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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3773: Baseless Conspiracy Theory Edition Anonymous 09/18/2022 (Sun) 04:26:37 Id: cce243 No. 306105
World’s top medical journal finally says Covid-19 COULD have come from lab leak https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11223335/Covid-19-Worlds-medical-journal-finally-says-virus-come-lab-leak.html Man charged with public order offence after 'disturbance' by Queen's coffin in Westminster Hall https://news.sky.com/story/man-charged-with-public-order-offence-after-disturbance-by-queens-coffin-in-westminster-hall-12700347
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first for pikey arcades
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>>306107 extremely based
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>>306109 for me it's silent scope
rape and pillage them
>>306111 >alone
TAC TAC TAC lol, i just realize how loud my keyboard is
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>>306111 At least she isn't tattooed
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Learning comes before education, tbh
kicking comes before swimming, tbh
>didn't leave an extra space after the comma This mockery is low quality
morning lads.
>>306123 morning lad
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If you want to find a gf just join The Queue.
>>306125 uwotm9?
>>306109 >>306110 Nah lads, gotta be house of the dead.
>>306127 based
>>306126 go outside and talk to cuties in The Queue
>>306129 Ngl Jack is cute.
>>306125 Jack better put anglo babies in her as soon as they leave the queue.
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>e-celeb fallout
>>306131 Yes breed a welsh woman
>>306133 tbh dark hair and eyes, don't think she's actually british at all.
Tfw remembering how cringe I was in college in almost all girls class. There was one day where we were ordered by height and me being a manlet was somehow the tallest, king of the womenlets smh btfo.
>>306135 Did you go out with any of the lasses?
>>306135 keeeeek smh would be nice if that won you some admiration from the foids but they're shite at spatial reasoning smh you're only tall to them if you look tall seen a video of a lad ask a lass how tall she is and she said five foot something and then he asks her how tall she thinks he is and she says something even smaller despite him being about four or five inches taller than her
>>306137 I saw that one too. To be fair though, those are the same people that when you ask who the first president was say "George Floyd". They have room temperature IQ's.
>>306138 tbh it's not fair on them to expect too much
>>306135 You must of been having a lot of sex lad
>>306139 Dafties
>>306139 Reminds me of the writing in the LOTR tv show. Characters say things that don't make sense. Like this woman who fears for her life because she is being followed, but instead of trying to lose them, she stops her car, walks out and challenges her would be rapists
What are the lads doing today?
>>306143 playing games, grooming, having family for dinner
>>306140 Absolutely none lad.
>>306137 Tbf I wouldn't have noticed any of them liking me cus I was an awkward sod tbf. Naturally they just throw themselves at me now goes without saying. Girls do apparently have bad spatial awareness, so always add an inch to both your stats like tbf.
>>306144 You're grooming and eating your family?
>>306142 that's because she's independent and empowered lad >>306143 playing runescape tbh >>306146 >Tbf I wouldn't have noticed any of them liking me cus I was an awkward sod tbf. keeeeeeeeek iktf lad
>>306148 I only vaguely remember playing that in the library lad. Is it actually any good?
Blister plasters always just end up being filled with pus. I don’t understand how they’re meant to work.
>>306149 not really tbh it's not worth getting into unless you have nostalgia for it the early quests and areas are oozing with soul though smh pvre early two thousands kino at it's heart though it's still just a twenty year old grindy clicky browser game >>306150 don't listen to the "experts" lad just carefully drain your blister with a clean needle and then flatten the skin down and put a normal plaster over it
>>306151 Alright lad, I'll focus on gym instead. >>306152 based for protein tbh
lads i miss the late '15 early '16 era there was optimism in the air and it was a golden age for synthwave >>306153 good lad grind str in real life
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY1s9SmrQRE in my heart it's still brand new
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>>306154 It was bretty gomfy back then, felt like things could actually change. Nowadays, now that we're sequestered on a tiny dying site, feels bretty bad tbh. Still no point giving in to despair. I hope everyone here goes to the gym tbh lads. If you don't you're letting the lads down.
>>306156 every year i tell myself this is the year smdh
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>>306157 Ojnly option is to just go and do it lad.
>>306158 tbh need to bite the bullet one day
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>>306154 Think it was the height of the migrant crisis, it felt like public opinion was swaying, when With Open Gates dropped and started getting 10mil views it felt like we were at the centre of change and part of something big It really is incredible how quickly things change. Within 5 years it's gone from feeling like a growing percentage of the population are behind us, to a huge majority wanting us jailed for refusing an injection. We had a huge voice 5 years ago, now we are completely silent and dominated. The threat of imprisonment and humiliation is very real now. It's the first time in my life I've really felt tested. It's hard not to succumb to despair, but as long as we remain on the path we'll be rewarded eventually. If things change against our favour so quickly, maybe they'll change the other way too
>>306160 yeah it's crazy tbh smh glad i have you lads tbh ngl i'd go insane if i had to face all this alone >It's hard not to succumb to despair, but as long as we remain on the path we'll be rewarded eventually. If things change against our favour so quickly, maybe they'll change the other way too tbh we'll have are day pretty sure we won't ever be thanked for holding the line for all those years before the niggercattle even knew a battle was being fought but we'll live to see things change for the better
>the saxophone in paradise warfare
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>>306163 this is me i look like this and i say this
Going just do whatever I want until my monies run dry, then I'll become a one man PA and confront the normies with our memes all day long.
>>306164 If ginge lass was about to move away, would u rape her lad?
>>306166 based and shortsightedpilled
>>306163 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>306168 Lad, it's that or just warehouse, shop servant toil straight away
Or I can try and teach English in Asia. I think that might be better than servant toil in London
>>306170 heard warehouse toil is alright tbh heard it's very tolerable for chuds never tried it myself but i'd like to land a warehouse gig if i could smh better than dealing with customers any day >>306171 lad anything's better than that
>>306172 Depends, you'd think minimum wage, low wage warehouse jobs would be easy going but often the boss is a psychopath
>>306173 yeah iktf tbh used to do nightfill at a supermarket and toilberg was a real slave-driver smh glad to be rid of it tbh not keen to go back
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>>306175 Imagine all that build up and no consumation
>>306174 Yea, also get asked why I'm applying for warehouse jobs when I have a nice degree, smh, why do u think
>>306177 smh rip lad what degree?
Should I get pizza or have a wank today?
