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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3772: Chairman Mike Edition Anonymous 09/16/2022 (Fri) 11:44:00 Id: 9ccfc5 No. 305430
Chinese delegation is BANNED from viewing the Queen lying-in-state in Westminster Hall by Speaker Lindsay Hoyle - but may still attend state funeral https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11218539/Chinese-delegation-BANNED-viewing-Queen-lying-state.html Two police officers stabbed repeatedly leaving one facing life-changing injuries https://metro.co.uk/2022/09/16/police-officer-seriously-injured-after-being-stabbed-in-central-london-17386861/ Bank of England warns of looming deadline to exchange old banknotes https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/old-banknotes-england-exchange-deadline-b2168592.html
smh meant to poost the screenshot
love those rumpled and ill-secured BIG and RED banners tbh
>>305434 tbh very evocative of certain imagery
>google dreamtime >come upon this keeeeeeeeeek it reads like an abo wrote it
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>they are still doing the nationalist shite after /brit/ mainstream moved on to big C conservatism
>>305436 >abbos didn't even invent whatever basic grug tools they do use, they were gibsmedats
>>305436 anything for or from or about abbos uses really simple english tbh once you learn to see it you can never unsee it >>305438 not the first time it happened tbh imagine a world where azazel never taught women to use makeup smdh
>>305439 bet if you fed that text into one of those reading level determining sites it would come up as a baby's story book keeksmh maybe 4-5yo level if lucky
>>305440 wouldn't be surprised tbh maybe six or seven since "indigenous" is a big word
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>>305442 still never finished la noire tbh smh haven't finished sleeping dogs either
>>305444 been trying to do saints row 3 recently but it's old enough now that my gooming computer stutters trying to run it for whatever depreciated software reason
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>>305445 don't bother with sr3 tbh it's not that great if it runs then play it but it's not worth the time to scour the internet for fixes or to upgrade specifically saints row 2 is and will always be the definitive experience smh still seething that they turned shaundi into a plastic barbie smdh
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>get woken up at 6am every morning by my neighbour talking to her bf on the phone which causes me to sleep in
>>305447 barely remember the other games tbh except for the bit at the start of 1 or 2 or whatever with the poo spraying keek
>>305448 leave a can of sips by your bed until you get used to waking up at six lad then you gradually wake up earlier until you're awake by five and then you become the waker and she becomes the seething wakee >>305449 never played saints row one tbh had a demo of it which i spent many hours on as a young lad with no money to buy new games smh
doing the death to the dorgeshuun quest in runescape and some of these lumbridge chuds are being evil racists who don't like goblins entering their society
>he isn’t in the chairman’s circle NGMI
>>305452 >pay more >become non-white
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schnafternoon, had a wank and now going to goom, sninner soon too.
>>305455 schneed lad
>wank its over, lad
the vril.... leaving my body... my autistic powers... gone... i am defeated.... the white race betrayed... abigail shapiro...
>>305448 I had the same, except for smee it was neighbour getting builders in to do something to their roof that started at some god awful time, made loads of noise which woke me up, then it allwent silent and I got back to sleep again but woke up really late
>>305455 don't forget film night later
>>305460 are you putting on the kino or are you watching gay faggot zog sex shit though
I need an answer to see if I should go shops and get popcorn
>>305461 it's still not decided tbh 22st is being stroppy already too smh
>>305462 come to town with me instead lad
>>305464 I'll come with you
no you wont
>>305462 do it lad
>>305463 leave him alone, lad
Morgoth and Endevour just reviewed Titanic and Night To Remember anyone interested in watching either of those?
>A serving member of London’s Metropolitan Police, PC Hussain Chehab, has been charged with allegedly having sexual activity with an soccer mom and twelve other crimes against children, including taking indecent images Hussain Chehab
>>305471 lad he's british just like you and me
>>305472 and also a MAN the white male patriarchy did this
>>305473 keeeeeeeeeeeeek been a very long time since i last saw big red
>>305471 soccer mom?
>>305455 perfect lifestyle lad
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>>305478 keeeeeeeek tbh that was my first thought too
>doesn't put on chinkino >some fag poz propaganda shit nobody asked for instead >criticized by historians for its inaccuracy to both the original plays and historical reality bins does it again
>>305464 >>305480 wessie and dorset hit bodmin's night scene
>Christophe Gilliot, the director of the French museum Azincourt 1415, suggesting it has "Francophobe tendencies" at least it made frogs seethe I guess >>305481 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doEwWzMz99A >lost the yeovil pub webm again smh
>>305480 the 800 has already been put on lad, quite recently too we can't watch that again so soon
>King Henry V was neither humanist nor pacifist. The real Henry V was known to be bellicose, aggressive and warlike. so the film makes him a cuck >The Battle of Agincourt took place not in such a hilly and green place, as the film shows, but on fallow fields and plowing in the plains. In addition, it was the English who held the heights although the film suggests that it was the French. >A crucial part of the English defence, the sharpened stakes, or palings, which were set at an angle towards the French cavalry to protect the archers, was almost entirely ignored in the film they can't even get the most basic of warkino right >>305483 no it hasn't because I would have watched it if it was, unless you are referring to last night which was you being a retard and not a film night
>turn up at pest control under geared >someone gives me a rune longsword >turn up again at pest control with rune longsword >someone gives me a dragon longsword unironically he would've given me an abby whip if my attack was higher
>>305485 >no it hasn't because I would have watched it if it was, unless you are referring to last night which was you being a retard and not a film night it was put on recently, not by me though
>>305487 stop gaslighting
>>305488 idk how you missed it
Morgoth and Endevour recently reviewed Titanic and Night To Remember Anyone want to watch either of those? https://youtu.be/5RxKGiocoII
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why is it like this?
