope from eirish immigrants
Only 75 months, 16 days apart between the photos.
I don't have any continental blood, especially not from the fucking BALKANS
>>307566 careful now lad the souf is based >>307568 tbh he's aged about ten or fifteen years
started back at uni today and this chinky lass kept turning to look at me. When the lecture finished and we were leaving, she brushed up against me and the back of her hand touched my knob. Wut do lad
>>307571 scold her for being a disgusting foreign WHORE
>>307571 eet is simple lad you poomp her then you doomp her
>>307492 um, is she Jewish?
>>307574 >Cox >Tennessee Maybe, erring on the side of doubt tbh.
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>>307569 >i don't have any continental blood
>>307570 >careful now lad the souf is based >>307571 Ignore her lad, let her know that you are a man of integrity by punching her in her slitty eyes (it doesn't hurt them which is why they have slits)
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only place in the souf with nonwhites it seems is london then meanwhile all northern cities have majority
>>307578 u're based, i want to be like u
>Noooooooo!! The souf is not the souf if it goes against my claims!!
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Has she called him back yet?
anybody with brown eyes has med blood tbh likely roman and meds only have brown eyes because of african admixture tbh they were originally blue eyed and blonde haired like everyone else >>307577 >sig sosig >nonwhites basically the same as an urban density map tbh remove london and it's even moreso
>>307579 thanks
>>307582 soufern poofters have always been foreigners, even Caesar remarked that the souf was largely a continental immigrant class while based norferners went about doing various deeds unconcerned by their ways and simply selling them meats
I desire meats now, time to put the roast on methinks
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>>307585 a spit roast?
>>307584 no lad no souf are based anglo saxons
who /swarthybriton/ here
>>307586 >Dorsetshire is asking if I want to spitroast him with bins Does his gayness hold no bounds? >>307587 tbf, i miss kentlad tbh what ever happened to him
Nonce amnesty
>>307589 He finally dug his moat and retreated into splendid isolation.
I'm going for a . . . poo!
Sheiiiet look at the nose on that whyte boi
cooking chocolate for smeee
>racism outside of /b/
>>307590 hate how mental state is considered a defence tbh alright let's be as reductive as possible either the meat you're shackled to did the crime or it didn't if it did then so sad too bad it's getting punished and you're going to have to watch or you could grow the fuck up and admit you did it and take your lumps like a man >>307592 god speed and good luck lad
https://youtu.be/oR80TuOCoic >want to watch book nooks >one of the cooler ones is made by some niggerfied pink haired bitch >her braces still make me horny c'est la vie
cant stop farting
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>>307598 bought some salad to eat a few days ago and been working it into my meals but every fart since has been like i've been dead for twenty years
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Just spoke to a girl on the phone
why did they make Pinocchio smell horse poo for 30 seconds and make it look like he wanted to eat it??
now we know what 18hrs of chess does to cook.
>>307575 Hannah is a classical jewish girl's name also her nose
>>307597 https://youtu.be/42MO6Sj210g she fixed her ears but she's intolerable. Stalk Status: Not Viable
>>307601 lucky lad spoke to a male pajeet on the phone today tbh had a very difficult time deciphering his """english""" but he was helpful enough he sounded like a good lad though tbh in a different life maybe we would have been friends sometimes i wonder what this life is all about >>307603 because hollywood is owned by degenerate homosexual jewish paedophiles and they get off on corrupting young minds
>>307608 >spoke to a male pajeet on the phone today tbh had a very difficult time deciphering his """english""" but he was helpful enough poojeets are funny lads tbh, I tend to get along with wogs more because they're not pozzed keek wish i had the old gang back, we used to shout "NIGGER!" in the pub at random keek
almost made an effort post about one of the more modern depths of this current-day cesspool but decided you weren't ready to hear it and that telling you about it would have lowered your opinion of me for just knowing about it smh like melville said there is wisdom that is woe but there is woe that is madness >>307609 based tbh 'ate multiculturalism tbh but on average they know what's wrong with society more than the average westoid does huwhites grow up and are trained wrong from birth
>>307611 >almost made an effort post about one of the more modern depths of this current-day cesspool but decided you weren't ready to hear it and that telling you about it would have lowered your opinion of me for just knowing about it smh like melville said there is wisdom that is woe but there is woe that is madness Is it about cum tributes lad?
from 2014
>>307611 You are really well educated man, it's really kind of shit you don't have an engineering job and a trophy wife right now.
>>307613 Was barbie in production back then?
I am an idiot that's the trending tab.
>>307606 >Hannah is a classical jewish girl's name Typically most Jews don't use classical Jewish names because they're popular with Christians too. Jews have a non-Jewish secular given name and a magic gematria Kabbalah Hebrew name.
>>307617 what is your hebrew name lil cuc/k/y?
Don't have one, not culturally Jewish.