>>306180 get a pizza then only eat half of it or at most a quarter of it and leave the rest for tomorrow's breakfast
>yesterday's pizza
got a kymco (kwang yang motor co. ltd. (taiwan)) scooter recently and for the life of me i cannot figure out how to change the clock smh been pushing the adjust button like the manual says but it's just not working
>>306183 >betraying the white race
>stayed up too late wanking so now haven't been able to sleep covfefe to keep my up until 8pm atleast smh, hate this shite.
literally just wanking out of sheer boredom
>>306187 d stop
>>306184 i'd buy a royal enfield if i could afford it lad smh supporting the white rice is a two way street >>306186 tbh smh been there before
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>>306190 how did they eat a monitor lizard after they were gang-raped and killed? it just doesn't add up
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>>306191 mild jej
>>306192 keeek smh rare pepe that
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>>306193 keeek fungus
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>>306160 smh where do we go from here
>>306196 think the only path is to wait it out until the niggercattle realise the shit they're in tbh and form networks during the meantime so they have something to join
One big stinky chud shit coming up
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going maccas
Dig in.
Wish I were a trapeze artist with the shits tbh
>>306200 based tbh looks like proper tucker that >>306201 keeeeeek tbh
on 6 day nofap feel ravenous and predatory.
>>306203 based make sure it's memorable so you get on the news
How's Dorset's fast going?
>>306205 never even got off the ground smh
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>>306205 i did 1 day
>>306207 How was the leftover kebab?
>>306208 very yummers
Amazing that any lad on here could countenance giving money to paki businesses tbh
what did you do on the weekend chud?
figured out how to set the clock lads you can stop worrying now had to keep both buttons held down until the display started flashing >>306210 tbh >>306211 watched akira tbh reinvigorated my love for synthwave music and cyberpunk aesthetics wish the real dystopia was even half as schway tbh considering becoming an ubereats delivery slave
Women won’t let me have a nosh on their toes but I’m the bad guy …….
>>306214 tbh not like she was going to eat them so why shouldn't she let you eat them? smh women
>>306163 #trains
really fucking weird to see how npcs who i used to think might be real people have rabidly turned on russia (i.e. all russians everywhere even civilians living in the arse-end of kamchatka) and now all russians are evil rapist psychopath demon spawn not going to pretend that russians are saints or anything but it happened practically overnight tbh just because the news said so just jarring tbh it's been half a year and it still shocks me
>>306218 It's kino hour in Aus. Are you going make one of those Aussie films set in a bungalow suburb lad?
>>306219 don't live anywhere near those rich cunts tbh
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chinese scamming russians with baofeng shite posing as military grade comms
>>306221 keeeeeeeeeek
>>306125 now this is implicitly anglo
>>306221 that would never work, the buttons don't even line up
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>she will never get mauled to death by a bear
keek runs away from a little coyote
>>306228 keeeeeeeeeeek imagine dorset wearing one of those while on the prowl for women
i have a tiger onesie
shnight lads >>306229 tbh would be kino >>306230 you should wear it and go hunting lad get some stilts to maximise your physical space occupancy as well tbh looking forward to hearing reports of a savage seven-foot tiger-man stalking the streets for nubile flesh
>>306231 night lar
>>306221 it probably plugs into the computer plug bit at the bottom so it's like a mobile screen and keyboard interface.
>>306160 they saw what was happening and shut down the internet. if twitter could become a free-for-all we could be on the rise again, but without it there's no way to reach people >>306231 >get some stilts to maximise your physical space occupancy as well tbh funny you mention that, I had some weird dream last night that the media was reporting on racist whiteoids using stilts to keep distance from coloreds, idk it was some vague few second long thing
ah.. spic
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>>306237 all of them must go
>muh le ebil colonizers, whites btfo, this is karma for doing the racisms >marries white man and takes le big white cockerino every night
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made it a bit better
mouse wheel won't click reliably, already tried wiggling it, smacking the mouse, compressed air, taking battery out and putting back in. only thing left to try is dissect it and put WD-40 on the switch and I don't wanna do that smh
>>306237 there needs to be another mongol horde to put all these chinkys and poos back in their place tbh
>>306241 the mousewheels on all my mice got ruined pretty quickly tbh. Despite them all having a click function it seems like they can't take much use
>>306241 WD-40 sell an electrical contact cleaner tbh, non-conductive and made with circuit boards in mind, I spray my shitty keyboard somewhat regularly because keys stop working when dust gets in the switches (mechanicals are shite). You might be better off trying their contact cleaner before the general-purpose WD40
>>306242 tbh they are natural slave races
>>306245 yeah that seems more appropriate, I'd have to obtain it though. wonder if I could just get it in through the sides of the mouse wheel instead of opening the thing up, just because you have to take off the 'feet' to access the screws and idk if they would go back on perfectly, might permanently affect the feel of the mouse
>>306225 thats easily a 100k truck
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>>306249 all paid for by her simps while she fucks the dog
>>306225 kek she is actually afraid of some mangy fox, then tries to act like she is some outdoors person when she ran away like a mong which triggers prey drive
>>306250 she is also keeping the swarthoid bitch around to mogg her to feel more attractive
>>306237 the concept of a gook saying y'all is disgusting to me.
>>306253 its grating to my ears to hear anyone say it apart from dixieniggers
>>306253 I don't understand how you haven't gone grumpy from all the east Asian American complainers. I hear Filipinos turn bad in the Americas too, posturing ad African Americans.
I like the idea of a young woman in an ill fitting napoleonic era french uniform, too loose for a dainty weak girl. Making her walk through a dense woodland and then ambushing her dressed as redcoat smh. Teach her a few soft French phrases about please stop etc.
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>>306255 yeah they are awful I hate gooks and pajeets alot
>>306256 imagine bayonetting those weak lisa simpsons and rifling through their pockets while they bled out
>>306259 Oh I'd rifle through their clothes and 'bayonet' them alright.
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>>306259 *pulls their teeth out and sells them to dentists*
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>>306262 Dortshi, tonight's film is too spoopy and pagang for you, so you better not watch it okay? grown ups only
end of the queue has moved to Tower Bridge, with the estimated queuing time now said to be eight hours.
>>306264 Can we have a film showing that Aus lad can attend one day?
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>>306268 OH SHIT POSTED THAT TOO SOON starting in 3 mins
>>306266 yes but it would need to be planned in advance a sunday afternoon showing or something
the pornbrain troon's bosses made a statement
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Been seeing the current thing enjoyers defend Nonce Andrew on social media. Starting to think Stalin had it right with arbitrary mass killings tbh
>>306267 Deserved tbf
Miggers, that is all.
this queuing to see the queen is so commercialy viable, why not embalm her like Lenin, Ho Chi Minh and Mao?