Floating Castle, The https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSYtmSRix3g Gentlemen Officers: Save the Emperor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78PPjNfx97A Waiting for the Barbarians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbuM5DMAnyE Bullseye (the cringekino) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIMVrX9CaVw The Boxer from Shantung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEuBplr6JIA Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irjRMmQ1n-A Legiony https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRg85suP3fM Old Henry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZc4PVVd-0w there's more but that should be enough to choose from
going shops better be some kino scheduled when I get back and it better not be a bins pick
>>305495 absolute shower
>>305475 Site filter for something sounding noncey. Think under the AoC gets filtered to CIA agents too.
>>305493 Dorset should watch Picture Day. I want him to cry and wank at the same time.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/stlDSGa9F3Y DB is probably autistic, so he's probably enjoying the queuing
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it's real...
>>305500 wtf how did u get it?
>>305500 wow a poo-eyed "blonde" wombyn who's better at everything than men could ever be i hate the amazon christ i hate the amazon christ
>>305501 tbh someone was posting them on 4pol, but fucking hell it looks awful. haven't watched any of it yet.
>>305500 Sargon should sue them for libel
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>>305500 the way she just pushes them all in to the cell even a really big strong guy couldn't do that
https://youtu.be/0A5AqUQBT4c Feel embarrased for the incel lad in this.
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>Oil spill in Iraq's Basra port "huge", efforts to contain it could take more than a week - Reuters
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also; >Last night's Rumworth (Bolton) council by-election result: >Conservative GAIN from Labour.
since i dont think ill ever see an abbo have to ask, are they all really this uggy
>Torah party still gaining after 10 years
>>305476 why not are ken
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>>305500 Ive never seen the hobbit and Im not going to see this
>>305509 yeah lad they really are pvre abbos literally all look like that and spend all day sat around in circles drinking themselves to death and mumbling to each other
>>305512 we're hate watching it lad for free
>>305513 *has flags next to all of your national flags at public building* ramarama
the hobbit only had 1 chink in it as an extra in the background at laketown and the dragon scenes are all kino, the love triangle shite was cringe though.
>>305515 been like that for a long long time tbh and it's not just the abbo flag either smh it's some pacific islander flag too
>>305516 and some nogs
>>305518 don't remember them, none of the talking characters were darkies though
>binshit will "hate watch" the desecration of tolkino but won't hate watch actual hilarious shit modern attempt at culture "fartastic braps 3 the seesharts of bumdrilldore" >>305511 tbh that would be much better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmYcpUtvR9U
I guess it hits too close to home what with it being a bout a crusty old faggot boomer getting his dirty past revealed, or so I assume
arguing with christopher hitchens in my head currently, peter is in the audience and hes on my side.
>>305519 i remember posting these a year or so ago when i was watching the tolkien edit still distracting seeing it tbh actually i remember in return of the king extended theres a very dark looking maoi guy sitting around in osgiliath in one shot
The PLAAF was spotted in Moscow. Also this Tajikistan-Kyrgyzstan thing is pretty serous.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfOX-uKuf0Y Lads, he did it. He named THEM.
>>305522 based what's the argument about lad? >>305523 chinese ai will fix this for us lad soon every background character will be huwhite
>>305523 >actually i remember in return of the king extended theres a very dark looking maoi guy sitting around in osgiliath in one shot yeah Ik there was a fracas last year when some lad posted that
>>305527 It was so brief and unimportant that I hadn't remembered it, despite seeing the trilogy a dozen times before watching it with all (You). Nothing really to sneethe at.
>>305524 big if true
i nominate this chinkino
>>305531 looks good tbh
feel kinda angry when i see east asian americans, all their complaining makes me want to hurt them
also nominate this again
>According to some unofficial (!) reports, the Iranian IRGC is deploying tens of thousands of troops on the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan. >Also, armoured units of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran were deployed to the border. The only thing confirmed is Maj. Gen. Salami, commander of the IRGC on the Armenia-Azeri border.
>>305535 hope the good major doesn't get eaten tbh
Just want Dorset to fuck ginger lass
>>305537 tbh would like a tidy end to this arc
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>>305536 It means hullo in Farsi and Urdu.
>>305540 yes, that's right. the azeris must return to their lands of origin! okay, thankyou
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>Turkey mobilizes 45 thousand soldiers on the border with Armenia
when I went shops I got some basic goods (oats, marmalade, tinned pasta/veg etc) that were being sold for under a pound each... at gaysburys I think this is it collapsecultbros, it's finally happening they are preparing us for real shortages and famine
>>305546 westoid collapse means the masks can come off and all the aggressive pooskins can get back to naked force I guess
I don't know how people say it isn't going to happen when it already is.
>>305549 sneedvening lad
>>305551 are we ww3 yent?
Eight months in and finally they are bringing in the doom vans.
>>305547 were there chocolate croissants?
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>Germany MUST become the best-equipped armed force in Europe - German Chancellor Scholz.
Steiner, why is biden going on about maga nazis?
>>305558 the state elections are happening soon and its just to get the zombies to go out and vote against them
>>305559 you winning anything from the student loan jubilee?
>>305553 just two more weeks >>305556 no and I couldn't have them even if there were smh got some mince pies to store in my breadbin instead makes me sneethe a bit tbh all this christmas shit already and it's not even spooky month >>305557 they'll have the bestest broom handles they can purchase I'm sure
>>305560 no I didn't apply for it yent, should though just so I can get 20k off
>>305563 >named Big Boy keeeek
>>305565 hope some nigger pops his shitty implants and he dies of massive trauma
>>305565 keeek, but wth
at least the pig guy has some fights on his channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fgOzwirZxI
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>Pound crashes to 37-year low >Sterling plummeted to as low as $1.135 at the start of Friday trading in London, before rising slightly to $1.1378. It was also trading 0.5% lower against the euro at €1.1407. >The grinding backdrop of everything that’s going on is weighing on sterling, with the UK running these massive external deficits and the risks around the new prime minister’s policies adding to that, the head of currency strategy at Saxo Bank, John Hardy, told Reuters. Even without the threat of war, it's fucked.