Can we trust someone's word when they might be hooked up to the Jewish black magic network?
why do well educated lads play pc and video games and wank their cocks raw
>>307612 yeah lad i was there when he wrote it tbh that's literally what he was talking about you coom but then you think "wait she's a whore" and then you remember just how many lads coomed to her drives a lad mad smh >>307614 keeeeeek thanks lad smh one day >>307620 he's are man on the inside surely he wouldn't betray /brit/ just for the chance to join the winning (losing) team, right?
>>307620 The bulk of my ancestry is Roman Catholic Cambro-Norman Clergy/Academia.
>>307622 He might be looking for some hidious dark magic to outjock his grandad.
>>307621 because society
>>307621 because society
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>>307621 >why do well educated lads play pc and video games and wank their cocks raw I don't play video games
>>307628 so you're just playing with yourself all the time?
>he didn't pay the chairman's council fee >the chairman is starved to death I hope you're all proud of yourselves.
What's the most affecting thing that has happened to u lads recently? I met a downsyndrome man in Austria who greeted me and then gave me an arm rub in the street. I am now firmly pro downs syndrome and against eugenics of any form unless it's pro downs eugenics.
https://youtu.be/jDsyV7bX0O4 I fucking hate this bitch
>>307633 i had sex once
>>307633 that's how they get you. You don't see them when they rage behind the scenes
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>>307633 I turned my mum into an irrational anti-semite who now thinks the Jews are mystically evil and became less anti-semitic as she turned into a super chud
>>307636 tehy should be made to mine magic crystals that I can sell to artslags
>>307634 bet shes a massive slag
>>307637 similarly I try to avoid talking politics as much as possible with my chud friends because they're kinda cringe.
>>307639 she's a shut in incel with ass burgers
>>307641 her first video is with her boyfriend
>>307642 sorry, thought you were talking about me mum smh yeah her bf looks like that goblin boy from stranger things smh
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>>307633 >What's the most affecting thing that has happened to u lads recently? I realised I am the true set to society and people should fear me
>>307644 *threat not set ffs
My pfa wants to do a transfer from my current invesment account to the isa but I have cash to invest. what's the point.
>>307646 How much money do you have to invest?
https://youtu.be/zZO1dsJj17o Robots that look like people are fucking stupid. Why waste all that time on making a robot that could smile? Make one that can wipe an old persons arse tbh
>>307559 nothing can stop what's coming
>>307647 10k to complete my isa allowance for the year.
>instead of transforming into donkeys the children in the new pinocchio transforms into troomjaks who acks
>this is just the beginning of what they are going to do >soon they will be able to do anything they want! night lads
>>307652 Ni, love
>>307650 Likely wants you to invest in a collective investment product tbh, less than £100,000 you can't build a diverse enough portfolio on your own Tell him you have a high risk profile and you're willing to gamble and he'll select one that'll take a lot more risks and shit tbh
>putler mobilised >something happened
>>307654 Barings Global Agriculture Acc -U First Sentier Global Listed Infrastructure Acc -U Lazard Global Listed Infrastructure Equity Acc -U He wants me to transfer these investments to the isa but I have £10k available to just buy, I might as well just buy?
"we worked together to ethnically cleanse this city of english people lets work together to do it to the rest of the country" so fricken wholesome
>>307657 Based Biafrans have our back in the comments lads.
>>307656 good lad *apes in*
pidser for sninner
>>307657 "we built it up together" ah yes, there was literally nothing in Leicester before pakis and indians turned up
>>307657 >>307661 smh just want them to be ethnically cleansed >>307660 based what kind lad?
>>307657 hate these worthless weak cunts so much
when I was a wee chud I remember saying that swarthies will only ever work together when it's against whitey. smh how right i was. I am so smart.
>I predicted all this ya know. <and what did you do to prevent it >....
>>307665 I had you
>>307582 >and meds only have brown eyes because of african admixture tbh they were originally blue eyed and blonde haired like everyone else nah that's complete bullshit. why would a Mediterranean climate select for blonde/blue pigmentation? it has lots of sunlight and warm weather. only northern Europe with the scarce daylight hours and low UV would select for those traits the blonde minority in southern Europe is the result of Germanic invasions like the Goths and Vandals, they are not indigenous >>307633 I am a staunch anti-retard bigot
>>307666 >thank you skyrim, that's just what I needed to hear. now go tell gunther we're having chudsticks for dinner.
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>>307669 Sometime before 2027 according to party rumours.
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look what they did to our boy
>>307672 gotta respect how reviewbrah has never simped even with his massive audience he's bound to get a little minge if he tries.
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>>307674 holy aged coal
>>307669 China is literally less aggressive than Russia despite being totalitarian, SAD!
>>307676 chinkcels lack the testosterone to do anything
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umm... gamers...
>the blonde minority in southern Europe is the result of Germanic invasions not even true lots of roman emperors/leaders early on were noted as having light features stupid mong
>>307679 where did the italic language family originate lad
>>307680 wakanda
>>307681 modern day germany, along with the celts. germany was called the womb of nations for a reason.

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