>>306277 tbh it's just good business
Kiwifarms got hacked lads. >>306279 Lookin good
Cook, what should I ask my financial advisor?
>>306280 >Kiwifarms got hacked lads. probably more DOD sponsored trannies
choccy cake and cream for supper
>>306284 go on dorset, do it
Intredasting fillum bins, vid related is the ending https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFb_AERKha8
>>306288 concerning opening tbh quick rundown lad?
>>306288 spooky
>why-this-river-is-about-to-be-poisoned-and-why-its-being-seen-as-good-news god I hate niggercattle so much zogbots should all die
>>306288 what's this all about?
>And then all of a sudden you have a really well-organized Indigenous proponent backed up by a fairly muscular and determined coalition of NGOs that just said, ‘We’ll do it
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>republicans have entered the culture war
hate all the worthless foids doing jobs neets could do with ease. hate how they pretend to have empathy whilst receiving everything free virtue of their vagines.
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Are you lads hearing about the race riots still happening in Leicester?
>>306298 niggers doing the jobs whites won't do smh hope they bash some piggies heads in
>>306298 are blacks involved now?
>>306299 no niggers involved this time, it's pakis vs indians
>>306301 keeeek it's still the riots over the cricket or whatever? ہم ایک معاشرے میں رہتے ہیں
>>306302 that's what triggered it, yeah
https://youtu.be/G3jm1Bv6orM How invasive was this?
>>306304 evil fucking jew cunts smirking and toasting to the announcement she did pretty much everything on their agenda truly nobody but whites are capable of gratitude
wish i could be autistic about something useful obsessions in life >PC games >History >comics, digital rips of comics >Running >Tourism overseas Now 31 and nothing to show for anything
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>>306307 What do you do for a living
>>306309 warehouse toil usually if i work
>>306309 you're asking the same question some bumble foid doctor just asked me
cultivating an eye twitch again
>>306311 Oh well
>>306311 reply with "more than you" tbh
>>306313 >>306314 No reply. I think i can boost my bumble matches in London by proxying my bumble in the 3rd world, getting likes, then bringing back to London to fool the algorthym and get a few matches in london
coz i was swiping in harare and angola recently and now i switched back to london, i get matches again easier in london
>>306317 forgot whether ballsonairo is based or cringe tbh but I assume cringe
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>>306320 yes lad get in
*immediately leaves*
>>306321 Beautiful speech your BumBumnicious
>>306324 I found it tedious tbh skipped ahead to the bit where they bring out the ceremonial dancing clowns and throw wogs to the sneepcreatures
alright no more wanking from today
>>306326 no food no wank
Massive inter-ethnic violence in Leicester, msm largely ignoring it
>>306294 >"There’s an operation underway to save the white race. It requires poisoning the global water supply."
>>306294 Keeek
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>"commence operation world clean"
thanks windsors
>>306336 He's said this for a while quite a lot of muslims actually hate that title tho
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>ywn be a redcoat in the peninsula war and get a nice sexy moortuguese wife and kill frogs life isnt fair smh
>>306339 Dorset will never be the marching boy
>>306340 a manlet was average height back in the day.
>>306341 I would still be shorter than average for then back then it was like 5ft7
>>306336 If he thinks kowtowing to the invaders is going to help his family retain the throne once they're the majority he's got another thing coming
>>306343 its more to do with his esoteric perennialism stuff tbh
>>306342 still tall enough to load a musket
>>306344 Lets see how much a supposed metaphysical truth saves him.
>>306346 keek ye tbh >>306345 tbh.. rly need to get into reenacting smh
sorry to steiner but i really hate people who emigrate to north america in current age.
>>306348 so does steiner, mostly because they're poos or arans.
>>306349 Yea, it's soulless
The real problem with "atheists" is that they are ecumenists on steroids
Christianity is degenerate
fuck off mongs
>>306352 that lad's expression says it all I wonder what happened to this family...
my sister asked me if i could ever see myself in a relationship
>>306356 with her?
>>306356 she wants you
ah.. it's.. him..
who is it? me?
you don't know me
>>306298 KEEEEEEEEEEEEK so easy to start a riot in this country all you need to do is get a group of lads to stand silently in an area of another ethnicity.
>>306363 i know everything about you
>>306366 lol, that's basically online dating currently
>>306348 me too
>>306356 yeah I can't see myself in one, relationshits seem so fucking gay and cucked. just want some slave bitch to give me some fuck and then cook din dins and clean my room. simple as.
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smorning lads
>>306371 good morning :) is everything cancelled in aus today?
fucking maccas closed for the funeral already
had already prepared myself for the milkshake machine being off but this is a real blow
>>306372 not as far as i know tbh >>306373 smh rip lad
would be the perfect day to stage a coup
fucking hell lads everywhere is shut til 5 and I'm absolutely starving
>>306377 shut til 5? 5pm?
>>306378 yes lad staring down the barrel of15 hours of hunger rn Queenie wouldn't have wanted this
>>306379 duty requires sacrifice lad stay your vigil
>>306382 Once the UK has 300 million in population, then we'll be a big boi again
>>306382 >just don't tell the voters how can they be this brazen
smh hindus doing what whitoids haven't done since the bnp glory days
>>306386 wish both of them would wipe each other out
>>306385 honestly we need to start assassinating members of the elite for them to notice our discomfort.
in minecraft
>>306386 diversity is our greatest strenf absolutely none of them deserve to live in UK
>>306382 kek they are like the republisharts but without the kino pretend nationalism, just turbo kikeslave oligarchs
>>306393 it would be nice if they could at least pretend to care about the country smh
Hope Biden does some senile shit at the funeral and goes around sniffing princesses
nice day for daftyism
i forgot the quotation marks
>>306397 Prison with me lad
>>306317 whiter than USA >>306318 he's Brazilian Trump
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>>306386 >second clip some paki foid is admitting allah ul akbar chanted by gangs of paki men is meant to threaten and intimidate And the hinpoos were obviously just keeping coofid safe with maskoooooooming. Check mate pakis.
>Local newspaper actively censoring pro-monarchy posts >Anti-monarchy posts are getting sunk with down vootes There is a sleeping giant in this city and it wants a voice tbh
>>306386 Hindus don't get arrested on terrorism charges for doing so.
>>306401 Could someone start a new paper then, or would it not compete?