>>305569 good lad
>>305561 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAkMkVFwAoo it's almost time lad >>305565 keeeeeeeeeeeek literal walking caricature smh this thing shouldn't be allowed near children
>>305570 it's all planned tbh they're making every westoid currency worth the same and then they introduce zogcoin
>>305570 see, i was right to go on holiday
>>305448 >living so close to your neighbors that ypu can hear them
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>>305572 Erm ackshully 0.000001% of women naturally have breasts like that, and bras are oppressive, so it's not inappropriate or anything to do with a sexual fetish that this brave trans gurrrrl has grotesquely large fake tits with the nipples poking through for nigger teenagers to see. She is not a pervert at it is a hate crime for you to assume she is.
show me the 0.000001% of women that naturally have breasts like that back up your claims you coward
miss turkey claim your turkfu before it's too late. I'll take 17
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>>305578 Lawdy, Wesseks, lemme make dem knees explode over momma's tig ol biddies.
I hate swarthoids though
>>305579 For me, it's 4.
>>305583 >hates swarthoids >didn't pick the one huwhite one
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all of them and the negress too make the new mutt empire
>>305585 yeah 4 is the only white one
>temperatures suddenly plummeting to just above fridge level at 7c I guess that is why gaysburys had the cheap emergency food supplies out, it's time for the weak and elderly to turn the heating on again
>>305586 I hate niggers
>>305500 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek oh my god
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Lad from the last thread got me looking at old brit/pol/ stuff keeek check this out
>>305579 17, 4, 1, 2.
>>305592 what are we like these days tbh collapse cult racists I guess
>>305500 wew why do people think that its realistic that women are just these autistic no personality robots that can beat up anyone? its not even interesting writing. even a big guy would have to use wit and cunning to escape from a jail.
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>>305594 well right off the bat we wouldn't have 44 people responding immediately but yeah collapse cult racists prolly fits the bill pretty well
>>305579 Whiter than every European beauty pageant.
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>>305582 I already took 17. you'll have to settle for another one >>305593 17 and 4 taken, you can only pick one. 1 or 2? 2 is cute but face too assymetrical >>305578
>>305598 well yeah because the jews purposely use niggers to humiliate the white race
>a file has a format that is not allowed by this server STOOOOOOOOOOOOP it's fucking .mp4 or .webm what the hell
apparently 8kun finally died last week
>305600 >a fucking 3 thinks he can claim my swarthoid slave bitch
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>>305603 it loads now and qoomers are still active. where'd you get that idea? >speak freely- legally gayyyyyyyyyy >>305604 first come, first serve
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and its fucking spic
>>305600 *starts screaming >>305605 smh frenschan thread from 5 days ago said it was down for a week I guess the glowies propped it up again
Seething at the site of every beautiful women on the street. I can’t take this any more. CHUDDY NEEDS CUNNY NOW!
>>305605 it always comes back lad there's no way jim will let it rest in peace >>305606 keeeek
>Ex-BBC local radio DJ jailed for five years for stalking Jeremy Vine and other broadcasters insane
>>305610 my self-esteem is tanking because no foid has indicated interest in x amount of time. I need that female validation, otherwise I question my self-worth
>>305613 yeah smh not deserving of a sentence at all they should have let him get rid of the compulsion by locking him in a room with the broadcasters and a chainsaw for 24 hours
>Military equipment of the Armenian armed forces is moving towards the border with Azerbaijan. >Military personnel who are absent from their units, on leave, etc. are required to return to their location. >Reserve soldiers were ordered to arrive at the territorial military enlistment offices. >The country declared martial law and General mobilization against the background of the most serious aggravation on the border with Azerbaijan. Fuck, with all that Turkish and Iranian forces on the border.
granny said she could see I'd lost weight yesterday the street thots are safe... for now
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>>305615 yeah, it was just tweets as well. "a new form of stalking" bullshit. Mark shared this on telegram
>>305618 go on lads round 1 was an upset but you can bring a good showing for round 2 wallop those azeris and take the rest of the ring back
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anarcho-tyranny tbh
>>305621 keek I fucked up, it was from September 2020.
>>305623 smh too eager for something to happoon
*continues screaming
Steiner whose your favourite diadochi?
>Companies declared insolvent in England and Wales jumped by 43% in August, according to government data.
>>305626 antigonus monopthlamus, craterus and eumenes. all of them were boomers from phillips time who outsmarted alexanders zoomer friends
weird how antigonus basically helped pyrrhus get started and then pyrrhus became the arch nemesis of antigonus's grandson
>>305627 to be fair she should not have been larping as a soldier >>305628 eradication of small business proceeding apace
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>>305625 the social trust network is breaking down enough over here that in 10 years you could probably buy a 16 year old yank wife from her family so she can escape the hell of shartica
>>305627 >woman dies in war OH MY HECKIN GOD WARCRIMERINO >incel low status men murdered by the busload and left rotting on the ground swollen with maggots yeah but what about the lisa simpson of yerevan she defeated 9000 durka durkas with her woman's football (which by the way doesn't get enough views on the tele a-hem) skills
shut up incel
"White entitlement", *Spic have u ever used these words?*
holy autism batman >6 hours of a slightly less soylent-filled soyfag critiquing soyperhero film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHa9J5RL51g >>305632 social trust just doesn't exist at all here I guess except for my neighbours, we say hello to eachother sometimes and go pub
>>305638 smh I actually watched that, don't bother
smh I just want to be a balrog
what does white entitlment actually mean? I don't think it works as an idea in modern shartica?
>>305641 its just some neologism for shitskins to enforce a racial caste system with actual americans at the bottom
>>305641 In this context I think it is implied that the white people get away with drunk driving while niggers don't
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Turks aren't white? I think u'll find this painting shows they are.