>>306373 good, you'll lose some wait you fat fucking blob >>306403 there have been attempts but the local paper controls the paki shops and it's owned by Rupert Murdoch's Trinity Mirror group. There's a huge corruption scandal here and the mayor had to resign. They've been in damage control ever since. I got shadow banned for telling a communist that their noses got flattened when they tried violence against dafties. If I knew how I'd happily make an app and a webshite to build an opposition newspaper but I don't know the first thing about journalism. Although I suppose the local Tories and other small parties who get shat on by the Labour bias might be interested in the idea and could source some new lads. I assume they won't because they benefit from information bias in other places though smh
Just called my gf a chud. praying I never get that mad again bros.
>>306405 that's a very serious offence lad you know lasses aren't allowed to be chuds
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>>306405 Outchud her lad
Did gingerlass ever reply to dorshit?
>>306408 think she's still leaving him on unread smh cruel tbh
Right, Her Majesty's funeral is about to begin. God rest her soul. God save the King!
>>306409 keek smh
anybody watching the funeral?
egg and soldiers for brekky >>306412 no but link it tbh
>>306413 It’s on every single to channel.
All anglicans should be killed tbh.
>watching TV
kino funeral aesthetic tbh
>nigger choir/pager boys ruining it
group of teen girl in sandals at cineworld.
I prefer dreaming personally
at least there are cool guys marching (if you don't look to closely and see some of them are wogs)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSPZRkKwGos KEEEEEK FOR FUCKS SAKE >lancers parading with their lances >but they aren't on horses what is the point then fucking hell
>>306307 Make a grand strategy game that functions correctly on release and doesn't need a hundred £15 DLCs
>>306424 its too busy for horses you mong they are a hassle, you are just looking for anything to criticise >>306423 tbh
>>306426 >too busy yeah that's the point they shouldn't be horses should be there for this, everything should be perfect instead of people trying to get it over with quickly so they can have the bank holiday off or whatever it was morgoth and such said at least there are no dayglo piggies about at the moment
>>306427 well done for not reading my reply properly mong, there literally no room for the horses on the procession, where do you even expect the horses to be, they've never used the horses for that, stupid fat cunt.
Why are they shouting? It's a funeral
why are you mongs watching a stream of the outside, everybody is in the church, fucking idiots.
>>306428 in front of and behind the coffin, which should be in a horse drawn carriage
oh they got two (2) lancers on their horses
>>306431 >which should be in a horse drawn carriage absolute mong, its been done this way since vicky, horses are too temperamental for that, they used horses for it a few days ago.
>her whole life dedicated to serving the nation and the commonwealth >rarely has such a promise been so well kept
the horses being infront and behind would be ugly compared to what we got
This is the queen that betrayed Wessex
>>306436 you betrayed are white race granny liz
prod funerals are even more boring than catholic ones smh
>as this funeral is happening tens of thousands of white girls are being groomed and raped across the nation >hundreds more invaders are alighting on the beaches and being welcomed by traitors >the diversity is rioting in the streets >energy prices are going up by the second for no reason other than venal greed >and the new king is plotting how to make everything worse and increase globalist control at least the hymns are nice
>>306439 And all the lisa simpsons and middle classes are patting themselves on the shoulder with the boomers lappimg this shit up
It's npc day
nows not the time you mongs
it's always time to be downtrodden and seethe until this rotten age ends
>female clergy
>>306444 foids in the cool guys marching too smh
the parading isn't even that cool either tbh not a patch on what the norks could do
>>306445 a foid was the one shouting the orders to the navy lot, sounded ridiculous
>>306446 this is just wrong tbh
>The Bede >The Super Zoomer What do you reckon lads?
chelsea pensioner lads in the crowd
>>306420 Tbh & that's exactly what makes it a waste of time that stands for fuckall.
>>306449 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK >>306450 can't believe people do the zoomer perm, its so retarded and ugly
>>306450 >the foid staring on the left
>>306454 maybe she is a based aunty and is looking in shocked disgust at the poojeet
KEEEKE this guy keeps shuffling around and stamping his foot, repositioning etc didn't wipe properly before the big event
Are there any jews in attendance triggered by having to listen to “Jesus Christ, Son of God”?
>>306458 why would they attend? some of them might have been in the viewing just to sneer at the coffin but I doubt any would waste time sitting around in a church
>one eye on the totty, no eye on the coffin
>>306460 disconcerting
>Everyone standing still with heads bowed >Kwarteng doing nigger things, wiping brow, peering around He’s in enemy territory and he fucking knows it
>>306462 KEEEK
TOOTing time
>>306439 None of this is happening outside your chud brain. Shut up.
>a soyjak thinks he can talk back against a chud
>that music is the undertaker about to come out
>Singular token wog Ong lmfao.
They’re not being symmetrical lads.
>>306470 It's all precision Freemason shite tbh.
>>306471 I can believe that smh
>>306472 >chud falling for disinformation Shocking.
you can't say that to me 459ab8, it's over I have depicted you as a soyjak
Walked so much yesterday I can’t like my leg straight because my knee hurts too much ow ouchie
Could they play something that sounds like music tbh?
>tarquins coffinbearing should slaughter them and put them in the grave with her tbh like a pharaoh and his servants
>>306475 Based, do it everyday and you'll be slim
>>306477 we'll hear about how they coffin carriers weren't diverse enough next week
The disrespect to our country, our Monarchy, and late monarch in this thread is disgusting. More evidence that autistic people should be castrated and forced into hard labour. >>306477 You're an embarrassment Wessex. You embarrassed NA and now you continue to embarrass yourself.
Disgraceful bunch of gnomes.
t. "The Bum Bum King"
At least Harry has got a beard
maybe Charles III will be known as the Wog Wog King
>>306480 Yeah I respect are """country""" (increasingly composed of wogs).
kino march off but I wish they had more lads just looks wrong having so few cool guys marching
bloody midget woman police officer marching right across the street for no reason other than having to be the centre of attention for a moment
>>306487 none of these are even genuine criticisms you are just trying to be a whinging bitch
>>306490 well you're not wrong, it was a compliment and an expression of opinion
the royal family channel livestream operator is complete shit for real though smh audio keeps cutting out and going quiet I just want to hear the funeral march smh
>foid mountie Disgusting republicans Have obliterated the creatura with Britfoid mountie
now this is nice tbh anyone know why the navy are the coffin guard? would have thought it would be scots or the usual palace guard
This afro is out of control tbh
>the big ben bong >>306497 keek smh
ahhhhhh It’s Prince Harry and Megan Markle in her high heels
>Flag of Ukraine Fuck off, nearing my wits' end now.
Wait no wtf is that?
>>306500 colonial island flags maybe it's kino though
>>306495 smh nothing is safe any more >>306499 keeeeek
could do without the police officers in the very front tbh really grinds it in that they are the primary mercenaries of zog
oh for fucks sake just noticed the little laminated notice on top of HRH's coffin why
>big public convenience flags
At least there’s no niggers in the navy
>>306508 the big black nigger got left behind because he was still trying to put his seaboots on tbh
>>306506 tbf that is important for large public events even if it's lacking in decorum >>306508 tbh no sense joining the navy if you can't swim >>306509 keeeek
>>306494 just put sky news on you utter mong, another case of learned helplessness >>306505 its a note from charles
Such a waste having a military if it isn't used to defend the nation
>>306511 rather have a shit stream that's not giving (you)s to an MSM outlet tbh it's good now though they're showing the full procession live with the music >>306512 tbhsmh
Charles got a bit of a Pfizer smile on wtf
fucking CLAPPING
You lads think there’ll be a cheeky allah akbhar moment? >>306512 Wow never thought of it like that before.
>>306512 what are you mongs even complaining about, the military has been used for that purpose loads of times
wessie and mancs bring the collective IQ of this board down significantly
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cunts need to put away the smartphones keeeeeeksmh get the horseless lancers to go around lancing smartphones out of peoples hands like council litter pickers
>>306518 it's been used to defend the country but not the nation
>>306520 yeah smh
>>306518 Our armed forces haven't been used in the national interest since the Falklands war
BIG /pol/face spotted
height mogged
>>306525 I was looking at the lad on the left there. Sizeable ears.
>>306527 strong anglo-norman tarquin phenotypes on display
>horse poo all over the avenue
>>306529 horse poo is trad
>>306525 Last thing a poortherner ever sees
Fucking horse trams have started running again along my street now the roadworks are done and the smell of horseshit is so strong lads, honestly it's never been this bad before it absolutely reeks maybe the horses are ill idk >>306531 keeeeeeeeek
>>306529 >>306530 tbh they used to have poo boys in the good old days to clean it up quickly and sell it on wouldn't be a problem if horses were used more regularly, as god intended
tuppence a bucket well stamped down
lovely too see all of the parading lads are white. Not a single nigger. I guess that's because they only allowed the men of merit and discipline to attend
atleast he police are all in the trad uniforms
hmm yes, stinky poopy, indeed.
>>306535 there are niggers in there unfortunately
crowd looks 100% white yet again
>>306538 haven't spotted any so far
>>306540 there's even a big nig at the front of one of the columns smh, the tan uniform
haha imagine if the soldiers fell and their face landed in the poo and it got in their mouth and they accidentally swallowed it infront of everyone
>he got his sea boots on after all
>>306538 nvm spotted a nigger. his face was blending in with the uniform of the guy behind him
>>306541 hes obviously a commonwealth nigger, stop looking for things to complain about, funny how your attitude is the opposite when it comes to PA stuff.
>>306532 smh rip lad
I like to imagine they’re marching to wessies house to kick his stupid chud head in.
>>306530 Tbh, would like to see it a permanent change
cor the leggy anglo women
>>306548 Now that I would watch. Sorry Wessie I love you really
I imagine that some of the lads marching are just desperately restraining themselves until it's over so that they can go for a pee
oh no nigs on the cannon crews too
>>306554 her legacy tbh
>>306554 Is he a pirate?
more ukrainian lisa larping
Why won’t girls have sex with me
>one of the busses used to transport foreign leaders to the church this morning KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
Filipina lass is unironically the most attractive woman I've ever seen and I miss her a lot. Oh well
>>306562 I wonder if they had the little coach tv showing anything
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>>306562 >someone clogs the porta-shitter and fouls up the coach
>thought I heard a child screaming outside >it was one of the foids leading the parade screaming orders
>>306561 you're approaching the problem all wrong lad you know what to do so go ahead and do it there'll be naysayers at first but eventually the world will see you were right >>306562 embarrassing smh
>>306565 >macron fingering one of the euro royals up the back
>>306561 Women want to be desired, so they go for sleazy guys and then wonder why they're unmarried at 30
>>306559 They are laughing at us
>>306561 Sorry for your loss lad
>>306539 No surprise there, it gets me all the whitoids descending from the provinces upon the city that used to be their capital. I'll bet London itself is the place that cares the least about the queen.
>>306571 keeekkk if real prob fake
Despite all of the antiracist bluster and pro diversity nonsense, the truth is that minorities know that they don't belong and feel deeply insecure about participating in "white" things
At least they're not wearing hi-viz
>clapping and cheering and hooting and hollering
Surprised that the police aren't in rainbow flag getups tbh
>>306574 tbh they always feel out of place can remember reading some shite article a few years back about how hiking is oppressively white >>306577 don't give them ideas lad
>>306577 on charles' death they'll be in the full blobby gaybee outfits with the big fake white gloves and such
>clapping and cheering
Truly a sombre occasion, complete with selfie sticks and whooping
and NOW the faggot police in their dayglo shit come out
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I hate the british public like you wouldn't believe
>>306563 >>306563 dateinasia.com Book a replacement from there. Let's be honest, she's found someone with more resources to support her or she's gone with a Filipino.
>Hip hip hooray Ufuckingwot?
Clown world just made a roaring comeback
>>306563 She was obviously not genuinely interested in physical union with you too as she's abandoned you. And merely kept you as an online chatmate whilst exploring her options.
Just got done listening to HRH the BumBumKings address on the death of HRH Elizabeth the second, brought a tear to my eye.
>>306584 no decorum smdh
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hip hip HOORAY hip hip HOORAY
>>306584 I thought the first part,, the rhythmic clapping were hoofbeats, but no
>>306585 Seems like a recipe for an empty wallet and a prompt divorce. Would rather not see someone who reminds me of her tbh >>306588 Pretty much. It's impossible to dislike her as a person though, she's not nefarious. Judging from my sister, some women are genuinely naive enough to think that straight men can quash their feelings and stay as platonic friends
>>306591 >it was a foid who started it
Imagine "loving" a wog
>>306591 the fucking phones smh
>>306596 If you found a pretty girl that gave you compliments very specific to you, said you were handsome and mature, was willing to do fun things with you every week, always split the bill, was very perceptive, very caring, a good listener, willing to share her hopes and insecurities with you and instantly replied to your texts, would you not fall for her?
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Ching chong ding dong
>>306598 Filipinos love to chat. Wouldn't take their comments too seriously. An unfortunately tricky nationality to deal with. nice of her to split the bill though, is she a nurse?