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Smh, he seems so puzzled at the end
>>305651 god everyone in shartica is on drugs fat or a shitskin or all three
>>305651 I don't get what's going on, other than he seems genuinely severely autistic.
>>305654 I think he smashed something by mistake? And they said he has to pay?
>>305651 >that bit at the end where they all just stand silently
>>305653 already seen it so fuck off
I dropped a yoghurt drink in a supermarket myself once but exited the supermarket very quickly and didn't have to pay.
One time I walked into a chinky in Salford on a busy Friday night, ordered, got the food, and walked without with paying.
>>305659 zoomer humour led by blacks
its his birthday today lads
>>305659 I hate niggers so much they do this shit everywhere, this faggot nigger probably has never had a job.
>>305663 >probably has never had a job. haha yeah
doritos dipped in blue cheese cream tbh wish I had a good film to go with it
>>305664 neet life is only sad when one applies for jobs
I hate applying for jobs cos i find all these normies whose job i could do
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>>305670 read that apparently tucker wears some kind of jewish kabbalah magic occultism ring shit smh he's not actually based all along
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>Jewish magic
>>305668 How the mighty have fallen smh
>hohols trying to claim every single dead civilian they find in recaptured territory is a warcrime
>>305674 Most of the grave sites are dead Ukies the Russians buried because Kiev wouldn't reclaim their died.
>>305674 lad... every dead civilian they "find" (kill for being "collaborators" by not suiciding against russkies while under occupation)
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smh on 4chud all the other nations on earth are bullying leaf and american trucks
>>305680 NSA warfare tbh
>>305680 electric shills? whats wrong with shartican and canadian lorries
>>305683 What mean?
>bbc news on their anti white shite talking about the queen in SA >talking to young niggers in slums who are saying all their misfortunes are because of colonialism all jewish propaganda to turn all non whites into anti white race warriors in waiting, all they need to do is keep shipping these subhumans here.
>>305689 >niggers >in south africa
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Inside of (You) there are 2 wolves in constant battle. One is based, and the other is cringe. But which is the one that wins? The one (You) sneed.
>>305691 is this lad going to post on /brit/ and compete with steiner? don't think I bothered to watch a single video even during the pretending-to-be-him arc
STARTING SOON - LORD OF THE RINGS: RINGS OF POWER EPISODE 4 (2022) https://app.kosmi.io/room/ccjkso https://app.kosmi.io/room/ccjkso https://app.kosmi.io/room/ccjkso
>>305692 He's more esoteric than Steiner.
>queens funeral will be most well attended in history surpassing titos kino tbh, nip emperor is coming too.
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>>305698 smh Tito was a brillant self made man
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>Prince Harry didn't marry a nip princess for imperium while remaining in station befit of him
>>305702 that's cos we're part of the black sphere now lad. even our olympics bid was all about blacks watching david beckham play football
african population growth is going to go straight into us
>>305698 Tbh when I think of the contradiction between a modern teeming, technocratic age and a premodern institution like even constitutional monarchy, and the conflicts those constitutions endgender I begin salivating with usually false hopes of systemic change. Of course if the oligarchs came out and said "if you all refuse to act like individuals in your disparate technology chambers like this you endanger our way of life", that would give the game away
>>305705 *those contradictions
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>thinking about the state of Royal Family after watching War and Peace
>>305701 good lad
>>305701 what a friday night simply sublime
>>305696 smh I hate it when fags just lean boards over everything
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Goodnight lads
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la creatividad
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>>305713 she needs to abort that jewling. titties look nice though I must admit
>>305717 I believe
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>>305714 tf is that from?
>>305696 this is horrific
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back from the ole town lads once again the queers were trying to chat me up
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was chatting with a lad whom knows gingerlass we had a good chat but he doesnt want to message her on my behalf smh
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he told me that gingerlass beat him up in school lol he said she was that type of lass lol
he said she was very rough but not sexually hoho as i originally thought he meant
steiner, you will now put up with my drunken incel posts good luck
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dont make me all wanky, you fucking prick
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2 can play at that game!!!
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clapped out slag
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my friend told me to send this
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>my dear
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found this old mene I drew wasted so much time drawing this shit, don't know how lads like manx lad do it.
>>305753 its shit have sex sex have it right now
>>305755 sorry lad my post was in poor taste sex is gross i hate it
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i got 3 compliments on my coat despise the discordfags saying it was awful go fuck yourselves
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>>305760 that pic was before she was 18 you are now a certified NONCE
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>>305759 show me the coat
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>>305764 you look like a prick
no offence
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you crumby little maggot
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steiner should find himself a 6/10 ginger minger gf to be his wife
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so its just.. me... in the thread...
could be worse
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>>305745 do you realize how pathetic these texts are, lad? the "violet you god dam bitch" "reply to me" part is good but the rest is pussy repellant >>305752 >>305761 she looks over 30 wtf >>305771 I could have gotten a 6/10 ginge but I wasn't attracted to her rly and also I was thinking she should find a ginger male to preserve her race, I want a foid with a more similar phenotype to me anyway. of the two ginges that liked me I'd prefer the fat one
being a poo eye and shagging an orange haired lass just feels genocidal smh. I couldn't, they should breed within their own kind to preserve homogenity
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wish i had sardines or herring to eat so hungry
i'll microwave thaw a steak instead
>>305779 you have any bodies of water near you? maybe you can cast a rod into the water and catch a fish. clean it, fillet it, cook it on the grill
>>305764 I like your coat lad.
smorning lads
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNlTsykh3-4 >joomer is pro fascism Is he, dare I say it, /arelad/ afterall?
>>305784 can never tell with this lad tbh
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>>305753 >>305754 tbh, bet women would think it's really cute if you do a nude drawing of them as a peroid piece wojak.
new dying fetus song https://youtu.be/eknenF4E72c
>>305753 love that one tbh very drvidic
I think Martin is so good at English now. All these years. I imagine he's probably the most fluent Norge in south Levanger by now.