>>306596 Chimperium tbh
>306598 Gayest post that has ever been made in this boards history
we now resume your regularly scheduled posting
>>306603 That's saying something for a board where unironic trannies and gayists post
>>306601 yep, nurse currently but wants to get a pharmacist job at some point
>>306606 Filipino Nurses feel rich here lad. She probably doesn't mind splitting bills because she is the head honcho in her own mind and family.
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Okay there is a lot of problem in the world right now this one goes out to the Queen https://youtu.be/6hJrRuTaRoY
>wessie being a demoralised faggot again
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-62952942 Japan storm: Nine million people told to evacuate as super typhoon Nanmadol hits See, it really is poo living abroad.
>>306609 never stopped smh
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brandon says US willing to go to war with China over Taiwan https://www.rt.com/news/563069-biden-us-forces-taiwan/
>"the crowd maintaining their dignified silence" >*crowd going mental*
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>>306614 go on then you senile old faggot you craven jews holding the reins do it DO IT GIVE US A HAPPENING NOOOOOOW
>>306607 Probably the case, yeah. Never really thought about it like that. Told me that she bought an iPad for a family member using her UK wages. Thank you lad
>>306613 snap out of it
Eugenie and Beatrice looking more and more yummy these days tbh
>>306620 They look rather smart for foids
>>306614 >>306617 tbh do it do it do it >>306620 tbh >tfw you will never be some posh totty's boytoy who she's ashamed of letting her family find out about snot fair

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>>306585 >I'm here to meet guys minimum 40 years old keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
ok, ok, no more wanking from now on, i mean it for real this time
>>306623 can honestly go on a masturbation frenzy on that site
>>306624 gooning during the funeral, dorset?
>>306623 totally not just after money
>>306623 keeeeeek smh say you want a rich westoid sugar daddy without saying you want a rich westoid sugar daddy >>306624 good lad
>>306626 not interested in the funeral tbh
>>306623 message them and ask them if they are your gf now within the first chat
>them >they
>>306631 i think it's ok to use them as singular
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>>306631 good eye
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this one will spread her legs for an 89 year old
stop posting these horrid yellow beasts
>>306632 i disagree but even if i did agree that's only acceptable when the sex (not gender, sex) of the person in question is unknown considering we are talking about chatting up slant-eye lasses on online dating sites you can safely say "she" without much risk >>306634 >18 to 89 keeeeeeeeek bet she just put in the minimum and maximum ages allowed
>>306634 It's not a terrible idea to marry a single pensioner tbh. Once they cark it a good pension plan will continue payments to the spouse
>>306637 tbh these lasses are savvy
>>306633 >ywn Inspector Frost batter a dindu in the police cells
and boomers are the only people with savings to spend on trophy wives smh the only time they will lose at life is on the death bed
although buying a trophy wife from the third world and finding out she brought her entire extended family with her for the gibs is probably a loss tbf
*simpsons bus driver taps sign*
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*shites everywhere and makes lackeys clean it up*
>>306641 it's only a loss for society at large tbh boomoids and their gen x apprentices have been taught not to care about that >>306642 keeeeeeeeeeeek
must be rough being a pinoycel, literal grandpas flying in and your women pounce on 'em amazing how short they are too, the majority are 5' tops
>>306623 >>306634 Filipina lass was the short one amongst her school friends and she's over 5ft. Both of these women are tiny even by filipina standards. Also wearing makeup. My lass didn't wear makeup and looked better for it
>>306643 power move tbh >>306645 flips are the utimate ricecel race tbh poor lads
>>306643 majestic
>>306645 The women run the show on OFW money. Demasculinated country, duterte was fake macho side
>Grenadier Guards march playing tarrantsmiling.jpg
>>306641 This is the problem with Filipinos, usually a net loss, okay for an autistic lad with no prospects.
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ngl kinda erotic knowing that there's always a fallback, if you're 40-50 or even older and your wife doesn't put out anymore you can fly to the philippines and there's always an endless supply of tight 18 y/o 5' gook pussy eagerly awaiting you just for being white and having a little money
>>306652 tbh can't make a family with them but it's nice to know you're desired
>>306652 they really do act like teenagers though. Every popular social media platform, they will be on. Constantly. >>306653 tbh if it's not for having an actual family together there's no point
>>306654 Fewer wogs on social media and I'd be more likely to use it
meanwhile in canadian high school
>>306620 They carry the nonce gene lad. at least one of them
>shagging a 17yo makes you a nonce this place is becoming indistinguishable from reddit or normalfag facebook groups
>>306656 a safe, caring, inclusive, equitable and welcoming learning and working environment for all students and staff
This SEA monkey lover needs to fuck off tbh.
>>306658 tbh absurd
>>306660 wish he'd redeem himself and return to the huwhute rice tbh
>>306656 didn't realise Jim Sterling got a new job
>>306662 I'm resolved that the next woman I date will be pvre anglo. It really is something special to talk to and do things with someone who sees novelty in the mundane though.
>>306658 >”nationalists” lusting over Asians This place is becoming indistinguishable from pol tbh
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How tall is that giant?
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Rewinding and watching at 10x speed lads it's brilliant
>more fucking clapping
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>not wanting to create an army of hapa bastards to become agents of chaos an they have murderous incel rampages
Ngl absolutely love the snares with bagpipes, sounds like fireworks
these fences stand out like a sore thumb but otherwise it all looks good
>>306674 aside from the oiks clapping and cheering and wearing their usual shite instead of black smh
>>306675 Public are such a massive letdown
Every event should have a cake. Weddings have cakes. Jubilees have cakes. Why can't the queen dying be an opportunity for cake? I suppose I'll have to wait for Charles' coronation
Time for sleep
Felt edgy last night. Just watched hotd
>corgis not blindfolded smh
>harry scratching his bollocks smh
>>306681 yeah the ginger minger can't stop fidgeting why is he given a special place anyway he's out of the succession right smh
Something mysterious about the bearskin hats that hide the eyes
>>306519 >comparing me to wessica Pick a time and place. We'll fight with sabres until one of us is dead or you apologise and beg forgiveness.
why are the Irish so stupid?
>>306682 it's still his gran that's died, even if he's out of the family business
>>306684 huh I didn't write this? did I?
Another body for fake (you) lad smh https://youtu.be/rY0WxgSXdEE
>>306667 he's the royal chud
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>>306688 gets me every time
>>306689 tbh all heads of government like the PM and monarch etc should have a polface to hold their symbols of office above their heads during state occasions and whisper "you are to act in support of our white race" and "remember you are mortal" into their ear
>>306691 the world would be a far better place the royal chud would be the anchor of truth, the eye of the storm, the compass by which all courses are set
>official royal family channel is just showing the flag on one of the towers >MSM has cameras on the interior fucksake smh
>>306696 evil bastid in his darth vader larp smh
god I hate women
>>306643 Good lad good horse
>>306698 coomer eyes
oh yeah that whole thing was still on wonder how many people have mysteriously committed suicide so far
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>mummy cried watching the queen's burial on tv BUT SHE NEVER DID A FUCKING THING FOR THE WHITE RACE IN 70 YEARS ARRGGGGHHHH.