>>305793 tbh he's been practicing every day for years
>>305793 My English was better back in high school, most Norwegians are good at it, probably most westerners are tbh
>>305795 I think you're probably better than the other Norge with cultural context now.
>>305796 well I think my English is more British than the average Norgeboi, remember when I was Welsh but kept using American worderinos? keeeek
>>305797 All I remember was the tescos slavery arc and then u changed the supermarket randomly or something
>>305798 keeeek. I don't remember doing that tbh, but that arc did happen, but at "kiwi"
smh I could have stacked shelves for life. I quit almost immediately after they put me behind the till
Dead thread tbh.
dead nation tbh
>>305801 Yea, I have to go to work now. You take care of this thread, lad.
We need a new machine to facilitate the needs of the board.
choccy milk and custard donuts for lunch
>>305806 tbh >>305807 based
>>305807 You deserve it
wish I had a mummy to hoover my flat for me
>>305811 Just get a mummy gf
potato and bacon soup for dinnero
>>305815 finita est...
Mae govannen, welcome to the Tolkien Lore channel, I am the Tolkien geek
What time is HotD, bins? Half 8 as usual or earlier because it's saturday?
>>305818 err it releases on Sunday and won't be on streaming sites until after bed time lad. We watch it on le mondays
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>make fun of fat shitskin equality NGO worker >get banned from the internet even tho you haven’t been convicted of a crime.
>>305821 getting a bit ridiculous at this point tbh
>>305819 Oh... >>305821 >>305822 Tbh tbh.
>heh why don't you use your real name and picture online, coward!
>>305821 he looks like hes holding a piece of poo
a bar of dairy milk, chocolate and a glass of milk, and its very nice.
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>>305826 good lad, just finished a glass myself
https://youtu.be/Y0g9Vul2mIM didn't see any darkies in the trailer, could be kino.
>>305826 leftover kebab for me
>supporting paki business kebab is disgusting too
>>305725 good job that never happens here
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>this thread
>>305832 >0:03 he almost made a pleb mistake and axed his femur needs a longer handle
>>305815 aurelius was a hypocrite anyway, epictetus was actually a stoic. aurelius was just a coper who hide behind the hellenistic philosophy from his guilt over genociding the dacians from the historical record.
>>305821 just listening to Farage saying what a great country we live in and how it's worth fighting for
How about this tonight?
>>305818 >What time is HotD, bins? Most likely Monday, it's not out yet or did you mean Lawd Dem Rangz?
*oppresses the wogs**
>>305840 *disapproves of oppressing wogs*
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>>305840 >>305841 I'm predicting this is the story, right now
>>305840 Keek he looks like an aesthetic nazi villain
>>305838 would like to but I won't be back until probably 9 so just keep starting film nights incredibly late I guess
oh, is that metal wire going through their hands and mouths? smh can't believe whites did this
>>305844 would be nice if you were actually back at 9 instead of never showing up tbh
>>305846 bins hasn't put anything good on for months so I didn't bother watching tbh
time for snaturday sninner I am informed it is sbologsneethe and spaghcopi with the boom-xooms where we will pretend to have things in common and talk about inconsequentialities for a few hours before quickly leaving
>>305844 9 isn't too late to start a film tbh
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>>305847 >bins hasn't put anything good on for months so I didn't bother watching tbh fucks sake lad, we did the whole Predator at your behest, that coeverd 3 whole weekends you never even said thanks!
>>305838 I've seen it, its terrible and nothing happens in it
>>305851 yeah I'll never trust a (1)
>>305839 No. HotD is kino. Won't even hate watch Rangz.
>>305851 >I've seen it, its terrible and nothing happens in it it's a Wessex choice, so I'm not too surprised tbh
wish i had a cute femboy to play dress up as napoleonic soldiers with
>>305855 Why not just a fem? ...
>>305856 Women aren't interested in history
is dorshit getting femboy and tomboy confused or does he really want a troon now
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I want to dress a girl up in historical uniforms and pretend to captrue them at the scenes of historical battefields and have my way with them. (On actual battlefield locations hidden behind bushes etc)
>>305858 he's always been in to troons that's his discord handle btw
>ask 18 year old groomee what she is watching >she's watching this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonding_(TV_series) Synopsis from an episode: >Tiff gets into an argument with Pete, in which he states that she always feels the need to be in control. Pete goes on another date with Josh. Doug and Tiff go on a date/non-date. However, Tiff's client/German man-servant, Rolph, unexpectedly shows up and ruins the date. Meanwhile, Pete and Josh end up back at Pete's apartment to have sex. Thanks jews
>>305863 sounds like she needs some.. educating
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>>305863 >series was canceled after two seasons
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>>305865 another win for the white race
smh went to go do some judo today but the chuck norris wannabe teacher was making us do backflips and flying summersaults over people laying on the ground and I jammed my ankle landing and then told him I was done with gay shit that had nothing to do with martial arts. smh why do boomers do gay macho crap all the time.
>>305814 How was it lad?
>>305869 Thought he had aids tbh
>>305869 damn isn't he like 40 thats my facial hair after like 3 days of noshave
>>305867 stop being a pussy and go to a nigger boxing gym
>>305872 good lad I should go to one. fuck breaking your neck doing backflips while boomers larp as steven seagal
>>305867 Judo is gay, learn brazilian jujitsu or sambo or something.
literally only useful judo throws are osoto gari and the other leg trips
>>305874 yeah I don't live in europe where you have easier access to slavshit like sambo BJJ is gayer than judo
except no gi
oh yeah 3 hours of crossing guard with other dudes yeah thats a great hobby
>>305870 Was looking for that song forever. Thanks lad.
should have challenged the biggest boomer in there tbh
>>305876 BJJ is amazing for fuckng peoples joints up mate.
>>305879 No worries lad, I saved it all this time incase I ever found you chaps again.
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>>305884 Revolt Against The Modern World tbh
Black Elves Lives Matter
>>305886 keeeek they did le sieg heilerino?
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just a normal day in shartican schools
>>305887 yeah, Sauron is literlaly hitler tbh
>>305886 keeeeeeeeeeek
spag bol followed by fruit strudel and ice cream and it was very nice the NPC collective of boomers and xoomers went on about te queen and le evil russia but I think they have now learned to speak in hushed towns so that I can't really hear and understand what is going on and won't be able to interject with /pol/ infographic derived information and coo/k/-sourced russian updates
>>305891 How much weight you lost lad?
>>305893 about a stone or a bit over not yet to 22st though smh
>>305894 What's your weight now though lad?
>>305895 around 23st, could be under or over need to drop a bit more before the scales will work
>>305896 Christ lad. Atlast you're dropping. How many calories a day are you eating?
>>305897 I try to keep it under 2k following the material I have strictly does that, I lost about 7kg in as many days, or a bit over, but relapsed at the end of august smh
>>305881 https://youtu.be/qO6XeabbMgA sparred against bjjfags and most of bjj training is just climbing around on some other lads groin. its pretty much useless if you are in a real life situation where other fags are just going to stomp you out.
wish that ww2 era faggots hadn't gotten all orientalist and that collar and elbow wrestling was still practiced. gooks always add all this pointless face culture sadist shit into "martial arts" that is totally pointless and does absolutely nothing
>>305898 It;s alright lad, atleast you're making progress
>>305899 its good for ground work. Standing up is either boxing or muaythai tbh.
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https://youtu.be/6Zbi0XmGtMw it's saturday night lads
>>305902 nah wrestling is for ground if you are ever in a real life situation and you pull guard and try to triangle choke people you are either about to go to prison or get your face stomped in while you larp as some MMAnigger. going to the ground is how you die in real life. tripping people and simple toss throws are superior to gay steven segal larping. also BJJ is full of deanoid subhumans
smh hate MMA so much, pretty much all that shite is just full of brainlet cavemen deanoids that have an IQ of 85 anyway BJJ can be fun as a sport but I hate fags who larp like its useful for anything except torture
so are we watching a film tonight
>>305906 Bins probably found a woman he's breeding right now. MIA
>>305907 >a woman
already feeling the enthusiasm for watching something long at this hour disappearing tbh may as well just watch some shit gook cartoon episode
>ywn stab Wessex in the belly and watch him die a slow painful death
been trying to join a game for like 2 hours
>>305904 Wrestling is pretty good tbh Seems pretty gay a lot of the time tohugh. >>305905 Not completely wrong.
>>305891 > but I think they have now learned to speak in hushed towns so that I can't really hear I commend your efforts Kamerad, fear will keep the nigger cattle in line.
just watched Barry Lyndon, all it did was make me hate the irish even more, was that Kubrick's game.
>>305916 kubrick was one of the good irish after all
>>305917 don't like that this was clearly made by a 14 yo tbh.
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>>305920 good lad
>>305919 gingerlass still hasn't responded?
>>305922 nope..
>>305924 it is quarter to ten you utter imbecile
>>305924 it told you its shite why are you putting it on >>305925 don't worry it'll put you to sleep
>it's a 2 hour film as well why can't you just be on time
>The Magistrate (Mark Rylance) manages an outpost on the desert frontiers of an unnamed Empire. it's not even a historical film smh I must have put it on my list by mistake
thought it was about french colonials or indochina or smth
>>305925 you told us you weren't even back home until 9pm
>>305929 its clearly inspired by the ottomans, also rylances character is a massive cuck
>>305927 on time? on time is 8pm you said you wouldn't be home until 9pm! I tried to make sure you would't miss it!
>>305930 so clearly 9 o clock was the time to start
>>305933 no it wasn't, *after* 9pm was, which is now anyway hurry up and get in so it doesn't get even later
>>305931 yeah smh reading the book synposis it's based on now >south african writer >anti colonialism >it's all cuck muh redskin-equivalent shit
>>305934 put on old henry instead tbh that is just cowboykino
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>305938 should've changed the background, steiner looks out of place walking in mid air and the image is too weighted to the right, (you) denied.
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poopooson just dropped his manifesto https://youtu.be/h2yHGcmhbEk
>>305941 is his vision for conservatives being like the liberals but ten years ago and also washing penis, because I feel like it is unless he explicitly says to throw wogs into the northwest passage
everyones dropping manifestos these days, it took a while but it looks like /are lad/ really started a trend
>>305942 he advocates the killing of all incels since they make his daughter feel uncomfortable
>>305944 based but only if she is the one to do the killing and eating of are raw meat thereof
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>>305947 >truth >but not about the jews
>>305947 No one cares like.
>>305947 WORDS
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>>305951 KEEKE goodlad
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>finally get a game going after 3 hours >crashes in the middle of it
>could have watched warkino instead of boring bins shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk7GyNhE2Aw next time I will just vet one film and suggest that instead of a list which he can use to fuck up
>>305953 think some ISPs have pushed a router firmware update that fucks UPNP/NAT matchmaking in a lot of games. Had to manually forward ports on all my gooming devices to fix it
>hohols storming a russian trench and shooting russians trying to escape at close range
>>305956 now this is warkino
>>305956 They're not exactly sprinting for it huh. Oft I wonder if the schizos are right.
Why the fuck do I even try. I’ll end my life no doubt.
>>305959 Come on then, tell me what the fuck he's doing?
>>305961 getting shot in the next few seconds, isn't he?
>>305961 cba with this retarded low IQ schizo shite tbh, filtered
Fuck these awful videos, can't even see what's going on tbh. Not arguing the toss with you retards either.
this ones even worse, russians on the left attacking the ukies under the bridge, literally 2 ft from eachother but can't hit eachother because they can't see.