>>306704 I hope that you beat the shit out of her
>>306705 The palace guards never let me get close enough. Smh.
>>306707 >all of them including the security guard are blatantly new immigrants
>scottish boarding school lasses watching the funeral
>>306709 >those "scottish" among them AAAAHHHH
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>>306709 *puzzles over if the front left one is a paki, halfcaste or welsh, before gunning down all the non hu'whites and or non British there*
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>>306709 imagine the smell
>>306707 How do the new immigrants get security licenses so quickly?
God I want a gf
>>306713 quangos and other orgs like the ones the job centre kept sending me on they give them free "training" over the course of a week or two then a quick test and the accreditation it's just another layer of corruption and fraud smh
>>306715 Hate to be tinfoil but although he looks annoyed at the end, he wasn't trying very hard to stop them. Could just be in group preference. But I imagine in some cases there must be thieves working with security.
>>306716 yeah of course, wouldn't be surprised if the majority of them were, just like wogs in the police being part of the rape gangs
>>306717 Smh feel like we're the faithful in numenor or something
9/11 was way more hype than the queen's funeral
>>306719 most of this board was under 10 years old when 9/11 happened
>>306720 Tfw was 10. Guess I'm an official oldfag
>>306714 Me too. I had a sort of epiphany last week. I work with a guy who's the same age as me, he's got a 1st class degree and has just gotten engaged. I manage him. He's not particularly good at his job, he swears a lot, he's foreign born, tattooed and admitted to being a thief in his previous job. Here I am, worked my way up, no degree, been working for 6 plus years and no gf. I have more money than him. I have a better salary than him, and am far better at my job. I have more experience in said job. I am a far more restrained and responsible person. Yet I am miserable. Because I am alone.
Came across some tattooed foid with a big nosering and contact lenses that made her eyes completely black. Had a strong urge to beat the shit out of her
pint of kopparberg tbh
>>306725 For me? It's Old Rosie
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this one literally says that she's a "goal digger"
>>306712 girl smell
don't even want sexo just the oxytocin release tbh
>>306709 >scots
>>306731 Don't care about Royals but love to see scotch seethium. Been our bitches since Culloden
>>306731 >scot >boomer >woman deserves to have her angloid-funded heating shut off so she freezes in winter tbh
>>306732 >Been our bitches since Culloden *takes your money* nothing personal anglo, just good business.
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this is about as big as their tits get, unfortunately if gooks had big tits I'd have more respect for the 'getting a gook' thing tbh
>>306727 I doubt there is a single woman on that site that is not just after money/a free ride to the west
>>306735 I like petite flat chested women. Moderately sized tits are nice too though
>>306736 thats all women tbh, doesn't mean you can't have a successful time with them
>>306727 Goal digger is Filipina wit lad. It means she's not after money.
They are second language English speakers after all
>>306738 A lot of them are flatter than Anglo bois though
>>306707 >RTs/likes are not endorsements yes they are you fat cunt
damn you can just keep scrolling and there's more and more of them, so many joined in the past few days, it's insane. Philippes population is 110 million so there's literally an endless pool >>306736 yeah but the amount of money to satisfy them is not much because the Philippines is so poor. the average income white man in the west could save up for a big vacation, spend a few weeks there and be a sugar daddy for some servile gook that would pamper him and try to make him fall in love so she can dig the gold and get hapa babies and maybe green card >>306740 oh that's funny
they are not competitive in attractiveness with are aryan lasses though
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>>306746 some sexpat jewtuber once called filipinas "mini-latinas"
green beans and breaded fish for dinner
>>306746 don't acknowledge it lad just smash that mf filter button tbh
>>306747 >>306745 >>306744 The lawyer I talked to during lockdown was a Filipina, she's on my shitlist though as she's too mercenary. There are a lot of factory workers, nurses, call centre workers, neets on that site.
>>306747 qeeeeq
>>306751 I hate them so much low IQ base cunning evil parasites
>>306750 ooh lawyer very fancy. Don't really hear of filipino lawyers
>>306754 where the fuck was that teacher at the start of this?
Bins, what time are we watching HotD?
https://youtu.be/jgzrRiEONuM This is one of the neets who became an auditor, a different lifestyle to the majority of neets here.
>>306757 about an hour from now, will post in thread
>>306758 >>306758 >who became an auditor He's a Scientologist?
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>>306761 god that makes my encounter with gingerlass make me look like a chad
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>>306761 >that second lass humouring his autism for a while
>>306761 he must look like a right nonce in that cyclist costume
>approaches the same woman twice without recognising her >and then another woman twice again
>>306761 He's doing it wrong, you need to have a very big willy, like me, and you just need to get it out and spin it in a windmill whilst declaring how attractive you find them, and how you'd like to lick their feet.
>>306766 >that underage looking one at the end that says nothing and briskly walks away >then he pulls out his glasses
lads need to do something that gets womens attention without you doing anything like on friday night several women complimented my outfit and said i was sexy
>>306769 what were you wearing
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>>306772 bad boy Roy!
strange, heard about a pedo who dresses just like that
>>306769 of course they did. and are these women in the room with you right now?
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>>306775 No, but they were
>>306769 just get your willy out
Sex. Have it. Now.
hot choccy an a milkybar for supper
So lads, I saw you watched the queens rotbox being put away. I saw you were pissed off. Seems about right tbh, nigger choirboy spoiling the whole thing just sums up her reign tbh.
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>>306781 We need a new King. A fresh, red cheeked dafty monarch. One that rides a dragon. The sneep snorp dragon!
tank museum changed tiger day to the 1st because of le queen so I looked at prices again >coach or train it still costs about £100 >ten to sixteen hours of travel >cars do it in three and a half I wish to descrate beeching's grave
>>306783 mfw i could probably get the bus for £10 for 2 hours
>>306784 yeah smh it's just ridiculous apparently no trains can take the south coast route if it even exists any more and go up to bristol and back down again instead
Russia still holds territory in Manchuria it gained during the second opium war, and we just gave everything up
>>306785 its just good business lad.
>>306788 >Episode 4 You mean 5?