Not kidding I went on a date with a lass who I thought was nice. As we were walking home she told me it was fun to spend time together but I’m still an ugly cunt and she doesn’t want to meet me again.
I’m going to kill myself I’m going to kill myself I’m going to kill myself
>>305967 did you pay for the date?
>>305967 >but I’m still an ugly cunt and she doesn’t want to meet me again. Did she literally say that?
I feel nothing but pain.
>>305966 >that music overlaid why are war tourists such faggots smh
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>>305967 Where did you dump the body?
>>305976 >war tourists lad the music is all added by the slavs that take the vids, you wouldn't hear anything anyway its a drone video
>>305979 voyeurs then smh
Why are you bullying me at my lowest point. The white race didn’t die for this.
wish we could do proper war tourism like in the good old days like at culloden when all the local lads went out to watch the battle of the mongs vs the zogbots and hid behind stone walls whenever a cannonball went by tbh
I want to fucking die.
>>305983 just don't subject yourself to the meat market lad learn to be content with seething and coping
>>305983 >>305981 HE PAID TO BE TOLD HE WAS UGLY
>>305967 She can't have possibly just said that straight up surely
Ok I’m over it. But it hurts so fucking much.
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>being able to talk to women >women will hang around you long enough to fleece you for a free meal
cringe spotted >>305985 >>305986 think this lad is (you)farming but it's not out of the realm of possibility tbh
you were probably really annoying lad thats why
>>305990 I bet he didn't even tell her about the jews
>>305988 shut up >>305990 yeah I probably was.
>>305983 If all she cares about is looks over personality then she is clearly a worthless slag that deserves her cunt being flogged to a bloody pulp. You dodged a bullet, lucky tbh
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>>305994 could be worse
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>>305994 wow 23:00:01 on the dot gj lad
>>305956 chug vatniks said that was a BTR crew that was hiding in a ditch trying to make a run for it as an infantry unit closed in and the hol hols were not accepting prisoners.
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>>305994 good lad valid seacow fuck the haterz
>>305998 That actually makes sense okthankyou.
>this lad letting women harvest so much of his loosh should have just coomed smh would have been less painful
>>306001 cant be as bad as gingerlass ignoring me
https://youtu.be/ufcQY_oisYc fresh larper smh he is trying to make it seem like he is elite when the hol hols are just having the reddit brigade be disposable AT minelayers
>>306002 yeah the hol hols tried to make it seem like some epic win when instead they were just murdering probably unarmed wounded crewmen
>>306005 saw that, yanks are honestly the worst for larping tbh
>>306006 Don't they get pistols/SMGs?
smh hohols dropping nade on sleeping russian from drone
>>306008 idk probably some kind of AKSU but you'd have to physically grab it as you jumped out of the burning incinerating exploding BTR, its not like arma where you just appear outside the vehicle with your loadout
>>305994 worthy
>>306010 russians are not uniformly given equipment, chances are they had nothing tbh.
>>306007 yeah its also a spic-yank so its like the worst of both worlds
>>306012 cool I don't care about hol hol propaganda or hol hol shills. they have zero chance of winning and are just kikeslave cannonfodder to tie up russia so that globohomo can draw iran into a war
>>306013 wonder if there are any spic gangbangers on either side of this war like those lads who went to join YPG or whatever it was keek
>>306015 yeah the guy in the video is exactly one of those YPG spicfags, not the cholo ones from the meme
>>306014 who the fuck do you think you are being snarky with me
>>306015 the cholo ones are assadist, they weren't even cholos either just armenians who grew up in la
>>306018 actually based tbh hope they made it to the end
>>306018 kek yeah they were those armenians who all live in that one city they colonized in cali lmao
spics are so subhuman in military settings larping as cod characters like they are just the most turbo programmed zogbots as well
>>306017 keeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>306000 >>305995 >>306011 tbh >>305996 smh >>305997 tbh that's the margin for error where it's still valid
>>306021 do sharticans get much news about mexico proper, their army etc?
>>306024 yeah not since orange man, the spics are like a total enigma compared to the leafs. they are having a resurgence of the PRI uniparty as well I think as the kikes consolidate their control over the fake and gay central government while the various caudillo/cartels have regional power. I think the latest thing I learned about from spicland is that in the south western part they have a new cartel called san jualesco new generation or something and they are challenging the boomer cartels
>>306025 maybe they'll make a spicass alexandros to unite the new world into a new mutt criminal empire kind of feel like most places will end up like mexico tbh with some impotent and oppressive central government and pseudo-feudal cartel/junta/local criminal autonomy tbh once average IQ in the west declines enough anyway
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>>306026 yeah exactly we will just have it by a different name. that form of governance is called caudillismo in latin america its how it was in mexico and central america until 1911 or so when they had some kind of revolution and formed the oligarchic PRI party which was in power until the collapse of the USSR (meaning it was probably a puppet of US MIL to keep gommunism out of latin america)
>>306029 hope the aryan brotherhood can save the white race in that instance tbh
>>306030 keeek yeah its kind of like that in my short shite story got to keep writing that will try to do more this weekend.