>>306788 ah yes, incest
>>306789 no it's 4 next isn't it?
>>306791 fucking mong
>>306791 No. 5 came out yesterday.
>could be watching asian historical dramas >watches zogslop instead >but fabian bollockdestruction and the secretions of dingleberry is too far
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>>306795 "mutant ass" gets me every time tbh
its literally just sex not watching it
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will probably watch this rather than House of the Dragon
>>306798 It's art, lad. I am in love with the cunny queen to be and wish I was her uncle so I could SEX her.
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>>306770 it was this, he cropped his fedora and katana out tho. >>306725
>>306802 wrong post >>305764
>>306802 'ansum lad
>>306804 you look like a bender.
>>306806 ive had sex and kissed countless women
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>>306807 doesn't mean you dont dress like a spaz.
>>306809 do you get compliments? hmm?
>>306807 how do you kiss so many more women that you have sex with? the simplest explanation is that you are a bad kisser, which is substantiated by the story of that publass in the striped shirt that you made vomit
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The best I've had is goodbye hugs and european kiss greetings, which have been exceedingly awkward as an adult. Best one was hugging the cute half black girl that gave me a back massage and talked to me about Star Wars when I was 16
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>>306810 these guys get compliments and allegedly get loads of fanny. doesn't mean i would want to dress like them or that they don't look like pricks.
>>306815 fair enuff
what goes well with canned fruit for a dessert?
>>306817 ice cream almond biscuit bakewell
>>306817 Cream or ice cream and maybe amaretti biscuits
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>>306818 >>306819 thnak you, lads
My best original dessert recipe is raspberries in butterscotch angel's delight sprinkled with crushed ginger nuts and grated chocolate
crushed ginger nuts..
Fucking hell lads went to get a chinkies and this guy turned the corner; about 50, in a leather jacket and a massive slash from his scalp down to his cheek, completely covered in blood. I asked him if he was alright and he was like “not at all” so i went across the street thinking I should take a piss then help him. And after I did along with making an order I went outside and saw the same guy walking up to people asking for help. I was walking parallel to him for a bit and after ten people literally walked past or ran away from him I ended up calling an ambulance. Anyway the Chinese was alright.
ta to the lad that recommended monkeybone, proper class >>306799 is that police story? ive watched up to supercop and new police story but never heard of this one
>>306825 god I hate niggercattle
>>306827 It was telling tbh. If you’re ever in need of help you’re fucked.
>>306751 god I would slaughter 3 continents full of shitskins for 'are kate
>>306737 smh boomer bossman saying I am too old for judo/BJJ at 32
>>306831 probably the male version of the sabotaging foid that tells her friends being unmarred is great >no steiner you don't need any of that haha you're too old just drink lots of beer and do opioids
Profil should be a big conk
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Can drive to tank museum in like half hour
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>>306807 >ive had sex and kissed countless women countless, yes because you can't count to zero
>>306835 lucky lad try and nick the tiger and run over some wogs tbh
>>306832 kek yeah still don't need to do any more double front rolls into paratrooper rolls and bust my ankle again. was climbing around with a SDS drill on hammer mode chipping brickcuck units out while having a jammed ankle today smh
Lads mummy got me some biccies to take back home with me, couldn't be happier.
>>306839 good lad
>>306839 >carbs she's trying to kill you
>>306841 No lad it's biscuits not crab.
>>306839 mummy bought you biccies? lucky lass..
>>306838 do you have insurance? maybe you could have a little accident on site
>>306844 yeah and business insurance keeek then I could get on neetbux for a couple of months but fuck that not worth it
"Fresh" Gram of woes, he's being bullycided in the comments, join in lads. https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4/Gram202229:3
>>306846 >Tommy Robinson's film about Hope Not Hate holy fuck isn't that literally a year old now >Hunter Biden and the West >Notre Dame Cathedral nearly two years >Rotherham and groups a decade >The 2016 US tour SIEG HEIL >As emperor dear god, imagine emperor woes he would be worse than the most depraved and insane roman caesar
I like woes so much
the anecdote wasn't amusing at all
>You're caught in a time bubble Colin, you must fight, fight to get back to us
Would u guys follow Woes if he led a rising?
>>306847 >he would be worse than the most depraved and insane roman caesar he'd be too tired to do anything, and constantly recovering from the last thing he did
>>306852 he can't even rise out of bed at a decent hour
he should start taking amphetamines
>>306815 What the actual fucka m I looking at lad?
If they gave him a pulpit, he'd be the shot in the arm that would reinvigorate nationalism. It's why he's given zero airtime by the media. A prophet silenced.
>>306825 You didn't help the lad straight away? Bit of a cunt int you lad?
(7.11 MB 1920x1080 woesinflation.webm)

starting to get real frosty already
>>306860 wrap up and post urself
amphetamines are a good way to lose weight as well
>>306860 yeah, it got cold really quick seems like it was a heat wave just a couple of weeks ago
>>306862 >amphetamines are a good way to lose weight as well not really lad...
>>306862 yeah but then you become addicted to crank?
>>306865 stop taking them before you get addicted
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Wews should do keto and intermittent fasting tbh
toil on the morrow wageslave market where I have to stand in line and get my teeth checked by bossman and they test how many bales of cotton I can lift smh night lads
>>306868 night lad
(1.62 MB 960x540 2022-07-30_21-43-16.webm)

>>306841 >bins immediately responds with keto
>>306852 till the end
>>306868 night lad
>>306872 xD luv bins me, always cracks me up but seriously im not eating any keto crabs thats just grim
>>306858 no I needed a pee and my tummy was rumbling. You’ll regret this comment when I’m a commando of the white racial forces in the race war btw
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Fresh bread when
toil, schnini
>>306872 keto is also good for epilepsy, which Wews has it'd be good for him on multiple fronts Which is why he will never do it
Woes is a disgrace, beyond redemption.
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>>306875 > keto crabs thats just grim keto crabs in a bucket, eh?
>>306872 Put eet on worksjop noballs.
https://youtu.be/S_Q-fOj9Mho >>306881 knew a chap that was well built, strong in his 40s did keto and now he's a skelly, he says at least people don't try to start on him now
>>306884 >knew a chap that was well built, strong in his 40s >did keto and now he's a skelly, he says at least people don't try to start on him now he must have been fat then, because the whole point of keto is you burn fat, not muscle
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New thread needed >>306880 How dare you
I wish I was in Turkey
FRESH BREAD!!!= >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892 >>> 306892
Could this board just become an irl gentlelads club tbh Should make a kickstarter
>>306888 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>306825 A true nationalist you are

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