>>306031 good lad haven't touched any of my writing projects for at least half a year tbh
kino pic from the battle for kherson tbh
found another classic pulp fiction fantasy/sf book at the boomers and brought it back though hilarious how low standards used to be for printing, it is book 3 of a series and does every cardinal sin of writing possible including having every single character and concept be some made up shit name with too many vowels that nobody can rememember >Innasmorn >Csendook >Auganzar
>>306033 smh hope you can get back at it wessie, the only time I feel mentally healthy is when I am busy but then time goes by faster.
fucking hate the way kikepedia dictates that the "war in ukraine" with russia vs ukraine has been ongoing since 2014 rather than making a distinction between the pro russian rebels in east ukraine fighting the hohol central govt compared to the current russia vs ukraine war which started in feb, its literally for propaganda reason but it makes things needlessly complicated and ugly
>>306035 keeeek always love buying old pulp fiction and repairing the glue binding. have all the old 1960s frazetta conans except I think beyond black river, but thats because I have the hard cover red nails conan
>>306036 yeah it is the toilers conundrum not even doing proper toiling but I only have one or two days free a week and never feel up to doing anything still mean to get back into practice by transcribing the incel rants and maybe adding commentary and such, should get some good serious discussions out of it
>>306037 the brainlet jew technocrats are so sloppy now with their propaganda. westoid collapse really seems imminent
https://youtu.be/m_9hfHvQSNo this song should be martins entrance theme
>>306039 >still mean to get back into practice by transcribing the incel rants and maybe adding commentary and such, should get some good serious discussions out of it kys you fat cunt nobody wants to read your brainlet commentary, that project is my idea and I have way more of steineys stuff archived than anybody else.
Think we should watch the new steiner rants on kosmi and then have a Brit/ seminar in the chat.
>>306038 reminds me that the bardcel released a new video and it's two hours long but instead of old board games, rpg splatbooks or anime figures it's commentary over japanese women's wrestling www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_qKra0OzSI >>306042 go on then lad get to it
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Just need Steiner to larp as Aristotle for us in Kosmi
>>306046 >madlad es tsundere
he only seethes because he loves us really
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my dad is such a fucking idiot i'm remembering all the facebook tier conspiracy shit he spouts
>>306050 show him /pol/ infographics every time he does this alternatively, Qshit, accelerate the process of schizophrenia
I want to dress her up as a volkstrumm and get her drunk so she seems helpless and unbalanced, then shout at her in russian and get her out of that kinky ss uniform tbf. Tbf maybe doing that in abandoned ukrainian ruined cities and warehouses all over brooklyn would be kino, love that memory, and most of all m-m-my family for being split all over the world whilst r-remaining fiercely united (he means the jews)
jews deserve nothing except death
>>306054 Yeah ok """stein"""er
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he's done you
worst thing about that video is that santa is being played by goldberg https://youtu.be/atzoUI952QM
can people like these even be considered human
>>306058 I still keek about Goldberg smashing a non-gimmicked car window and almost bleeding to death.
>>306051 i'm not going to expose him to more stupidity it's bad enough as is
>>305989 the person who made that is probably some immigrant larper
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>>306037 Wouldn't that imply that Pookraine is responsible for the Ukie nazilarp death squads that started all this shit?
>>306067 don't lad we need you to help keep the board alive
https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1571269760184209412 keeek trump is using attitude era themes at his rally
>>305863 >Production companies >Blackpills Apparently it's a real company, and its list of works is indeed a blackpill. Thanks hollyjew. >>306067 >kill my self Good lad, you can't trust your self. Free yourself from the tyranny of ego.
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>>306071 keeeeeeeeeek
>>306073 need to do an incel rant on the esoteric shite in pro wrestling tbh in a sense it really is a post enlightenment hero cult for flyover america, like the cult of hercules
(1.72 MB 576x352 queencoffinattack.mp4)

a filthy swarthoid attacked the Queen's coffin earlier today
>>306076 >the only brownoid in the crowd is just there to desecrate her coffin imagine that
>>306075 aren't most of your pro-wrestlers from the american heartland as opposed to the amount of actors who are either jews or leftoids
>>306079 I believe you are correct lad
also all the wrestlers are sort of like these heroes who have to overcome being nobodies and they sort of generate this aura of wanting to reach being a "superstar" so its really basically just like the post christian shartican version of hero cults in old europe
its probably a psyops and its why trump attaches himself to it, because he understands that "heartland" culture element of it
>>306077 >IT'S DISRESPECTFUL HE SHOULD BE ASHAMED he should be executed
>>306078 >>the only brownoid in the crowd is just there to desecrate her coffin I really hope lots of people are seeing this
why do wogs hate the queen so much? didn't she dissolve the empire for them?
if that really is your taste in music lad, you really must be both boring and annoying i feel sorry for the lass that had to listen to you for an afternoon
wasnt for (you)
>>306085 >why do wogs hate the queen so much? didn't she dissolve the empire for them? because she is white
>>306009 have people always done shit like this in war, but you don't hear about it much and this war is just just very well-documented? or are the hohols just terminally-brainwashed savages? >>306087 yeah listen to something good

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idk how you lads aren't listening to this stuff, it's so good and it's also based starting to dawn on me that when you narrow down every single opinion and taste, there probably isn't anybody other than me that has exactly all of the correct things. like this here /brit/ is already a very small, concentrated place that is one of the most lucid on the internet and yet there are things that aren't shared by other lads. those things would be shared by randoms elsewhere but they're probably wrong in other ways
>>306092 >>306093 british pilots would inaccurately drop box loads of metal darts (called "flechettes") into german trenches. later they developed exploding tips, then turned them into bombs. also not a big fan of music tbh
its spic
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I hate niggers
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https://youtu.be/ZT9z5VnzBxY all wageman push up your toil hand
>>306097 I've been on 4cuck recently and seen posters saying that being a nigger isn't about genetics when the word nigger itself is an obvious anglicisation of the Latin word for black. There are so many niggers and nigger enablers everywhere, it really deepens the convictions, those benders are working against their own cause.
>>306099 >I've been on 4cuck recently and seen posters saying that being a nigger isn't about genetics who is ever going to believe this nonsense
>>306099 yeah its just coping shitskins who are having that weird psychological need to belong in english language spaces so they ruin you/our language by watering down the meaning of our words so they can be a part of the schema. a nigger is an american word for a black african person from the niger area and it meaning beyond that is associated with the behavior of said being
>>306101 *your
its like the boomer cucks who say well im not a racist because anyone can be a bad person im just racist against dumb people but alot of black people are dumb, etc. etc.
smorbing lads

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